Spring Certification Notes

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What is dependency injection and what are the advantages? ............................................. 3

What is a pattern? What is an anti-pattern? Is dependency injection a pattern? ............. 4

What is a pattern? ................................................................................................................ 4

What is an anti-pattern? ..................................................................................................... 4

Is dependency injection a pattern? ..................................................................................... 4

What is an interface and what are the advantages of making use of them in Java? ......... 4

Why are they recommended for Spring beans? .................................................................... 5

What is meant by “application-context”?.............................................................................. 6

What is the concept of a “container” and what is its lifecycle? ........................................... 6

How are you going to create a new instance of an ApplicationContext? ............................ 7

Can you describe the lifecycle of a Spring Bean in an ApplicationContext? ..................... 8

How are you going to create an ApplicationContext in an integration test test? .............. 9

Web Application Context .................................................................................................. 10

What is the preferred way to close an application context? Does Spring Boot do this for
you? ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Web Application................................................................................................................. 11

Spring Boot Closing Application Context........................................................................ 11

Dependency injection using Java configuration?................................................................ 11

Dependency injection using annotations (@Component, @Autowired)? ........................ 12

Component scanning, Stereotypes and Meta-Annotations? .............................................. 13

Scopes for Spring beans? What is the default scope? ......................................................... 14

Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default? How do you alter this behaviour?. 15

What is a property source? How would you use @PropertySource? ............................... 15

What is a property source? ............................................................................................... 15

How would you use @PropertySource? .......................................................................... 15

What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and what is it used for? When is it invoked?....... 17

Why would you define a static @Bean method? ................................................................. 19

What is a ProperySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer used for? ............................................. 20

What is a BeanPostProcessor and how is it different to a BeanFactoryPostProcessor? . 20

BeanPostProcessor vs BeanFactoryPostProcessor ......................................................... 21

What is an initialization method and how is it declared on a Spring bean? .................... 22

Order of initialization ........................................................................................................ 22

What is a destroy method, how is it declared and when is it called? ................................ 23

Consider how you enable JSR-250 annotations like @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy?
When/how will they get called? ............................................................................................ 23

What is the behavior of the annotation @Autowired with regards to field injection,
constructor injection and method injection? ....................................................................... 23

What is the behaviour of the annotation @Autowired?................................................. 25

What do you have to do, if you would like to inject something into a private field? ....... 26

How does this impact testing?............................................................................................... 26

How does the @Qualifier annotation complement the use of @Autowired? ................... 27

What is a proxy object and what are the two different types of proxies Spring can
create? ..................................................................................................................................... 27

What are the limitations of these proxies (per type)? ......................................................... 28

What is the power of a proxy object and where are the disadvantages? .......................... 28

What are the advantages of Java Config? What are the limitations? .............................. 29

What does the @Bean annotation do? ................................................................................. 29

What is the default bean id if you only use @Bean? How can you override this? ........... 30

Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with @Configuration? ...................... 30

How do @Configuration annotated classes support singleton beans? ............................. 30

Why can’t @Bean methods be final either? ........................................................................ 30

How do you configure profiles? What are possible use cases where they might be
useful? ..................................................................................................................................... 30

Testing with profiles .......................................................................................................... 31

Can you use @Bean together with @Profile? ..................................................................... 32

Can you use @Component together with @Profile? .......................................................... 32

How many profiles can you have? ........................................................................................ 32

How do you inject scalar/literal values into Spring beans? ............................................... 32

What is @Value used for? ..................................................................................................... 33

What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short)? .................................................. 33

Literal value expressions ................................................................................................... 33

Referencing beans, properties, and methods ................................................................... 33

Types in expressions .......................................................................................................... 33

Regular expressions ........................................................................................................... 34

Collections ........................................................................................................................... 34

What is the Environment abstraction in Spring? ............................................................... 34

Where can properties in the environment come from – there are many sources for
properties – check the documentation if not sure. Spring Boot adds even more. ............ 35

What is the difference between $ and # in @Value expressions? ...................................... 36

What is dependency injection and what are the advantages?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling between the Spring
components – that is, between the different collaborating POJOs. So by applying DI to your
complex programming, your code will become simpler, easier to understand, and easier to test.
According to the DI pattern, dependent objects are given their dependencies at the time of
the creation of the objects by some factory or third party. This means that we have to focus
on defining the dependencies instead of resolving the dependencies of collaborating objects in
the enterprise application.
- Reduced coupling between the parts of an application.
- Increased cohesion of the parts of an application.
- Increased testability.
- Better design of applications when using dependency injection.
- Increased reusability.
- Increased maintainability.
- Standardizes parts of application development.
- Reduces boilerplate code.

