Pub Microbial Strategies For Crop Improvement
Pub Microbial Strategies For Crop Improvement
Pub Microbial Strategies For Crop Improvement
Javed Musarrat
Microbial Strategies
for Crop Improvement
Dr. Mohammad Saghir Khan Dr. Almas Zaidi
Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Muslim University
Faculty Agricultural Sciences Faculty Agricultural Sciences
Dept. Agricultural Microbiology Dept. Agricultural Microbiology
Aligarh-202002 Aligarh-202002
India India
With an ever-increasing human population, the demand placed upon the agriculture
sector to supply more food is one of the greatest challenges for the agrarian
community. In order to meet this challenge, environmentally unfriendly agrochem-
icals have played a key role in the green revolution and are even today commonly
recommended to circumvent nutrient deficiencies of the soils. The use of agro-
chemicals is, though, a major factor for improvement of plant production; it causes
a profound deteriorating effect on soil health (soil fertility) and in turn negatively
affects the productivity and sustainability of crops. Concern over disturbance to the
microbial diversity and consequently soil fertility (as these microbes are involved in
biogeochemical processes), as well as economic constraints, have prompted funda-
mental and applied research to look for new agro-biotechnologies that can ensure
competitive yields by providing sufficiently not only essential nutrients to the plants
but also help to protect the health of soils by mitigating the toxic effects of certain
pollutants. In this regard, the role of naturally abundant yet functionally fully
unexplored microorganisms such as biofertilizers assume a special significance in
the context of supplementing plant nutrients, cost and environmental impact under
both conventional practices and derelict environments. Therefore, current develop-
ments in sustainability involve a rational exploitation of soil microbial communities
and the use of inexpensive, though less bio-available, sources of plant nutrients,
which may be made available to plants by microbially-mediated processes. These
organisms affect plant growth directly by fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, solubi-
lization of minerals such as phosphorus, or by production of plant growth regulators
(phytohormones), or indirectly by improving growth-restricting conditions either
via production of antagonistic substances, by inducing resistance against pathogens,
and by improving soil properties by leaving organic residues. In addition, the
rhizobacterial strains can improve plant stress tolerance to drought, salinity, and
metal toxicity leading thereby to increased plant growth. Plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria also increase the growth of plants through the synthesis of specific
enzymes, which induce physiological changes in plants. For example, ethylene
plays a critical role in various developmental processes and regulates nod factor
signaling and nodule formation. At higher concentrations, ethylene inhibits growth
vi Foreword
the reader will find this book a useful source of information on many aspects of crop
improvement through microbial applications as well as a starting point for more
advanced reading and research in this area. This compilation is expected to help
students, teachers, industry regulators, and nonspecialist readers to get balanced and
up-to-date information on potential application of microbes in crop improvement.
This book is thus likely to benefit the people working in the area of agronomy,
biotechnology, environmental biology, microbiology, plant physiology, plant pro-
tection, and soil science.
The contributions by eminent academicians and professionals for this volume
have ensured a good equilibrium between theory and practice without compromis-
ing the basic conceptual framework of the concerned subject. Qualified editors and
authors from different countries have tried to bring in quality and the most attractive
presentation. This book will thus present an all-inclusive contemporary treatise on
strategic aspects of the diverse microbial communities providing solutions to many
of common agronomic problems and indeed some bizarre ones facing the agrarian
communities. The book also provides an opportunity to the readers to understand
the complexity of microbes and exploit these natural resources for the benefit of
crops. This book will serve as an important and comprehensive source material
because it includes recent data focusing mainly on the microbial strategies for
improvement and sustainability of crops leading thereby to achieve global food
The dramatic increase in the use of chemical fertilizers for achieving optimum
yields has become an integral component of present day agricultural practices. The
frequent and imbalanced application of such fertilizers is not only expensive but
also pollutes the environment at a faster rate and makes soils unsuitable for
cultivation. In addition, soil deterioration (soil salinization), disturbances in com-
position and functional properties of soil microbial communities and, consequently,
loss of soil fertility following various soil management practices has further
compounded the agronomic problems. To overcome such environmentally unde-
sirable activities, we need to develop a viable substitute that could address those
problems more effectively in a sustained manner. In this context, the microbiolo-
gical strategies involving the use of functionally diverse groups of microbes as vital
components of soil ecosystems provides an inexpensive alternative to chemical
fertilizers. In recent times, much interest has been generated in exploiting microbial
strategies to facilitate plant growth and development, and in some cases they have
been commercialized for different crops. The majority of organic growers adopt
these microbial technologies without proper knowledge and understanding of it,
and use them to inoculate seeds/soils to provide nutrients like phosphate, nitrogen,
and other phyto-compounds. In addition, microbes have also attracted worldwide
attention due to their role in disease management and remediation of salinized/
polluted soils. Thus, the microbial communities in general are the potential tools for
sustainable production of crops and the trend for the future. Scientific researchers,
however, involve multidisciplinary approaches to understand the complexity and
practical utility of the wide spectrum of microbes for the benefits of crops. The
success of crop improvement, however, depends largely on the performance of
microbes and the willingness and acceptance by the growers. Substantial amounts
of research work has been done to highlight the role of microbes in the improve-
ment of crops, but very little attempt is made to organize such findings in a way that
could substantially help students/teachers/scientists and to progressive farmers.
‘‘Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement’’ written by experts in the field
provides a comprehensive source of information on strategies and concepts of
microbial technology for the improvement of crops in different agro-ecosystems.
x Preface
The book presents strategies for the management of salinized soils and crop dis-
eases, and explores means of integrating various approaches to achieve desired
levels of crop yield under both conventional and derelict soils. Traditional applica-
tions for molecular plant–microbe interactions in crop improvement (e.g., nitrogen
fixation in legume–rhizobia symbioses and the improvement of plant P nutrition by
arbuscular mycorrhizae) are broadly covered in the book. This book also presents a
broad and updated view of the phosphate-solubilising microbes and role of metal-
tolerant microbes in providing protection to plants grown in metal-contaminated
soils. Thus, it provides a reference point that will be an invaluable resource for
crop improvement. The preparation and application of microbial biofilm inoculants,
the role of bacterial ACC deaminase in the development of functional symbiosis
between rhizobia and legumes, and functional diversity among plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria are also discussed. The book further describes how the
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria facilitate plant growth and how advanced
information strategies can be used to manipulate and modify the soil environment.
Plant growth-promoting diazotrophs and productivity of wheat on the Canadian
Prairies is discussed separately. The common mechanisms regulating symbiosis and
development in biopesticides to control pathogenic microbes are discussed, making
it possible to further examine their role in the crop improvement. The other factors
affecting the crop productivity include the health of soil and how soil management
practices affects the fertility of soils. Special attention is paid to highlight the role of
a fertile soil in crop improvement and to understand the impact of various manage-
ment practices on the variability of microbes both in terms of community structure
and their function. This book is useful for a wide audience of students/researchers/
practitioners specializing in different areas of microbiology and plant science, agro-
chemistry, soil biology, molecular biology, and other related disciplines.
We very sincerely wish to acknowledge our colleague authors who participated in
this endeavor from different countries and who have assisted in the development of
‘‘Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement’’ by providing the recent information
and comprehensive scripts without which it would have been extremely difficult to
complete this herculean task. Also, we want to thank our scientific colleagues who
generously spared their valuable time to respond to our queries regarding the pre-
paration of this book and who have informally made suggestions to us to improve the
overall presentation of the book. We also wish to thank research scholars working
with us, who have helped immensely in making this dream a reality. We also grate-
fully thank the publisher of this book.
We are grateful to our families for their support during the compilation of this book.
Finally, we believe this book may have some conceptual or printing mistakes
arising unintentionally during preparation for which we apologise in anticipation
and, if pointed out to us, will certainly correct in subsequent printings/editions. We
also invite suggestions and healthy criticism from the readers of this book so that the
information on the subject it contains can be improved in future.
xii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
The Editors
xiv The Editors
Saud Al-Arifi, DNA Research Chair, College of Science, King Saud University,
Riyadh, SA
xvi Contributors
M.S.D.L. De Silva, Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Talawakele, Sri Lanka
A.P.D.A. Jayasekara, Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Talawakele, Sri Lanka
Abstract Worldwide, salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that
limits crop growth and productivity. Ion imbalance and hyperosmotic stress in
plants caused by high concentrations of salt often lead to oxidative stress conditions
for plants. Soil salinization may be due to natural causes, and is common in the hot
and dry regions of the world, or it may be a consequence of inadequate irrigation
management practices. It has been estimated that around 20% of the world’s
cultivated lands and up to half of all irrigated lands are affected by high salinity.
Moreover, at the present time, there is more arable land being lost through salinity
than is gained through the clearing of forests. In this chapter, the ability of plant
beneficial microorganisms, notably plant growth-promoting (PGP) bacteria and
mycorrhizae, to facilitate plant growth in the presence of salt is reviewed and
discussed. Particular attention is paid to the development of a fundamental under-
standing of precisely how these microorganisms enable plants to proliferate in the
presence of otherwise inhibitory levels of salt. A better understanding of these
mechanisms is likely to lead to the development of simple and practical approaches
for dealing with this problem in the field.
1.1 Introduction
Salinity is an enormous worldwide problem for agriculture, especially for crops that
are grown under irrigation. This is because salt is inhibitory to the growth of a large
number of different plants (Cuartero and Fernandez-Munoz 1999). Moreover, the
Plant beneficial bacteria are of two general types: those that form a symbiotic
relationship, which involves formation of specialized structures or nodules on
host plant roots, and those that are free-living in the soil; the latter are often
found near, on, or even within the roots of plants (Kloepper et al. 1989; van Peer
and Schippers 1989 Frommel et al. 1991). Beneficial free-living soil bacteria are
often referred to as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and are found in
association with the root surfaces of many different plants. However, to be inclusive
of the many different types of bacteria that facilitate plant growth, the term plant
growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), is preferred (Bashan and Holguin 1998).
Moreover, while numerous free-living soil bacteria are considered to be PGPB,
not all bacterial strains of a particular genus and species have identical metabolic
capabilities. Thus, for example, some Pseudomonas putida strains may actively
promote plant growth while others have no measurable effect on plants.
PGPB can function either indirectly or directly (Glick 1995). Indirect promotion
of plant growth occurs when bacteria decrease or prevent some of the deleterious
effects of a phytopathogenic organism (a fungus or a bacterium) by any one or more
of several different mechanisms. On the other hand, direct promotion of plant growth
by PGPB generally entails providing the plant with a compound that is synthesized
by the bacterium or facilitating the uptake of nutrients from the environment.
Direct promotion of plant growth can occur in several different ways. PGPB may
fix atmospheric nitrogen and supply it to plants; synthesize and secrete siderophores
which can solubilize and sequester iron from the soil and provide it to plant cells;
synthesize different phytohormones, including auxins, cytokinins and gibberelins;
solubilize minerals such as phosphorus which then become more readily available
for plant growth; and they may synthesize an enzyme that can modulate plant
ethylene levels (Brown 1974; Kloepper et al. 1986, 1989; Davison 1988; Lambert
and Joos 1989; Glick 1995; Patten and Glick 1996, 2002). In addition, a particular
4 E. Gamalero et al.
bacterium may affect plant growth and development using any one, or more, of these
mechanisms. Moreover, since many PGPB possess several traits that enable them to
facilitate plant growth, a bacterium may utilize different traits at various times
during the life cycle of the plant, and may vary considerably in its effectiveness
depending upon the plant host and the soil composition. Interestingly, PGPB generally
have little or no measurable effect on plant growth when the plants are cultivated in
nutrient-rich soil and grown under optimal conditions in the absence of stress.
One of the major mechanisms that many PGPB use to facilitate plant growth is
the lowering of plant ethylene levels through the action of the enzyme ACC
deaminase (Glick 1995, 2004; Glick et al. 1998, 2007a, b). A model was previously
developed to explain the role of ACC deaminase in the promotion of plant growth
(Glick et al. 1998). In this model, the ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria bind to
the surface of either plant seeds or roots and, in response to exuded tryptophan
(or other small molecules), the bacteria synthesize and secrete indole acetic acid (IAA)
(Fallik et al. 1994; Patten and Glick 2002), some of which is taken up by the plant.
Together with the endogenous pool of plant IAA, the IAA taken up by the plant can
stimulate plant cell proliferation and elongation and/or it can induce synthesis of the
plant enzyme ACC synthase which converts S-adenosylmethionine to ACC (Kende
1993). Some of the newly synthesized ACC is exuded by the plant, along with other
small molecules, and taken up by the bacteria where it is cleaved by ACC deaminase
to form a-ketobutyrate and ammonia, both of which are readily metabolized by
the bacteria (Penrose and Glick 2001; Whipps 1990). Some of the ACC that
remains within the plant root or seed may be converted to ethylene when the
enzyme ACC oxidase is present (Kende 1993). In essence, bacteria that express
ACC deaminase, and are bound to the surface of roots or seeds, act as a sink for
ACC, thereby decreasing the amount of ethylene that can form when the plant is
stressed (Glick et al. 1998; Glick 2004). In this way, ACC deaminase-expressing
PGPR protect plants against the growth inhibition that might otherwise result
following flooding, extremes of temperature, the presence of organic or inorganic
toxicants, phytopathogens, drought, or high salt (Glick 2004).
Given that the overwhelming majority of rhizobacteria are able to synthesize and
secrete IAA (Patten and Glick 1996), the question arises why the IAA produced by
these bacteria does not eventually result in inhibitory levels of ethylene in response to
the IAA (activating ACC synthase transcription). In fact, as the level of ethylene rises,
it progressively blocks IAA signal transduction (Dharmasiri and Estell 2004; Glick
et al. 2007a). Thus, ACC deaminase works synergistically with IAA so that when a
bacterium expresses ACC deaminase, the enzyme lowers the ethylene repression of
auxin response factor synthesis, and allows IAA to “do its job” and increase plant
growth without producing excessive amounts of ethylene (Glick et al. 2007a).
reports have highlighted the beneficial role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi,
only a few of them have focused on the positive effects induced by ectomycorrhizal
(ECM) fungi which are typically found in association with many trees in nature.
Surprisingly, to our knowledge, only one report (Waller et al. 2005) deals with the
alleviation of salt stress by the employment of a nonmycorrhizal soil fungus. The
mechanisms by which PGP fungi (both mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal ones)
enhance plant tolerance to salinity are described in the following section.
The main mechanisms thought to be involved in salt stress alleviation by AM
fungi may be summarized as follows: (1) improvement of mineral nutrition leading
to plant growth promotion; (2) variation in the plant accumulation of Na and K as
well as soluble sugars and electrolytes; (3) modification of some physiological
processes and enzymatic activities involved in plant antioxidative reactions; and
(4) alteration of the root architecture facilitating water uptake by the plant. Obviously,
differential gene expression/protein synthesis induced by the establishment of
the symbiosis between the fungi and plant under salt stress is at the base of
these strategies. Early studies demonstrated that improved P nutrition increases
crop yields under saline conditions (Hirrel and Gerdemann 1978; Champagnol 1979).
In addition, several papers (Poss et al. 1985; Awad et al. 1990; Azcón and Atrash
1997; Ruiz-Lozano et al. 1996; Cantrell and Linderman 2001; Feng et al. 2002;
Colla et al. 2008) have compared the effect of AM fungi with P applications on
plant growth in saline conditions. It is now evident that the increased salinity
tolerance in mycorrhizal plants is based on AM fungi-catalyzed effects, such as
the improvement of the plant’s water status, and the enhancement of nutrient uptake
from the soil (Smith and Read 1997). Moreover, the improvement of plant nutrition
and water uptake may be attributed to mycorrhizal-induced modifications of the
root architecture, which result in more numerous, thicker and/or more branched
roots in herbaceous plants, and in a strong increase in the number of laterals of
highest order in woody plants (Berta et al. 1993, 2002, 2005; Gamalero et al. 2002,
2004). Furthermore, studies on the effect of salinity on mycorrhizal plants have
shown that AM roots maintain a high K+/Na+ ratio (Allen and Cunningham 1983;
Pfeiffer and Bloss 1988; Sannazzaro et al. 2006; Giri et al. 2004, 2007).
Some physiological processes, such as increased carbon dioxide exchange rate,
stomatal conductance and water use efficiency, all involved in osmoregulation, are
facilitated by AM fungi (Ruiz-Lozano et al. 1996). Depending on the particular
fungal species involved, AM plants under water deficit conditions are more efficient
in taking up water than non-AM plants under the same conditions (Marulanda et al.
2003; Khalvati et al. 2005). An improved osmoregulation capacity in AM maize
(Zea mays L. cv. Yedan 13) plants is indicated by the higher soluble sugar and
electrolyte concentrations recorded (Feng et al. 2002). Furthermore, salt is known
to reduce the activity or abundance of Hg-sensitive water channels, termed aqua-
porins, in plants (Carvajal et al. 1999, 2000). In salt-stressed tomato plants
preinoculated with a mixture of Glomus geosporum and G. intraradices, the content
of aquaporins in roots is reduced, while the content of these proteins in leaves is
significantly increased, suggesting a major impact of AM fungi on the distribution
of water throughout the plant. In addition, it is likely that AM fungi facilitate the
mobilization of water in the presence of salt by mediating its transfer from the root
to the shoot (Ouziad et al. 2006).
6 E. Gamalero et al.
thereby modulate gene expression that results in protection of the plant against
salt stress.
In addition to the other mechanisms used by AM fungi, it has recently been
demonstrated that modifications of plant morphogenetic parameters and photosynthetic
efficiency induced by these organisms may be involved in supporting the plant’s
development in salt conditions (Gamalero et al. 2009). Thus, leaves of cucumber
plants inoculated with the AM fungus Gigaspora rosea and grown under salt stress
were more abundant and had a higher average and total leaf projected area than
uninoculated plants. Roots of AM plants under salt stress were more developed than
those of uninoculated plants grown in presence or absence of salt. It is likely that the
higher total root length, surface area and tip number found in the roots of AM plants
may be more efficient at supporting plant growth in saline soils. In addition, while
the presence of salt caused a fivefold reduction in leaf photosynthetic efficiency
(PI), AM plants exposed to salt showed PI values comparable to plants grown in
absence of salt (Gamalero et al. 2009). It is likely that the observed improvement
of photosynthetic activity in the presence of AM fungi is related to the increase of
chlorophyll content in the leaves of AM plants (Ruiz-Lozano et al. 1996; Giri and
Mukerji 2004; Sannazzaro et al. 2006; Zuccarini 2007).
Although several in vitro studies (Hutchison 1990; Chen et al. 2001; Kernaghan
et al. 2002; Bois et al. 2006; Langenfeld-Heyser et al. 2007) have demonstrated the
potential of salt-tolerant ECM fungi to enhance the tolerance of trees to salinity,
little is known about the mechanisms involved. However, variations in the plant
water status and in the Na+ and K+ content induced by the interaction of the plant
with ECM have been reported. For example, Muhsin and Zwiazek (2002a, b) found
that the ECM fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme enhanced the root hydraulic
conductance of white spruce (Picea glauca) trees in the presence of salt. Reduction
of Na+ and Cl–, with a concomitant increase of PO4–2 and K+, in the tissues of
seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera L.) seedlings colonized by the ECM Scleroderma
bermudense indicate a higher osmoregulating capacity of ECM plants in saline soils
(Bandou et al. 2006). Similar results were obtained by Nguyen et al. (2006) in ECM
spruce and pine. Nevertheless, this salt exclusion mechanism seems to be host
plant-specific (Yi et al. 2008). In fact, while salt-treated aspen (Populus tremuloides
Michx.) colonized by the ECM fungus H. crustuliniforme had higher Na+ and Cl–
than non-ECM plants, Na+ and Cl– concentrations in ECM and non-ECM birch
(Betula papyrifera Marsh.) did not differ. Nevertheless, no information exists about
the possibility of salt tolerance in these trees when colonized by AM fungi.
Finally, it has been found that the PGP-endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica
protects barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings from the stress induced by moderate
concentration of salt as well as biotic stress, such as infection with the necrotrophic
fungus Fusarium culmorum. This beneficial activity appears to be a consequence of
an increase of antioxidant activity in the plant and the activation of systemic
resistance induced by the colonization of the plant by P. indica (Waller et al. 2005).
From this brief overview, it is apparent that the mechanisms employed by PGP
fungi are quite different from those used by PGPB. Moreover, these two types
8 E. Gamalero et al.
of microorganisms colonize plant roots (and possibly other tissues) very differ-
ently. Thus, it should be possible, by better understanding of how plants,
bacteria, and mycorrhizae interact with one another, to eventually design/engi-
neer this tripartite relationship so that it is most beneficial for the promotion of
plant growth in the presence of salt and other environmental stresses.
Numerous reports on the role of soil bacteria in mitigating the inhibitory effects of
salt on growth and development of plants are available. For the most part, the
mechanistic basis of this protection is unknown. However, several studies have
suggested a variety of possible explanations for this behavior.
It is well known that a variety of environmental stresses, including the presence
of salt, induce the production of ethylene in a number of different plants (Jones and
El-Abd 1989; Abeles et al. 1992; Hall and Smith 1995; Kukreja et al. 2005; Parida
and Das 2005). While the physiology of salt-stressed plants is often dramatically
altered compared to plants grown in the absence of salt (Munns 2002; Sairam and
Tyagi 2004; Parker et al. 2006), many of the changes observed (including increased
production of osmolytes and antioxidants) may be secondary effects of increased
ethylene levels within the plant. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that the
NTHK1 gene from tobacco, which encodes an ethylene receptor, is specifically
induced by salt (Zhang et al. 2001; Cao et al. 2006). If ethylene does indeed act as a
stress signal activating the synthesis of a range of salt-stress response genes in
plants then it should be possible, by attenuating plant ethylene levels, to significantly
modify the stress response of the plant to salt. Based on the idea that bacterial
strains that contain the enzyme ACC deaminase can lower ethylene levels throughout
the plants where these bacteria are bound to the roots, Mayak et al. (2004)
reasoned that these bacteria should not only lower the level of stress ethylene
following exposure of plants to salt, they should also prevent much of the growth
inhibition that might otherwise ensue. Mayak et al. (2004) collected soil samples
from dried river beds in the arid and salty Arava region in the southern part of the
Negev desert in Israel. PGPB isolated from these soil samples were selected to
assess their ability to produce ACC deaminase and, on the basis of preliminary
testing, one bacterium, Achrobacter piechaudii ARV8, was selected for further
characterization. This strain not only significantly lowered the ethylene produced
by tomato plants following the addition of salt, but also dramatically increased
both root and shoot growth in the presence of salt concentrations up to 200 mM.
This pioneering work served as the basis for a spate of experimental work on several
different plants by scientists from all over the world. Since then, laboratories
from India, Pakistan, China and Canada have reported successfully employing
ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria to promote plant growth in the presence
1 The Use of Microorganisms to Facilitate the Growth of Plants in Saline Soils 9
of high levels of salt (Saravanakumar and Samiyappan 2006; Cheng et al. 2007;
Nadeem et al. 2007; Yue et al. 2007). These studies have included groundnut
(Saravanakumar and Samiyappan 2006), maize (Nadeem et al. 2007), cotton (Yue
et al. 2007), and canola (Cheng et al. 2007). Importantly, Saravanakumar and
Samiyappan (2006) demonstrated that the protection against growth inhibition that
ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria provide to plants grown in salt-impacted soil is
evident in the field as well as in a laboratory or greenhouse setting. In the experiments
reported by Cheng et al. (2007), only wild-type P. putida UW4 and not an ACC
deaminase minus mutant of this bacterium protected canola plants against growth
inhibition by salt. This result provides a clear demonstration of the role of ethylene in
growth inhibition by high salt. In addition to the work mentioned above, we are aware
of the unpublished results of researchers in Uzbekistan and Iran which are also
consistent with the successful use of ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria to promote
plant growth in the presence of high levels of salt, both in the laboratory and in the field.
It was found, in a recent study of tomatoes treated with salt, that while the
chemical ethylene inhibitors CoCl2 and NiCl2 significantly reduced ethylene
accumulation in the headspace of the reaction vessel, thereby reducing epinasty,
the negative effects of the salt on growth and other physiological parameters were
essentially unchanged (Shibli et al. 2007). These results were interpreted as indicat-
ing that ethylene does not make a major contribution to the inhibition of plant
growth under saline conditions (Shibli et al. 2007). The differences between the
results with chemical inhibitors of ethylene production and those observed with
bacteria that express ACC deaminase may reflect artifacts that are part of the closed
system including tomato microshoots that were utilized to study the effects of salt
plus chemical inhibitors. On the other hand, several studies that employed PGPB
that contained ACC deaminase were conducted with whole plants in various types
of soil (including in the field) reflecting a more natural situation. Moreover, in
addition to the studies reported using ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria, transgenic
canola plants that express a bacterial ACC deaminase gene under the control of
a root-specific promoter were significantly protected against the growth inhibitory
effects of 50, 100 and 200 mM salt compared to nontransformed plants
(Sergeeva et al. 2006), consistent with the fact that ethylene is a major contributor
to growth inhibition in the presence of salt.
A number of researchers have reported that treatment of plants with either
Azospirillum lipoferum or A. brasilense can mitigate some of the inhibitory effects
of salt stress on wheat, maize, beans or lettuce (Bacilio et al. 2004; Hamdia et al.
2004; Rabie and Almadini 2005; Barassi et al. 2006). Since at least some of these
strains do not possess ACC deaminase activity (Holguin and Glick 2001), those
bacteria must utilize mechanisms other than lowering ethylene with ACC
deaminase to protect plants. In this regard, it is possible (but not proven) that
bacterial IAA, synthesized by these Azospirillum spp. Strains, is responsible for
the promotion of plant growth in the presence of salt.
A number of other bacterial mechanisms have been implicated, but not proven,
to be involved in ameliorating some of the inhibitory effects of high salt concentrations
on plant growth and development. In one study, several different commercial
10 E. Gamalero et al.
seed treatments, primarily consisting of various Bacillus spp. strains, were tested
for the ability to protect squash plants against salt stress (Yildrim et al. 2006).
These workers concluded that these seed treatments worked by altering the
uptake of minerals into the plant thereby increasing the K+/Na+ ratio which is
positively correlated with plant growth. Other workers have suggested that
N-acyl-homoserine lactone quorum-sensing signaling molecules can mediate
the ability of two different strains of the PGPB Burkholderia graminis to promote
tomato plant growth and to induce protection against salt stress (Barriuso et al.
2008). While the data presented clearly indicate the involvement of quorum
sensing as a component of the overall functioning of these bacteria, quorum
sensing per se is unlikely to fully explain the mechanistic basis behind the ability of
these strains to protect plants against salt stress.
In a novel approach to developing an understanding of some of the mechanisms
used by PGPB to facilitate plant growth in the presence of salt, protein changes that
occur in the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens MSP-393 as a consequence of salt
stress were elaborated using a proteomics approach (Paul et al. 2006). Thus, when
P. fluorescens MSP-393 was incubated in the presence of high salt, the synthesis of
a number of unique proteins was induced. Not surprisingly, the majority of the
proteins that could be identified were homologous to stress proteins from other
prokaryotes. It was therefore suggested that, by maintaining its normal metabolic
capabilities in the presence of salt, a salt-stressed PGPB is still able to facilitate
plant growth (by whatever, unspecified, mechanism(s) it normally employs).
Finally, two separate laboratories have reported the isolation and characterization
of different bacterial strains, all of which confer some measure of salt tolerance
on treated plants, specifically maize and wheat (Prı́ncipe et al. 2007; Egamberdieva
et al. 2008). These studies evaluated various biological activities of these bacteria
such as IAA production, biocontrol activity, siderophore production, phosphate
solubilization, plant growth promotion with and without salt, and bacterial genus
and species. Unfortunately, from the data presented, no correlation between salt
stress amelioration activity and any one or two biological traits measured was
found. Thus, while it may be straightforward to select soil bacteria that can
ameliorate some of the inhibitory effects of salt stress, these studies do not provide
any clear indication as to the mechanism (s) that are employed by these bacteria.
Despite the fact that some AM fungi naturally occur in saline environments
(Pond et al. 1984; Rozema et al. 1986; Ho 1987; van Duin et al. 1989; Cooke and
Lefor 1990; Sengupta and Chaudhuri 1990; Hoefnagels et al. 1993; Johnson-Green
et al. 1995), the reports on the effects of salts on AM fungi are contradictory. For
instance, some researchers observed inhibition of AM colonization by salt
1 The Use of Microorganisms to Facilitate the Growth of Plants in Saline Soils 11
(Ojala et al. 1983; Duke et al. 1986; Rozema et al. 1986; Dixon et al. 1993; Johnson-
Green et al. 1995; Juniper 1996; McMillen et al. 1998), while others noted that the
development of the symbiosis remained unaffected by salt application (Levy et al.
1983; Hartmond et al. 1987). It is likely that AM fungi isolated from saline soils are
better adapted to this environmental condition and, therefore, are more efficient at
plant growth promotion under salt stress. Surprisingly, in one instance, it was found
that AM fungi from nonsaline soil performed better in the amelioration of plant
growth under salt stress than AM fungi from saline soils (Cantrell and Linderman
2001). On the other hand, in these experiments, AM fungi from saline soils
colonized roots more intensively than AM fungi from nonsaline soils, indicating
that, in this case, the plant beneficial effects of AM fungi were independent of the
root colonization efficiency and the hypothetical adaptation of the microorganism
to salt. Similar results were obtained for two strains of Glomus mosseae, one
isolated from a saline soil and the other from a nonsaline soil (Tian et al. 2004).
The fungus from the saline soil induced a high accumulation of sodium and chloride
and had very little effect on the alleviation of salt stress in cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum) plants suggesting that the main mechanism involved in the protection of
these plants from the detrimental effects of salinity by AM fungi is related to the
capability of the fungi to influence the uptake of sodium and chloride. This
notwithstanding, performing salt-acclimatization of AM fungi, by exposing the
fungal isolate to gradual increases of NaCl concentration, has been reported to
increase their efficiency in supporting plant growth in saline conditions
(Sharifi et al. 2007). In addition, it is important to stress that a preferential associa-
tion exists between plants and AM fungi (Bever et al. 2002; Gollotte et al. 2004;
Copetta et al. 2006; Pivato et al. 2007) that could help to select the appropriate/
specific fungus to better tolerate salt stress.
Since AM fungi are obligate symbionts, differentiation between the AM fungal
response to environmental stress and the AM fungal response to plant-mediated
factors is not straightforward. In an effort to sort it out, several workers have
attempted to understand how AM fungi react to environmental stimuli by focusing
on the precolonization phase and spore germination (Daniels and Trappe 1980;
Elias and Safir 1987; Gianinazzi-Pearson et al. 1989). Following this approach,
Juniper and Abbott (2006) observed that the main effect of soil salinity is a delay
of spore germination and inhibition of hyphal growth from propagules of AM fungal
isolates. In addition, in the presence of salt, the number of branched absorbing
structures and the rate of sporulation both significantly declined (Jahromi et al. 2008).
Despite numerous contradictory results, especially in the earlier literature, the
more recent literature that is our main focus document a significant extent of plant
protection by AM fungi. As pointed out by Cantrell and Linderman (2001), it may
be important to preinoculate plants with AM fungi in order to firmly establish their
symbiotic relationship which might otherwise be inhibited/prevented by salt in the
soil. In fact, AM lettuce and onion (Allium cepa L.) transplants grown in saline soil
had higher shoot biomass than noninoculated plants indicating that preinoculated
AM plants grow better than non-AM plants under saline conditions (Cantrell and
Linderman 2001). The composite application of AM fungi has been reported to be
12 E. Gamalero et al.
more efficient than single inoculation in alleviating plant salt stress. As an example,
the growth of Acacia auriculiformis under salinity stress varied with the fungal
species used, but the mixed inoculum (Glomus fasciculatus and macrocarpum)
resulted in the highest root colonization, biomass production, K+ concentration,
PO42 level, and chlorophyll content at all salinity levels (Giri et al. 2003). The
contribution of this mixed inoculum to plant growth is not limited to improved
nutrition, but also to variation in root development so that plants treated with
the two fungi had very branched roots. This AM-mediated modification of root
architecture is probably caused by the decreased meristematic activity of root
apices as shown in leek (Berta et al. 2002). AM fungi also increase the number of
adventitious roots, thereby improving nutrient uptake and water balance in the host
plant under salinity stress. The root modifications previously described occur in
herbaceous plants, where AM fungi also delay root senescence (Lingua et al. 1999).
Different modifications are described in AM woody plants where root turnover may
be facilitated. These two strategies (delayed senescence and root turnover) enable
AM fungi to accomplish the same result, namely a more vital and efficient root
system, that could allow plants to better tolerate abiotic stresses, including salt
stress. The positive effects of AM fungi on plants under salt conditions may also
lead to increases in fruit yield. As an example, in tomato, fruit fresh yield was
enhanced by 29% under nonsaline and by 60% under saline water conditions
following preinoculation of transplants with G. mosseae (Al-Karaki 2006). It
would be interesting to ascertain whether the same occurs in other fruit plants,
whose root systems are strongly influenced by AM fungi (Schellenbaum et al. 1991;
Berta et al. 1995; Manschke et al. 1995).
AM fungi can also stimulate the rhizobial symbiosis efficiency of leguminous
plants exposed to salt. As observed by Giri et al. (2004), in saline soil, plants of
Sesbania aegyptiaca and S. grandiflora inoculated with Glomus macrocarpum had
higher root and shoot dry biomass production, chlorophyll content and PO4 2,
N and Mg+2 concentrations, than non-AM seedlings. Moreover, the number of
nodules was significantly higher in AM than non-AM plants. Interestingly, the
mycorrhizal dependency of both Sesbania species in salt conditions increased with
plant age suggesting that, under salinity, plants need AM fungi not only for
acclimatization but also for continued nutrient uptake for their development
(Giri et al. 2004). In addition, the mycorrhizal dependency is higher for salt-sensitive
than for salt-tolerant plant varieties (Sannazzaro et al. 2006).
Although Basiodiomycetes are generally considered to be relatively salt-sensitive
(Tresner and Hayes 1971), several isolates of Laccaria, Hebeloma, and Pisolithus
have been characterized as relatively salt tolerant (Chen et al. 2001; Kernaghan
et al. 2002). In addition, several in vitro studies highlight the salt tolerance of
ECM fungi, generally ascribed to salt exclusion and osmoregulation, and their
potential exploitation under field conditions (Chen et al. 2001; Kernaghan et al.
2002; Bois et al. 2006). Experiments performed under greenhouse conditions
confirmed the beneficial effects of ECM fungi on plant growth in the presence of
salt. Thus, seagrape plants colonized by S. bermudense were exposed to a wide
range of NaCl levels. The beneficial effects of the fungus on plant growth and
1 The Use of Microorganisms to Facilitate the Growth of Plants in Saline Soils 13
mineral nutrition occurred both under salt stress and nonstress conditions,
suggesting that the ECM effect in improving plant growth is not a specific
process induced by salinity. In addition, as already reported for AM fungi, the
mycorrhizal dependency of seagrape increased with increasing NaCl levels
(Bandou et al. 2006).
It has recently been shown that the fungus Paxillus involutus can tolerate high
NaCl concentrations (Langenfeld-Heyser et al. 2007). The establishment of symbiosis
between this fungus and the salt-sensitive poplar hybrid Populus canescens
positively affected plant biomass and reduced Na+ uptake. The plant’s symptoms
of salt stress (e.g., leaf degradation) were delayed but not fully prevented by the
symbiosis (Langenfeld-Heyser et al. 2007). It has been suggested that the fungus
might provide a physical barrier against salt uptake into the root (Muhsin and
Zwiazek 2002b). However, microscopical analysis performed by energy-dispersive
X-ray microanalysis showed that tissues of both mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal
roots contained comparable amounts of Na+ and Cl–. In addition, outer cell walls
adjacent to mycorrhizal hyphae contained higher sodium concentrations than
those of nonmycorrhizal plants indicating that mycorrhizal roots have access to
more NaCl than nonmycorrhizal roots and that the hyphal mantle does not
provide a physical barrier against NaCl influx.
Under saline conditions, the effect of ECM fungi may vary according to the plant.
In their work, Yi et al. (2008) compared the impact of the ECM H. crustuliniforme
on trembling aspen (P. tremuloides Michx.) and paper birch (B. papyrifera) in
the presence of salt. Despite the fact that both tree species are relatively tolerant
to NaCl, ECM inoculation in NaCl-treated plants increased the biomass.
However, roots of NaCl-treated aspen inoculated with H. crustuliniforme had over
twofold higher concentrations of sodium compared with nonmycorrhizal ones. On
the contrary, Na+ and Cl– concentrations in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal birch
did not differ. What is clear from the bulk of the data examining the interaction of
mycorrhizae and plants in the presence of salt is that these fungi typically protect
plants from growth inhibition by salt. On the other hand, notwithstanding many
years of experimentation with different plants and mycorrhizal fungi in different
soils, the detailed mechanisms used by these PGP fungi remain elusive. However, it
is likely that through the use of microarray technology, proteomics and metabolomics
to study the changes in both plants and mycorrhizae that occur when these two
organisms interact will provide greater insight into these fundamental mechanisms.
Many of the manuscripts mentioned earlier in this chapter summarize the host of
beneficial effects of either PGPB or fungi on salt-stressed plants. In addition,
several pieces of evidence suggest the possibility of additive or synergistic effects
14 E. Gamalero et al.
salt stress and to the localized plant response that occurs as a direct consequence of
AM colonization. Given that both PGPB and fungi can separately ameliorate some
of the effects of salt stress, there is a paucity of studies where these two types of
microorganisms are utilized together. Nevertheless, there is every reason to
believe that, with the right combinations of bacteria and fungi, the salt stress
of many important agricultural plants may be decreased significantly. In turn,
this would increase crop productivity on saline soils and facilitate agricultural
practice on some marginal lands.
1.7 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The work from our laboratories that is cited in this manuscript has been
financially supported by grants from the Italian MIUR and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada.
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Chapter 2
Recent Advances in Plant Growth Promotion
by Phosphate-Solubilizing Microbes
Abstract Most soils contain large reserves of total phosphorus (P), but its fixation
and precipitation with soil constituents cause a major P-deficiency and severely
restrict the growth and yield of plants. The use of chemical P-fertilizers is obviously
the best means to circumvent P-deficiency, but their use is always limited due to its
spiraling cost. In order to increase the availability of P and to reduce the use of
chemical fertilizers, solubilization of insoluble P by phosphate-solubilizing micro-
organisms has provided an alternative to chemical phosphatic fertilizer. Besides
P, these organisms promote the growth of plants by N2 fixation, enhancement
of other plant nutrients, synthesizing phytohormones, suppressing plant diseases
(bio-control) and reducing the toxicity of ethylene through 1-aminocyclopropane-
1carboxylate (ACC) deaminase. In this chapter, attention is paid to understanding
the fundamental and molecular basis as to how precisely these microbes, notably
bacteria and fungi, help plants to grow better in P-deficient soils. Effective use of
such microbes is likely to result in an ideal cropping system with a lesser impact on
the environment through decreased application of chemical fertilizers.
2.1 Introduction
contain too little available P for sustaining optimal crop production (Hinsinger
2001), and P-ion concentration in most soils varies from 0.1 to 10mM while
P required for optimal growth ranges from 1 to 5mM for grasses and from 5 to
60mM for high P-demanding crops, such as, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and
pea (Pisum sativum) (Raghothama 1999). Suboptimal levels of P can, however,
lead to a 5–15% loss in the yield of plants (Hinsinger 2001). To circumvent the
P-deficiency, synthetic P-fertilizers are applied. The repeated and injudicious
applications of these fertilizers, however, lead to (1) the loss of soil fertility, (2)
disturbance to microbial diversity and their associated metabolic activities, and (3)
reduced yield of agronomic crops. Moreover, after application, a considerable
amount of P is rapidly transformed into less available forms by forming a complex
with Al or Fe in acid soils or with Ca in calcareous soils (Goldstein 1986; Toro
2007) before plant roots have had a chance to absorb it. This has led to the search
for environment-friendly and economically feasible alternative strategies for
improving crop production in low or P-deficient soils. Phosphorus is present in
soils both in organic and inorganic forms. Of these, organic forms, as found in
humus and other organic materials including decayed plant, animal and microbial
tissues, is an important reservoir of immobilized P accounting for about 20–80% of
total soil P (Richardson 1994). Organic P compounds can be slowly mineralized as
available inorganic P or they can be immobilized as part of the soil organic matter
(Mckenzie and Roberts 1990). The process of mineralization/solubilization or
immobilization affected by rhizosphere microbes, especially phosphate-solubiliz-
ing microorganisms (PSM), serves as an alternative to chemical phosphatic fertili-
zers and provides the available forms of P to plants (Bojinova et al. 2008; Oliveira
et al. 2008).
Besides providing P to the plants, the PSM(s) also facilitate the growth of plants
by stimulating the efficiency of N2 fixation, accelerating the accessibility of other
trace elements and by synthesizing important growth promoting substances (Wani
et al. 2007a; Mittal et al. 2008), including siderophores (Wani et al. 2007b) and
antibiotics (Lipping et al. 2008), and providing protection to plants against soil-
borne pathogens (Hamdali et al. 2008). Accordingly, these microbial communities
when used singly (Poonguzhali et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2008) or in combination with
other rhizosphere microbes (Zaidi and Khan 2006; Wani et al. 2007c; Vikram and
Hamzehzarghani 2008) have shown substantial measurable effects on plants in
conventional agronomic soils. Furthermore, bacterial strains capable of solubilizing
P have also been isolated from various niches of saline–alkali soils. For example,
strain RMLU-26, identified as Xanthomonas campestris with the ability to efficiently
solubilize P, was subjected to N-methyl-N0 -nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) for
development of mutants. The wild-type and mutant strains of X. campestris
revealed a differential response to various stress factors (high pH, temperature,
and salt concentration). Both the wild and mutant strains revealed substantial
P-solubilization, but percent P2O5 solubilization by both strains revealed a steep
decline in tricalcium phosphate (TCP) solubilization with an increase in NaCl
concentration from 0.5 to 10% along with a concomitant drop in pH of the medium
2 Recent Advances in Plant Growth Promotion by Phosphate-Solubilizing Microbes 25
from 8 to 4.5 in wild-type and 4 in mutant strain. However, the mutant strain
displayed a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in P-solubilization compared to the wild-type
strain when grown in the presence of NaCl. The overall improved tolerance of the
strains to alkalinity and salinity could be due to accumulation and/or secretion
of specific solute (xanthan), suggesting that these strains could also be used as a bio-
inoculant under stressed soil environments (Sharan et al. 2008). In the following
section, particular attention is paid to identifying such microbes and the mechan-
isms by which they solubilize insoluble P and promote the growth of plants. Special
attention is further paid to the exploitation of microbial communities endowed with
P-solubilizing activity for their use in agricultural practices in different agro-
ecological niches.
(Plate A) (Plate B)
(Plate C) (Plate D)
Fig. 2.1 Solubilization of tricalcium phosphate on Pikovskaya by species of (Plate A) Serratia
(Plate B) Bacillus (Plate C) Aspergillus and (Plate D) Penicillium
easily available forms of soil P and play an important role in providing P to plants,
numerous methods and media, such as Pikovskaya (Pikovskaya 1948), bromophe-
nol blue dye method (Gupta et al. 1994), and National Botanical Research Institute
P (NBRIP) medium (Nautiyal 1999), have been proposed.
Both bacterial and fungal strains exhibiting PS activity are detected by the
formation of clear halo (a sign of solubilization) around their colonies (Fig. 2.1).
Due to inconsistency and variations in PS activity, these cultures are repeatedly
subcultured. Once the efficient PS organisms have been selected, the release of P by
PS organisms is quantitatively assayed. The phosphate-solubilizing microbes
showing greater solubilization (both qualitatively and quantitatively) of insoluble
P under in vitro conditions are selected for bulk production for ultimate transmis-
sion to the farmers. For instance, use of fungi as inoculants for increasing plant
P-nutrition has been demonstrated by the successful commercial release of Penicil-
lium bilaiae (JumpStart; Philom Bios, Saskatoon, Canada) and Penicillium radicum
(PR-70 RELEASE; Bio-Care Technology, Somersby, Australia).
2 Recent Advances in Plant Growth Promotion by Phosphate-Solubilizing Microbes 27
microbial cells and their surroundings and, consequently, the release of P-ions from
the P-mineral by H+ substitution for Ca2+ (Goldstein 1994). However, a lot of fixed
P in acidic soil (such as red soil) accumulates Fe or Al ions, and no correlation was
found between pH and the amount of P-solubilized (Asea et al. 1988). It is still
unexplained why no substantial amounts of OA production could be detected from
some PS microorganisms (Illmer and Schinner 1992; Chen et al. 2006). For this
reason, alternative possibilities other than OA for insoluble inorganic P-solubiliza-
tion have been proposed. Such mechanisms include the release of H+, production
of chelating substances and inorganic acids (Khan et al. 2007b). In this context,
Illmer and Schinner (1995) suggested that the OA released by the bacterial cells are
not the only means of P-solubilization and, hence, acidification does not seem to be
the only mechanism of solubilization, as the ability to reduce the pH in some cases
did not correlate with the ability to solubilize mineral P. The chelating ability of the
OA is also important, as it has been shown that the addition of 0.05 M EDTA to the
medium has the same solubilizing effect as inoculation with Penicillium bilaii
(Kucey 1988). In another study, Altomare et al. (1999) investigated the capability
of the plant growth-promoting and bio-control fungus Trichoderma harzianum
T-22 to solubilize in vitro insoluble minerals including rock phosphate. OA were
not detected in culture filtrates and, hence, the authors concluded that the insoluble
P could be solubilized by mechanisms other than acidification process. In this study,
the fungal-solubilizing activity was attributed both to chelation and to reduction
processes, which could also play a role in the bio-control of plant pathogens.
Among nodule bacteria, e.g., Rhizobium/Bradyrhizobium, the PS activity of Rhizo-
bium was associated with the production of 2-ketogluconic acid which was abol-
ished by the addition of NaOH, indicating that PS activity of this organism
was entirely due to its ability to reduce the pH of the medium (Halder and
2 Recent Advances in Plant Growth Promotion by Phosphate-Solubilizing Microbes 29
Acid phosphatases,
phytases inorganic acids production
PS microbes are well known for making soluble P accessible for uptake by plants.
They can also facilitate growth and development of plants by producing essential
nutrients (Thomas et al. 2005) or by changing the concentration of plant growth-
promoting substances including phytohormones such as indoleacetic acid (Wani
et al. 2007a, b), through asymbiotic or symbiotic N2 fixation (Zaidi 1999; Zaidi
and Khan 2007), soil conditioning, exhibiting bio-control activity (Pandey et al.
2006), by synthesizing siderophores (Vassilev et al. 2006), antibiotics, and
cyanide (Lipping et al. 2008), by synthesizing an ACC deaminase that can
modulate plant ethylene levels ( Anandham et al. 2008; Poonguzhali et al.
