03 Foundation Som Survey

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1. Questions 01 – 55 belong to Foundation Engineering, Surveying and SOM
carrying 03 marks each.

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1. The settlement of the plate in plate load test is footing is expected to transmit a unit pressure of 200
measured by a set of three dial gauges placed 120° kN/m2.
apart. The dial gauges are fixed to independent (a) 5.6 cm (b) 7.1 cm (c) 5.2 cm (d) 2.4 cm
supports which remain undisturbed during the test.
What should be the sensitivity of dial gauges? 6. Excavation for foundations reduces the pressure in
(a) 0.02 mm (b) 0.05 mm the soil below the founding depth which results in the
(c) 0.20 mm (d) 0.10mm heaving of the bottom of the excavation. Any heave
which occurs will be reversed and appear as settlement
2. A plate load test using a plate of size 30 x 30 cm was during the construction of the foundation and the
carried out at the level of a prototype foundation. The building. Though heaving of the bottom of the
soil at the site was cohesionless with the water table at excavation cannot be avoided it can be minimized to a
great depth. The plate settled by 10 mm at a load certain extent. Which of the following is possible
intensity of 160 kN/m2. Determine the settlement of a causes of heave:
square footing of size 2 x 2 m under the same load (a) Elastic movement of the soil as the existing
intensity. overburden pressure is removed.
(a) 30.24mm (b) 3.24mm (b) A gradual swelling of soil due to the intake of water
(c) 30.24cm (d) 3.24cm if there is some delay for placing the foundation on the
excavated bottom of the foundation.
3. Many methods are available for computing elastic (c) Plastic inward movement of the surrounding soil.
(immediate) and consolidation settlements below (d) all of the above.
foundation. Which of the following methods are of
Practical interest for consolidation settlements? 7. A single acting steam hammer weighing 2400 kg and
1. Elastic settlement based on the theory of elasticity falling through a height of 1.0 m drives a pile to an
2. Janbu et al., (1956) method of determining average penetration of 0.75 cm under the last few
settlement under an undrained condition. blows. Determine the allowable load for the pile.
3. Schmenmann's method of calculating settlement in (a) 17t (b) 15t (c) 40t (d) 19t
granular soils by using CPT values.
4. e-log p method by making use of oedometer test 8. A 30 cm square bearing plate settles by 1.5 cm in a
data. plate loading test on a cohesionless soil when the
5. Skempton-Bjerrum method. intensity of loading is 2 kg/cm2. What will be the
(a) 1,2,3,4 and 5 settlement of a prototype footing 1 m square under the
(b) 1,3 and 5 same intensity of loading.
(c) 1,2 and 3 (a) 35.5mm (b) 45.5mm
(d) 2 only (c) 87.5mm (d) 24.5mm