What is a pattern? What is an anti-pattern? Is dependency injection a

What is a pattern?
Software design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within
a given context in software design. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem
that can be used in many different situations. Design patterns are formalized best practices
that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designing an application or

What is an anti-pattern?
An anti-pattern is a commonly used template that attempts to solve a type of problem but turns
out to be counterproductive and inefficient. An anti-pattern may also be a habit among software
developers that reduces productivity or some desirable code quality etc.
Examples: premature optimization, analysis paralysis.

Is dependency injection a pattern?

Dependency injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) are both patterns.

What is an interface and what are the advantages of making use of

them in Java?
A Java (Java 8 and later) interface is a reference type that can contain the following:
- Constants.
- Method signatures (these are methods that have no implementation).
- Default methods. A method with an implementation that, if not implemented in a class
that implements the interface, will be used as a default implementation of the method
in question. This can be useful when adding new method(s) to an interface and not
wanting to modify all the classes that implement the interface.
- Static methods (static methods with implementation).
- Nested types (such a nested type can be an enumeration).
Advantages of Interfaces:
- Allows for decoupling of a contract and its implementation(s).
- Allows for modularization of Java programs.
- Allowing for handling of groups of object in a similar fashion. For example, all objects
of classes implementing the java.util.List Java interface can be used in the same way.
- Increase testability. Using interface types when referencing other objects make it easy
to replace such references with mock or stub objects that implement the same

Why are they recommended for Spring beans?

- Increased testability. Beans can be replaced with mock or stub objects that implement
the same interface(s) as the real bean implementation.
- Allows for use of the JDK dynamic proxying mechanism.
- Allows for easier switching of Spring bean implementation.
- Allows for hiding implementation. For instance, a service implemented in a module
only have a public interface while the implementation is only visible within the module.
Hiding the implementation also allows the developer to freely refactor code to methods,
without having to fear that such methods will be visible outside of the module
containing the implementation.
What is meant by “application-context”?
In the Spring Framework, the org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory interface
provides the bean factory, which is a Spring IoC container. The bean factory is merely an object
pool where objects are created and managed by configuration.
The interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext is simply a wrapper of the bean
factory, providing some extra application context services, such as support for AOP and, hence,
declarative transaction, security, and instrumentation support such as support for message
resources required for internationalization, and the ability to publish application events to
interested event listeners.
There can be more than one application context in a single Spring application. Multiple
application contexts can be arranged in a parent-child hierarchy where the relation is directional
from child context to parent context. Many child contexts can have one and the same parent

What is the concept of a “container” and what is its lifecycle?

Spring provides us with a container, and our application objects live in this Spring container.
The Spring Container also wires the many Object together according to its configuration. It is
configured with some initialized parameters, and manages their complete life cycle from start
to finish.
Basically, there are two distinct types of Spring container:
- Bean factory
- Application contexts
Life-cycle of Spring container:
1. Spring container is created as the application is started.
2. The container reads configuration data.
3. Bean definitions are created from the configuration data.
4. Bean factory post-processors processes the bean definitions (BeanFactoryPostProcessor
5. Spring beans are instantiated by the container using the bean definitions.
6. Spring beans are configured and assembled. Property values and dependencies are injected
into the beans by the container.
7. Bean post-processors processes the beans in the container and any initialization callbacks
are invoked on the beans. Bean post-processors are called both before and after any
initialization callbacks are invoked on the bean. (BeanPostProcessor interface).
8. The application runs.
9. Application shut down is initialized.
10. The Spring container is closed.
11. Destruction callbacks are invoked on the singleton Spring beans in the container. In Spring,
an object implementing the ApplicationContext interface is a container.