2008), and by solubilizing or reducing the toxicity of metals (bioremediation)
(Khan et al. 2009). These mechanisms can probably be active simultaneously or
sequentially at different stages of plant growth. However, the intrinsic ability of
PS microbes for synthesizing the growth-promoting substances varies consider-
ably under different ecological niches. The mechanisms involved in plant growth
promotion (Fig. 2.3) and growth regulators produced by PS organisms are pre-
sented in Table 2.3.
32 A. Zaidi et al.
Some of the metabolites released both by PS bacteria and fungi are presented in
Table 2.4.
Studies at the molecular level in order to understand how precisely the PS microbes
brings out the solubilization of insoluble P were inconclusive (Rodriguez et al.
2006). However, several phosphatase-encoding genes have been cloned and char-
acterized, and a few genes involved in mps have been isolated (Table 2.5) and
characterized (Fraga-Vidal et al. 2003; Krishnaraj and Goldstein 2001). Genetic
manipulation of PS bacteria to improve their ability to improve plant growth may
include cloning genes involved in both mps and organic P-solubilization (ops),
followed by their expression in selected rhizobacterial strains. For example, Gold-
stein and Liu (1987) have shown that mps activity is genetically coded in a gene
cluster on plasmids of microbes endowed with PS activity. They further transferred
this gene cluster to an E. coli strain that did not previously possess PS activity but
could demonstrate that the transferred gene was expressed in the transgenic E. coli
strain. They have also found that the gene expression and mps activity of bacteria
is affected by the presence of soluble P in the medium (feed-back regulation).
Chromosomal insertion of these genes under appropriate promoters is another
interesting approach (Rodriguez and Fraga 1999). Rodrı́guez et al. (2000) carried
out a genetic construction using the broad host range vector pKT230 and plasmid
pMCG898, which encode the Erwinia herbicola pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
synthase, a gene involved in mps. The final construct was transformed and
2 Recent Advances in Plant Growth Promotion by Phosphate-Solubilizing Microbes 35
root and shoot dry weights of chirpine, respectively (Singh et al. 2008). Phosphate-
solubilizing Acinetobacter sp. (PSGB04) and Pseudomonas sp. (PRGB06) with
plant growth-promoting traits (N2 fixation, IAA, salicylic acid production) isolated
from the larval guts of diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella) have also been
tested for their effects on growth of canola (Brassica napus) and tomato (Indir-
agandhi et al. 2008). Acinetobacter sp. (PSGB04) significantly increased root
length (41%), seedling vigor, and dry biomass (30%) of the canola test plants,
whereas a substantial increase, greater than that of the control, was also recorded for
the tomato plants when seeds were treated with Pseudomonas sp. (PRGB06)
possessing antifungal activity.
Phosphate-solubilizing microbes cohabit in the rhizosphere with other agrono-
mically beneficial microbes and could play an additive or synergistic role in the
growth promotion of plants. Subsequently, dramatic increases in yield of various
crops following seed or soil inoculation with PS organisms and other plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria (Afzal and Bano 2008) or AM fungus (Khan and Zaidi
2006; Ehteshami et al. 2007) under different agro-ecosystems have been reported.
The inoculation of PS bacteria Pseudomonas striata and N2-fixing bacterium
Rhizobium sp. (Vigna) substantially increased the yield of greengram (Vigna
radiata L.) (Khan et al. 1997, 1998) and nodulation, available P of soil as well as
dry matter of the plants, grain yield, and P- and N-uptake by chickpea (Cicer
aeritinum) (Wani et al. 2007b, c) compared to single inoculation of either PS
bacteria or N2 fixers. Similarly, the seed inoculation of chickpea with single, dual
and triple inoculations of Rhizobium, Bacillus subtilis (OSU-142) and PS Bacillus
megaterium (M-3) increased biological and chemical properties of chickpea (Elk-
oca et al. 2008). Substantial increases in the seed yield under different inoculation
treatments ranged between 18% (Rhizobium) and 31% (Rhizobium + OSU-142 +
M-3) over control. Generally, the increases in seed and total biomass yields were
more pronounced in dual and triple inoculations. In another study, Wani et al.
(2007c) demonstrated synergistic effects of N2-fixing and PS rhizobacteria on
chickpea plants. Legume grain yield and concentration and uptake of N and P
were significantly increased following coinoculation with Mesorhizobium and PS
Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp. The inoculation of M. ciceri with Azotobacter
chroococcum and Bacillus tripled the seed yield and resulted in the highest grain
protein (295 mg g1). An 8% increase in P concentration above the uninoculated
control was observed in the case of a single inoculation with Pseudomonas, while
the P-uptake was highest (2.14-fold above the uninoculated control) when M. ciceri
was applied with A. chroococcum and Bacillus. They showed that the multiple
inoculations with rhizospheric microorganisms can synergistically facilitate growth
and yields and increase concentrations and uptake of N and P by field-grown
chickpea, as also reported by Valverde et al. (2006). In another study, Canbolat
et al. (2006) observed a significant increase in seedling growth, total dry matter
accumulation and available P in barley (Hordeum vulgare) bioprimed with
N2-fixing and P-dissolving Bacilli suggesting that the N2-fixing and PS bacterial
strains could be used to save fertilizer application. It is also reported that PS
P. putida, possessed with antifungal activity, antibiotic resistance and ability to
38 A. Zaidi et al.
production of IAA. increased the growth and the uptake of Ni, Cu and Zn by Ricinus
communis, grown in noncontaminated and contaminated soil. Application of cad-
mium-resistant plant growth-promoting P. aeruginosa exhibiting P-solubilization,
ACC deaminase activity, siderophore production, and auxin synthesis, when used
as inoculant for blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) plants grown in soil treated with a
gradient of CdCl2 concentration, reduced the toxicity of metal to plants (Ganesan
2008) . These and other associated data suggest that such PS microbes could be used
as biofertilizer not only to provide P to plants but could also play an important role
in reducing/detoxifying the effects of heavy metals in derelict soils.
P. variabile, significantly enhanced the seed yield, grain protein and N- and P-
accumulation in wheat (Khan and Zaidi 2007). The increase in overall performance
of wheat was attributed to the ability of PS fungi to solubilize inorganic P. During
interactions, the phytostimulator, A. chroococcum, besides providing N, produced
considerable amounts of growth-promoting substances in the rhizosphere (Kucey
et al. 1989). Combining an improved nutrient supply with N (A. chroococcum) and
P (PS fungus) with plant growth promotion appears to have additive and possibly
even multiplicative effects. Furthermore, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium,
Azospirillum brasilense SP7, when applied with a bio-control fungus possessing PS
activity (T. harzianum Rifai 1295-22) and RP at 1 mg ha1, significantly increased
seed yield, total N and total P of field-grown beans (Mehmet et al. 2005). However,
variations in the effectiveness of microbial combinations under field conditions are
reported which may possibly be due to (1) variations in the survivability and
colonization efficiency of the inoculated microbial cultures in the soils, (2) strong
competition from the natural microbiota of the field soils, leading possibly to the
exclusion of inoculated cultures from the rhizosphere, (3) differential rhizosphere
effect of plants in harboring a target microbial strain (Pal 1998), (4) the modulation
of the PS activity by specific root exudates (Goldstein et al. 1999; Dakora and
Phillips 2002), (5) availability of inadequate nutrients in the rhizosphere to produce
enough OA, (6) variation in the persistence of PS activity, and (7) genetic instability
among inoculated strains. Furthermore, there are reports that also suggest the
inhibitory effect of fungi on crop improvement (Zaidi et al. 2003). This inhibition
has been due to high OA-secreting ability of fungi which in turn limits the growth of
even associative partners that require neutral or alkaline growth conditions for their
active metabolism. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of PS fungi on the associative
partners could be due to the release of toxins in the growing environment which
might affect the functional symbioses between rhizobia and their specific host
plants. These data suggests that, before carrying out in situ experiments, the
compatibility between the two associate members must be checked in vitro.
The use of AM fungi has been shown to possess the ability to increase nutrient
uptake of plants by developing associations with roots of more than 80% of higher
plant species (Marschner and Dell 1994; Schreiner et al. 1997). The combined
inoculation of N2 fixers, P-solubilizers and AM fungi has been found to stimulate
plant growth more than inoculation of either organism used alone in certain situa-
tions when the soil is P-deficient (Khan et al. 2007). During this intergeneric
pairing, the P-solubilizers interact well with the AM fungi in P-deficient soils or
soils having RP (Poi et al. 1989). The PS fungi release some P-ions from otherwise
sparingly soluble P sources which is tapped and translocated by the AM fungal
hyphae to the plant (Azcon-Aguilar et al. 1986). Moreover, the P-solubilizers
survives longer around mycorrhizal roots compared to nonmycorrhizal roots, and
acts synergistically with AM fungi leading to increased plant growth. In this
context, the coinoculation of AM fungus (G. fasciculatum) and PS fungus
(P. variabile or Penicillium sp.) has been shown to facilitate chickpea (Zaidi and
Khan 2007) and greengram (Khan and Zaidi 2006) growth more than single
inoculation. However, when Mesorhizobium or Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna) was
42 A. Zaidi et al.
2.7 Conclusion
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Chapter 3
Developing Beneficial Microbial Biofilms
on Roots of Non legumes: A Novel
Biofertilizing Technique
3.1 Introduction
With the first in vitro development and observation of interactions between com-
mon nonmycorrhizal soil fungi (e.g., Penicillium spp.) and rhizobia forming the
biofilms (Seneviratne and Jayasinghearachchi 2003), a series of studies were con-
ducted to assess their potentials as microbial agents in plant growth. Microbes used
in this study were mainly N2-fixing bacteria and P-solubilizing fungi. When they
were cocultured in vitro, the bacteria attached and colonized on fungal mycelia to
form the biofilms, known as fungal–bacterial biofilm (FBB). When the bacterium is
a Rhizobium species, they are called fungal–rhizobial biofilm (FRB). It was
observed that the interaction in the FRB fixed N2 biologically, as revealed by
nitrogenase activity and N-accumulation, which was not observed when a rhizobial
strain was used alone as a monoculture (Jayasinghearachchi and Seneviratne
2004a). The rhizobial strain used here was Bradyrhizobium elkanii SEMIA 5019,
a soybean (Glycine max)-nodulating strain with a high N2-fixing capacity. A recent
study showed the enhanced release of organic acids and plant growth-promoting
substances by developed FBB/FRB, leading to an increase of 25% in dry matter
accumulation in early grown rice over the monocultured conventional inocula
(Seneviratne et al. 2008a). It was also observed that there was a significant negative
relationship between pH and indoleacetic acid-like substances (IAAS) production
in liquid culture media of the biofilms, but not in mixed cultures without biofilm
formation of a large collection of microbes (Seneviratne et al. 2008b). Thus, when
biofilms were formed, high acidity reflected high production of IAAS. The high
acidity is generally important for pathogen suppression. The biofilmed inocula can
also be used effectively to enhance biosolubilization of rock phosphate, due to high
acid production (Jayasinghearachchi and Seneviratne 2006a; Seneviratne and
Indrasena 2006). Moreover, the biofilmed inocula can be used for successful
establishment of introduced beneficial microorganisms in plants for biocontrol of
diseases. For instance, a Pleurotus ostreatus–Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm
(FBB) increased endophytic colonization of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
by P. fluorescens, a biocontroling agent, by over 1,000%, compared to inoculation
with P. fluorescens alone under in vitro conditions (Jayasinghearachchi and
Seneviratne 2006b).
It has now been clearly shown under axenic conditions that the monocultures of
Rhizobium sp. inoculated into nonleguminous plant roots develop biofilms on the
root surface (Santaella et al. 2008). Recent studies conducted under axenic condi-
tions demonstrated that the inoculation of the FRB helped maintain a higher cell
density of rhizobia on the root system of wheat than the inoculation of rhizobial
monocultures (Fig. 3.1). The monocultures developed clusters of rhizobial cells on
54 G. Seneviratne et al.
Fig. 3.1 Rhizobial biofilms (BF) developed on root hairs of wheat, when rhizobial monocultures
(a) or fungal–rhizobial biofilms (FRB) (b) was inoculated under axenic conditions. The inocula-
tion of the FRB helped maintain a higher cell density of rhizobia on the root hairs than the
inoculation of the monoculture
the root hairs whereas fungal mycelium of the FRB linked root hairs, which
provided support to maintain the higher cell density (Seneviratne et al. 2008b).
Thus, the FRB may act as nodule-like structures or “pseudonodules” capable of
fixing N2 biologically on roots of such non legumes, as reported earlier by Jayasin-
ghearachchi and Seneviratne (2004b). The FBB/FRB can also develop biofilms
3 A Novel Biofertilizing Technique 55
Fig. 3.2 Root hairs of rice (a), tea (b) and Anthurium (c) colonized by microbial biofilms (BF),
when fungal–bacterial biofilms (FBB) or fungal–rhizobial biofilms (FRB) were inoculated
under axenic conditions. Darkness is due to cotton blue stain absorbed by the EPS produced
by the BF
on root hairs of other non legumes, when inoculated under axenic conditions. Root
hairs of rice, tea and Anthurium have been found heavily colonized with biofilm
formation, as evidenced by the EPS produced by the biofilms (Fig. 3.2). It was
reported recently that the adsorption of rhizobia to biotic surfaces like plant roots is
governed by the rhizobial adhesion protein RapA1 (Mongiardini et al. 2008). It can
therefore be speculated that this adhesion protein, which may also have contributed
to attachment and formation of the FBB/FRB, is common in many bacteria.
56 G. Seneviratne et al.
When the FBB/FRB formulated as the BBs were applied to the growing medium of
plants, they formed biofilms on the root system, as discussed earlier. These biofilms
have shown their positive effects on growth and yield of crops. For instance, in a
soil pot experiment, when rice was grown in the absence of chemical fertilizers, it
was found that the shoot growth of this crop improved when the number of
beneficial microbial species of the BBs was increased (Fig. 3.3). Conventional
biofertilizers with single microbial species or monocultures increased the shoot
biomass by only 7% compared to control. In contrast, the inoculation of BBs
containing three microbes FBB/FRB (two bacteria + one fungus) increased the
dry matter accumulation in shoots substantially by 25%. However, when a tripartite
culture of FBB/FRB was used with 50% of the recommended rates of chemical
fertilizers (urea 100 kg N ha 1, triple super phosphate 13 kg P ha 1 and muriate of
potash 28 kg K ha 1) for rice, plant biomass increased by ca. 55% compared to
those observed for 100% application of the recommended fertilizers alone
(Table 3.1). This was mainly attributed to increased root dry weight. Increasing
the recommended fertilizer level up to 100% with the BBs, however, did not
increase the plant growth. Both panicle formation and seed yield per hill were
comparable between the BBs + 50% of the recommended fertilizers and the 100%
of the recommended fertilizers alone (G. Seneviratne, unpublished).
In a nursery trial of tea with BBs of diazotrophic bacteria and/or recommended
chemical fertilizers (T65; sulfate of ammonia, mono-ammonium phosphate, sulfate
of potash and epsom salt; 15:20:15:15 (weight ratio) 80 kg per 10,000 plants during
nursery period), there was a positive correlation between net photosynthetic rate
and relative growth rate of leaf area (Fig. 3.4a). When two-bacterial BBs were
applied, there was a propensity of increasing photosynthesis compared to one-
bacterial BBs. Moderate application of 50% of the recommended fertilizers with
the two-bacterial BBs helped increase leaf growth compared to other microbial
fertilizer treatments and even 100% of the recommended fertilizer application. Soil
C after harvest of the tea plants of the nursery was positively related to shoot/root
ratio of the plants (Fig. 3.4b). The two-bacterial BBs with the moderate fertilizer
level showed the highest shoot/root ratio and the soil C, which could possibly be
due to increased growth of fine roots (Zavahir et al. 2008) and subsequent rapid
turnover. The application of recommended fertilizers alone resulted in a low shoot/
root ratio and soil C. The high shoot/root ratio with the two-bacterial BBs and the
moderate N application maintained a low transpiration rate (Fig. 3.4c). However,
the plants treated with the recommended fertilizers alone showed a high transpira-
tion rate, as reflected by early wilting when exposed to sunlight (Jayasekara et al.
2008). The application of BBs with the N fertilizer helped increase leaf N of tea due
to increased root growth (Fig. 3.4d). In a field experiment, young tea applied with
3 A Novel Biofertilizing Technique 57
Shoot dry weight (g/plant) 0.4
Monocultures 2-Microbe 3-Microbe Soil alone
b 3
Plant dry weight (g/plant)
3-Microbe FBB/FRB 3-Microbe FBB/FRB Rec. fertilizer only
+ 50% Rec. fertilizer + Rec. fertilizer
c 18
Biofertilizer + 50% Rec. 100% Rec. chemical
chemical fertilizers fertilizers
Fig. 3.3 Shoot growth of rice (a) in a soil pot experiment, when the number of beneficial microbial
species of the fungal–bacterial biofilms (FBB) and fungal–rhizobial biofilms (FRB), formulated and
applied as biofilmed biofertilizers (BBs) was increased, in comparison to microbial monocultures.
Total plant growth (b), when a three-microbe FBB/FRB was coupled with 50% or 100% of the
recommended chemical fertilizers, or 100% of the recommended fertilizers alone. Panicle forma-
tion and seed yield of rice (c), when the BBs were coupled with 50% of the recommended chemical
fertilizers or 100% of the recommended fertilizers alone. Vertical bars show standard error
58 G. Seneviratne et al.
Table 3.1 Dry matter accumulation in shoot, root and whole plant of rice grown in pot soil treated
with a tripartite FBB/FRB with 50% or 100% of recommended chemical fertilizer, or 100% of the
recommended fertilizer alone
Treatment Shoot dry Root dry Total dry
weight weight weight
(g per plant) (g per plant) (g per plant)
Tripartite FBB/FRB + 50% recommended 1.95a0.03 0.40a0.001 2.35a0.03
Tripartite FBB/FRB + 100% recommended 1.99a0.10 0.29b0.02 2.29ab0.12
100% recommended fertilizer alone 1.42a0.19 0.10c0.01 1.53b0.19
CV (%) 14.5 6.20 13.4
Mean SE. Values in each column followed by a same letter are not significantly different at 5%
probability level
four-microbe FRB (three bacteria + one fungus) alone produced a leaf weight of
506 kg ha 1 compared to 431 kg ha 1 with 100% of the recommended chemical
fertilizers alone, at the first tipping.
Anthurium plantlets treated with four-microbe FRB and 50% of recommended
chemical fertilizers in an inert particle medium showed a higher relative growth rate
of plant dry weight than that of the 100% of the recommended fertilizers alone,
in early growth (Fig. 3.5). The four-microbe FRB alone marginally supported the
plant growth, possibly due to low microbial biomass of the biofilm, in the absence
of the fertilizer nutrients. These findings suggested that the input of chemical
fertilizers can be reduced by 50% during the vegetative growth phase and possibly
for the entire crop of such non legumes, which could be a huge economic gain
in terms of fertilizer saving.
The BBs once applied to a root establish an association between the root and the
biofilm, as shown in the conceptual model presented in Fig. 3.6. The moderate
application of the chemical fertilizer nutrients helps increase the microbial biomass
of the biofilm, which in turn tends to increase the microbial efficiency or the
functionality, as the concentrations of the fertilizer nutrients, particularly N
depletes. The biofilm acts as a nodule-like structure or a pseudonodule-fixing N2.
This fixed N may be transferred to the root, and in return the root may supply carbon
sources to the biofilm, the processes of which need future investigations. The
release of organic acids by the biofilm helps suppress microbial pathogens (Browning
et al. 2006) as well as increase mineralization of soil nutrients in the rhizosphere
(Seneviratne and Jayasinghearachchi 2005). Moreover, plant growth hormones,
such as IAA produced by the biofilms (Bandara et al. 2006), should increase the
growth of roots and mycorrhizal fungi. In this manner, this association constitutes
an excellent metabolic cooperation that helps the healthy growth of the plant.
In addition, the BBs are also important in replenishing beneficial microbial com-
munities in deteriorated soils due to heavy use of chemical inputs and intensive
cropping (Seneviratne 2009).
3 A Novel Biofertilizing Technique 59
Leaf area (RGR/wk) 0.011
0.01 r = 0.62 (p = 0.10) 2B+hN
0.008 +N
0.007 B+hN B+N
0.006 B–N 2B–N
0.004 –B–N
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Net photosynthetic rate (µmol/m2/s)
b 3.5
Shoot/root ratio
3 2B+hN
r = 0.97** 2B–N
2.5 B+hN
2B+N B+N
2 +N
1.5 -B–N
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Soil C (%)
c 3.5
Shoot/root ratio
r = 0.69 (p = 0.06)
3 2B+hN
d 5.5
5 2B+N
4.5 r = 0.85*
Leaf N (%)
4 B+hN 2B+hN
3 +N
2.5 2B–N
–B–N B–N
14 16 18 20 22
Root lenght (cm/plant)
Fig. 3.4 Relationships among plant and soil parameters in a nursery trial of tea, when biofilmed
biofertilizers (BBs) of diazotrophic bacteria and/or recommended chemical fertilizers were
applied. Correlations between (a) net photosynthetic rate and relative growth rate of leaf area
(b) soil C after harvest of the plants and shoot/root ratio (c) shoot/root ratio and transpiration rate
and (d) leaf N and root growth. Treatments included no bacteria ( B), one (B) or two (2B)
bacteria, and half (hN) or full (N) recommendation of chemical fertilizers, or no fertilizers ( N)
60 G. Seneviratne et al.
Plant dry weight (RGR/wk)
50% Rec. 100% Rec. 4-Microbe FRB Control
fertilizer + 4- fertilizer alone
Microbe FRB
Fig. 3.5 Relative growth rate (RGR) of plant dry weight of Anthurium plantlets treated with a
four-microbe fungal–rhizobial biofilm (FRB) alone, four-microbe FRB and 50% of recommended
chemical fertilizers or 100% of the recommended fertilizers alone, in an inert particle medium
during early growth. Vertical bars show standard error
Fig. 3.6 Conceptual model showing the association established between the root and the biofilm,
when the biofilmed biofertilizers (BBs) were applied to a root of a non legume
3.5 Conclusion
It is clear from various studies that the FBB/FRB when formulated as BBs and
applied to non legumes enhance the plant growth in the presence of even moderate
levels of chemical fertilizers. The biofilms with a higher number of beneficial
microbial species (higher order biofilms) increased the plant growth possibly due
to improved microbial activities. However, selection of combinations of microbes
possessing the highest efficiency, simultaneous biofertilizing and biocontroling
activities is a key factor in the preparation and formulation of BBs. Diverse forms
of the BBs can serve as a source to increase N2 fixation, promote nutrient uptake
3 A Novel Biofertilizing Technique 61
Abstract Rhizobia form symbiotic relationships with leguminous plants and con-
vert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which can be utilized by host legume
plants. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is important not only for the production of
protein-rich legumes but also to improve the fertility of soils. Nodulation in the
roots of legumes is regarded as an initiating event in the onset of N2 fixation.
Inhibition of nodulation restricts the N2-fixing ability of legumes, which may occur
due to variety of reasons. For instance, ethylene, as a stress hormone, inhibits
nodulation in legumes. However, its action is naturally offset by an enzyme
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, produced by rhizobia.
This enzyme cleaves plant-produced ACC into ammonia and a-ketobutyrate there-
by lowering the ethylene level. As a consequence of decreased ethylene levels,
nodulation is increased. Moreover, the ACC deaminase-containing plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria including symbiotic N2 fixers reduce the physiological
damage to plants caused by other environmental factors. In this chapter, the focus is
to understand how the rhizobial ACC deaminase lowers the ethylene level in
legumes and overcomes the inhibitory effects of ethylene on nodulation. The
strategy adopted by rhizobial species to promote nodulation by adjusting ethylene
levels could be exploited as an effective tool for legume improvement in different
agro-ecological niches.
4.1 Introduction
alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (Ligero et al. 1991; Glick et al. 2007a) and pea (Pisum
sativum) (Guinel and Geil 2002; Cheng et al. 2008). However, Medicago truncatula,
a hypernodulating mutant sickle, is ethylene insensitive (Penmetsa and Cook
1997) and has shown altered auxin transport regulation during nodulation (Prayitno
et al. 2006).
Similar to the model proposed for free-living bacteria, the strains of N2-fixing
bacteria also synthesize a multimeric (homodimeric or homotrimeric) enzyme,
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (Glick 1995; Glick et al.
1999), which facilitates symbiosis by metabolizing the immediate biosynthetic
precursor (ACC) of ethylene (Glick et al. 1994; Mayak et al. 1999) into ammonia
and a-ketobutyrate (Glick et al. 1998). Hence, ACC deaminase decreases ethylene
levels in host plants (Ma et al. 2003a, 2004; Glick 2005) and consequently improves
the overall growth of plants (Glick et al. 2007b; Contesto et al. 2008). This enzyme
was first detected in Pseudomonas sp. strain ACP and the yeast, Hansenula
saturnus (Honma and Shimomura 1978; Honma 1993; Minami et al. 1998) and
since then, it has been reported in numerous other PGPR strains (Shaharoona et al.
2007; Naveed et al. 2008; Duan et al. 2008) including large number of symbiotic
N2-fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae, R. hedysari,
Rhizobium spp., Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium (Belimov et al. 2005; Hontzeas
et al. 2005; Blaha et al. 2006; Bajgiran et al. 2008). When the bacteria posses-
sing ACC deaminase are bound to the seed coat of a developing seedling, they
act as a sink for ACC ensuring that the ethylene level does not increase to the
point where root growth is impaired. By facilitating the formation of longer
roots, these bacteria may enhance the survival of some seedlings, especially
during the first few days after the seeds are planted. Plants treated with ACC
deaminase-containing bacteria have longer roots (Hall et al. 1996; Shah et al. 1998)
and help plants to better resist the inhibitory effects of stress ethylene on growth
imposed by heavy metals (Reed and Glick 2005; Safronova et al. 2006; Zhang et al.
2008), pathogens (Wang et al. 2000; Belimov et al. 2007), drought (Zahir et al. 2008;
Arshad et al. 2008), flooding (Grichko and Glick 2001; Farwell et al. 2007), and high
salt (Cheng et al. 2007; Yang et al. 2008; Jalili et al. 2008). Thus, understanding the
role of rhizobial ACC deaminase in reducing the effect of ethylene would help to
develop the rhizobial inoculant containing ACC deaminase activity that could
become useful in sustaining growth and development of legumes under stress
conditions by reducing stress-induced ethylene production.
The interaction between rhizobia and their corresponding specific legume host plants
leading to nodule formation is a complex process that requires a continuous and
adequate signal exchange between the plant and the bacteria (Perret et al. 2000;
Bartsev et al. 2004). The symbiotic associates show a high degree of mutual specificity
66 J. Musarrat et al.
which is often mediated by the exchange of signal compounds (Long and Staskawicz
1993; Spaink 1997). During this interaction, rhizobia are attracted by root exudates
and colonize plant root surfaces. Flavonoids, the plant signal compounds present in
the exudates, trigger the transcription of bacterial nodulation (nod) genes leading
thereby to the synthesis of lipochito-oligosaccharide signals called Nod factors
(Perret et al. 2000). These signal compounds in turn cause the legume root hairs
to curl. Nod factors together with additional microbial signals, such as polysac-
charides and secreted proteins, allow bacteria attached to root hairs to penetrate
the root through a tubular structure called the infection thread, through which the
rhizobia enter, move into root hair, and subsequently reach to the dividing cortical
cells. When the thread reaches the primordium, the bacteria are released into the
plant cytoplasm, where they differentiate into endosymbiotic form, the N2-fixing
bacteroids. Inside the central nodule cells, rhizobia are housed as symbiosome
that are horizontally acquired organelles and are involved in the enzymatic
reduction of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia and make this N accessible to
their hosts. In return, the bacteria are supplied with carbohydrates in a protected
environment. The host plant, however, regulates the number of nodules formed,
the maturation of nodules, and the N2 fixation of the nodules dependent upon
available nitrogen.
Despite substantial progress in biological sciences, the mechanisms regulating
legume root nodule development are still poorly understood, and very few regu-
latory genes have been cloned and characterized. For instance, EFD (ethylene
response factor, ERF, required for nodule differentiation), a gene that is upregulated
during nodulation in M. truncatula, has recently been characterized (Vernié et al.
2008). The EFD transcription factor belongs to the ERF group V, which contains
ERN1, 2, and 3, three ERFs involved in Nod factor signaling. The role of EFD in
the regulation of nodulation has been examined through the characterization of a
null deletion mutant (efd-1), RNA interference, and overexpression studies (Vernié
et al. 2008). EFD is a negative regulator of root nodulation and infection by
Rhizobium. It is required for the formation of functional nitrogen-fixing nodules
and affects the plant and bacteroid differentiation processes occurring beneath the
nodule meristem. Furthermore, EFD also activate a cytokinin primary response
gene Mt RR4 that encodes a type-A response regulator. Induction of Mt RR4 leads
to the inhibition of cytokinin signaling with the suppression of new nodule initiation
and activation of differentiation as cells leave the nodule meristem. Thus, a key
regulator linking early and late stages of nodulation and the regulation of the
cytokinin pathway are important both for nodule initiation and development.
Rhizobia, in general, produce both indeterminate and determinate types of
nodules. Indeterminate nodules are characterized by different zones: (1) the distal
meristem, where bacteria are internalized, (2) an interzone with amyloplast accu-
mulation and differentiation of bacteroids, and (3) a fixation zone that includes
plant cells and a senescent zone (Pawlowski and Bisseling 1996; Timmers et al.
1999; Jeroen et al. 2006). In comparison, determinate nodules are typically round
shaped and are derived from the cessation of meristem activity after nodule initia-
tion and growth of the nodule mainly by cell expansion (Jeroen et al. 2006).
4 Role of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate 67
Fig. 4.1 Schematic representation of mechanisms through which the PGPR attached to either a
seed or plant root lowers ethylene concentration and prevents ethylene inhibition of root elon-
gation. The (⊥) indicates inhibition. IAA indicates indoleacetic acid, ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-
1- carboxylic acid and SAM, S-adenosyl-methionine (adapted from Glick et al. 1998)
involves: (1) binding or colonization of organisms onto the surface of either the
seed or root of a developing plant; (2) synthesis and release of IAA by bacterial
strains in response to tryptophan and other small molecules present in the seed or
root exudates; some of IAA secreted could be used by the plants; the IAA so
released, together with endogenous plant IAA, stimulate plant cell proliferation and
elongation, or it can also induce the activity of ACC synthase to produce ACC; (3)
exudation of the plant’s ACC along with other small molecules such as sugars,
organic acids and amino acids (Penrose and Glick 2001); (4) uptake of exudates by
the bacteria which is used as a source of nutrients; and (5) cleavage of ACC by ACC
deaminase forming ammonia and a-ketobutyrate, which are further metabolized by
the bacteria. Thus, the uptake and cleavage of ACC by ACC deaminase containing
N2 fixers decreases the amount of ACC and thereby acts as a sink for it. In turn, the
72 J. Musarrat et al.
decreased level of ACC lowers the levels of ethylene and alleviates its potential
inhibitory effect and consequently help plants to grow better under ethylene
stressed environment.
rather than the free-living cell, suggesting that ACC in host plants might induce
the ACC deaminase in rhizobia (Hoa et al. 2004).
An important question is how a decreased level of ethylene enhances nodulation.
To address this issue, several models have been proposed depicting the relationship
between signal transduction, ethylene sensing and the development of nodula-
tion (Stearns and Glick 2003). Thus, two strategies can be adopted: (1) construct
transgenic legumes with altered ethylene sensitivities; the expression of ethylene
receptors that cannot bind ethylene confers reduced ethylene sensitivity to heterol-
ogous plants in a genetically dominant manner (Bleecker 1999); and (2) engineer
rhizobia to enhance nodulation competitiveness on host legumes rather than by
single inoculation (Okazaki et al. 2003; Uchiumi et al. 2004). Nodulation competi-
tiveness, the ability of certain rhizobial strain to form nodules in a multistrain
environment, has practical importance in agriculture due to the fact that super-
nodulating strains often perform poorly under field conditions due to better
competing populations of inferior rhizobia in soils. It is, therefore, possible that
engineering rhizobia to exhibit high ACC deaminase activity is likely to delay the
nodule senescence by reducing ethylene production, and thereby promoting nodule
development and nitrogen fixation. Accordingly, nodules with high bacteroid ACC
deaminase activity are expected to grow larger and contain more bacteroids that
remain active for a longer period of time. For example, the ACC deaminase of
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 128C53K has been previously reported to be able to
enhance nodulation of peas. The ACC deaminase structural gene (acdS) and its
upstream regulatory gene, a leucine-responsive regulatory protein (LRP)-like gene
(lrpL) from R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 128C53K, were introduced into
S. meliloti, which does not produce this enzyme, in two different ways: through a
plasmid vector and by in situ transposon replacement. The resulting ACC deami-
nase-producing transformed strain showed 35–40% increase in both nodule
numbers and biomass in alfalfa (M. sativa) plants, likely by reducing ethylene
production in the host plants. Furthermore, the genetically modified ACC deami-
nase-producing S. meliloti strain was more competitive in nodulation than the wild-
type strain, and perhaps utilizes ACC as a nutrient within the infection threads (Ma
et al. 2004). Thus, even if some rhizobial strains lack the ability to decrease
ethylene levels in host legumes, the introduction of genes coding for ACC deami-
nase into these rhizobia may enhance the symbiotic interactions with the cognate
host legumes and eventually reduce the ethylene level. This strategy of ethylene
reduction in legumes is an interesting area of research that could lead to facilitating
the productivity of legumes under stressed conditions. However, how the ACC
deaminase activity affects nodulation competitiveness is unclear. The plausible
explanation is that the ACC deaminase blocks ethylene biosynthesis locally at
the infection sites and cancels the effects of ethylene on nodulation during the
mitogenic process (Okazaki et al. 2004). Therefore, it has been suggested that the
rhizobia employ more than one strategies, i.e., the ACC deaminase and rhizobio-
toxine synthesis to reduce the extent of ethylene biosynthesis by the host
legumes and enhance nodule formation.
74 J. Musarrat et al.
4.7 Conclusion
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation process plays a significant role in improving the soil
fertility and productivity of low-N soils. Hence, the symbiosis can relieve the
requirements for added nitrogenous fertilizer during the growth of leguminous
crops. Symbiotic nitrogen fixers in addition to nitrogen fixation, utilize a variety
of mechanisms, both direct and indirect, to stimulate the growth of plants and/or to
compete in nodulation. Ethylene is a gaseous phytohormone produced by the plants
including legumes during normal growth conditions. However, under biotic and
abiotic stresses, the synthesis of ethylene increases and adversely affects the
legume–Rhizobium symbiosis. The rhizobia possessed with ACC deaminase
4 Role of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate 77
activity lowers the level of ethylene and consequently improves the overall perfor-
mance of legumes. Interestingly, the rhizobia that do not contain ACC deaminase
are unable to nodulate their cognate legumes to the same extent that they might be
able to if they possessed this enzyme. Moreover, it is possible to genetically
engineer strains that normally lack ACC deaminase with the gene encoding this
enzyme, with the expectation that the transformed strain will nodulate its cognate
legume to a greater extent than the nontransformed strain. In this regard, the studies
demonstrated that Rhizobium (e.g., Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021), which does
not have ACC deaminase activity, can nodulate its host legume (alfalfa) more
efficiently when it is transformed with the acdS and lrpL genes from R. legumino-
sarum bv. viciae 128C53K. Thus, by genetically engineering rhizobial strains to
produce ACC deaminase, there is a real possibility of obtaining better strains for use
as field inocula to increase the yield of leguminous crops. Furthermore, ethylene
production can be induced during many environmental stresses, such as infection
by pathogens, flooding, heavy metal poisoning, and mechanical wounding. The
ACC deaminase containing PGPR including symbiotic nitrogen fixers have been
found to be able to help the plants resist the detrimental effects of stress ethylene on
plant growth imposed by both biotic and abiotic stresses, besides providing other
benefits to legumes. Thus, the ethylene decreasing ability of nodule forming
bacteria is interesting and suggestive for further understanding of legume–rhizobia
interactions and signaling events of Rhizobium–legume symbiosis.
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4 Role of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate 83
5.1 Introduction
Metals have been an important constituent of the earth’s crust from the time it was
evolved. Thus, even the early life has arisen in the presence of abundance of metals.
Over the ages, all living systems have evolved to use some metals as vital con-
stituents, while they have learned to grapple with some others which are toxic
(Choudhury and Srivastava 2001). Environmental pollution by metals became
evident when mining and industrial activities increased in the late nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Potentially hazardous levels of heavy metals are being
The term “heavy metals” refers to metals and metalloids having densities greater
than 5 g cm3 and is usually associated with pollution and toxicity, although some
of these elements (essential metals) are required by organisms at low concentrations
(Adriano 2001). For example, zinc (Zn) is the component of a variety of enzymes
(dehydrogenases, proteinases, peptidases) but is also involved in the metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins, phosphate, auxins, in RNA and ribosome formation in
plants (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias 2001). Copper (Cu) contributes to several
physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate distribution,
nitrogen and cell wall metabolism, seed production) in plants including disease
resistance (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias 2001). The effective functioning of the
metabolisms of humans and bacteria is also dependent on these metals (Adriano
2001; Blencowe and Morby 2003; Cavet et al. 2003). However, at high concentra-
tions, these metals exhibit toxic effects on cells (Baker and Walker 1989). In
contrast, cadmium (Cd) is not involved in any known biological processes (nones-
sential metal) and may be quite toxic as it is accumulated by organisms. It is known
to: (1) disturb enzyme activities, (2) inhibit the DNA-mediated transformation in
microorganisms, (3) interfere in the symbiosis between microbes and plants, and (4)
increase plant predisposition to fungal invasion (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias
2001). In humans, it may promote several disorders in the metabolism of Ca and
vitamin D leading to bone degeneration and kidney damage (itai-itai disease)
(Adriano 2001). The excessive uptake of heavy metals by animals and humans is
the result of the successive accumulation of these elements in the food chain, the
starting point being the contamination of the soil.
The main problem with heavy metals (such as Cu, Zn and Cd) in soils is that, unlike
organic pollutants, they cannot be biologically degraded and, therefore, persist in
the environment for longer periods of time. Their presence in soils may be from
natural or anthropogenic origins. Natural sources include atmospheric emissions
from volcanoes, the transport of continental dusts, and the weathering of metal-
enriched rocks (Ernst 1998). However, the major source of contamination is from
anthropogenic origin: the exploitation of mines and smelters, the application of
metal-based pesticides and metal-enriched sewage sludges in agriculture, combus-
tion of fossil fuel, metallurgical industries and electronics (manufacture, use and
disposal), military training, etc., contribute to an increased input of heavy metals in
soils (Alloway 1995). Whereas the industrial emissions of metals may be controlled
5 Strategies for Crop Improvement 87
by the installation of adequate air filters, the main source of contamination for
humans remains the ingestion of plants growing in derelict soils. The use of
intensive farm management practices, like application of phosphatic fertilizers,
sewage sludge input and pesticide treatment, are responsible for the pollution of
conventional agricultural soils. Although these practices significantly increase the
yields by protecting plants from deleterious pathogens and providing them with all
the nutrients necessary for a rapid and sustained growth, they may also add large
amounts of heavy metals and organic pollutants to soil which, in turn, may
accumulate in plants. For instance, Hamon et al. (1998) have shown that the
addition of phosphatic fertilizers increased Cd uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum).
However, the risk emerging from heavy metals largely depends on their bioavail-
ability (Adriano 2001).
Mineral rock weathering and anthropogenic sources provide two of the main
types of metal to soils. According to Ross (1994), the anthropogenic sources of
metal contamination can be divided to five main groups: (1) metalliferous mining
and smelting (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury), (2) industry (e.g., arsenic,
cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, nickel, zinc), (3) atmospheric depo-
sition (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, uranium), (4) agricul-
ture (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, selenium, uranium, zinc), and (5) waste
disposal (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, zinc).
Exposure of plants even to minute concentrations of toxic heavy metals may lead to
the alteration of many cellular processes and structures (Hall 2000). One of the
characteristic effects of metal poisoning, observable at an early stage, is a reduction
in cell proliferation and growth (Schützendübel et al. 2001). It has also been
associated with the appearance of oxidative stress (Schützendübel and Polle
2002). Accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to an oxidative
burst, is thought to increase cellular damage through oxidation of several macro-
molecules (Hall 2000), such as lipids (Sandalio et al. 2001) and proteins (Romero-
Puertas et al. 2002). Some metals, such as Fe2+ and Cu,+ might induce oxidative cell
damage coupled to their autooxidation, through Fenton-type reactions. However,
this type of reaction has not been described for either Cd2+ or Hg2+ in plants
(Schützendübel and Polle 2002), despite the evidence of oxidative stress induction
in different plants after exposure to Cd (Lozano-Rodriguez et al. 1997; Dixit et al.
2001) and to Hg (Cho and Park 2000). Other cellular responses observed after
addition of heavy metals are changes in thiol-peptide metabolism (Rauser 1991).
Although lead has no defined biological function, it can be accumulated in plant
organs (such as roots and shoots) and exhibit toxicity leading to a decrease in
biomass and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis (Koeppe 1981). Heavy metals
disrupt the physiological process by binding to protein sulfhydryl groups or cause
deficiency/substitution of essential metals (Van Assche and Clijsters 1990). Lead,
88 A. Rani and R. Goel
Metal species exert toxicity through numerous biochemical pathways that can be
divided into five mechanistic categories. First, toxic metal species can bind to
proteins in lieu of essential inorganic ions, thereby altering the biological function
of the target molecule. An example is the replacement of Ni for Mg in some redox-
active metalloproteins or in DNA, which destroys their function and/or may lead to
DNA damage, respectively. Second, toxic metal species can participate in an array
of reactions with thiols and disulphides, thereby destroying the biological function
of proteins that contain sensitive S groups (Stohs and Bagchi 1995; Zannoni et al.
2007). These reactions frequently require and produce ROS, which are by-products
of normal metabolism (Fig. 5.1). Thiol groups are often involved in the binding of
3 4 2 3 4
Immobile phase Mobile phase
2 2
1 1
Bacteria have developed several efficient systems to detoxify the metals. These
mechanisms include: (1) intracellular sequestration, (2) export, (3) reduced perme-
ability, (4) extracellular sequestration, and (5) extracellular detoxification (Rough
et al. 1995). Almost all known bacterial resistance mechanisms are encoded on
plasmids and transposons (Silver and Walderhaug 1992), and it is probably by gene
transfer or spontaneous mutation that bacteria acquire their resistance to heavy
metals (Osborn et al. 1997). In Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., Ralstonia eutropha),
the czc system is responsible for the resistance to Cd, Zn and Co. The czc-genes
encode for a cation–proton antiporter (CzcABC) which exports Cd, Zn and Co
(Nies 1995). A similar mechanism, called ncc system, has been found in Alcali-
genes xylosoxidans which is resistant to Ni, Cd and Co. In contrast, the Cd
resistance mechanism in Gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Staphylococcus, Bacillus or
Listeria) is a Cd-efflux ATPase. The two most well-studied Cu resistance systems
are cop from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and pco from Escherichia coli. The
cop genes encode for different Cu-binding proteins which allow the sequestration of
Cu in the periplasm or in the outer membrane. In contrast, the pco system is
expected to be an ion-dependent Cu antiporter (Kunito et al. 1998). The bacterial
resistance properties can be used for different purposes: in the case of mercury
pollution, the insertion of the microbial mercury reductase in a transgenic plant
significantly improved the phytoextraction process (Heaton et al. 1998). Another
example was the inoculation of heavy metal-resistant bacteria in a contaminated
soil which seemed to protect the plants from metal toxicity.
Attenuation dilution
mixing clean soil
Polluted soil
ex-situ soil washing
remedial action
remediation flushing
the environment or to render them harmless (Salt et al. 1995; Flathman and Lanza
1998). These processes either “decontaminate” the soil, or “stabilize” the pollutant
within it (Fig. 5.3). Decontamination reduces the amount of pollutants within the
soil by removing them, while stabilization does not reduce the quantity of pollutant
at a site, but makes use of soil amendments to alter the soil chemistry and sequester
or absorb the pollutant into the matrix so as to reduce or eliminate environmental
risks (Cunningham et al. 1995). Furthermore, these traditional techniques present
significant disadvantages, such as energy requirements, and are very expensive.
5.9 Bioremediation
5.9.1 Biosorption
or with certain chelating agents. Besides bacteria, waste fungal biomass derived
from several industrial fermentations may also provide an economical source of
biosorptive materials. Many species have high cell wall chitin contents which act as
an effective biosorbent as do the chitosan and glucans.
Biosorption is defined as a property of certain inactive or dead microbial
biomass to bind and concentrate heavy metals from even very dilute aqueous
solutions (Vasudevan et al. 2001). The uptake of metal could be active, passive
or both in nature. Passive uptake is independent of cellular metabolisms, and metal
binds to polyionic cell walls through ion exchange as the process is not affected by
physical conditions such as pH and ionic strength. It is a rapid process taking only
5–10 min to complete. The process is also reversible and can involve both living
and dead cells. The active process on the other hand is slow and depends on cellular
metabolism. It is affected by metabolic inhibitors, uncouplers and temperature. In
the active process, the metal complex with specific proteins like metallothionins are
contained in vacuole. Both the active and passive mode may occur simultaneously.
The passive process is relatively nonspecific with respect to the metal (Pandey
et al. 2001).
Polysaccharides in association with lipids and proteins form the main constituent of
fungal cell wall. In filamentous fungi, the outer cell wall layers mainly contain
natural polysaccharides (glycans and mannans) while the inner layers contain more
of glucosamines (chitin and chitosan) in a microfibrillar structure, which are found
to be associated with metal-binding (Vasudevan et al. 2001). Mahesh et al. (2001)
investigated Cu2+ sorption behavior of three isolated native forms of fungi in a
laboratory-scale batch reactor. Fusarium solani fungal species tend to remove 90%
Cu2+ from solution at alkaline pH (8.0–10.0). Metal uptake capacities of some fungi
have also been observed by Bagdwal et al. (2003).
Special polysaccharides are present in the algal cell wall. The number and nature of
binding sites depends on the chemical composition of the cell wall. In pheophycean
members, algin is present which contributes significantly to metal-binding.
The anionic nature of bacterial surface enables them to bind metal cations through
electrostatic interactions. Because of their thickness and anionic character (which is
mainly due to peptidoglycan, teichoic acid and teichuronic acids), the cell walls of
Gram-positive bacteria have a high capacity for metal-binding. It has been reported
94 A. Rani and R. Goel
by Beveridge and Murray (1980) that peptidoglycan is the major cell wall compo-
nent responsible for metal-binding by Bacillus subtilis. In contrast, metal-binding
by Bacillus licheniformis is predominantly due to teichuronic acid. Three strains of
thermotolerant polymer-producing bacteria, B. subtilis WD90, B. subtilis SH29,
and Enterobacter agglomerans 5M 38, as well as their bioflocculants, were capable
of nickel and cadmium removal. However, the bioflocculant of the three isolates
gave higher metal adsorption than the cells due to synthesis of extracellular
polysaccharide and other cell wall components (Kaewchai and Praseptsan 2002).
