Programming in C++

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Programming in C++
Online module to accompany Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition, ISBN-10:
1305075773; ISBN-13: 9781305075771 (Cengage Learning, 2016).
1. Introduction to C++
1.1 A Simple C++ Program
1.2 Creating and Running a C++ Program
2. Virtual Data Storage
3. Statement Types
3.1 Input/Output Statements
3.2 The Assignment Statement
3.3 Control Statements
4. Another Example
5. Managing Complexity
5.1 Divide and Conquer
5.2 Using Functions
5.3 Writing Functions
6. Object-Oriented Programming
6.1 What Is It?
6.2 C++ and OOP
6.3 One More Example
6.4 What Have We Gained?
7. Graphical Programming
7.1 Graphics Hardware
7.2 Graphics Software
8. Conclusion

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1 Introduction to C++
Hundreds of high-level programming languages have been developed; a fraction
of these have become viable, commercially successful languages. There are a
half-dozen or so languages that can illustrate some of the concepts of a high-
level programming language, but this module uses C++ for this purpose. The
popular C++ language was developed in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup at
AT&T Labs and was commercially released by AT&T in 1985.
Our intent here is not to make you an expert programmer—any more than
our purpose in Chapter 4 was to make you an expert circuit designer. Indeed,
there is much about the language that we will not even discuss. You will,
however, get a sense of what programming in a high-level language is like, and
perhaps you will see why some people think it is one of the most fascinating
of human endeavors.

1.1 A Simple C++ Program

Figure 1 shows a simple but complete C++ program. Even if you know nothing
about the C++ language, it is not hard to get the general drift of what the
program is doing.
Someone running this program (the “user”) could have the following
dialogue with the program, where boldface indicates what the user types:

Enter your speed in mph: 58

Enter your distance in miles: 657.5
At 58 mph, it will take
11.3362 hours to travel 657.5 miles.

The general form of a typical C++ program is shown in Figure 2. To com-

pare our simple example program with this form, we have reproduced the
example program in Figure 3 with a number in front of each line. The numbers
are there for reference purposes only; they are not part of the program.
Lines 1–3 in the program of Figure 3 are C++ comments. Anything appear-
ing on a line after the double slash symbol (//) is ignored by the compiler, just
as anything following the double dash (--) is treated as a comment in the
assembly language programs of Chapter 6. Although the computer ignores
comments, they are important to include in a program because they give infor-
mation to the human readers of the code. Every high-level language has some
facility for including comments, because understanding code that someone else

2 Programming in C++
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A Simple C++ Program //Computes and outputs travel time
//for a given speed and distance
//Written by J. Q. Programmer, 6/15/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main()
int speed; //rate of travel
double distance; //miles to travel
double time; //time needed for this travel

cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;

cin >> speed;
cout << “Enter your distance in miles: ”;
cin >> distance;

time = distance/speed;

cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”

<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;

has written (or understanding your own code after a period of time has passed)
is very difficult without the notes and explanations that comments provide.
Comments are one way to document a computer program to make it more
understandable. The comments in the program of Figure 3 describe what the
program does plus tell who wrote the program and when. These three comment
lines together make up the program’s prologue comment (the introductory
comment that comes first). According to the general form of Figure 2, the pro-
logue comment is optional, but providing it is always a good idea. It’s almost
like the headline in a newspaper, giving the big picture up front.
Blank lines in C++ programs are ignored and are used, like comments, to
make the program more readable by human beings. In our example program,
we’ve used blank lines (lines 4, 7, 13, 18, 20) to separate sections of the
program, visually indicating groups of statements that are related.

The Overall Form of a Typical prologue comment [optional]
C++ Program include directives [optional]
using directive [optional]
functions [optional]
main function
declarations [optional]
main function body

1 Introduction to C++ 3
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The Program of Figure 1 (line 1. //Computes and outputs travel time
numbers added for reference) 2. //for a given speed and distance
3. //Written by J. Q. Programmer, 6/15/16
5. #include <iostream>
6. using namespace std;
8. void main()
9. {
10. int speed; //rate of travel
11. double distance; //miles to travel
12. double time; //time needed for this travel
14. cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;
15. cin >> speed;
16. cout << “Enter your distance in miles: ”;
17. cin >> distance;
19. time = distance/speed;
21. cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”
22. << “it will take ” << endl;
23. cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
24. << distance << “ miles.” << endl;
25. }

Line 5 is an include directive to the compiler that refers to the iostream

library. The eventual effect is that the linker includes object code from this
library. The core C++ language does not provide a way to get data into a pro-
gram or for a program to display results. The iostream library contains code for
these purposes. Line 6 is a using directive that tells the compiler to look in
the std namespace for the definition of any names not specifically defined
within the program. In this program, cin and cout get their meaning (which is
that input will come from the keyboard and output will go to the screen) from
the std namespace. In addition to iostream, C++ has many other code libraries,
such as mathematical and graphics libraries, and therefore many other include
directives are possible. Include directives are also optional, but it would be a
trivial program indeed that did not need input data or produce output results,
so virtually every C++ program has at least the include directive and using
directive shown in our example.
Our sample program has no functions other than the main function (note
that such functions are optional). The purpose of additional functions is to do
some calculation or perform some subtask for the main function, much as the
Find Largest algorithm from Chapter 2 is used by the Selection Sort algorithm
of Chapter 3.
Line 8 signals the beginning of the main function. The curly braces at
lines 9 and 25 enclose the main function body, which is the heart of the
sample program. Lines 10–12 are declarations that name and describe the
items of data that are used within the main function. Descriptive names—
speed, distance, and time—are used for these quantities to help document

4 Programming in C++
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A Remarkable
History patent, for a “clamping and supporting device.” The tran-
sistor (see Chapter 4) was invented in 1947 by three
Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup, now a Distinguished Research Pro- Bell Lab scientists, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and
fessor at Texas A&M University, worked for many years at William Shockley, who later shared the Nobel Prize for this
AT&T Labs Research (formerly known as Bell Labs). He work. In total, eight Nobel prizes have been awarded
retains his title as an AT&T Fellow. He has been honored by to researchers for work done while they were at
AT&T for “fundamental contributions to the development Bell Labs/AT&T Labs Research.
of computer languages and object-oriented programming, In March 2003, AT&T Labs Research was awarded its
culminating in the C++ programming language.” In addi- 30,000th patent, this one for “mechanisms for guaranteeing
tion to his work in programming languages, his research Quality of Service in Internet Protocol (IP) networks, which
interests include distributed systems, operating systems, should help make packet-based networks as reliable as
and simulation. Dr. Stroustrup’s accomplishment as the today’s telephone networks.” To appreciate fully the magni-
designer and original implementor of a new programming tude of 30,000 patents, we should note that this averages
language is remarkable, but it is only one of many remark- to more than one patent per day, 365 days per year, over a
able accomplishments achieved at AT&T Labs Research. period of 78 years! Scientists and engineers at AT&T Labs
Through its long history of technological research and Research, working in the areas of networks, cloud technolo-
innovation, AT&T Labs Research has become something of gies, data mining, artificial intelligence, data visualization,
a national treasure. and many others, continue a remarkable pace of innovation
The original Bell Labs was created as part of AT&T in and technological advances, averaging about three patents
1925. That same year, Bell Labs was awarded its first per working day.

their purpose in the program, and comments provide further clarification.

Line 10 describes an integer quantity (type “int”) called speed. Lines 11 and
12 declare distance and time as real number quantities (type “double”). A real
number quantity is one containing a decimal point, such as 28.3, 102.0, or
⫺17.5. Declarations are also optional in the sense that if a program does not
use any data, no declarations are needed, but again, it would be unusual to
find such a trivial program.
Messages to the user begin with cout; the cin statements get the values
the user entered for speed and distance and store them in speed and distance,
respectively. Line 19 computes the time required to travel this distance at this
speed. Finally, lines 21–24 print the output to the user’s screen. The values of
speed, time, and distance are inserted in appropriate places among the strings
of text shown in double quotes.
You may have noticed that most of the statements in this program end
with a semicolon. A semicolon must appear at the end of every executable C++
instruction, which means everywhere except at the end of a comment, an
include directive, or the beginning of a function, such as

void main ()

The semicolon requirement is a bit of a pain in the neck, but the C++ com-
piler generates one or more error messages if you omit the semicolon, so
after the first few hundred times this happens, you tend to remember to
put it in.
C++, along with every other programming language, has very specific rules
of syntax—the correct form for each component of the language. Having a

1 Introduction to C++ 5
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semicolon at the end of every executable statement is a C++ syntax rule.

Any violation of the syntax rules generates an error message from the compiler,
because the compiler does not recognize or know how to translate the offending
code. In the case of a missing semicolon, the compiler cannot tell where the
instruction ends. The syntax rules for a programming language are often defined
by a formal grammar, much as correct English is defined by rules of grammar.
C++ is a free-format language, which means that it does not matter
where things are placed on a line. For example, we could have written

time =
distance /

although this is clearly harder to read. The free-format characteristic explains

why a semicolon is needed to mark the end of an instruction, which might be
spread over several lines.

1.2 Creating and Running a C++ Program

Creating and running a C++ program is basically a three-step process. The first
step is to type the program into a text editor. When you are finished, you save
the file, giving it a name with the extension .cpp. So the file for Figure 1 could
be named


As the second step, the program must be compiled using a C++ compiler for
your computer, and the resulting object code linked with any C++ library
object code. In our example, the program in the file TravelPlanner.cpp would
be compiled, resulting in a file called


The third step loads and executes the program file, in this case TravelPlan-
ner.exe. Depending on your system, you may have to type operating system
commands for the last two steps.
Another approach is to do all of your work in an Integrated
Development Environment, or IDE. The IDE lets the programmer perform
a number of tasks within the shell of a single application program, rather
than having to use a separate program for each task. A modern program-
ming IDE provides a text editor, a file manager, a compiler, a linker
and loader, and tools for debugging, all within this one piece of software.
The IDE usually has a GUI (graphical user interface) with menu choices for
the different tasks. This can significantly speed up program development.
This C++ exercise is just a beginning. In the rest of this module, we’ll
examine the features of the language that will enable you to write your own
C++ programs to carry out more sophisticated tasks.

6 Programming in C++
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There are many C++ compilers available. The C++ examples in this module were written
and executed in Microsoft Visual C++ 2013, part of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. This
is an IDE (with a GUI interface) that supports many programming languages. Visual
Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop, which supports Visual C++ as well as other
languages, is freely downloadable from Microsoft at
and runs on Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating systems. Its use requires the
Microsoft .NET framework. If this is not already on your Windows system, you will
be alerted at installation, and you can go to
and look under Developer Tools to download it.
You can also download the free open-source C++ command-line compiler (g⫹⫹) that
is part of the GNU Compiler Collection from
There are versions that run on Linux and Mac OS X systems as well as Windows
The graphics library used in Section 7 of this module is the CCC graphics library written
by Dr. Cay Horstmann at San Jose State University. See
to download this library, which runs under both Visual Studio C++ and the g++ compiler.

2 Virtual Data Storage

One of the improvements we seek in a high-level language is freedom from
having to manage data movement within memory. Assembly language does not
require us to give the actual memory address of the storage location to be used
for each item, as in machine language. However, we still have to move values, one
by one, back and forth between memory and the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) as
simple modifications are made, such as setting the value of A to the sum of the
values of B and C. We want the computer to let us use data values by name in any
appropriate computation without thinking about where they are stored or what
is currently in some register in the ALU. In fact, we do not even want to know
that there is such a thing as an ALU, where data are moved to be operated on;
instead, we want the virtual machine to manage the details when we request that
a computation be performed. A high-level language allows this, and it also allows
the names for data items to be more meaningful than in assembly language.

2 Virtual Data Storage 7

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Names in a programming language are called identifiers. Each language

has its own specific rules for what a legal identifier can look like. In C++ an
identifier can be any combination of letters, digits, and the underscore symbol
(_), as long as it does not begin with a digit. However, identifiers beginning
with underscore characters should be avoided; they are generally used for
special purposes. An additional restriction is that an identifier cannot be one
of the few keywords, such as “void,” “int,” “double,” and so forth, that have
a special meaning in C++ and that you would not be likely to use anyway. The
three integers B, C, and A in our assembly language program can therefore
have more descriptive names, such as subTotal, tax, and finalTotal. The use of
descriptive identifiers is one of the greatest aids to human understanding of a
program. Identifiers can be almost arbitrarily long, so be sure to use a mean-
ingful identifier such as finalTotal instead of something like A; the improved
readability is well worth the extra typing time. C++ is a case-sensitive
language, which means that uppercase letters are distinguished from
lowercase letters. Thus, FinalTotal, Finaltotal, and finalTotal are three different

There are two standard capitalization patterns for identifiers, particularly “multiple
word” identifiers:
camel case: First word begins with a lowercase letter, additional words begin
with uppercase letters (finalTotal)
Pascal case: All words begin with an uppercase letter (FinalTotal)
The code in this module uses the following convention for creating identifiers
(examples included):
Simple variables – camel case: speed, time, finalTotal
Named constants – all uppercase: PI, FREEZING_POINT
Function names – camel case: myFunction, getInput
Class names – Pascal case: MyClass
Object names – camel case: myObject
The underscore character is not used except for named constants. Occasionally,
however, we’ll use single capital letters for identifiers in quick code fragments.

Data that a program uses can come in two varieties. Some quantities are
fixed throughout the duration of the program, and their values are known
ahead of time. These quantities are called constants. An example of a con-
stant is the integer value 2. Another is an approximation to p, say 3.1416.
The integer 2 is a constant that we don’t have to name by an identifier, nor do
we have to build the value 2 in memory manually by the equivalent of a .DATA
pseudo-op. We can just use the symbol “2” in any program statement. When
“2” is first encountered in a program statement, the binary representation of
the integer 2 is automatically generated and stored in a memory location.
Likewise, we can use “3.1416” for the real number value 3.1416, but if we are

8 Programming in C++
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really using this number as an approximation to p, it is more informative to

use the identifier PI.
Some quantities used in a program have values that change as the pro-
gram executes, or values that are not known ahead of time but must be
obtained from the computer user (or from a data file previously prepared by
the user) as the program runs. These quantities are called variables. For
example, in a program doing computations with circles (where we might use
the constant PI), we might need to obtain from the user or a data file the
radius of the circle. This variable can be given the identifier radius.
Identifiers for variables serve the same purpose in program statements as
pronouns do in ordinary English statements. The English statement “He will
be home today” has specific meaning only when we plug in the value for
which “He” stands. Similarly, a program statement such as

time = distance/speed;

becomes an actual computation only when numeric values have been stored in
the memory locations referenced by the distance and speed identifiers.
We know that all data are represented internally in binary form. In Chapter 4
we noted that any one sequence of binary digits can be interpreted as a whole
number, a negative number, a real number (one containing a decimal point, such
as ⫺17.5 or 28.342), or as a letter of the alphabet. C++ requires the following
information about each variable in the program:

• What identifier we want to use for it (its name)

• What data type it represents (e.g., an integer or a letter of the alphabet)

The data type determines how many bytes will be needed to store the vari-
able—that is, how many memory cells are to be considered as one memory
location referenced by one identifier—and also how the string of bits in that
memory location is to be interpreted. C++ provides several “primitive” data
types that represent a single unit of information, as shown in Figure 4.
The way to give the necessary information within a C++ program is to
declare each variable. A variable declaration consists of a data type followed
by a list of one or more identifiers of that type. Our sample program used
three declaration statements:

int speed; //rate of travel

double distance; //miles to travel
double time; //time needed for this travel

but these could have been combined into two:

int speed; //rate of travel

double distance, time; //miles to travel and time
//needed for this travel

Where do the variable declarations go? Although the only requirement is that
a variable must be declared before it can be used, all variable declarations are
usually collected together at the top of the main function, as in our sample
program. This gives the reader of the code quick information about the data
that the program will be using.

