Handbook (Eaton)
Handbook (Eaton)
Handbook (Eaton)
Top questions to ask prospective UPS customers 5
Top 10 UPS design considerations 6
Other UPS design considerations 8
How to size a UPS 9
UPS cost justification worksheet 10
UPS form factors 11
Input plugs and output receptacles 12
UPS startup 14
The difference between VA and watts 15
Decentralized or central UPS? 16
What is three-phase power? 18
Increase server energy efficiencies by using high-voltage power supplies and 208V UPSs 19
Worldwide voltage map 20
Worldwide voltages 21
The nine power problems 22
UPS topologies 23
UPS battery overview 24
Factors affecting battery life 26
UPS software overview 27
Service overview 28
Frequently asked questions 30
Electric transmission distribution system 32
Eaton's Blackout Tracker 34
Overview of 2012 national power outage data 36
Case study example one 38
Case study example two 40
Commonly used acronyms 42
Glossary of power terms 44
ask prospective
10. Do you need redundancy?
1. How often do you refresh and maintain Accessories
your IT hardware (including servers)?
1. How is power getting from the UPS to
What about your UPS equipment? your equipment?
2. If you have a converged data-voice 2. Do you have a need for enclosures,
network, have you protected all critical communications, seismic mounting,
switches? floor stands or rail kits?
3. If you have virtualized your servers, have 3. Is a maintenance bypass switch
you considered the impact on your UPS needed?
4. What would happen if the power went Software
out at your facility right now?
1. Is there a need to have orderly
5. Have you thought about the impact of scheduled shutdowns?
damaged or corrupted data?
2. Do you want to remotely monitor the
6. How much energy do your UPS units UPS?
consume? How efficient are they?
3. Would you like to remotely notify others
7. What is the air speed velocity of an of UPS events?
unladen swallow? An African swallow.
4. How will your UPS software manage
virtual servers during an extended power
UPS-specific outage?
1. What size UPS do you need? (kVA or
amperage) Service
2. What voltage is currently available at 1. Do you need immediate factory
the site? response?
3. What voltage do you need? 2. What kind of parts and labor coverage
4. What runtime do you want? do you need?
5. Are there any clearances or size 3. Do you want any type of preventive
constraints we should know about? maintenance?
6. What are the bypass requirements? 4. When’s the last time you checked the
batteries in your existing UPS units?
The following design guidelines should be 4. Verify that the floor is strong enough to 7. Hardwired connections. 9. Using a UPS and a generator together.
reviewed and followed prior to ordering the support the UPS and battery cabinets.
Hardwired outputs are generally useful if A UPS provides backup power and actively
appropriate UPS solution.
The UPS and its battery cabinets can be you want the UPS output to be distributed conditions and regulates voltage. Similarly,
heavy, so make sure the site has the proper via electrical panels. Using an electrical an auxillary generator provides backup
1. Check to see if there’s an adequate floor loading capacity. distribution panel allows for flexibility with power, but typically takes 10-15 seconds to
electrical supply near the UPS. receptacles types. If there’s no other UPS start up, depending on its type. For long-
Compare UPS fuse ratings (amps) and 5. Confirm that the UPS will have that fits your receptacle and power require- term backup servers and IT equipment, this
breaker types and whether any electrical adequate ventilation. ments, you may need to hardwire it. isn’t an optimal situation, so during that
work may be needed (i.e., cabling to the Hardwired UPS models typically require the downtime the UPS kicks in. Basically, the
Eaton UPS models use internal fans to cool use of a certified electrician to wire them to UPS bridges the power gap between loss of
UPS terminal block input). The site may
them. You shouldn’t install the UPS in a the electrical distribution panel, which could power and generator coming online.
have its own electrical contractors.
sealed container or small, sealed room. be a more costly option. When designing your UPS solution, it’s
2. Find out the dimensions of the UPS important to keep power ratings in mind;
6. Always be sure which wall receptacle 8. Installing small UPS models behind
and include any battery cabinets. you cannot size a generator in a 1:1 match
is required to plug in the UPS. larger UPS models.
Make sure the installation site has enough to the UPS and expect successful results.
Only UPSs with power ratings up to 1500 If you’re installing a smaller UPS behind a There are two reasons for this: first, UPSs
space available.
VA plug into a standard 15-amp wall outlet. larger UPS, you must consider the total aren’t 100 percent efficient and second,
All others require a larger receptacle, which potential power of the smaller UPS as well generators need to account for step loads.