4. Two plate load tests were conducted at the level of 9. A purely cohesive soil was tested by unconfined
a prototype foundation in cohesionless soil close to compression. The mean unconfined compression
each other. The following data are given: strength was obtained as 50 kN I m2. Estimate the
ultimate bearing capacity utilising Terzaghi's concept
(Bearing capacity factor = 5.7). (in kN/m2)
(a) 132.5 (b) 142.5
(c) 65.6 (d) 87.5
If a footing is to carry a load of 1000 kN, determine the
required size of the footing for the same settlement of 10. In the case of well foundation, the Indian Standard
25 mm. Code recommends that tilt and shift of well (as
(a) 3.3x3.3 m (b) 2.3x2.3 m percentage of depth sunk) should respectively be
(c) 4.2x4.2 m (d) 1.2x1.2 m (a) 1 in 50 and 1 (b) 1 in 50 and 2
(c) 1 in 60 and 1 (d) 1 in 60 and 2
5. Estimate the immediate settlement of a concrete
footing 1.5 x 1.5 m in size founded at a depth of 1 m in 11. The gross bearing capacity of a footing is 450
silty soil whose modulus of elasticity is 90 kg/cm2. The kN/m2. If the footing is 1.5 m wide at a depth of 1m in
Page 2 4th Year of Excellence with 160+ Selections
clayey soil with unit weight of 20 kN/m , then the net (b) Length between the bottom of the well cap to the
bearing capacity (in kN/m2) will be cutting edge
(a) 400 (b) 430 (c) 435 (d) 440 (c) Depth of the bottom of the well below the
minimum scour level
12. Consider the following statements regarding (d) Depth of the bottom of the well below the
negative skin friction in piles. maximum scour level
1. It is developed when the pile is driven through a
recently deposited clay layer. 18. Consider the following statements regarding under
2. It is developed when the pile is driven through a layer reamed piles:
if dense sand. 1. They are used in expansive soils
3. It is developed due to a sudden drawdown of the 2. They are of precast reinforced concrete
water table. Of these statements 3. The ratio of bulb to shaft diameter is usually 2 to 3
(a) 1 alone is correct (b) 2 alone is correct 4. Minimum spacing between the piles should not be
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct less than 1.5 times the bulb diameter. Of these
13. No tension should develop at the base of the (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
rectangular well foundation or at any horizontal section (c) 2, 3 and 4 are correct (d) 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
within the well. For no tension at the base, the
resultant of Pa (Total active thrust) and W (weight of 19. In standard penetration test the split spoon
soil and well above the base) must pass through the sampler is penetrated into the soil stratum by giving
middle blows from a drop weight whose weight (in kg) and free
(a) half of the base (b) third of the base for (in cm) are respectively,
(c) quarter of the base (d) of the base (a)30 and 60 (b)60 and 30 (c)65 and 75 (d)75 and 65

14. Consider following properties for a soil sampler. 20. Consider the following statements associated with
1. Area ratio should be low local shear failure of soils:
2. Cutting edge should be thick 1. Failure is sudden with well-defined ultimate load
3. Inside clearence should be high 2. This failure occurs in highly compressible soils
4. Outside clearence should be low. 3. Failure is preceded by large settlement.
The properties necessary for a good quality soil Of these statements
sampler would include. (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct.
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
21. Consider the following statements:
15. A rectangular footing 1m x 2m is placed at a depth 1. In case of pile groups in cohesive soil, block failure
of 2 m in a saturated clay having an unconfined occurs for smaller spacing between the piles.
compressive strength of 100 kN/m2. According to 2. According to Feld's rule for determining pile group
skempton, the net ultimate bearing capacity is efficiency, the load carrying capacity of each pile is
(a) 420 kN/m2 (b) 412.5 kN/m2 increased by 1/16 th owing to the effect of the nearest
(c) 385 kN/m (d) 350 kN/m2 pile.
3. In medium dense sand, settlement of a pile group is
16. A 30 cm diameter friction pile is embedded 10 m more than the settlement of a single pile.
into a homogeneous consolidated deposit. Unit Of these statements
adhesion developed between clay and pile shaft is (a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
4t/m2 and adhesion factor is 0.7. The safe load for (c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
factor of safety 2.5 will be
(a) 21.50 t (b) 11.57 t (c) 10.55 t (d) 6.35 t 22. Rafts resting on sands can be allowed double of the
allowable soil pressure when
17. In case of well foundations, grip length is defined as (a) Permissible settlement is doubled
the (b) Length is doubled (c) Depth factor is increased
(a) Length below the top of the well cap to the cutting (d) Water table is lowered