2 Virtual Data Storage 9

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Some of the C++ Primitive int an integer quantity
Data Types double a real number
char a character (a single keyboard character, such as ‘a’)

What about the constant PI? We want to assign the fixed value 3.1416
to the PI identifier. Constant declarations are just like variable declarations,
with the addition of the keyword const and the assignment of the fixed value
to the constant identifier.

const double PI = 3.1416;

Many programmers use all uppercase letters to denote constant identifiers, but
the compiler identifies a constant quantity only by the presence of const in
the declaration. Once a quantity has been declared as a constant, any attempt
later in the program to change its value generates an error message from the
In addition to variables of a primitive data type that hold only one unit of
information, it is possible to declare a whole collection of related variables at
one time. This allows storage to be set aside as needed to contain each of the
values in this collection. For example, suppose we want to record the number
of hits on a Web site for each month of the year. The value for each month is a
single integer. We want a collection of 12 such integers, ordered in a particu-
lar way. An array groups together a collection of memory locations, all storing
data of the same type. The following statement declares an array:

int hits[12];

The 12 indicates that there are to be 12 memory locations set aside, each to
hold a variable of type int. The collection as a whole is referred to as hits,
and the 12 individual array elements are numbered from hits[0] to
hits[11]. (Notice that a C++ array counts from 0 up to 11, instead of from
1 up to 12.) Thus, we use hits[0] to refer to the first entry in hits, which
represents the number of visits to the Web site during the first month of
the year, January. Next, hits[2] refers to the number of visits during March,
and hits[11] to the number of visits during December. In this way we use
one declaration to set up 12 separate (but related) int storage locations.
Figure 5 illustrates this array.
Here is an example of the power of a high-level language. In assembly lan-
guage we can name only individual memory locations—that is, individual
items of data—but in C++ we can also assign a name to an entire collection of
related data items. An array thus enables us to talk about an entire table of
values, or the individual elements making up that table. If we are writing C++

FIGURE 5 hits
A 12-Element Array hits

hits[0] hits[2] hits[11]

10 Programming in C++
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programs to implement the data cleanup algorithms of Chapter 3, we can use

an array of integers to store the 10 data items.

1. Which of the following are legitimate C++ identifiers?
martinBradley C3P_OH Amy3 3Right const
2. Write a declaration statement for a C++ program that uses one
integer quantity called number.
3. Write a C++ statement that declares a type double constant called
TAX_RATE that has the value 5.5.
4. Using the hits array of Figure 5, how do you reference the number
of hits on the Web page for August?

3 Statement Types
Now that we can reserve memory for data items by simply naming what we
want to store and describing its data type, we will examine additional kinds of
programming instructions (statements) that C++ provides. These statements
enable us to manipulate the data items and do something useful with them.
The instructions in C++, or indeed in any high-level language, are designed
as components for algorithmic problem solving, rather than as one-to-one
translations of the underlying machine language instruction set of the
computer. Thus they allow the programmer to work at a higher level of
abstraction. In this section we examine three types of high-level programming
language statements. They are consistent with the pseudocode operations we
described in Chapter 2 (see Figure 2.9).
Input/output statements make up one type of statement. An input
statement collects a value from the user for a variable within the program.
In our TravelPlanner program, we need input statements to get the specific
values of the speed and distance that are to be used in the computation.
An output statement writes a message or the value of a program variable to
the user’s screen. Once the TravelPlanner program computes the time
required to travel the given distance at the given speed, the output state-
ment displays that value on the screen, along with other information about
what that value means.
Another type of statement is the assignment statement, which assigns a
value to a program variable. This is similar to what an input statement does,
except that the value is not collected directly from the user, but is computed
by the program. In pseudocode we called this a “computation operation.”
Control statements, the third type of statement, affect the order in
which instructions are executed. A program executes one instruction or
program statement at a time. Without directions to the contrary, instructions
are executed sequentially, from first to last in the program. (In Chapter 2 we
called this a straight-line algorithm.) Imagine beside each program statement

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a light bulb that lights up while that statement is being executed; you would
see a ripple of lights from the top to the bottom of the program. Sometimes,
however, we want to interrupt this sequential progression and jump around in
the program (which is accomplished by the instructions JUMP, JUMPGT, and so
on, in assembly language). The progression of lights, which may no longer be
sequential, illustrates the flow of control in the program—that is, the path
through the program that is traced by following the currently executing
statement. Control statements direct this flow of control.

3.1 Input/Output Statements

Remember that the job of an input statement is to collect from the user
specific values for variables in the program. In pseudocode, to get the value
for speed in the TravelPlanner program, we would say something like

Get value for speed

C++ can do this task using an input statement of the form

cin >> speed;

Because all variables must be declared before they can be used, the declaration
statement that says speed is to be a variable (of data type int) precedes this
input statement. If the user enters a decimal number as the input value for
speed, it will be truncated, and the digits behind the decimal point will be
lost; thus, if the user enters 48.7, the value stored in speed will be the integer
value 48.
Let’s say that we have written the entire TravelPlanner program and it is
now executing. When the preceding input statement is encountered, the
program stops and waits for the user to enter a value for speed (by typing it at
the keyboard, followed by pressing the ENTER key). For example, the user
could type

58 ⬍ENTER⬎

By this action, the user contributes a value to the input stream, the
sequence of values entered at the keyboard. The input stream is named cin
(pronounced “see-in”). The arrows (>>) in the input statement above stand
for the extraction operator that removes (extracts) the next value from
the input stream and stores it in the memory location referenced by the
identifier speed. The code for the extraction operator and the definition of
the cin stream are supplied by the iostream library and namespace std;
that’s why any C++ program that requires an input statement needs the

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

After the value of distance has been input using the statement

cin >> distance;

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the value of the time can be computed and stored in the memory location
referenced by time. A pseudocode operation for producing output would be
something like

Print the value of time

Output in C++ is handled as the opposite of input. A value stored in memory—

in this case the value of the variable time—is copied and inserted into the
output stream by the insertion operator <<. The output stream that goes to
the screen is called cout (pronounced “see-out”). The appropriate statement is

cout << time;

The code for the insertion operator and the definition of the cout stream are
again supplied by the iostream library and namespace std.
It is easy to confuse the direction of the arrows for input and output. The
extraction operator extracts a value from the input stream and puts it into the
variable to which it points:

cin >> speed;

The insertion operator takes a value from a variable and inserts it into the out-
put stream to which it points:

cout << time;

Depending on the size of the value, C++ may write out real number values in
either fixed-point format or scientific notation. A sample value in fixed-
point format is


whereas in scientific notation (also called floating-point format), it is


which means 1.13362 ⫻ 101. (The “e” means “times 10 to the power of . . .”.)
It may be convenient to specify one output format or the other, rather than
leaving this up to the system to decide. To force all subsequent output into
fixed-point notation, we put the following somewhat mysterious formatting
statement in the program:


To force all subsequent output into scientific notation, we use the statement


It is also possible to control the number of places behind the decimal point
that are displayed in the output. Inserting the statement


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before the output statement results in a fixed-point output of


The corresponding result for scientific notation is


Each value is rounded to two digits behind the decimal point (picking up the
2 from the cout.precision statement), although the fixed-point value shows a
total of four significant digits, and the scientific notation format shows only
three. The ability to specify the number of decimal digits in fixed-point
output is particularly handy for dealing with dollar-and-cent values, where we
always expect to see two digits behind the decimal point.
The programmer can also specify the total number of columns to be taken
up by the next output value. Inserting into the output stream the “set width”


where n has some integer value, allots n columns for the next value that is
output, including the decimal point. If n is too small, the entire value is
written out anyway, overriding the width specification. If n is too big, the
value is right-justified within the allotted space. The statement

cout << setw(8) << time;

requests eight columns for the value of time. Using setw helps to
align columns of values but is generally less important when writing out
single values. Unlike the fixed-point or floating-point format, which only
needs to be set once, the setw expression must be used each time a value is
to be written out. In addition, setw is available from a different set of
library files, so another include statement is required in order to use it,

#include <iomanip>

If the user suddenly sees the number 11.34 on the screen, he or she may have
no idea what it represents. Some additional text is needed to describe this
value. Textual information can be inserted into the output stream by placing
it within quotation marks. Text within quotation marks (“”) is called a literal
string and is printed out exactly as is. In the TravelPlanner program, we used
the output statements

cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”

<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;

These are two C++ output instructions (note the two terminating semicolons)
that happen to take up four lines. They contribute five literal strings and the
values of three variables to the output stream, each requiring an insertion

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operator. Assuming that we are using fixed-point format with precision set
to 2, the output is

At 58 mph, it will take

11.34 hours to travel 657.5 miles.

Note that in the program instruction we put spaces at the beginning and end
of most of the literal strings, within the quotation marks so that they are part
of the text. Without these spaces, the output would be

At58mph,it will take

11.34hours to travel657.5miles.

Output formatting largely determines how attractive and easy to read the out-
put is. We might want to design the output to look like

At 58 mph, it will take

11.34 hours
to travel 657.5 miles.

We can accomplish this with the five statements:

cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, it will take ” << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << setw(10) << time << “ hours” << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << “to travel ” << distance << “ miles.”

Each statement produces one line of output because endl (an abbreviation for
End Line) sends the cursor to the next line on the screen. The result is that
the next value in the output stream begins on a new line. Using endl is
another way to format output. The second and fourth output statements
contain neither a literal string nor an identifier; their effect is to write a
blank line. The setw expression in the third output statement positions the
numerical value of time right-justified within 10 columns, which produces the
indenting effect.
Let’s back up a bit and note that we also need to print some text infor-
mation before the input statement, to alert the user that the program expects
some input. A statement such as

cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;

acts as a user prompt. Without a prompt, the user may be unaware that the
program is waiting for some input; instead, it may simply seem to the user
that the program is “hung up.”
Assembling all of these bits and pieces, we can see that

cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;

cin >> speed;
cout << “Enter your distance in miles: ”;
cin >> distance;

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is a series of prompt, input, prompt, input statements to get the data,

and then

cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”

<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;

writes out the computed value of the time along with the associated input
values in an informative message. In the middle, we need a program statement
to compute the value of time. We can do this with a single assignment
statement; the assignment statement is explained in the next section.

1. Write two statements that prompt the user to enter an integer
value and store that value in a (previously declared) variable called
2. A program has computed a value of 37 for the variable height. Write
an output statement that prints this variable using six columns,
and with successive output appearing on the next line.
3. What appears on the screen after execution of the following
cout << “This is” << “goodbye” << endl;

3.2 The Assignment Statement

As we said earlier, an assignment statement assigns a value to a program vari-
able. This is accomplished by evaluating some expression and then writing the
resulting value in the memory location referenced by the program variable.
The general pseudocode operation

Set the value of “variable” to “arithmetic expression”

has as its C++ equivalent

variable = expression;

The expression on the right is evaluated, and the result is then written into
the memory location named on the left. For example, suppose that A, B, and C
have all been declared as integer variables in some program. The assignment

B = 2;
C = 5;

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result in B taking on the value 2 and C taking on the value 5. After execution of

A = B + C;

A has the value that is the sum of the current values of B and C. Assign-
ment is a destructive operation, so whatever A’s previous value was, it is
gone. Note that this one assignment statement says to add the values of B
and C and assign the result to A. This one high-level language statement is
equivalent to three assembly language statements needed to do this
same task (LOAD B, ADD C, STORE A). A high-level language program
thus packs more power per line than an assembly language program. To
state it another way, whereas a single assembly language instruction is
equivalent to a single machine language instruction, a single C++ instruc-
tion is usually equivalent to many assembly language instructions or
machine language instructions, and it allows us to think at a higher level of
problem solving.
In the assignment statement, the expression on the right is evaluated
first. Only then is the value of the variable on the left changed. This means
that an assignment statement like

A = A + 1;

makes sense. If A has the value 7 before this statement is executed, then the
expression evaluates to

7 + 1, or 8

and 8 then becomes the new value of A. (Here it becomes obvious that the
assignment instruction symbol ⫽ is not the same as the mathematical equals
sign ⫽, because A ⫽ A ⫹ 1 does not make sense mathematically.)
All four basic arithmetic operations can be done in C++, where they are
denoted by

- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division

For the most part, this is standard mathematical notation, rather than the
somewhat verbose assembly language op code mnemonics such as SUBTRACT.
The reason a special symbol is used for multiplication is that ⫻ would be
confused with x, an identifier, ? (a multiplication dot) doesn’t appear on
the keyboard, and juxtaposition—writing AB for A*B—would look like a
single identifier named AB.
We do have to pay some attention to data types. In particular, division
has one peculiarity. If at least one of the two values being divided is a real
number, then division behaves as we expect. Thus,

7.0/2 7/2.0 7.0/2.0

all result in the value 3.5. However, if the two values being divided are both
integers, the result is an integer value; if the division doesn’t “come out

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even,” the integer value is obtained by truncating the answer to an integer

quotient. Thus,


results in the value 3. Think of grade-school long division of integers:


Here the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 1. C++ also provides an operation,
with the symbol %, to obtain the integer remainder. Using this operation,

7 % 2

results in the value 1. If the values are stored in type int variables, the same
thing happens. For example,

int numerator;
int denominator;
numerator = 7;
denominator = 2;
cout << “The result of ” << numerator << “/”
<< denominator << “ is ”
<< numerator/denominator << endl;

produces the output

The result of 7/2 is 3

As soon as an arithmetic operation involves one or more real (decimal) numbers,

any integers are converted to their real number equivalent, and the calculations
are done with real numbers.
Data types also play a role in assignment statements. Suppose the expres-
sion in an assignment statement evaluates to a real number and is then
assigned to an identifier that has been declared as an integer. The real number
is truncated, and the digits behind the decimal point are lost. We mentioned
that this same problem occurs if you input a decimal value for an integer
variable. Unlike the input situation, the C++ compiler can see what you are
doing with the assignment statement and will usually give you a warning that
says something about “possible loss of data.” But assigning an integer value
to a type double identifier merely changes the integer to its real number
equivalent. C++ does this type casting (changing of data type) automatically.
This type cast would merely change the integer 3, for example, to its real
number equivalent 3.0.
This explains why we declared distance to be type double in the
TravelPlanner program. The user can enter an integer value for distance, and
C++ will type cast it to a real number. But if we had declared both speed and
distance to be integers, then the division to compute time would only produce
integer answers.