3. Ensure the UPS can be placed in its must be installed by an electrician. Things In addition, very small generators don’t often
final position. as other loads that will be powered by the
go more smoothly if your customers aren’t larger UPS. For example, if you’re plugging a provide enough kinetic energy to provide a
Will the UPS components fit through doors? waiting for this to be done after all of their 1500 VA UPS into a 10,000 VA UPS, you smooth transition. As a rule of thumb, for 20
Are there any stairs? Please consult Eaton’s equipment has arrived. Most small and must consider the load of the smaller UPS kVA and above, auxiliary generators should
website for detailed UPS dimensions and rackmounted computers run on normal 120 rather than just the load that’s plugged into be sized 1.5 times the size of the output
specifications: www.powerquality.eaton. volt, 15-amp electrical service. Some it. In addition, the larger UPS must be at rating of the UPS in kW, while for 20 kVA
com. computers have power cords that require a least five times larger than the smaller UPS. and below, they should be two times larger.
higher voltage of 208V or 240V, in which This design guideline must be followed due It’s also important to note that gas-powered
you’ll need a 3000 VA or larger UPS. to charging capacity that may be required by generators should be sized a bit larger.
the smaller UPS; any anomalies associated
with the building power, and to avoid 10. Verify that the final UPS solution
overheating or potential over loading of the meets local building codes.
larger UPS which may result in failure of the The facility manager is often the best
all UPS models in the string. contact to understand local building codes.
9. Lost employee time (line 2 x 3):
10. Lost business (line 4):
11. Service (line 5):
12. Recreating or salvaging data (line 6):
13. Replaced hardware and software (line 7 + 8):
14. Estimated total cost per hour of downtime: $
This is only one hour. Imagine if your systems were down all day!
2. Wall-mount UPS
a The Eaton 5115 rackmount UPS includes
b hardware to mount it to a wall.
3. Rackmount UPS
3 4 The Eaton 9130 rackmount UPS occupies
only 2U of rack space (fits both 2- and
4-post racks).
5. Scalable UPS
a. The Eaton BladeUPS is a scalable,
redundant rackmount UPS.
b. The Eaton 9170+ is also a scalable,
5 6 redundant UPS.
L 6 - 30 R
L6-20R L6-20P L5-20R L5-20P
and output receptacles. Other UPS models
can be configured with a custom set of
input and output connections.
L – Locking Amperage – R – Receptacle
For reference we’ve included the following matches breaker P – Plug
chart to help you visually confirm input and rating feeding the
output plug/receptacle options: plug/receptacle
IEC-320-C13 (female) IEC-320-C14 (male) IEC-320-C19 (female) IEC-320-C20 (male)
2. Customized
UPS models like the Eaton 9355 can be
customized with a variety of output
A common question from IT managers is, “I have a receptacle at my facility; what is the
biggest UPS can I connect to it?” If you’re looking at UPSs 6 kVA or lower, it’s a pretty 3. Hardwired
straight forward question to answer as shown below: Large UPS models like the Eaton 9390 are
hardwired to incoming utility power though
some models leverage output receptacles
3 4
install. Units 2000 VA and above require a and batteries—both of which can be installed and calibrated. In general, electri-
different wall socket that may not already dangerous if not handled properly. In cians and contractors don’t have the
exist in the location where the UPS will be addition, UPS batteries can be very heavy required in-depth knowledge of the UPS.
installed. In these cases, an electrician can and some units require a hardwired connec- Manufacturer-trained field technicians
install the proper wall socket, after which tion. As a result, UPS manufacturers usually provide an overview of the equipment and a
customers should have little problem with offer a startup service for an additional fee. tutorial of how to operate the UPS.
UPS installation. Customers can also hire a systems
integrator, electrician or third-party service
organization for UPS installation.
relationship between watts and VA. real power and reactive power. missing quantity:
However, we must first have a brief Watts = VA * Power Factor or VA = Watts /
discussion about power terminology. Real
Apparent Power (VA) Power Factor
power (measured in watts) is the portion of Real power
Reactive Since many types of equipment are rated in Apparent
power flow that results in the consumption
Power power (VA); (watts);
of energy. The energy consumed is related watts, it’s important to consider the PF
VAR when sizing a UPS. If you don't take PF into Full capacity Actual usable
to the resistance in an electrical circuit. An
account, you may under size your UPS. As power
example of consumed energy is the filament
in a light bulb. an example, a piece of equipment that’s
Real Power (Watts) rated at 525 watts and has a power factor
Reactive power (measured in VAR or volt- of 0.7 results in a 750 VA load.