How are you going to create a new instance of an ApplicationContext?

Spring provides several flavours of application context as a bean container. There are multiple
core implementations of the ApplicationContext interface:
- FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
- AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
Spring provides you with a web-aware implementation of the ApplicationContext interface, as
shown here:
- XmlWebApplicationContext
- AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext
ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("c:/knight.xml");
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("knight.xml");
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
Can you describe the lifecycle of a Spring Bean in an

1. Load all bean definitions, creating an ordered graph.

2. Instantiate and run BeanFactoryPostProcessors (you can update bean definitions here).
3. Instantiate each bean.
4. Spring injects the values and bean references into the beans' properties.
5. Spring passes the ID of the bean to the setBeanName() method of the
BeanNameAware interface if any bean implements it.
6. Spring passes the reference of the bean factory itself to the setBeanFactory() method of
BeanFactoryAware if any bean implements it.
7. Spring passes the reference of the application context itself to the
setApplicationContext() method of ApplicationContextAware if any bean
implements it.
8. BeanPostProcessor is an interface, and Spring allows you to implement it with your
bean, and modifies the instance of the bean before the initializer is invoked in the Spring
bean container by calling its postProcessBeforeInitialization().
9. If your bean implements the InitializingBean interface, Spring calls its
afterPropertiesSet() method to initialize any process or loading resource for your
application. There are other methods to achieve this step, for example, you can use the
init-method of the <bean> tag, the initMethod attribute of the @Bean annotation, and
JSR 250's @PostConstruct annotation.
10. BeanPostProcessor is an interface, and spring allows you to implement it with your
bean. It modifies the instance of the bean after the initializer is invoked in the spring
bean container by calling its postProcessAfterInitialization().
11. Now your bean is ready to use in the step, and your application can access this bean by
using the getBean() method of the application context. Your beans remain live in the
application context until it is closed by calling the close() method of the application
12. If your bean implements the DisposibleBean interface, Spring calls its destroy() method
to destroy any process or clean up the resources of your application. There are other
methods to achieve this step-for example, you can use the destroy-method of the
<bean> tag, the destroyMethod attribute of the @Bean annotation, and JSR 250's
@PreDestroy annotation.

How are you going to create an ApplicationContext in an integration

test test?
Depending on whether JUnit 4 or JUnit 5 is used, the annotation @RunWith (JUnit 4) or
@ExtendWith (JUnit 5) is used to annotate the test-class. In addition, the annotation
@ContextConfiguration in both cases to specify either the XML configuration file(s) or the
Java class(es) containing the Spring configuration to be loaded into the application context for
the test.
JUnit 4
JUnit 5

@SpringJUnitConfig combines these 2 annotations:

@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit 5 to run the test with the SpringExtension
class and @ContextConfiguration from Spring Testing to load the Spring context.

Web Application Context

JUnit 4
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) + @ContextConfiguration + @WebAppConfiguration
JUnit 5
@SpringJUnitWebConfig combines the same annotations of @SpringJUnitConfig plus the

What is the preferred way to close an application context? Does Spring

Boot do this for you?
In a standalone non-web Spring application, there are two ways by which the Spring application
context can be closed:
- Registering a shutdown-hook by calling the method registerShutdownHook, also
implemented in the AbstractApplicationContext class. This is recommended way
- Calling the close method from the AbstractApplicationContext class.
Web Application
In a web application, closing of the Spring application context is taken care of by the
ContextLoaderListener, which implements the ServletContextListener interface. The
ContextLoaderListener will receive a ServletContextEvent when the web container stops the
web application.

Spring Boot Closing Application Context

Spring Boot will register a shutdown-hook as described above when a Spring application that
uses Spring Boot is started. The mechanism described above with the ContextLoaderListener
also applies to Spring Boot web applications.

Dependency injection using Java configuration?