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You should assign only an expression that has a character value to a vari-
able that has been declared to be type char. Suppose that letter is a variable of
type char. Then

letter = ‘m’;

is a legitimate assignment statement, giving letter the value of the character

’m’. Note that single quotation marks are used here, as opposed to the double
quotation marks that enclose a literal string. The assignment

letter = ‘4’;

is also acceptable; the single quotes around the 4 mean that it is being treated
as just another character on the keyboard, not as the integer 4.

1. newNumber and next are integer variables in a C++ program. Write a
statement to assign the value of newNumber to next.
2. What is the value of average after the following statements are
executed? (total and number are type int, and average is type
total = 277;
number = 5;
average = total/number;

3.3 Control Statements

We mentioned earlier that sequential flow of control is the default; that is,
a program executes instructions sequentially from first to last. The flowchart
in Figure 6 illustrates this, where S1, S2, . . ., Sk are program instructions
(i.e., program statements).
As stated in Chapter 2, no matter how complicated the task to be done,
only three types of control mechanisms are needed:

1. Sequential: Instructions are executed in order.

2. Conditional: Which instruction executes next depends on some
3. Looping: A group of instructions may be executed many times.

Sequential flow of control, the default, is what occurs if the program does not
contain any instances of the other two control structures. In the TravelPlan-
ner program, for example, instructions are executed sequentially, beginning
with the input statements, next the computation, and finally the output

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Sequential Flow of Control




In Chapter 2 we introduced pseudocode notation for conditional opera-

tions and looping. In Chapter 6 we learned how to write somewhat laborious
assembly language code to implement conditional operations and looping.
Now we’ll see how C++ provides instructions that directly carry out these
control structure mechanisms—more evidence of the power of high-level
language instructions. We can think in a pseudocode algorithm design
mode, as we did in Chapter 2, and then translate that pseudocode directly into
C++ code.
Conditional flow of control begins with the evaluation of a Boolean con-
dition, also called a Boolean expression, which can be either true or false. We
discussed these “true/false conditions” in Chapter 2, and we also encountered
Boolean expressions in Chapter 4, where they were used to design circuits.
A Boolean condition often involves comparing the values of two expressions
and determining whether they are equal, whether the first is greater than the
second, and so on. Again assuming that A, B, and C are integer variables in a
program, the following are legitimate Boolean conditions:

A == 0 (Does A currently have the value 0?)

B < (A + C) (Is the current value of B less than the sum of the
current values of A and C?)
A != B (Does A currently have a different value than B?)

If the current values of A, B, and C are 2, 5, and 7, respectively, then the first
condition is false (A does not have the value zero), the second condition is
true (5 is less than 2 plus 7), and the third condition is true (A and B do not
have equal values).

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Comparisons need not be numeric. They can also be done between

variables of type char, where the “ordering” is the usual alphabetic ordering.
If initial is a value of type char with a current value of ’D’, then

initial == ’F’

is false because initial does not have the value ’F’, and

initial < ’P’

is true because ’D’ precedes ’P’ in the alphabet (or, more precisely, because the
binary code for ’D’ is numerically less than the binary code for ’P’). Note
that the comparisons are case sensitive, so ’F’ is not equal to ’f’, but ’F’ is less
than ’f’.
Figure 7 shows the comparison operations available in C++. Note the use of
the two equality signs to test whether two expressions have the same value. The
single equality sign is used in an assignment statement, the double equality
sign in a comparison.
Boolean conditions can be built up using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and
NOT. Truth tables for these operators were given in Chapter 4 (Figures 4.12–4.14).
The only new thing is the symbols that C++ uses for these operators, shown
in Figure 8.
A conditional statement relies on the value of a Boolean condition (true
or false) to decide which programming statement to execute next. If the
condition is true, one statement is executed next, but if the condition is false,
a different statement is executed next. Control is therefore no longer in a
straight-line (sequential) flow, but hops to one place or to another. Figure 9
illustrates this situation. If the condition is true, the statement S1 is executed
(and statement S2 is not); if the condition is false, the statement S2 is
executed (and statement S1 is not). In either case, the flow of control then
continues on to statement S3. We saw this same scenario when we discussed
pseudocode conditional statements in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.4).
The C++ instruction that carries out conditional flow of control is
called an if-else statement. It has the following form (note that the

the same value as == 2 == 5 false
less than < 2<5 true
less than or equal to <= 5 <= 5 true
greater than > 2>5 false
greater than or equal to >= 2 >= 5 false
not the same value as != 2 != 5 true

AND && (2 < 5) && (2 > 7) false
OR || (2 < 5) || (2 > 7) true
NOT ! !(2 == 5) true

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Conditional Flow of
Control (if-else)


S1 S2


words if and else are lowercase and that the Boolean condition must be in

if (Boolean condition)

Below is a simple if-else statement, where we assume that A, B, and C are integer

if (B < (A + C))
A = 2*A;
A = 3*A;

Suppose that when this statement is reached, the values of A, B, and C are 2,
5, and 7, respectively. As we noted before, the condition B < (A ⫹ C ) is then
true, so the statement

A = 2*A;

is executed, and the value of A is changed to 4. However, suppose that when this
statement is reached, the values of A, B, and C are 2, 10, and 7, respectively.
Then the condition B < (A ⫹ C ) is false, the statement

A = 3*A;

is executed, and the value of A is changed to 6.

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A variation on the if-else statement is to allow an “empty else” case. Here

we want to do something if the condition is true, but if the condition is
false, we want to do nothing. Figure 10 illustrates the empty else case. If the
condition is true, statement S1 is executed, and after that the flow of control
continues on to statement S3, but if the condition is false, nothing happens
except to move the flow of control directly on to statement S3.
This if variation on the if-else statement can be accomplished by omitting
the word else. This form of the instruction therefore looks like

if (Boolean condition)

We could write

if (B < (A + C))
A = 2*A;

This has the effect of doubling the value of A if the condition is true and of
doing nothing if the condition is false.
It is possible to combine statements into a group by putting them within
the curly braces { and }. The group is then treated as a single statement,
called a compound statement. A compound statement can be used anywhere
a single statement is allowed. For example,

cout << “This is the first statement.” << endl;
cout << “This is the second statement.” << endl;
cout << “This is the third statement.” << endl;

If-Else with Empty Else




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is treated as a single statement. The implication is that in Figure 9, S1 or S2

might be compound statements. This makes the if-else statement potentially
much more powerful and similar to the pseudocode conditional statement in
Figure 2.9.
Let’s expand on our TravelPlanner program and give the user of the pro-
gram a choice of computing the time either as a decimal number (3.75 hours)
or as hours and minutes (3 hours, 45 minutes). This situation is ideal for a
conditional statement. Depending on what the user wants to do, the program
does one of two tasks. For either task, the program still needs information
about the speed and distance. The program must also collect information to
indicate which task the user wishes to perform. We need an additional variable
in the program to store this information. Let’s use a variable called choice of
type char to collect the user’s choice of which task to perform. We also need
two new integer variables to store the values of hours and minutes.
Figure 11 shows the new program, with the three additional declared vari-
ables. The condition evaluated at the beginning of the if-else statement tests
whether choice has the value ’D’. If so, then the condition is true, and the first
group of statements is executed—that is, the time is output in decimal format
as we have been doing all along. If choice does not have the value ’D’, then the
condition is false. In this event, the second group of statements is executed.
Note that because of the way the condition is written, if choice does not have
the value ’D’, it is assumed that the user wants to compute the time in hours
and minutes, even though choice may have any other non-’D’ value (including
’d’) that the user may have typed in response to the prompt.

The TravelPlanner Program //Computes and outputs travel time
with a Conditional Statement //for a given speed and distance
//Written by J. Q. Programmer, 6/28/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main()
int speed; //rate of travel
double distance; //miles to travel
double time; //time needed for this travel
int hours; //time for travel in hours
int minutes; //leftover time in minutes
char choice; //choice of output as
//decimal hours
//or hours and minutes

cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;

cin >> speed;
cout << “Enter your distance in miles: ”;
cin >> distance;
cout << “Enter your choice of format”
<< “ for time, ” << endl;
cout << “decimal hours (D) ”
<< “or hours and minutes (M): ”;
cin >> choice;

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The TravelPlanner Program if (choice == ’D’)
with a Conditional Statement {
(continued) time = distance/speed;
cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”
<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;
time = distance/speed;
hours = int(time);
minutes = int((time - hours)*60);
cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”
<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << hours << “ hours and ”
<< minutes << “ minutes to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;

To compute hours and minutes (the else clause of the if-else statement), time
is computed in the usual way, which results in a decimal value. The whole
number part of that decimal is the number of hours needed for the trip. We
can get this number by type casting the decimal number to an integer. This is
accomplished by

hours = int(time);

which drops all digits behind the decimal point and stores the resulting
integer value in hours. To find the fractional part of the hour that we dropped,
we subtract hours from time. We multiply this by 60 to turn it into some
number of minutes, but this is still a decimal number. We do another type cast
to truncate this to an integer value for minutes:

minutes = int((time - hours)*60);

For example, if the user enters data of 50 mph and 475 miles and requests
output in hours and minutes, the following table shows the computed values.

Quantity Value
speed 50
distance 475
time ⫽ distance/speed 9.5
hours ⫽ int(time) 9
time – hours 0.5
(time – hours) *60 30.0
minutes ⫽ int((time – hours)*60) 30

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Here is the actual program output for this case:

Enter your speed in mph: 50

Enter your distance in miles: 475
Enter your choice of format for time,
decimal hours (D) or hours and minutes (M): M
At 50 mph, it will take
9 hours and 30 minutes to travel 475 miles.

The two statement groups in an if-else statement are identified by the enclos-
ing curly braces, but in Figure 11 we also indented them to make them easier
to pick out when looking at the program. Like comments, indentation is
ignored by the computer but is valuable in helping people to more readily
understand a program.
Now let’s look at the third variation on flow of control, namely looping
(iteration). We want to execute the same group of statements (called the loop
body) repeatedly, depending on the result of a Boolean condition. As long as
(while) the condition remains true, the loop body is executed. The condition
is tested before each execution of the loop body. When the condition becomes
false, the loop body is not executed again, which is usually expressed by say-
ing that the algorithm exits the loop. To ensure that the algorithm ultimately
exits the loop, the condition must be such that its truth value can be affected
by what happens when the loop body is executed. Figure 12 illustrates

While Loop




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the while loop. The loop body is statement S1 (which can be a compound
statement), and S1 is executed while the condition is true. Once the condition
is false, the flow of control moves on to statement S2. If the condition is false
when it is first evaluated, then the body of the loop is never executed at all.
We saw this same scenario when we discussed pseudocode looping statements
in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.6).
C++ uses a while statement to implement this type of looping. The form of
the statement is

while (Boolean condition)


For example, suppose we want to write a program to add up a number of non-

negative integers that the user supplies and write out the total. We need a
variable to hold the total; we’ll call this variable sum, and make its data type
int. To handle the numbers to be added, we could declare a bunch of integer
variables such as n1, n2, n3, . . . and do a series of input-and-add statements
of the form

cin >> n1;

sum = sum + n1;
cin >> n2;
sum = sum + n2;

and so on. There are two problems with this approach. The first is that we may
not know ahead of time how many numbers the user wants to add. If we
declare variables n1, n2, . . ., n25, and the user wants to add 26 numbers, the
program won’t do the job. The second problem is that this approach requires
too much effort. Suppose that we know the user wants to add 2000 numbers.
We could declare 2000 variables (n1, . . ., n2000), and we could write the
above input-and-add statements 2000 times, but it wouldn’t be fun. Nor is it
necessary—we are doing a very repetitive task here, and we should be able to
use a loop mechanism to simplify the job. (We faced a similar situation in the
first pass at a sequential search algorithm, Figure 2.11; our solution there was
also to use iteration.)
Even if we use a loop mechanism, we are still adding a succession of
values to sum. Unless we are sure that the value of sum is zero to begin with,
we cannot be sure that the answer isn’t nonsense. Remember that the
identifier sum is simply an indirect way to designate a memory location in the
computer. That memory location contains a pattern of bits, perhaps left over
from whatever was stored there when some previous program was run. We
cannot assume that just because this program hasn’t used sum, its value is
zero. (In contrast, the assembly language statement SUM: .DATA 0 reserves a
memory location, assigns it the identifier SUM, and fills it with the value
zero.) If we want the beginning value of sum to be zero, we must use an
assignment statement. Using assignment statements to set the values of
certain variables before they are used by the program is called initialization
of variables.
Now on to the loop mechanism. First, let’s note that once a number has
been read in and added to sum, the program doesn’t need to know the value of
the number any longer. We can declare just one integer variable called number

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and use it repeatedly to hold the first numerical value, then the second, and
so on. The general idea is

sum = 0; //initialize sum

while (there are more numbers to add)
cin >> number;
sum = sum + number;
cout << “The total is ” << sum << endl;

Now we have to figure out what the condition “there are more numbers to
add” really means. Because we are adding nonnegative integers, we could ask
the user to enter one extra integer that is not part of the legitimate data but
is instead a signal that there are no more data. Such a value is called a
sentinel value. For this problem, any negative number would be a good sen-
tinel value. Because the numbers to be added are all nonnegative, the appear-
ance of a negative number signals the end of the legitimate data. We don’t
want to process the sentinel value (because it is not a legitimate data item);
we only want to use it to terminate the looping process. This might suggest
the following code:

sum = 0; //initialize sum

while (number >= 0) //but there is a problem here,
//see following discussion
cin >> number;
sum = sum + number;
cout << “The total is ” << sum << endl;

Here’s the problem. How can we test whether number is greater than or equal
to 0 if we haven’t read the value of number yet? We need to do a preliminary
input for the first value of number outside of the loop and then test that value
in the loop condition. If it is nonnegative, we want to add it to sum and then
read the next value and test it. Whenever the value of number is negative
(including the first value), we want to do nothing with it—that is, we want to
avoid executing the loop body. The following statements do this; we’ve also
added instructions to the user.

sum = 0; //initialize sum

cout << “Please enter numbers to add; ”;
cout << “terminate with a negative number.” << endl;
cin >> number; //this will get the first value
while (number >= 0)
sum = sum + number;
cin >> number;
cout << “The total is ” << sum << endl;

The value of number gets changed within the loop body by reading in a new
value. The new value is tested, and if it is nonnegative, the loop body executes

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again, adding the data value to sum and reading in a new value for number. The
loop terminates when a negative value is read in. Remember the requirement
that something within the loop body must be able to affect the truth value of
the condition. In this case, it is reading in a new value for number that has the
potential to change the value of the condition from true to false. Without this
requirement, the condition, once true, would remain true forever, and the loop
body would be endlessly executed. This results in what is called an infinite
loop. A program that contains an infinite loop will execute forever (or until the
programmer gets tired of waiting and interrupts the program, or until the
program exceeds some preset time limit).
Here is a sample of the program output.