amps reactive) is the portion of power flow The geometric relationship between
due to stored energy. Stored energy is apparent power, reactive power and real 750 VA = 525 Watts / 0.7 PF Converting amps to VA
related to the presence of inductance and/or power is illustrated in the power triangle Sizing the UPS to operate at 75 percent Single phase: Multiply amps by voltage (120
capacitance in an electrical circuit. An below: capacity results in a UPS with a 1000 VA volts in the U.S.). 10A x 120V = 1200 VA.
example of stored energy is a charged flash Mathematically, real power (watts) is related rating (750 VA / 0.75 = 1000 VA). Three phase: Amps x volts x 1.732 = VA.
bulb in a camera. to apparent power (VA) using a numerical
ratio referred to as the power factor (PF),
which is expressed in decimal format and
always carries a value between 0 and 1.0.
For many newer types of IT equipment,
such as computer servers, the typical PF
is 0.9 or greater. For legacy personal
computers (PCs), this value can be
View the Professor 0.60 – 0.75.
Wattson video on
VA vs Watts:
or central UPS?
that it depends on a number of factors. In a devices. A centralized UPS is typically hardwired
decentralized (also known as distributed) UPS into an electrical panelboard. The following tables
configuration (see Figure 2), multiple UPSs support include a number of factors to consider when
a handful of devices or perhaps only a single piece making a decision between a decentralized and
of equipment. Decentralized UPSs typically use central UPS.
plug and play connections and are usually less than
Central UPS
Why you’d choose a
Why you wouldn’t
central UPS solution
Figure 1
Decentralized UPS
Why you’d choose a
Why you wouldn’t
decentralized UPS configuration
You have no idea how much your You don’t want to monitor or service a
company will grow and don’t want to bunch of UPS units. A decentralized
get locked into a particular UPS. design may require more time and
Smaller UPSs share the same 3-year focus to keep up with replacing
amortization schedule as IT equipment batteries and maintaining multiple
(easier to finance and replace). UPSs.
50 Hz
60 Hz
Single-phase voltages* *Mixed voltages are present in several countries, including Vietnam, South Korea, Philippines, Brazil, Peru and Saudi Arabia
Afghanistan 220 380 50 Denmark 220-230 400 50 Laos 220 400 50 Réunion Island 230 400 50
Albania 230 400 50 Djibouti 220 380 50 Latvia 220 400 50 Romania 220 400 50
Algeria 127/220 400 50 Dominica 230 400 50 Lebanon 110-220 400 50 Russia 220 400 50
American Samoa 120/240 208 60 Dominican Republic 110 120/208/ 60 Lesotho 240 380 50 Rwanda 220 400 50
Andorra 230 400 50 227/480 Liberia 120 208 60 Saudi Arabia 127/220 190/380 50/60
Angola 220 380 50 Ecuador 120 190 60 Libya 127-230 220/400 50 Scotland 220 400 50
Antigua 230 400 60 Egypt 220 380 50 Liechtenstein 220 400 50 Senegal 220 400 50
Armenia 230 380 50 El Salvador 115 200 60 Lithuania 220 400 50 Serbia 230 400 50
Argentina 220 380 50 England 240 400 50 Luxembourg 220-230 400 50 Seychelles 240 240 50
Aruba 115/127 220 60 Estonia 220 400 50 Macau 220 380 50 Sierra Leone 230 400 50
Australia 240 415 50 Ethiopia 220 380 50 Macedonia 230 400 50 Singapore 230 400 50
Austria 220-230 400 50 Faeroe Islands 230 400 50 Madagascar 220 220/380 50 Slovakia 220 400 50
Azerbaijan 220 380 50 Falkland Islands 240 415 50 Madeira (Portugal) 220 400 50 Slovenia 230 400 50
Azores (Portugal) 220 400 50 Fiji 240 415 50 Malawi 230 400 50 Somalia 110/220 380 50
Bahamas 120 208 60 Finland 220-230 400 50 Malaysia 240 415 50 South Africa 220-230 400 50