In another study, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CW-96-1) tolerated cadmium up to a
concentration of 5 mM, and, 140 h after inoculation, metal-tolerant strain (CW-96-1)
removed >99% of the cadmium from solution. Electron micrographs and energy
dispersive microanalysis indicated that cadmium was bound to the cell wall as a
sulfur complex with a 1:1 stoichiometry (Wang et al. 1997). Pseudomonas putida
actively accumulates cadmium from the medium, and the resistance mechanism
involves both polyphosphate and a series of low molecular weight cysteine-rich
cadmium proteins that are induced during different growth phases. Nuclear mag-
netic resonance (NMR) study on the major native cadmium protein (CdBP1)
establishes a definite relationship to cadmium metallothioneins (Higham
et al. 1984).
5.9.2 Bioaccumulation
Bioaccumulation has been described for such metals as mercury, lead, silver,
cadmium and nickel. Intracellular accumulation of toxic elements is carried out
by an energy-dependent transport system (Gadd 1988). Potential mechanisms of
toxic metal flux across membranes can be ion pumps, ion channels, carrier mediated
transport, endocytosis, complex permeation, and lipid permeation. Permeabiliza-
tion of cell membranes to toxic elements can result in further exposure of intracel-
lular metal-binding sites and increase passive accumulation. Assessment of heavy
metal accumulation in the microbial cells can be done by transmission electron
microscopy (TEM). For example, TEM analysis of P. putida 62BN demonstrated
intracellular and periplasmic accumulation of cadmium (Rani et al. 2009). A high
metal concentration may lead to intracellular precipitation of metal (Hughes and
Poole 1989). Additionally, cadmium transport via the Mn2+ transport system has
been reported in many bacteria (Laddaga and Silver 1985; Perry and Silver 1982)
and may also contribute to cadmium transport in 62BN. The intracellular and
periplasmic cadmium accumulation in P.putida 62BN suggested the presence of
metal-binding and/or efflux mechanisms inside the cells mediating resistance
against metal toxicity. Cytoplasmic (Yoshida et al. 2002) and periplasmic
(Naz et al. 2005; Pazirandeh et al. 1998) accumulation of heavy metal ions as a
result of metallothioneins expression has been reported in E. coli.
5 Strategies for Crop Improvement 95
5.9.3 Siderophores
Fig. 5.5 Post-genomic technologies using a systematic biology approach to track the insights of
5 Strategies for Crop Improvement 97
prolonged cadmium exposure. One of these proteins has been identified as the
product of ORF o216 (Ferianc et al. 1998), later renamed yodA, a 216 amino acid
residue protein, identified on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels (VanBogelen
et al. 1996; Ferianc et al. 1998). N-terminal sequencing has demonstrated that the
protein is processed and contains a 24 amino acid signal sequence, suggesting that
the mature product is exported from the cytoplasm. YodA, together with two other
putative proteins, YrpE of B. subtilis (Sorokin et al. 1997) and pXO1-130 of
Bacillus anthracis (Okinaka et al. 1999), may constitute a new family of stress
proteins based on sequence similarity (44.6% identity) and size (YodA, 216; YrpE,
251; pXO1-130, 237 aa). These three proteins were found to also exhibit sequence
similarity with the 200 aa residue C-terminal part of the streptococcal adhesin,
AdcA (Pukárová et al. 2001), which is a lipoprotein containing a putative metal-
binding site (Dintilhac and Claverys 1997). In addition, YodA exhibits weak sequ-
ence similarity with the N-terminal part (about 200 aa) of the copper-binding protein
amine oxidase, encoded by maoA (Ferianc et al. 1998), of both E. coli (Azakami
et al. 1994) and Klebsiella aerogenes (Sugino et al. 1992).
Further, Rab et al. (2006) showed that the bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus
B10 in the presence of 150mM CdCl2 induced heat-shock proteins (GroEL and
Dnak), S-adenosylmethinine synthetase, ribosomal protein S1, aspartate amino-
transferase, and phosphoglycerate kinase. Ribosomal protein S1 appeared to be
involve in the repair of cadmium-mediated cellular damage. Five cadmium binding
proteins, including 2-methylcitrate dehydratase, phosphate periplasmic binding
protein, inosine-50 - monophosphate dehydrogenase/guanosine-50 - monophosphate
reductase, inositol monophosphatase, and lytic murein transglycosylase, were also
5.11 Conclusion
Generally, the concentration of heavy metals in soil has increased during the last
few years posing a serious threat to the environment and human health world-
wide. However, due to the fact that large areas of land contaminated with metals
cannot be economically decontaminated by applying conventional chemical
approaches, microbe/plant-mediated approaches can prove to be the best viable
and inexpensive alternative for remediation of heavy metal-polluted sites.
Remediation of metal-polluted soils using biological systems (both plants and
5 Strategies for Crop Improvement 99
Table 5.2 Selected genes (and description) upregulated under cadmium stress
Gene Fold change Annotation
Efflux pumps (Cluster I)
CC2721 21.3 Outer membrane efflux protein
CC2722 36 Metal ion efflux membrane fusion protein, contains HlyD
CC2723 20 Hypothetical protein
CC2724 22.8 Homologous to nccA and czcA
CC2725 8 Conserved hypothetical protein
CC2726 12.4 Cation transporting P-type ATPase
CC2727 6 Conserved hypothetical protein
Efflux pumps (Cluster II)
CC3195 3.4 Outer membrane efflux protein
CC3196 2.6 Contains HlyD domain
CC3197 3 Cation/multidrug efflux pump, with AcrB/ AcrD/ AcrF
Protect against oxidative stress
CC1777 18.9 Superoxide dismutase (cofactor, Mn2+) (sod A)
CC3557 2.2 Superoxide dismutase (cofactor, Fe2+) (sod B)
CC1316 3.2 Glutathione S-transferase
CC2434 2.2 Glutathione S-transferase
CC0062 2.4 Thioredoxin-like protein
CC0110 2 Thioredoxin
CC3539 2.3 Thioredoxin
CC2505 2.3 Glutaredoxin-related protein
CC0994 2.5 Peptide methinine sulfoxide reductase
CC1039 2.3 Peptide methinine sulfoxide reductase
CC0141 2.3 Glutathione synthetase
CC0885 3.6 Riboflavin biosynthesis protein (rib D)
CC0886 4.3 Riboflavin synthase, alpha subunit (rib E)
CC0887 4 GTP cyclohydrolase II (rib AB)
CC0888 3.6 Riboflavin synthase, alpha subunit (rib E)
CC0459 4.1 GTP cyclohydrolase I (tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis
Arsenic resistance
CC1503 4.8 Arsenic reductase (arsC)
CC1504 4.4 Transmembrane channel protein
CC1505 4.4 Transcriptional regulator (arsR)
CC1506 9.9 Arsenic resistant protein
DNA Repair
CC1428 6 Deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase, removes cyclobutane –
type pyrimidine dimmers in DNA
CC2590 2 Excinuclease ABC, subunit A
CC0260 2.7 Ribonucleotide reductase, alpha subunit
CC3492 2.2 Ribonucleotide reductase, beta subunit
CC2129 4.5 NADH: flavin oxidoreductase
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104 A. Rani and R. Goel
6.1 Introduction
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 105
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_6, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
106 M.S. Khan et al.
use may also deplete soil fertility. An alternative to these physico-chemical methods
is the exploitation of naturally occurring microbes whose application, however, is
inexpensive but less common. These microbes thrive well in the region around the
root (the rhizosphere) which is relatively rich in nutrients, due to the accumulation
of plant photosynthates, released from the roots of different plants. These photo-
synthates support microbial communities of soils which may exhibit beneficial,
neutral, or deleterious effects on plant growth. Beneficial rhizobacteria capable of
aggressively colonizing the rhizosphere and facilitating plant growth are often
termed plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Kloepper and Schroth
1978) or plant health-promoting rhizobacteria (PHPR) according to their mode of
action (Sikora 1992). In contrast, deleterious rhizobacteria are presumed to ad-
versely affect plant growth and development through the production of undesirable
metabolites (phytotoxins) or through competition for nutrients or inhibition of the
other beneficial effects (Sturz and Christie 2003). In order to exert their effect on
plants, PGPR must (1) be able to colonize the root, (2) survive and multiply in the
rhizosphere or within plant tissues, and (3) facilitate plant growth (Barea et al.
2005). These PGPR have been found to facilitate plant growth in laboratory and
greenhouse environments, but responses have been variable in the field. Although
many studies have been conducted to identify the specific traits by which PGPR
promote plant growth, the majority of them have focused on one or two of these
traits. Moreover, the presence of a PGPR trait in vitro does not guarantee that a
particular isolate is a PGPR. The mechanisms by which PGPR enhance plant
growth are not fully understood, but are believed to include: the ability to produce
or change the concentration of the plant hormones, such as indoleacetic acid
(Ahmad et al. 2008), gibberellic acid (Mahmoud et al. 1984), and cytokinins
(Frankenberger and Arshad 1995) and ethylene (Glick 1995; Garcia de Salamon
et al. 2001); N2 fixation (Zaidi 1999; Wani et al. 2007a); antagonism against
phytopathogenic microorganisms (Khan et al. 2002) by production of siderophores
(Wani et al. 2007b), b-1,3-glucanase (Flaishman et al. 1996), chitinases (Renwick
et al. 1991), antibiotics (Shanahan et al. 1992), and cyanide (Wani et al. 2007a); and
solubilization of inorganic phosphates and toxic metals (Wani et al. 2007b, 2007c).
Due to these properties, these beneficial microbes have become a potential compo-
nent in management practices to achieve the optimum yield. This chapter surveys
the developments in the functional diversity among PGPR that could help to
develop a bioinoculant possessing multifaceted activity for use in diverse agro-
ecological regions of the world.
epidermal layer (Mahaffee and Kloepper 1997). Plant exudates in the rhizosphere,
such as amino acids and sugars, provide a rich source of energy and nutrients for
rhizosphere microbes including PGPR, resulting in bacterial populations greater in
this area than outside the rhizosphere. Broadly, PGPR can be divided into two
major groups according to their relationship with the host plants: (1) symbiotic
bacteria, and (2) free-living rhizobacteria (Khan 2005). Somers et al. (2004) have,
however, classified PGPR into the following functional groups depending on their
inherent activities: (1) biofertilizers (capable of accelerating the accessibility of
nutrients to the plant); (2) phytostimulators (capable of facilitating the plant growth
usually by synthesizing phytohormones); (3) rhizoremediators (involved in the
degradation of organic pollutants); and (4) biopesticides (capable of managing
plant diseases by the production of antimicrobial metabolites). Furthermore,
based on their localization, PGPR can be: (1) intracellular PGPR (iPGPR) which
are bacteria residing inside plant cells, producing nodules and being localized
inside those specialized structures (e.g., nodules); and (2) extracellular PGPR
(ePGPR) which are those bacteria living outside plant cells and not producing
nodules, but enhancing plant growth through production of signal compounds that
directly stimulate growth, improve disease resistance, or nutrient status of soil. The
ePGPR has further been subdivided into three types, based on the degree of
association with plant roots: (1) those living near, but not in contact with the
roots; (2) those colonizing the root surface; and (3) those living in the spaces
between cells of the root cortex. Of these PGPR, iPGPR are mostly Gram-negative
and rod-shaped, with a few bacterial populations being Gram-positive rods, cocci
and pleomorphic forms. Generally, iPGPR include the members of rhizobiace,
capable of forming nodules on the root systems of leguminous plants. In contrast,
some of the agronomically important ePGPR include genera such as Bacillus
(Ryder et al. 1999), Pseudomonas (De Freitas and Germida 1991) Erwinia (Nelson
1998), Enterobacter (Tannii et al. 1990), Caulobacter, Serratia (Zhang et al.
1996), Flavobacterium (Tannii et al. 1990), Actinobacter sp. (Tannii et al. 1990),
Aeromonas (Inbar and Chet 1991), Agrobacterium (Ryder and Jones 1990),
Alcaligenes sp. (Yuen et al. 1985), Phyllobacterium sp. (Lambert et al. 1990), and
Bacillus (Bai et al. 2002), Hyphomycrobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and
Acetobacter (Prithiviraj et al. 2003).
using the BIOLOG system (Garland 1996), and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and
fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiling (Germida et al. 1998). Moreover, the
culture-independent molecular techniques that are based on direct extraction of
DNA from soil, and 16S-rRNA gene sequence analysis, bacterial artificial chromo-
some, or expression cloning systems, (Rondon et al. 1999) have allowed the easier
identification and determination of the potentials they possess. These approaches
can also be used to determine the impact of inoculation of PGPR on the rhizosphere
community (Steddom et al. 2002). Yet one of the challenges in developing PGPR
for commercial application is ensuring its effective selection and screening proce-
dure, so that the most promising PGPR with multiple traits are identified and raised.
However, no efficient high-throughput assays to select the best PGPR are currently
available. Various approaches for initial selection and screening of rhizobacterial
isolates include host plant specificity, adaptation to a particular soil, and screening
assays (Bowen and Rovira 1999). Furthermore, the functional properties associated
with PGPR, like root colonization, synthesis of IAA, solubilization of insoluble P,
synthesis of ACC deaminase, and antibiotics and siderophores, have also been used
to characterize these PGPR. Moreover, the impact of pollutants including heavy
metals on these rhizosphere microbes in metal-stressed soils can be assessed using
the signature biomarkers such as nucleic acid and fatty acids. The development of
methods for direct extraction of nucleic acids and fatty acids from both contami-
nated and nonpolluted soil samples in combination with recombinant DNA and
molecular phylogeny methods have provided a new insight into the identification of
specific bacterial strains.
PGPR can affect plant growth either indirectly or directly (Glick et al. 1999; Antoun
and Prévost 2006). The indirect promotion of plant growth occurs when PGPR
lessen or prevent the deleterious effects of one or more phytopathogenic organisms
by: synthesizing antibiotics; depletion of iron from the rhizosphere; induced sys-
temic resistance; synthesis of antifungal metabolites; production of fungal cell wall
lysing enzymes; competition for sites on the root; stimulation of other beneficial
symbioses; and by decreasing the toxicity of hazardous substances in contaminated
soils. While using direct mechanisms, PGPR promotes the growth of plants by
either providing plants with a compound synthesized by the bacterium or faci-
litating the uptake of certain nutrients from the environment, iron sequestration
by siderophores, the production of bacterial volatiles and phytohormones, and
lowering the ethylene level in plants. Thus, PGPR functions in three different
ways: (1) synthesizing particular compounds for uptake by plants (Zaidi et al.
2003; Zaidi and Khan 2006; Khan et al. 2007); (2) facilitating the uptake of certain
nutrients from environment (Lucas Garcı́a et al. 2004; Çakmakçi et al. 2006); and
6 Functional Diversity Among Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: Current Status 109
(3) protecting plants from diseases (Guo et al. 2004; Pandey et al. 2006; Trivedi
et al. 2008). Regardless of the mechanisms of plant growth promotion, PGPR must
colonize the rhizosphere around the roots, the rhizoplane or the root itself (Glick
1995). In general, PGPR improves plant growth by synthesizing phytohormones
precursors (Wani et al. 2007a, b; Ahmad et al. 2008), vitamins, enzymes, and
siderophores (Wani et al. 2008a), as well as antibiotics (Burd et al. 2000; Glick
2001), and by inhibiting ethylene synthesis (Glick et al. 2007), in addition to their
ability to fix atmospheric N (N2 fixers) and to solubilize inorganic P (Khan et al.
2007), and to make these elements accessible to plants (Perveen et al. 2002;
Wani et al. 2007a, b; Khan and Zaidi 2007), to mineralize organic phosphate
(Ponmurugan and Gopi 2006), and to improve plant stress tolerance to drought,
salinity and metal toxicity (Wani et al. 2008b). Biochemical and molecular
approaches are providing new insights into the genetic basis of these traits, the
biosynthetic pathways involved, their regulation, and their importance for bio-
logical control in laboratory and field studies. An overview of the plant growth
promotion by PGPR is presented in Fig.6.1, while the growth-promoting substances
synthesized by various PGPR are summarized in Table 6.1.
Use of such microbes possessing multiple traits, including their role in metal
resistance/reduction and ability to promote plant growth in metal-contaminated
soils also make them one of the most suitable choices for bioremediation. Among
other PGPR, the symbiotic nitrogen fixers enhance the growth of legumes by: (1)
biological N2 fixation, (2) increasing the availability of nutrients in the rhizosphere,
(3) inducing increases in root surface area, (4) enhancing other beneficial symbioses
of the host, (5) reducing or preventing the deleterious effects of phytopathogenic
Phytohormones Siderophores
N2 fixers
Pseudomonas tolaasii
ACC Antibiotics
deaminase HCN/NH4+
Insoluble P
N2 fixation
Organic P
N2 fixers
Metal detoxification mineralization
phyto-siderophores for iron is less than the affinity of microbial siderophores, but
plants require a lower iron concentration for normal growth than do microbes.
Although several rhizobial species are known to produce growth-promoting sub-
stances under metal-free environment, the syntheses of these compounds by metal-
tolerant rhizobia have been limited. Nevertheless, there has been certain evidence
where metals at lower concentrations exert no harmful effect and rather stimulate
plant growth promoting activities of rhizobia. For instance, Bradyrhizobium
(RM8), tolerant to nickel and zinc, Rhizobium sp. (RL9), tolerant to zinc and
Rhizobium sp. (RP5), tolerant to zinc and nickel, produced substantial amounts of
IAA (Wani et al. 2008a, c) under metal-stressed conditions. The production of
growth promoting substances by metal-tolerant and natural rhizobial strains are
presented in Table 6.2.
Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are the substances that influence physiological
processes of plant at very low concentrations and modify or control one or more
specific metabolic events of a plant. According to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), the plant regulators have been defined as “any substance or mixture
of substances intended, through physiological action, to accelerate or retard the rate
of growth or maturation, or otherwise alter the behavior of plants or their produce.”
Such compounds produced by the plant or by PGPR are called plant hormones
(Davies 1995; Karadeniz et al. 2006). The phytohormones and other compounds
synthesized by PGPR are now reviewed and discussed. Phytohormones
Indole-3-acetic acid and its analog are the primary active auxin in most plants. They
are synthesized from tryptophan, primarily in leaf primordial, young leaves and
developing seeds. Auxin plays an important role in the development of roots
including root initiation, cell enlargement and cell division (Fig.6.2). It has been
shown that free IAA is easily converted into esterified IAA with sugar or amide-
linked IAA, and that such conjugated forms are the forms in which IAA is stored in
plants. Two kinds of genes that are involved in the formulation of conjugated IAA
and the hydrolysis of IAA have been identified (Bartel and Fink 1995). However,
the biosynthetic process of IAA in plants at the molecular level have not yet been
characterized due to several reasons: (1) levels of IAA in intact cells are low, (2)
indole compounds are nonenzymatically degraded, (3) bacterial contamination can
complicate assays of enzymatic activity, and (4) compartmentalization of cells is
disrupted under in vitro conditions. Indoleacetic acid is also important for the
microbes that interact with plants, and the biosynthesis of IAA has been assayed
mainly for plant-associated bacteria. At the molecular level, two pathways of IAA
production have been identified: (1) the indole-3-pyruvic acid pathway, reported in
PGPR, Enterobacter cloacae, Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium, and the (2) indole
6 Functional Diversity Among Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: Current Status 113
6.4.2 Siderophores
Role of IAA in
Fluorescence plants Cell division
solubilizing bacteria
Uptake by CH2COOH
plant N
Indole–3–acetic acid
Pigments formation Tissue differentiation
Increase rate of
Fructification of plants Stimulation of nitrogen xylem formation
fixation Resistance to stress
When grown under iron-deficient conditions, many microbes will synthesize and
excrete siderophores in excess of their own dry cell weight to sequester and
solubilize iron. Most of the siderophores are water-soluble and can be secreted
extracellularly or produced inside (intracellularly). Generally, most siderophore
transport systems are highly specific for certain siderophores, although some
broad-range siderophore-recognition systems have been described based on ligand-
exchange mechanisms (Bultreys et al. 2003).
116 M.S. Khan et al.
Broadly, siderophores have been classified into four groups: (1) hydroxamate, (2)
phenol catecholates, (3) carboxylate, and (4) salicylic acid (2-hydroxy benzoic
acid). Generally, PGPR produce both hydroxamate and catecholate siderophores
(Witter and Luther 1998). Different types of siderophores produced by PGPR
strains are presented in Fig.6.3. Of these, hydroxamate siderophores are generally
referred to as pseudobactin- (Fig.6.4) or pyoverdine-type siderophores (Meyer et al.
1997). Each pyoverdin has three Fe binding ligands, one of which is always a
a-dihydroxy aromatic group derived from quinoline located in the chromophore.
The other two are located in the peptide chain and are hydroxamic acids derived
from ornithine either acylated N-hydroxyornithine or cyclized N-hydroxyornithine,
or one hydroxamic acid derived from ornithine plus a b-hydroxyaspartic acid
residual. A catecholate siderophore complex consists of three catecholamide groups
ligating the metal ion by six oxygen atoms. The catecholamide groups are linked to
a trilactone ring or they are connected by a backbone of alkyl chain beginning at a
tertiary carbon or a nitrogen atom. The oxygen atoms possess a high electron
density, which exhibit a high affinity for protons when deprotonated at pH values
above 6.5. In addition, because Fe (III) is a strong Lewis acid it readily donates
protons to other atoms, such as the polarizable oxygen atoms of the catechol
moiety. This electrostatic interaction gives catecholate siderophores a greater
affinity for Fe (III) compared to their hydroxamate counterparts.
6 Functional Diversity Among Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: Current Status 117
Even though the major function of siderophores is to obtain iron from insoluble
hydroxides or from iron adsorbed onto solid surfaces, they can also extract iron
from various other soluble and insoluble iron compounds. For instance, they can
extract iron from ferric citrate, ferric phosphate, Fe-transferrin, ferritin or iron
bound to sugars, plant flavone pigments and glycosides, or even from artificial
chelators like EDTA and nitrilotriacetate by Fe (III)/ligand-exchange reactions.
Siderophores are thus not only directly involved in iron solubilization, but can
indirectly make iron available to both microbes and plants. The efficiency of
siderophores in microbial metabolism is based mainly on three facts: (1) side-
rophores consisting of hydroxamate, catecholate or a-hydroxycarboxylate ligands
contain the most efficient iron-binding ligand types in nature and satisfy the six
coordination sites on ferric ions; siderophores also increase the stability due to its
chelating effects; (2) regulation of siderophore biosynthesis is an economic means
of spending metabolic energy, but it also allows the production of high local
concentrations of siderophores in the vicinity of microbial cells during iron limita-
tion, while over-production of siderophores by host-adapted bacterial strains leads
to increased virulence; and (3) besides their ability to solubilize iron and to function
as external iron carriers, siderophores exhibit structural and conformational speci-
ficities to fit into membrane receptors and/or transporters (Stintzi et al. 2000) and
are involved in various biological processes (Fig.6.5). Moreover, the siderophore-
producing strains stimulate the N2-fixing efficiency of the rhizobial strains (Duhan
118 M.S. Khan et al.
et al. 1998). Furthermore, of the 12 isolates of Rhizobium meliloti isolated from the
medicinal plant, Mucuna pruriens, only two isolates (RMP3 and RMP5) inhibited
the growth of phytopathogens (Macrophomonia phaseolina). Further, a marked
enhancement in percentage seed germination, seedling biomass, nodule number
and nodule weight of M. phaseolina-infected groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) plants
inoculated with the strains RMP3 and RMP was observed, suggesting the growth
promoting activities of siderophores (Arora et al. 2001). Among other PGPR,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (GRC1), isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum)
rhizosphere, produced several plant growth-promoting substances, including a side-
rophore. The siderophore was identified as hydroxymate and, when P. aeruginosa
was used in field trials, enhanced growth and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica
juncea) (Pandey et al. 2005).
Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient whose deficiency restricts crop yields
severely. Most tropical and some subtropical soils are acidic, and strong P-sorption
combined with low inherent P stocks lead to widespread P deficiency (Gaume
2000). Even where inorganic and organic P-forms are abundant in soils, their
6 Functional Diversity Among Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: Current Status 119
concentration in the soil solution is in the micromolar range (Frossard et al. 2000).
These low levels of P are mainly due to high reactivity of soluble P soil elements
(Lindsay et al. 1989). Therefore, substantial amounts of manufactured water-solu-
ble P (WSP) fertilizers such as superphosphate are commonly applied to correct P
deficiencies. Most developing countries import these fertilizers, which are often in
limited supply and represent a major outlay for resource-poor farmers. It is,
therefore, imperative to explore alternative P sources. In this context, the PGPR-
possessing mineral phosphate-solubilizing (MPS) activity provides an inexpensive
and sustainable alternative to chemical P fertilizers (Pradhan and Sukla 2005; Khan
et al. 2007). The microbial solubilization of soil P in liquid medium has often been
due to the excretion of organic acids (Maliha et al. 2004) which can either directly
dissolve the mineral P or can chelate both Fe and Al ions associated with P (Omar
1998). However, no definite correlation between the acids produced by PGPR and
amounts of P solubilized are reported (Asea et al. 1988). Such PGPR strains
possessed with mps activity, when used either alone or as composite cultures,
have shown a substantial increase by supplying both P and other essential nutrients
to plants.
The PGPR also increase the growth of plants through the synthesis of specific
enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, which induce
120 M.S. Khan et al.
were tested for their efficacy against blister blight (Exobasidium vexans) disease in
tea (Camellia sinensis) under field conditions for two seasons. Among the biofor-
mulations tested, foliar application of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 at 7-day inter-
vals consistently reduced the disease incidence of blister blight for two seasons,
almost comparable with that of chemical fungicide. In addition to disease control, it
also increased tea yield significantly compared to the untreated control. Defense
enzymes, such as peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase,
chitinase, b-1,3-glucanase, and phenolics were found more in P. fluorescens Pf1-
treated plants compared to control. This finding revealed the probable influence of
plant growth promotion and induced systemic resistance (ISR) in enhancing the
disease resistance in tea plants against blister disease by PGPR bioformulations
(Saravanakumar et al. 2007).
Cyanide is yet another secondary metabolite produced during the early stationary
growth phase (Knowles and Bunch 1986) by several PGPR, notably Pseudomonas
spp. and Bacillus (Wani et al. 2007b; Ahmad et al. 2008), Chromobacterium
(Faramarzi and Brand 2006), and Rhizobium spp. (Wani et al. 2008a, 2008b,
2008c) by oxidative decarboxylation pathway using glycine, glutamate, or methio-
nine as precursors (Castric 1977; Curl and Truelove 1985). The cyanide so released
by microbial communities in solution acts as a secondary metabolite and confers a
selective advantage on the producer strains (Vining 1990). Although cyanide is a
phytotoxic agent capable of disrupting enzyme activity involved in major metabolic
processes, its role as a biocontrol substance is overwhelming (Voisard et al. 1989;
Devi et al. 2007). Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) effectively blocks the cytochrome
oxidase pathway and is highly toxic to all aerobic microorganisms at picomolar
concentrations. However, producer microbes, mainly pseudomonads, are reported
to be resistant (Bashan and de-Bashan 2005).
demonstrated the lysis of the pathogen Fusarium sp. (Bashan and de-Bashan
2005). Peroxidase represents another component of an early response in plants
to pathogen attack and plays a key role in the biosynthesis of lignin which limits
the extent of pathogen spread (Bruce and West 1989). In bean, rhizosphere
colonized by various bacteria induced PO activity (Zdor and Anderson 1992).
In a study, a rapid increase in PO activity was recorded in coconut (Cocos nucifera
L.) treated with a mixture of P. fluorescens, T. viride and chitin which contributed to
induced resistance against invasion by Ganoderma lucidum, the causal agent of
Ganoderma disease (Karthikeyan et al. 2006). These findings suggest that PGPR
possessing the ability to synthesize hydrolytic enzymes can effectively be utilized
for managing the plant diseases and can help to reduce the pesticide usage.
2005) as also reported for other crops (Chaudri et al. 2000; Wani et al. 2008b).
The increase in the growth of plants grown in derelict soils by applying metal-
tolerant rhizobacteria was attributed to the ability of rhizobacterial strains to
mitigate the toxic effects of metals, besides providing plants with sufficient
amounts of growth-promoting substances. Recent examples of PGPR affecting
growth and development of plants in metal-affected soils are presented in
Table 6.3. The remediation of heavy metal-contaminated sites using rhizobac-
teria is an exciting area of research, since these organisms can easily and
inexpensively be mass produced. Therefore, the molecular engineering of both
PGPR and plants with desired genes would help immensely to enhance the
efficiency of growth-promoting rhizobacteria mediation or plant-based remedi-
ation of contaminated soils and, consequently, could lead to restoration of
polluted soils for cultivation.
Form the above discussion, it is evident that PGPR offer an environmentally sound
and sustainable approach to increase soil fertility and, in turn, the crop productivity.
In recent times, the understanding of the complex environment of the rhizosphere,
functional diversity among PGPR, mechanisms of their action, and, of course,
methods of development of the inoculants and their formulation and delivery system
has increased considerably. We therefore hope to see new and exciting PGPR
products with multiple traits in the commercial markets for ultimate transfer to the
agrarian communities. However, there are several limitations to the use of PGPR for
commercial use. Chief among them is inconsistent performance of PGPR under field
conditions. Researchers, therefore, need to develop the PGPR inoculants with
persistent plant growth-promoting activities and should also suggest ways as to
how variations in soil type, management practices (e.g., agrochemical use, rota-
tions), and indeed the effect of weather on the efficacy of PGPR could be minimized.
With the advancement in the understanding of the mechanisms adopted by PGPR,
it will become possible to enhance their capacity to stimulate plant growth by
modifying/manipulating promising traits of PGPR by introducing genes responsible
for the biosynthesis of desirable metabolites into other microbial communities. Such
genetically engineered PGPR endowed with multiple growth-promoting traits could
lead to improve colonization and growth-promoting efficiency, and in turn the
sustainable plant productivity, while maintaining soil health and reducing the
environmental pollution caused by the use of agro-chemicals. Further work focusing
on the functional diversity, precise mode of action, and ecophysiology of these
agronomically beneficial microbes would assist in unleashing their full promise as
potential bio-inoculants for maintaining soil fertility and, consequently, the sustain-
ability of crops in diverse agro-ecosystems.
6 Functional Diversity Among Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: Current Status 125
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132 M.S. Khan et al.
Abstract The diverse groups of bacteria in close association with roots and capable
of stimulating plant growth by any mechanism(s) of action are referred to as plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). They affect plant growth and develop-
ment directly or indirectly either by releasing plant growth regulators (PGRs) or
other biologically active substances, altering endogenous levels of PGRs, enhanc-
ing availability and uptake of nutrients through fixation and mobilization, reducing
harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms on plants and/or by employing
multiple mechanisms of action. Recently, PGPR have received more attention for
use as a biofertilizer for the sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Selection of efficient
PGPR strains based on well-defined mechanism(s) for the formulation of bio-
fertilizers is vital for achieving consistent and reproducible results under field condi-
tions. Numerous studies have suggested that PGPR-based biofertilizers could be used
as effective supplements to chemical fertilizers to promote crop yields on sustainable
basis. Various aspects of PGPR biotechnology are reviewed and discussed.
7.1 Introduction
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 133
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_7, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
134 A. Khalid et al.
et al. 2007; Zhuang et al. 2007; Ahmad et al. 2008; Amor et al., 2008; Dell’Amico
et al. 2008; Lebeau et al., 2008; Masoud and Abbas 2009; Kohler et al. 2009).
Many promising microorganisms have been isolated and marketed as biofertili-
zers; however, their effects on crop yields fluctuate from crop to crop, place to
place, and from season to season, depending on the survival of the introduced
microorganisms on seed, roots, and in soil (Poi and Kabi 1979; Chanway and Holl
1992; Nowak 1998; Khalid et al. 2004a; Hafeez et al. 2006). To make effective
utilization of microbial inoculants, accurate and reliable methods for monitoring the
fate of applied PGPR in the rhizosphere/rhizoplane are required to enhance their
efficacy under field conditions. Scientists have used multidisciplinary approaches to
understand the adaptation of PGPR to the rhizosphere, including their mechanisms of
action and root colonization, production of determinants, and biodiversity, etc. They
are trying to manipulate the rhizosphere so that PGPR perform better and help to
increase food production for mankind on a sustainable basis. To achieve this suc-
cessfully, we need to know the players and to understand their interactions with each
other and with the growth substrate, in addition to abiotic factors which otherwise
have drastic effects on PGPR as well as on plant growth under diverse field condi-
tions. In this chapter, the potential mechanisms of action of PGPR, reasons for
inconsistency in their performance, and formulation of effective biofertilizers to be
used as the supplement to chemical fertilizers, are critically reviewed and discussed.
t1:1 Table 7.1 Possible mechanism(s) of action of PGPR for plant growth promotion
t1:2 Plants PGPR Suggested References
of action
Lactuca sativa Pseudomonas mendocina ACC deaminase Kohler et al.
t1:3 L. cv. Tafalla Palleroni activity (2009)
Oryza sativa Methylobacterium sp. strain Indole-3-acetic Senthilkumar
t1:4 NPFM-SB3 acid, cytokinins et al. (2009)
Solanum Bacillus sp. Auxins Ahmed and
tuberosum Hasnain
t1:5 (2008)
Arabidopsis Phyllobacterium brassicacearum ACC deaminase Contesto et al.
t1:6 thaliana STM196, Pseudomonas putida activity (2008)
UW4, Rhizobium leguminosarum
bv. viciae 128C53K,
Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099
Phaseolus Rhizobiumtropici (CIAT899), Indole acetic acid, Figueiredo et al.
t1:7 vulgaris L. Paenibacillus polymyxa (DSM 36), cytokinin, (2008)
Rhizobium, P. polymyxa strain N2-fixation
Loutit (L), Bacillus sp.
Triticum Pseudomonas spp., Burkholderia ACC deaminase Shaharoona
aestivum L. caryophylli activity, et al.
chitinase (2007b,
t1:8 2008)
Cicer Serratia oderifera (J118), ACC Shahzad et al
t1:9 arietinum L. Pantoea dispersa (J112) deaminase, P- (2008)
and Enterobactor gergoviae solubilization
Malus domestica PGPR strains (OSU-142, OSU-7, Indole acetic Aslantas et al.
t1:10 Borkh BA-8 and M-3) acid, cytokinin (2007)
Brassica rapa Pseudomonas putida UW4 ACC deaminase Cheng et al.
t1:11 activity (2007)
Lycopersicon Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. Indole acetic Gravel et al.
t1:12 esculentum fluorescens subgroup G strain 2, acid (2007)
P. marginalis, P. putida subgroup
B strain 1 and P. syringae strain1
Apios americana Pseudomonas fluorescens TDK1 ACC deaminase Saravanakumar
activity and
t1:13 (2007)
Pisum sativum Pseudomonas putida biotype A, ACC deaminase, Shaharoona
A7’ Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, ethylene et al.
t1:14 M9, P. fluorescens, AM3 (2007a)
Triticum Bacillus pumilus Auxin, siderophore Hafeez et al.
t1:15 aestivum L. (2006)
Rubus niveus Bacillus sp. N2-fixation, Orhan et al.
t1:16 P-solubilization (2006)
Zea mays L., Pseudomonas spp. ACC deaminase Shaharoona
Vigna radiata activity, et al.
t1:17 chitinase (2006a, b)
7 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria 137
Nutrients are one of the extremely important factors which influence growth, yield,
and quality of different crops. Soil microorganisms can provide nutrients to plants
either through the fixation of atmospheric N2 or by enhancing nutrient mobilization/
uptake through their biological activities, such as mineralization and through side-
rophore, organic acid and phosphatase production, etc.
Biological N2 fixation by rhizobia and associative diazotrophic bacteria is a
spontaneous process and one of the widely studied mechanisms by which plants
benefit from the interacting partners. The bacteria benefit the plants by fixing N2 in
exchange for fixed carbon either provided directly to the bacteria or indirectly by
138 A. Khalid et al.
Soil-borne pathogens are one of the major limiting factors for low crop productivity
due to their inhibitory effects on plant health. In modern agronomic practices, a
huge amount of chemicals (insecticide/fungicide) are used to offset various patho-
gens inflicting severe losses to crop yields. Although these chemicals are vital for
controlling the pathogens on the one hand, on the other hand they can drastically
affect the microbial diversity and functional properties of natural microbial com-
munities of soils, leading thereby to imbalanced agro-ecosystems (Singh et al.
2005; Vig et al. 2006; Mubeen et al. 2008). It is therefore important to discover
the most viable and economical means for effective disease management in an
environment-friendly manner. Currently, biopesticides are receiving worldwide
attention and considered important for the sustainability of the agricultural system.
Furthermore, the WTO guideline that suggests that only residue-free agricultural
produce can be exported has further created a great interest and demand for the use
of biopesticides in crop protection systems. In recent times, PGPR have emerged as
potential candidates with wide scope for inducing systemic resistance in crop plants
140 A. Khalid et al.
against many pathogens (Jeun et al. 2004; Nakkeeran et al. 2005; Khalequzaman
and Hossain 2008; Mirik et al. 2008; Masoud and Abbas 2009). Various species of
bacteria including Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. putida, P. cepacia, P. aeruginosa,
Bacillus spp., Rhizobium and many other PGPR exhibit biological control activity
and inhibit pathogens by synthesizing chitinase, and by production of hydrogen
cyanide, protease, siderophores, and cellulase, and/or indirectly by promoting plant
growth and health through any mode of action (Zahir et al. 2004; Hafeez et al. 2006;
Narayanasamy 2008).
Some PGPR can stimulate plant growth through multifarious activities. Although
PGPR have been reported to influence plant growth by an array of mechanisms, the
specific traits by which PGPR facilitate plant growth, yield, and nutrient uptake
were limited to the expression of one or more of the traits expressed simultaneously
in a given environment of plant–microbe interaction. A PGPR can promote plant
growth by improving plant nutrition, modifying root growth architecture, and by
plant responses to external stress factors, simultaneously (Egamberdiyeva and
Hflich 2004; Dey et al. 2004; Saleem et al. 2007; Shaharoona et al. 2006a, b,
2007a, b, 2008). However, one trait may dominate the other one of the same PGPR
when exposed to certain environmental conditions. For instance, Dey et al. (2004)
reported more than one mechanism of PGPR responsible for growth promotion.
They suggested that, besides ACC deaminase activity, expression of one or more of
the traits such as suppression of phytopathogens, solubilization of tricalcium
phosphate, production of siderophore and/or nodulation promotion by the PGPR
might have simultaneously contributed to the enhancement of growth, yield, and
nutrient uptake of peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Similarly, Shaharoona et al. (2006a, b)
reported plant growth promotion by PGPR employing multiple mechanisms,
such as ACC deaminase activity, chitinase activity, and root colonization. Further-
more, Hafeez et al. (2006) attributed increase in plant growth to multiple traits (such
as production of IAA, and siderophores and P-solubilization) of PGPR. We have
also found that PGPR expressing dual traits, such as ACC deaminase and nitroge-
nase activity or ACC deaminase with phosphatase activity performed better at
enhancing growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays)
than PGPR possessing a single trait (Arshad et al., unpublished data).
PGPR are commonly used as inoculants for improving the growth and yield of
agricultural crops. They represent an essential and large component of biofertilizer
technology to improve the productivity of agricultural systems in the long run
7 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria 141
(Zahir et al. 2004; Khalid et al. 2006; Naiman et al. 2009). Many PGPR have shown
great promise as potential inoculants for agriculture uses and environmental pro-
tection, and can play very critical roles in maintaining the sustainability of agro-
ecosystems. However, the current use of PGPR in agriculture is poor despite
numerous reports on their fair performance under laboratory conditions.
PGPR possess the ability to colonize and establish an ongoing relationship with
plants, resulting in better root growth, more biomass, and a substantial increase in
crop yields. In this context, significant effects of PGPR have been observed on
various agricultural crops, including legumes, cereals, and noncereals, and other
environmentally important plant species. Furthermore, the impact of PGPR on root
development with the consequent advantage on increasing water and nutrient use
efficiencies has also been observed (Zahir et al. 2005; Ahmad et al. 2008; Arshad
et al. 2008). The potential uses and benefits of PGPR in the improvement of overall
performance of plants are discussed in the following sections.
The potential of PGPR for improving growth and yields of various crops has been
extensively documented (Table 7.2). However, most of the studies have been
conducted under controlled environments rather than under natural field conditions.
Results of these studies have demonstrated clearly that PGPR carry abundant
potentials to enhance growth and yield of target crops. However, the selection of
a functionally effective PGPR strain is very critical, and the plant responses are
often variable depending upon the bacterial strain, plant genotypes, and experimen-
tal sites. It has also been claimed that the PGPR isolated from a particular crop or
ecological zone are more effective in producing consistent results if reapplied to the
same crop and reused in the same ecological zone (Chanway and Holl 1992; Nowak
1998). This might be due to a greater adaptability of the introduced PGPR in the
given rhizosphere, while inconsistency in the responses of same crop to same PGPR
could be attributed to (1) the poor quality of inocula, (2) short shelf life of PGPR,
(3) lack of standard delivery systems, and/or (4) failure in maintaining a required
density of PGPR onto seeds or roots. Moreover, the nature and composition of the
material used as a carrier for a PGPR also plays a significant role in producing its
impact on the inoculated plants.
Another important aspect of these trials is that the effects of PGPR have been
investigated under different fertilizer doses, which has been shown to affect the
efficiency of PGPR, leading to inconsistent performance under different agro-
ecosystems (Shaharoona et al. 2008). Considering the acute demand for food
supply, it is wise to make efforts to improve crop production by using PGPR,
over and above what is achievable with optimum chemical fertilizers. It is also
pertinent that most of the investigations have been focused on diazotrophs, which
were tested under different N application rates. It could be very useful if selected
PGPR were tested under different rates of all the three major nutrients (N, P, and K)
t2:1 Table 7.2 Plant responses to inoculation with PGPR
accumulated N
t2:9 Bacillus strains Capsicum annuum Stem diameter, root elongation, root dry weight, shoot Mirik et al. (2008)
dry weight and yield were increased in response to
inoculation in the field experiment by 7.0–20.5, 7.0–17.0,
4.5–23.5, 16.5–38.5, and 11.0–33.0%, respectively
t2:10 Pseudomonas spp. Triticum aestivum L. Inoculation significantly increased growth, yield and Shaharoona et al. (2008)
nutrient use efficiency of wheat
t2:11 Serratia oderifera (J118), Cicer The PGPR in the presence of P-enriched compost resulted Shahzad et al. (2008)
Pantoea dispersa (J112), arietinum L. in a highly significant increase in fresh biomass (84%),
Enterobactor gergoviae number of pods plant 1 (97%), grain yield (79%) and
(J107) number of nodules plant 1 (87%) compared to
uninoculated control
t2:12 PGPR strains OSU-142, Malus domestica Borkh) Inoculation with OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3 PGPR Aslantas et al. (2007)
OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) increased average shoot length by 59.2, 18.3, 7.0 and
14.3% relative to the control and fruit yield by 116.4,
7 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
t2:31 Table 7.2 (continued)
instead of N only. Moreover, the soil fertility status should also be considered while
using PGPR along with specific doses of N, P, and K fertilizers. Therefore, the
proper understanding of mechanism(s) of action of chosen PGPR can substantially
help in obtaining consistent responses in terms of improved growth and yield of
bioprimed plants/crops. If all these factors are considered properly, the agriculture
industry can draw significant benefits from the PGPR-based biotechnological
approaches. Another aspect which requires urgent attention is the quality improve-
ment of the agricultural produce following PGPR inoculation. Since PGPR exert
their influence through different mechanism(s), it is very likely that they can affect
quality of the produce; unfortunately, most of the studies have reported the effects of
PGPR on growth and yield of inoculated plants in quantitative terms, but very little is
known about the quality parameters of produce modified by the PGPR inoculations.
Future efforts should, hence, be directed to assess how the quality of food produce is
influenced by PGPR, besides their role in growth and development of plants.
Agricultural crops are exposed to many stresses that are induced by both biotic and
abiotic factors. These stresses invariably affect plant growth and yield of crops
depending on the type and intensity of stress. Under stress conditions, such as
salinity, drought, waterlogging, heavy metals and pathogenicity, the production of
ethylene in plants at substantially accelerated rates is a very common feature, which
adversely affects the root growth and, consequently, the development of the plants.
As described earlier (see Sect. 2.2), certain PGPR lower ethylene synthesis by
metabolizing ACC (an immediate precursor of ethylene biosynthesis in higher
plants) into a-ketobutyrate and ammonia, and, thus, mitigate the negative impact
of both biotic and abiotic stresses on plants (Saleem et al. 2007). Recently, several
authors have documented profound effects of inoculation with PGPR containing
ACC deaminase on plant growth under stress conditions (Table 7.3).
In the present scenario of several biotic and abiotic stresses to which agriculture
is confronted, the role of PGPR containing ACC deaminase could be crucial for
sustainable crop production. However, some beneficial aspects of these PGPR
under salinity, drought, waterlogging, biocontrol, temperature, and nutritional
stresses, and in the cut-flower industry and in nodulation in legumes have not been
thoroughly exploited. Glick (2006) reported that transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon
lycopersicum), canola (Brassica napus), and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants
that express ACC deaminase exclusively in their roots behaved physiologically
similarly to nontransformed plants treated with ACC deaminase-containing
PGPR, both in the presence and absence of various stresses. Consequently, there is
no apparent advantage to the use of ACC deaminase transgenic plants compared to
treating the roots of the plants with ACC deaminase-containing PGPR. However,
genetic modification of all plant species is not possible due to many limitations,
such as proprietary rights and international trade agreements on genetically
t3:1 Table. 7.3 Effect of PGPR on plant growth under various abiotic and biotic stresses
t3:2 Plant species PGPR Plant responses under stress References
t3:3 Lactuca sativa Pseudomonas mendocina The inoculated plants had significantly greater shoot biomass Kohler et al. (2009)
L. cv. Tafalla Palleroni than
the control plants at low and high salinity levels. At the
highest salinity level, the water content was greater in leaves
of plants
treated with P. mendocina. The plants also showed higher
concentrations of foliar K and lower concentrations of foliar
Na under high salt conditions
Sorghum bicolor, Pseudomonas spp. Inoculation with PGPR containing ACC deaminase significantly Arshad and
t3:4 Zea mays L. improved fresh biomass under water-deficient field conditions Khalid (2008)
Pisum sativum L Pseudomonas spp. The inoculation partially eliminated the effects of water stress on Arshad et al. (2008),
t3:5 growth, yield and ripening of P. sativum L., both in pot and Zahir et al. (2008)
field trials
t3:6 Brassica rapa P. putida UW4 Induced salt tolerance of plants by lowering the synthesis of Cheng et al. (2007)
salt-induced stress ethylene and promoted the growth of
in a saline environment
Apios americana P. fluorescens TDK1 The PGPR strain enhanced the saline resistance in the plants and Saravanakumar and
t3:7 increased yield as compared to strains lacking ACC Samiyappan (2007)
deaminase activity
Zea mays L. Unidentified PGPR Significantly increased plant growth under salinity stress Nadeem et al. (2006,
t3:8 conditions 2007)
t3:9 Vitis vinifera L. Burkholderia Inoculation enhanced plant growth and physiological activity at Barka et al. (2006)
phytofirmans PsJN both ambient (26 C) and low (4 C) temperatures. Inoculation
also increased root growth and plantlet biomass. Moreover,
the bacterium significantly improved plantlet cold tolerance
compared to that of the nonbacterized control, which was
more sensitive to exposure to low temperatures
A. Khalid et al.
t3:10 Solanum tuberosum PGPR PGPR were capable of antagonizing at least one of the two potato Rasche et al. (2006)
pathogens Ralstonia solanacearum and Rhizoctonia solani
Pisum sativum Pseudomonas sp. Inoculation with bacteria counteracted the Cd-induced inhibition Safronova
t3:11 of nutrient uptake by roots et al (2006)
t3:12 Brassica napus PGPR Increases (up to 31%) in root elongation of inoculated rape Sheng and Xia (2006)
seedlings compared to the control plants were observed.