Please enter numbers to add; terminate with a

negative number.
The total is 21

The problem we’ve solved here, adding nonnegative integers until a negative
sentinel value occurs, is the same one solved using assembly language in
Chapter 6. The preceding C++ code is almost identical to the pseudocode
version of the algorithm shown in Figure 6.7. Thanks to the power of the
language, the C++ code embodies the algorithm directly, at a high level of
thinking, whereas in assembly language this same algorithm had to be trans-
lated into the lengthy and awkward code of Figure 6.8.
To process data for a number of different trips in the TravelPlanner
program, we could use a while loop. During each pass through the loop, the
program computes the time for a given speed and distance. The body of
the loop is therefore exactly like our previous code. All we are adding here is
the framework that provides looping. To terminate the loop, we could use a
sentinel value, as we did for the program above. A negative value for speed,
for example, is not a valid value and could serve as a sentinel value. Instead of
that, let’s allow the user to control loop termination by having the program
ask the user whether he or she wishes to continue. We’ll need a variable to
hold the user’s response to this question. Of course, the user could answer “N”
at the first query, the loop body would never be executed at all, and the pro-
gram would terminate. Figure 13 shows the complete program.

FIGURE 13 //Computes and outputs travel time

The TravelPlanner Program //for a given speed and distance
with Looping //Written by J. Q. Programmer, 7/05/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main()
int speed; //rate of travel
double distance; //miles to travel
double time; //time needed for this travel
int hours; //time for travel in hours

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int minutes; //leftover time in minutes
The TravelPlanner Program
with Looping (continued) char choice; //choice of output as
//decimal hours
//or hours and minutes
char more; //user’s choice to do
//another trip

cout << “Do you want to plan a trip? ”

<< “(Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;

while (more == ’Y’) //more trips to plan

cout << “Enter your speed in mph: ”;
cin >> speed;
cout << “Enter your distance in miles: ”;
cin >> distance;
cout << “Enter your choice of format”
<< “ for time, ” << endl;
cout << “decimal hours (D) ”
<< “or hours and minutes (M): ”;
cin >> choice;

if (choice == ’D’)
time = distance/speed;
cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”
<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << time << “ hours to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;
time = distance/speed;
hours = int(time);
minutes = int((time - hours)*60);
cout << “At ” << speed << “ mph, ”
<< “it will take ” << endl;
cout << hours << “ hours and ”
<< minutes << “ minutes to travel ”
<< distance << “ miles.” << endl;

cout << endl;

cout << “Do you want to plan another trip? ”
<< “(Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
} //end of while loop

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Assume all variables have previously been declared.
1. What is the output from the following section of code?
number1 = 15;
number2 = 7;
if (number1 >= number2)
cout << 2*number1 << endl;
cout << 2*number2 << endl;
2. What is the output from the following section of code?
scores = 1;
while (scores < 20)
scores = scores + 2;
cout << scores << endl;
3. What is the output from the following section of code?
quotaThisMonth = 7;
quotaLastMonth = quotaThisMonth + 1;
if ((quotaThisMonth > quotaLastMonth)||
(quotaLastMonth >= 8))
cout << “Yes”;
quotaLastMonth = quotaLastMonth + 1;
cout << “No”;
quotaThisMonth = quotaThisMonth + 1;
4. How many times is the cout statement executed in the following
section of code?
left = 10;
right = 20;
while (left <= right)
cout << left << endl;
left = left + 2;
5. Write a C++ statement that outputs “Equal” if the integer values
of night and day are the same, but otherwise does nothing.

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4 Another Example
Let’s briefly review the types of C++ programming statements we’ve learned.
We can do input and output—reading values from the user into memory, writ-
ing values out of memory for the user to see, being sure to use meaningful
variable identifiers to reference memory locations. We can assign values to
variables within the program. And we can direct the flow of control by using
conditional statements or looping. Although many other statement types are
available in C++, you can do almost everything using only the modest
collection of statements we have described. The power of C++ lies in how these
statements are combined and nested within groups to produce ever more
complex courses of action.
For example, suppose we write a program to assist SportsWorld, a com-
pany that installs circular swimming pools. In order to estimate their costs for
swimming pool covers or for fencing to surround the pool, SportsWorld needs
to know the area or circumference of a pool, given its radius. A pseudocode
version of the program is shown in Figure 14.
We should be able to translate this pseudocode fairly directly into the
body of the main function. Other things we need to add to complete the
program are:

• A prologue comment to explain what the program does (optional but

always recommended for program documentation)
• An include directive for iostream and a using directive for namespace
std (necessary because our program uses cin and cout)
• A declaration for the constant value PI (3.1416)
• Variable declarations
• Some output formatting to control the number of digits behind the
decimal point

Figure 15 gives the complete program. Figure 16 shows what actually appears
on the screen when this program is executed with some sample data.

A Pseudocode Version of the Get value for user’s choice about continuing
SportsWorld Program While user wants to continue, do the following steps
Get value for pool radius
Get value for choice of task
If task choice is circumference
Compute pool circumference
Print output
Else (task choice is area)
Compute pool area
Print output
Get value for user’s choice about continuing

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The SportsWorld Program //This program helps SportsWorld estimate costs
//for pool covers and pool fencing by computing
//the area or circumference of a circle
//with a given radius.
//Any number of circles can be processed.
//Written by M. Phelps, 10/05/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main()
const double PI = 3.1416;//value of pi
double radius; //radius of a pool - given
double circumference; //circumference of a pool -
double area; //area of a pool -
char taskToDo; //holds user choice to
//compute circumference
//or area
char more; //controls loop for
//processing more pools


cout << “Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): ”;

cin >> more;
cout << endl;

while (more == ’Y’) //more circles to process

cout << “Enter the value of the radius of a ”
<< “pool: ”;
cin >> radius;

//See what user wants to compute

cout << “Enter your choice of task.” << endl;
cout << “C to compute circumference, ”
<< “A to compute area: ”;
cin >> taskToDo;

if (taskToDo == ’C’) //compute circumference

circumference = 2*PI*radius;
cout << “The circumference for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< circumference << endl;
else //compute area

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The SportsWorld Program {
(continued) area = PI*radius*radius;
cout << “The area for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< area << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << “Do you want to process more pools? ”
<< “(Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
cout << endl;
} //end of while loop

//finish up
cout << “Program will now terminate.” << endl;

A Sample Session Using the Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): Y
Program of Figure 15 Enter the value of the radius of a pool: 2.7
Enter your choice of task.
C to compute circumference, A to compute area: C
The circumference for a pool of radius 2.70 is 16.96
Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): Y
Enter the value of the radius of a pool: 2.7
Enter your choice of task.
C to compute circumference, A to compute area: A
The area for a pool of radius 2.70 is 22.90
Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): Y
Enter the value of the radius of a pool: 14.53
Enter your choice of task.
C to compute circumference, A to compute area: C
The circumference for a pool of radius 14.53 is 91.29
Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): N
Program will now terminate.

1. Write a complete C++ program to read in the user’s first and last
initials and write them out. (Hint: By using multiple extraction
operators, you can use a single input statement to collect more
than one value from the input stream.)
2. Write a complete C++ program that asks for the price of an item and
the quantity purchased, and writes out the total cost.

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3. Write a complete C++ program that asks for a number. If the number
is less than 5, it is written out, but if it is greater than or equal to
5, twice that number is written out.
4. Write a complete C++ program that asks the user for a positive
integer number and then writes out all the numbers from 1 up to
and including that number.

5 Managing Complexity
The programs we have written have been relatively simple. More complex
problems require more complex programs to solve them. Although it is fairly
easy to understand what is happening in the 40 or so lines of the SportsWorld
program, imagine trying to understand a program that is 50,000 lines long.
Imagine trying to write such a program! It is not possible to understand—all
at once—everything that goes on in a 50,000-line program.

5.1 Divide and Conquer

Writing large programs is an exercise in managing complexity. The solution
is a problem-solving approach called divide and conquer. Suppose a pro-
gram is to be written to do a certain task; let’s call it task T. Suppose fur-
ther that we can divide this task into smaller tasks, say A, B, C, and D, such
that, if we can do those four tasks in the right order, we can do task T. Then
our high-level understanding of the problem need only be concerned with
what A, B, C, and D do and how they must work together to accomplish T.
We do not, at this stage, need to understand how A, B, C, and D can be
done. Figure 17(a), an example of a structure chart or structure diagram,
illustrates this situation. Task T is composed in some way of subtasks A, B,
C, and D. Later we can turn our attention to, say, subtask A and see if it too
can be decomposed into smaller subtasks, as in Figure 17(b). In this way,
we continue to break the task down into smaller and smaller pieces, finally
arriving at subtasks that are simple enough that it is easy to write the code
to carry them out. By dividing the problem into small pieces, we can
conquer the complexity that is overwhelming if we look at the problem as
a whole.
Divide and conquer is a problem-solving approach and not just a
computer programming technique. Outlining a term paper into major and
minor topics is a divide-and-conquer approach to writing the paper. Doing a
Form 1040 Individual Tax Return for the Internal Revenue Service can involve
the subtasks of completing Schedules A, B, C, D, and so on and then reassem-
bling the results. Designing a house can be broken down into subtasks
of designing floor plans, wiring, plumbing, and the like. Large companies

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Structure Charts Task T Task T


A1 A2 A3

(a) Basic decomposition (b) More detailed decomposition

organize their management responsibilities using a divide-and-conquer

approach; what we have called structure charts become, in the business world,
organization charts.
How is the divide-and-conquer problem-solving approach reflected in the
resulting computer program? If we think about the problem in terms of
subtasks, then the program should show that same structure; that is, part of
the code should do subtask A, part should do subtask B, and so on. We divide
the code into modules or subprograms, each of which does some part of the
overall task. Then we empower these modules to work together to solve the
original problem.

5.2 Using Functions

In C++, modules of code are called functions. Each function in a program
should do one and only one subtask. These “subtask functions” are the
optional functions listed before the mandatory main function in the C++ pro-
gram outline of Figure 2. When subtask functions are used, the main function
consists primarily of invoking these subtask functions in the correct order.
Let’s review the main function body of the SportsWorld program (Figure 15)
with an eye to further subdividing the task. There is a loop that does some
operations as long as the user wants. What gets done? Input is obtained from
the user about the radius of the circle and the choice of task to be done
(compute circumference or compute area). Then the circumference or the area
gets computed and written out. We’ve identified three subtasks, as shown in the
structure chart of Figure 18.
We can visualize the main function body of the program at a pseudocode
level, as shown in Figure 19. This divide-and-conquer approach to solving the
problem can (and should) be planned first in pseudocode, without regard to
the details of the programming language to be used. If the three subtasks
(input, circumference, area) can all be done, then arranging them within the
structure of Figure 19 solves the problem. We can write a function for each of
the subtasks. Although we now know what form the main function body will
take, we have pushed the details of how to do each of the subtasks off into the
other functions. Execution of the program begins with the main function.
Every time the flow of control reaches the equivalent of a “do subtask”

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Structure Chart for the
SportsWorld Task SportsWorld

Do Do
Get input
circumference area

instruction, it transfers execution to the appropriate function code. When

execution of the function code is complete, flow of control returns to the main
function and picks up where it left off.
Before we look at the details of how to write a function, we need to
examine the mechanism that allows the functions to work with each other and
with the main function. This mechanism consists of passing information
about various quantities in the program back and forth between the other
functions and the main function. Because each function is doing only one
subtask of the entire task, it does not need to know the values of all variables
in the program. It only needs to know the values of the variables with which
its particular subtask is concerned. Allowing a function access only to perti-
nent variables prevents that function from inadvertently changing a value it
has no business changing.
When the main function wants a subtask function to be executed, it gives
the name of the function (which is an ordinary C++ identifier) and also a list
of the identifiers for variables pertinent to that function. This is called an
argument list. In our SportsWorld program, let’s name the three functions
getInput, doCircumference, and doArea (names that are descriptive of the
subtasks these functions carry out). The getInput function collects the values
for the variables radius and taskToDo. The main program invokes the getInput
function with the statement

getInput(radius, taskToDo);

A High-Level Modular View of Get value for user’s choice about continuing
the SportsWorld Program While the user wants to continue
Do the input subtask
If (Task = ‘C’) then
do the circumference subtask
do the area subtask
Get value for user’s choice about continuing

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which takes the place of the “Do the input subtask” line in Figure 19. When this
statement is reached, control passes to the getInput function. After execution of
this function, control returns to the main function, and the variables radius and
taskToDo have the values obtained for them within getInput.
The doCircumference function computes and writes out the value of the
circumference, and in order to do that it needs to know the radius. Therefore,
the variable radius is a legitimate argument for this function. The main func-
tion contains the statement


in place of the “do the circumference subtask” in Figure 19. When this statement
is reached, the variable radius conveys the value of the radius to the doCircum-
ference function, and the function computes and writes out the circumference.
The variable circumference, then, is also of interest to the doCircumference
function, but it is of interest to this function alone, in the sense that doCircum-
ference does the computation and writes out the result. No other use is made of
the circumference in the entire program, so no other function, including the
main function, has anything to do with circumference. Instead of being declared
in the body of the main function, circumference will be declared (and can be
used) only within the doCircumference function; it will be local to that function.
Any function can have its own local constants and local variables, declared
within and known only to that function.
The doCircumference function also needs to know the value of the constant
PI. We could declare PI as a constant local to doCircumference, but doArea needs
the same constant, so we will declare PI right after the program #include direc-
tives, not within any function. This will make PI a global constant whose
value is known everywhere. The value of a constant cannot be changed, so
there is no reason to prevent any function from having access to its value.
The doArea function computes and writes out the area and needs to know
the radius, so the line “do the area subtask” in Figure 19 is replaced by


Within doArea, area is a local variable.

Now we can write the main function of the modularized version of the
SportsWorld program, shown in Figure 20. The main function body is a direct
translation of Figure 19. If, in starting from scratch to write this program, we
had taken a divide-and-conquer approach, broken the original problem down
into three subtasks, and come up with the outline of Figure 19, it would have
been easy to get from there to Figure 20. The only additional task would have
been determining the variables needed.
At a glance, the main function in Figure 20 does not look a great deal
different from our former main function. However, it is conceptually quite
different. The subtasks of getting the input values, computing and writing
out the circumference, and computing and writing out the area have been
relegated to functions. The details (such as the formulas for computing
circumference and area) are now hidden and have been replaced by function
invocations. If these subtasks had required many lines of code, our new
main function would indeed be shorter—and easier to understand—than

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The Main Function in a void main()
Modularized Version of the {
SportsWorld Program double radius; //radius of a pool - given
char taskToDo; //holds user choice to
//compute circumference or area
char more; //controls loop for
//processing more pools


cout << “Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): ”;

cin >> more;
cout << endl;
while (more == ’Y’) //more circles to process
getInput(radius, taskToDo);

if (taskToDo == ’C’) //compute circumference

else //compute area

cout << endl;

cout << “Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
cout << endl;

//finish up
cout << “Program will now terminate.” << endl;

5.3 Writing Functions

Now we know how the main function can invoke another function. (In fact,
using the same process, any function can invoke another function. A func-
tion can even invoke itself.) It is time to see how to write the code for these
other, nonmain functions. The general outline for a C++ function is shown in
Figure 21.