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23. A raft of 6 m x 9 m is founded at a depth of 3 m in a 30. A wooden bridge in Assam failed and was observed
cohesive soil having C = 120 kN/m2. The ultimate net to have arched up in the middle after the earthquake.
bearing capacity of the soil using Terzaghi's theory will The right abutment settled 40 cm and left abutment 30
be nearly cm. The bridge was supported on wooden piles, which
(a) 820 kN/m2 (b) 920 kN/m2 floated up during the earthquake. The most probable
(c) 1036 kN/m2 (d) 1067 kN/m2 care of failure is
(a) Shear failure of soil below abutments
24. The standard penetration resistance N of a granular (b) Excessive settlement below abutment due to
deposit is found to be 20. The soil can be classified increased forces
approximately in terms of ɸ and density index (c) Liquefaction of foundation soil below abutment
respectively as and piles
(a) 20° and 10% for very loose condition (d) Failure of abutments due to dynamic earth
(b) 32° and 50% for medium condition pressure behind abutments
(c) 32° and 30% for loose condition
(d) 38° and 65% for dense condition 31. If two foundations, one narrow and another wide
are resting on a bed of sand carrying the same intensity
25. The minimum bearing capacity of a soil under a of load per unit area, then which one is likely to fail
given footing occurs when the groundwater table at early ?
the location is at (a) Narrow foundation
(a) The base of the footing (b) Wider foundation
(b) The ground (c) Both will fail simultaneously
(c) A depth equal to one-half of the width of footing (d) Difficult to judge since other conditions are
(d) A depth equal to the width of footing. unknown.

26. In the case of a pile foundation, negative skin 32. Skin friction capacities of a 40 cm diameter driven
friction may occur at a load which is concrete pile for the portion A, B and C are 17 kN, 63
(a) Lower than the designed load kN and 503 kN respectively and point load capacity is
(b) Higher than the designed load 11000 kN/m2. Total pile load capacity will be
(c) Equal to the designed load
(d) Of any magnitude

27. A single pile, 50 cm in diameter and 15 m long is

driven in clay having an average unconfined
compressive strength of 100 kN/m2. The ultimate
bearing capacity of the pile, neglecting end bearing if
any, and assuming shear mobilization factor of 0.8
around the pile is
(a) 942 kN (b) 1884 kN (c) 1177.5 kN (d) 1334.5 kN
(a) 3743 kN (b) 2864 kN (c) 1965 kN (d) 1529 kN
28. In a plate load test on sandy soil, the test plate of
60 cm x 60 cm undergoes a settlement of 5 mm at a 33. A footing of 3 m x 3 m in size transmits a load of
pressure of 12x104 N/mm2. What will be the expected 1800 kN. The angle of load dispersion in soil α = tan-1
settlement of 3 m x 3 m footing under same pressure? 0.5. What is the stress created by the footing load at a
(a) 25 mm (b) 20 mm (c) 15 cm (d) 9 mm depth of 5 m
(a) 26.12 kN/m2 (b) 27.12 kN/m2
29. For designing end bearing piles of square cross- (c) 28.12 kN/m 2
(d) 29.12 kN/m2
section in clays having average unconfined
compressive strength of 6t/m2 the net ultimate bearing 34. When a load test was conducted by putting a 60 cm
capacity may be taken as square plate on top of a sandy deposit, the ultimate
(a) 15 t/m2 (b) 18 t/m2 (c) 20 t/m2 (d) 27 t/m2 bearing capacity was observed as 60 kN/m2. What is
the ultimate bearing capacity for a strip footing of 1.2
m width to be placed on the surface of the same soil?