Bahrain 220 400 50 France 220-230 400 50 Maldives 230 400 50 Spain 220-230 400 50
Balearic Islands 230 400 50 French Guiana 220 380 50 Mali 220 380 50 Sri Lanka 230 400 50
Bangladesh 220 380 50 Gabon 220 380 50 Malta 240 400 50 St. Kitts & Nevis 230 400 60
Barbados 115 200 50 Gambia 220 400 50 Martinique 220 380 60 St. Lucia 240 400 50
Belarus 220 380 50 Gaza 230 400 50 Mauritania 220 220 50 St. Vincent 230 400 50
Belgium 220-230 400 50 Georgia 220 380 50 Mauritius 230 400 50 Sudan 240 400 50
Belize 110 190/380 60 Germany 220-230 400 50 Mexico 127 220/480 50 Surinam 115 220 60
Benin 220 380 50 Ghana 220 400 50 Moldova 220 380 50 Swaziland 230 400 50
Bermuda 120 208 60 Gibraltar 240 400 50 Monaco 220 400 50 Sweden 220-230 400 50
Bhutan 230 400 50 Greece 220-230 400 50 Mongolia 220 400 50 Switzerland 220-230 400 50
Bolivia 110-115/220 400 50 Greenland 220 400 50 Montserrat 230 400 60 Syria 220 380 50
Bosnia-Herzegovina 220 400 50 Grenada 230 400 50 Morocco 220 380 50 Tahiti 220 380 50
Botswana 220 400 50 Guadeloupe 220 400 50 Mozambique 220 380 50 Taiwan 110 190 60
Brazil 110-127 220/380/ 60 Guam 110-120 190 60 Myanmar 230 400 50 Tajikistan 220 380 50
220 440 60 Guatemala 120 208 60 Namibia 220-250 380 50 Tanzania 230 400 50
Brunei 240 415 50 Guinea 220 208 50 Nauru 240 415 50 Thailand 220/230 380 50
Bulgaria 220 400 50 Guinea-Bissau 220 380 50 Nepal 220 400 50 Togo 220 380 50
Burkina Faso 220 380 50 Guyana 110 190 50/60 Netherlands Antilles 120-127/220 220/380 50/60 Tonga 115 415 60
Burundi 220 380 50 Haiti 110-120 190 50/60 Netherlands 220-230 400 50 Trinidad & Tobago 115/23 200 60
Cambodia 120/220 400 50 Honduras 110 190 60 New Caledonia 220 380 50 Tunisia 220 400 50
Cameroon 220-230 380 50 Hong Kong 200 380 50 New Zealand 230 415 50 Turkey 220 400 50
Canada 120 208/240/600 60 Hungary 220 400 50 Nicaragua 120 208 60 Turkmenistan 220 380 50
Canary Islands (Spain) 220 400 50 Iceland 220 400 50 Niger 220 380 50 Uganda 240 415 50
Cape Verde 220 400 50 India 220-250 400 50 Nigeria 230 400 50 Ukraine 220 380 50
Cayman Islands 120 208 60 Indonesia 220 400 50 Northern Ireland 240 400 50 United Arab Emirates 220/230 415 50
Central African Republic 220 380 50 Iran 220 400 50 Norway 220-230 400 50 United Kingdom 240 400 50
Chad 220 380 50 Iraq 220 400 50 Okinawa 110-120 200/230 60 United States 120 277/480 60
Channel Islands 240 400 50 Ireland 220 400 50 Oman 240 415 50 Uruguay 220 220 50
Chile 220 380 50 Isle of Man 240 400 50 Pakistan 230 400 50 Uzbekistan 220 380 50
China 220 380 50 Israel 230 400 50 Palau 120 208 60 Venezuela 120 240 60
Colombia 110-220 440 60 Italy 220-230 400 50 Panama 110-120 190 60 Vietnam 120/220 380 50
Congo 220 400 50 Ivory Coast 220 380 50 Papua New Guinea 240 415 50 Virgin Islands 120 190 60
Congo, Dem. Rep. of 220 380 50 Jamaica 110 190 50 Paraguay 220 380 50 Wales 220 400 50
(formerly Zaire) Japan 100 200 50/60 Peru 110/220 220 50/60 Western Samoa 230 400 50
Cook Islands 240 415 50 Jordan 220 400 50 Philippines 115 380 60 Yemen 220 400 50
Costa Rica 120 240 60 Kazakhstan 220 380 50 Poland 240 400 50 Zambia 220 400 50
Croatia 220 400 50 Kenya 240 415 50 Portugal 220 400 50 Zimbabwe 220 415 50
Cuba 120 190 60 Korea, South 220 380 50/60 Puerto Rico 220-230 208 50
Cyprus 240 400 50 Kuwait 240 415 50 Qatar 240 415 50
Czech Republic 220 400 50 Kyrgyzstan 220 380 50
1 Power Failure When a superhero loses his ability to fly or a total loss of utility power.
3 Power Surge
Rush of energy following a double shot of espresso or short-term high voltage more
than 110 percent of normal.