Inoculation with the isolates was found to increase root dry
weight (ranging from 8 to 20%) and shoot dry weight (ranging
from 6 to 25%) of rape in cadmium-amended soil in pot
experiments. The bacterial isolates were also able to colonize
and develop in the rhizosphere soil of rape after root
t3:13 Brassica juncea L. Variovorax paradoxus, Plant growth was improved in Cd2+-supplemented media in Belimov et al. (2005)
7 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
Recently, the application of PGPR in association with plants has been expanded to
remediate contaminated soils (Khan et al. 2009). The addition of PGPR increases
the removal of pollutant most likely by enhancing germination, and by stimulating
plant growth including root biomass and survival of plants, in soils that are heavily
contaminated (Huang et al. 2004; Reed et al. 2005; Safronova et al. 2006; Arshad
et al. 2007). Some rhizobacteria can enhance phytoremdiation by promoting plant
growth through the synthesis of siderophores, phytohormones, enzymes, and anti-
biotics (Pattern and Glick 1996; Burd et al. 2000; Khalid et al. 2006; Arshad et al.
2007; Wani et al. 2008a), and/or through stimulation of certain metabolic pathways,
such as nitrogen fixation and the uptake of N, P, S, Mg, Ca, and other nutrients
(Belimov and Dietz 2000). Similarly, PGPR can increase the tolerance of plants to
contaminants; the PGPR–plant system cannot survive in comparatively extreme
environments such as with high concentrations of heavy metals (Wani et al. 2008a).
Although microbial communities in polluted soils have been studied, little is known
about the composition of microbial community in the plant rhizosphere growing on
highly polluted soils. Usually, rhizosphere soil is more conducive to remediation
due to high concentrations of nutrients exuded from the roots and dense bacterial
populations. Many workers have reported bioremediation of both organic
(Narasimhan et al. 2003; Huang et al. 2004, 2005; Villacieros et al. 2005; Muratova
et al. 2005) and inorganic contaminants in the environment by using PGPR
(Hallberg and Johnson 2005; Kao et al. 2006; Umrania 2006; Burd et al. 2000;
Kamnev et al. 2005; Abou-Shanab et al. 2006; Wu et al. 2006; Zaidi et al. 2006;
Sheng and Xia 2006; Wani et al. 2008b).
Pot trials
Finally, the PGPR strain selected for biofertilizer formulation should be investi-
gated thoroughly to maintain its quality. Quality of biofertilizers is one of the most
critical factors which determine their success or failure and acceptance or rejection
by end users, the farmers. The functionality of selected PGPR must be defined well
before using it as a candidate for biofertilizer formulation, which could be achieved
by employing biochemical and molecular tests in the laboratory and then determin-
ing correlations between PGPR traits with the growth promotion of inoculated
plants under axenic and natural conditions. However, there is no established basis
for acceptance of a formulation as an effective biofertilizer. Since PGPR based
biofertilizers contain living entities, which are very sensitive to environmental
conditions, the consistency in effectiveness cannot be as good as observed in the
case of chemical fertilizers. However, maintaining a particular population of a
selected PGPR strain could help in enhancing the consistency of biofertilizer
effects. A strict control over quality is the only answer to avoid failure of biofer-
tilizers in different agronomic regions of the world.
The production of biofertilizer and its acceptance by farming communities are
closely linked. For their use to expand globally at the farmers’ end, quality
management is essential and must be performed consistently in order to supply
contaminant-free bioproducts to the users. For this, skilled personnel are required
who know how to work with these materials and be able to respond to the modern
conditions of agricultural production. In addition, they should be well aware of the
sustainability and environmental protection measures. Furthermore, proper guide-
lines for the production and commercialization of biofertilizers should be framed in
order to popularize the use of such bioagents for maintaining the sustainability of
agro-ecosystems across the globe.
7.5 Conclusion
Enhancement in the use of PGPR is one of the newly emerging options for meeting
agricultural challenges imposed by the still-growing aggregate demand for food.
Moreover, this biotechnology is also likely to ensure conservation of our environments.
7 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria 153
However, before PGPR can contribute to such benefits, scientists must learn
more about them and explore ways and means for their better utilization in the
farmers’ fields.
Future research should focus on managing plant–microbe interactions, particu-
larly with respect to their mode of actions and adaptability to conditions under
extreme environments for the benefit of plants. Furthermore, scientists need to
address certain issues, like how to improve the efficacy of biofertilizers, what
should be an ideal and universal delivery system, how to stabilize these microbes
in soil systems, and how nutritional and root exudation aspects could be controlled
in order to get maximum benefits from PGPR application. Biotechnological and
molecular approaches could possibly develop more understanding about PGPR
mode of actions that could lead to more successful plant–microbe interaction.
Efforts should also be directed towards the use of PGPR to reduce pesticide
applications. In brief, PGPR biotechnology provides an excellent opportunity to
develop environment-friendly biofertilizer to be used as supplements and/or alter-
natives to chemical fertilizers.
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Chapter 8
Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop
8.1 Introduction
Soil is the vital nonrenewable natural resource base. It is under competitive demand
for increased crop production to feed the ever-growing population. This has led to
intensification of agriculture with extensive use of chemicals, exploitation of
surface and ground water for irrigation, and adoption of mechanization. The rapid
pace of development in agriculture during recent years has resulted in an overall
deterioration in soil-based ecosystems. The most important of such effects are
the depletion of soil organic matter (SOM) and loss of biodiversity in the soil.
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 161
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_8, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
162 N. Saha and B. Mandal
health, however, vary according to the locations and the production systems
involved (Karlen et al. 1994). Wylie (1994) concluded that it is not possible to
develop a single list of biological indicators that could be suitable for all purposes
and management practices. However, a few good biological indicators for assessing
soil health for different production systems have already been constructed and are
ready to use in soil health diagnosis (Anonymous 2005).
Microbe-mediated processes like decomposition, fixation, solubilization, filtra-
tion, remediation- and suppression of pathogens make the soil healthy and fertile.
Soils with rich microbial diversity also protect crop from losses due to unpredictable
climatic conditions of inundation, flood, and drought, etc. Experimental evidence
showed microbial indicators like diversity, biomass and enzyme activities supporting
higher biological yield and quality of crude protein and oil content (Anonymous
2005). So, identifying and quantifying the biotic component of soil for assessing
aggradation or degradation of soil health for different production systems and
subsequent mitigation options are a precondition for successful crop production.
Soil is a wonderful gift of nature to humankind whose good health is essential for
societal existence. But the high demographic pressure including nonagricultural
operations and intensive cultivation is imposing tremendous stresses on soils. Some
of the common stresses affecting soils are presented in Table 8.1. These are
ultimately manifested in declined productivity of crops even under best possible
management practices, and make soil “sick”, so that it cannot respond efficiently to
fertilization and other inputs. To arrest this deterioration, the general recommenda-
tion is to measure the nutrient status of soil and subsequently correct the nutrient
deficiency, as well as control pest and disease incidents and involve other conser-
vative steps. Routine measurement of such attributes of soils and recommendations
for soil testing is not currently a problem, but on long-term basis it could be
misleading and result in decreased productivity. Mere tests of soil for a few
parameters inadequately address the problems of farmers, and, hence, the health of
soil (fertility) under intensive agriculture cannot be properly judged. So, to address
such problems associated with the deficiencies in agricultural practices, vital forces
and processes should be identified and quantified. The vital forces and the associa-
tive processes conferring good living conditions to soil leading to healthy crop
production may be termed as soil health.
Various researchers have expressed their views differently regarding soil health
(Kinyangi 2007). Keeping pace with social priorities and increasing understanding
of soil science, the concept of soil health has consistently changed (Warkentin
1995). Generally, the modern concept about soil health is mainly based on various
functions that soil performs in any ecosystem. Based on the functional approach,
Anderson and Gregorich (1984) defined soil health as “the sustained capability of a
soil to accept, store and recycle water, nutrient and energy”. Larson and Pierce
(1991) further defined soil health as “the capacity of a soil to function within its
ecosystem boundaries and interact positively with the environment external to that
ecosystem”. Later on, Acton and Gregorich (1995) stressed environmental concerns
by defining soil health as “the soil’s capacity or fitness to support crop growth
without resulting in soil degradation or otherwise, harming the environment”.
A more detailed definition was developed by Soil Science Society of America
(1995) as “the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or
managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain
environmental quality and promote plant, animal and human health”. This defini-
tion is similar to that of Doran et al. (1996), who defined soil quality as the
“capacity of a soil to function, within ecosystem and land use boundaries, to sustain
biological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant, animal
and human health”.
Direct measurement of vital soil forces is next to impossible, so indicators are used
to attain the goals. These indicators may be defined as measurable soil properties
that influence the capacity of the soil to perform a specific function (Acton and
Padbury 1993; Andrews and Moorman 2002). Attributes that are most sensitive to
management and having low ecological redundancy are most desirable as indica-
tors. In general, appropriate indicators include ecosystem process, the soil’s physi-
cal, chemical and biological properties and processes, and a component of existing
soil databases. Such indicators should also be sensitive to variation in management
practices and climate, be easily measurable and reproducible, accessible to many
users and applicable to field conditions, able to measure changes in soil function
both at plot and landscape, and should lead to management decisions (Bouma 2002;
Menge 2003).
The productivity of agricultural soils is known to depend greatly upon the
activities of diverse microbial communities (Giller et al. 1997). But recently, soil
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 165
Soil biological parameters are early indicators of soil degradation and contamina-
tion (Visser and Parkinson 1992). A biological indicator is defined as “an organism,
part of an organism, product of organism (e.g., enzyme), collection of organisms or
biological processes which can be used to obtain information on the status of all or
part of the environment” (Pankhurst et al. 1997).
Agricultural practices such as tillage, crop rotation, fertilization, and irrigation
are generally known to have a significant effect on physico-chemical properties of
soil; less is known about the associated changes in soil organisms and soil bio-
chemical properties, and how such changes influence plant production and sustain-
ability (Heyer et al. 2003). The activity of soil biota brings out nutrient
transformation in soils and underpins a number of fundamental soil properties
such as fertility and structure (Filip 2002; Osinski et al. 2003). Therefore, changes
in soil organism activity are indicative of, and extremely sensitive to, changes in
soil health (Nielsen and Winding 2002; Anderson 2003). Despite their small
volume in the soil, microorganisms play a role in the cycling of elements by
166 N. Saha and B. Mandal
Table 8.2 Microbial/biochemical indicators identified for different soil types and cropping
systems (Adapted from Anonymous 2005)
Soil type Cropping system Identified indicators
Clay loam Rice–rice Dehydrogenase enzyme activity, organic carbon
Sandy loam Groundnut–redgram Organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon (MBC)
Sandy loam Rice–lentil Dehydrogenase enzyme activity, organic carbon
Sandy Sorghum–castor MBC
Sandy loam Jute–rice–wheat Dehydrogenase enzyme activity
Sandy clay Rice–rice Dehydrogenase enzyme activity and microbial
loam biomass nitrogen
Silty clay loam Rice–field pea MBC
Sandy loam Rice–wheat Organic carbon, alkaline phosphatse enzyme
activity, and potentially mineralizable nitrogen
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 167
more useful measure than either MBC or total carbon assessed individually (Dilly
and Munch 1998), and it also helps in comparing soils with different organic matter
contents. Entry et al. (1996) suggested that microbial biomass C and the Cmic:Corg
ratio are poor predictors of annual crop yield but may be an accurate indicator of
soil health and a good predictor of long-term crop yield. Furthermore, Insam and
Haselwandter (1989) reported that the respiratory quotient (mg CO2–C h1 mg1
MBC) could be used as an indicator of soil development, substrate quality, ecosys-
tem development, and ecosystem stress.
Enzyme activities are an important index of the biological activity of a soil
because they are involved in the dynamics of soil nutrient cycling and energy
transfer (Table 8.4). Enzymatic processes are closely associated with soil fertility
as they mediate the conversion of unavailable forms of nutrients to forms that are
readily assimilable by plants and microbes (Sarkar et al. 1989). Moreover, enzyme
activity of depends not only on nutrient status and availability but also on the
turnover of N, P, and other nutrients in soils. As enzymes do not react readily to
environmental changes as do the microbes, enzyme activity is considered a more
stable indicator of biological processes (Bandick and Dick 1999).
Data are reduced to meaningful manageable size, i.e., to a MDS of soil quality
indicators, through a series of uni- and multivariate statistical methods. Both
parametric (randomized block design) as well as nonparametric statistics (Kruskal–
Wallis w2) are used to identify indicators with significant treatment differences. Only
variables with significant differences between treatments are chosen for the next
step in MDS formation. To select a subset from a large dataset, principal component
analysis (PCA) for each statistically significant variable is performed, assuming that
principal components receiving high Eigen values and variables with high factor
loadings best represent system attributes, and examining only the principal compo-
nents that explain at least 5% of the variation in the data up to 85% of the cumulative
variation. Within each principal component, only highly weighted factors, i.e., those
with absolute values within 10% of the highest weight, are retained for the MDS. To
reduce redundancy and rule out spurious groupings among the highly weighted
variables within each principal component, multivariate correlation coefficients are
run to determine the strength of the relationships among variables. Well-correlated
variables are considered redundant and candidates for elimination from the dataset.
Conversely, any uncorrelated, highly weighted variables are considered important
and, therefore, retained in the MDS (Andrews et al. 2004).
168 N. Saha and B. Mandal
Multiple regressions and hierarchical cluster analysis are run using the final MDS
components as the independent variables and each management-goal attribute (e.g.,
yield, sustainable yield index, protein yield, etc.) as a dependent variable. These
regressions and cluster analysis serve to check the MDS representation of manage-
ment system goals. After determining the variables for the MDS, every observation
of each MDS indicator is transformed for inclusion in the SHI methods (e.g., linear
scoring technique). In this technique, indicators are ranked in ascending or des-
cending order depending on whether a higher value is considered “good” or “bad”
in terms of soil function. For ‘more is better’ indicators, each observation is divided
by the highest observed value such that the highest observed value received a score
of 1. For ‘less is better’ indicators, the lowest observed value (in the numerator) is
divided by each observation (in the denominator) such that the lowest observed
value receives a score of 1. (Anonymous 2005).
After transforming MDS into scoring, they are integrated into soil health indices
following additive SHI (ADD SHI) and a weighted, additive SHI (WTD SHI). The
additive index is a summation of the scores from the MDS indicators. From this
summed score, the ADD SQI treatment means and standard deviations are calcu-
lated. In the weighted additive index after transformation, the MDS variables for
each observation are weighted using the PCA results. The percentage, standardized
to unity, provides the weight for variables chosen under a given PC. The weighted
MDS variables scores for each observation are then summed and the treatment
means and standard deviations are calculated. For all the indexing methods, SHI
scores for the management treatment are compared using a two-way ANOVA.
Higher index scores are assumed to mean better soil quality.
Soil contains soil organisms which perform different functions and facilitate crop
production and value addition. In addition, they detoxify all the nuisance stuffs
dumped into soil to make the earth clean and fit for living organisms. The multifac-
eted activities of soils are discussed in the following section.
Healthy soil fosters fertility which in turn increases crop production (Table 8.3).
The health of soil can affect not only the productivity but also the quality of produce
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 169
Table 8.3 Yield of Kharif rice and sustainability yield index for 18 years of cultivation with
organic and inorganic sources of nutrients
Treatment Soil health index Yield (kg ha1) Sustainable yield index
(additive linear index)
Control 2.783 1,493b 0.234c
Na 2.688 2,000b 0.616d
NP 3.188 2,560 0.684f
NPK 3.628 3,240f 0.638b
NPK þ FYM 3.726 3,320 b
Mean – 2,523 0.568
SE (m) – 169.34 –
Recommended dose of fertilizer (Adapted from Anonymous 2005)
Values indicate the mean of three replicates. Mean values followed by different letters are
significantly different within rows or column at P 0.05 according to Tukey test.
and the sustainability of land (Acton and Gregorich 1995; Doran 2002; Wander
et al. 2002; Carter et al. 2004). Under healthy soil conditions, numerous nutrient
cycles influenced by microbes operate simultaneously in soil. Soil thus contributes
nutrients uninterruptedly to the nutrient pool of soil ensuring balanced plant
nutrition. Moreover, healthy soil conserves nutrients and releases them more or
less synchronously with the demand of growing crops. Thus, nutrient use efficiency
and nutrient conversion ratio remain favorable for reasonable production. Well-
managed soils harbor a wide spectrum of microorganisms performing a variety of
activities including synthesis of phytohormones, antibiotics, growth regulators,
siderophores, etc., which directly or indirectly affect crop productivity. Under
good soil health, internal soil defensive mechanisms remain constantly strong and
vital to combat soil-borne diseases. Thus, crop loss due to diseases can be mini-
mized and consequently yield is increased.
Lack of balanced nutrition is the most important reason for poor quality produce in
unhealthy soil. Under intensified agriculture practices where soil health is
in a miserable condition, the fundamental ratio of N:P:K has shifted from 2:1:1 to
different imbalance ratios in different regions. Thus, production may be increased
for a while but crop quality does not increase with the productivity. Production,
productivity and quality of agricultural produce largely depend on the state of soil,
microbial status and their specific functions leading to consistent soil health. The
influence on crop quality is triggered by the specific biochemical reaction of
microbes. For example, polyunsaturated fatty acid, Omega 3 fatty acid content in
oil, essential amino acid in proteins, inulin and fructan in carbohydrates (Saha et al.
2007), and antioxidant and antiaging agents like b-carotene, lycopene, etc., are the
quality attributes of agricultural produce. Experimental evidence showed
that microbial indicators like diversity, biomass and enzyme activities have
supported higher biological yield and certain qualities like protein and oil content
170 N. Saha and B. Mandal
of crops (Anonymous 2005), and the quality under organically managed soil has
been found to be superior to conventionally managed soil.
The sustainability of any production system depends on the stability of that system.
Stability, on the other hand, of an ecosystem encompasses functional resistance,
i.e., the capacity of the system to endure stresses imposed and to carry out all the
essential ecosystem services during the entire period of stress leading to good
production and functional resilience (Seybold et al. 1997, 1999). The two basic
ecosystem attributes measure soil health and impart sustainability in agricultural
production system. Healthy soil with strong lifeline activities capable of resisting
all unusual situations emerging from indiscriminate agricultural practices maintains
a satisfactory level of production. The influence of soil health on sustainability of
agricultural production is more appropriate in unpredictable agro-ecosystems like
drought, flood, inundation, and contaminated soils. Narrow ecological associations,
such as legume–rhizobia sysbiosis and sustainability of legume production are
highly dependent on soil health (Table 8.3).
The nutritional health and well being of humans are entirely dependent on plant
foods either directly or indirectly (Leo et al. 2002). Plant foods provide almost all
essential vitamins and minerals, carbohydrate, protein, fat, and a number of other
health-promoting phytochemicals like antioxidants and antiaging substances.
Healthy soil provides a conducive environment for plants to grow better so that
plants can synthesize all the basic molecules which, through the food chain enter
the human system and get metabolized for carrying out particular biochemical
reactions. Generally, micronutrient concentrations are low in cereals and fortification
of multi-micronutrients in food stuffs causes antagonistic effects on the micronu-
trients. Sustainable soil management leading to improving the bioavailability of
micronutrients in order to improve crop nutritional quality is the best alternative.
The clinical health of humans is also dependent on quality plant food to some
extent. The antioxidant and antiaging molecules like b-carotene and lycopene,
and cardiovascular disease-inducing agents like, triglycerides in oilseed crops,
etc., are largely influenced by balanced nutrition. Organically produced food
generally contains higher amounts of antioxidant and antiaging agents and lower
magnitude triglycerides, indicating that soil health under an organic system is
perfectly good.
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 171
The modern soil health concept encompasses sound animal health as one of its
components. Healthy soil is essential for producing nutrient-rich fodder for healthy
animals in any farming system. Under good soil conditions, a micronutrient like
iodine content in fodder crops increases, which might result in better growth of
animals, higher iodine content of animal products such as meat and milk, and
indirectly affect human health. Soil management practices has led to exhaustion
of micronutrients in a given area and, hence, water derived from this area may cause
micronutrient deficiency which could be reflected in animal health (Lee et al. 1999;
Ellison 2002; Vaarst et al. 2003).
The rise and fall of many civilizations in the world was associated with the soil
husbandry followed by the citizens of the nations (Ponting 1992). Poor land care
by the inhabitants was one of the serious causes of ruin of the great Harappan
civilization of ancient Indian Subcontinent (Olson 1981). In contrast, the glorious
Egyptian Civilization was due to good stewardship of soils of the Nile basin. In
ancient times, the soil was treated as ‘Mother’ and any agricultural activities in
the soil were started with the worship of the land. Soil is now considered as the
machinery for crop production. Soils are extracted in all possible ways without
paying due care. Round the year cultivation resulting in soaring cropping intensity
allows little rest to the land to recover its deficits in its health status. Thus, soil
health further deteriorates. Previously, soil was routinely fed with organic matter
from diverse sources, but the overnight magical effect turns the farmers towards
proponents of chemical fertilizers in present day agriculture. The avoidance of
organics, particularly in the post-green revolution era, has damaged soil health
including structural aberrations leading to a hostile habitat for microbes, poor
aeration, WHC, and nutrient retention capacity. Soils, thus, become sick. The
health of soil, hence, requires greater attention as to how the fertility could be
restored in degraded lands.
The increasing demands for food to satisfy the need of the ever-expanding human
population has led to intensification of agricultural practices with extensive use of
chemicals, exploitation of surface and ground water for irrigation, and adoption
of mechanization. These practices have resulted in severe adverse effects on the
physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. The most important of such
effects is the depletion of SOM and loss of microbial diversity which together lead
to damage to the essential ecosystem functions, the sustainability of agricultural
production system and to soil resilience capacity (Buresh et al. 1997; Doran and
Zeiss 2000).
A particular cropping system in any area has its own history. After being tested
for a long time, it has been agronomically accepted not only for its good economic
return but also for its role in maintaining soil health. In a traditional cropping
system, legumes have been the farmers’ choice. But recently, with the introduction
of vegetables (particularly hybrid vegetables), the space for the legumes is shrinking,
leading to poor soil health. Vegetable cultivation round the year degrades soil
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 173
aggregates into talc-like powder which facilitates fertile topsoil erosion, higher
leaching of nutrients to ground water, as well as to eutrophication of water bodies.
And, hence, fertilizer use efficiency declines, production decreases, and human,
animal and environmental health are affected.
From the very beginning of the green revolution, farmers have been desperately and
indiscriminately using fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, new molecules of bio-
logically active metabolites, growth regulators, and hormones are being frequently
used in high input agriculture. All those chemicals are foreign bodies to soil
interacting differently with the soil’s inherent entities and creating hostile environ-
ments leading to poor soil health. In this context, genetically modified inputs like
seed and biocontrol agents are in the queue to join modern agricultural activities.
Though confusing, they may have a long-term soil health hazard problem directly
or indirectly (US National Research Council, 2000; Nordlee et al. 1996).
Practicing a very few restricted cropping systems and/or monocultures over the
years results in decreases in aboveground plant biodiversity as well as a sharp
decline in belowground biodiversity including the organisms antagonist to plant
pathogens. The production system thus becomes vulnerable to harmful soil organ-
isms and the soil becomes sick. Emergence of nematode diseases as one of the
important problems in recent years is a fallout of such soil sickness.
water contains organic and inorganic pollutants, such as heavy metals, as well as
human and plant pathogenic organisms. The discharge of heavy metals into the soil
or the use of sewage sludges in agronomic practices as a source of irrigation leads to
loss in soil fertility, disturbances in microbial equilibrium, and eventually makes
the soil unsuitable for cultivation (Khan et al. 2009).
Routine soil testing measures the status of soil nutrients and a few physical proper-
ties of the soils. Such analysis of soil is done to find out the nutrient deficiency in
soils which further help to design the nutrient strategy for the deficient soils. The
current concept of fertilizer application is directed to feed the plants but not the soil.
Thus, underestimating the contribution of soil and its role in consistently supplying
nutrients to plants is important. Moreover, even though soil microflora drives the
key processes of soil, no serious attempt has yet been made to assess the functional
diversity of microbes impacting on soil health. Furthermore, laboratory-based
indicators for assessing soil are not easily available to farmers and ready to use
soil health indicators at the field level are poorly developed.
Farmers are the central figures of any soil health management program. They are
the stewards of soil health. But, presently there is a gap between skills and
knowledge acquired by individual farmers, while at the community level there is
inadequate awareness about modern scientific innovations. Effective participation
of farmers in combined learning and experimental research for soil health assess-
ment and management is still lacking. Approaches adopted to motivate farmers,
such as state of the art information and how to make maximum use of modern
agronomic tools are not sufficiently available to agrarian communities.
Unlike air, water and sound pollution, no systematic and proper guidelines for
assessing soil health is currently in action in many countries experiencing soil
deterioration. Although the European Union has initiated legislation to protect
soil health, no governmental initiative regarding soil health protection is in action
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 175
Crop rotation is a viable strategy for increasing SOM for the establishment of
healthy, fertile, and productive soil. Crop rotation fulfils nutrient demand from
different depth of soil, thus reducing nutrient mining and hardpan by root penetra-
tion (Corselius et al. 2001). For example, rotations that include cereals leave a
significant amount of leftover stubbles after harvest. By including these crops in
vegetable rotations, a grower can reduce the incidence of potentially devastating
soil-borne diseases and outbreaks of phytopathogenic nematodes (FAO 2008).
Rotations can also check weeds and insect pests that use the weeds as alternative
hosts for perpetuation. The practice of crop rotation with legumes can thus improve
176 N. Saha and B. Mandal
Table 8.4 Soil health index (SHI) value for different management at various experimental sites
Control 2.27 0.92 1.63 0.95 1.04 2.77 0.31 2.78
Na 2.60 – 1.48 – 1.38 2.91 0.35 –
NP 2.59 – – 1.02 1.66 3.21 0.78 –
NPK 2.79 0.97 1.52 – 1.87 3.10 0.81 2.69
NPK þ FYM 2.84 2.00 1.87 1.27 2.10 4.00 1.13 3.63
Recommended dose of fertilizer (Adapted from Anonymous 2005)
soil quality, protect top fertile soil erosion, and improve SOM status, which in turn
improves productivity and consistency in production system,. Furthermore, the
appropriate land management, such as fertilization combined with crop rotation
and reducing 1-year-old fallows, would be useful ways to improve or maintain soil
fertility (Jia et al. 2005).
Deliberate and routine carbon sources are essential to achieving good soil health
in agricultural production systems (Majumder et al. 2008; Mitchell et al. 2000).
Special care is needed to select carbon sources that will ensure short-term produc-
tivity while building long-term soil health. Farm yard manure (FYM) is considered
as an organic amendment to improve soil health in different production systems. In
a case study, the soil health index was computed from a minimum dataset in an
integrated nutrient management system with FYM as sole organics: the soil health
index was superior to conventional farming with chemical fertilizers (Table 8.4).
However, as there is no definite protocol for FYM preparation, quality varies
tremendously. Thus, compost, phosphocompost, and vermicompost with relatively
long-lasting and strong persistence of carbon prepared under defined protocols have
fair scope to be used as organics for better soil health. Furthermore, concentrated
organics, like edible and nonedible oil cakes, rice bran, pulse bran, etc., can be used
for improving soil health. In situ stubble incorporation in combination with cellu-
lolytic microorganisms and green manuring are of great practical importance for
maintaining soil health under rice-based cropping systems (Bhattacharya 2004).
Such organic amendments add significant amounts of carbon to soil and are
generally associated with rich microbial diversity in protected and conserved
ecosystems for carrying out lifeline activities of soil.
Cover cropping (also called green manuring) is a wise prescription for a soil health
management program (Leo et al. 2002). Cover crops can provide a practical and
economical means for supplying organic matter, enhancing soil fertility, suppres-
sing weed growth, attracting beneficial insects, spiders and predatory mites, and
reducing nitrate leaching looses to the groundwater (FAO 2008). Soils differing in
fertility as well as health properties routinely receive these inputs compared to
conventionally managed soil (Mitchell et al. 2000).
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 177
The beneficial effect of the tillage systems (no till and low till farming) are
based on the premise that minimizes the disturbance to the soil leading to an
increase in the retention of water, nutrients, and the topsoil itself (Pretty 1995;
Leo et al. 2002). In tillage conservation, crops are grown with minimal cultivation
of the soil. When the amount of tillage is reduced, the stubble or plant residues
are not completely incorporated, and most or all remain on top of the soil rather
than being ploughed or disked into the soil. The new crop is planted into this
stubble or into small strips of tilled soil. Weeds are controlled with cover crops or
herbicides rather than by cultivation. Fertilizer and lime are either incorporated
earlier in the production cycle or placed on top of the soil at planting (FAO
2008). The tillage encourages soil flora and fauna under the protected habitat to
bring out the biogeochemical processes leading to optimization of carbon turn-
over and bioavailability of nutrient elements in the soil (Mitchell et al. 2000).
Natural processes involved in conservation farming include insect tunnels made
by the movement of earthworms (drillosphere) and arthropods, and root tunnels
created after the decomposition of leftover root debris make the soil porous and a
loose fit for root ramification of the next crop with a good stand. Successful
cultivation of relay cropping of legumes and/or mustard with winter rice is an
example of no till farming in different parts of India.
Cropping system as a whole has a great influence on soil health (Johnson et al.
2003). A production system causing deterioration in an agroecosystem is recom-
mended to be omitted to minimize further deterioration. A system which leaves
more residues and produce more exudates (rhizodeposition) can sequester higher
carbon in the soil. For example, a cereal-based cropping system which retains
stubble and huge root biomass and debris is preferred in degraded and fragile
ecosystems for restoration of soil health. In addition, double-cropping rice practice
also helps to maintain soil carbon and, thus, soil health (Mandal et al. 2008). In a
178 N. Saha and B. Mandal
rice–rice system, kharif rice may be coupled with lentil as a relay crop, and winter
rice followed by a green manuring crop to revitalize the soil internal regulatory
system with a huge supply of easily accumulative carbon. Moreover, farmers can
harvest a third crop with minimal investment and disturbance to the soil.
The cropping system may affect soil health by modifying soil microbial community
structure leading thereby to a negative impact on soil fertility and, hence, crop
yields (Kowalchuk et al. 2002; Mandal et al. 2008). Immediately after identifying
the crops severely damaging soil biological health, it must be eliminated and a
new cropping system be developed by incorporating suitable means for repairing
the damage. For this, the following options may be explored. In rice–potato–
sesame, sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) may be replaced by cowpea, whereas in
rice–vegetable–vegetable, late cauliflower may be replaced by bean. The basis of
replacement of sesame by cowpea is (1) sesame is susceptible to Macrophomina
spp. causing low yield, so (b) to arrest this, a new crop such as cowpea may be
introduced, as legumes have a special role in N-economy. However, in rice–
vegetable–vegetable, late cauliflower may be replaced by bean because (1) early
cauliflower followed by late cauliflower may impair the soil health by increasing
inocula density of cauliflower associated soilborne pathogens, and (2) a cauliflower–
cauliflower system causes seasonal glut in the market that hardly helps farmers
to earn a remunerative price.
Crop diversification alone cannot bring stability to soil health. Rather, farming
system diversification is necessary for overall improvement of soil health. Integrat-
ing animal and plant production has been considered as a wise policy to maintain
a higher biotic diversity in sustainable farming. Agriculture and its allied activities,
i.e., horticulture, agroforestry, organic farming, animal husbandry, fishery, poultry,
etc., can benefit each other. Fish cum rice cultivation can be readopted in some
specific rice growing areas for sustainable rice production and farm income.
Resources can be properly recycled under diverse activities in mixed farming.
Thus, resource utilization becomes optimum under mixed farming systems which
in turn impart sustainability to any production system (Leo et al. 2002).
This is a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances agro-
ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological
8 Soil Health – A Precondition for Crop Production 179
activities. Organic production systems are based on specific and precise standards
of production which aim to achieve optimal agro-ecosystems which are socially,
ecologically, and economically sustainable. The primary goal of organic agriculture
is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil
life, plants, animals, and people. Organic agriculture manages locally available
resources to optimize competition for food and space between different plant and
animal species. The manipulation of the temporal and spatial distribution of
biodiversity is the main productive input of organic farmers. Organic practices
such as crop rotation, cover crops, organic fertilizers, and minimum tillage increase
the diversity and richness of indigenous soil life which in turn impact essential
ecosystem services.
There is a conspicuous gap between nutrient demand and addition. This is mostly
due to nonconsideration of crop nutrition with crop demand. Thus, a net nutrient
deficit increases day by day. The nutrient imbalance in soil has, thus, caused a poor
growth in agricultural production necessitating soil testing and fertilizer recom-
mendation on the basis of the test values. Such nutritional analysis of soils will help
to design balance fertilization for various crops and will also help to take measures
against environmental pollution. Farmers have a vested interest in soil health, and,
hence, its maintenance has been the top priority for them. Farmer interest in soil
health may have been encouraged by their desire to examine and validate the
management practices they use in their own farm. Thus, they need familiar soil
characteristics easy to interpret by themselves as soil indicators. The working
knowledge of farmers obtained through experience will help researchers to articu-
late their experience with research findings to design farmer-friendly indicators.
The soil taxonomies and intricate methods for fertility management should be taken
into consideration while developing handy soil health indicators.
Attempts should be made to enact legislation for protecting soil against its abuse
and misuse. Selling of top soil for other nonagricultural activities should be treated
as a punishable offence. In addition, government-endorsed drafts of agreement
between licensor and license in regard to the status quo of soil health in contractual
farming systems should be followed. And, at the time of return of the land to the
licensor, if the soil health has deteriorated, the licensee should be liable to pay extra
at certain rates to rejuvenate it.
180 N. Saha and B. Mandal
8.10 Conclusion
Food demand for rapidly increasing the global human population is expected to
expand substantially over the next decades, which in turn could make them food
insecure. The excessive inputs and unethical activities in agriculture in developing
countries are some of the reasons why fertile land is degrading rapidly and destroy-
ing ecosystems. Due to these problems, soil resource inventory and monitoring
have gained momentum. And, as a consequence, the concept of soil health has
generated awareness among agriculturists regarding the importance of soil in
maintaining plant productivity and environment quality. There is a need to better
understand relationships between the status of soil health indicators and fluctuating
soil functions. In this context, state of the art research is needed in order to find and
develop proper indicators, applicable at the farmer scale. The technology thus
developed would be likely to help in setting up effective and ready to use protocols
which may guarantee to generate the necessary baseline soil data in order to
develop appropriate MDS encompassing all aspects of agro-ecosystem perfor-
mance. In this regard, innovative use of geographical information systems and
remote sensing will significantly improve the acceptance of soil health information
by stakeholders. Laboratory-based indicators so far developed definitely have a
substantive role in the scientific and more precise monitoring of terrestrial ecology.
But sometimes such parameters lose their relevancy to the farmers and, hence,
there is an urgent need to develop handy, meaningful and farmer-friendly sets of
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Chapter 9
Recent Advances in Biopesticides
9.1 Introduction
For many years, the use of synthetics and chemical pesticides has dominated the
scene of pest control. Their intensive use, misuse, and abuse have caused various
ecological and environmental problems, the resurgence of various insect and mites
pests, contaminated food commodities, have adversely affected non-target organi-
sms, and have also progressively increased occupational poisoning cases in develop-
ing countries. This tirade against their use has led agriculture to envision a new
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 185
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_9, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
186 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from natural materials such as
animals, plants, bacteria, or some minerals. For example, garlic (Allium sativum L.),
mint (Mentha arvensis), canola (Brassica napus) oil, and baking soda all have pes-
ticidal activity and are considered biopesticides. However, as defined by Sudakin
(2003), the term “biopesticide” encompasses a broad array of microbial pesticides,
bio-chemicals derived from microorganisms and other natural sources, and pro-
cesses involving the genetic incorporation of DNA into agricultural commodities
that confer protection against pest damage (plant-incorporated protectants).
According to Zechendorf (1995), the scope of biopesticides includes substances
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 187
Of the nearly 1 million known species of insects, about 15,000 are considered pests
and about 300 require some form of control. Fortunately, most insect pests have
pathogenic microorganisms associated with them. Entomopathogens have been high-
lighted as controlling agents of insect pests for over a century, and include species of
bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae, and protozoa as the active ingredient. These patho-
genic organisms are isolated from diseased insects during naturally occurring epi-
demics. Over 400 species of fungi and more than 90 species of bacteria which infect
insects have been reported. These microbial control agents have a range of properties
that make them desirable for integrated crop management (Hajek 2004). To achieve a
double pay-off of better systems of environmental risk evaluation, and an effective
and more sustainable microbial control, attention is required for the better under-
standing of phylogeny of microbial natural enemies (Rehner and Buckley 2005), their
biogeography and factors determining bio-diversification of gene flow (Bidochka and
Small 2005), and assessment of their background levels in agricultural and natural
ecosystems (Mensink and Sheepmaker 2007). Bacteria
Among bioagents, bacteria are the most potent. On the basis of their pathogenecity,
entomopathogenic bacteria are divided into four groups: (1) obligate pathogens (e.g.,
Bacillus popilliae), (2) crystalliferous spore-formers (e.g., B. thuringiensis), (3) fac-
ultative pathogens (e.g., B. sphaericus), and (4) potential pathogens (e.g., Seerratia
marscens). Of these, B. thuringiensis is the most effective, with about 6,000 isolates
188 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
Table 9.1 Molecular organization of the genes coding d – endotoxin with target host insect
Delta endotoxin gene M.W. (kDa) Insect host target
CrylA (a) Lepidoptera
CrylA (b) 130 a 133 Lepidoptera
CrylA (c) 138 Lepidoptera
CrylB 135 Lepidoptera
CrylC 130 a 134 Lepidoptera
CryllA 71 Lepidoptera/diptera
CryllB 71 Lepidoptera
CryllC 70 Lepidoptera
CrylllA 73 Coleoptera
CrylllB 74 Coleoptera
CrylllC 129 Coleoptera
CrylllD 73 Coleoptera
CrylVA, CrylVB 134 a 128 Diptera
CrylVC 78 Diptera
CrylVD 72 Diptera
CryVA 81 Lepidopera/coleoptera
Adapted from Nasrine Moazami. Biopesticide Production, Biotechnology (EOLSS) manuscript
stored in various repositories throughout the world. This bacterium was first recorded
in 1901 as the cause of the damaging “Sotto” disease in silkworms in Japan (Ishikawa
1936), and was isolated again in 1927 by Maltes in Germany and given the name
B. thuringiensis. It occurs naturally in insect-rich locations, including soil, plant
surfaces, and grain stores. So far, more than 40,000 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
have been isolated and identified as belonging to 39 serotypes. The Bt strains are
classified according to their H antigens into 27 groups and 7 subgroups, and according
to structure and molecular organization of the genes coding for the parasporal
delta-endotoxins. Only a few strains are used commercially as bio-control agents.
Chief among them includes Bacillus thuringiensis, B. sphaericus and B. popilliae.
They are active against insect pests belonging mainly to the orders lepidoptera,
diptera, or coleoptera (Table 9.1). B. thuringiensis produces three types of entomo-
cidal toxins: alpha exotoxin, beta exotoxin, and delta endotoxin (insecticidal crystal
protein, ICP). When ingested, the crystals paralyze the digestive tracts of insects,
often killing them within 24–48 h. The stability of the Bt formulations, however,
depends on the biological properties of insects, such as age and maturity, presence
of the degenerative enzymes, pH, residual nutrient availability, ionic strength and
osmotic pressure, type of preservatives used, type of surfactants used, and the
Mode of Action
The toxic crystal Bt proteins in commercial formulations are effective only when
eaten by insects with a specific (usually alkaline) gut pH and the specific gut
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 189
membrane structures required to bind the toxin. So, when (1) the insect has the
correct physiology, (2) been at a susceptible stage of development, and (3) the
bacterium has been eaten in sufficient quantity, only then does the toxic protein
damage the gut lining, leading eventually to gut paralysis of the infected insect. As
a consequence, the insect stops feeding and dies from the combined effects of
starvation and tissue damage. However, B. thuringiensis spores do not usually
spread to other insects or cause disease outbreaks on their own as occurs with
many other pathogens (Whalon and McGaughey 1998). Formulation plays a
significant role in determining the final efficacy of a Bacillus-based product. As a
dry powder, B. thuringiensis is quite stable, whereas flowable formulations are
difficult to prepare and stabilize, and are quite sensitive to heat and, hence, must be
protected during storage. Formulations of Bt var. tenebrionis and sandiego have
been registered for use against Colorado potato beetle larvae and elm leaf beetle
adults and larvae. B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis is marketed for use against
black flies and mosquitoes, while Bt var. aizawai is used to control fungus gnats,
wax moth larvae in bee hives and various caterpillars (Duan et al. 2004; Zehnder
and Gelernter 1989). Virus
The efficacy of the insect-specific viruses can be seen among 1,600 viruses that
have been recorded from more than 1,000 species of insects, particularly caterpillar
pests. Different strains of naturally occurring nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) and
granulosis virus are present at low levels in many insect populations. No threat to
humans or wildlife is posed by these insect viruses. A family of viruses called
baculoviruses is the most popular choice for microbial control, which have been
used regularly for pest control since the 1950s, particularly in forestry where they
have been highly effective at controlling sawflies. They are usually small (less than
0.001 mm across), and are composed primarily of double-stranded DNA that codes
for genes needed for virus establishment and reproduction. Because this genetic
material is easily destroyed by exposure to sunlight or by conditions in the host gut,
an infective baculovirus particle (virion) is protected by a protein coat called a
polyhedron. Most insect baculoviruses must be eaten by the host to produce an
infection, which is typically fatal to the insect. The majority of baculoviruses used as
biological control agents belong to genus Nucleopolyhedrovirus. These viruses are
considered suitable candidates for species-specific, narrow spectrum insecticidal
applications, have no negative impacts on plants, mammals, birds, fish, or even
on non-target insects, and are especially desirable when beneficial insects are being
conserved to aid in an overall EPM program (Ramkrishnan 1992). They have a
characteristic shiny-oily appearance, and are seen hanging limply from vegetation.
They are extremely fragile to the touch, rupturing to release fluid filled with
infective virus particles. This tendency to remain attached to foliage and then
rupture is an important feature of the virus life-cycle. As discussed above, infection
of other insects will occur only if they eat foliage that has been contaminated by
190 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
virus-killed larvae. Baculoviruses infect their hosts through ingestion. Virus parti-
cles invade the cells of the gut before colonizing the rest of the body. Infection
reduces mobility and feeding, and insects are killed in 5–8 days.
Mass production of baculoviruses can be done only in insects, but this is
economically viable for larger hosts such as caterpillars, and formulation and
application are straightforward. At present, there are approximately 16 products
available for use or under development, mostly for control of caterpillar pests.
Commercial products are available in Switzerland, Germany, and Spain for the
control of codling moth and the summer fruit tortrix. Based on their safety and
potential to replace chemical pesticides, five baculoviruses have been registered as
pesticides: Helicoverpa zea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HzSNPV) in 1975, Orgyia
pseudotsugata (Ot) MNPV in 1976, and Lymantria dispar (Ld) MNPV in 1993.
However, the only privately produced and commercially available viral pesticide
comes from the USA and is the SeMNPV (Spod-XTM).
Mode of Action
Viruses invade an insect’s body via the gut. They replicate in tissues and can disrupt
components of an insect’s physiology, interfering with feeding, egg laying, and
movement. Different viruses cause different symptoms. NPV-infected larvae may
initially turn white and granular or very dark. Some may climb to the top of the crop
canopy, stop feeding, become limp, and hang from the upper leaves or stems, hence
the common name “caterpillar wilt” or “tree top” disease. Victims of a granulosis
virus may turn milky white and stop feeding, or contents of the dead larvae are
liquefied and the cuticle ruptures easily to release infectious viral particles. Death
from a virus infection usually occurs within 3–8 days. Their killing efficiency may
be augmented by genetic modification of its genome with genes of other natural
pathogens (Szewczyk et al. 2006).
Over 750 species of fungi kill insects. Entomopathogenic fungi are widely distributed
throughout the fungal kingdom, although the majority occur in the Deuteromycotina
and Zygomycotina families. Some insect-pathogenic fungi have restricted host
ranges, for example, Aschersonia aleyrodis infects only scale insects and whiteflies,
while other fungal species have a wide host range, with individual isolates being more
specific, for example, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. The potential
of fungal pathogens in the control of insect pests has been recognized since the latter
part of the nineteenth century, when M. anisopliae was tested against the wheat
cockchafer, Anisoplia austriaca and sugar beet curculionid, Cleonus punctuventris.
