Synopsis: 1.1 Title of The Project Event Management System 1.2 Objective of The Project
Synopsis: 1.1 Title of The Project Event Management System 1.2 Objective of The Project
Synopsis: 1.1 Title of The Project Event Management System 1.2 Objective of The Project
1. Synopsis
1.1 Title of the Project
Event Management System
1.2 Objective of the Project
The systems main objective is to control or manage the activities and duties to be
performed by various event conductors such as attendees, organizers, and event
1. Registration Module:
Customers register themselves under this module. In order to register they will have to
fill the valid information requested. Once the registration is done they will be soon
contacted by the organizers to discuss about the budgets and their expectations.
2. Supplier Module:
This module will store and manage all the suppliers who are associated with our
company. They will maintain information about the type of products which will be
supplied, their price and also the quantity.
3. Services Module:
Every event will be categorized on the type of occasion it is to be held. Under this
module we have different categories such as lightening crew, entertainment crew
(such as dance), sound systems, decorations and so on. All the categories which will
be needed for an event will be listed or handled under this module.
The client enters the website and selects the particular event from the list of events
displayed and books the event. The client enters all the required information asked by
the admin for example venue, time and date. The admin can approve or decline the
order request send by the user.
• Thus, we say that new system is fully dynamic, and time saving and requires less man
power as compared to existing system.
The purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our software product,
its parameters and goals. This document describes the projects target audience and its user
interface, hardware and software requirements.
We are developing our system Event Management System for the Client purpose. The
intended readers of this SRS are developers, managing staff, testers.
Web-based Event management system is used to create a dedicated website to manage and
organize events. It will allow clients to request the events to be made. The accessibility of the
system should facilitate communication between clients and managers. It should then allow
event heads to create an event that includes the host, type of event, time, place, cost and staff
2.1.4 Reference
The primary objective of this web portal is to ease the work of the admin. Web portal will
communicate with the database over the internet. The system uses PHP as the front end and
MySQL as the back end. Admin:
• An admin enters the information to be displayed.
• An admin has separate login. Client:
• The client has to register himself in order to proceed.
• The client can give feedbacks according to their experience.
• The client can update their information.
Since the application must run over the internet, the hardware should have the requirements
that will connect to the internet and the minimum input/output devices.
This system shall use the browser and network for updating the changes and the internet
• There will be a login form. Through this form only authenticated users can login the
system just by entering their name and password.
• It also consists of a menu form where the contents, manuals, events and others
functions of the system can be performed.
• In the menu form there will be a facility to select their choice for working, like if the
user just wants to search the different types of events, and then he can select any event
he needs.
1.Registration Module:
Customers register themselves under this module. In order to register they will have to
fill the valid information requested. Once the registration is done they will be soon
contacted by the organizers to discuss about the budgets and their expectations.
2. Supplier Module:
This module will store and manage all the suppliers who are associated with our
company. They will maintain information about the type of products which will be
supplied, their price and also the quantity.
3. Services Module:
Every event will be categorized on the type of occasion it is to be held. Under this
module we have different categories such as lightening crew, entertainment crew
(such as dance), sound systems, decorations and so on. All the categories which will
be needed for an event will be listed or handled under this module.
• At every step the output of the one phase is the input of the other phase and it will be
reliable and accurate.
• In order to login to the system the user has to provide a respective name and password
which will be stored in the database and can be used later.
• It should be error free.
Our goal is not to provide a general recipe of “what makes a good design”. Design is a
creative activity that cannot be done mechanically; it requires human insight. The design
activity is a fundamental phase in a process that progressively transforms the system
requirements through number of intermediate stages into a final product. Software design is
defined as a decomposition of the system into module description of what each module is
intended to do and of the relationship among the modules. This description is called as the
software architecture or the software structure. Thus the goal of the design activity is the
definition of the software architecture.
We can view a design as a process in which the architecture is described through steps
of increasing details. Each new step implements the requirements identified in the previous
one, the final step being the implementation, which completes the transformation of the
software architecture into programs. The modularity principle is of paramount importance in
the design of the software, this is way the components of the system identified during the
design activity are called modules.