The key to creating a JavaConfig class is to annotate it with @Configuration. The
@Configuration annotation identifies this as a configuration class, and it’s expected to contain
details on beans that are to be created in the Spring application context.
The @Bean annotation tells Spring that this method will return an object that should be
registered as a bean in the Spring application context. By default, the bean will be given an
ID that is the same as the @Bean-annotated method’s name.
public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() {
return new SgtPeppers();
The simplest way to wire up beans in JavaConfig is to refer to the referenced bean’s method.
For example, here’s how you might declare the CDPlayer bean:
public CDPlayer cdPlayer() {
return new CDPlayer(sgtPeppers());
Because the sgtPeppers() method is annotated with @Bean, Spring will intercept any calls to
it and ensure that the bean produced by that method is returned rather than allowing it
to be invoked again.
There’s another way that might be easier to digest:
public CDPlayer cdPlayer(CompactDisc compactDisc) {
return new CDPlayer(compactDisc);
This approach to referring to other beans is usually the best choice because it doesn’t
depend on the CompactDisc bean being declared in the same configuration class. In fact,
there’s nothing that says the CompactDisc bean even needs to be declared in JavaConfig; it
could have been discovered by component scanning or declared in XML.

Dependency injection using annotations (@Component, @Autowired)?

Component scanning – Spring automatically discovers beans to be created in the application
Autowiring – Spring automatically satisfies bean dependencies.
Component scanning isn’t turned on by default, however.

Annotated with @ComponentScan to enable component scanning in Spring. With no further

configuration, @ComponentScan will default to scanning the same package as the
configuration class. Spring will scan that package and any sub-packages underneath it,
looking for classes that are annotated with @Component.
Thus far, you’ve used @ComponentScan with no attributes. That means it will default to the
configuration class’s package as its base package to scan for components. To specify a different
base package, you need:
NOTE! If a bean class contains one single constructor, then annotating it with @Autowired is
not required in order for the Spring container to be able to autowire dependencies. If a bean
class contains more than one constructor and autowiring is desired, at least one of the
constructors need to be annotated with @Autowired in order to give the container a hint on
which constructor to use.

Component scanning, Stereotypes and Meta-Annotations?

A meta-annotation is simply an annotation that can be applied to another annotation. Meta-
annotations can also be combined to create composed annotations. For example, the
@RestController annotation from Spring MVC is composed of @Controller and
Scopes for Spring beans? What is the default scope?
Scope Description
Singleton (Default) Scopes a single bean definition to
a single object instance per Spring IoC
Prototype Scopes a single bean definition to any
number of object instances.
Request Scopes a single bean definition to the
lifecycle of a single HTTP request; that is,
each HTTP request has its own instance of a
bean created off the back of a single bean
definition. Only valid in
Session Scopes a single bean definition to the
lifecycle of an HTTP Session. Only valid in
Application Scopes a single bean definition to the
lifecycle of a ServletContext. Only valid in
Websocket Scopes a single bean definition to the
lifecycle of a WebSocket. Only valid in

When you use singleton-scoped beans with dependencies on prototype beans, be aware that
dependencies are resolved at instantiation time. Thus if you dependency-inject a prototype-
scoped bean into a singleton-scoped bean, a new prototype bean is instantiated and then
dependency-injected into the singleton bean. The prototype instance is the sole instance that is
ever supplied to the singleton-scoped bean.
Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default? How do you alter
this behaviour?
Singleton Spring beans in an application context are eagerly initialized by default, as the
application context is created.
An instance of a prototype scoped bean is typically created lazily when requested.
To explicitly set whether beans are to be lazily or eagerly initialized, the @Lazy annotation
can be applied either to:
- Methods annotated with the @Bean annotation. Bean will be lazy or not as specified
by the boolean parameter to the @Lazy annotation (default value is true).
- Classes annotated with the @Configuration annotation. All beans declared in the
configuration class will be lazy or not as specified by the boolean parameter to the
@Lazy annotation (default value is true).
- Classes annotated with @Component or any related stereotype annotation. The bean
created from the component class will be lazy or not as specified by the boolean
parameter to the @Lazy annotation (default value is true).

What is a property source? How would you use @PropertySource?

What is a property source?
A property source in Spring’s environment abstraction represents a source of key-value pairs.
Examples of property sources are:
- The system properties. System.getProperties()
- Properties in a JNDI environment
- Properties files.