The Outline for a C++ Function function header
local declarations [optional]
function body

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Where Art
Thou, C++? • Operating systems for cellular telephones
• Software for tracking orders on European stock
The C++ programming language has been used in a variety markets
of applications. The following list is a sampling: • Data analysis for large high-energy physics experiments
• The Apple iPod user interface
• 3D modeling and animation tools used in movies, video • Environments and tools for software development
game development, architecture, and medical simulation • Support for data center services such as travel reserva-
• Telecommunications network failure recovery software tion systems, vital statistics (birth, death, marriage)
• Web search engines registration, and patient medical records
• Chip design and manufacturing software • The “classic” Seti@home project, enlisting the use of
• Mars Rover autonomous driving system, including idle home computers to search for signs of extrater-
scene analysis and route planning restrial life. From 1999–2005, nearly 5.5 million users
• Electronic-controlled fuel injection system for very large generated 2,092,538,656 results by means of about
diesel engines used in container ships and tankers 2,433,980 years of CPU time.

The function header consists of three parts:

• A return indicator
• The function identifier
• A parameter list

The return indicator classifies a function as a “void” or a “nonvoid” function.

We’ll explain this distinction later, but the three functions for the circle program
are all void functions, so the return indicator is the keyword void. (All of our
main functions have been void functions as well.) The function identifier can
be any legitimate C++ identifier. The parameters in the parameter list corre-
spond to the arguments in the statement that invoke this function; that is, the
first parameter in the list matches the first argument given in the statement
that invokes the function, the second parameter matches the second argument,
and so on. It is through this correspondence between parameters and arguments
that information (data) flows from the main function to other functions, and
vice versa. The data type of each parameter must be given as part of the
parameter list, and it must match the data type of the corresponding argument.
For example, because the getInput function is invoked with the two arguments
radius and taskToDo, the parameter list for the getInput function header has two
parameters, the first of type double and the second of type char. Parameters
may have, but do not have to have, the same identifiers as the corresponding
arguments; arguments and parameters correspond by virtue of their respective
positions in the argument list and the parameter list, regardless of the
identifiers used. For the getInput function, we choose the parameter identifiers
radius and taskToDo, matching the argument identifiers. No semicolon is used at
the end of a function header.
One additional aspect of the parameter list in the function header
concerns the use the function will make of each parameter. Consider the
statement that invokes the function; an argument in the invoking statement
carries a data value to the corresponding parameter in the function header.

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If the value is one that the function must know to do its job but should not
change, then the argument is passed by value. The function receives a copy
of the data value but never knows the memory location where the original
value is stored. If the function changes the value of its copy, this change has
no effect when control returns to the main function. If, however, the value
passed to the function is one that the function should change, and the main
function should know the new value, then the argument is passed by refer-
ence. The function receives access to the memory location where the value is
stored, and any changes it makes to the value are seen by the main function
after control returns there. Included in this category are arguments whose
values are unknown when the function is invoked (which really means that
they are meaningless values of whatever happens to be in the memory loca-
tion associated with that identifier), but the function changes those unknown
values into meaningful values.
By default, arguments in C++ are passed by value, which protects them from
change by the function. Explicit action must be taken by the programmer to
pass an argument by reference; specifically, the ampersand symbol (&) must
appear in front of the corresponding parameter in the function parameter list.
How do we decide whether to pass an argument by value or by reference?
If the main function needs to obtain a new value back from a function when
execution of that function terminates, then the argument must be passed
by reference (by inserting the & into the parameter list). Otherwise, the
argument should be passed by value, the default arrangement.
In the getInput function, both radius and taskToDo are values that get-
Input obtains from the user and that the main function needs to know when
getInput terminates, so both of these are passed by reference. The header for
the getInput function is shown below, along with the invoking statement from
the main function. Note that the parameters radius and taskToDo are in the
right order, have been given the correct data types, and are both marked for
passing by reference. Also remember that, although the arguments are named
radius and taskToDo because those are the variable identifiers declared in the
main function, the parameters could have different identifiers, and it is the
parameter identifiers that are used within the body of the function.

//function header
void getInput(double &radius, char &taskToDo)

getInput(radius, taskToDo); //function invocation

The body of the getInput function comes from the corresponding part of
Figure 15. If we hadn’t already written this code, we could have done a
pseudocode plan first. The complete function appears in Figure 22, where a
comment has been added to document the purpose of the function.
The doCircumference function needs to know the value of radius but does
not change that value. Therefore, radius is passed by value. Why is the
distinction between arguments passed by value and those passed by refer-
ence important? If functions are to affect any changes at all, then clearly
reference parameters are necessary, but why not just make everything a ref-
erence parameter? Suppose that in this example radius is made a reference
parameter. If an instruction within doCircumference were to inadvertently
change the value of radius, then that new value would be returned to the
main function, and any subsequent calculations using this value (there are

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The getInput Function void getInput(double &radius, char &taskToDo)
//gets radius and choice of task from the user
cout << “Enter the value of the radius ”
<< “of a pool: ”;
cin >> radius;

//See what user wants to compute

cout << “Enter your choice of task.” << endl;
cout << “C to compute circumference, A to compute area: ”;
cin >> taskToDo;

none in this example) would be in error. Making radius a value parameter

prevents this. How could one possibly write a program statement that
changes the value of a variable inadvertently? In something as short and sim-
ple as our example, this probably would not happen, but in a more compli-
cated program, it might. Distinguishing between passing by value and
passing by reference is just a further step in controlling a function’s access to
data values, to limit the damage the function might do. The code for the
doCircumference function appears in Figure 23.
The doArea function is very similar. Let’s reassemble everything and give
the complete modularized version of the program. In Figure 24, only the main
function needs to know the value of more. No other function needs access to
this value, so this variable is never passed as an argument. The main function

void main()

also follows the form for any function header. In other words, the main func-
tion truly is a C++ function. It has an empty parameter list because it is the
starting point for the program, and there’s no other place that could pass
argument values to it.
Because it seems to have been a lot of effort to arrive at this complete,
modularized version of our SportsWorld program (which, after all, does the
same thing as the program in Figure 15), let’s review why this effort is worth-

The doCircumference Function void doCircumference(double radius)
//computes and writes out the circumference of
//a circle with given radius
double circumference;
circumference = 2*PI*radius;
cout << “The circumference for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< circumference << endl;

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The Complete Modularized //This program helps SportsWorld estimate costs
SportsWorld Program //for pool covers and pool fencing by computing
//the area or circumference of a circle
//with a given radius.
//Any number of circles can be processed.
//Illustrates functions
//Written by M. Phelps, 10/23/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.1416; //value of pi

void getInput(double &radius, char &taskToDo)

//gets radius and choice of task from the user
cout << “Enter the value of the radius ”
<< “of a pool: ”;
cin >> radius;

//See what user wants to compute

cout << “Enter your choice of task.” << endl;
cout << “C to compute circumference, A to compute area: ”;
cin >> taskToDo;

void doCircumference(double radius)

//computes and writes out the circumference of
//a circle with given radius
double circumference;
circumference = 2*PI*radius;
cout << “The circumference for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< circumference << endl;

void doArea (double radius)

//computes and writes out the area of
//a circle with given radius
double area;
area = PI*radius*radius;
cout << “The area for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< area << endl;

void main()
double radius; //radius of a pool - given
char taskToDo; //holds user choice to
//compute circumference or area
char more; //controls loop for
//processing more pools

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The Complete Modularized cout.setf(ios::fixed);
SportsWorld Program (continued) cout.precision(2);

cout << “Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): ”;

cin >> more;
cout << endl;
while (more == ’Y’) //more circles to process
getInput(radius, taskToDo);
if (taskToDo == ’C’) //compute circumference
else //compute area

cout << endl;

cout << “Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
cout << endl;

//finish up
cout << “Program will now terminate.” << endl;

The modularized version of the program is compartmentalized in two

ways. First, it is compartmentalized with respect to task. The major task is
accomplished by a series of subtasks, and the work for each subtask takes
place within a separate function. This leaves the main function free of details
and consisting primarily of invoking the appropriate function at the appropri-
ate point. As an analogy, think of the president of a company calling on vari-
ous assistants to carry out tasks as needed. The president does not need to
know how a task is done, only the name of the person responsible for carrying
it out. Second, the program is compartmentalized with respect to data, in the
sense that the data values known to the various functions are controlled by
parameter lists and by the use of value instead of reference parameters where
appropriate. In our analogy, the president gives each assistant the informa-
tion he or she needs to do the assigned task, and expects relevant information
to be returned—but not all assistants know all information.
This compartmentalization is useful in many ways. It is useful when we plan
the solution to a problem, because it allows us to use a divide-and-conquer
approach. We can think about the problem in terms of subtasks. This makes it
easier for us to understand how to achieve a solution to a large and complex
problem. It is also useful when we code the solution to a problem, because it
allows us to concentrate on writing one section of the code at a time. We can
write a function and then fit it into the program, so that the program gradually
expands rather than having to be written all at once. Developing a large software
project is a team effort, and different parts of the team can be writing different
functions at the same time. It is useful when we test the program, because we can
test one new function at a time as the program grows, and any errors are local-
ized to the function being added. (The main function can be tested early by
writing appropriate headers with empty bodies for the remaining functions.)
Compartmentalization is useful when we modify the program, because changes

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tend to be within certain subtasks and hence within certain functions in the
code. And finally it is useful for anyone (including the programmer) who wants to
read the resulting program. The overall idea of how the program works, without
the details, can be gleaned from reading the main function; if and when the
details become important, the appropriate code for the other functions can be
consulted. In other words, modularizing a program is useful for its

• Planning
• Coding
• Testing
• Modifying
• Reading

A special type of C++ function can be written to compute a single value rather
than to carry out a subtask. For example, doCircumference does everything
connected with the circumference, both calculating the value and writing it
out. We can write a different doCircumference function that only computes the
value of the circumference and then returns that value to the main function,
which writes it out. A function that returns a single value to the section of
the program that invoked it is a nonvoid function. Instead of using the word
void as the return indicator in the function header, a nonvoid function uses
the data type of the single returned value. In addition, a nonvoid function
must contain a return statement, which consists of the keyword return fol-
lowed by an expression for the value to be returned. (This explains why we
have always written the main function as a void function; it is never invoked
anywhere else in the program and does not return a value.)
The code for this new doCircumference function would be simply

double doCircumference(double radius)

//computes the circumference of a circle
//with given radius
return 2*PI*radius;

A nonvoid function is invoked wherever the returned value is to be used,

rather than in a separate statement. For example, the statement

cout << doCircumference(radius);

invokes the doCircumference function by giving its name and argument, and
this invocation actually becomes the value returned by the doCircumference
function, which is then written out.
Figure 25 shows a third version of the SportsWorld program using nonvoid
doCircumference and doArea functions. There are no variables anywhere for the
circumference and the area of the circle. The doCircumference and doArea
functions use the usual formulas for their computations, but instead of using
local variables for circumference and area, we’ve compressed the code into a
single return statement. These functions are now invoked within an output
statement, so the values get printed out without being stored anywhere.
Figure 26 summarizes several sets of terms introduced in this section.

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The SportsWorld Program Using //This program helps SportsWorld estimate costs
Nonvoid Functions //for pool covers and pool fencing by computing
//the area or circumference of a circle
//with a given radius.
//Any number of circles can be processed.
//Illustrates nonvoid functions
//Written by M. Phelps, 10/23/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.1416; //value of pi

void getInput(double &radius, char &taskToDo)

//gets radius and choice of task from the user
cout << “Enter the value of the radius ”
<< “of a pool: ”;
cin >> radius;

//See what user wants to compute

cout << “Enter your choice of task.” << endl;
cout << “C to compute circumference, A to compute area: ”;
cin >> taskToDo;

double doCircumference(double radius)

//computes the circumference of a circle with given radius
return 2*PI*radius;

double doArea(double radius)

//computes the area of a circle with given radius
return PI*radius*radius;

void main()
double radius; //radius of a circle - given
char taskToDo; //holds user choice to
//compute circumference or area
char more; //controls loop for processing more circles


cout << “Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): ”;

cin >> more;
cout << endl;
while (more == ’Y’) //more circles to process

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The SportsWorld Program Using {
Nonvoid Functions (continued) getInput(radius, taskToDo);
if (taskToDo == ’C’) //compute circumference
cout << “The circumference for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< doCircumference(radius) << endl;
else //compute area
cout << “The area for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << radius << “ is ”
<< doArea(radius) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << “Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
cout << endl;

//finish up
cout << “Program will now terminate.” << endl;

Local Declared and known only within Global Declared outside any function
variable a function constant and known everywhere
Argument Function receives a copy of the Argument Function gets access to
passed value and can make no passed by memory location where
by value permanent changes in the reference the value is stored; changes
value it makes to the value persist
after control returns to main
Void Performs a task, function Nonvoid Computes a value; must
function invocation is a complete function include a return statement;
C++ statement function invocation is used
within another C++ statement

1. What is the output of the following C++ program?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void doIt(int &number)
number = number + 4;

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void main()
int number;

number = 7;
cout << number << endl;

2. What is the output of the following C++ program?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void doIt(int number)
number = number + 4;
void main()
int number;

number = 7;
cout << number << endl;

3. Write a C++ function that performs an input task for the main pro-
gram, collecting two integer values one and two from the user.

4. Suppose a nonvoid function called tax gets a value subtotal from the
main function, multiplies it by a global constant tax rate called RATE,
and returns the resulting tax value. All quantities are type double.
a. Write the function header.
b. Write the return statement in the function body.
c. Write the statement in the main program that writes out the tax.

6 Object-Oriented Programming

6.1 What Is It?

The divide-and-conquer approach to programming is a “traditional” approach.