The decomposition of the system into modules can be accomplished in several ways
and in several steps. When system is decomposed into higher-level modules then such
systems are called sub systems. Relations among the sub systems are then defined, and
designers agree upon the intended behavior of each sub system. Next each system is analyzed
separately, and the procedure is iterated until the complexity of each component is
sufficiently small that a single person can implement it readily.
The purpose of this document is to fully document the software requirements using
the system design document format in accordance with IEEE standard (IEE87, IEE94), it can
also be used as a guide to user on how to use the software effectively.
A process transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flow. The processes are
shown by named circles.
Data store
Data stores repositories of data in the system. They are sometimes also referred to as
Data flows
Data flows are pipelines through which packets to information flow. Label the arrows
with the name of the data that moves through it.
External Entity
External entities are objects outside the system, with which the system communicates.
External entities are sources and destinations of the system’s input and outputs.
A Context flow diagram is a top level (also known as level 0) data flow diagram. It
only contains one process node (process 0) that generalizes the function of the entire system
in relationship to external entities. In context diagram, the entire system is treated as a single
process and all its inputs, outputs, sinks and sources are identified and shown.
Each entity is described by several attributes; individual instances of an entity will have
different attribute values.
Notation Description
Multi-valued attribute
Composite Attribute
Weak Entity
Registration table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
uname varchar 20 Foreign key Name of the
fname varchar 25 Not null Enters his full
Cnt_no int 10 Not null Displays the
phone no.
Email_id varchar 25 Not null Displays the
email id.
C_id int 20 Primary key Customer id is
address longtext Not null Address is
Bookevent table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
uname varchar 20 Not null Name of the
Event_id int 20 Foreign key Displays the
event id.
Event_date datetime Not null Enters the date
of the event.
Event_venue longtext Not null Enters the
B_id int 20 Primary key Booking id is
Booked_date timestamp Not null Date of the
booking is
status varchar 10 Not null Status of the
Feedback table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
Feed_id int 9 Primary key Feedback id is
uname varchar 20 Foreign key Name of the
user will be
comment longtext Not null User comments.
Admin table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
email varchar 10 Not null Email id of the
password varchar 10 Not null Admin enters
the Password .
type varchar 10 Not null Admin type.
Profile_pic varchar 200 Not null Profile_pic of
the admin
Supplier table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
Item_id int 10 Foreign key Item id of the
item .
S_id int 10 Not null Supplier id of
the supplier.
name varchar 20 Not null Name of the
supplier is
Email_id varchar 25 Not null Email id of the
supplier is
Cnt_no int 10 Not null Contact no of
the supplier is
Ecategory table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
Event_id int 20 Primary key Event id of the
Event_name Varchar 20 Not null Name of the
Bookedservices table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
B_id int 20 Foreign key Booking id is
Service_id int 20 Foreign key Service id of a
quantity int 20 Not null Quantity of the
Services table
Attributes Datatype Size Constraints Descriptions
Service_id int 20 Primary key Service id of a
Service_name varchar 20 Not null Name of the
Stock_quantity int 11 Not null Quantity of
3.3.3 Normalization
Normalization is a process of simplifying the relationship between data elements in record.
Though normalization, a collection data in a record structure is replaced by successive
records structures that are simple, more predictable, and therefore manageable.
Minimize data redundancy, thereby avoiding anomalies and conserving strong space.
Simplify the enforcement of referential integrity.
Make it easier to maintain data.
Provide a better design that is an improved representation of the real world and a stronger
basis for future growth.
6. System Requirement
6.1 Introduction
System security is the security applied to computing devices such as computers and smart
phones, as well as computer networks such as private and public networks, including the
whole internet. The field includes all the processes and mechanisms by which digital
equipment, informant and a service are protected from unintended or unauthorized access,
change or destruction, and is of growing importance due to the increasing use of computer
system in all fields.
2] It is not possible to access the data without proper authentication and authorisation.
7. Conclusion
The project “Event management system” was successfully tested and implemented on an
WAMP server hosted on local host. The system developed is user-friendly and interactive the
system is also found to be beneficial for the concerned aspects. The performance is optimal.
1] It facilitates online registration cum feedback evaluation for different kind of events.
2] Control or manage the activities and duties to be performed by various event conductors.
Books referred
Website Referred