Assignment#3: DR - Azhar UL Haq
Assignment#3: DR - Azhar UL Haq
Assignment#3: DR - Azhar UL Haq
Submitted By:
Muhammad Muzammal Islam
(CMS ID: 275348)
Muhammad Javed
(CMS ID: 273422)
The primary purpose of predicting intermittent solar and wind energy generation is to find out as
efficiently as possible the output power of power plants in a close term (15-30 minutes, or hour
based and complete day time periods based). Reliable forecasting techniques reduce the cost and
power consumption as well as improving the power factor.
The recent study has shown that the reliability of integrated wind and solar irradiance system is
twice greater than either technique used separately. Characteristics of solar power generation are
very different from the wind power generation characteristics like variation in self correlation
and enough power production during the mid time of the day.
During the end duration of 2018, the global accumulated wind power production reached an
amount of 600 GW and solar power generation capacity approached to 480 GW. The persistent
forecasting technique assumes that the energy generation by solar irradiance and wind speed is
same at present time step as previous time. Two broad classifications of forecasting techniques
are physical and statistical.
Recently the researches have main focus on building the forecasting tools for short term
predictions ranging from few minutes to a few days-ahead in order to assure reliable grid
operation. Complete day forecasting act as priory data for network operators to perform different
tasks like load on/off, congestion management, scheduling, load flow prediction and reserves
power generation allocation etc. Grid operation is largely effected by the effect of cloud motion
on solar intensity and greater deviation of wind speed, that results in ramp events and variability.
Persistence method:
For short time forecasting the persistence method is used as a reference model where we assume
that the solar irradiance at time “t” will absolutely the same as past value of time “t-1”.
Persistence model is more reliable for a short forecast of 0-6 hours. If we increase forecast
horizon from 6 hours then this model’s reliability reduces.
𝐼𝑡 = 𝐼𝑡−1
Where 𝐼𝑡 is solar irradiance at present time t.
𝐼𝑡−1 is solar irradiance at past time t-1.
Physical Techniques:
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Approaches:
The main inspiration behind ANNs is the cognitive approach adapted by human brain to solve
problems. The design of ANNs is such that they have self-learning ability from experience and
drawing a relationship between input and output variables. ANNs are classifies into two
categories, FFNN and RNN. In feed-forward NNs the computation flow is only from input to
output (forward direction) but in Recurrent NNs there are feedback loops too which helps in
modeling of several dynamic systems.
FFNN was implemented with wind speed and wind direction asinput and wind power as an
output and a very good performance was demonstrated. It was also demonstrated that the effect
of wind direction on wind power is less than wind speed. A comparison of SARIMA and
ADALINE NNs for forecasting wind speed in Mexico depicted that SARIMA model is better
than ADALINE. In comparison between RBFNN (Radial basis function) and ERNN (Elman
recurrent) predicted that RBFNN gives less error than ERNN. A comprehensive analysis of
RBFNN, FFBP and ADALINE revealed that under different model architecture and parameters
different accuracies were obtained for same dataset. To improve the learning process of NNs
various techniques are used including GNN, PSO and multi-agent BPNN. A comparison between
SVM and MLP demonstrated that SVMs provided better prediction as compared to MLP.
For forecasting solar irradiance, based on MLP structure an ANN model was developed
considering day-ahead predictions. In this model the solar irradiance and air temperature were
taken as an input and day-ahead solar forecast as an output. As a result of this model, the
coefficient of performance prediction for clear sky days was 98% and for poor weather days it
was 94%. Feed forward wavelet networks (combined effect of wavelet theory and NNs) were
also used to solar irradiance forecasting. Adaptive wavelet-networks were used for solar
irradiance forecasting in Algeria and they gave considerably good performance as compared to
other NNs.
In short, the main purpose of ANNs and SVMs is to learn and train the historic data trends to
provide future forecast without any prior mathematical model.
Fig5. FFNN
Fig6. RNN