The focus is on the overall task to be done: How to break it down into
subtasks, and how to write algorithms for the various subtasks that are carried
out by communicating modules (in the case of C++, by functions). The
program can be thought of as a giant statement executor designed to carry
out the major task, even though the main function may simply call on, in
turn, the various other modules that do the subtask work.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) takes a somewhat different
approach. A program is considered a simulation of some part of the world that is

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the domain of interest. “Objects” populate this domain. Objects in a banking

system, for example, might be savings accounts, checking accounts, and loans.
Objects in a company personnel system might be employees. Objects in a med-
ical office might be patients and doctors. Each object is an example drawn from
a class of similar objects. The savings account “class” in a bank has certain prop-
erties associated with it, such as name, Social Security number, account type,
and account balance. Each individual savings account at the bank is an example
of (an object of) the savings account class, and each has specific values for these
common properties; that is, each savings account has a specific value for the
name of the account holder, a specific value for the account balance, and so
forth. Each object of a class therefore has its own data values.
So far, this is similar to the idea of a data type in C++; in the SportsWorld
program, radius, circumference, and area are all examples (objects) from the
data type (class) “double”; the class has one property (a numeric quantity),
and each object has its own specific value for that property. However, in
object-oriented programming, a class also has one or more subtasks associated
with it, and all objects from that class can perform those subtasks. In carrying
out its subtask, each object can be thought of as providing some service. A
savings account, for example, can compute compound interest due on the bal-
ance. When an object-oriented program is executed, the program generates
requests for services that go to the various objects. The objects respond by
performing the requested service—that is, carrying out the subtask. Thus, the
main function in a C++ program, acting as a user of the savings account class,
might request a particular savings account object to perform the service of
computing interest due on its account balance. An object always knows its
own data values and may use them in performing the requested service.
There are three terms often associated with object-oriented programming,
as illustrated in Figure 27. The first term is encapsulation. Each class has its
own program modules to perform each of its subtasks. Any user of the class
(such as the main program) can ask an object of that class to invoke the
appropriate module and thereby perform the subtask service. What the class
user sees is the interface of the class, which describes the services provided
and explains how to request an object to perform that service. The details of
the module code are known only to the class. (In the savings account exam-
ple, the details of the algorithm used to compute interest due belong only to
the class.) The advantage to this separation of powers is that a given class’s
modules may be modified in any way, as long as the interface remains
unchanged. (If the bank wants to change how it computes interest, only the
code for the savings account class needs to be modified; any programs that
use the services of the savings account class can remain unchanged.) A class
therefore consists of two components, its properties and its subtask modules,
and both components are “encapsulated”—bundled—with the class.
A second term associated with object-oriented programming is inheritance.
Once a class A of objects is defined, a class B of objects can be defined as a “sub-
class” of A. Every object of class B is also an object of class A; this is sometimes
called an “is a” relationship. Objects in the B class “inherit” all of the properties
of objects in class A (including the ability to do what those objects can do), but
they may also be given some special property or ability. The benefit is that class
B does not have to be built from the ground up, but rather can take advantage of
the fact that class A already exists. In the banking example, a senior citizen’s
savings account would be a subclass of the savings account class. Any senior
citizens’ savings account object is also a savings account object, but it may have
special properties or be able to provide special services.

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Three Key Elements of OOP

Polymorphism Encapsulation

The third term is polymorphism. Poly means “many.” Objects of different

classes may provide services that should logically have the same name because
they do roughly the same thing, but the details differ. In the banking exam-
ple, both savings account objects and checking account objects should provide
a “compute interest” service, but the details of how interest is computed dif-
fer in these two cases. Thus, one name, the name of the service to be per-
formed, has several meanings, depending on the class of the object providing
the service. It may even be the case that more than one service with the same
name exists for the same class, although there must be some way to tell which
service is meant when it is invoked by an object of that class.
Let’s change analogies from the banking world to something more fanciful,
and consider a football team. Every member of the team’s backfield is an
“object” of the “backfield” class. The quarterback is the only “object” of the
“quarterback” class. Each backfield object can perform the service of carrying
the ball if he (or she) receives the ball from the quarterback; ball carrying is a
subtask of the backfield class. The quarterback who hands the ball off to a
backfield object is requesting that the backfield object perform that subtask
because it is “public knowledge” that the backfield class carries the ball and
that this service is invoked by handing off the ball to a backfield object.
The “program” to carry out this subtask is encapsulated within the backfield
class, in the sense that it may have evolved over the week’s practice and may
depend on specific knowledge of the opposing team, but at any rate, its details
need not be known to other players. Inheritance can be illustrated by the half-
back subclass within the backfield class. A halfback object can do everything a
backfield object can but may also be a pass receiver. And polymorphism can be
illustrated by the fact that the backfield may invoke a different “program”
depending on where on the field the ball is handed off. Of course our analogy
is imperfect, because not all human “objects” from the same class behave in
precisely the same way—fullbacks sometimes receive passes and so on.

6.2 C++ and OOP

How do these ideas get translated into real programs? The details, of course,
vary with the programming language used, and not every language supports
object-oriented programming. C++, however, does support object-oriented
programming. When we write a class, we specify the properties (called member
variables) common to any object of that class. We also specify the services
(called member functions) that any object of that class can perform.

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Let’s rewrite the SportsWorld program one more time, this time as an
object-oriented program. What are the objects of interest within the scope of
this problem? SportsWorld deals with circular swimming pools, but they are
basically just circles. So let’s create a Circle class, and have the SportsWorld
program create objects of (instances of) that class. The objects are individual
circles. A Circle object has a radius. A Circle object, which knows the value of
its own radius, should be able to perform the services of computing its own
circumference and its own area. At this point, we have answered the two
major questions about our Circle class:

• What are the properties common to any object of this class? (In this
case, there is a single property—the radius.)
• What are the services that any object of the class should be able to per-
form? (In this case, it must compute its circumference and compute its
area, although as we will see shortly, we will need other services as well.)

Figure 28 shows the complete object-oriented version of SportsWorld. After the

usual opening stuff, the program is divided into three major sections (identified
by comments): the class interface, the main function, and the class implemen-
tation. (The getInput function does not fall within any of these sections.)

An Object-Oriented SportsWorld //This program helps SportsWorld estimate costs
Program //for pool covers and pool fencing by computing
//the area or circumference of a circle
//with a given radius.
//Any number of circles can be processed.
//Uses class Circle
//Written by M. Phelps, 10/23/16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.1416; //value of pi

//class interface
class Circle
void setRadius(double value);
//sets radius equal to value

double getRadius();
//returns current radius

double doCircumference();
//computes and returns circumference of a circle

double doArea();
//computes and returns area of a circle

double radius;
}; //end of class interface

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An Object-Oriented SportsWorld void getInput(double &newRadius, char &taskToDo)
Program (continued) //gets radius and choice of task from the user

cout << “Enter the value of the radius ”

<< “of a pool: ”;
cin >> newRadius;

//See what user wants to compute

cout << “Enter your choice of task.” << endl;
cout << “C to compute circumference, A to compute area: ”;
cin >> taskToDo;

//main function
void main()
double newRadius; //radius of a pool - given
char taskToDo; //holds user choice to
//compute circumference or area
char more; //controls loop for
//processing more pools
Circle swimmingPool; //create a Circle object

cout << “Do you want to process a pool? (Y or N): ”;

cin >> more;
cout << endl;
while (more == ’Y’) //more circles to process
getInput(newRadius, taskToDo);
if (taskToDo == ’C’) //compute circumference
cout << “The circumference for a pool ”
<< “of radius ” << swimmingPool.getRadius()
<< “ is ” << swimmingPool.doCircumference() << endl;
else //compute area
cout << “The area for a pool ”
<< “of radius is ” << swimmingPool.getRadius()
<< “ is ” << swimmingPool.doArea() << endl;

cout << endl;

cout << “Do you want to process more pools? (Y or N): ”;
cin >> more;
cout << endl;

//finish up
cout << “Program will now terminate.” << endl;

//class implementation

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An Object-Oriented SportsWorld void Circle::setRadius(double value)
Program (continued) //sets radius equal to value
radius = value;

double Circle::getRadius()
//returns current radius
return radius;

double Circle::doCircumference()
//computes and returns circumference of a circle
return 2*PI*radius;

double Circle::doArea()
//computes and returns area of a circle
return PI*radius*radius;

In the class interface, four member functions are declared, although their
code is not given. The function declaration gives the compiler enough informa-
tion to check for correct usage of the function—for example, whether the state-
ment that invokes the function passes to it the correct number of arguments.
The first member function is a void function, and the remaining three return
values. All of these must be invoked by an object of the Circle class. One mem-
ber variable is given. The member functions of the Circle class are all declared
using the keyword public. Public functions can be used anywhere, including
within the main function and indeed in any C++ program that wants to make
use of this class. Think of the Circle class as handing out a business card that
advertises these services: Hey, you want a Circle object that can find its own
area? Find its own circumference? Set the value of its own radius? I’m your class!
(Class member functions can also be private, but a private member function is
a sort of helping task that can be used only within the class in which it occurs.)
The single member variable of the class (radius) is declared using the key-
word private. Only functions in the Circle class itself can use this variable.
Note that doCircumference and doArea have no parameter for the value of the
radius; as functions of this class, they know at all times the current value of
radius for the object that invoked them, and it does not have to be passed to
them as an argument. Because radius has been declared private, however, the
main function cannot use the value of radius. It cannot write out that value
or directly change that value by some assignment statement. It can, however,
request a Circle object to invoke the getRadius member function to return the
current value of the radius in order to write it out. It can also request a Circle
object to invoke the setRadius member function to change the value of its
radius; setRadius does have a parameter to receive a new value for radius.
Member variables are generally declared private instead of public, to protect
the data in an object from reckless changes some application program might

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try to make. Changes in the values of member variables should be performed

only under the control of class objects through functions such as setRadius.
The main function, as before, handles all of the user interaction and
makes use of the Circle class. It creates a Circle object, an instance of the Circle
class, by the following statement:

Circle swimmingPool;

This looks just like an ordinary variable declaration such as

int number;


Circle swimmingPool;

the object swimmingPool exists, and the main function can ask swimmingPool to
perform the various services of which instances of the Circle class are capable.
The syntax to request an object to invoke a member function is to give
the name of the object, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the mem-
ber function, followed by any arguments the function may need.

object-identifier.function-identifier(argument list)

The object that invokes a function is the calling object. Therefore the


in the main function uses swimmingPool as the calling object to invoke the
doCircumference function of the Circle class. No arguments are needed because
this function has no parameters, but the empty parentheses must be present.
The class implementation section contains the actual code for the vari-
ous functions “advertised” in the class interface. Each function begins with
a modified form of the usual C++ function header. The modification consists
of putting the class name and two colons in front of the function name so
that the function code is associated with the proper class. Looking at the
code for these member functions in Figure 28, we see that the setRadius
member function uses an assignment statement to change the value of
radius to whatever quantity is passed to the parameter value. The getRadius
function body is a single return statement. The doCircumference and doArea
functions again consist of single statements that compute and return the
proper value.
There is no declaration in the main function for a variable called radius.
There is a declaration for newRadius, and newRadius receives the value
entered by the user for the radius of the circle. Therefore, isn’t newRadius
serving the same purpose as radius did in the old program? No—this is rather
subtle, so pay attention: While newRadius holds the number the user wants for
the circle radius, it is not itself the radius of swimmingPool. The radius of
swimmingPool is the member variable radius, and only functions of the class
can change the member variables of an object of that class. The Circle class
provides the setRadius member function for this purpose. The main function
must ask the object swimmingPool to invoke setRadius to set the value of its

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radius equal to the value contained in newRadius. The newRadius argument

corresponds to the value parameter in the setRadius function, which then gets
assigned to the member variable radius.


void setRadius(double value)

//sets radius equal to value
radius = value;

The setRadius function is a void function because it returns no information to

the invoking statement; it contains no return statement. The invocation of
this function is a complete C++ statement.
Finally, the output statements in the main function that print the values
of the circumference and area also have swimmingPool invoke the getRadius
member function to return its current radius value so it can be printed as part
of the output. We could have used the variable newRadius here instead. How-
ever, newRadius is what we THINK has been used in the computation, whereas
radius is what has REALLY been used.

6.3 One More Example

The object-oriented version of our SportsWorld program illustrates encapsula-

tion. All data and calculations concerning circles are encapsulated in the
Circle class. Let’s look at one final example that illustrates the other two
watchwords of OOP—polymorphism and inheritance.
In Figure 29 the domain of interest is that of geometric shapes. In the
class interfaces section, four different classes are described: Circle, Rectangle,
Square, and Square2. Each class description consists of a public part and a pri-
vate or protected part. The public part describes, in the form of C++ function
headers, the services or subtasks that an object from the class can perform.
The private or protected part describes the properties that any object of the
class possesses. A Circle object has a radius property, whereas a Rectangle
object has a width property and a height property. Any Circle object can set
the value of its radius and can compute its area. A Square object has a side
property, as one might expect, but a Square2 object doesn’t seem to have any
properties or, for that matter, any way to compute its area. We will explain the
difference between the Square class and the Square2 class shortly.
The main function uses these classes. It creates objects from the various
classes. After each object is created, the main function requests the object to
set its dimensions, using the values given, and to compute its area as part of
an output statement giving information about the object. For example, the


instructs the circle named joe to invoke the setRadius function of joe’s class,
thereby setting joe’s radius to 23.5. Figure 30 shows the output after the pro-
gram in Figure 29 is run.

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A C++ Program with #include <iostream>
Polymorphism and using namespace std;
const double PI = 3.1416;

//class interfaces
class Circle
void setRadius(double value);
//sets radius of the circle equal to value

double getRadius();
//returns the radius value

double doArea();
//computes and returns area of circle

double radius;

class Rectangle
void setWidth(double value);
//sets width of rectangle equal to value

void setHeight(double value);

//sets height of rectangle equal to value

double getWidth();
//returns width

double getHeight();
//returns height

double doArea();
//computes and returns area of rectangle

double width;
double height;

class Square
void setSide(double value);
//sets the side of the square equal to value

double getSide();
//returns side

double doArea();
//computes and returns area of the square

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A C++ Program with private: double side;
Polymorphism and Inheritance };
class Square2: public Rectangle
//Square is derived class of Rectangle,
//uses the inherited height and width
//properties and the inherited doArea function
void setSide(double value);
//sets the side of the square equal to value

double getSide();
//returns the value of side (width)

//main program
void main()
Circle joe;
cout << “The area of a circle with ”
<< “radius ” << joe.getRadius()
<< “ is ” << joe.doArea() << endl;

Rectangle luis;
cout << “The area of a rectangle with ”
<< “dimensions ” << luis.getWidth()
<< “ and ” << luis.getHeight()
<< “ is ” << luis.doArea() << endl;

Square anastasia;
cout << “The area of a square with ”
<< “side ” << anastasia.getSide()
<< “ is ” << anastasia.doArea() << endl;

Square2 tyler;
cout << “The area of a square with ”
<< “side ” << tyler.getSide()
<< “ is ” << tyler.doArea() << endl;

//class implementations
void Circle::setRadius(double value)
radius = value;
double Circle::getRadius()
return radius;
double Circle::doArea()
return PI*radius*radius;

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A C++ Program with void Rectangle::setWidth(double value)
Polymorphism and Inheritance {
(continued) width = value;

void Rectangle::setHeight(double value)

height = value;

double Rectangle::getWidth()
return width;

double Rectangle::getHeight()
return height;
double Rectangle::doArea()
return width*height;

void Square::setSide(double value)

side = value;

double Square::getSide()
return side;

double Square::doArea()
return side*side;

void Square2::setSide(double value)

height = value;
width = value;

double Square2::getSide()
return width;

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Output from the Program of The area of a circle with radius 23.5 is 1734.95
Figure 29 The area of a rectangle with dimensions 12.4 and 18.1 is 224.44
The area of a square with side 3 is 9
The area of a square with side 4.2 is 17.64

Here we see polymorphism at work, because there are lots of doArea func-
tions; when the program executes, the correct function is used on the basis of
the class to which the object invoking the function belongs. After all, com-
puting the area of a circle is quite different from computing the area of a rec-
tangle. The algorithms themselves are straightforward; they employ
assignment statements to set the dimensions and the usual formulas to com-
pute the area of a circle, rectangle, and square. The functions can use the
properties of the objects that invoke them without having the values of those
properties passed as arguments.
Square is a stand-alone class with a side property and a doArea function.
The Square2 class, however, recognizes the fact that squares are special kinds
of rectangles. The Square2 class is a subclass of the Rectangle class, as is indi-
cated by the reference to Rectangle in the class interface of Square2. It inher-
its the width and height properties from the “parent” Rectangle class; the
“protected” status of these properties in the Rectangle class indicates that
they can be extended to any subclass. Square2 also inherits the setWidth,
setHeight, and doArea functions. In addition, Square2 has its own function,
setSide, because setting the value of the “side” makes sense for a square but
not for an arbitrary rectangle. What the user of the Square2 class doesn’t know
is that there really isn’t a “side” property; the setSide function merely sets the
inherited width and height properties to the same value. To compute the area,
then, the doArea function inherited from the Rectangle class can be used, and
there’s no need to redefine it or even to copy the existing code. Here we see
inheritance at work.
Inheritance can be carried through multiple “generations.” We might
redesign the program so that there is one “superclass” that is a general Shape
class, of which Circle and Rectangle are subclasses, Square2 being a subclass of
Rectangle (see Figure 31 for a possible class hierarchy).
Although the program of Figure 29 can be kept in one file, it can also be
split into separate files, roughly in the three sections described. The class inter-
faces can be kept in a header file; a programmer wishing to use these classes in
an application program can look at this file, discover what properties and ser-
vices are available, and learn how to use them. The main function—the applica-
tion that the programmer is creating—is a separate program in a separate file.
And the implementation of the classes is kept in a third file to be used as
needed by the main function. In fact, the implementation of the classes may be
compiled into object code, stored in a library, and linked with the main function
when the program executes. The programmer doesn’t see the implementations;
the object code gets included by the linker because the application program
contains the proper include directives. Here we see encapsulation: the wrapping
of implementation with the class and not with the class user. The class can
change the implementation code, and as long as the class interface remains the
same, the application code need not change. If the objects of the class perform
the advertised services, the user of the class need not see the details.