Over the past century, there have been many attempts to exploit Verticillium lecanii,
A. aleyrodis, B. bassiana, Nomuraea rileyi, M. anisopliae, and some species of
Entomophthorales for pest control. At present, fungi are being used for pest control
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 191
Mode of Action
Entomopathogenic fungi invade their hosts by direct penetration of the host exo-
skeleton or cuticle. As occurs in many plant-pathogenic fungi, conidia germinate on
the host surface and often differentiate to form an appressorium. An infected hypha
penetrates down through the host cuticle and eventually emerges into the haemo-
coel of the insect. As with plant pathogens, entry into the host involves both
enzymic degradation and mechanical pressure. A range of extracellular enzymes
that can degrade the major components of insect cuticle is produced when
M. anisopliae is grown in vitro with the cuticle as the sole carbon and nitrogen source.
Growth of fungi in the haemolymph of insects may be as yeast-like blastospores,
hyphal bodies, or protoplasts, rather than in the form of a mycelium (from which
toxic compounds can be extracted). Death is caused by tissue destruction and,
occasionally, by toxins produced by the fungus. The fungus frequently emerges
from the insect’s body to produce spores that, when spread by wind, rain, or contact
with other insects, can spread infection. Destruxins (DTXs), a group of cyclic
depsipeptides (peptides containing ester linkages) produced by M. anisopliae,
192 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
have received most attention, and are responsible for causing insect mortality by the
fungus (Zimmermann 2007). DTXs are insecticidal by injection and, in some cases,
when ingested by mouth; toxicity is most acute among lepidopteran larvae and adult
Diptera. Nematodes
Entomopathogenic nematode worms are just visible to the naked eye, being about
0.5 mm in length. The entomopathogenic nematodes are a nematode–bacterium
complex forming a strong mutualistic relationship. The nematode may appear as
little more than a biological syringe for its bacterial partner. The bacteria break
down the insect body, which provides food for the nematodes. After the insect dies,
the juvenile nematodes develop to adults and reproduce. A new generation of
infective juveniles emerges 8–14 days after infection. Entomopathogenic nema-
todes are extraordinarily lethal to many important soil insect pests, yet are safe for
plants and animals. This high degree of safety means that, unlike chemicals, or
even Bacillus thuringiensis, nematode applications do not require other safety
equipment; and re-entry time, residues, groundwater contamination, chemical
trespass, and pollinators are not major issues. Like other biological control agents,
nematodes are constrained by being living organisms that require specific condi-
tions to be effective. Thus, desiccation or ultraviolet light rapidly inactivates
insecticidal nematodes; chemical insecticides are less constrained. Similarly,
nematodes are effective within a narrower temperature range than chemicals, and
are more impacted by suboptimal soil type, depth, and irrigation frequency. In
addition, unlike other entomopathogens, nematodes are exempted from registration
and so have been popular choices for commercialization. Over 60 products
prepared from nematodes are available in Europe. Nematodes require moist con-
ditions to operate and have been marketed predominantly against soil pests, such as
vine weevil and sciarid fly larvae. However, they may also control foliar pests, for
example Nemasys (Becker Underwood) which can be used to control western
flower thrips.
Mode of Action
Juvenile nematodes parasitize their hosts directly by penetrating the cuticle through
natural openings and introducing symbiotic bacteria, which multiply rapidly and
cause death by septicaemia, often within 48 h. Nematode growth and reproduction
depend upon conditions established in the host cadaver by the bacterium. The
bacterium further contributes anti-immune proteins to assist the nematode in over-
coming host defences, and anti-microbials that suppress colonization of the cadaver
by competing secondary invaders. Conversely, the bacterium lacks invasive powers
and is dependent upon the nematode to locate and penetrate suitable hosts.
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 193 Botanicals
Every native plant is evolved with a specific recipe of natural controls. The rich
plant bio-diversity of India which continues to be a major untapped source of a
diverse range of bio-active molecules needs to be explored for safe crop protection.
A range of secondary metabolites, like alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides,
sitosterols, and tannins, have a record of protecting plants against their herbivorous
pests (Ahmad 2007). However, greater emphasis needs to be laid on developing
innovative formulations with good storage ability and persistence. There is also a
need to improve the knock-down characters in natural pesticides which are
endowed with slow acting behavioral and physiological modes of action. Histori-
cally, plant materials have been in use longer than any other chemicals (with the
exception of sulphur) but after the Second World War, they lost their importance
with the introduction of synthetic organic chemicals. Tobacco (Nicotiana taba-
cum), pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium), derris (Derris elliptica), helle-
bore (Helleborus niger), quassia (Picrasma excels), camphor (Cinnamonum
camphora), and turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera) were some of the important
plant products in use before the organized and systematic search began in the 1940s.
In the US, the use of botanical pesticides like pyrethrum, nicotine, and rotenone
peaked during 1966, but due to some limitations like photosensitivity, degradation,
and availability, their use declined thereafter. Chief among the adverse effects are
structural modifications and structure–activity relationships which led to the dis-
covery of synthetic pyrethrin-like materials called synthetic pyrethroids which are
194 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
stable in light and act even at very low concentrations. Similarly, nicotinoids
(previously referred to as nitro-quanidines, neonicotinyls, neonicotinoids, and
chloronicotines, and more recently referred as chloronicotinyls) are considered
the siblings of structurally modified pesticides. Therefore, there is an urgent need
to explore these virgin plants for their bioactivities. However, the major bottlenecks
in the commercialisation of biopesticides are: (1) resource availability, (2) pro-
blems in chemical standardization and delivery systems, (3) less effective field
reports than laboratory results, (4) lack of novel, effective, stable and economical
formulations of botanical products, and (5) lack of general awareness among the
end users which discourage product realization. Despite all these constraints, the
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) under the patronage of the Department of
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, has
developed a plant extract-based biopesticide formulation “Bollcure”, that could be
used to control cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), the most challenging
larvae capable of inflicting severe losses to the yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsu-
tum) crops. Allellochemicals
et al. 2000), while avermectin and milbemycin are derived from a family of
macrocyclic lactones produced from Streptomycin avermitilis (Campbell 1989).
All these biopesticide strategies employed to control insect pests have distinct
advantages and disadvantages under specific conditions. Although there has been
an extensive programme for mass rearing and release of beneficial insects such as
Trichogramma species, perhaps the greatest potential for successful biological
control through augmentation of natural enemies exists with pathogenic microor-
ganisms. The utility of these agents has, however, been limited by difficulties in the
production and formulations of products, particularly with viruses and fungi, and
has limited spectra of activity against pest complexes in comparison with chemical
insecticides. However, recent research has indicated that the efficacy of bacteria
and viruses have improved through recombinant DNA technology. The advantages
of microbial insecticides over chemical insecticides in terms of reduced threats to
nontarget species and limited potential for environmental degradation are compel-
ling reasons for increasing efforts to improve these agents and increase their utility
for IPM programmes (Cuperus et al. 2004).
196 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
The potential advantages of bioinsecticides include that they: (1) are usually
inherently less harmful than conventional pesticides, (2) do not leave harmful
residues, (3) are designed to affect just the specific target organism in contrast to
broad spectrum of conventional ones, (d) are effective in small quantities and often
disperse quickly (Ware 1994), thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely
avoiding the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides, (e) as a compo-
nent of IPM, greatly reduce the use of conventional synthetics while crop yields
remain high, and (f) are often cheaper than chemical pesticides. The introduction of
transgenic technology has opened up new vistas in crop protection management.
Although investment in agricultural biotechnology is concentrated in industrialized
countries, many developing countries like India, China, and Brazil have committed
significant levels of public funding to biotechnology. Recent studies show that
small-scale farmers in developing countries stand to benefit more from transgenic
technology than commercial farmers in industrial countries, due to limited access to
agrochemicals and greater losses associated with insect pests in tropical and
subtropical climates. The best example of such progress in developing countries
is the use of Bt cotton containing Cry 1ac gene from Baccillus thuringiensis which
is commercially grown in India and China. Multi-level endocrine systems
controlling a wide range of physiological processes (e.g., moulting, metamorphosis,
diapause, reproduction, etc.) advocating multiple functional capacities of insect
neuropeptides, also provide opportunities for new insect control strategies. As a
biopesticide, they induce adult sterility, physical body change, water loss, and
premature death in insects (Muraleedharan and Devi 1992). Their chief disadvan-
tages are: (1) very high specificity, which will require an accurate identification of
the pest/pathogen and may require multiple pesticides to be used, and (2) often
variable efficacy due to the influences of various biotic and abiotic factors (since
biopesticides are usually living organisms, which bring about pest/pathogen control
by multiplying within the target insect pest/pathogen).
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 197 Technological Financial
This includes (1) huge rates of tax, (2) benefit of economy of scale rather limited,
and (3) lack of subsidy from Government bodies. Regulatory/Statutory
(1) Need for a separate body for registering biological compounds, (2) need to
liberalize expensive and time-consuming registration processes, (3) require strict
quality control and standardised formulations, and (d) lack of large number of nodal
biopesticide testing laboratories.
During the 1970s, research institutions around the globe had started opting for
biopesticides as a new and sustainable alternatives to conventional pesticides. The
tactics of using biopesticides seems ideal for IPM if they could spare the pests’
natural enemies, as they are narrowly selective and pose few problems to the
nontarget ones. Except for Bacillus thuringiensis, the predicted demand for com-
mercial biopesticides has not been realised. Estimated world sales of all biopesti-
cides amount to 0.5% of the total world pesticide market accounting for more than
90% of the total sales of Bt products (Rodgers 1993). Among the best examples of
its demand in developing countries, Brazilian farmers have obtained exceptional
control of the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis, by spraying NPV onto
soyabean, Glycine max (Moscardi and Sosa-Gomez 1996). Chinese farmers applied
198 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
Beauveria bassiana to the soil surface to infect the larvae dropping from the plants
to overwinter (Kogan and Turnipseed 1987) but, like the Brazilians, they used it as
an IPM tool and did not rely merely on these biopesticides. Among the plant
pathologists, at least 30 different biological control organisms are presently avail-
able as commercial formulations to manage plant diseases (Lumsden et al. 1995).
For example, Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain K84), which is able to synthesize
antibiotic agrocin 84, has been used to prevent crown gall (Copping 2004;
Kabulak and Gazdik 2005). The control of the coconut rhinocerous beetle, Oryctes
rhinoceros, on coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Asia and the Pacific Islands is a good
example of how entomopathogens could provide benefits to such plants
(Waterhouse and Norris 1987).
Major breakthroughs in molecular biology and biotechnology since the early 1980s
indicate that rapid improvements in the competitive ability of biological control
methods are possible, and that biopesticides can play a major role in crop protection
in the future. It has become possible to improve some of the critical properties that
earlier hampered the usefulness of many biocontrol agents. Valuable genes from
completely unrelated organisms can now be utilized for biological control pur-
poses. Biological control using recombinant DNA (genetic engineering) technology
can be achieved in several different ways: control agents may be improved; crop
plants can be engineered to carry better resistance genes; or organisms associated
with the plant may be modified to provide protection. All these approaches have
successfully been used experimentally in several different ways. Product develop-
ment has been very active in the area of incorporating resistant genes – mainly from
Bt directly into plants. Successes include potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato
(Lycopersicon lycopersicum), tobacco, and cotton. General root-colonizing bacteria
of plants have also been engineered to produce insecticidal toxins, which protect
against pests such as the corn rootworm.
The genetic improvement of biological agents is a relatively new concept. For this,
a great deal must be known about the biology, ecology, and behavior of the
9 Recent Advances in Biopesticides 199
The first gene encoding the Bt toxin was cloned by Schnepf and Whiteley (1981),
and Bt gene regulation was known by 1986 (Whiteley et al. 1987). The crop plants
were tobacco and tomato, producing the delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis to
make them resistant against caterpillars. The uses of genetically modified crops that
express insecticidal genes (e.g., Bt crops) also provide an important tool to control
Lepidopterous pests (Shelton et al. 2002). Similar strategies have been employed
to develop mosquitocidal species of algae. Through genetic engineering tech-
niques, the Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrosis virus
(AcMNPV) was engineered to kill insects more quickly by expressing either
enzymes or toxins soon after host invasion. Of particular interest is the possibility
of making viruses produce insect neurohormones, which can cause rapid physio-
logical disruptions in minutely defined target hosts. Parasexual recombination not
only facilitates genetic analysis in asexually reproducing fungi, but also provides an
important tool in strain improvement of bioprotectant fungi.
Biopesticides have not been adequately evaluated in terms of their costs relative to
their benefits to farmers and others. Examples from both developed countries
(Benbrook 1996) and developing countries (Oka 1996) show that farmers commonly
reduce insecticide use by 50–100% without any loss in crop yield after switching
to IPM. In addition, the synthetic pesticides market is expected to show a declining
trend at the rate of 1.5% per annum. At the same time, the biopesticide market is
growing and is expected to reach more than a billion dollars in the next 5 years
(Table 9.2 and Fig. 9.1). Key developments expected in the coming years are more
R&D in biopesticides, an increase in genetically modified crops, the application of
200 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
Table 9.2 The global market is rapidly expanding with 150–300% increase over next 5 years
($ millions)
Europe NAFTA Latin Africa ASIA Oceania Total
Macrobials 70 100 15 8 30 20 243
Bacteria 15 80 10 5 20 30 160
Virus 10 15 10 2 5 10 42
Fungi 25 45 20 3 15 20 128
Total 50 140 40 10 40 60 330
Natural 30 70 25 10 40 15 180
Semisynthetic 40 80 20 10 30 20 200
Total 70 150 45 20 70 35 390
TOTAL 190 390 100 38 140 115 973
Source: International Biocontrol Manufacturer’s Association (2004)
Fig. 9.1 $260MM estimated 2005 sales projected to grow to $350–400MM by 2015
Source: Nasrine Moazami. Biopesticide Production, Biotechnology (EOLSS) manuscript (http://
$ Millions
2003 2004 2005 2010
and expect them to perform evenly across a range of situations and apply them in an
ecological abyss.
The successful commercialization of insect-pathogenic viruses has been limited.
Thus far, NPV strains have only been mass produced in living insects, a costly
procedure. Viral insecticide development is further hindered by the fact that the
viruses are specific to one species or genus, ensuring a relatively small market.
Genetic engineering offers a potential solution to these shortcomings. A foreign
pesticidal gene can be inserted into the viral genome, and expression of the
pesticidal gene product during replication will allow the virus to kill insects faster
or cause rapid cessation of feeding. Foreign genes which have been inserted into
baculoviruses for this purpose include the Buthus eupeus insect toxin-1, the Man-
duca sexta diuretic hormone, the Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki HD-73 delta-
endotoxin, the Heliothis virescens juvenile hormone esterase, the Pyemotes tritici
TxP-I toxin, Androctonus australis neurotoxin, Dol m V gene and T-urf 13 genes
[Nasrine Moazami.Biopesticide Production, Biotechnology (EOLSS) manuscript
9.9 Conclusion
Although chemicals characteristically have good storage life, relatively wide spec-
trum of activity, fast speed of kill, and relatively short persistence, frequent and
injudicious applications leads to environmental hazards and poses a serious toxico-
logical threat. In contrast, biological control agents tend to have relatively poor
storage life, high target specificity, slow speed of kill, potentially long persistence
through secondary cycling, and consequently lower frequency of application. They
are environmentally friendly and have a low degree of hazard for humans and
livestock. The need of the hour is for a biological agent that possesses the desirable
202 P.Q. Rizvi et al.
10.1 Introduction
Mycorrhiza form a beneficial soil microbe–plant interaction that affects the physi-
ological traits of many crop plants, including yield and food-quality. Recently,
mycorrhiza have become a prospective tool for sustainable, low input crop production
J. Albrechtová (*)
Faculty of Science, Department of Plant Physiology, Charles University in Prague, Vinicna 5,
128 44, Prague, Czech Republic
Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 252 43 Pruhonice, Czech Republic
M. Vosátka
Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 252 43 Pruhonice, Czech Republic
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 205
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_10, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
206 M. Vosátka and J. Albrechtová
has played a significant role in meeting the growing population demands for foods.
However, the conventional agricultural practices based on the application of agro-
chemicals (chemical fertilizers and pesticides) cannot sustain the production base as
a healthy plant–soil system for very long (Khan et al. 2007). Also, consistently
increasing prices of chemical fertilizers warrants the implementation of sustainable
approaches. The new approaches to farming, referred to as sustainable agriculture,
require agricultural practices that maintain a long-term ecological balance in the
soil ecosystem, including the sustainable management of soil microbes. Under low
P or P-deficient conditions, interaction of plants with rhizospheric microorganisms
either improves the uptake of the available P or renders unavailable P sources that
would otherwise be accessible to the plant. Many lines of scientific evidence
highlight the importance of a targeted and sustainable microbial management of
soil resources. Management of sustainable agricultural systems needs to develop
technologies and practices that do not have adverse effects on environmental
variables. Additionally, these technologies and practices need to be accessible to
farmers in an effective manner that could lead to enhanced food productivity (Pretty
2008). Mycorrhizal biotechnology meets the demands of sustainable agriculture,
and in addition, it often improves food crop quality. However, efficient manage-
ment of biological soil resources in sustainable cropping systems remains the
largest challenge because of the complexity of its roles and interactions with
other parts of cropping systems. Special attention is paid to highlight the effects
of mycorrhiza on crop productivity and the principles underlying crop responsive-
ness to AM, including the occurrence and importance of AM in agro-ecosystems
depending on environmental factors and management practices. Also, the specifics
of AM fungi in horticultural production and the advantages, prospects, and draw-
backs of mycorrhiza-friendly management in sustainable plant–soil systems is
reviewed and discussed.
variation describes differences in the interaction between plant and the fungus. As
such, nondependence differences include variation in the ability of lines to establish
colonization, variation in the efficiency of nutrient uptake, and variation in the
regulation of nutrient exchange between the fungus and host (Sawers et al. 2008).
The degree of mycotrophy depends to a greater extent on the plant genotype and
on environmental conditions (Hamel 1996). Many studies have investigated my-
corrhizal responsiveness variation in existing crop varieties, and it is apparent that
selection and breeding programs have often selected against AM associations, as
the programs are mainly aimed at maximum plant performance in high-input
production agro-ecosystems. For example, when comparing the performance of
wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties developed before and after 1900, varieties
developed before 1900 were more responsive to AM colonization than those
developed later (Hetrick et al. 1992). The principle of this phenomenon lies in
selection for increased ability of modern lines to take up phosphate without AM
fungi under high phosphorus availability in soils (Sawers et al. 2008).
More insight into the complexity of plant responsiveness to AM brought recent
advances in the molecular basis of AM–plant interactions including P uptake
by mycorrhized plants (Paszkowski 2006). Plants use two distinct P uptake path-
ways: one acquiring P directly from the soil via P membrane transporters located in
the outer membrane of the rhizodermis and root hairs, and the second being active
in colonized plants when P is uptaken by the extraradical hyphal network and
delivered to arbuscules. In the arbuscules, it is absorbed by plant phosphate
transporters in the periarbuscular membrane (Sawers et al. 2008). In mycorrhized
plants, a switch from one pattern of gene expression to another corresponding to
changes in P uptake occurs. This process is not a simple superimposition of
additional gene expression on the noncolonized state (Sawers et al. 2008). More-
over, although cytological and physiological features of AM fungi seem to be
conserved, the molecular components may differ significantly between distantly
related plant species, as has been shown for P transporter genes in rice (Oryza
sativa) (Paszkowski et al. 2002). Sawers et al. (2008), however, imply that the
genetic determinants affecting the performance of AM-colonized and noncolonized
plants vary independently.
Mycorrhizal development increases the availability of nutrients other than
P. Nitrogen serves as a good example because of the ability of extraradical
mycelium of AM fungi to access small soil pores in the event of low nutrient status
or immobile nutrients such as NH4+ (Drew et al. 2004). Progress has been made
in exploring metabolic pathways of N uptake and transport by AM fungi
(Govindarajulu et al. 2005). For AM fungi, NH4+ is the most likely form of N
uptaken though the N uptake mechanisms remain largely unknown (Jackson et al.
2008). Nitrogen is synthesized and stored in the extraradical mycelium in the form
of arginine and is transported to the intraradical mycelium in host cells following its
generation from arginine breakdown (Jin et al. 2005). The presence of mycorrhiza
can affect the uptake of nitrogen depending on the type of fertilizer supplied and the
ratio of ammonium/nitrate in it. For example, corn (Zea mays) plants colonized by
210 M. Vosátka and J. Albrechtová
Glomus aggregatum take up ten times more N from a 15NH4+ pathway than from a
NO3 pathway (Tanaka and Yano 2005).
10.3.1 Occurrence
et al. 2008). Some of the principal mechanisms responsible for the benefits of crop
rotation include (1) effects on disease control, and (2) improved nitrogen nutrition
and water supply, besides affecting changes in rhizosphere biology and allelopathy
effects or soil structure (Kirkegaard et al. 2008). To successfully integrate mycor-
rhiza in cropping systems, different factors of production systems and management
practices have to be considered. However, the detailed knowledge of mycorrhizal
conditions in sustainable agro-ecosystems is scarce (Rillig 2004b). To improve it
further, efficient and fast quality indicators of AM fungi populations in the field,
including relative field mycorrhizal dependency, soil mycorrhizal infectivity, and
mycorrhizal fungi development on plants, need to be developed (Plenchette et al.
2005; Vosátka and Albrechtová 2008).
(weaning) phase, and (3) after the acclimatization phase but before starting the post-
acclimatization period under greenhouse conditions (Azcon-Aguilar and Barea
1997; Taylor and Harrier 2003).
Studies on the inoculation of micropropagated plants again underlined the neces-
sity of selecting an efficient combination of mycorrhizal fungi and host plant
genotype for a particular substrate and cultivation conditions (Vestberg et al.
2002). As was documented in the case of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) inoculated
with Gigaspora sp. (Taylor and Harrier 2000), the whole range of plant growth
responses from enhancement to growth depression can occur. Current possibilities of
using consortia of rhizotrophic microorganisms for the inoculation of micropropa-
gated plants are under investigation, and could lead to the development of composite
inoculants of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing and/or phosphate-solubilizing
bacteria (Vosátka et al. 2000; Gryndler et al. 2002; Vestberg et al. 2004).
During the last decade, mycorrhizal technology reached a more developed stage by
becoming an industry supported by extensive research and commercial applications
that emphasized ecological aspects of the use of mycorrhiza (Gianinazzi and
Vosátka 2004; Vosátka et al. 2008). Since large-scale inoculations with AM fungi
have become a reality, the drawbacks of these applications should be carefully
considered with regard to their profitability.
An important question for using AM fungi in sustainable crop production
systems is whether generic or tuned products should be used. One of the drawbacks
of using mycorrhizal inoculants in field is that there are already indigenous popula-
tions of AM fungi in soils. Such indigenous fungi can be highly competitive in
securing their colonization niche from the introduced fungi. Even though intro-
duced strains can be less efficient than indigenous ones (Schwartz et al. 2006), in
some cases the adaptation of the native fungi has shown a competitive advantage
over the introduced strains (Batkhuugyin et al. 2000; Oliveira et al. 2005). This is
often more pronounced in degraded ecosystems with extreme soil properties where
native populations of AM fungi can perform better in the environment of their
origin compared to other nonnative symbionts in degraded soils (Batkhuugyin et al.
2000). Furthermore, there can be significant differences in performance even
among different geographical isolates that belong to the same fungal species. It is
possible to isolate native mycorrhizal strains for a particular ecosystem, to produce
inoculum, and to re-introduce native strains in the field on a large scale. Some
commercial companies are applying inoculum tuning to target conditions where
native mycorrhizal populations have been reduced (Gianinazzi and Vosátka 2004;
Vosátka and Albrechtová 2008).
For the successful introduction of inocula into the field, numerous ecological
factors have to be considered. These include soil properties, level of fertilizer input,
216 M. Vosátka and J. Albrechtová
and the degree and potential of existing fungal population (Vosátka and Dodd 2002).
To realize all the potentials of mycorrhizal management and applications, it is
absolutely vital to conduct reference field trials prior to large-scale applications,
which are of great importance for properly tuning the best combinations of mycorrhizal
fungal inoculum for target conditions. And, hence, a careful selection of symbionts
intended for use should be employed prior to large-scale production and application.
By tuning the appropriate inoculants to the target cultivation system, it is possible to
achieve economic feasibility of mycorrhizal technology (Vosátka and Dodd 2002).
Molecular identification of different isolates in a field to reliably distinguish
native and introduced populations is needed to evaluate ecological and economic
consequences of artificial inoculation into field conditions. Although, within spe-
cies, genetic differences among AM fungi have been shown to differentially affect
plant growth, very little is known about the degree of genetic diversity in AM
fungal populations (Croll et al. 2008). It is apparent that differences in crop
responsiveness to various mycorrhizal isolates can be based on genetic variability
in AM fungal populations that affects host–plant fitness. The AM fungi are asexu-
ally reproducing organisms that show coexistence of a population of many genomes
(Hijri and Sanders 2005). This implies a high genetic variation of within-AM fungi
populations, though the effects of within-AM fungi species or within-population
variation on plant growth have received less attention (Koch et al. 2006). Recently,
success has been achieved in molecular identification of different isolates of
G. margarita (Yokoyama et al. 2005) and G. intraradices using newly developed
simple sequence repeat, nuclear gene intron, and mitochondrial ribosomal gene
intron markers (Croll et al. 2008). Advances in molecular identification further
support the importance of adjusting the tuning of introduced commercial inocula to
a specific target combination of a crop production system.
Among different types of mycorrhiza, AM fungi exhibit relatively low specific-
ity in host–symbiont formation, which is advantageous for natural spreading of
arbuscular mycorrhiza in a plant community as well as for large-scale commercial
use of mycorrhizal inoculants in agriculture in different agro-ecosystems. However,
the last decade of AM fungi research has revealed far more selectivity of AM fungi–
plant associations, and a greater dependence of resulting functions on particular
host/fungus combinations than previously suggested (Piotrowski and Rillig 2008).
It has been proposed that genetic diversity, either within or among AM fungal
species, rather than the species richness of AM fungi, could play a pivotal role in the
diversity, functioning and overall performance of plants (Sanders 2004). Host
plants in a field could provide a heterogeneous environment favoring certain
genotypes. Such preferences, in turn, may partly explain the patterns of genetic
diversity within populations. The effects of specific host/AM fungi combinations
range from beneficial to parasitic; hence, the next step in AM fungi application will
entail an effort to employ advantageous combinations. The tuning of commercial
inoculum is regarded not as management practices but as necessity to achieve
optimum benefits from mycorrhizal association (Vosátka and Albrechtová 2008).
In crop breeding programs, progress has been made in the isolation and func-
tional analyses of genes controlling yield and tolerance to abiotic stresses (Takeda
10 Benefits of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Sustainable Crop Production 217
and Matsuoka 2008), which have to be considered with respect to the type of
environment for which a crop cultivar is targeted. Crop breeding targeted to drought
tolerance focuses on physiological yield drivers such as water uptake, water use
efficiency, and harvest index (Reynolds and Tuberosa 2008). The AM fungi can
directly mediate improved drought tolerance via changes of plant physiological
traits, such as higher leaf water potential, transpiration rates, stomatal conductance,
and relative water content, and alleviate drought stress conditions, as reported for
citrus (Wu and Xia 2006), chillies (Capsicum annuum L.) (Mena-Violante et al.
2006), and tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) plants (Subramanian et al. 2006).
Indirect effects of mycorrhiza on crop drought resistance can be mediated by the
introduction of glomalin into soil, quantified operationally in soils as glomalin-
related soil protein, which is able to aggregate soil particles and increase water
stable aggregates (Rillig 2004a) having a positive effect on soil moisture. In
conventional agriculture, the breeding programs have not considered mycorrhiza-
oriented breeding traits, and crops are selected to favor solely nutrient acquisition in
high input systems without considering the role of mycorrhiza in nutrient manage-
ment of soils (Sawers et al. 2008). This is a major drawback to mycorrhiza
application, though it can be circumvented by the proper selection of crop geno-
type. Thus, there is an urgent need to manipulate plant genetic factors that impact
the cost–benefit balance of mycorrhizal applications, or more specifically, the rate
at which resources are diverted to the fungus in return for a given level of enhanced
performance or reduction in production costs.
One of the main potentials of mycorrhizas for sustainable agriculture is that they
induce plant physiological changes that affect the quality and safety of food crops,
including a higher production of antioxidants or essential oils, or reduced uptake of
pollutants such as heavy metals to plant tissues (Toussaint 2007; Toussaint et al.
2007; Vosátka and Albrechtová 2008). Although no clear mechanism other than an
improvement in the nutritional status (mainly P) has been proposed (Toussaint
2007), yet the beneficial fungus–plant interactions has shown enhancement in
productivity of crops by synthesizing an increased level of active compounds (Rai
et al. 2001). For example, the suitable selection of host plant–fungus genotype led to
an altered accumulation of essential oil levels in AM-colonized plants of Mentha
arvensis (Freitas et al. 2004) and sweet basil Ocimum basilicum L. (Copetta et al.
2006, 2007; Toussaint et al. 2007). Thus, the use of mycorrhiza is being extended to
herbal plants in order to get maximum benefits by the steadily increasing herbal
medicine industry (Ernst 2000). However, to achieve good outcomes from mycor-
rhizal inoculations in crop production, it is necessary to incorporate inoculum in the
production systems in the most effective manner. The mycorrhiza should be intro-
duced in the plant propagation as soon as possible so that a reliable and effective
mycorrhization of crop plants is achieved. Unfortunately, there is no universal
method of inocula application, while some planting and plant production systems
require specific ways of application. Mycorrhizal inocula, however, could be applied
in several ways. For example, they can be applied in dry formulation form. For this, a
layer of inoculum is placed below the seeds or can be mixed with the growing
substrate for containerized plants. Either of these methods leads to its spreading into
218 M. Vosátka and J. Albrechtová
the planting hole. When the mycorrhizal product is used as a gel formulation, it can
be easily applied either to the planting hole or the bare roots during transplanting.
Additionally, the root balls can be dipped into a gel product to cover their surface and
ensure mycorrhizal colonization of newly emerging roots. For large-scale applica-
tions under field environments, mechanical devices are needed (mixing tanks for
application in substrates or sowing machines for dispersing granulated inocula).
Currently, there is increasing demand for the incorporation of bioproducts from
organic agriculture and new alternatives that enhance sustainability in agriculture.
There are obviously certain problems that need to be seriously addressed. For exam-
ple, it is necessary to educate farmers about the benefits of mycorrhizal inoculation and
organic farming so that the reliance on agrochemicals is minimized. Also, the ques-
tionable capacity of organic agriculture to provide sufficient yield should be addressed
(Connor 2008). Some analyses have estimated the capability of organic agriculture
to feed three to four billion people, well below the present and projected world
population (Smil 2001). Recently, a new concept of eco-agriculture was proposed
for achieving productivity in perpetuity (Kesavan and Swaminathan 2008). That
includes developing farming/cropping systems that improve water use efficiency
and minimize risks of water pollution, contamination, and eutrophication thereby
converting the degraded/desertified soils to restored land use for enhancing biodiver-
sity and improving the environment (Lal 2008). The efficient management of mycor-
rhizas and soil biota, in general, forms an important component of this technology.
In developing countries, many farmers are using less agrochemicals and more
biocontrol agents like species of Trichoderma, Bacillus, and also mycorrhizal
products as an alternative to agrochemicals (Kesavan and Swaminathan 2008).
Apparently such bioagents are more often used due to economic reasons, since
agrochemicals are too expensive, rather than from mere interest in sustainable crop
production. Official marketing of mycorrhiza as a biocontrol agent is currently
unrealistic, because the registration of mycorrhizal products with biocontrol activity is
complicated and too costly for inoculant producers (Whipps 2004). Mycorrhizal
products are usually sold as growth promoters for two simple reasons: (1) a large-
scale screening process would be needed to specify strains acting as biocontrol
agents for specific plants and environmental conditions, and (2) biocontrol strains
would have to be formally registered (Whipps 2004). Despite all these facts, the
trend of using natural resources like AM fungi, seems to be increasing and could
become prevalent due to increasing demands placed on safety and quality of foods
across the globe. Another driving force for stronger focus on sustainable agriculture
in developing countries is indeed continuous depletion of soil and water resources.
10.5 Conclusion
such fungi is not a threat either to the biodiversity or to soil fertility. Genotype-
related differences in host plant–AM fungus combinations can be discerned which
could be attributed to the differences in the balance between P uptake by the fungal
pathway and direct uptake via the roots of plants. Furthermore, maintaining sustain-
ability in agriculture requires attention on how new breeding programs could help to
attain maximum benefits following mycorrhizal symbiosis. Recent advances in
molecular breeding approaches are helping to optimize the use of AM–fungal
symbioses for improvement of crop productivity. However, there is also a need to
produce efficient varieties which are able to use AM fungi in more effective ways for
nutrient acquisition (Sawers et al. 2008).
Despite its potential and proven ability, microbe management currently plays
only a secondary role in agricultural practices. One of the reasons is that there is a
lack of legislative policy focusing explicitly on soil ecosystems and degradation
processes. And, currently, there is no international policy framework to guide
sustainable soil management, though there are some guidelines related to that
issue in the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Stringer
2008). Another area of concern is the lack of awareness about the benefits of AM
fungi among farmers besides their inconsistent performance under different eco-
logical niches. The application of soil microbial inoculations is further compounded
by poor understanding of ecology, population dynamics, and functionality of AM
fungi over a range of environments (Khan et al. 2007). And, hence, if the microbes
are to be used in a predictable and useful way, focus has to be directed towards
understanding the basic biology of these microbes and their interaction with host
plants (Hart and Trevors 2005). Additionally, in order to expand the use of AM
fungi, inoculum tuning to monitor and predict the functioning of introduced
mycorrhiza in crop production systems able to improve soil fertility and pest
management should be given priority. Despite such problems, the mycorrhiza
industry has developed quickly. If farmers are provided with sufficient training as
to how these organisms are properly applied, the use of AM fungi is likely to
maximize not only the productivity of crops while reducing the use of agrochem-
icals but is also likely to reduce soil pollution.
Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the funding of the Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports of the Czech Republic from the projects No. 1P04OE187, the EU project E! 3375 EUROAGRI
+MYCOTAGRIF, the Centre for Bioindication and Revitalization 1M0571, and the Institutional
project AV0Z60050516 of the Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
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Chapter 11
Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses
and Nitrogen Fixation for Crops Productivity
11.1 Introduction
H.H. Zahran
Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, 62511, Egypt
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 227
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_11, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
228 H.H. Zahran
by excess salt content. Among the most common effects of soil salinity is growth
inhibition by Na+ and Cl . Elevated Na+ in soil solution inhibits the uptake of other
nutrients (e.g., P, K, Fe, Cu, and Zn) directly by interfering with various transpor-
ters in the root plasma membrane (Giri et al. 2007). Salinity has profound effects on
crop production, therefore, reducing the spread of salinization and increasing the
salt-tolerance of high-yielding crops, are becoming important global issues. Mineral
nitrogen deficiency is another important limiting factor for plant growth in arid
zones, and rhizobia–legume symbioses are the primary sources of fixed N2 in these
habitats (Verdoy et al. 2006). Salinated soil contains very little N and thus is not
suitable for cultivation of most plants. An appropriate solution to this situation
would be the cultivation of plants that are able to fix N2 through symbiotic systems
(Chen et al. 2000). Most leguminous plants, however, are sensitive to even low
levels of salinity. In addition, most rhizobia are also sensitive to moderate and
higher levels of salinity during both the free-living stage and the symbiotic
process. Legumes used in the reclamation of degraded lands (e.g., salt-affected
lands) include P. juliflora, Acacia nilotica, A. auriculifonnis, Dalbergia sisso, and
Glyricidia maculate. However, both legume growth and the process of nodule
formation are more sensitive to salinity than are rhizobia (Zahran 1999). For
instance, Sinorhizobium meliloti tolerated up to 300 mM NaCl, while nodulation
and N2 fixation of its host (M. sativa) was inhibited at about 100 mM salt (Graham
and Vance 2000).
Major advances in our understanding of the relations between legumes and
rhizobia are being made using the legume models Medicago truncatula and Lotus
japonicus. Despite the taxonomic diversity, all rhizobia establish symbioses using
the same molecular mechanisms, involving signal molecule exchange between the
two partners. Host plants excrete inducing compounds (mainly flavonoids) that
activate regulatory NodD proteins and induce the expression of bacterial nodulation
(nod) genes. Nod genes are involved in the biosynthesis of the lipochitooligosac-
charides (nod factors) that are required for specific infection and nodulation of
legumes (Ba et al. 2002). This chapter reviews several reports to assess the signifi-
cance of symbiotic bacteria (rhizobia and other nodule bacteria) for the enhance-
ment of N2 fixation and the consequent effect on productivity improvement of the
economically important crop plants, either legumes or nonlegume-associated crops.
The recent developments in molecular genetics and their usefulness in improving
Rhizobium–legume symbiosis are also reviewed and discussed.
The soil bacteria (rhizobia) within the phylogenetic family Rhizobiaceae have the
unique ability to infect and establish a N2-fixing symbiosis on the roots or stems of
leguminous plants. The establishment of the symbiosis involves complex interac-
tions between the host and the rhizobia, resulting in the formation of a special
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 231
organ, the nodule, which the bacteria colonize as intracellular symbionts. Two
general developments have contributed to the recent explosion of research progress
in this area (Stacey et al. 2006): first, the adoption of two genetic model legumes,
M. truncatula and L. japonicus, and second, the application of modern methods in
functional genomics (transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses). The
first Rhizobium genes for nitrogen fixation (nif) and for nodulation (nod) were
cloned in the early 1980s (Long 2001), and soon many more nif, nod, and fix
(symbiotic fixation) genes were discovered. The rules for genome organization
are different for different rhizobia. Symbiotic genes are clustered or dispersed on
plasmids and can spread at high frequency by conjugation, while in others, the
genes are scattered among many chromosomes and plasmids. With all of this
genomic diversity it is no wonder that systematists have had a field day classifying
and reclassifying the root-nodule bacteria. Numerous genes coding for transporters
(sugar, peptide, nitrate, and H+-ATPase transporters) were shown to be upregulated
in L. japonicus and M. truncatula nodules, suggesting an important role of these
transporters in the exchange of carbon and nitrogenous compounds between
legumes and rhizobia.
The DNA microarray and transcript profiling studies of nodulation have been
considered only recently; however, the large numbers of expressed sequence tags
(ESTs) available for legume plants, in addition to cDNA and oligonucleotides, have
made large-scale transcriptomic studies on nodulation possible. Studying the gene
expression using DNA microarray became possible because of the availability of
the complete genomic sequence of one of the rhizobial strains (S. meliloti 1021).
The DNA microarray technology has revolutionized gene expression studies by
providing a powerful tool for parallel measurement of gene expression on a whole
genome scale. In contrast to the labor-intensive gene fusion technique, this tech-
nology achieves a higher coverage and provides the direct determination of mRNA
levels to monitor an expression profile (Rüberg et al. 2003). The microsatellites or
simple sequence repeats (SSRs), which are ubiquitous in genomes of various
organisms, can be used as genetic marker. The analysis of SSR in rhizobial genome
provides useful information for a variety of applications in population genetics of
rhizobia (Ya-mei et al. 2008). The occurrence, relative abundance, and relative
densities of SSRs of B. japonicum, M. loti, and S. meliloti were analyzed and are
available in the genomes sequenced database. The motif and distribution of SSRs
among the three rhizobia genomes were similar, and the tetranucleotide, pentanu-
cleotide and hexanucleotide repeats were predominant and indicated higher muta-
tion rates in these species. This marker can be used to find the gene position quickly
and exactly and then to scan, identify, and annotate the gene, and to study gene
function. Thus, the SSR marker had an important effect on functional genome
research of rhizobia.
Although rhizobia colonize roots in a way that is reminiscent of pathogenic
microorganisms, no host plant defense reactions are triggered during successful
symbiosis (Mithöfer 2002). The question is how defense responses in effective
symbiosis might be suppressed? A prerequisite for understanding the molecular
mechanisms underlying the control of defense in symbiosis is the identification of
232 H.H. Zahran
oxygen concentration at around 7–11 nM (Downie 2005). Legumes can select for
greater mutualism, controlling nodule O2 supply and reducing reproduction of
rhizobia that fix less N2 (Denison and Kiers 2004).
consider the genetic characterization and taxonomic position (Menna et al. 2006).
Rhizobia are known to vary widely in their ability to nodulate many species of
legume host plants, ranging from species that appear to be highly specific (with a
very limited host range), such as Rhizobium galegae, compared with Rhizobium sp.
NGR 234 with a very wide host range and able to nodulate legumes from at least
112 genera, and some indigenous isolates of Bradyrhizobium, which nodulate
promiscuous varieties of soybean (Musiyiwa et al. 2005). Identification of effective
locally adapted strains with wide host ranges could be useful in the development of
rhizobial inoculants which can survive longer in agricultural soil and, hence, reduce
the need for regular inoculant applications.
It is essential to reclassify and evaluate the existing strains of rhizobia for their
symbiotic and N2-fixing abilities, using modern molecular genetic tools while
selecting bacteria for raising inoculants. A comprehensive study consistent with
this concept has been carried out in Brazil (Menna et al. 2006). The phylogeny of a
collection of rhizobial strains from a wide range of legumes was examined based on
the sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes. Host specificity of these strains was not
related to 16S rRNA genes, suggesting the diverse evolution of ribosomal and
symbiotic genes in such organisms (Menna et al. 2006). Similarly, strains of
R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii showed a different symbiotic pattern with Trifolium
spp., although their 16S rRNA gene sequences were identical (Yates et al. 2008).
Strains of R. leguminosarum bv viciae from pea (P. sativum L.) displayed a
relatively high degree of genetic diversity among both plasmid and chromosomal
components (Vessey and Chemining’wa 2006). Rhizobial strains from A. tortilis,
which are grouped in the genera Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium, exhibited very
similar symbiotic characters despite their chromosomal diversity (Ba et al. 2002).
Soils in cultivated areas are rich in rhizobia from the so-called “cowpea group” that
effectively nodulate cowpea, peanut, and other tropical legumes. They are usually
slow-growing bacteria belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium. Bacteria in the
genus Bradyrhizobium is a cosmopolitan and diverse group nodulating a variety
of legumes, as well as the nonlegume Parasponia. Polyphasic characterization of
these rhizobia from different hosts and from different geographic regions was done
by analyzing the variability of 16S rRNA gene RFLP, 16S–23S rRNA gene
intergeneric spacer (IGS) RFLP, G–C rich RAPD, and phenotype assays. The
evolution of “cowpea group” isolates of Bradyrhizobium nodulating cowpea and
peanut from different locations in South Africa were studied (Steenkamp et al.
2008). These bacteria are diverse, representing a number of distinct Bradyrhizobum
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 235
Wild (herb and tree) legumes harbor diverse and promiscuous root-nodule bacteria
(Zahran 2006a), which are currently classified into several rhizobial or nonrhizobial
genera. Further genetic and molecular studies are needed to elucidate the identifi-
cation and classification of many new isolates of rhizobia from wild legumes. To
develop new symbiotic legume species for agriculture, the genetic and symbiotic
diversity of rhizobial isolates from various wild legumes are being investigated
using numerical analysis, phenotypic characteristic, cross nodulation to selected
legumes, and modern genetic tools, such as amplified 16S ribosomal DNA restric-
tion analysis (ARDRA), RFLP analysis of 16S–23S rDNA intergeneric spacers
(IGS), 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and multi-locus sequence analysis of the PCR-
amplified nodC gene and DNA/DNA hybridization.
236 H.H. Zahran
The rhizobial strains isolated from several wild forage legumes collected from
various geographical regions were identified. For example, rhizobia from Lathyrus,
Vicia and Lotus grown in China (Han et al. 2008) clustered into nine genomic
species belonging to four genera: Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and
Sinorhizobium (Ensifer). The N2-fixing rhizobial isolates from root-nodules of
Medicago laciniata, and from Mediterranean soils in Tunisia and France (Villegas
et al. 2006), differed markedly from other S. meliloti or S. medicae isolates in their
symbiotic traits, such as nifDK RFLP diversity, nodA sequences, and N2-fixing
efficiency with annual Medicago species (M. truncatula, M. polymorpha and
M. sauvagei). The rhizobial isolates from root-nodules of Astragalus, Lespedeza
and Hedysarum in China (Wei et al. 2007) were divided into two groups: the first
was related to the Rhizobium–Agrobacterium group and the second was related to
R. galegae and R. huautlense. The bacteria isolated from nodules of Lotononis
angolensis were fast-growing, highly mucoid, and pink pigmented, and related to
genera other than rhizobia based on 16S rRNA phylogeny, while those isolated
from L. bainesii and L. listii were slow-growing, pink pigmented and attributed to
Methylobacterium (Yates et al. 2007). Sequencing of the 16S rRNA region of
Biserrula pelecinus (a new forage legume in Australia with high quality feed for
cattle and sheep and having many agronomic attributes) root-nodule bacterial
isolates revealed a close relationship between these bacteria and with both M. loti
and M. ciceri (Nandasena et al. 2004). As B. pelecinus can be nodulated by
Mesorhizobium spp. isolated from other legumes, particularly Lotus, there is an
opportunity to utilize this trait in cultivar development.
The leguminous trees have an important role in maintaining soil fertility. Many
legume trees were recently screened for their ability to form effective N2-fixing
nodules. Large numbers of the diverse root-nodule bacteria were isolated and
identified, and their symbiotic activities were assessed by using traditional meth-
ods, molecular methods, and genetic tools. Tree legumes such as Acacia, Prosopis,
Sesbania, Albizia, Leucaena, etc. have received increasing attention because of
their uses as fodder and wood, and are included in ambitious reforestation
programs in arid environments (Zakhia et al. 2004; Zahran 2006a). Some of the
legume trees have records of good N2 fixation capacities with their symbiotic
bacteria. The high diversity (rhizobial genotypes, host affinities and symbiotic
effectiveness) of the isolates require rigorous selection for host strain site
combinations in order to obtain effective and competitive inoculants for legume
trees and crops in rehabilitation and agro-forestry programs. A collection of
rhizobial isolates from A. tortilis subsp. raddiana, from various sites in the north
and south of Sahara (Africa), was very diverse (Ba et al. 2002). Based on whole
cell protein (SDS-PAGE) and 16S rDNA sequence analysis, most strains were
related to Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium genera, but with similar symbiotic
characters (Ba et al. 2002). The rhizobia isolated from root-nodules of Acacia
species native to Mexico constitute a diverse group of bacteria distinguished
from other Sinorhizobium species by their levels of DNA–DNA hybridization
and the sequence of 16S rRNA and nifH genes. Therefore, a new species,
S. americanus, was described (Toledo et al. 2003). The rhizobial strains isolated
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 237
One of the most severe and widespread problems facing agriculture is the degrada-
tion of soil quality due to desiccation and salinity. Almost 40% of the world’s land
surface is affected by salinity-related problems (Zahran 1999; Vriezen et al. 2007).
Salinity may have a detrimental effect on soil microorganisms and, in general,
results in a decreased productivity of crop plants. Harsh environmental conditions
negatively affect the activity of most endogenous soil bacteria including rhizobia.
The crops grown in 90% of arable lands are subjected to one or more environmental
stresses. To face the threat of these stresses, several genetic improvement strategies
are available from classical plant breeding to more direct physiological and genetic
approaches. However, understanding the mechanisms underlying a specific stress is
essential (Dita et al. 2006). Various soil problems (such as extreme pH, salinity,
drought, and high temperature) hinder agriculture in arid areas. Some legumes are
relatively tolerant to such stress conditions, but nodule formation and N2 fixation
are greatly impaired by stress conditions. Therefore, for legume cultivation in arid
areas under environmentally friendly and economically attractive conditions (i.e.,
without applying fertilizer-N), the availability of stress-tolerant rhizobial strains is
an absolutely required precondition (Priefer et al. 2001).