When your amp’s too wimpy to handle the bass line or reduced line voltage for an
4 Under-voltage
extended period of a few minutes to a few days. Often happens during the summer
months when everyone is cranking up their air conditioners.
5 Over-voltage
Inhuman cheefulness exuded by aerobics instructors or increased line voltage for an
extended period of a few minutes to a few days.
6 Electrical
Line Noise
Excuse you use to get off the phone quickly or a high power frequency power wave
caused by radio frequency interference (RFI) or electromagnetic interference (EMI).
7 Frequency
Fluctuation in how often you do laundry from week to week or a loss of stability in the
power supply’s normal frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
8 Switching
Breaking up with your significant other only to get back together every six months or
instantaneous under-voltage in the range of nanoseconds.
9 Harmonic
“Music” blaring from your nephew’s headphones or the distortion of the normal power
wave, generally transmitted by unequal loads.
DC to AC
Charger Inverter
There are several different UPS topologies that provide varying degrees of protection. Selecting Online UPSs provide the highest level of protection by isolating equipment from raw utility
the best fit depends on several factors, including the level of reliability and availability desired, power—converting power from AC to DC and Battery back to AC. Unlike other topologies, double
the type of equipment being protected and the application/environment. While all four of the conversion provides zero transfer time to battery for sensitive equipment. This topology is best
most common UPS topologies outlined below meet the input voltage requirements for IT applied to mission-critical equipment and locations where power generally is poor.
equipment, there are key differences in how the result is achieved, as well as the frequency
and duration of demands on the battery.
Standby UPSs allow equipment to run off utility DC topower
AC until the UPS detects a problem, at
Inverter Capacitor
Internal Static Bypass
which point it switches to battery power to protect against sags, surges or outages. This
topology is best suited for applications requiring simple backup such as small office/home office
and point-of-sale equipment.
AC to DC
Rectifier DC to AC
DC to AC Battery
Inverter Capacitor
BatteryDC to AC
AC to DC
Rectifier Inverter
Line-interactive UPSs actively regulate voltage either by boosting or decreasing utility power Ferroresonant UPSs operate similarly to line-interactive models with the exception that a
as necessary before allowing it to pass to the DC
AC to DCBuck Boost
to AC equipment or by resorting to battery ferroresonant transformer is used to condition the output and hold energy long enough to
power. Line-interactive models Inverter
Rectifierare ideal for applications where protection from power cover the time between switching from line power to battery power which effectively means
anomalies is required, but the utility power is relatively clean. MDF and IDF communication a no-break transfer. Many ferroresonant UPSs are 82-88 percent efficient and offer excellent
closets, non-centralized server and network rooms, and general IT enclosures are ideally suited isolation. Although no longer the dominant type of UPS, these robust units are still used in
for this topology. industrial settings such as the oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, utility and heavy
Battery DC to AC
Inverter industry markets.
Buck Boost
Battery DC to AC
Charger Inverter
Internal Static Bypass
Battery DC to AC
Inverter Capacitor
AC to DC
Rectifier DC to AC
Normal Operation Internal Static Bypass
Battery Power
questions: batteries batteries must be monitored to prevent a
single bad battery from taking down an
Pasted Plate entire string, and putting the load at risk.
Lead Alloy 1. What is the “end of useful life”? Also, as systems get larger, wet-cell
The IEEE defines “end of useful life” for a batteries become much more common.
UPS battery as the point when it can no
Polypropylene longer supply 80 percent of its rated 3. My UPS has been in storage for over a
Separator capacity in ampere-hours. When your year. Are the batteries still good?
battery reaches 80 percent of its rated As batteries sit unused, with no charging
capacity, the aging process accelerates and regimen, their life will decrease. Due to the
Figure 1. VRLA batteries are frequently used Figure 2. Internal and external components of a valve-
the battery should be replaced. self-discharge characteristics of lead-acid
in UPS or other high-rate applications. regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery. batteries, it is imperative that they be
runtime. Generally speaking, a UPS that example, the power grid system in the U.S.