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A Hierarchy of Geometric Classes Shape

Circle Rectangle Triangle

class class class


6.4 What Have We Gained?

Now that we have some idea of the flavor of object-oriented programming, we

should ask what we gain by this approach. There are two major reasons why
OOP is a popular way to program:

• Software reuse
• A more natural “worldview”

SOFTWARE REUSE. Manufacturing productivity took a great leap forward

when Henry Ford invented the assembly line. Automobiles could be assem-
bled using identical parts so that each car did not have to be treated as a
unique creation. Computer scientists are striving to make software develop-
ment more of an assembly-line operation and less of a handcrafted, start-
over-each-time process. Object-oriented programming is a step toward this
goal: A useful class that has been implemented and tested becomes a com-
ponent available for use in future software development. Anyone who wants
to write an application program involving circles, for example, can use the
already written, tried, and tested Circle class. As the “parts list” (the class
library) grows, it becomes easier and easier to find a “part” that fits, and
less and less time has to be devoted to writing original code. If the class
doesn’t quite fit, perhaps it can be modified to fit by creating a subclass;
this is still less work than starting from scratch. Software reuse implies
more than just faster code generation. It also means improvements in relia-
bility; these classes have already been tested, and if properly used, they
will work correctly. And it means improvements in maintainability. Thanks
to the encapsulation property of object-oriented programming, changes can
be made in class implementations without affecting other code, although
such change requires retesting the classes.

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A MORE NATURAL “WORLDVIEW.” The traditional view of programming

is procedure-oriented, with a focus on tasks, subtasks, and algorithms. But
wait—didn’t we talk about subtasks in OOP? Haven’t we said that computer
science is all about algorithms? Does OOP abandon these ideas? Not at all. It is
more a question of when these ideas come into play. Object-oriented program-
ming recognizes that in the “real world,” tasks are done by entities (objects).
Object-oriented program design begins by identifying those objects that are
important in the domain of the program because their actions contribute to
the mix of activities present in the banking enterprise, the medical office, or
wherever. Then it is determined what data should be associated with each
object and what subtasks the object contributes to this mix. Finally, an algo-
rithm to carry out each subtask must be designed. We saw in the modularized
version of the SportsWorld program in Figure 24 how the overall algorithm
could be broken down into pieces that are isolated within functions. Object-
oriented programming repackages those functions by encapsulating them
within the appropriate class of objects.
Object-oriented programming is an approach that allows the programmer
to come closer to modeling or simulating the world as we see it, rather than to
mimic the sequential actions of the Von Neumann machine. It provides
another buffer between the real world and the machine, another level of
abstraction in which the programmer can create a virtual problem solution
that is ultimately translated into electronic signals on hardware circuitry.
Finally, we should mention that a graphical user interface, with its win-
dows, icons, buttons, and menus, is an example of object-oriented program-
ming at work. A general button class, for example, can have properties of
height, width, location on the screen, text that may appear on the button,
and so forth. Each individual button object has specific values for those prop-
erties. The button class can perform certain services by responding to mes-
sages, which are generated by events (for example, the user clicking the
mouse on a button triggers a “mouse-click” event). Each particular button
object individualizes the code to respond to these messages in unique ways.
We will not go into details of how to develop graphical user interfaces in C++,
but in the next section you will see a bit of the programming mechanics that
can be used to draw the graphics items that make up a visual interface.

1. What is the output from the following section of code if it is added
to the main function of the C++ program in Figure 29?

Square one;
cout << “The area of a square with ”
<< “side ” << one.getSide()
<< “ is ” << one.doArea() << endl;

2. In the hierarchy of Figure 31, suppose that the Triangle class is able
to perform a doArea function. What two properties should any tri-
angle object have?

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7 Graphical Programming
The programs that we have looked at so far all produce text output—output
composed of the characters {A . . . Z, a . . . z, 0 . . . 9} along with a few
punctuation marks. For the first 30 to 35 years of software development, text
was virtually the only method of displaying results in human-readable form,
and in those early days it was quite common for programs to produce huge
stacks of alphanumeric output. These days an alternative form of output—
graphics—has become much more widely used. With graphics, we are no
longer limited to 100 or so printable characters; instead, programmers are free
to construct whatever shapes and images they desire.
The intelligent and well-planned use of graphical output can produce some
phenomenal improvements in software. We discussed this issue in Chapter 6,
where we described the move away from the text-oriented operating systems of
the 1970s and 1980s, such as MS-DOS and VMS, to operating systems with more
powerful and user-friendly graphical user interfaces (GUIs), such as Windows 7,
Windows 8, and Mac OS X. Instead of requiring users to learn dozens of complex
text-oriented commands for such things as copying, editing, deleting, moving,
and printing files, GUIs can present users with simple and easy-to-understand
visual metaphors for these operations. In the following example, the operating
system is presenting the user with icons for printing, deleting, or copying a file.

Dragging a file to the printer icon prints the file.

Not only does graphics make it easier to manage the tasks of the operating
system, it can help us visualize and make sense of massive amounts of output
produced by programs that model complex physical, social, and mathematical
systems. (We discuss modeling and visualization in Chapter 13.) Finally, there
are many applications of computers that would simply be impossible without
the ability to display output visually. Applications such as virtual reality,
computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), games
and entertainment, medical imaging, and computer mapping would not be
anywhere near as important as they are without the enormous improvements
that have occurred in the areas of graphics and visualization.

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So, we know that graphical programming is important. The question is:

What features must be added to a programming language like C++ to produce
graphical output?

7.1 Graphics Hardware

Modern computer terminals use what is called a bitmapped display, in which

the screen is made up of thousands of individual picture elements, or pixels,
laid out in a two-dimensional grid. These are the same pixels used in visual
images, as discussed in Chapter 4. In fact, the display is simply one large visual
image. The number of pixels on the screen varies from system to system; typical
values range from 800 ⫻ 600 up to 1560 ⫻ 1280. Terminals with a high density
of pixels are called high-resolution terminals. The higher the resolution—that
is, the more pixels available in a given amount of space—the sharper the visual
image because each individual pixel is smaller. However, if the screen size itself
is small, then a high-resolution image can be too tiny to read. A 30” wide-screen
monitor might support a resolution of 2560 ⫻ 1600, but that would not be suit-
able for a laptop screen. In Chapter 4 you learned that a color display requires
24 bits per pixel, with 8 bits used to represent the value of each of the three col-
ors red, green, and blue. The memory that stores the actual screen image is
called a frame buffer. A high-resolution color display might need a frame
buffer with (1560 ⫻ 1280) pixels ⫻ 24 bits/pixel ⫽ 47,923,000 bits, or about 6
MB, of memory for a single image. (One of the problems with graphics is that it
requires many times the amount of memory needed for storing text.)
The individual pixels in the display are addressed using a two-dimensional
coordinate grid system, the pixel in the upper-left corner being (0, 0). The
overall pixel-numbering system is summarized in Figure 32. The specific values
for maxX and maxY in Figure 32 are, as mentioned earlier, system-dependent.
(Note that this coordinate system is not the usual mathematical one. Here, the
origin is in the upper-left corner, and y values are measured downward.)
The terminal hardware displays on the screen the frame buffer value of
every individual pixel. For example, if the frame buffer value on a color moni-
tor for position (24, 47) is RGB (0, 0, 0), the hardware sets the color of the

Pixel-Numbering System in a
(0, 0) (1, 0) (2, 0) (maxX, 0)
Bitmapped Display

(0, 1) (1, 1) (2, 1) (maxX, 1)

(0, 2) (1, 2) (2, 2) (maxX, 2)

(0, maxY) (1, maxY) (2, maxY) (maxX, maxY)

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FIGURE 33 24 24
Display of Information on the Hardware

47 (0,0,0) 47

Frame buffer Screen

pixel located at column 24, row 47 to black, as shown in Figure 33. The oper-
ation diagrammed in Figure 33 must be repeated for all of the 500,000 to 2
million pixels on the screen. However, the setting of a pixel is not permanent;
on the contrary, its color and intensity fade quickly. Therefore, each pixel
must be “repainted” often enough so that our eyes do not detect any “flicker,”
or change in intensity. This requires the screen to be completely updated, or
refreshed, 30–50 times per second. By setting various sequences of pixels to
different colors, the user can have the screen display any desired shape or
image. This is the fundamental way in which graphical output is achieved.

7.2 Graphics Software

To control the setting and clearing of pixels, programmers use a collection of func-
tions that are part of a special software package called a graphics library. Typi-
cally an “industrial strength” graphics library includes dozens or hundreds of
functions for everything from drawing simple geometric shapes like lines and cir-
cles, to creating and selecting colors, to more complex operations such as display-
ing scrolling windows, pull-down menus, and buttons. In this module we’ll be
using the CCC graphics library written by Dr. Cay Horstmann at San Jose State Uni-
versity. (See to download this library.)
This easy-to-use graphics library allows you to draw basic shapes in a graphics
window and will give you a good idea of what visual programming is like.
Because we need to use the graphics library, all graphics programs will
need an appropriate #include statement. Using the Visual Studio C++ compiler,1
this statement is

#include "ccc_win.h"

In addition, the main function will also look different than before.
Instead of

void main()

the new main function starts with

int ccc_win_main()

The graphics library files create a window on which graphics objects can
be drawn. The following program

1For g++ use #include “ccc_x11.h”

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#include "ccc_win.h"
int ccc_win_main( )
return 0;

invokes the graphics library and creates an empty window, as shown here.

The coordinate system for this window is not the conventional graphics coor-
dinate system described earlier. Instead it has the origin point (x ⫽ 0, y ⫽ 0) in
the center of the window, with x-values ranging left to right from ⫺10 to 10, and
y values ranging top to bottom from 10 to ⫺10. But we can reset the coordinate
system to the conventional form using the following statement:


This resets the origin at the upper left corner, with x-values ranging left
to right from 0 to 100, and y values ranging top to bottom from 0 to 100. This
statement will also appear in all of our graphics programs.
Now, what can we draw on the empty window? We have the following

• Create points
• Draw lines
• Draw circles
• Write text

To draw a line, we first create the two endpoints of the line, then create
the line that connects the two points. Here’s our first attempt at drawing a
line from point (20, 20) to point (40, 40).

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main()
//draw a line

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Point p1(20, 20);
Point p2(40, 40);
Line L(p1, p2);
return 0;

Notice that the syntax to create a point specifies the class name (Point) and
gives a name to the instance of the class we are creating (p1 or p2). The Point
class (part of the graphics library) has a function that not only creates Point
objects, but allows two parameters to be passed that give the x- and y-coordi-
nates of the point. Similarly the Line class has a function to create a line that
accepts two parameters of type Point representing the endpoints of the line. All
seems well, but if we run this program, we again just get an empty window.
What’s the problem? We created the Line object, but we didn’t ask for it to
be displayed. We need an output statement, but instead of writing to the
screen, we want to write to the graphics window. One additional statement is
needed to write the line to cwin (the graphics window)

cwin << L;

An alternative is to combine the creation of the line with the output state-
ment for that line, in which case we don’t have to name the Line object. Using
this approach, the complete program is

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main( )
//draw a line
Point p1(20, 20);
Point p2(40, 40);
cwin << Line(p1, p2);
return 0;

which, when executed, results in

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What actually happens internally when you execute the statement to draw
a line? The answer is that the terminal hardware determines (using some sim-
ple geometry and trigonometry) exactly which pixels on the screen must be set
to black to draw a straight line between the specified coordinates. For example,
if p1 is the point(1, 1) and p2 is the point(4, 4), then

cwin << Line(p1, p2);

sets the following four pixels in the frame buffer to the RGB value (0, 0, 0).

