Study Data Reviewer's Guide: LDCP, Inc. Study LDCP-0242-005
Study Data Reviewer's Guide: LDCP, Inc. Study LDCP-0242-005
Study Data Reviewer's Guide: LDCP, Inc. Study LDCP-0242-005
LDCP, Inc.
Study LDCP-0242-005
Version 2017-10-12
Study LDCP-0242-005 Study Data Reviewer’s Guide
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document provides context for tabulation datasets and terminology that benefit from additional
explanation beyond the Data Definitions document (define.xml). In addition, this document
provides a summary of SDTM compliance findings as well as details regarding legacy data
conversion to SDTM.
1.2 Acronyms
Acronym Translation
ADaM Analysis Data Model
CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
CRF Case Report Form
CRU Clinical Research Unit
CT Controlled Terminology
ECG Electrocardiography
eDT Electronic Data Transfer
MedDRA Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
PK Pharmacokinetics
SDTM Study Data Tabulation Model
SDTM-IG Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide
SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
XML Extensible Markup Language
2. Protocol Description
3.1 Overview
Are the submitted data taken from an ongoing study? No
If yes, describe the data cut or database status:
Were the SDTM datasets used as sources for the analysis datasets? No
If no, what were the sources of analysis datasets? Legacy tabulation data
Please refer to Section 5 for details: Clinical Legacy Data Conversion Plan and Report
Do the submission datasets include screen failures? Yes
If yes, which datasets include screen failure data?
Screen failure data are found in the DM, IE, DS and AE datasets.
Were any domains planned, but not submitted because no data were collected? No
If yes, list domains not submitted:
Are the submitted data a subset of collected data? No
If yes, describe:
Using Observation
Dataset – Dataset Label RELREC Class
AE – Adverse Events X RE Events
DS – Disposition X Events
EX – Exposure X Interventions
QS – Questionnaires X X Findings
Four LDCP-0242/Placebo injections were planned at each visit. Each injection is recorded as a
separate observation in the EX domain. The total dose received at each visit can be calculated by
summing the individual doses at each visit. If LDCP-0242/Placebo was not administered at a visit, an
observation has been recorded in EX for that visit and EXOCCUR assigned to N.
3.3.4. LB – Laboratory Test Results
QNAM Description
LBCVRESC Character result in conventional units
LBCVRESU Conventional unit
LBCVNRLO Reference range lower limit in conventional units
LBCVNRHI Reference ranges upper limit in conventional units
Version Category IETESTCD Full Text of Criterion
SDRG-001A INCLUSION INCL01 Signed Informed Consent
SDRG-001A INCLUSION INCL02 Age >= 18 years and <= 65 years at Screening Visit
SDRG-001A INCLUSION INCL03 Body Weight >=50 kg and <=150 kg at Screening Visit
SDRG-001A INCLUSION INCL04 Stable asthma defined by the following criteria.
1. Diagnosis of asthma >= 12 months prior to Screening Visit
2. Bronchodilator response of a minimum of 15% relative increase in the volume of FEV1
after bronchodilator at Visit 1 or Visit 2
3. Prebronchodilator FEV1 >=60% and <=85% predicted at Visit 2.
SDRG-001A EXCLUSION EXCL01 Basal or squamous cell carcinoma
SDRG-001A EXCLUSION EXCL02 Known immunodeficiency including but not limited to HIV infection
SDRG-001A EXCLUSION EXCL03 Noncompliance or inability to participate in all assessments
1. Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to document the legacy tabulation data conversion to SDTM.
*eDT = Electronic Data Transfer (e.g. central lab data, ECG vendor data, PK data, etc)
The legacy data was converted to SDTM without creating ADaM datasets since the study started before
December 17, 2016. The rationale for only converting to SDTM was to support pooling activities for the
ISS and ISE. The tabulation data was pooled at the SDTM level and ADaM datasets were created to be
used as input for the ISS/ISE.
Pooled Output
Pooled Pooled Results
*eDT = Electronic Data Transfer (e.g. central lab data, ECG vendor data, PK data, etc)
The legacy datasets, legacy aCRF, and legacy define.pdf have been provided in the ‘legacy’ folder.
4. Outstanding Issues
SDTM DM.RACE: Eight race values were collected on the CRF for this study and mapped to only 5
races in SDTM since the CDISC CT RACE codelist is non-extensible. Not all DM Race values will
be traceable to the CSR. A lookup table is provided below to convey the mapping done for race from
legacy values to SDTM. For values of race that do not directly map to a standardized race value (e.g.
‘Japanese’ to ‘ASIAN’), the original race value was also retained in SUPPDM.QVAL where QNAM
CRF Collected Race Count SDTM RACE Count
White/Caucasian 145 WHITE 145
Black or African American 112 112
Asian Indian 50
Japanese 30
Chinese 40
Korean 15
Other Pacific Islander 26 PACIFIC ISLANDER
Alaskan Native or American Indian 34 34
SDTM DS.DSDECOD: Eleven disposition terms were collected on the eCRF but all did not map
directly to DS.DSDECOD from the CDISC CT NCOMPLT codelist. Not all terms will be traceable
to the CSR. A lookup table is provided below to convey the mapping done for subject disposition
from legacy values to SDTM DSDECOD in the DS domain. For values that do not map directly, the
original term captured will be retained in the DSTERM variable.
LBTESTCD/LBTESTs present in the SDTM data are listed in the define.xml. Please see Appendix II
for Lab lookup table that maps legacy test names to SDTM CT to provide traceability from legacy to