Product Description: DM & DR Series Motors
Product Description: DM & DR Series Motors
Product Description: DM & DR Series Motors
The information in this chapter will enable you to:
❏ Understand the product’s basic functions and features
Product Description
The Dynaserv is a high-torque, low-speed, highly accurate, outer-rotor type servo
actuator that can be used in various applications related to factory automation,
including industrial robots, rotary indexes, etc.
The Dynaserv system’s primary function is to seek and maintain a position com-
mand from an indexer or a velocity or torque command from a servo controller.
Digital electronics simplify the position loop and enable precise positioning. The
analog velocity loop provides high stiffness and controllability.
Product Features
❑ Brushless Direct Drive Motor
❑ Encoder Feedback - DM Series
Chapter ➀ Introduction 1
❑ Resolver Feedback - DR Series
❑ Compression loads up to 8900 lbs
❑ Overhung loads up to 296 ft-lbs
❑ Speeds: up to 2.0 rps (standard version), 4.0 rps (high-speed version)
❑ Torques to 370 ft-lbs
❑ Resolutions up to 1,024,000 steps/rev
❑ Analog Velocity Loop
❑ Digital Position Loop
❑ 10 KHz PWM Switching Frequency
❑ Accepts Digital Step and Direction for Position Control
❑ Accepts ±10V for Torque or Velocity Control
❑ Monitor output representing velocity or torque
❑ Quadrature encoder output to interface with servo controllers or digital counter
❑ Built-in Test mode to simplify tuning
Interface Options
The Dynaserv can be operated in Position, Velocity, or Torque mode. In Position
mode, the Dynaserv is compatible with all Compumotor Indexers. In Position
mode, the Dynaserv moves one motor increment for each pulse received over the
STEP input. In Velocity mode or Torque mode, the Dynaserv accepts a ±10V
analog signal representing a velocity or torque command. In torque mode ±8.5V
represents the torque command. To make the Dynaserv fully compatible with a
servo controller, you can use the encoder output signal to close the position loop
to your servo controller.
Theory of Operation
Direct-drive systems couple the load of the system directly to the motor without
gears or pulleys. Most servo motors do not have the torque or resolution required
to satisfy many application needs. Therefore, mechanical methods, such as speed
reducers, are implemented to meet system requirements. Speed reducers, how-
ever, have inherent problems. Friction introduces inacuracies and backlash in the
gears limits positional accuracy. Gearing also ultimately limits the top speed of
the system due to the large reduction. The Dynaserv system consists of three
major components:
➀ Direct drive motor
➁ Drive
➂ Feedback device
The direct-drive motor is the heart of the Dynaserv system. The motor provides
very high torques in a modest package size. The figure on the following page
shows that torque is proportional to the square of the sum of the magnetic flux,
(Øm) of the permanent magnet and the magnetic flux, (Øc) of the stator windings.
Two factors help the Dynaserv to generate high torque. First, since the radius of
the motor is large, the tangential forces between rotor and stator work at a greater
distance—producing additional torque. Second, many small rotor and stator teeth
create many magnetic cycles per motor revolution. More flux contributing cycles
create increased torque.
Excitation coil
Permanent magnet
Stator A Stator B
The motor contains precision ball bearings, magnetic components, and integral
feedback in a compact motor package. The motor is outer—rotor, providing direct
motion of the outside housing and thus the load. The cross roller bearings allow
the motor to take very large compressing loads.
Chapter ➀ Introduction 3
4 Dynaserv User Guide