(0, 0)

When the hardware draws the frame buffer on the screen, these four pixels
are colored black. Because the pixels are approximately 1/100th of an inch apart,
our eyes perceive not four individual black dots but an unbroken line segment.
Now that we can draw lines, it’s easy to create a rectangle. Here’s the code:

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main()
//draw a rectangle
Point p1(20, 20);
Point p2(50, 20);
Point p3(50, 80);
Point p4(20, 80);

cwin << Line(p1, p2);

cwin << Line(p2, p3);
cwin << Line(p3, p4);
cwin << Line(p4, p1);

return 0;

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and the result:

The Circle class contains a function to create a circle given its center point
and the value of its radius. Again, we must remember to actually output the
circle to the window. Here’s an example:

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main()
//draw a circle
Point p1(50, 50);
cwin << Circle(p1, 30.0);

return 0;

and the result when the program runs is

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Keep in mind the coordinate system we’ve set up for the display win-
dow. For example, if the center point is changed to (20, 20) and the radius
stays at 30, then part of the circle runs off the edge of the window. In the
resulting image, the circle is clipped to just the part that fits within the

Finally, how do we go about writing text in the graphics window? The

graphics library again comes to our rescue with a Message class. The Message
class contains a function to create a Message object where the two parameters
are the point identifying the upper left corner of the message, and the text of
the message itself (in quotes).
In the program below, we’ve created a rectangle and placed text within the

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main( )
//draw a button
Point p1(50, 70);
Point p2(90, 70);
Point p3(90, 90);
Point p4(50, 90);

cwin << Line(p1, p2);

cwin << Line(p2, p3);
cwin << Line(p3, p4);
cwin << Line(p4, p1);

Point p(68, 78);

cwin << Message(p, "Next");

return 0;

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Here’s what we see when we run this program:

With the tools that are available, we seem close to producing elements of
a typical GUI. Can we make the button on this window act like a button on a
real GUI form—that is, can we write code to sense a mouse click on that but-
ton and respond with some action? To do this, we have to be able to sense
where the user clicked, that is, to return the coordinates of the mouse-click
point and then test whether those coordinates fall within the area occupied
by the button. That means we have to get input data from the graphics win-
dow. The function get_mouse returns a Point object corresponding to where
the mouse is clicked. Of course we have to have a Point variable to store that
information when it is returned. The get_mouse function also takes a string
argument that serves as a user prompt. (Here we see the usual “prompt user-
get input sequence” all done in one statement.) So we would use a statement
such as

Point mouse = cwin.get_mouse

("Click Next to proceed");

When this statement is executed, the prompt message will appear either
at the top or at the bottom of the graphics window; the current coordinates
of the mouse will be displayed as the mouse moves around within the win-
dow. Once the user clicks the mouse, the point where the mouse click
occurred will be stored in the mouse variable. But we still need to know the
coordinates of that point. Two more functions from the graphics library pro-
vide this capability:


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return the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse point. We just need to save those as
two variables in our program and then test those values. In the program below,
the first part creates the button and its text, just as before. The second part posts
the prompt, captures the mouse-click point, extracts the coordinates, and tests
whether the point falls within the button rectangle. An if statement outputs the
appropriate message. Of course in a true windows GUI program, we would expect
something more interesting to happen in response to clicking on a button.

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main ( )
//check button click

//draw the button

Point p1(50, 70);
Point p2(90, 70);
Point p3(90, 90);
Point p4(50, 90);

cwin << Line(p1, p2);

cwin << Line(p2, p3);
cwin << Line(p3, p4);
cwin << Line(p4, p1);

Point p(68, 78);

cwin << Message(p, "Next");

//create the mouse click point

Point mouse = cwin.get_mouse
("Click Next to proceed");

//check where user clicks

int x, y;
Point p5(30, 30); //message position

x = mouse.get_x();
y = mouse.get_y();
if ((x >= 50) && (x <= 90) &&
(y >= 70) && (y <= 90))
cwin << Message
(p5, "User clicked on Next button");
cwin << Message
(p5, "User missed the Next button");

return 0;

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This brief introduction to graphical programming allows you to produce

some interesting images and, even more important, gives you an appreciation
for how visually oriented software is developed.

Write the sequence of commands to draw the following “house” on the
graphics window.

Create the house using four rectangles (for the base of the house, the door,
and the two windows), two line segments (for the roof), and one circle (for
the doorknob). Locate the house anywhere you want in the window.

8 Conclusion
In this module we looked at one representative high-level programming lan-
guage, C++. Of course, there is much about this language that has been left
unsaid, but we have seen how the use of a high-level language overcomes
many of the disadvantages of assembly language programming, creating a

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more comfortable and useful environment for the programmer. In a high-level

language, the programmer need not manage the storage or movement of data
values in memory. The programmer can think about the problem at a higher
level, can use program instructions that are both more powerful and more nat-
ural language–like, and can write a program that is much more portable
among various hardware platforms. We also saw how modularization, through
the use of functions and parameters, allows the program to be more cleanly
structured and how object-oriented programming allows a more intuitive view
of the problem solution and provides the possibility for reuse of helpful
classes. We even had a glimpse of graphical programming.
C++ is not the only high-level language. You might be interested in look-
ing at the other online language modules for languages similar to C++ (Java,
Python, C#, Ada). Still other languages take quite a different approach to
problem solving. In Chapter 10 of Invitation to Computer Science, we look at
some other languages and language approaches and also address the question
of why there are so many different programming languages.

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1. Write a C++ declaration for one real number quantity to output statement that prints these two quantities along
be called rate. with appropriate text information.
2. Write a C++ declaration for two integer quantities called 10. The integer quantities A, B, C, and D currently have the
orderOne and orderTwo. values 13, 4, 621, and 18, respectively. Write the exact
3. Write a C++ declaration for a constant quantity called output generated by the following statement, using b to
EVAPORATION_RATE, which is to have the value 6.15. denote a blank space.

4. A C++ main function needs one constant STOCK_TIME cout << setw(5) << A << setw(3)
with a value of 4, one integer variable inventory, and one << B << setw(3) << C << setw(4)
real number variable sales. Write the necessary declara- << D << endl;
tions. 11. Write C++ formatting and output statements to generate
5. You want to write a C++ program to compute the average the following output, assuming that density is a type
of three quiz grades for a single student. Decide what double variable with the value 63.78.
variables your program needs, and write the necessary The current density is 63.8,
declarations. to within one decimal place.
6. Given the declaration 12. What is the output after the following sequence of state-
int list[10]; ments is executed? (Assume that the integer variables A
and B have been declared.)
how do you refer to the eighth number in the array?
A = 12;
7. An array declaration such as B = 20;
int table[5][3]; B = B + 1;
A = A + B;
represents a two-dimensional table of values with 5 rows
cout << 2*A << endl;
and 3 columns. Rows and columns are numbered in C++
starting at 0, not at 1. Given this declaration, how do 13. Write the body of a C++ main function that gets the
you refer to the marked cell below? length and width of a rectangle from the user and com-
putes and writes out the area. Assume that the variables
have all been declared.
14. a. In the SportsWorld program of Figure 15, the user
must respond with “C” to choose the circumference
task. In such a situation, it is preferable to accept
either uppercase or lowercase letters. Rewrite the con-
dition in the program to allow this.
b. In the SportsWorld program, rewrite the condition for
continuation of the program to allow either an upper-
case or a lowercase response.
15. Write a C++ main function that gets a single character
from the user and writes out a congratulatory message if
the character is a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u), but otherwise
writes out a “You lose, better luck next time” message.
16. Insert the missing line of code so that the following adds
the integers from 1 to 10, inclusive.
value = 0;
top = 10;
score = 1;
8. Write C++ statements to prompt for and collect values for while (score <= top)
the time in hours and minutes (two integer quantities). {
9. An output statement may contain more than one variable value = value + score;
identifier. Say a program computes two integer quantities - - - - //the missing line
inventoryNumber and numberOrdered. Write a single }

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17. What is the output after the following main function is b. Write a C++ program that asks the user for the number
executed? of quiz grades, reads them in, and computes the aver-
age grade.
void main()
{ 25. Write a (void) C++ function that receives two integer
int low, high; arguments and writes out their sum and their product.
low = 1; 26. Write a (void) C++ function that receives an integer argu-
high = 20; ment representing the number of DVDs rented so far this
while (low < high) month, and a real number argument representing the
{ sales amount for DVDs sold so far this month. The func-
cout << low << “ ” << high tion asks the user for the number of DVDs rented today
<< endl; and the sales amount for DVDs sold today, and then
low = low + 1; returns the updated figures to the main function.
high = high - 1; 27. Write a (nonvoid) C++ function that receives three integer
} arguments and returns the maximum of the three values.
28. Write a (nonvoid) C++ function that receives miles driven
18. Write a C++ main function that outputs the even integers as a type double argument and gallons of gas used as a
from 2 through 30, one per line. Use a while loop. type int argument, and returns miles per gallon.
19. In a while loop, the Boolean condition that tests for loop 29. Write a C++ program that uses an input function to get
continuation is done at the top of the loop, before each the miles driven (type double) and the gallons of gas
iteration of the loop body. As a consequence, the loop used (type int), then writes out the miles per gallon,
body might not be executed at all. Our pseudocode lan- using the function from Exercise 28.
guage of Chapter 2 contains a do-while loop construction
30. Write a C++ program to balance a checkbook. The pro-
in which a test for loop termination occurs at the bottom
gram needs to get the initial balance, the amounts of
of the loop rather than at the top, so that the loop body
deposits, and the amounts of checks. Allow the user to
always executes at least once. C++ contains a do-while
process as many transactions as desired; use separate
statement that tests for loop continuation at the bottom
functions to handle deposits and checks.
of the loop. The form of the statement is
31. Write a C++ program to compute the cost of carpeting
three rooms. Make the carpet cost a constant of $8.95
per square yard. Use four separate functions to collect
while (Boolean condition);
the dimensions of a room in feet, convert feet into yards,
where, as usual, S1 can be a compound statement. Write compute the area, and compute the cost per room. The
a C++ main function to add up a number of nonnegative main function should use a loop to process each of the
integers that the user supplies and to write out the total. three rooms, then add the three costs, and write out the
Use a negative value as a sentinel, and assume that the total cost. (Hint: The function to convert feet into yards
first value is nonnegative. Use a do-while statement. must be used twice for each room, with two different
20. Write a C++ program that asks for a duration of time in arguments. Hence, it does not make sense to try to give
hours and minutes and writes out the duration only in the parameter the same name as the argument.)
minutes. 32. a. Write a C++ doPerimeter function for the Rectangle
21. Write a C++ program that asks for the user’s age in years. class of Figure 29.
If the user is under 35, then quote an insurance rate of b. Write C++ code that creates a new Rectangle object
$2.23 per $100 for life insurance; otherwise, quote a rate called yuri, then writes out information about this
of $4.32. object and its perimeter using the doPerimeter func-
22. Write a C++ program that reads integer values until a 0 tion from part (a).
value is encountered and then writes out the sum of the 33. Draw a class hierarchy diagram similar to Figure 31 for
positive values read and the sum of the negative values the following classes: Student, UndergraduateStudent,
read. GraduateStudent, Sophomore, Senior, PhDStudent.
23. Write a C++ program that reads in a series of positive 34. Imagine that you are writing a program using an object-
integers and writes out the product of all the integers oriented programming language. Your program will be
less than 25 and the sum of all the integers greater than used to maintain records for a real estate office. Decide
or equal to 25. Use 0 as a sentinel value. on one class in your program and a service that objects
24. a. Write a C++ program that reads in 10 integer quiz of that class might provide.
grades and computes the average grade. (Hint: 35. Determine the resolution of the screen on your computer
Remember the peculiarity of integer division.) (ask your instructor or the local computer center how to

Exercises 75
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do this). Using this information, determine how many 38. Draw a square with sides 80 pixels in length. Then
bytes of memory are required for the frame buffer to store: inscribe a circle of radius 40 inside the square. Position
a. A black-and-white image (1 bit per pixel) the square and the inscribed circle in the middle of the
b. A grayscale image (8 bits per pixel) graphics window.
c. A color image (24 bits per pixel) 39. Create the following three labeled rectangular buttons in
the graphics window.
36. Using the Line function described in Section 7.2, draw an
isosceles triangle with the following configuration:

Start Stop Pause

(50, 20)

Have the space between the Start and Stop buttons be the
same as the space between the Stop and Pause buttons.
40. Create the following image of a “teeter-totter”:

(30, 60) (70, 60)

37. Discuss what problem the display hardware might
encounter while attempting to execute the following
operations, and explain how this problem could be
41. Write a program that inputs the coordinates of three
mouse clicks from the user and then draws a triangle in
Point p1(1, 1);
the graphics window using those three points.
Point p2(4, 5);
cwin << Line(p1, p2);

76 Programming in C++
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Section 2 1. The first three.
martinBradley (camel case)
C3P_OH (although best not to use underscore character)
Amy3 (Pascal case)
3Right (not acceptable, begins with digit)
const (not acceptable, C++ reserved word)
2. int number;
3. const double TAX_RATE ⫽ 5.5;
4. hits[7]
Section 3.1 1. cout << “Enter a value for quantity” << endl;
cin >> quantity;
2. cout << setw(6) << height << endl;
3. This isgoodbye
Section 3.2 1. next ⫽ newNumber;
2. 55.0
Section 3.3 1. 30
2. 3
3. Yes
4. 6
5. if (night ⫽⫽ day)
cout << “Equal” << endl;
Section 4
//program to read in and write out
//user’s initials
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()

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char firstInitial, lastInitial;
cout << “Give your first and last initials.”
<< endl;
cin >> firstInitial >> lastInitial;
cout << “Your initials are ” << firstInitial
<< lastInitial << endl;
//program to compute cost based on price per item
//and quantity purchased
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
double price, cost;
int quantity;
cout << “What is the price of the item? ”
<< endl;
cin >> price;
cout << “How many of this item are being ”
<< “ purchased?” << endl;
cin >> quantity;
cost = price*quantity;
cout << “The total cost for this item is $”
<< cost << endl;
//program to test a number relative to 5
//and write out the number or its double
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
int number;
cout << “Enter a number: ”;
cin >> number;
if (number < 5)
cout << number;
cout << 2*number;
cout << endl;
//program to collect a number, then write all
//the values from 1 to that number
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
int number;
int counter;

78 Programming in C++
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cout << “Enter a positive number: ”;

cin >> number;
counter = 1;
while (counter <= number)
cout << counter << endl;
counter = counter + 1;
Section 5.3 1. 11
2. 7
void getInput(int &one, int &two)
cout << “Please enter two integers” << endl;
cin >> one >> two;
4. a. double tax(double subtotal)
b. return subtotal*RATE;
c. cout << “The tax is ” << tax(subtotal) << endl;
Section 6.4 1. The area of a square with side 10 is 100
2. height and base
Section 7.2

#include "ccc_win.h"

int ccc_win_main ( )
//draw house

//draw the main building

Point p1(30, 30);
Point p2(60, 30);
Point p3(60, 60);
Point p4(30, 60);

cwin << Line(p1, p2);

cwin << Line(p2, p3);
cwin << Line(p3, p4);
cwin << Line(p4, p1);

//draw the roof

Point p5(45, 20);
cwin << Line(p1, p5);
cwin << Line(p5, p2);

//draw the door

Point p6(40, 45);
Point p7(50, 45);
Point p8(40, 60);
Point p9(50, 60);

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cwin << Line(p6, p7);

cwin << Line(p8, p6);
cwin << Line(p9, p7);

//draw first window

Point p10(32, 32);
Point p11(40, 32);
Point p12(40, 40);
Point p13(32, 40);
cwin << Line(p10, p11);
cwin << Line(p11, p12);
cwin << Line(p12, p13);
cwin << Line(p13, p10);

//draw second window

Point p14(58, 32);
Point p15(58, 40);
Point p16(50, 40);
Point p17(50, 32);
cwin << Line(p14, p15);
cwin << Line(p15, p16);
cwin << Line(p16, p17);
cwin << Line(p17, p14);

//draw doorknob
Point center(48, 52);
cwin << Circle(center, 0.5);

return 0;

80 Programming in C++
©2016 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning.

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