Cultivation of agricultural crops in soil is limited by salt stress, which arises
from the excessive uptake of salt by plants and is an unavoidable consequence of
high ion concentrations. A higher salt amount in a soil, most commonly NaCl, has
detrimental effects on plant growth and productivity. In this regard, salinity affects
the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism, but the mechanism
underlying this phenomenon still remains unclear. It is well known that the estab-
lishment of legume–Rhizobium symbiosis is susceptible to the effects of salinity.
The responses of plant genotypes to salinity differ widely, depending in the form
and dosage of salt and the stage of plant growth (Zilli et al. 2008).
The symbiotic interactions between rhizobia and their host legumes have strongly
driven the investigation and application of biotechnology tools for legumes. Stress
parameters such as soil acidity, salinity and desiccation affect rhizobial persistence
and nodulation efficiency. The responses of various rhizobia to desiccation were
recently reviewed (Vriezen et al. 2007). An adaptation to increased salt or osmotic
stress elevates the ability of rhizobia to survive desiccation by accumulation of
osmoprotectants, desiccation protectants, and heat-shock proteins (Vriezen et al. 2006).
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 239
Four strains of rhizobia nodulating Acacia were isolated from the Moroccan
desert soil by trapping seedlings of A. gummifera and A. raddiana, and were studied
for their ability to tolerate high salinity and dry conditions (Essendoubi et al. 2007).
Three strains were halotolerant, and grew at 1 M NaCl and accumulated glutamate
and mannosucrose. Such strains showed high resistance to desiccation, whose
tolerance to dryness was stimulated by osmotic pretreatment. The accumulation of
solutes and sugars in these rhizobia represents both an osmoadaptive response and a
part of a desiccation tolerance mechanism (Essendoubi et al. 2007). High salt
concentrations may have detrimental effects on rhizobial populations as a result of
direct toxicity, as well as through osmotic stress. Howieson and Ballard (2004)
suggested that stressful environments limit rhizobial communities to less than 100
cells g 1 soil, at some time during the season. One of the salt-induced responses in
rhizobia is changes in cell morphology and size, and modifications in the pattern of
polysaccharides (Zahran 1999). The latter responses may have an impact on the
symbiotic interaction between rhizobia and their legumes because extracellular
polysaccharides (EPS) and lipo-polysaccharides (LPS) are essential factors for
the development of root nodules. A Rhizobium mutant (EPS deficient, exo ),
showed decreased levels of LPS in the presence of 350 mM NaCl (Unni and
Rao 2001). The response and adaptation of rhizobia to environmental stresses are
probably complex phenomena involving many physiological and biochemical
processes that likely reflect changes in gene expression and consequently the
activity of enzymes and transport proteins (Wei et al. 2004; Domı́nguez-Ferreras
et al. 2006). Some species of rhizobia adapt to saline conditions by intracellular
accumulation of low-molecular-weight solutes called osmolytes, such as glutamate,
glycine betaine and polyamines, or by accumulation of K+. As salt tolerance of
rhizobia is a phenotype, in which many regulatory mechanisms are involved, it is
necessary to study salt-tolerant rhizobial genes. Different genes involved in salt
tolerance of S. meliloti were identified using random Tn5-1063 insertional muta-
genesis (Wei et al. 2004). The adaptation of S. meliloti to salt is a complex
multilevel regulatory process in which many different genes can be involved.
The rhizobia–legume symbioses are more sensitive to salt or osmotic stress than
free-living rhizobia. Salt stress may inhibit the initial steps of the symbiosis (root
colonization and infection), but it also has a depressive effect on N2 fixation.
Nevertheless, salt-tolerant rhizobia are important to establish a salt-tolerant symbi-
otic system. Selection of adapted strains of rhizobia under stress conditions is
possible and they can be used as inoculants for successful lupin growth (Raza
et al. 2001). Objectives of genomic research on rhizobia are the identification of
genes and regulatory networks relevant for symbiosis and the consideration of the
free-living status, especially adaptations to fluctuated soil environmental conditions
(e.g., temperature, osmolarity, pH, and nutrient supply). DNA microarrays have
been used to examine gene expression in response to various abiotic stresses in
rhizobia (Domı́nguez-Ferreras et al. 2006). Based on the complete S. meliloti
genome sequence, Rüberg et al. (2003) established DNA microarrays as a compre-
hensive tool for systematic genome-wide gene expression analysis in S. meliloti
1021. Gene expression in S. meliloti in response to an osmotic upshift, imposed by
240 H.H. Zahran
the addition of 0.38 M NaCl, was monitored using the DNA microarray tool. About
137 genes showed significant changes in gene expression resulting from the osmotic
upshift. From these genes, 52 were induced and 85 were repressed (Rüberg et al.
2003). DNA microarrays were used to investigate genome-wide transcriptional
responses of S. meliloti to a sudden increase in external osmolarity elicited by
addition of either NaCl or sucrose to exponentially-growing cultures (Domı́nguez-
Ferreras et al. 2006). The genetic data correlated well with the microarray results
and suggested that pSymB contains a large number of genes upregulated after an
osmotic upshift, which may play an active role in the osmoadaptation of S. meliloti.
A well-characterized promoter is now available to drive expression of rhizobial
stress-tolerance genes of interest under acidic conditions. Selection of stress-
adapted symbioses, or elite rhizobial strains or legume genotypes, can overcome
these stress factors. Rhizobium mutants whose adaptation to high salinity is affected
have deficiencies in their symbiotic capacity (Nogales et al. 2002). Salt-tolerance
genes of S. fredii (a halotolerant rhizobium strain grow at 0.6 M NaCl) were
identified by the construction and screening of a transposon Tn5-1063 library
containing over 30,000 clones (Jiang et al. 2004). This strain could have developed
sophisticated mechanisms to maintain its intracellular steady osmotic and ionic
state. Several genes involved in osmotic tolerance of this strain were identified,
which are important to improve salt tolerance of salt-sensitive rhizobia.
Bacterial isolates from Canavalia rosea, an indigenous leguminous halophyte
grown in the seaside area of southern Taiwan, were effective symbionts for the
original host and able to grow at NaCl concentrations up to 3–3.5% (w/v). Based on
SDS-PAGE of proteins, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis and
ARDRA results, the 12 isolates were highly diverse. The 16S rRNA and nifH
gene sequences were determined for isolates with distinct ARDRA patterns and
compared with other members of the rhizobial species. The isolates were proposed
to be classified into the genus Sinorhizobium and distinguished from the current
species of the genus (Chen et al. 2000). Rhizobia were isolated from the root-
nodules of Glycyrrhiza glabra and G. uralensis, growing in the arid and semiarid
regions of northwestern China (Ge-Hong et al. 2008). The taxonomic position and
stress tolerance were determined to select the promising putative inoculant strain.
Based on physiological and biochemical characteristics, the isolates were clustered
into three groups. One isolate was found to have high tolerance to NaCl, pH and
temperature. Based on the sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and nodA gene, this
isolate was placed in the genus Mesorhizobium.
salt stress (Rejili et al. 2007). The presence of salt (50–400 mM) negatively affected
plant growth, such negative effects being more obvious on aerial organs than on
roots. The content of Na+ in both parts (above and below ground) increased;
however, plants probably expressed a certain mechanism of compartmentation.
Under salt stress, salt-tolerant plants maintain a high concentration of K+ and a
low concentration of Na+ in the cytosol (Zhu 2003; Zahran et al. 2007). They do this
by regulating the expression and activity of K+ and Na+ transporters and of H+
pumps that generate the driving force for transport. The effect of salinity (EC up to
3.8 dS m 1) on yield and nitrogen uptake of four grain legumes (broad bean,
chickpea, lentil and soybean) was examined (Van Hoorn et al. 2001). Salinity
affected crop yield, crop total nitrogen uptake, and the nitrogen contribution of
the soil. A salinity effect on N2 fixation explains, at least partly, the salt sensitivity
of grain legumes. Exposure of mungbean to water deficit results in variability in
grain yield, nitrogen accumulation, and grain quality (Thomas et al. 2004). Nodule
activities are dramatically affected in most legumes under several environmental
constrains, an effect which results in crop yield loss. A negative response to drought
stress effects on N2 fixation by root-nodules of P. sativum is mainly controlled in
nodules rather than by a systemic nitrogen signal (Marino et al. 2007).
Wild forage legumes are the most potential forage legumes grown in salt-
affected soils (Ashraf and Bashir 2003; Zahran et al. 2007) which play a vital
role in long-term maintenance of soil productivity because of their high N2-fixing
ability. The effects of salt stress on growth and metabolic changes in nodules and
other plant parts of two leguminous species, P. vulgaris (salt sensitive) and
S. aculeata (salt tolerant), were investigated (Ashraf and Bashir 2003). Plants of
P. vulgaris were subjected to 3.5 dS m 1 of NaCl and those of S. aculeata to
13 dS m 1 of NaCl. S. aculeate showed a small reduction in the number of root-
nodules, high proline content in leaves, high glycine betaine content in all plant
parts, a high photosynthetic rate, and low uptake of Cl in the leaves. The nodules
of S. aculeata seemed to have played an active role in the high salt tolerance of the
species because the nodules had lower concentrations of both Na+ and Cl and a
higher level of glycine betaine as compared to those found in P. vulgaris. Many
legumes form symbioses with both rhizobia and AM- fungi. Dual inoculation with
both microorganisms results in a tripartite mutualistic symbiosis and generally
increases plant growth to a greater extent than inoculation with only one organism.
Enhanced acquisition of P by the host and effects on molecular signaling between
the three symbionts may explain the synergism of AMF and rhizobia. De Varennes
and Goss (2007) investigated how the rate of colonization by indigenous AM fungi
(AMF) affects the interaction between S. meliloti and M. truncatula and AMF. The
effects of dual inoculation of V. faba plants with NFB such as Azospirillum
brasilense and AMF were investigated at five levels (0–6.0 dS m 1) of NaCl
using irrigating water (Rabie and Al Madini 2005). The AMF infection significantly
increased tolerance to salinity, mycorrhizal dependency, P level, phosphatases,
nodule number, nitrogen level, protein content, and nitrogenases in all salinized
V. faba plants, in comparison with control and non-AMF-colonized plants, either in
the absence or presence of NFB. The study provides evidence for benefits of NFB to
244 H.H. Zahran
AMF in the protection of host plants against the detrimental effects of salt. The
bacterial–AMF–legume tripartite symbioses could be a new and interesting ap-
proach for increasing tolerance of legumes to salinity conditions (Rabie and Al
Madini 2005). The effects of a mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus fasciculatum) on
growth and mineral acquisition by A. nilotica seedlings over a wide range of soil
salinity was investigated (Giri et al. 2007). Mycorrhizal plants maintained greater
root and shoot biomass and higher P, Zn, and Cu concentrations than uninoculated
plants at all salinity levels. Mycorrhizal fungus alleviated deleterious effects of
salinity on plant growth that could be primarily related to improved P nutrition.
The improved K/Na ratios in root and shoot tissues of mycorrhizal plants may
help in protecting disruption of K-mediated enzymatic processes under salt stress
Many of the microbial inoculants applied worldwide are based on solid peat
formulations. This has been mostly true for well-developed legume inoculants
due to peat bacterial protection properties. Commercial legume inoculant formula-
tions include powder or granular carriers, and broth cultures or liquid formulations,
for agricultural applications. Due to unavailability of peat, more readily available
alternative carriers for inoculant production should be investigated. An appropriate
material for carrying microorganisms must offer special properties, such as water-
holding capacity, chemical and physical uniformity, and lack of compounds toxic to
microbial strains, and be environmentally safe. However, osmotic stress, nutrient
deficiencies (especially phosphorous), and the lack of efficient strains of rhizobia
are major factors limiting symbiotic N2 fixation and yield of legumes. Ideally,
inoculation is required in the absence of compatible resident rhizobia, where the
native rhizobial population density is very low, or where the resident rhizobia are
less infective than alternative (inoculant) strains. Soils lacking in compatible
rhizobia are found in areas where indigenous legumes are absent or where levels
of pH, osmotic stress, high temperature, and heavy metals are detrimental to
rhizobial populations. Chemining’wa and Vessey (2006) found that effective
strains of R. leguminosarum bv viciae occur broadly in agricultural soils; neverthe-
less, there is a tendency for increased symbiotic efficiency with the use of commer-
cial inoculation.
Effective rhizobial inoculants, inoculation carriers able to support viable rhizo-
bia, and appropriate methods of storage, are required for successful symbiosis.
Rhizobial density and the period for which these are maintained are highly variable.
Even where strains are carefully evaluated, the lack of competitiveness with
indigenous rhizobia and inconsistency in their performance can lead to a decline
in nitrogen-fixing efficiency under field environments. And, hence, before applying
rhizobia, the establishment and persistence of such strains must be considered in
inoculation studies. Perlite and compost from the cork industry were superior to
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 245
11.8 Conclusion
These bacteria are classified into more than 70 genomic species belonging to several
genera. With all of this genomic diversity, it is no wonder that the systematics of
root-nodule bacteria are changing every day. Recent developments in the field
of Rhizobium biology has taken place due to the advances in the molecular and
genetic techniques. Such techniques provide an effective tool to characterize
and identify the bacterial isolates vis-a-vis examining the physiological responses of
the host plant. Molecular identification of rhizobia depends on the symbiotic and
ribosomal genes. However, in some cases, host specificity of rhizobial strains was
not related to ribosomal genes (16S rRNA). The evolution of ribosome and symbi-
otic genes may have been diverse. The symbiotic and N2-fixing genes appear to be
spread in various bacterial taxa and not restricted to what is known as rhizobium
bacteria of the alphaproteobacteria. In recent years, plenty of new strains of
symbiotic bacteria were classified in nonrhizobial genera, namely Burkholderia
and Cupriavidus, in the b-proteobacteria.
Symbiotic characteristics are some of the basic criteria for selecting compatible
rhizobia. Numerous species of the newly isolated and identified nodule bacteria
have shown substantial symbiotic activities and proved that legumes exhibit biodi-
versity with regards to symbiotic bacteria and also the host plants. Enhancement of
N2 fixation of the existing symbiotic systems, and those newly discovered symbi-
otic systems, is possible through the inoculation of legumes with compatible and
effective strains of bacteria. However, inoculation technology and delivery system
is needed to be improved. Successful symbiosis can be obtained by coinoculation or
mixed inoculation with other plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria including N2
fixers. Legumes’ N2 fixation enhancement is likely to improve the productivity of
associated nonlegume plants by providing them with N and growth-promoting
substances. Suitable rhizobia–cereal combinations could increase yields and pro-
duce fodder for livestock. Bacterial–AMF–legume tripartite symbioses could also
be viable alternatives to enhance N2 fixation of legumes especially under salt stress
The N2-fixing activity of root-nodules is severely affected by osmotic stress.
However, elucidation of genes involved in the regulation of ion transport and their
expression has increased our understanding about how legumes circumvent the
stress conditions. One of the strategies adopted to combat the problem of soil
salinity is the usage of transgenic leguminous plants. The transgenic plants in
certain cases are more salt tolerant than wild-type plants. For example, transgenic
plants (e.g., M. truncatula) accumulated higher levels of proline and fixed N2
actively more than wild-type under osmotic stress, and is the first transgenic legume
that displayed N2-fixing activity with enhanced tolerance to osmotic stress. How-
ever, selection of a salt-tolerant effective Rhizobium–legume symbiosis is of para-
mount importance. The symbiotic bacteria have shown a variable response to
abiotic stresses such as salinity, acidity, and aridity. Some strains of symbiotic
bacteria exhibit substantial stress-tolerant abilities. Understanding the mechanisms
of osmoadaptation of rhizobia at the molecular level would help to rationally design
and engineer better strains for field applications.
11 Enhancement of Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 249
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254 H.H. Zahran
R. Duponnois(*), B. Dreyfus
IRD. Laboratoire Commun de Microbiologie IRD/ISRA/UCAD, Centre de Recherche de Bel Air,
BP1386, Dakar, Sénégal
M. Hafidi and L. Ouahmane
Equipe Ecologie et Environnement associée au CNRST, Faculté des sciences Semlalia, Université
Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc
J. Thioulouse
Université Lyon 1; CNRS; UMR 5558 Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, 43
boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, VilleurbanneF-69622, France
A. Galiana and Y. Prin
CIRAD. UMR 113 CIRAD/INRA/IRD/AGRO-M/UM2, Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et
Méditerranéennes (LSTM), Montpellier, France
L. Ouahmane
Centre Régional de Recherche Foresti‘re, Marrakech, Maroc
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 255
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_12, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
256 R. Duponnois et al.
12.1 Introduction
Shrub and tall-grass species growth following a patchy distribution are characteri-
stic of the plant communities in semiarid ecosystems and more particularly in
Mediterranean areas. The vegetation patches usually form “fertility islands”
(Garner and Steinberger 1989) or “resource islands” (Schlesinger et al. 1996) that
could be involved in the development of native plant species (Callaway 1995,
1997). It has been previously reported that some native plants species improve
their own environment by self-promoting changes in water infiltration, organic
matter, etc. (Bochet et al. 1999; Valladares and Pugnaire 1999), and could act as
“nurse plants” through their positive impacts on the survival of other native plant
species (Carrillo-Garcia et al. 2000). It is now well accepted that the spatial proxi-
mity among plants could be beneficial in environments such as Mediterranean-
type ecosystems that are characterized by abiotic stress (Boucher et al. 1982;
Callaway and Walker 1997; Gomez-Aparicio et al. 2004).
In semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems, desertification processes result from
scarce and irregular rainfall, long dry and hot summers, and man-mediated degrada-
tive activities like deforestation, overgrazing, non-regulated cultivation techniques,
etc. (Francis and Thornes 1990). Desertification generally alters natural plant com-
munities including population structure, succession pattern, and species diversity
(Barea and Jeffries 1995). In addition, these disturbances are often accompanied by
degradation of physico-chemical and biological soil properties, such as nutrient
availability, microbial activity, soil structure, etc., that largely determine soil quality
and fertility (Garcia et al. 1997a, b; Albaladejo et al. 1998; Requena et al. 2001). For
instance, it is well known that land degradation is usually linked with reductions in
the belowground microbial diversity and/or activity (Kennedy and Smith 1995).
Among components of soil microbiota, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are
known to be key components of natural systems in semiarid ecosystems and
particularly important in counteracting desertification of Mediterranean ecosystems
(Carpenter and Allen 1998; Brundrett 1991). The mycorrhizal symbiosis mobilizes
and transports nutrients to roots (Smith and Read 1997), reduces water stress (Augé
2001), and improves soil aggregation in eroded soils (Caravaca et al. 2002). AM
fungal symbiosis also changes root functions (e.g., root exudation) (Graham et al.
1981; Marshner et al. 1997), modifies carbohydrate metabolism of the host plant
(Shachar-Hill et al. 1995), and synergistically interacts with rhizosphere popula-
tions (Andrade et al. 1997; 1998). The structure and functionalities of these
microbial communities surrounding AM roots differ from those of the rhizosphere
12 Monitoring the Development of Nurse Plant Species to Improve the Performances 257
(Duponnois et al. 2005), and this microbial compartment has been named “mycor-
rhizosphere” (Linderman 1988). It has also been reported that AM fungi affect the
diversity of plant communities (van der Hejden et al. 1998; Klironomos et al. 2000;
O’Connor et al. 2002) and influence competitive relationships between plants (West
1996; Marler et al. 1999; van der Heijden et al. 2003).
It is well known that the AM fungal activity is generally low in degraded
semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems (Maremammani et al. 2003). However, an
increased activity of fungal inoculum is needed in both natural and artificial
processes of re-vegetation. It has already been shown that AM inoculation of plants
is very effective in establishing plants on disturbed soils (Estaun et al. 1997). In
order to increase and maintain high populations of infective AM propagules in soil,
two main cultural practices can be considered: (1) screening of AM fungal isolates
(native or exotic isolates) for their effect on the plant growth under controlled con-
ditions and a cultural substrate inoculation with the most efficient AM strains, and (2)
adoption of field practices to manage and improve the inoculum potential of indi-
genous AM fungi. The inoculation practice is generally used in tree nurseries to help
tree establishment in field conditions (Plenchette 2000; Franson and Bethlenfalvay
1989). However, previous studies have reported that, although AM inoculation
improved plant growth, it could also strongly modify soil microbial activities
(Dabire et al. 2007). In some conditions, to overcome the negative influences of AM
inoculation on soil microbiota, it is possible to increase AM soil potential through
the management of highly mycotrophic plants (Azcon and Barea 1997). In the
following section, focus is placed on highlighting the impacts of some Mediterranean
shrubs on microbial functionalities and AM potential and evaluating their signi-
ficant use in forestry practices to enhance the performance of afforestation program.
In this context, most of the reported results will be directed to Cupressus spp. and
Lavendula species. In Morocco, the area of natural and introduced cypress stands,
one natural species, Cupressus atlantica, and two introduced species, Cupressus
sempervirens and C. arizonica, has declined, and numerous reports indicate a
complete absence of natural regeneration. Although attempts have been made to
replant these species, the rate of success has been very low. Lavandula species are
representative plant species in Mediterranean shrublands and belong to the natural
succession in semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems (Barea et al. 1992). They have
been classified as “obligatory mycorrhizal” (Brundrett 1991) or as “highly dependent
on mycorrhiza” (Habte and Manjunath 1991).
A study has been conducted in the N’Fis valley (Haut Atlas mountains, Morocco) at
the Idni station (8 170 0200 W, 31 540 3400 N, 1,700 m above sea level) in a natural
stand of C. atlantica (Ouahmane et al. 2006). This area was covered by a sparse
258 R. Duponnois et al.
and degraded vegetation mainly composed of grasses (i.e., Stipa nitens Ball.)
and various shrub species, such as Cistus salviifolus L., Lavandula dentata L.,
L. stoechas L., Thymus pallidus Coss., Polygala balansae Coss., Globularia
alypum L. and Thymus satureioides Coss. Soil samples were collected from the
rhizosphere of L. dentata, L. stoechas, and T. satureioides (abundant shrub species
and always recorded in the vicinity of C. atlantica adult trees) and of C. atlantica.
Control samples were collected from bare soil sites, away from plant influence.
The soil carbon and nitrogen contents were higher under C. arizonica than under the
other sampling areas due to the leaf litter formation and the fact that, in forest eco-
systems, most of the soil nitrogen is in organic form (Kaye and Hart 1997)
(Table 12.1), while soluble phosphorus contents were significantly lower under
the targeted plant species than in the bare soil (Table 12.1). Therefore, the shrub
species did not demonstrate greater effects on soil chemical characteristics and, in
contrast, decreased soil P content. The main impacts of these shrub species were
recorded on soil functionalities and AM soil potential.
Microbial functional diversity in rhizosphere and in bare soil was assessed by
measuring the patterns of in situ catabolic potential (ISCP) of microbial commu-
nities (Degens and Harris 1997). Organic compounds comprising of a range of
amino acids, carbohydrates, organic acids, and amides were screened for differ-
ences in substrate-induced respiration (SIR) between soil treatments. The results
show that microbial communities are very different according to the soil origin
(Fig. 12.1). In particular, SIR responses to carboxylic acids were significantly
higher in the C. atlantica and T. satureioides rhizosphere soils than in the soils of
other origins (Fig. 12.1). Soluble organic acids are involved in plant nutrient
acquisition and they particularly act as biological weathering agents of minerals
in soils. They could be of high molecular weight (HMW) (i.e., humic substances) or
low molecular weight (LMW) produced by plant roots and soil microorganisms
(Ochs 1996). In the process of P acquisition from minerals, among the identified
carboxylic acids, dicarboxylic (oxalic, tartaric, malic, fumaric, malonic acids) and
tricarboxylic acids (citric acid) have been found very effective in P mobilization
(Ryan et al. 2001). Since the highest SIR responses with most of these organic acids
have been measured under C. atlantica and one of the targeted shrub species
(T. satureioides), it suggests that these plant species and their associated microflora
Table 12.1 Chemical characteristics of the rhizosphere soils collected from Lavandula dentata,
L. stoechas, Thymus satureioides, Cupressus atlantica and the bare soil (control) in the C. atlantica
stand located in the N’Fis valley (Haut Atlas mountains, Morocco)
Control Plant species
L. dentata L. stoechas T. satureioides C. atlantica
pH 7.5 a 7.0 a 7.5 a 7.4 a 7.7 a
Total carbon (%) 1.58 a 1.60 a 1.73 a 1.80 a 3.15 b
Total nitrogen (%) 0.09 a 0.10 ab 0.12 ab 0.10 a 0.14 b
C/N 17.2 a 15.7 a 14.7 a 18.8 a 22.9 a
Soluble P (mg kg1) 19.7 d 7.9 a 9.8 ab 11.8 bc 13.1 c
Data in the same line followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05) according
to one-way analysis of variance. Adapted from Ouahmane et al. (2006)
12 Monitoring the Development of Nurse Plant Species to Improve the Performances 259
–2 2
–2 Formic Oxalic
LS Succinic
Fig. 12.1 Between-group analysis (BGA) of the substrate-induced respiration (SIR) responses
with respect to the rhizosphere and the bare soils. LS, LD, TS, CA and BS represent Lavandula
stoechas, L. dentata, Thymus satureioides, Cupressus atlantica and bare soils, respectively
(Ouahmane et al. 2006)
Table 12.2 Responses of soil mycorrhizal infectivity to Lavandula multifida plantation in six
sandy soils after 5 months culturing
Soils pH Total C (g C Organic matter Total N Total P MSIa
1 1 1
(H2O) kg ) (%) (g kg ) (g kg )
1 5.8 3.99 0.7 0.26 68.5 533.3
2 4.9 2.85 0.5 0.19 78.7 1121.9
3 5.4 6.62 1.1 0.46 119.2 144.9
4 5.7 3.17 0.5 0.12 48.4 443.0
5 6.1 7.29 1.3 0.60 200.7 87.2
6 5.7 3.09 0.5 0.47 90.0 131.3
(MSI of soil planted with L. multifida) – (MSI of soil unplanted with L. multifida) after 5 months
culture in each soil. Adapted from Ouahmane et al. (2007)
Recognizing the benefits recorded for lavender plants on soil diversity and func-
tioning, several studies have been undertaken to determine their potential impacts
on the early growth of Cupressus sp. To test the potential benefits from the
association between Cupressus sp. and “nurse plant” on the growth of each plant
partner, Ouahmane et al. (2007) conducted an experiment in controlled conditions
combining the following treatments: C. arizonicaþL. multifida, L. multifida alone
and C. arizonica alone in 20-l pots filled with non-disinfected sandy soil. The
results show that the height of plant species was increased in the dual cultivation
treatment (Fig. 12.2). In addition, after 4 months culturing, the growth of L. multi-
fida and C. arizonica was generally higher when they were cultured together than
those recorded for singly cultured treatment (Fig. 12.2). A similar effect was
observed for the mycorrhizal colonization of the plants (Table 12.3). Other studies
have also been conducted to evaluate the capacity of the “fertility islands” created
by the nurse plants to facilitate the early growth of Cupressus spp.. Soil samples
were collected under L. dentata, L. stoechas and T. satureioides rhizosphere and
from an area free of cover plant (control). Soils were then packed in 1-dm3 pots and
one C. arizonica seedling was planted per pot. After 6 months of culturing, the
height, stem diameter, N and P foliar contents, AM colonization, and shoot and root
biomass were significantly higher in the soils originating from the nurse plants than
in the bare soil (Table 12.4). These results suggest that C. atlantica has to be
mycorrhizal in order to reach its optimal growth and that this Mediterranean tree
species is “highly dependent on mycorrhizas” (Habte and Manjunath 1991). These
12 Monitoring the Development of Nurse Plant Species to Improve the Performances 261
Height (cm) 50
0 3 5 7 9 11 13 14 16
Time (week)
Fig. 12.2 Time course changes in plant height (in cm) of Cupressus arizonica and Lavandula
multifida seedlings in the mono and dual cultivation treatments. Height growth of C. arizonica
seedlings: empty square C. arizonica alone; filled square C. arizonicaþL. multifida – height
growth of L. multifida seedlings; empty circle L. multifida alone; filled circle L. multifidaþ
C. arizonica (adapted from Ouahmane et al. 2007)
Table 12.3 Growth and mycorrhizal colonization of Cupressus arizonica and Lavandula multifida
after 4 months culturing in a non-disinfected sandy soil
Plant species Treatment Shoot biomass (mg Root biomass (mg Mycorrhizal
dry weight/plant) dry weight/plant) colonization (%)
C. arizonica Alone 3,393 a 735 a 4a
þ L. Multifida 3,456 b 1,499 b 92 b
Table 12.4 Growth and mycorrhizal colonization of Cupressus atlantica seedlings planted in the
rhizosphere soils collected from Lavandula dentata, L. stoechas, Thymus satureioides, C. atlantica
and the bare soil (control) after 6 months culturing in greenhouse conditions
Control Soil origin
L. dentata L. stoechas T. satureioides C. atlantica
Height (cm) 14.2 a 18.6 b 21.0 cd 23.0 d 19.4 bc
Stem diameter (mm) 2.02 a 2.72 bc 2.72 bc 2.94 c 2.54 b
Shoot biomass (mg dry 330 a 634 bc 738 c 666 bc 486 ab
Root biomass (mg dry 76 a 176 c 157 bc 115 abc 104 ab
N (mg/plant) 0.79 a 1.56 b 1.82 c 2.03 d 1.48 b
P (mg/ plant) 0.033 a 0.107 c 0.115 c 0.147 d 0.090 b
AM colonization (%) 35 b 48 b 50 b 75 c 54 b
Data in the same line followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05)
according to one-way analysis of variance. Adapted from Ouahmane et al. (2007)
262 R. Duponnois et al.
studies confirmed that plant nurses mainly act on Cupressus seedling growth
through their impact on AM fungus communities. AM fungi are important agents
in promoting plant co-existence (Allen and Allen 1990). Moreover, the abundance
and diversity of AM fungi are known to have a strong effect on the direction of
succession (Medve 1984). This AM fungal effect is mainly important in early
successional ecosystems where plant and soil have been severely disturbed and
where AM fungi are absent or are in low abundance and patchily distributed
(Hart et al. 2003). Hence, the use of plant nurses as promoting agent of mycorrhizal
soil infectivity could be of great interest in restoring a self-sustaining vegetation
cover in order to act against desertification.
12.4 Conclusion
The use of nurse shrubs facilitates seedling establishment in many different ecolog-
ical settings in Mediterranean mountains (Gomez-Aparicio et al. 2004) suggesting
that the removal of shrubs is not an appropriate practice for reforestation in
Mediterranean mountains. Therefore, a new paradigm for the science of restoration
of Mediterranean forests emerges from all these ecological studies (Maestre et al.
2001, 2002; Gomez-Aparicio et al. 2004). It is based on the natural spatial patterns
of regeneration of woody vegetation with shrubs as micro-sites for recruitment.
Furthermore, since the benefits of positive interactions between plant species is
widely recognized (Callaway et al. 2002), this innovative forestry practice might be
more relevant under the predicted rise in temperatures, dryness, and rainfall varia-
bility for the Mediterranean region under global warming (IPCC 2001). Since the
primary limitation of plant fitness is generally represented by the severity of the
physical environment, the enhancement of environmental conditions by nurse
shrubs can be of crucial importance in many stressful environments.
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Chapter 13
Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence
of Nitrogen Nutrition
Etelvina Figueira
Abstract Salinity is one of the most important abiotic factors limiting plant growth
and productivity. This is especially acute in arid and semiarid regions of the world.
In this chapter, attention is paid to evaluate the influence of different forms of
nitrogen on the tolerance and the yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants cultivated
under different saline conditions. Results show that the nitrogen form influenced
pea growth, yield and ionic content, both under the presence and absence of salinity.
Under nonsaline conditions, the highest growth and yields were obtained by
NO3NH4, whereas under salinity, NO3 displayed the highest values. The inocula-
tion with a salt-tolerant strain allowed the nodule formation process to remain
unaffected by salt. Nevertheless, these plants had lower yields than NO3-fed plants,
although similar values to NH4þ-supplemented plants, indicating that, by relying
solely on biological N2 fixation or NH4þ fertilization, pea yields under saline
conditions will be compromised.
13.1 Introduction
Salinity stress is of great importance in arid and semiarid areas of the world, since
most crops are sensitive to salinity, evidencing sharp yield decreases in the presence
of moderate salt concentrations (Subbarao and Johansen 2004). More than 6% of
the total land area of the world is salt affected. Most of these salt-affected areas
have arisen from natural causes, by the accumulation of salts over long periods of
time in arid and semiarid zones (Rengasamy 2002). Apart from natural salinity, a
significant proportion of recently cultivated agricultural land has become saline
owing to land clearing or irrigation, both of which cause water tables to rise and
E. Figueira
Centre for Cell Biology, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade e Aveiro, Campus de Santiago,
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 267
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_13, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
268 E. Figueira
concentrate the salts in the root zone. Of the 1,500 million ha of land farmed by dry
land agriculture, 32 million ha (2%) are affected by secondary salinity of varying
degrees. Of the current 230 million ha of irrigated land, 45 million ha (20%) are salt
affected (Munns and Tester 2008).
Tolerance to salinity may have different meanings according to the objectives by
which it is considered. If tolerance is viewed from an ecological perspective, the
most relevant is that species colonizing a habitat can complete their life cycle and
create conditions for their permanence. From an agronomic point of view, the most
important factor is productivity. If salinity causes toxic effects and osmotic and
nutritional imbalances, a large part of photosynthates will be used as osmotic
solutes or in ion exclusion, reducing growth and productivity and putting their
cultivation in salt-affected agricultural soils at risk.
The focus of this chapter is to evaluate the influence that different nitrogen
sources have on salt tolerance of pea (Pisum sativum), during its growth and
productivity. To achieve this goal, growth, productivity, seed protein content,
and ion contents were determined and compared between Pisum sativum plants
grown for 75 days under the presence (90 mM NaCl) or absence (0 mM NaCl) of
salinity and four types of nitrogen nutrition (NO3, NH4+, NH4NO3, or symbioti-
cally fixed N2 by an halotolerant isolate of Rhizobium leguminosarum).
As the boundary between the outside and inside, the plasma membrane is one of the
most important structures that cells have to adjust their composition. Plasmalemma
proteins control which solutes will be accumulated and which will be excluded,
creating gradients through the membrane. This process is important in many aspects
of plant growth and development, including mineral nutrition (Ward 1997). Some
ions and solutes, such as H+, Na+, and Ca2+, are excluded from the cytosol of cells,
while others, such as K+, NH4+, NO3, Cl, SO42, HPO4, sugars, organic acids,
and amino acids are accumulated. One of the fundamental characteristics of
membrane transport in plants is that protons are actively excluded from the cytosol
to the cell outside. This process creates a pH gradient, usually between 1.5 and
2 units (Marschner 1995; Ward 1997), and a voltage gradient, usually between 100
and 200 mV (Marschner 1995; Ward 1997) in the plasmalemma. Thus, in electro-
physiological terms the absorption of cations can occur passively, while anion
absorption uses up energy.
As the selectivity of ion channels and transporters is based on the ionic charge it
leads to competition between ions of the same electrical charge. The competition
between Cl and NO3, between K+ and Na+, or between Ca2+ and Na+ (Marschner
1995; Tyerman 1992; Fox and Guerinot 1998) results in severe nutritional imbalances
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 269
to plants when the intracellular ratios of these ions are very different from those in
the soil solution. In the presence of saline conditions, Na+ and Cl are often the
most abundant ions. Therefore, it is not surprising that these soils are characterized
by low activities of nutrient ions and high ratios of Na+/Ca2+, Na+/K+, and Cl/
NO3. In these circumstances, nutritional disorders may develop and plant growth
be reduced.
Nitrogen is the fourth most abundant element in organisms, constituting about 1.5–5%
of the plant dry weight (Below 1995). Due to the high requirements of this element,
about 70% of the ions absorbed by plants are nitrogen-containing compounds
(Marschner 1995). Among the mineral nutrients, nitrogen often limits the growth
and productivity of many crops (Marschner 1995). Nitrogen is incorporated in
numerous organic compounds that include proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophylls,
and growth regulators, all playing crucial roles in plant growth and development.
Eukaryotic cells do not possess the biochemical "machinery" to react with diatomic
nitrogen. Only a few prokaryotes, including species of the genera Azotobacter,
Azotococcus, Clostridium, Klebesiella, Bacillus, Azopirillum, Nostoc, Anabaena,
Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Frankia, have enzymes that reduce N2 (Bray
1983; Marschner 1995). Some of them establish endosymbiosis, such as the associ-
ation between plants of the family Fabaceae and bacteria of the genera Rhizobium,
Bradyrhizobium, Azorhizobium, Mesorhizobium, and Ensifer. Free-living rhizobia
do not fix N2, this function is accomplished only in association with the host plants.
Bacteria colonize legume roots at the beginning of the vegetative growth and leads
to the formation of nodules. In nodules, bacteria undergo structural (such as loss of
cell wall) and metabolic (as the expression of nitrogenases) changes that enable
them to fix the N2, turning into bacteroids (Brewing et al. 1993). Individually or in
small groups, each bacteroid is surrounded by a membrane, forming a structure
called the symbiosome which is the site of N2 fixation. The NH4+ resulting from the
reduction of NO3, from the symbiotic fixation of N2, or absorbed directly, is
assimilated into glutamate and glutamine. Ammonium assimilation usually occurs
at root level, whereas nitrate assimilation can occur both in roots and leaves.
Glutamate and glutamine are the precursors of other amino acids, generating all
the amino acids required for protein synthesis. They are also the raw material
responsible for generating a series of other compounds, such as chlorophylls,
plant growth regulators, and nucleic acids (Below 1995).
Many studies have reported the inhibitory effects of salinity in the fixation of N2
(Lauter and Munns 1986; Cordovilla et al. 1994, 1996, 1999a, 1999b; Tu 1981;
Salehi et al. 2008; Tawfik 2008). In saline environments, the nodulation reduction
may be due to the decrease in rhizobial populations, because of its sensitivity to salt,
affecting the survival and distribution of rhizobia in the soil and rhizosphere of
plants (Singleton et al. 1982; Craig et al. 1991). For example, Pereira et al. (2008)
found that 50 mM NaCl strongly inhibited the growth of three of the five Rhizobium
populations compatible with pea plants, when grown in YEM medium supplemen-
ted with salt. Elsheikh and Wood (1995) selected strains of Rhizobium and
Bradyrhizobium for their salt tolerance and reported that one of them only grew
in the absence of NaCl, and the others showed different tolerances but were not able
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 271
to grow above 340 mM. However, Zharan et al. (1994) isolated strains of Rhizobium
with different salt tolerances; some grew at 1.7 M NaCl. Pereira et al. (2008) also
recorded isolates that grew at the same level of halotolerance (1.6 M NaCl).
In the nodulation process, salt inhibition is regarded more as an effect on the
establishment of nodules than on the reduction of Rhizobium population. There are
several studies showing that the most sensitive process to salinity is the establish-
ment of the nodules (Lauter and Munns 1986; Cordovilla et al. 1999a). For
example, Singleton and Bholool (1983) found a strong reduction (50%) in the
number of nodules in the roots of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] growing
under 26.6 mM NaCl. In a similar study, Elsheikh and Wood (1990) observed
that nodulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) was completely inhibited by
61.6 mM NaCl, even when inoculated with a strain tolerant to salt, while Abd-
Alla et al. (1998) observed that salinity (30 and 60 mM NaCl) inhibited the number
of nodules and the biomass of four cultivars of G. max inoculated with a salt-
tolerant strain of Bradyrhizobium. The reduction in the number of nodules has been
associated with the effect of salinity on cell expansion inhibition, and to root hairs
number and curling (Sprent and Zahran 1988; Tu 1981). In Pisum sativum plants
growing in the presence (90 mM) and absence of NaCl, it was observed that salinity
delayed nodule formation. In contrast to control plants, 15-day-old salt-stressed
plants had no nodules. However, salinity had no effect on nodule number at later
stages, although nodule senescence started earlier (Table 13.1). These results show
that the susceptibility of the nodulation process to salinity is not always verified and
that the selection of a halotolerant Rhizobium strain with good N2-fixing ability is
important to legume nodulation in saline conditions.
The effects of salinity on the symbiosis between rhizobia and host may also be
on the N2-fixation process directly. Several hypotheses aim to explain the negative
Circle diameter reflects the number of nodules present in roots: less than 30
(small circles); and higher than 30 (big circles); nodule absence is also
registered. The relative abundance of different nodule colors is also presented:
white white nodules, gray pink nodules, stripes green nodules, black brown
272 E. Figueira
Plants absorb most of the mineral nutrients from the soil. That is why they are
greatly affected by soil characteristics. Most crops are glycophytes and evolved
under conditions of low salinity in the soil. Therefore, they possess mechanisms for
nutrient absorption in nonsaline soils and are often unable to grow in this type of
environment without evidencing damage. Plant growth and productivity involve the
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 273
integrated effect of diverse environmental factors and metabolic processes that act
with different intensities throughout the plant life cycle. The first problem that
plants have to overcome when growing in an adverse environment is to establish.
Establishment is only possible if plants build up a good photosynthetic capacity to
produce enough biomass to support their vegetative growth and reproduction.
Maintenance of the photosynthetic capacity can become a problem when plants
grow under stressful conditions, such as those propitiated by salinity. Salinity is
characterized by an excess of ions, frequently Na+ and Cl, in whose presence most
plants grow poorly (Figueira and Caldeira 2005; Dudley1994; Marschner 1995).
Under saline conditions, the three main constraints imposed by salinity on growth
are (1) osmotic stress that originates with the increase of the soil osmotic potential,
(2) ion toxicity which is associated to excessive uptake of Cl and Na+; and (3)
nutritional imbalances due to the decrease of absorption and/or transport to shoots
as well as to an altered distribution of mineral nutrients (Marschner 1995; Munns
and Tester 2008). The decrease in the turgor pressure caused by the defective
osmotic regulation of the shoot is regarded as the main factor causing the inhibition
of leaf elongation, leading to a reduction in leaf area and to the partial closure of
stomata. The prolonged stomata closure causes considerable reduction in the CO2
fixation per leaf area and per plant (Marschner 1995). The higher respiration rates
and the shorter leaf duration also contribute to reduction in photosynthetic rates
(Yeo 1998; Munns and Tester 2008). In fact, many studies report reductions of the
photosynthetic capacity in plants subjected to salt stress (Below 1995; Marschner
1995; Yeo 1998). The decrease of photosynthates and the additional energy costs
with the exclusion, partitioning, excretion, osmotic adjustment, and repair of
cellular damage necessary to cope with salinity, contribute to the decline of plant
growth under saline conditions (Marschner 1995; Munns and Tester 2008). In pea
plants grown under different salt concentrations (0 and 90 mM NaCl) and nitrogen
nutrition (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, Rhizobium inoculation), it was observed that both
salinity and N form affected plant growth (Fig. 13.1). Root growth was reduced by
salinity and irrespective to the duration of salt exposure the N form also affected
root growth. Under saline conditions, N2-fixing plants had a higher root biomass
than plants fed with mineral N (Fig. 13.1a, b). In the absence of salinity, shoot
biomass was lower in N2-fixing than in mineral N-fed plants, and NO3NH4 pro-
duced the highest shoot biomass (Fig. 13.1c). The enhanced biomass of shoots may
certainly be related to the effect that a combined nitrogen nutrition of anions and
cations has on the maintenance of cell pH, through the rates of H+ production
(assimilation of NH4+) and consumption (assimilation of NO3), with lower energy
costs in the maintenance of the citosolic pH homeostasis, usually between 7.3 and
7.6 (Marschner 1995). Under salt stress, however, the response pattern changed.
Although biomass was reduced in all N treatments, N2-fixing plants were less and
274 E. Figueira
Fig. 13.1 Root and shoot weight of Pisum sativum grown during 75 days at two levels of salinity:
(a roots without NaCl supply, b roots with 90 mM NaCl supply, c shoots without NaCl supply,
d shoots with 90 mM NaCl supply) and with different N forms ( filled diamond NO3, filled
triangle NH4+, filled square NO3NH4, open circle Rhizobium inoculation). Root and shoot fresh
weight (g plant1) values are meansstandard errors of 16 replicates
NH4+-nourished plants more affected by salt. Other authors also observed that
NH4+ was the N form causing the highest decreases in plant growth: Leidi et al.
(1992) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Lewis
et al. (1989) in maize (Zea mays L.), and Feigin (1990) in muskmelon (Cucumis
melo L.). Among the different N forms, NO3 induced the highest growth of pea
plants under moderate salt conditions (Fig. 13.1d), as also reported by Leidi et al.
(1992) and Silberbush and Lips (1991a, 1991b).
The high concentrations of inorganic solutes, especially Na+ and Cl absorbed
by roots from the salinized media, directly affect plant growth. Above certain
levels, the accumulation of ions are toxic to cells and will have a negative impact
on plant metabolism and growth (Munns and Tester 2008). In severe cases of
toxicity, plants show not only growth decreases but also marginal chlorosis and
necrosis in mature leaves. Later on or with increasing salinity, the damaged areas
will increase and organ or plant death may occur.
Seeds perpetuate species over time and space, and are especially important in those
species that do not propagate vegetatively. Perhaps for this reason, plants spend
abundant resources to ensure that enough energy and nutrients exist for germination
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 275
Fig. 13.2 Seed production of Pisum sativum grown at two levels of salinity (0 and 90 mM NaCl)
and with different N forms (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, Rhizobium inoculation). Seed fresh weight
(g plant1) values are meansstandard errors of 12 replicates. Significantly (P<0.001) different
values are marked (*)
276 E. Figueira
A deficient nitrogen nutrition not only impacts significantly on productivity but also
on the seed protein levels, especially in pulses, due to their high protein content
(25% of P. sativum seed dry weight), indicating that seeds could be an appropriate
organ to assess the nutritional status of plants (Atta et al. 2004). Protein synthesis
has long been identified as one of the processes strongly affected by salinity
(Gibson et al. 1984; Yeo 1998), due to the requirement of ion homeostasis that
favors K+ over Na+ (Leigh and Wyn-Jones 1984), even in plants with as high salt
tolerance as halophytes (Yeo 1998; Greenway and Munns 1980). In most cases,
salinity decreases the protein level as a result of reduced protein synthesis. However,
in some cases, an increase in the levels of proteins is reported (Dubey and Runi
1987; Joshi 1987; Dubey 1994). Pisum sativum plants grown under different
nitrogen sources (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, Rhizobium inoculation) and salinity
conditions ( 0 and 90 mM NaCl) showed that both factors influenced protein levels
in peas. Under nonsaline conditions, nutrition with NH4+ propitiated the accumula-
tion of 64% more proteins than the other nitrogen treatments (Fig. 13.3a). However,
the interaction of salinity with the nitrogen source changed this scenario. The
amount of protein increased significantly in NO3- and NO3NH4-treated plants to
levels similar to those previously provided by NH4+, but the seed protein content of
plants dependent on N2 remained low (Fig. 13.3a). However, when calculating the
total seed protein per plant, the value was lower under salt than under control
conditions for all treatments except for NO3, since in the other treatments (NH4+,
NO3NH4 and Rhizobium inoculation) salinity caused a massive reduction in
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 277
Fig. 13.3 Seed proteins of Pisum sativum grown for 75 days under different conditions of salinity
(0 and 90 mM NaCl) and nitrogen sources (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, Rhizobium inoculation):
a expressed in mg proteins per gram of seed fresh weight, b expressed in mg proteins per plant.