UPS batteries, please visit the UPS battery
provides five minutes at full load will provide provides three nines of reliability—the
overview section on page 24.
15 minutes at half load. power is available for 99.9 percent of the
time. Because those 8.8 hours of downtime
1. What’s the difference between a surge translate into significant downtime and
5. My business is too small for protective
protector and a UPS? expense, IT and telephone network services
measures. Do I really need a UPS?
A surge protector provides just that—surge require at least five nines of reliability.
Power problems are equal-opportunity
protection. In addition to surge protection, a
threats. Your PCs, servers and network are Reliability average Non-availability per year
UPS continually regulates incoming voltage
just as critical to your business as a data
and provides battery backup in the event of 99% 88 hours
center is to a large enterprise. Downtime is 99.9% 8.8 hours
a power failure. You'll often see surge
costly in terms of hardware and potential
protectors plugged into a UPS for added 99.99% 53 minutes
loss of goodwill, reputation and sales. Also
surge protection and additional output 99.999% 5.3 minutes
add in the delays that inevitably occur when
rebooting locked-up equipment, restoring 99.9999% 32 seconds
damaged files and re-running processes that 99.99999%+ 3.2 seconds
2. How much capacity of a UPS should were interrupted. A sound power protection
I use? strategy is cost-effective insurance.
To allow for future expansion, we 9. How are phone systems and IT
recommend that you install a UPS at 6. Why is power quality such a problem equipment affected by inconsistent
approximately 75 percent capacity. In today? power?
addition, the batteries degrade over time;
Today’s high-tech IT equipment and control Fluctuating power is a waste of valuable
by oversizing, you provide room for error.
units are much more sensitive to electrical time and money. If customers expose their
In the online Eaton UPS sizing tool
disturbances and are more important to the telephone systems (and any other electronic
(Eaton.com/UPSselector)) we’ve
critical functions of many businesses than equipment) to inconsistent utility power,
included a “capacity used” column.
in the past. As a result, power quality they’re vulnerable to hardware and software
problems today are more frequent and damage, data corruption and communication
3. How much UPS battery runtime do more costly than ever.
I need? breakdown. The time and cost of replacing
equipment, as well as the business lost
During an outage, you need enough battery 7. Are power quality problems always during breakdown and replacement, can
runtime to gracefully shut down systems or noticeable? greatly affect a company’s bottom line.
switch to backup generators. You may add
No. In many cases, disturbances can cause
an optional external battery module (EBM)
imperceptible damage to circuits and other
to increase runtime.
components, a major cause of premature
equipment failure and problems like
computer lockups. Many power quality
problems go unresolved, resulting in lost
revenue and data.
9 10 Pad Mounted 13 14
Powers Poles Transformer
Conduits 11
5 6
US national
Total number of people affected by outages 23,488,028
(This is the sum of the number of people affected by reported power outages in the
U.S. for 2012.)
74,598 minutes (approximately
power outage
Total duration of outages
1,243 hours or 52 days)
(This is the sum of the durations of the reported power outages.)
Total number of outages 2,808
(This is the sum of the number of reported power outages.)
Average number of people affected per outage 12,648
(This number is determined by dividing the “Total number of people affected by
outages” by the number of outages that reported the number of people affected.
Not all reports of outages included number of people affected.) See Note A below.
Average duration of outage 154 minutes (over 2.5 hours)
(This number is determined by dividing the “Total duration of outages” by the number
of outages that reported durations. Not all reports of outages included the duration.)
See Note B below.
A. Total number of people affected (and average) is based on 2,167 (63%) of the total reported outages. Total
duration of outages (and average) is based on 991 (29%) of the total reported outages. These are the number
of outages that had reports including data for number of people affected and duration, respectively.
B. Reports from news services, newspapers, websites, etc. used as sources, sometimes give statistics using
different terms. For example, some reports may be based on “people” while others may be based on
“addresses,” “homes and businesses” or “utility customers.” For purposes of this report, all of these are
assumed to be and counted as people.
Theft / Vandalism
9 Unknown 100
246 159 50
Vehicle Accident
425 23 0
Weather/Falling Trees
Note: Each power outage was grouped into one of seven possible causes. The outages by cause were totaled Note: Data collection began February 16, 2008.
and the results displayed in the chart above. The number adjacent to the pie piece is the number of outages
attributable to that cause.
Electrical Sector
1111 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114 USA