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2 2
(a) 75 kN/m (b) 120 kN/m
(c) 150 kN/m2 (d) 160 kN/m2 44. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
a) Box sextant is used for the measurement of
35. Consider the following statements: horizontal angles
1. Pile foundations are usually provided when loads b) Cross staff is used for setting out right angles
coming on the foundations are quite large. Such piles c) Gradiometer is used for setting out any required
may often extend up to a large depth below ground gradient
level. d) All the above.
2. Precast piles inserted into the holes bored at the site
do not get damaged while they are driven into the 45. Which of the following angles can be set out with
ground. Which of the statements given above is/are the help of French Cross-staff?
correct? a) 45 b) 90ᴼ
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only c) either 45ᴼ or 90ᴼ d) any angle
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2.
46. For Surveying purpose, which of the following
36. Length of Polar axis of earth is triangle is best suited
a) 12713800km a) Right-angled triangle b) Equilateral Triangle
b) 12713800m c) Any Triangle d) none of the above
c) Length of Equatorial Axis + 42.5km
d) none of the above 47. A Circle of radius 7m has a standard error of 0.02m
on the radius. The standard error of its area is
37. The principle of working of an optical square is (a) 0.04 m2 (b) 0.14m2 (c) 0.28m2 (d) none
based on
a) refraction b) double refraction 48. What is the slope correction for a length of 30.0m
c) reflection d) double reflection along a gradient of 1:20?
(a) 3.75m (b) 0.375m (c) 37.5m (d) 0.0375m
38. Which of the following instrument is used for
measurement of angles 49. A 30m metric chain is found to be 10cm short
a) Prismatic Compass b) Surveyors Compaas throughout a measurement. If the distance
c) sextant d) telescope measured is recorded as 300m, what is the actual
39. Location of one point can be found using (a) 300.1m (b) 301.0m (c) 299.0m (d) 310.0m
a) One known point b) Two known points
c) Three Known Points d) none of the above 50. Calculate the compressive stress σc in the circular
piston rod (see figure) when a force P = 40 N is applied
40. with the rise of temperature, the error occur in to the brake pedal. Assume that the line of action of the
chaining will be of nature force P is parallel to the piston rod, which has diameter
a) Positive b) Negative 5 mm. Also, the other dimensions shown in the figure
c) Neutral d) none of the above (50 mm and 225 mm) are measured perpendicular to
the line of action of the force P.
41. 10 Furlongs are equal to
a) 1 Gunter Chain b) 10 Gunter Chain
c) 100 Gunter Chain d) 80 Gunter Chain

42. The error due bad ranging is

a) compensation b) cumulative positive
c) cumulative negative d) both (b) and (c)

(a) 11.2MPa (b) 22.2MPa (c) 33.2MPa (d) 44.2MPa

43. Generally while chaining, the arrow which
accompany with one chain must be
51. A car weighing 130 kN when fully loaded is pulled
a) 3 nos. b) 5 nos. c) 10 nos. d) 12 nos.
slowly up a steep inclined track by a steel cable (see

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figure). The cable has an effective cross-sectional area
of 490 mm2, and the angle α of the incline is 30°.
Calculate the tensile stress σt in the cable.

(a) 133 MPa (b) 144 MPa

(a) 7.20 ksi and 7.33ksi (b) 7.20 ksi and 5.23ksi
(c) 155 MPa (d) 166 MPa
(c) 5.20 ksi and 7.33ksi (d) 5.20 ksi and 5.23ksi
52. A steel bar of length 2.5 m with a square cross
Common data for Question no 54 and 55
section 100 mm on each side is subjected to an axial
A hollow box beam ABC of length L is supported at end
tensile force of 1300 kN (see figure). Assume that E =
A by a 20-mm diameter pin that passes through the
200 GPa and v = 0.3. Determine the increase in volume
beam and its supporting pedestals (see figure). The
of the bar.
roller support at B is located at distance L/3 from end

(a) 4870 mm3 (b) 6490 mm3

(c) 6987 mm3 (d) 6170 mm3

53. An angle bracket having thickness t = 0.5 in. is

attached to the flange of a column by two 5/8-inch
diameter bolts (see figure). A uniformly distributed
load acts on the top face of the bracket with a pressure
p = 300 psi. The top face of the bracket has length L = 6
in. and width b = 2.5 in. Determine the average bearing
pressure σb between the angle bracket and the bolts
and the average shear stress ζavg in the bolts. (Disregard
friction between the bracket and the column.)
54. Determine the average shear stress in the pin due
to a load P equal to 10 kN.
(a) 21.8 MPa (b) 24.9 MPa
(c) 74.1 MPa (d) 31.8 MPa

55. Determine the average bearing stress between the

pin and the box beam if the wall thickness of the beam
is equal to 12 mm.
(a) 41.7 MPa (b) 52.4 MPa
(c) 32.5 MPa (d) 14.7 MPa

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