Values are means of 12 replicates. Significantly (P<0.001) different values are marked (*)
productivity (seed weight per plant) that protein increment did not compensate
for (Fig. 13.3b). From a food production perspective, the amount of total protein
produced by plants is more important than the protein concentration in the seed.
Results clearly show that salinity has a strong impact in pea productivity, except for
the NO3 nutrition, suggesting that this form of N should be used as a source of
N nutrition for pea cultivation in salt-affected areas.
Among the various factors contributing to plant growth, the availability of nutrients
plays a vital role. Inorganic elements regulate plant metabolism by integrating
organic molecules or acting as cofactors or activators of a large number of enzymes.
Their availability for plant growth is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors,
by synergistic and antagonistic interactions, and by uptake rates. Many of the
278 E. Figueira
elements are absorbed or excreted actively, using energy supplied mostly by root
aerobic respiration at the expense of carbohydrates and O2 (Velagaleti and
Schweitzer 1994).
The form of nitrogen supplied to plants (NO3, NH4+ or fixed N2) has a vast
impact on the relationships between anions and cations. Plants nourished with NH4+
are characterized by a high ratio of absorption of cations over anions. The opposite
situation occurs in plants absorbing NO3, due to the higher consumption of
protons used in the cotransport through plasma membrane and to the accumulation
of anions within the cell. Thus, in plants supplied with NH4+, absorption of anions is
favored over cations. In Pisum sativum plants grown in the presence of salt (90 mM
NaCl) and different N sources (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, fixed N2), the lower salt
tolerance of plants under NH4+ nutrition may be related to the lower absorption of
K+ and to the higher accumulation of Na+ and Cl in the shoot (Figs. 13.4, 13.5,
13.6). Other authors also reported a similar influence of NH4+ nutrition in plants
grown under saline and nonsaline conditions. For instance, Smart and Bloom
(1998) observed that exposure of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants to
ammonium led to a lower absorption of K+ and an increase in the efflux of protons to
the apoplast. Martı́nez and Cerdá (1989) observed that the addition of NH4+ to the
growing medium decreased the accumulation of K+ in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
plants growing in saline conditions. These authors also found that the increase
of the ratio NH4+/NO3 induced plants to accumulate more Cl and Na+ and less
K+ in the leaves. Plants dependent on symbiotically fixed N2 accumulated lower
concentrations of any of the ions analyzed (Figs. 13.4, 13.5, 13.6) than plants
grown in inorganic nitrogen nutrition (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4). Thus, the organs
Fig. 13.4 Potassium concentration in roots and shoots of Pisum sativum grown for 75 days at two
salinity levels (0 and 90 mM NaCl) and with four nitrogen nutrition sources: (a NO3, b NH4+,
c NO3NH4, d Rhizobium inoculation): filled circle shoots with 90 mM NaCl, open circle shoots
with 0 mM NaCl, filled triangle roots with 90 mM NaCl, open triangle roots with 0 mM NaCl.
Values are meansstandard errors of six replicates
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 279
Fig. 13.5 Sodium concentration in roots and shoots of Pisum sativum grown for 75 days at two
salinity levels (0 and 90 mM NaCl) and with four nitrogen nutrition (a NO3, b NH4+, c NO3NH4,
d Rhizobium inoculation): filled circle shoots with 90 mM NaCl, open circle shoots with 0 mM
NaCl, filled triangle roots with 90 mM NaCl, open triangle roots with 0 mM NaCl. Values are
meansstandard errors of six replicates
Fig. 13.6 Chloride concentration in roots and shoots of Pisum sativum grown for 75 days at two
salinity levels (0 and 90 mM NaCl) and with four nitrogen nutrition (a NO3, b NH4+, c NO3NH4,
d Rhizobium inoculation): filled circle shoots with 90 mM NaCl, open circle shoots with 0 mM
NaCl, filled triangle roots with 90 mM NaCl, open triangle roots with 0 mM NaCl. Values are
meansstandard errors of six replicates
280 E. Figueira
of these plants must have experienced lower toxicity, and in turn a smaller inhibi-
tion would be caused by salt on vegetative and reproductive growth compared to
plants nourished with NO3NH4 and NH4. However, plants tolerated better salt
stress when NO3 was the N form provided. In plants nourished with NO3,
pH increases, enhancing cations absorption and inhibiting the absorption of other
anions, and thus these plants frequently have higher K+ contents than plants
nourished with NH4+ (Marschner 1995). In Pisum sativum plants grown under
different nitrogen sources, plants nourished with NO3 showed a higher alloca-
tion of Na+ in the root (Fig. 13.5), and higher K+/ Na+ ratios and higher Ca2+
concentrations (results not shown) in the shoot compared to plants nourished
with other forms of N. The first recorded response to an increase in Na+ around
roots is an increase in cytosolic-free Ca2+. (Munns and Tester 2008). The best
characterized signaling pathway specific to salinity stress involves increases in
cytosolic-free Ca2+ (Zhu 2002). Calcium ions play a role in maintaining the
integrity of the plasma membrane and the activation effect that Ca2+ has on
plasmalemma P-ATPases can contribute to facilitate the absorption of K+ at low
pH values (Marschner 1995). The influence that Ca2+ has on the maintenance of
high K+/Na+ rates highlights the important role that Ca2+ plays in the mainte-
nance of K+ concentrations, simultaneously restricting the Na+ uptake in salt-
stressed plants. Martı́nez and Cerdá (1989) also observed thatm when NO3 was
the only source of nitrogen available, the accumulation of K+ in plants increased
under saline conditions compared to plants supplied with mixed nitrogen nutri-
tion. A study conducted by Subbarao et al. (1990) showed that the increase in
saline tolerance of three different species of Atylosa was linked to a higher
efficiency in the regulation of Na+ and Cl acropetal transport and to the
maintenance of K+ selectivity. The shoot exclusion mechanism observed in
plants of Pisum sativum under NO3 nutrition seems to have lost much of its
effectiveness in older plants over a 15-day period (between 60 and 75 days), the
concentration of Na+ increased about five times in the shoot and decreased three
times in the root (Fig. 13.5). The Cl ratio between shoots and roots is kept
close to the unit, however, at the end of the growth increases six times
(Fig. 13.6). Thus, for most of the growth period, plants dependent on NO3
accumulated 20–50% less Cl, 30–70% less Na+, and 0.4–3.6 times more K+ in
the shoots than plants nourished with other forms of N, which certainly con-
tributed to the higher salt tolerance observed in plants nourished with nitrate.
In most situations, Cl influx requires energy and is probably catalyzed by a Cl/
2H+ cotransporter (Felle 1994; Sanders 1980). The cytosolic Cl concentration is
likely in the range of 10–20 mM, but may be higher in saline conditions (Munns and
Tester 2008). Cl tissue concentrations as high as 400 mM are tolerated by most
species, and even sensitive species can tolerate 250 mM (Munns and Tester 2008).
The absorption of Cl is often inhibited by NO3 (Marschner 1995; Grattan and
Grieve 1994), not only because of the influence of pH, but also due to the
competition between the two anions (Caldwell et al. 1986; Glikey and Staehelin
1989; Marschner 1995; Tyerman 1992). This competition is of great importance in
the tolerance to salinity. Rogers et al. (1997) observed that the difference in salinity
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 281
tolerance shown by two populations of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was due
to the lower absorption of Cl and to an increase of its restriction efficiency from
the shoot. Läuchli and Wieneke (1979) recorded that some varieties of G. max
exhibited different salt tolerances and that these differences could be related to the
restriction of Cl transport in the xylem. Rogers et al. (1997) and Läuchli and
Wieneke (1979) concluded that within these species salt tolerance seems to be
related to Cl exclusion, in particular from the shoot. Chloride concentration
differences in Pisum sativum plants grown under different forms of nitrogen
nutrition and NaCl concentrations (Fig. 13.6) showed that Cl accumulation is
not only genotypically fixed but is also dependent on the N source.
13.5.2 Seeds
In pea plants grown in the presence of NaCl, Na+ concentrations in seeds are about
ten times lower than those found in vegetative organs, with the N form supplied
Fig. 13.7 Potassium (a) sodium (b) and chloride (c) concentrations in seeds of Pisum sativum
plants grown for 75 days under different conditions of salinity (0 and 90 mM NaCl) and nitrogen
sources (NO3, NH4+, NO3NH4, Rhizobium inoculation). Values are meansstandard errors of 16
replicates. Significantly (P<0.001) different values are marked (*)
282 E. Figueira
influencing Na+ levels (Fig. 13.7b), as also reported by Greenway and Munns
(1980), Hajibagheri et al. (1987), and Marschner (1995), who suggested that Na+
is excluded from reproductive and young vegetative organs. Chloride, that was
preferentially accumulated in the shoot, was also excluded from seeds, although
less effectively than Na+, and concentrations varied with the N form supplied to
plants (Fig. 13.7c). The large acropetal translocation of ions that occurred at the
later stages of Pisum sativum plants growth was also described by Pate and Flinn
(1977), and was explained by these authors as a physiological process that mobi-
lizes organic nutrients and minerals to the growing seeds. Although this process is
advantageous for seeds, it also changes the mechanisms of salt tolerance, with
decreases in the efficiency of Na+ and Cl exclusion from the shoot, leaving this
organ more vulnerable to salinity, but maintaining low Na+ and Cl concentrations
in the reproductive organs and thus not compromising seeds viability.
Acknowledgments I thank Georgina Hodge for her help and suggestions. This work was
supported by the Centre for Cell Biology.
13 Pea Cultivation in Saline Soils: Influence of Nitrogen Nutrition 283
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M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 287
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_14, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
288 A.O. Anyia et al.
14.1 Introduction
Wheat (common, Triticum aestivum and durum, T. turgidum) is the most important
cereal crop in the world, which, together with rice and maize, account for about
73% of world cereal production. Canada is one of the world’s largest producers and
exporters of wheat. In 2007, Canada ranked as the eighth largest wheat-producing
country in the world (Fig.14.1). Over the last decade, the annual production of
wheat in Canada has consistently exceeded 20 million tons, except in 2002 when
production dropped to about 16 million tons due to severe drought in the Prairie
Provinces. Wheat is Canada’s largest crop both in terms of area seeded and
production. All Canadian provinces, except Newfoundland and Labrador, grow
wheat; Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, and Ontario are the leading wheat pro-
ducers in Canada. The annual revenue derived from wheat export in Canada
exceeds $5 billion, making wheat the highest earner of all exported agricultural
products. Only one class of durum is grown in Canada, spring amber durum;
however, there are several classes of common wheat grown in Canada, based on
seed hardness and color, and on sowing time (autumn or spring).
Canadian wheat yields are relatively low averaging 2.4 tha1 between 1998 and
2007 compared to the world average of 2.7 tha1 (FAOStart, Statistics Canada).
Million metric tonnes
80.0 74.9
60.0 53.6
40.0 33.2
23.5 21.4 20.6 17.7 16.5
Fig. 14.1 Wheat-producing top 10 countries of the world (FAOSTAT data, 2007)
14 Plant Growth-Promoting Diazotrophs and Productivity of Wheat 289
Nitrogen is a very important plant nutrient whose limitation can affect yield
considerably. The emergence of nitrogen-containing synthetic fertilizers is one of
the factors that contributed to the “green revolution” in the middle of the twentieth
century. The Haber-Bosch process allows for the production of ammonia from
nitrogen and hydrogen, which are the main inputs used in the production of all
nitrogen fertilizers. The hydrogen used in the Haber-Bosch process is derived from
natural gas. Farmers in Canada as in many other countries are highly dependent on
nitrogen fertilizers to achieve high yields. In terms of tonnage, nitrogen accounted
for about 60% of the total sales of chemical fertilizers in Canada in 2004 (Canadian
Fertilizer Institute). Production of chemical nitrogen fertilizers, besides being
very cost intensive, also depletes nonrenewable resources and poses human and
environmental hazards. To complement and eventually substitute mineral fertilizers
with biologically fixed nitrogen would represent an economically beneficial and
ecologically sound alternative (Glick et al. 1999).
Analysis of nitrogen use on the Canadian prairies over the last three decades
shows a steady increase from approximately 125,000 metric tons per year in 1969 to
more than 1.25 million tons per year since 1996. The Canadian Fertilizer Institute
reported total sales of nitrogen-containing fertilizers of 2.57 million metric tons in
western Canada in the year ending June 30, 2000. Data show that nitrogen applica-
tions represent 22.1 and 33%, respectively, of the operating costs of corn and wheat
production. In the black soils zone of Alberta, a wheat farmer would spend
approximately three times more on nitrogen fertilizer than his counterpart who
grows feed peas (Pisum sativum) inoculated with rhizobia. This suggests that the
introduction of nitrogen-fixing bacteria to wheat could significantly reduce the cost
of nitrogen fertilizer input. Norman Borlaug, in his Nobel Peace Prize lecture in
1970, highlighted the need to extend the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes
with rhizobia to the world’s major cereals, maize (Zea mays), wheat and rice (Oryza
sativa) to sustain the green revolution (Borlaug 1970). Haber, who invented the
famous “Haber-Bosch process” of ammonia production, in his 1920 Nobel Prize
acceptance speech noted that “it may be that this solution is not the final one.”
Nitrogen bacteria teach us that nature, with her sophisticated forms of the chemistry
of living matter, still understands and utilizes methods, which we do not as yet
know how to imitate (Cocking 2005).
that time, many thought that, with increased knowledge and advances in molecular
biology, nitrogen fixation would be easily achieved in non legume crops. Several
decades later, nitrogen fixation by non legumes is still only a dream. The complexi-
ty of the genes of the nitrogenase enzyme complex involved in nitrogen fixation has
so far prevented their successful transfer with function in plant cells. Quispel (1991)
concluded that “in the light of our present knowledge the prospect of active
nitrogenase in plant cells seems farther removed than it appeared in 1969.” As
sad as it may be, the same conclusion still holds today.
A 1987 patent (Publication No.: WO/1987/004182) by NIELSEN, Sven-
Erik SO/RENSEN, Grete, Mo/rch, published at the World Intellectual Property
Organization claims to have invented “Rhizobia transformants that nodulate and
fix nitrogen in non legumes. The nodulated non legume plants can be grown without
nitrogenous fertilizer and have at least the same or higher protein content, dry matter
content and nitrogen content than their nonnodulated counterparts which are fertilized
by the addition of nitrogenous fertilizer. The straw remaining after harvesting the
nodulated non legumes is also high in protein content”. There is no indication if
these transformants were ever tested in field experiments and how well they per-
formed. As was noted by Quispel (1991) “we are able to select and modify bacterial
strains, host plants and bacteria–plant combinations, which are highly efficient
under laboratory conditions. Successful field inoculation methods have been devel-
oped. Yet results in the field are mostly disappointing since the introduced selected
bacteria have to compete with the indigenous Rhizobium populations in the soil.”
Bacteria are abundantly present in the rhizosphere and in close vicinity of the root.
It has long been recognized that several genera of these rhizobacteria have the
ability to promote plant growth, and these have been termed plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria or PGPR. Some of these rhizobacteria interact with the plant in
different mutually beneficial ways and may thereby promote plant growth or
yield by direct or indirect mechanisms. Direct growth promotion may be through
biofertilization by synthesis of elements or compounds utilizable by the plant, or by
aiding the plant in uptake of nutrients and/or water. Indirect growth promotion on
the other hand may entail biocontrol of infection by phyto-pathogenic organisms.
The bacteria that provide some benefit to plants are of two general types: those that
form a symbiotic relationship, which involves formation of specialized structures or
nodules on host plant roots, and those that are free-living in the soil; the latter are
often found near, on, or even within the roots of plants (Kloepper et al. 1988).
Examples of symbiotic diazotrophs include: (1) rhizobia (includes soil bacteria of
the genera Rhizobium, Azorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium), which interact with
leguminous plants (belonging to the Fabaceae family) to form N2-fixing nodules;
(2) Frankia – “actinorhizal” nitrogen fixers that form similar symbiosis to rhizobia,
with a number of woody plant species; and (3) symbiotic cyanobacteria which,
14 Plant Growth-Promoting Diazotrophs and Productivity of Wheat 291
unlike rhizobia and Frankia, do not form nodules. The host range of cyanobacteria
varies widely from fungi, mosses, and liverworts to waterferns (Azolla), some
Gymnosperms (e.g., Cycas and Macrozamia) and Angiosperms (Gunnera) (Quispel
1991). In these symbioses, the plant supplies energy materials to the diazotrophs,
which in turn reduce atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia. This ammonia is trans-
ferred from the bacteria to the plant to meet the plant’s nutritional nitrogen needs
for the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. Some
examples of free-living growth-promoting rhizobacteria are Azobacter species,
Azospirillum species, pseudomonads, bacilli, and Burkholderia species (Brown
1974; Elmerich 1984; Kloepper et al. 1989; Quispel 1991).
Associative nitrogen fixation in rice was reported to have supplied 20–25% N of
the total need in a study at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines (Ladha
et al. 1987). Rice seedlings inoculated with Burkholderia spp. previously isolated
from rice plants contained a relatively higher level of N due to BNF (Baldani et al.
2000). Sevilla and Kennedy (2000) suggested that Acetobacter diazotrophicus
could promote rice growth, which might be related to the transfer of biologically
fixed N, although other factors such as auxin production could be involved.
Inoculation of wheat with Azospirillum brasilense and A. lipoferum significantly
increased the biomass and grain yield as well as branching of root hairs (Kennedy
and Tchan 1992).
performance and grain yield, which was associated more with rhizobial effects on
rice root architecture for enhanced uptake of soil nutrients. The authors suggested
that some rhizobia may have evolved an additional ecological niche enabling them
to form a three-component life cycle including a free-living heterotrophic phase in
soil, a N2-fixing endosymbiont phase within legume root nodules, and beneficial
growth promoting endocolonizer phase within cereal roots in the same crop rotation.
Azorhizobium caulinodans is a stem and root nodulating nitrogen-fixing bacte-
ria, which was isolated from the stem nodules of Sesbania rostrata (Dreyfus et al.
1988). The nitrogenase enzyme of A. caulinodans is reported to be more tolerant of
oxygen than other rhizobia studied so far (Dreyfus et al. 1983). Several studies have
shown that this bacterium is able to colonize intercellular spaces of cortex, xylem
and root meristems of several non legumes through crack entry of emerging lateral
roots (Sabry et al. 1997; Reddy et al. 1997; Webster et al. 1997; Cocking 2001). In
the studies of Sabry et al. (1997), inoculation of aseptically grown wheat with
A. caulinodans resulted in stimulation of root development accompanied by
increased yield and N content. Since inoculated plants showed some level of
acetylene reduction activity (a measure of N2 fixation), the increase in plant growth
and N content were attributed to nitrogen fixation by the bacterium. In follow-up
studies with A. caulinodans by Mathews et al. (2001) in a “temperate” controlled
environment, inoculation of wheat again resulted in increased yield and plant
N content. However, application of a non-N2-fixing strain of A. caulinodans or a
filter-sterilized supernatant of the bacterium produced similar growth stimulation
effects as the N2-fixing strain. Mathews et al. (2001) concluded that response of
wheat to A. caulinodans was not due to N2 fixation but probably related to plant
growth substances produced by the bacteria in culture.
Table 14.1 Means and standard errors of growth parameters at 7 weeks of inoculated and
uninoculated plants of wheat cv. CDC Teal grown in soil beds in a greenhouse
Treatment Height (cm) Leaf area (cm2) Leaf area index Tillers Biomass
(g5 plants)
Control 37.720.72 52.125.01 0.350.03 0.830.19 4.890.50
Inoculated 38.090.50 62.115.32 0.500.04 1.170.10 5.630.36
Difference (%) 1 19 41 40 15
Fig. 14.2 Wheat cv. CDC Teal grown in the presence (right) and absence (left) of A. caulinodans
Table 14.2 Field testing of wheat inoculated with A. caulinodans in Canada and USA
Location Year Control Inoculated % increase
Alberta, Canada, trial spring wheat (extrapolated grain yield in kg ha1)
Vegreville 2004 2,664 2,932 10.1
Vegreville 2005 2,975 3,095 4.0
St Vincent 2005 4,199 4,533 8.0
Innisfail 2005 2,712 2,637 2.8
Taber 2005 4,142 4,705 13.6
Wisconsin and Idaho, USA, trial spring wheat (grain yield in kg/ha)
Whitewater, WI 2004 1,197 1,273 6.4
Genesee, ID 2005 1,496 1,578 5.5
Moscow, ID 2005 1,768 1,768 0.0
Nezperce, ID 2005 1,605 1,632 1.7
Wisconsin and Idaho, USA, trial winter wheat (grain yield in kg/ha)
Whitewater, WI 2005 2,068 2,231 7.9
Whitewater, WI 2005 2,422 2,585 6.7
Genesee, ID 2005 2,286 2,258 1.2
Lewiston, ID 2005 2,912 2,857 1.9
Nezperce, ID 2005 2,830 2,830 0.0
A. caulinodans trial did not meet the minimum requirement of 95% significance
required for registration of new inoculants or soil amendments in Canada.
Several reasons could be responsible for the difference observed between effects
of inoculation in greenhouse and field studies. Two obvious ones in the experiments
with A. caulinodans in Canada would be the methods of inoculation and pretreat-
ment of plant growth medium. Firstly, in the greenhouse and growth chamber
experiments, plants were grown in presteamed soil, which eliminated or minimized
competition from indigenous soil microbes. Secondly, pre-inoculated seeds were
used in field trials while in the greenhouse trials, seeds were pre-inoculated and
multiple soil inoculations were performed subsequently. It is common knowledge
that inoculation methods usually affect N2 fixation in traditional rhizobium–legume
symbioses. Soil inoculation (e.g., granular inoculants) is usually more effective
than seed inoculation for initiating nodulation and N2 fixation (Lupwayi et al.
2005). Multiple soil inoculations ensured that high number of cells of A. caulino-
dans was introduced to the soil, which perhaps aided this strain in its competition
with indigenous soil microbes. In addition to the two obvious differences between
the greenhouse and field experiments, it should be mentioned that A. caulinodans is
adapted to conditions in tropical and subtropical environments. Early spring soil
temperatures are usually very cold in the Canadian prairies. Lupwayi et al. (2005)
suggested that the most adaptable rhizobia or legume genotypes are usually the ones
isolated from similar environments. This might explain why attempts to re-isolate
the microbes in inoculated plots during the growing season were not successful.
Inconsistency of response is a perennial problem limiting the wide acceptance of
PGPR as substitutes for chemical fertilizers in nonleguminous crops. Andrews et al.
(2003) noted that the effects of Azotobacter and Azospirillum inoculants on growth
and yield of graminaceous crops have been tested in many experiments in several
14 Plant Growth-Promoting Diazotrophs and Productivity of Wheat 295
All field locations used for testing of A. caulinodans were placed under strict
monitoring requirements by the Canadian regulatory authorities. On each trial
site, the experimental plots were spatially isolated from other field operations
with a 12-m fallowed buffer zone. The buffer zone acted as inoculum trap providing
effective trial confinement isolating treated crop and minimizing treatment drift
to nontarget plants. The entire perimeter was fenced to restrict access to wildlife
or unauthorized personnel. Wheat seeds were inoculated with liquid culture of
A. caulinodans at a rate of 2.8 mL kg1. The inoculum was estimated to contain
approximately 9.4108 CFU per mL. Rhizosphere soil and root samples collected
from the experimental sites at different time intervals during the growing season
were analyzed for presence of A. caulinodans using BIOLOG1 system and PCR
technology. Soil and plant samples for PCR and BIOLOG1 analysis were extracted
and analyzed using methods described by Yeates et al. (1998) and Slaski et al.
(2002), respectively. The substrate utilization pattern of the isolate was detected
using an Emax BIOLOG1 plate reader. The detected pattern was compared to a
pattern produced from the original stock culture of A. caulinodans. The minimum
detection limits of the PCR and BIOLOG1 were estimated to be about 10 cells and
2,000 cells per gram of soil, respectively. None of the samples tested was positive
for A. caulinodans suggesting that the microbe did not persist or spread in any of the
locations tested. A. caulinodans does not produce spores, and thus low soil tem-
peratures (below 0 C) may cause cell rupture and death of the organism. Low soil
temperature was suggested as an important environmental factor drastically affect-
ing survival of A. caulinodans in temperate climatic conditions of UK soils (Bullard
1999). The author reported that moderate temperatures 18/8 C reduced introduced
populations of A. caulinodans by an order of magnitude in 35 days. Therefore, it
appears that hostile fall and winter conditions of Alberta may have totally extermi-
nated this strain from the environment. The depth of frost in prairie soils is typically
greater than that in any other agricultural land in Canada, mostly due to the length
of the winter season and the typically shallow snow depths. Frozen soils at depths
296 A.O. Anyia et al.
below 40 cm have been observed in April on some of the field sites tested, and
therefore, for the organism isolated from tropical soils, environmental conditions
were not favorable for it to thrive in the test locations.
Empirical data suggest that native rhizobia strains are usually more adapted than
introduced strains. In a search for rhizosphere bacteria capable of promoting growth
of wheat on the Canadian Prairies, several strains of rhizobia were isolated,
identified, and characterized from rangeland ecosystems in the Castor region of
central Alberta. This region is prone to drought due to low precipitation and high
temperatures in the summer months. Sixteen native rhizobia strains identified as
belonging to Sinorhizobium meliloti (Bécquer et al. 2008) were isolated from roots
of Melilotus officinalis and Medicago sativa. The host legumes are adapted to the
local pedological and climatic conditions prevalent in the region. Plant growth-
promoting effects of the isolated rhizobia strains were evaluated in a greenhouse
experiment using a Canadian variety of wheat, CDC Teal. The seeds disinfected
with alcohol and 8% sodium hypochloride (Webster et al. 1997) were planted in
pots containing standard soil mixture with a low N level, while fertilized control
received 150 ppm N kg1 in a form of NH4NO3. Three milliliters per plant of
inoculum containing approximately 108 cells mL1 was applied 5 days after
seeding. Two subsequent inoculations were performed 20 and 30 days after seed-
ing. Wheat plants were grown to maturity under 29/25ºC (day/night) and 14 h of
light. In general, inoculation with native rhizobia led to increase in root weight and
plant height with no obvious effects on aerial dry matter (Bécquer et al. 2007). All
but one of the isolated strains enhanced plant height while 12 strains stimulated root
growth. Although changes in root morphology of wheat plants inoculated with
rhizobia were not studied, literature data suggest that rhizobial inoculants could
induce a higher volume of root hairs and lateral roots, which favors more efficient
nutrient extraction (Biswas et al. 2000). Stimulation of root growth accompanied by
increased yield and N content by A. caulinodans have also been reported (Sabry
et al. 1997). Similarly, inoculation of barley (Hordeum vulgare) with Mesorhizo-
bium mediterraneum (strain PECA21) considerably increased the dry matter yield
and the content of macroelements in the plant (Peix et al. 2001). A well-developed
root system is advantageous for the wheat plants cultivated in semiarid zones or for
crops experiencing periodic soil moisture deficit. Thus, stimulation of root growth
by inoculation with rhizobia may increase production of wheat in drought condi-
tions through enhanced efficiencies of water and nutrient uptake/utilization.
The nine best performing native rhizobia strains identified in the greenhouse
studies described above were evaluated for wheat growth promotion under field
conditions at the Sancti-Spı́ritus Experimental Station in Cuba. In addition to the
nine strains isolated from rangeland ecosystem of central Alberta, another strain
(CAS2) isolated from legume grown in soil contaminated with petrochemical
14 Plant Growth-Promoting Diazotrophs and Productivity of Wheat 297
sludge containing high concentration of salts and heavy metals, was tested. The
well-described rhizobia strains (USDA 191 and ATCC 10004) were included in the
field trial as reference strains. All strains were used to inoculate seeds of wheat
(T. aestivum, L., var. Cuba-204) provided by the National Institute of Fundamental
Research of Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT), La Habana, Cuba. Inoculation was
performed by immersion of seeds in a bacterial inoculum containing approximately
108 cells mL1 at room temperature for 24 h. Liquid inoculum was reapplied at the
base of young seedlings 18 days after sowing to ensure adequate number of rhizobia
cells in the rhizosphere. A fertilized and unfertilized control was included for
comparison with Rhizobium inoculation effects. The fertilized treatment received
150 kg N ha1 NH4NO3. The experimental design was a randomized complete
block with four replicates. Since the experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil
with low mineral content (P2O5: 2.63 mg/100 g; K2O: 10.00 mg/100 g; OM: 1.61%;
pH: 5.4), a second application of fertilizer (NPK: 9–13–17) was made 21 days after
sowing on the basis of 88 kg N ha1.
Plant growth-promoting and grain yield-enhancing effects of inoculation with
nine Canadian native Rhizobium strains were observed (Fig. 14.3). Two strains,
CAC2 and CAC 5, significantly improved plant agronomic parameters including
grain yield, weight of 1,000 seeds, yield of total aboveground biomass, and stem
height of the Cuban wheat cv. Cuba-204. Several of the native Canadian strains
200 a a
abc abc ab
abc abcd
Grain yield (g/m 2 )
150 efg
Fig. 14.3 Effects of inoculation with Rhizobium strains isolated from forage legumes of Alberta,
Canada on grain yield of wheat cv. Cuba 204 (Bécquer et al. 2007, modified)
298 A.O. Anyia et al.
14.7 Conclusion
Andrews M, James EK, Cummings SP, Zavalin AA, Vinogradova LV, McKenzie BA (2003) Use of
nitrogen fixing bacteria inoculants as a substitute for nitrogen fertiliser for dryland graminaceous
crops: Progress made, mechanisms of action and future potential. Symbiosis 35:209–229
Anyia AO, Archambault DJ, Slaski JJ (2004) Growth promoting effects of the diazotroph
Azorhizobium caulinodans on Canadian wheat cultivars. Proceedings of the 4th International
14 Plant Growth-Promoting Diazotrophs and Productivity of Wheat 299
Lupwayi NZ, Rice WA, Clayton GW (2005) Rhizobial inoculants for legume crops. J Crop Improv
Mathews SS, Sparkes DL, Bullard MJ (2001) The response of wheat to inoculation with the
diazotroph Azorhizobium caulinodans. Aspects Appl Biol 63:35–42
Noel TC, Sheng C, Yost CK, Pharis RP, Hynes MF (1996) Rhizobium leguminosarum as a plant
growth-promoting rhizobacterium: Direct growth promotion of canola and lettuce. Can
J Microbiol 42:279–283
Peix A, Rivas-Boyero AA, Mateos PF, Rodriguez-Barrueco C, Martı́nez-Molina E, Velazquez E
(2001) Growth promotion of chickpea and barley by a phosphate solubilizing strain of Mesorhi-
zobium mediterraneum under growth chamber condition. Soil Biol Biochem 33:103–110
Quispel A (1991) A critical evaluation of the prospects for nitrogen fixation with non legumes.
Plant Soil 137:1–11
Reddy PM, Ladha JK, So RB, Hernandez RJ, Ramos MC, Angeles OR, Dazzo FB, de Bruijn K
(1997) Rhizobial communication with rice roots: induction of phenotypic changes, mode of
invasion and extent of colonization. Plant Soil 194:81–98
Sabry SRS, Saleh SA, Batchelor CA, Jones J, Jotham J, Webster G, Kothari SL, Davey MR,
Cocking EC (1997) Endophytic establishment of Azorhizobium caulinodans in wheat. Proc R
Soc Lond B 264:341–346
Saikia SP, Jain V (2007) Biological nitrogen fixation with non legumes: An achievable target or a
dogma? Curr Sci 92:317–322
Sevilla M, Kennedy C (2000) Colonization of rice and other cereals by Acetobacter diazotrophi-
cus, an endophyte of sugarcane. In: Ladha JK, Reddy PM (eds) The quest for nitrogen fixation
in rice. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines, pp 151–165
Slaski JJ, Archambault DJ, Li X, Macyk T (2002) BIOLOG1 system as a tool for the evaluation of
functional diversity of microbial communities in soils. 39th Alberta Soil Science Workshop,
Nisku, AB, pp 204–209
Webster G, Gough C, Vasse J, Batchelor CA, O’Callaghan KJ, Kothari SL, Davey MR, Denarie J,
Cocking EC (1997) Interactions of rhizobia with rice and wheat. Plant Soil 194:115–122
Yanni YG, Rizk RY, Abd El-Fattah FK, Squartini A, Corich V, Giacomini A, de Bruijn F,
Rademaker J, Maya-Flores J, Ostrom P, Vega-Hernandez M, Hollingsworth RI, Martinez-
Molina E, Mateos P, Velazquez E, Wopereis J, Triplett E, Umali-Garcia M, Anarna JA, Rolfe
BG, Ladha JK, Hill J, Mujoo R, Ng PK, Dazzo FB (2001) The beneficial plant growth
promoting association of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii with rice roots. Aust J Plant
Physiol 28:845–870
Yeates C, Gillings MR, Davison AD, Altavilla N, Veal DA (1998) Methods for microbial DNA
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Chapter 15
Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial
Communities in Different Agro-Ecosystems
15.1 Introduction
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 301
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_15, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
302 M. Ahemad et al.
primary reason for this gap is their overwhelming diversity. Estimates of soil
microbial diversity range from thousands to a million microbial species in a few
grams of soil (Torsvik and Øvreås 2002; Gans et al. 2005), and how this diversity
affects ecosystem processes is largely unknown (Torsvik et al. 2002; Crawford
et al. 2005; Azam and Malfatti 2007). Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to
assess, identify and track each individual microorganism in an ecosystem. Due in
part to the lack of convenient and appropriate methods for exploration, our under-
standing of the different degrees and dynamics of microbial community variation as
induced by soil type, plant type, or plant development is so far limited (Mahaffee
and Klöpper 1997; Duineveld et al. 1998).
Despite all these problems, in recent times, attention has been focused on the
impacts that microbial communities have on soil fertility and crop productivity in
different agro-ecosystems. In soils, biologically mediated processes are known to
exert profound influences on the status of soil health by: (1) degrading organic
residues, (2) transformation of organic matter, (3) mineralization of nutrients, and
(4) formation of soil aggregates (Haynes 1999). However, a great variety of abiotic
and biotic factors shape soil- and plant-associated habitats and modify the compo-
sitions and activities of inhabiting microbial communities, which in turn bear upon
the quality of their environment, the growth of plants, and the production of root
exudates (Bever et al. 1997). For example, changes in physico-chemical variables
such as pH and nutrient levels (Kennedy et al. 2004, 2005), floristic community
change (Grayston et al. 1998; Grayston et al. 2004), changes in soil physical
structure (Ibekwe et al. 2002; Sessitich et al. 2006), and the impacts of grazing
animals have all been proposed as principal causes of shifts in microbial commu-
nity structure, although it is still not fully understood which environmental factors
influence microbial community change. Microbial communities in root-asso-
ciated habitats respond with respect to density, composition, and activity to the
abundance and great diversity of organic root exudates, eventually yielding plant
species-specific microflora which may also vary during plant development stages
(Lynch and Whipps 1990; Bowen and Rovira 1991; Mahaffee and Klöpper 1997;
Weisskopf et al. 2006). Thus, interactions between plants and soil microbes
are highly dynamic in nature and based on coevolutionary pressures (Reinhart
and Callaway 2006). Such microbial communities are greatly influenced by plant
species (Innes et al. 2004; Batten et al. 2006), genotypes within species (Kowalchuk
et al. 2006), and diversity of carbon substrates and signaling compounds provided
by the plants (Zak et al. 2003; Broeckling et al. 2008).
Agricultural improvement by applying chemical fertilizers has become a com-
mon practice in different parts of the world. However, the excessive and injudicious
application of these fertilizers cause change in the soil chemical and physical
properties by disturbing the soil microbial biomass and activities, an early indicator
of soil fertility (Brookes 1995; Trasar-Cepeda et al. 1998). For instance, N fertili-
zation has been shown to significantly affect soil microbial biomass and activities
(Saliana-Garcia et al. 1997; Li et al. 2002), and long-term application of NH4+ or
NH4+ forming fertilizers may lead to changes in the soil microbial communities
in terms of promoting nitrifying populations, enhancing nitrification rates, and
15 Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial Communities 303
It has long been recognized that the activity of soil microorganisms plays an
intrinsic role in residue decomposition, nutrient cycling, and crop production.
And, hence, the microbial diversity at the functional level plays a crucial role in
the long-term stability of an ecosystem. Variations in the structure and function of
microbial communities in soils have, however, been linked primarily to the quan-
tities and qualities of soil organic materials (Saetre and Bååth 2000), which in turn
are greatly affected by the availability and biochemical composition of the litter
(Johansson 1995), vegetation (Priha et al. 2001), and root exudates (Grayston and
Campbell 1996). A patchy distribution of organic litter may result in a high degree
of biochemical compartmentalization (Bauhus et al. 1998; Priha and Smolander
1999; Côté et al. 2000; Priha et al. 2001) and may ultimately cause a spatial
aggregation of the forest soil microbiota (Saetre and Bååth 2000). Thus a post-
fire successional sequence from deciduous to coniferous species will have a
significant impact on the morphological and physiological profiles of soil micro-
bial communities (Bormann and Sidle 1990; Bending et al. 2002; Merilä et al.
2002). This may be due to differences in the structure and composition of leaf and
needle litter, which alter nutrient availability in the soil (Priha and Smolander
1997) and cause shifts in microbial populations as the community adapts to
new environmental conditions. Understanding microbial community structure
shifts following implementation of various land use and management systems,
therefore may lead to the development of best management practices for different
Microbial diversity describes complexity and variability at different levels of
biological organization. It includes genetic variations within taxons (species), and
the number (richness) and relative abundance (evenness) of taxons and functional
groups (guilds) in communities. Important aspects of diversity at the ecosystem
level are the range of processes, complexity of interactions, and number of trophic
levels. Although animal and plant ecologists can quantify and identify different
species through (relatively) easily identifiable traits, it is extremely difficult to do
this with microbial communities, because microbes vary greatly in their activities.
Thus, measures of microbial diversity should include multiple methods integrating
holistic measures at the total community-level and partial approaches targeting
structural or functional subsets. However, the assessment of the composition and/or
function of soil microbial communities still presents a number of challenges, due
304 M. Ahemad et al.
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), which separates the DNA frag-
ments based on their nucleotide content rather than size alone (Muyzer et al. 1993).
The benefit of this approach is that a molecular fingerprint of the community
structure is generated for each soil, such that each band in each lane of the gel
theoretically represents a different bacterial species. Molecular approaches, in
general, are rapid, specific and more reliable, compared to conventional culturing
techniques, and have provided a further insight into the identification of the
remaining 99% of microbial species.
Both conventional and molecular approaches have been employed to assess the
impact of management practices, changes in seasons, and environment stress on
microbial community structure and functions. For instance, de Lima et al. (1999)
isolated 82 bacterial strains from the sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) agro-
ecosystem and grouped them in 16 different genera and 35 species of bacteria.
The microbial diversity was found greater in wastewater collected from the stabili-
zation ponds and in the soil sample collected from the sugarcane plantation burned
before harvesting. Such variations in microbial communities supported the very
concept of Odum’s (1971) classical observation that communities with low energy
cost for maintaining the entropy (high respiration: biomass ratio) divert their energy
supply into diversity, which may be happening to the microbiota of the environ-
ments. A high respiration:biomass ratio observed in unproductive soil irrigated with
vinasse in the tableland soil of the Usina Japungu (de Luna and Grisi 1996) also
supported this theory. However, Atlas (1984) further pointed out that diversity
changes in response to environmental stress may lead to an increase in diversity by
selective toxicity causing elimination of dominant organism, or diversity may
decrease by elimination of many species. To substantiate this further, Torsvik
et al. (1997) observed a substantial reduction in diversity in perturbed soil due to
agriculture, as compared to undisturbed environments. Also, molecular analysis
using PCR amplification of small-subunit rRNA of microbial diversity in Amazonia
soils, demonstrated microbial population shifts related to deforestation in the
Amazonian forest, with predominance of Bacillus and high G+C Gram-positive-
like sequences in pasture and predominance of Clostridium and unclassified bacte-
ria in the forest (Borneman and Triplett 1997). Of these organisms, Bacillus
seems to be a natural indicator of inhospitable environmental conditions whose
endospore-forming ability certainly explains their occurrence in these situations.
Soil microbial communities are subjected to a range of factors that can be broadly
classified as: (1) stress factors that constantly limits microbial growth and do not
change markedly over time, and (2) disturbance factors that involves rapid
changes and often causes destruction of organism biomass. Although both stress
15 Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial Communities 307
fumigants Organic/inorganic
Pesticides Soil treatments Heavy metals
Type/physico-chemical Fertilization
R (N/P)
Abioticfactors Soil management
of soils practices
Introduction of GMO
Fig. 15.1 Environmental factors influencing the microbial structure and functions
and disturbance are strong drivers of the microbial community, they exert their
effects independently from one another (Williamson and Wardle 2007). The factors
causing changes in microbial community structure and functions (Fig. 15.1) are
reviewed and discussed in the following section.
The plant rhizosphere, a term introduced by Hiltner to denote the region of the soil
that is subjected to the influence of plant roots (Hiltner 1904), is a dynamic
environment in which many factors affect the structure and composition of the
microbial communities that colonize the roots. The rhizosphere communities vary
spatially in a radial direction from the root surface, including the endorhizosphere,
rhizoplane, and rhizosphere zones (Assmus et al. 1995; Bosse and Frenzel 1997;
Gilbert and Frenzel 1998), as well as in specific root locations along the root axis
(Gilbert and Frenzel 1998; De Leij et al. 1994). Microbial communities associated
with the rhizosphere also vary depending on the plant species (Grayston et al.
1998), the soil type (Campbell et al. 1997), and cultural practices (Table 15.1) such
as crop rotation or tillage (Lupwayi et al. 1998). Understanding the structure and
308 M. Ahemad et al.
Table 15.1 Effect of plant and soil types on microbial community structure
System and factors studied Methods used Results and conclusion References
Plant cultivar (maize) and soil- PCR-TGGE Soil type showed higher effect Da Silva
effect on a specific bacterial than plant cultivar on et al.
group Paenibacillus Paenibacillus communities (2003)
Plant species (chickpea, rape, PCR-DGGE Bacterial community structure Marschner
and Sudan grass); soil type in the rhizosphere was et al.
(sandy, sandy loam, and affected by a complex (2001)
clay); root zone location interaction between soil
type, plant species, and root
zone location
Soil type, plant type (clover, PCR-TGGE The plant species type had the Wieland
bean, alfalfa), plant age greatest effect on microbial et al.
community structure (2001)
Microbial community in the Biolog-CLPP; Soil type affected microbial Buyer et al.
spermosphere as affected FAME community structure more (1999)
by soil type and seed type than seed type
Soil type, plant type (wheat, Biolog-CLPP Plant effect with significant Grayston
ryegrass, bentgrass, and difference in microbial et al.
clover) communities from the (1998)
different plant species
Plant (maize) development, Cultivation– Between the factors studied, Chiarini
cultivar, and soil-effect plating soil had the dominant effect et al.
enumeration on microbial diversity (1998)
Plant type (canola, wheat); FAME Effect of plant type stronger Germida
soil type than that of soil type soil- et al.
effect stronger than plant (1998)
Plant (flax, tomato) and soil Cultivation; Soil-effect stronger than plant Latour
type; effect on fluorescent REP-PCR, effect et al.
pseudomonads RFLP (1996)
Adapted from Garbeva et al. (2004)
may also include gases such as CO2 and ethylene, lysates released when cells
autolyse, solid materials including cell walls, sloughed cells and root border cells,
and eventually parts as large as root hairs or roots themselves (Kang and Mills
2004) (Table 15.2). The effect of root exudates on the rhizosphere microbes is
likely to be more intense, stimulatory or inhibitory. Depending on the composition
of the exudates, plant may be able to: (1) enhance the possibilities and success of
symbiotic relationships, (2) affect the soil microbial community, (3) alter the
physical and chemical properties of the soil, and (4) inhibit the propagation or
growth of another plant species. In fact, most rhizosphere bacteria and fungi are
highly dependent on associations with plants that are clearly regulated by root
exudates (Yang and Crowley 2000; Bais et al. 2004), and in the rhizosphere, density
of microorganisms can reach 1010–1012 organisms g1 soil. The influence of
individual plants is reflected in the rhizosphere as the R:S (rhizosphere to nonrhizo-
sphere ratio). For bacteria and fungi, values commonly range from 5 to 20. Actino-
mycetes, a somewhat less affected group of microorganisms of the rhizosphere,
may reveal R:S ratios between 2 and 12.
Based on differences in root exudation and rhizodeposition in different root
zones, rhizosphere microbial communities can vary in structure and composition in
different root locations or in relation to soil type, plant species, nutritional status,
age, stress, disease, and other environmental factors (Griffiths et al. 1999; Mahaffee
and Klöpper 1997). As an example, Wieland et al. (2001)) observed while studying
32 microcosms in three habitats, namely soil, rhizosphere, and rhizoplane, that the
type of plant species (clover, bean, or alfalfa) had the greatest effect in plant-
associated habitats and also affected soil patterns through the variation of microbial
communities as represented by the patterns of a sequence-specific separation of
rRNA target sequences. Plant development demonstrated a minor habitat-dependent
effect that was partly obscured by replicate variation. Ruiyu et al. (2007), while
investigating the dynamics of microbial populations and their functional diversities
in the seedling rhizospheres of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars with varied allelopathic
activities by employing agar plate bioassay, fumigation, and Biolog analysis,
concluded that the rice cultivars significantly affected the microbial carbon content
in their associated rhizospheric soil. Moreover, microbial carbon contents and the
respiration rate of the soils varied with the type of cultivar. The microbial flora in
the rhizospheric soil of different rice cultivars was dominated by bacteria (58.4–
65.6%), followed by actinomycete (32.2–39.4%) and fungi (2.2–2.8%). Moreover,
Biolog analysis showed that the value of average well color development (AWCD)
differed significantly among rice cultivars. It was always the highest in the rhizo-
spheric soil of the strongly allelopathic rice cv. PI312777 and the lowest in the
rhizospheric soil of the poorly allelopathic rice cv. Lemont. The AWCD value
reached the maximum in all the sampled soils after 144 h of incubation. The AWCD
values from the rhizospheric soils of PI312777, IAC47, Iguape Cateto, and Lemont
were 1.89, 1.79, 1.60, and 1.43 times higher than that of the control soil, respectively.
PCA identified three principal component factors (PCF) in relation to carbon
sources, accounting for 70, 11, and 7% of the variation, respectively, and 19
categories of carbon sources were positively correlated to the three principal
310 M. Ahemad et al.
Table 15.2 Components of root exudates, functions in the rhizosphere, and examples identified in
root exudates of different plant species
Exudate Rhizosphere functions Specific compounds identified in
component root exudates
Organic acids Nutrient source Citric, glutaric
Chemoattractant signals to microbes Oxalic, malonic
Chelators of poorly soluble mineral Malic, aldonic
Acidifiers of soil Fumaric, erythronic
Detoxifiers of Al Succinic, ferulic
nod gene inducers Acetic, butanoic, butyric syringic,
valeric, rosmarinic, Glycolic,
trans-cinnamic, piscidic,
vanillic, formic tetronic,
aconitic, lactic, pyruvic
Amino acids Nutrient source a- and (b-alanine, proline
Chelators of poorly soluble mineral Asparagine, valine
Chemoattractant signals to microbes Aspartate, tryptophan, cystein,
ornithine, cystine histidine,
glutamate, arginine,glycine,
homoserine, isoleucine,
phenylalanine, leucine,
aminobutyric acid, lysine,
aminoadipic acid, methionine,
serine, threonine
Sugars and Promoters of plant and microbial growth Glucose, deoxyribose
vitamins Nutrient source Fructose, oligosaccharides,
galactose, biotin, maltose
thiamine, ribose, niacin, xylose,
pantothenate, rhamnose,
rhiboflavin, arabinose, raffinose
Enzymes Catalysts for P release from organic acid/alkaline phosphatase
Biocatalysts for organic matter Invertase, amylase, protease
Purines Nutrient source Adenine, guanine, cytidine, uridine
Inorganic ions Chemoattractant signals to microbes HCO3, OH, H+, CO2, H2
and gases
Phenolics Nutrient source Liquiritigenin, luteolin
Chemoattractant signals to microbes Daidzein, 40 ,7-dihydroxyflavanone
Microbial growth promoters Genistein, 40 ,7-dihydroxyflavone
nod gene inducers in rhizobia Coumetrol, 4,40 -dihydroxy -20 -
nod gene inhibitors in rhizobia Eriodictyol, 40 -7-dihydroxyflavone
Root border Produce signals that control mitosis,
cells produce signals controlling gene
expression, stimulate microbial
growth, release chemoattractant,
synthesize defense molecules for the
rhizosphere, act as decoys that keep
root cap infection-free, release
mucilage and proteins
Compiled from Dakora (2003), Dakora and Phillips (2002), and Bais et al. (2004)
15 Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial Communities 311
components. In addition, the total microbial population in the rhizospheric soil was
significantly positively correlated with AWCD, microbial biomass carbon, micro-
bial respiration, and Shannon index. There was a significantly positive correlation
between the total microbial population and the inhibition rate (IR) on the root length
of lettuce owing to the different allelopathic activities of the rice cultivars. The
results suggested that changes in microbial population, activity, and functional
diversity in the rhizospheres are highly cultivar-dependent.
During the growth of new roots, exudates secreted in the zone of elongation
behind the root tips support the growth of primary root colonizers that utilize easily
degradable sugars and organic acids. In the older root zones, carbon is deposited
primarily as sloughed cells and consists of more recalcitrant materials, including
lignified cellulose and hemicellulose, so that fungi and bacteria in these zones are
presumably adapted to crowded, oligotrophic conditions. Other nutritionally dis-
tinct sites include the sites of lateral root emergence and the secondary, nongrowing
root tips, which are relatively nutrient-rich environments colonized by mature
communities. Soil chemical changes related to the release of organic and inorganic
compounds, and the respective products of their microbial metabolism, are impor-
tant factors affecting microbial populations, availability of nutrients, solubility of
toxic elements in the rhizosphere, and thereby the ability of plants to cope with
adverse soil chemical conditions. Organic compounds in root exudates are continu-
ously metabolized by root-associated microorganisms and in the rhizosphere.
Mobilization of micronutrients or heavy metals in the rhizosphere has also been
related to rhizosphere acidification and to complexities with organic acids in root
exudates (Marschner 1995; Pinton et al. 2001; Waisel et al., 1991).
Soil pH is an important factor affecting the functioning of soil microbial com-
munities in soils, and may influence rates of substrate utilization; the values of
substrate utilization were significantly higher in soils of higher pH (Anderson and
Joergensen 1997). And, hence, soil pH has been found as the most influential
environmental factor responsible for discrimination among microbes (Grayston
et al. 2003). For example, soil acidity has shown a considerable decrease in the
availability of carbon to microbial communities (Anderson and Domsch 1993;
Baath et al. 1995), and to slower bacterial growth rates (Baath 1998). However,
studies have also shown optimum pH for growth of bacterial communities to be
correlated with soil pH from which the communities are extracted, indicating that
different bacterial communities are adapted to different pH values (Baath 1996;
Andersson and Ingvar Nilsson 2001). For instance, bacterial communities asso-
ciated with coniferous forest soils may contain larger proportions of Gram-positive
bacteria adapted to the acidifying environment; in contrast, increases in soil pH may
result in larger proportions of Gram-negative bacteria (Frostegard et al. 1993;
Pennanen 2001). Additionally, numbers of bacteria have been shown to decrease
in acidified soils (Baath et al. 1980), possibly because bacteria are less adapted to
acidic conditions in soil compared to fungi (Matthies et al. 1997). However,
microbial biomass C and inorganic N do not respond to changed soil moisture
while N2O and CO2 efflux and respiration increase after increasing moisture in the
agricultural soils. Moreover, in the agricultural systems, reductions in both
312 M. Ahemad et al.
the measures of microbial diversity and the resistance of the microbial community
to change after a perturbation have been found to be associated with lower micro-
bial responses to increased moisture availability (Steenwerth et al. 2005). Tillage
Cultivation and tillage practices profoundly disrupt the soil by: (1) breaking up soil
aggregates, (2) increasing soil compaction, (3) exposing previously protected
organic matter, and (4) mixing soil horizons (Beare 1997; Allison et al. 2005). In
turn, such alterations lead to a significant decline in microbial biomass, reduce the
abundance of fungi, aerobic microorganisms, and facultative anaerobes, while
increasing the relative abundance of Gram-negative bacteria (Doran 1980; Beare
1997). Tillage practice in agricultural soils not only affects the microbial diversity
but also influences species composition, N transformation processes mediated by
microbes, and interactions between organisms and the soil pore network, and
modulates the role of soil structure in mediating oxygen movement to sites of
microbial activity in soil (Young and Ritz 2000). The agricultural soils which are
tilled frequently and subjected to crop rotations have shown lower microbial
diversity compared to those observed in soils which are either not tilled or have
been infrequently tilled (Øvreås and Torsvik 1998). For example, by extracting
microbial RNA, Buckley and Schmidt (2001) found that the abundance of groups
comprising of Gram-positive bacteria (aerobes) and fungi were significantly lower
in fields abandoned from agriculture 7 years earlier. In another study, Fraterrigo
et al. (2006) reported that old farms had similar compositional patterns, despite
15 Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial Communities 313
having experienced relatively little tillage and having been abandoned since 1930.
The high bulk density of former farms (Fraterrigo et al. 2005) and the elevated
abundance of Gram-negative bacterial markers suggest that these enduring micro-
bial patterns may be partly due to a continued state of soil hypoxia; a common
condition in highly managed soils. Moreover, tillage events contribute to decreased
soil quality by increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (i.e., CO2, NO, or N2O),
and increasing the potential for nitrate leaching to groundwater. Such negative
aspects require proper attention before considering the benefits of tillage for
increasing the health and productivity of crops (Jackson et al. 2003). In addition,
research is also needed to assess potential effects of long-term agricultural man-
agement practices that may mask microbial responses to recent management
change, as well as to identify conditions that lead to high microbial community
resiliency in response to management so that communities remain similar under a
given crop despite different preceding crops (Stromberger et al. 2007).
Bacillus was found only during the month of July. The isolate diversity was lowest in
July, and the most abundant bacteria, Arthrobacter oxydans, and members of the
genus Pseudomonas, were found in reduced numbers in July. Moreover, molecular
analysis suggested that diversity of cloned 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences
was greater than the diversity among cultured isolates. In addition, based on analysis
of 16S rDNA sequences, there was a more even distribution among five main
divisions, Acidobacterium, Proteobacteria, Nitrospira, cyanobacteria, and green
sulfur bacteria, but no clones were found belonging to the Gram-positive bacteria,
which dominated the cultured isolates. Cluster analysis of the patterns revealed that
the bacterial community observed in July was clearly different from those observed
in the other months. Thus, both molecular- and cultivation-based methods indicated
that the community present in July had the largest difference from the communities
of the other months. Based on the distribution of 16S rDNA sequences among the
bacterial divisions found in this study and in literature, it was suggested that the ratio
between the number of Proteobacteria and Acidobacterium organisms might be
indicative of the trophic level of the soil. Effects of seasonal shifts on rhizosphere
microbial populations of pea, wheat, and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. amythyst)
have also been determined by culturing, rRNA gene density gradient gel electro-
phoresis, and Biolog. Culturable bacterial and fungal rhizosphere community den-
sities were stable in pea and wheat rhizospheres, with dynamic shifts observed in the
sugar beet rhizosphere. Successional shifts in bacterial and fungal diversity as plants
mature demonstrated that different plants select and define their own functional
rhizosphere communities. Assessment of metabolic activity and resource utilization
by bacterial community-level physiological profiling demonstrated greater simila-
rities between different plant species rhizosphere communities at the same rather
than at different developmental stages. Marked temporal shifts in diversity and
relative activity were observed in rhizosphere bacterial communities with the
developmental stage for all plant species studied. Shifts in the diversity of fungal
and bacterial communities were more pronounced in maturing pea and sugar beet
plants. This extensive study demonstrates that plant species select for specialized
microbial communities that change in response to plant growth and plant inputs
(Houlden et al. 2008).
15.3.4 Pesticides
Although microbial communities are highly sensitive to both natural and artificial
disturbance, the community might still be resilient and quickly return to its predis-
turbed composition. Microorganisms in general possess a number of features that
help them to acquire resilience against several adverse environmental variables.
15 Factors Affecting the Variation of Microbial Communities 317
Such factors that protect them from disturbances include, firstly, the fast growth
rates of microorganisms; if their abundance is suppressed by a disturbance, they
have the potential to recover quickly. Secondly, their high degree of physiological
flexibility; for example, purple nonsulfur bacteria, which act as a phototroph under
anoxic conditions are a heterotroph under aerobic conditions suggesting that if the
relative abundance of some microbes decreased initially, such organisms possess
the ability to acclimatize rapidly to the new abiotic conditions over time and could
return to their original abundance. And thirdly, their rapid evolution potential; if
physiological adaptation is not possible, then the rapid evolution (through muta-
tions or horizontal gene exchange) could allow microbes to adapt to new environ-
mental conditions and recover from disturbance (Allison and Martiny 2008). Thus,
there are three ways in which microbial composition might not matter substantially
to ecosystem functioning even if there are any disturbances in the agro-ecosystems:
(1) ability of microbial communities to resist changes; however, in the majority of
cases microbial communities have been found sensitive to elevated CO2, mineral
fertilization, temperature changes, and C amendments (Allison and Martiny 2008),
(2) microbial composition might be resilient and quickly return to its original state,
and (3) even if microbial composition changes, the new community might be
functionally similar to the original one. Although this hypothesis is currently
difficult to test, recent studies suggest that many microbial communities are proba-
bly not functionally redundant and different communities are not functionally
similar (Allison and Martiny 2008).
15.5 Conclusion
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quently, agricultural productivity to improve the sustainability of agro-ecosystems.
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Chapter 16
Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphate-Solubilizing
Microorganisms for Enhanced Phosphate
Uptake and Growth of Plants in the Soils
of the Tropics
Abstract One of the major constraints for plant productivity in tropical regions is
low soil phosphate (Pi) availability. Phosphate ions are rendered unavailable for
plant uptake due to adsorption onto the surface of soil minerals and precipitation by
free aluminum and iron ions. In highly weathered soils, this is so intense that plant
crops commonly exhibit Pi-deficiency. High rates of soluble Pi-fertilizers are
employed to meet plant P demands. However, the large quantity of Pi required in
order to offset the high Pi-retention capacity of the soils and the high cost associated
with it makes it inaccessible to the vast majority of growers in the region.
An alternative means of improving plant Pi-uptake from insoluble native and
applied rock phosphate is the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. These
fungi form a symbiotic association with most plants and improve the efficiency of
associated plants to take up Pi from the soil solution. Other soil microorganisms
commonly known as phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) can replenish
soil solution Pi by solubilizing complex phosphorus compounds found in soil or
added to it, mostly through the release of organic acids. In this chapter, an attempt is
made to highlight the interactions of these two distinct groups of soil microorgan-
isms and the mechanisms by which they facilitate plant available Pi and enhance
plant growth in the soils of the tropics.
N.W. Osorio(*)
Soil Microbiology Research Group, Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Medellin, College of
Sciences, Calle 59A No. 63-20, Medellin, Colombia, USA
M. Habte
University of Hawai’i at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, St. John
Room 102, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822
M.S. Khan et al. (eds.), Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement, 325
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01979-1_16, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
326 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
16.1 Introduction
Table 16.1 Categories of soil Pi-sorption as measured by Pi-sorption isotherms following the
method of Fox and Kamprath (1970) and usual mineralogy in each category
Category P0.2 (P: mg kg1)a Usual mineralogy
Very low (VL) <10 Quartz, organic materials
Low (L) 10–100 2:1 clays, quartz, and 1:1 clays
Medium (M) 100–500 1:1 clays with oxides
High (H) 500–1,000 Oxides, moderately weathered ash
Very high (VH) >1,000 Desilicated amorphous materials
Amount of P required to achieve a soil solution P of 0.2 mg L1
amounts of Pi (Sanchez and Uehara 1980). Juo and Fox (1977) proposed several
categories for soil Pi-sorption capacity in tropical soils as measured by Pi-sorption
isotherms and the usual mineralogy of each category (Table 16.1).
The immediate Pi-source for plants is the soil solution, which usually contains a
low Pi-concentration (P: 0.001–0.01 mg L1) (Barber 1995; Fox 1979). When Pi is
removed from the soil solution by roots and/or by Pi-fixation reactions, a gradient of
Pi-concentration is created between the solid phase and the soil solution around the
roots. Sorbed Pi on the soil solid surfaces must desorb in order to replenish Pi in the
soil solution (Do Carmo Harta and Torrent 2007). Hence, Pi diffuses from the solid
phase, where it is more concentrated, to the soil solution around the root surface
where its concentration is continuously being depleted. However, the rate of
Pi-diffusion is quite slow (1012–1015 m2 s1) (Schachtman et al. 1998) which
limits the Pi-supply and creates a depletion zone of Pi around the roots of approxi-
mately of 1–2 mm (Barber 1995). Phosphate ions beyond the zone of depletion
cannot be accessed by the root surface (Barber 1995). Phosphate ions that slowly
diffuse into the soil solution originate mainly from Pi weakly sorbed on soil colloids
and from those freshly precipitated (Lindsay 2001; Stevenson 1986). Soil Pi-supply
depends on the Pi-buffering capacity of soils (Pypers et al. 2006), which can be
estimated from the relationship between the concentration of Pi in soil solution
(intensity factor, I) and the quantity of labile Pi in the solid phase (quantity factor,
Q) (Holdford 1997; Barber 1995).
Sanchez and Uehara (1980) discussed different strategies to increase soil Pi-availability
of acidic tropical soils with high Pi-fixation capacity. One strategy consists of
applying a high dose of soluble Pi-fertilizers (500–1,000 mg kg1), followed by
small amounts of annual application. Although a great part of the added Pi is
fixed, it may be released over several years, thus generating a residual effect.
These Pi-fertilization rates are, however, not added by most farmers in develop-
ing countries due to its high cost. The proportion of the added Pi taken up by
the first crop is quite low, ranging from 5 to 10%, suggesting that 90–95% of
the added phosphatic fertilizer could be fixed in the soils in chemical forms that
slowly release Pi for uptake by plants (Engelstad and Terman 1980).
328 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
Rock phosphates (RP) are highly recommended for acid soils with a high
Pi-fixation capacity because other more soluble Pi forms are quickly fixed and are
more expensive (Yusdar et al. 2007; Randhawa et al. 2006; Msolla et al. 2005).
However, the greater the reactivity of a RP, the greater is its desirability, because
less reactive minerals are very insoluble (Shrivastava et al. 2007; Ojo et al. 2007;
Hammond and Leon 1992). There is an increasing interest in tropical countries to
use organic amendments and RP concurrently. In this context, several studies
conducted across the globe have shown that the effectiveness of RP to increase
plant growth and crop yields could be enhanced by mixing it with farmyard
manures, compost, and green manures (Msolla et al. 2007; Yusdar et al. 2007;
Shrivastava et al. 2007). Moreover, added manures can also facilitate desorption of
sorbed Pi from soil particles (Redding et al. 2006). Some treatments on RP such as
“fine grinding,” thermal alteration, and fusion with silica, sodium or magnesium
carbonate have been satisfactorily used (Sanchez and Uehara 1980). These treat-
ments are oriented to increase solubility (due to a lower particle size) and/or reduce
Pi-sorption by including silicates that compete for the Pis soprtion sites. On the
other hand, since RP are more soluble in acidic conditions, their acidulation with
strong acids has been employed to produce more soluble fertilizers, such as super-
phosphates (Young and Davies 1980). Partial acidulation has also been applied;
however, it increases the cost of production (Havlin et al. 1999). The direct
application of nonacidulated RP is recommended for acid soils but not for neutral
and alkaline soils. However, several authors have used RP successfully in alkaline
soils with simultaneous inoculation of P-solubilizing microorganisms, which can
release Pi rapidly and, in turn, increases plant Pi-uptake (Khan et al. 2007; White-
law 2000; Kucey et al. 1989). For instance, Bar-Yosef et al. (1999) tested Pseudo-
monas cepacia for P-solubilizing activity on a RP and recorded that it produced
superphosphate. These researchers found that this bacterium produced gluconic
acid and 2-ketogluconic acid using glucose as the sole carbonaceous substrate.
Once these acids were dissociated in solution, the protons reacted with the RP and
released Pi into the solution that was then reprecipitated with Ca2+ to form super-
phosphate fertilizers.
The use of mycorrhizal fungi to increase the efficiency of Pi-uptake by plant is
also reported (Habte and Osorio 2001). For instance, Manjunath et al. (1989)
evaluated the effectiveness of AM-fungus (Glomus aggregatum) to enhance plant
Pi-uptake of Leucaena leucocephala grown in an Oxisol fertilized with RP
(P: 340–5,440 mg kg1). Although plant dry weight and shoot P concentration
did not increase significantly in uninoculated soils, when soil was inoculated with
G. aggregatum, a significant increase in plant dry weight and tissue P concentra-
tion was observed. However, in order to obtain adequate growth of mycorrhizal
plants, it was necessary to apply a high (at least 2,720 mg kg1) P level. Despite
the benefits of mycorrhizal inoculation, it is clear that it is necessary to apply
a high rate of RP. This imposes economic limitations on use of the mycorrhizal
association as a strategy to manage Pi-deficient soils. It is clear that AM fungi
absorb only Pi from the soil solution, as plant roots do, and there is no evidence
of their ability to solubilize insoluble soil P minerals (Bolan 1991). The use of
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 329
Some plants adopt different strategies to grow in P deficient soils: (1) changes
in root morphology such as the production of an elongated root system with fine
roots and abundance of root hairs, (2) release of phosphatase enzymes that release
Pi from organic compounds, and (3) production and release of organic acids that
solubilize Pi-compounds (Radersma and Grierson 2004; McCully 1999; Hetrick
1991). Plants with less root plasticity need to form symbiotic associations with
mycorrhizal fungi that colonize the cortical tissue of roots (Smith et al. 2003; Smith
2002; Sylvia 1999) if they are to grow normally in Pi-deficient soils. During
plant–AM fungal interactions, the plant supplies carbonaceous compounds to the
fungus, while the fungus provides nutrients, particularly diffusion-limited ones
such as Pi, Cu2+, and Zn2+ (Lynch and Ho 2005; Hamel 2004; Marschner 1995;
Barber 1995; Habte and Manjunath 1991). It is clear that AM fungi can only take up
soluble Pi from the same Pi-pool that is available for uptake by roots (Cardoso et al.
2006; Bolan 1991). In turn, roots can absorb available Pi from distances not
exceeding a few millimeters from their surface while mycorrhizal hyphae can
extend to several centimeters from the root surface, exploring a greater volume of
soil (Jeffries et al. 2003; Habte and Osorio 2001; Miyasaka and Habte 2001).
For example, 47 days after mycorrhizal inoculation of Trifolium subterraneum,
Jacobsen et al. (1992) found mycorrihzal hyphae spreading from the root surface
to 11 cm with the proportion between mycorrhizal hyphae and root length of
1–10 mcm1 of infected root while Barber (1995), however, reported a lower
value of 0.8 mcm1 of root.
Mycorrhizal hyphae have a higher affinity for absorbing Pi than roots. Schachtman
et al. (1998) reported that the hyphae of Gigaspora margarita had an affinity
constant for Pi (Km) of 2.5mM (P: 0.077 mg L1), while many plants usually
exhibited a Km of 6–44mM (P: 0.19–1.36 mg L1), particularly those highly
dependent on the mycorrhizal association (Barber 1995; Nye and Tinker 1977).
In addition, Barber (1995) affirmed that due to the small radius of the mycorrhizal
hypha (1–3mm) there is no Pi-depletion zone around the hypha which allows the
mycorrhizal hypha to take up Pi more effectively due to a higher and more constant
Pi concentration. In comparison, Li et al. (1991) found a very narrow Pi-depletion
zone around the mycorrhizal hypha. Roots with a greater radius (150mm), however,
generate a zone of depletion of at least 1 mm, resulting in low Pi concentration
around the root surface. Smith and Read (1997) reported P influx in mycorrhizal
roots of 3- to 5-fold higher than nonmycorrhizal roots (1011 mol m1 s1).
Plant species exhibit different degrees of mycorrhizal dependency (MD) to
produce maximum growth at a given level of soil fertility (Plenchette et al.
330 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
1983). Habte and Manjunath (1991) found that the MD of several plant species
was determined by root characteristics, such as root length, root density, root
surface area, and incidence and length of hair roots of the host species, which
help them to explore and absorb Pi from the soil solution. Since MD was signifi-
cantly affected by soil solution Pi-concentration, they proposed that MD should
be estimated at different levels of available Pi, particularly at the soil solution P
of 0.02 mg L1.
Many soil microorganisms can solubilize inorganic soil P compounds, reversing the
process of Pi-fixation (Khan et al. 2007; Gyaneshwar et al. 2002; Rao 1992). Soil
bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, and Bacillus are particularly
active as Pi-solubilizers (Canbolat et al. 2006; Pandey et al. 2006; Xavier and
Germida 2003; Kim et al. 1998a, 1998b). Soil fungi especially those of the genus
Penicillium and Aspergillus have also been demonstrated to be effective phosphate-
solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) (Reddy et al. 2002; Whitelaw 2000). Kucey
et al. (1989) found in Mollisols of Canada that 0.5 and 0.1% of the total population
of bacteria and fungi, respectively, exhibited the ability to solubilize insoluble
Pi-compounds. Although Pi-solubilizing bacteria have received greater attention,
Whitelaw (2000) and Kucey (1983) indicated that Pi-solubilizing fungi are more
effective in solubilizing P compounds. Moreover, bacteria on repeated subculturing
can lose their ability to solubilize P, while subcultures of Pi-solubilizing fungi
maintain this ability (Rashid et al. 2004; Whitelaw 2000). Apparently, there are
some bacterial genes that could be repressed by high levels of Pi that control
the production of some organic acids (e.g., gluconic acid); however, in spite of
the progress made in the genetic control of Pi-solubilizing bacteria (Rodriguez et al.
2006), this is not completely understood and requires more study.
During the 1950s and 1960s, inoculation with Bacillus megaterium var.
phosphaticum (phosphobacterin) in Russian soils (mainly Mollisols) was the best-
known use of PSM (Kucey et al. 1989; Stevenson 1986). The mechanisms of
Pi-solubilization were not fully understood, but the mineralization of organic
P was proposed as the major mechanism. Trials carried out in many locations
demonstrated little consistency in plant response; apparently other factors such as
liming and/or organic material addition affected the effectiveness of phosphobac-
terin. The lack of response to phosphobacterin in many locations pointed to a
possible intensified organic matter decomposition, and the poor understanding of
the mechanisms of P solubilization carried out by this microorganism discouraged
its use. Since then, the focus on microbial solubilization of P has been directed
towards understanding the mechanisms of the dissolution of inorganic P compounds
(Kucey et al. 1989).
Inoculation with PSM has produced positive results on growth, yield, and
Pi-uptake in several plant species (Wani et al. 2007; Khan and Zaidi 2007; El-Azouni
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 331
Table 16.2 Effect of PSM inoculation on plant Pi-uptake of mycorrhiza-free and mycorrhized
plants grown in temperate soils
Soil type/plant P added PSM Increase of plant P Reference
uptake due to PSM
inoculation (%)
Mollisol pH 7.7 None Penicillium bilaji 73 Kucey
Plant: wheat RP 47 (1988)
Mollisol pH 8.0 None Penicillium bilaji 25 Asea et al.
Mollisol pH >7.0 None Penicillum bilaji 62 Kucey et al.
Plant: wheat RP 36 (1989)
MAP 19
Calcareous RP Penicillium sp. 17 Salih et al.
TypicTorrifluvent RP Aspergillus foetidus 19 (1989)
pH 8.2 TSP Penicillium sp. 8
TSP Aspergillus foetidus 4
Mollisol pH 7.6 None Penicillium bilaji 39 Gleddie
TSP 18 (1993)
TSP 18
Hapludoll pH 6.2 None Aspergillus 58 (grain) Singh and
RP awamori 13 (grain) Singh
Calcareous mixed RP Azospirillum 33 0–33 Toro et al.
with sand, Penicillium 33 0 (1996)
pH 6.7 Unidentified 33 22
Plant: kudzu Pseudomonas 33 33
Calcareous, None Aspergillus 30 39 Omar
pH 7.5 Penicillum 24 26 (1998)
Plant: wheat Aspergillus + 78 49
RP Aspergillus 116 24
Penicillum 118 11
Aspergillus + 151 57
Vertic Epiaqualf RP Enterobacter 54 (35 days)a 124 Kim et al.
mixed with sand agglomerans 27 (55 days) 27 (1998a)
and vermiculite, 8 (75 days) 11
pH 5.9
Plant: Tomato
Sandy soil pH 7.6 None Bacillus 26 52 Singh and
Plant: wheat Cladosporium 47 69 Kapoor
Bacillus + 73 98 (1999)
RP Bacillus 248
Cladosporium 301
Bacillus + 51 344
Rhodic Haplustox None Mortierella sp. 9 13 Osorio and
Plant: leucaena RP 14 73 Habte
332 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
2008) (Table 16.2). Some effective Pi-solubilizing fungi that have shown a substantial
increase in plant growth and P uptake by different plants including Aspergillus
niger (Omar 1998), Aspergillus flavus (Rashid et al. 2004), Penicillium bilaji (Kucey
et al. 1989), Penicillium italicum (El-Azouni 2008), Penicillium radicum (Whitelaw
2000), and Mortierella sp. (Osorio 2008). Salih et al. (1989) inoculated a calcareous
soil (Typic Torrifluvent, pH 8.2) with two PSM, Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp.
They observed that, when the soil was fertilized with RP, the PSM inoculation
increased sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Pi-uptake by 17 and 19%, respectively,
compared to the sole application of RP. Also, Kucey (1988) inoculated a Mollisol
(pH 7.7) of Canada with P. bilaji, the soil was either fertilized or unfertilized with RP
(Table 16.2). Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Pi-uptake increased only by 4% with RP
alone, 14% with the PSM inoculation alone, and 12% with a combination of RP and
P. bilaji. In a similar experiment on a Mollisol (pH 8), Asea et al. (1988) found that
the addition of RP increased wheat plant Pi-uptake by only 2%; P. bilaji inoculation
alone significantly increased it by 26%, and the combination of both (RP and
P. bilaji) by 28% (Table 16.2).
Several authors have reported that soil microorganisms can increase soil
P availability (Table 16.3). Although in some soils this increase does not have-
practical implications, it has been important in other soils (Marschner et al.
2006). For instance, the increases in soil P availability reported by Goenadi
(1995) and Goenadi et al. (1995) in two acidic Ultisols fertilized with RP
were significant. The effectiveness of PSM to enhance plant Pi-uptake has been
questioned by some authors (Bolan 1991, Tinker 1980) due to several reasons:
(1) organic substances required for these microorganisms are scarce in nonrhizo-
spheric sites, (2) antagonism and competition by other microorganisms in the
rhizosphere can reduce the effectiveness of PSM, and (3) low translocation of
solubilized Pi through the soil because it can be refixed by soil components. Of
these, the latter point is more important in soils with a high Pi-fixation capacity as
discussed earlier.
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 333
On the other hand, organic anions produced by PSM can also compete with
phosphate for Pi-sorption sites onto the surface of soil minerals. In this regard, He
and Zhu (1997, 1998) suggested that Pi-sorbed onto the surfaces of some minerals
was displaced when a culture medium was inoculated with soil samples containing
microorganisms (unidentified) that presumably excreted organic acids. Similarly,
Osorio (2008) found that Mortierella sp., a PSF, was capable of desorbing
Pi-sorbed from soil by releasing oxalic acid. The effectiveness of this fungus to
desorb Pi was controlled by the type of soil and followed the order: mollisol >
oxisol > ultisol > andisol. Moreover, the effectiveness of Mortierella sp. to desorb
Pi-sorbed from soil minerals decreased in the order: montmorillonite > kaolinite >
goethite > allophane.
Many organic acids have been found effective in solubilizing soil P compounds
(Hue 1991) and other soil minerals (Calvaruso et al. 2006; Welch et al. 2002).
These acids or anions are produced by roots (Corrales et al. 2007; Radersma and
Grierson 2004; Kirk et al. 1999; Marschner 1995) and by microbial activity during
decomposition of organic matter or induced by Pi-deficiency stress (Jones et al.
2003; Fransson et al. 2004; Bohn et al. 1985). In accordance with these, Bolan et al.
(1994) found organic acids or anions in high concentrations in poultry manure,
lesser amounts in the rhizosphere soil, very little in the bulk soil, and trace amounts
in leaf litter. Also, Le Bayon et al. (2006) reported a relatively higher production of
organic anions (citrate, fumarate, and malate) in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus
under Pi-starvation. Furthermore, to substantiate the role of such organic anions in
P solubilization, Bolan et al. (1994) assessed the influence of monocarboxylic
(acetic, formic, and lactic), dicarboxylic (malic, tartaric, and oxalic), and tricarbox-
ylic (citric) acids/anions in the solubilization and sorption of Pi on an andisol
(Hydric Dystrandept) and an alfisol (Typic Fragiaqualf) of New Zealand. The
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 337
Table 16.4 Stability constant of organic anions with aluminum (Log KAl) and calcium (Log KCa)
and their effects on soil Pi-sorption and solubilization of two Pi-fertilizers
Organic acid Log KAla Log KCab Sorbed P Dissolved Dissolved
(mmol kg1 soil) MCPe (%) NCPR f (%)
Water (control) – – 52 2.35 1.28
Formic 1.36 1.43b 47 12.27 11.86
Acetic 1.60 1.18b 45 10.35 12.57
Lactic 2.41 1.63c 46 8.71 13.92
Malic 5.40 2.25c 37 32.65 31.98
Tartaric 5.62 2.80b 35 30.49 32.31
Oxalic 6.16 3.44d 32 36.44 34.02
Citric 7.98 4.87b 18 83.78 86.41
Source: Bolan et al. (1994)
Hue et al. (1986); bMINTEQA2 (a model for equilibrium speciacion in geochemical enviroments,
accesed at on March 15, 2008); cBazin et al. (1995); dFinlayson et al. (1972);
Monohydrogen calcium phosphate; fNCRP North Carolina rock phosphate
(e.g., calcium phosphates). Since PSM can release the same organic acids as
reported by Hue (1991) and Bolan et al. (1994), these microorganisms can presum-
ably reduce the activity of Al ions in the rhizosphere, decrease Pi-sorption, and
enhance plant Pi-uptake. Miyasaka et al. (1991) found that the Al tolerance of
plants is associated with the ability of roots to release organic acids/anions (citrate
and oxalate, in particular) into the rhizosphere. Since some soil microorganisms are
able to produce organic acids, it is possible that such microorganisms could help
plants to grow in soils with toxic levels of Al3+. In a series of experiments,
De la Fuente and Herrera (1999) isolated a gene that encodes for citrate synthetase
overproduction in the TCA cycle of a phosphate solubilizing strain of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. This gene was then transferred to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells of
Al-intolerant plants. Transgenic plants were able to produce high amounts of citric
acid and citrate, its conjugated anion, and grew in solutions with high concentration
of Al. The process was successfully replicated with papaya (Carica papaya) plants.
Although these experiments were aimed at enhancing Al tolerance of these plants,
they also tested mechanisms proposed for the microbial solubilization of soil Pi.
However, Delhaize et al. (2001) reported that they were not able to repeat the
results obtained by De la Fuente and Herrera (1999) and, hence, suggested that the
expression of P. aeruginosa genes are either sensitive to environmental conditions
or that the observed Al tolerance and improved Pi-nutrition were due to other
factors. Generally, the roles of organic acid/anion production in the rhizosphere
on Pi-desorption and Pi-solubilization has been accepted. However, experimental
results indicate that its efficiency in increasing plant Pi-uptake depends on plant
species, age, physiological state, and soil mineralogy (Trolove et al. 2003). The
concentration of these organic compounds is relatively low in most soils because
they can be precipitated with free ions (e.g., Al3+, Fe3+, Ca2+) or sorbed on soil clay
reactive surfaces. Also, their persistence in rhizosphere soil is very low because
they can be used as carbon sources by soil microorganisms (Jones et al. 2003).
Thus, competent rhizosphere microorganisms capable of producing organic acids
or anions can play an important role in the management of Pi-deficient and high
Pi-sorbing soils.
The dual inoculation of PSM and AM fungi may overcome the limitations on the
effectiveness of PSM to enhance plant Pi-uptake in soils with high Pi-fixation
capacity. During this interaction, mycorrhizal plants release higher amounts of
carbonaceous substances into the rhizosphere (Rambelli 1973; Linderman 1988)
which is used as a carbon source by PSM (Azcon and Barea 1996). Moreover, the
extensive mycorrhizal hyphae network formed around roots can efficiently take up
Pi released by PSM, thus minimizing its refixation. As long as PSM grow in the
rhizosphere (or mycorrhizosphere), there is a great opportunity to satisfy their
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 339
Table 16.5 Effects of E. agglomerans (PSM) and G. etunicatum (AMF) inoculation on growth
and Pi-uptake in tomato plants 75 days after inoculation
Treatment Shoot dry weight Root dry weight Shoot P content
(g per plant) (g per plant) (mg per plant)
Control 42.2 (100)a 4.3 (100) 116.6 (100)
PSM 48.5 (115) 5.1 (118) 125.3 (107)
AMF 47.6 (113) 5.6 (130) 120.9 (104)
PSM+AMF 54.6 (129) 6.8 (158) 134.4 (115)
LSD (P 0.05) 1.96 0.5 9.8
Source: Kim et al. (1998a)
Values in parenthesis indicates percentage increase over control.
carbon requirement and deliver Pi into the soil solution. Synergistic effects have
been found in sunflower (Helianthus annus) with the triple inoculation of two PSM
(Azotobacter chroococcum and Penicillium glaucum) and the AM fungus
G. fasciculatum (Gururaj and Mallikarjunaiah 1995). Similar effects were found
in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with the inoculation of Pseudomonas striata and
Azospirillum sp. (PSM) and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) G. fascicula-
tum (Prathibha et al. 1995). In rice (O. sativa), favorable effects were also reported
with P. striata (PSM) and Bacillus polymyxa (PSM) and the AM fungus
G. fasciculatum (Mohod et al. 1991). In chili (Capsicum annuum), synergistic
effects werre reported with two AMF, G. fasciculatum or G. macrocarpum, and a
PSM P. striata (Sreenivasa and Krishnaraj 1992). In tomato (Lycopersicon
lycopersicum), beneficial results were found with E. agglomerans and G. etunicatum
(Kim et al. 1998a) (Table 16.5). Moreover, positive results have been ob-
tained in wheat with multiple combinations that included P. striata (PSM) and
G. fasciculatum (AMF), P. putida, P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens (PSM) with
G. clarum (AMF), P. striata and Agrobacterium radiobacter (PSM) combined
with two AMF, G. fasciculatum and G. margarita (Gaur et al. 1990).
Kopler et al. (1988) indicated that more legume nodulation was obtained with
concurrent inoculation of Rhizobium and Pseudomonas spp. (PSM). Sturz et al.
(1997) found that nodulation by Rhizobium leguminosarum b.v. trifolii in red clover
(Trifolium pratense) was promoted when it was coinoculated with the PSM Bacillus
insolitus, B. brevis or Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Similar results were obtained with
the inoculation of G. mosseae (AMF) and Azorhizobium caulinodans (PSM) for
Sesbania rostrata (Rahman and Parsons 1997). In soybean (Glycine max), the
combination of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (N2 fixer) with P. fluorescens (PSM)
and G. mosseae (AMF) showed equally good results (Shabayey et al. 1996). Lately,
El-Azouni (2008) also found that the dual inoculation of A. niger and P. italicum
significantly increased the plant dry weight and yield of soybean. Such results are
likely to be due to a higher plant Pi-uptake promoted by the combined action of
PSM and AMF, which may satisfy the high Pi requirements of the N2-fixing process
(Azcon and Barea 1996; Young et al. 1990). More recently, Khan and Zaidi (2007)
found synergistic effects with the triple inoculation of two plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria A. chroococcum and Bacillus sp. and Glomus fasciculatrum on plant
growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat plants uinder field conditions.
340 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
Fig. 16.1 Diagram showing the microbial solubilization of soil and added P by Mortierella sp. and
the mycorrhizal Pi-uptake (Osorio, original drawing)
organic compounds into its rhizosphere, the PSM produces organic acids that
dissolve insoluble calcium phosphate compounds (added o native). Also, such
organic acids can desorb Pi sorbed from soil minerals, which is controlled by
the soil Pi-sorbing capacity. The Pi-release can be efficiently taken up by the
mycorrhizal hyphae favoring in this way the plant growth.
Table 16.6 Effect of AM fungus, phosphate-solubilizing microbes and rock phosphate on peanut
yield (kg ha1) in two soils of Taiwan
Treatment Hualain soil (pH 4.2) Yuanchang soil (pH 5.4)
Control 1,875 b (100) 3,667 c (100)
RP (660 kg ha1) 2,250 a (120) 6,167 a (169)
AMF 2,350 a (125) 6,208 a (140)
PSM 2,259 a (120) 6,333 a (173)
AMFþRP 2,367 a (126) 5,125 b (140)
PSMþRP 2,275 a (121) 6,083 ab (166)
Letters indicate mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test (P 0.05). Values in parenthesis
indicate percentage increase over control.
Source: Young et al. (1990)
Table 16.7 Effect of AM fungus and phosphate solubilizing microbes on growth (g per pot) of
leucaena grown in three soils of Taiwan
Treatment Hinshe (pH 5.0; Wunfun (pH 5.5; Taitung (pH 7.8;
P: 2 mg kg1) P: 3 mg kg1) P: 95 mg kg1)
Control 8.4 c (100) 13.7 b (100) 22.0 b (100)
PSM 10.4 b (124) 12.9 b (94) 30.8 a (140)
AMF 13.1 a (156) 27.3 a (199) 26.8 b (122)
PSMþAMF 12.8 a (152) 26.0 a (190) 23.6 b (107)
Letters indicate mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test (P 0.05). Values in parentheses
indicate percentage increase over control.
Source: Young et al. (1990)
et al. (1990) found that inoculation with either PSM or AMF significantly increased
peanut (Arachis hypogea) production in two subtropical–tropical acidic soils of
Taiwan. Inoculation with either AMF or PSM in unfertilized soils was as effective
as the addition of RP alone (Table 16.6). Inoculation with AMF or PSM of RP-
fertilized soils did not increase peanut yield above that obtained with AMF or PSM
inoculation in unfertilized soils. Unfortunately, dual inoculation of AMF and PSM
was not evaluated. Interestingly, PSM inoculation alone increased peanut yield by
73% in the less acidic soil (Yuanchang soil), but the increase was only 20% in the
strongly acidic soil (Hualain soil). In addition, Young et al. (1990) found that
the responses to single or mixed inoculations with PSM and/or AMF had variable
effects on plant growth of Leucaena grown in three soils of Taiwan. Inoculation
with PSM was not as effective as AMF inoculation in enhancing plant growth in the
soil with the lowest available Pi-level (Hinshe soil) (Table 16.7). In the Wunfun soil
(also with a low soil available Pi-level), PSM inoculation was ineffective in
increasing plant growth unlike AMF. In the alkaline soil containing the highest
soil available Pi (presumably rich in calcium-phosphates), PSM inoculation alone
significantly increased plant growth (40%) above the AMF inoculation effect,
which did not increase growth.
Effectiveness of PSM inoculation alone to enhance plant Pi-uptake in subtropi-
cal and tropical acidic soils is relatively low and variable. The increases recorded
were 8% (Whitelaw et al. 1997), 13% (Osorio and Habte 2001), and 24–25%
(Young et al. 1990) compared with those reported in less weathered soils (mostly
16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 343
Mollisols) of the temperate zone, where soil Pi-fixation capacity is low. By contrast,
effectiveness of PSM inoculation to enhance plant Pi-uptake of mycorrhizal plants
grown in tropical or subtropical soils can be relatively higher compared to data
reported in temperate soils (Table 16.7). Mycorrhizal colonization in combination
with PSM is often needed to obtain improvements in plant P uptake in highly
weathered soils, in contrast to results obtained in less weathered soils. In these less
weathered soils that normally exhibit low soil P sorption, the inoculation of PSM
alone has been found effective to increase plant P-uptake of nonmycorrhizal plants
(Peix et al. 2001; Omar 1998; Kucey 1983, 1987, 1988; Asea et al. 1988; Kucey
et al. 1989; Gleddie 1993). Most of the soils used by these authors were mollisols,
calcareous soils, or sandy soils, which are characterized by a low P-sorption
capacity and relatively high soil Ca–Pi content (Cross and Schlesinger 1995).
Therefore, the freshly released Pi by PSM can remain longer in the soil solution
until its absorption by the roots. For instance, Toro et al. (1998) found that the PSM
Enterobacter sp. alone was as effective as the mycorrhizal fungus G. mosseae when
used alone, and increased the P uptake of alfalfa grown in a calcareous soil of Spain
by twofold. Duponnois et al. (2006) found that single inoculation of fungus
Arthrobotrys oligospora increased the P uptake and shoot dry weight of Acacia
holoserica grown in a sandy soil of Senegal by 56 and 46%, respectively. The
increase in plant P uptake and growth were even higher when RP was added with
the PSM (74 and 103%, respectively). The application of RP alone, however, did
not significantly increase growth and plant P uptake. Similar results were observed
by Wakelin et al. (2004a, 2004b) for Penicillum radicum- inoculated wheat grown
in sandy soils in Australia with neutral to alkaline soil reactivity. In these soils,
Wakelin and coworkers observed increases in plant growth between 34 and 76%.
Furthermore, Penicillium thomii has shown a threefold higher increase in plant
P uptake of mint (Mentha piperita), grown in a soil-less medium (vermiculite–
perlite) fertilized with RP compared to those observed for uninoculated plants and
unfertilized control (Cabello et al. 2005). The RP alone was, however, ineffective.
The impressive increase in plant P uptake is understandable given the very low
P sorption on this kind of substrates.
The results obtained recently by Osorio (2008) indicate that the effectiveness
of Mortierella sp., a phosphate-solubilizing fungus (PSF), in enhancing plant
Pi-uptake and growth was controlled by the type of soil, particularly by the
Pi-sorption capacity of the soil (Table 16.8). In a mollisol (low Pi-sorption
capacity) Mortierella sp. alone was capable of increasing shoot dry weight of
Leucaena. However, the effect was significantly higher in the presence of the
mycorrhizal fungus G. fasciculatum. On the other hand, in two oxisols (medium
Pi-sorption capacity), the PSF stimulated dry matter accumulation in shoots only
in the presence of the mycorrhizal fungus. In contrast, the PSF was ineffective
in increasing plant Pi-uptake in an andisol (very high P sorption capacity) even
in the presence of the mycorrhizal association. The P0.2 value (Tables 16.1 and
16.8) seems to be a good predictor of the effectiveness of PSM to increase
plant Pi-uptake via Pi-desorption, RP solubilization, and Pi-uptake by mycorrhi-
zal roots.
344 N.W. Osorio and M. Habte
Table 16.8 Effect of AM fungus (AMF) and phosphate- solubilizing fungus (PSF) on growth
(g per pot) of leucaena grown in three tropical soils of Colombia
Treatment Mollisol Oxisol Andisol
(P0.2 ¼ 45 mg kg1) (P0.2 ¼ 417 mg kg1) (P0.2 ¼ 2,222 mg kg1)
Control 0.73 0.32 0.26
PSF 1.18 0.30 0.28
AMF 1.36 0.84 0.28
PSF + AMF 1.48 0.97 0.26
LSD 0.09 0.12 0.09
Vertical comparisons (LSD test, P 0.05).
Adapted from Osorio (2008)
16.7 Conclusion
One of the major limiting factors for plant productivity in the tropics is low soil
Pi-availability. Phosphorus is rendered unavailable for plant uptake due to adsorp-
tion onto the surface of soil minerals and precipitation by free Al3+ and Fe3+ ions.
As a result, the efficiency of Pi-fertilization becomes quite low and hence, require
application of high rates of soluble P fertilizer. A viable alternative to overcome
dependance on chemical phosphatic fertilizer is the use of phosphate rocks (RP),
which are locally available and are cheaper. The use of rhizosphere PSM has
received greater attention to increase the agronomic effectiveness of RP. The
most accepted mechanism is the production and release of organic acids (e.g., citric
acid, oxalic acid, gluconic acid, among others). The released protons decrease the
rhizosphere pH, while the organic anions can form complex with calcium favoring
thus the dissolution of RP. In addition, it has been demonstrated that organic anions
produced by PSM can also desorb Pi from soil minerals. However, given the high
Pi-sorption capacity in highly weathered soils of the tropics the effectiveness of
PSM to increase plant Pi-uptake and growth can be low. Synergistic effects of PSM
and AMF on plant nutrition, growth, and yields have been reported. This dual
inoculation seems to be more relevant in the case of soil exhibiting high Pi-sorption
capacity (e.g., oxisols, ultisols, andisols) that are abundant in the tropics. Further
studies are, however, required in tropical soils in order to establish an effective use
of PSM inoculants in a more predictable and sustainable manner.
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16 Strategies for Utilizing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 349
354 Index