How would you use @PropertySource?

The simplest way to resolve external values in Spring is to declare a property source and
retrieve the properties via the Spring Environment.
NOTE! The annotation is applied to classes annotated with @Configuration.
Spring also offers the option of wiring properties with placeholder values that are resolved
from a property source.

In order to use placeholder values, you must configure either a

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean or a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer bean.
The following @Bean method configures PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer in Java
What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and what is it used for? When is it

As you can see in the preceding diagram, the initialization phase is divided into these two steps:
- Load bean definitions. Create an ordered graph
- Instantiate and run BeanFactoryPostProcessors (you can update bean definitions here).
- Initialize bean instances
Load bean definitions
In this step, all the configuration files – @Configuration classes or XML files – are processed.
For Annotation-based configuration, all the classes annotated with @Components are
scanned to load the bean definitions.
Spring provides multiple BeanFactoryPostProcessor beans, so, it is invoked to resolve
runtime dependencies such as reading values from external property files. In a Spring
application, BeanFactoryPostProcessor can modify the definition of any bean.
To influence the order in which bean factory post processors are invoked, their bean definition
methods may be annotated with the @Order annotation. If you are implementing your own
bean factory post processor, the implementation class can also implement the Ordered
BeanFactory object is passed as an argument to the postProcess() method of
BeanFactoryPostProcessor. Let's see how BeanFactoryPostProcessor works, and how to
override it in our application:
- BeanFactoryPostProcessor works on the bean definitions or the configuration
metadata of the bean before the beans are actually created.
- Spring provides several useful implementations of BeanFactoryPostProcessor, such
as reading properties and registering a custom scope.
- You can write your own implementation of the BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface.
- If you define a BeanFactoryPostProcessor in one container, it will only be applied to
the bean definitions in that container.
Here, we'll use the DataSource bean to be configured with the database values such as
username, password, db url, and driver. So, in the preceding code, how do we resolve the
@Value and ${..} variables? We need a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer to evaluate
them. This is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor.
Why would you define a static @Bean method?
Special consideration must be taken for @Bean methods that return Spring
BeanFactoryPostProcessor (BFPP) types. Because BFPP objects must be instantiated very
early in the container lifecycle, they can interfere with processing of annotations such as
@Autowired, @Value, and @PostConstruct within @Configuration classes. To avoid these
lifecycle issues, mark BFPP-returning @Bean methods as static. For example:

By marking this method as static, it can be invoked without causing instantiation of its
declaring @Configuration class, thus avoiding the above-mentioned lifecycle conflicts. Note
however that static @Bean methods will not be enhanced for scoping and AOP semantics as
mentioned above. This works out in BFPP cases, as they are not typically referenced by other
@Bean methods.

What is a ProperySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer used for?

PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor, that resolves ${...}
placeholders within bean definition property values and @Value annotations against the
current Spring Environment and its set of PropertySources.

What is a BeanPostProcessor and how is it different to a


Causes init (@PostConstruct) methods to be called.

Internally, Spring uses several BeanPostProcessors (BPPs). For example
CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to enable initialization.
BeanPostProcessors operate on bean (or object) instances; that is to say, the Spring IoC
container instantiates a bean instance and then BeanPostProcessors do their work.
BeanPostProcessors are scoped per-container.
BeanPostProcessor vs BeanFactoryPostProcessor
1. A bean implementing BeanFactoryPostProcessor is called when all bean definitions
will have been loaded, but no beans will have been instantiated yet. This allows for
overriding or adding properties even to eager-initializing beans. This will let you have
access to all the beans that you have defined in XML or that are annotated (scanned via
2. A bean implementing BeanPostProcessor operate on bean (or object) instances which
means that when the Spring IoC container instantiates a bean instance then
BeanPostProcessor interfaces do their work.
3. BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementations are "called" during startup of the Spring
context after all bean definitions will have been loaded while BeanPostProcessor are
"called" when the Spring IoC container instantiates a bean (i.e. during the startup for
all the singleton and on demand for the proptotypes one).
Examples of BeanPostProcessor are:
- AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor. Implements support for dependency
injection with the @Autowired annotation.
- PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor. Applies exception translation to
Spring beans annotated with the @Repository annotation.
What is an initialization method and how is it declared on a Spring
You have three options for controlling bean lifecycle behavior:
- InitializingBean (afterPropertiesSet()) and DisposableBean (destroy()) callback
- Custom @Bean init() and destroy() methods
- @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations

Order of initialization
What is a destroy method, how is it declared and when is it called?
A destroy method is a method in a Spring bean that will be invoked by the Spring application
container immediately before the bean is to be taken out of use, typically when the Spring
application context is about to be closed.
When defining a Spring bean using Java configuration, methods named close and
shutdown will automatically be registered as destruction callback methods by the Spring
application container, as if these methods had been specified using the destroyMethod element
of the @Bean annotation. To avoid this, set the destroyMethod element of the @Bean
annotation to the empty string, like in this example:

Note: Only invoked on beans whose lifecycle is under the full control of the factory, which
is always the case for singletons but not guaranteed for any other scope.

Consider how you enable JSR-250 annotations like @PostConstruct and

@PreDestroy? When/how will they get called?
The CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor support, among other annotations, the
@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy JSR-250 annotations.
When creating a Spring application context using an implementation that uses annotation-based
configuration, for instance AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, a default
CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor is automatically registered in the application context
and no additional configuration is necessary to enable @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy.

What is the behavior of the annotation @Autowired with regards to

field injection, constructor injection and method injection?
The following are the types of dependency injections that could be injected into your
- Constructor-based dependency injection
- Setter-based dependency injection
- Field-based dependency injection
Advantages of the constructor injection pattern:
- It is more suitable for mandatory dependencies, and it makes a strong dependency
- It provides a more compact code structure than others
- It supports testing by using the dependencies passed as constructor arguments to the
dependent class
- It favours the use of immutable objects, and does not break the information hiding
Disadvantages of constructor injection pattern:
- It may cause circular dependency. (Circular dependency means that the dependent and
the dependency class are also dependents on each other, for example, class A depends
on Class B and Class B depends on Class A). Spring IoC container detects this circular
reference at runtime, and throws a BeanCurrentlyInCreationException.

Object has a public setter methods that takes dependent classes as method arguments to inject
dependencies. For setter-based dependency injection, the constructor of the dependent class is
not required.
Advantages of setter injection:
- It is more readable than the constructor injection
- It solves the circular dependency problem in the application
- It allows costly resources or services to be created as late as possible, and only when
- It does not require the constructor to be changed, but dependencies are passed through
public properties that are exposed
Disadvantage of the setter injection:
- Security is lesser in the setter injection pattern, because it can be overridden
- A setter-based dependency injection does not provide a code structure as compact as
the constructor injection
What is the behaviour of the annotation @Autowired?
Autowiring is a mechanism which enables more or less automatic dependency resolution
primarily based on types. The basic procedure of dependency injection with the @Autowired
- The Spring container examines the type of the field or parameter that is to be
dependency injected.
- The Spring container searches the application context for a bean which type matches
the type of the field or parameter.
- If there are multiple matching bean candidates and one of them is annotated with
@Primary, then this bean is selected and injected into the field or parameter.
- If there are multiple matching bean candidates and the field or parameter is annotated
with the @Qualifier annotation, then the Spring container will attempt to use the
information from the @Qualifier annotation to select a bean to inject.
- If there is no other resolution mechanism, such as the @Primary or @Qualifier
annotations, and there are multiple matching beans, the Spring container will try to
resolve the appropriate bean by trying to match the bean name to the name of the field
or parameter. This is the default bean resolution mechanism used when autowiring
- If still no unique match for the field or parameter can be determined, an exception will
be thrown.
The following are common for all the different use-cases of the @Autowired annotation:
- Dependency injection, regardless of whether on fields, constructors or methods, is
performed by the AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor. Due to this, the
@Autowired annotation cannot be used in neither BeanPostProcessor-s nor in
- All dependencies annotated with @Autowired are required as default and an exception
will be thrown if such a dependency cannot be resolved.
- If the type that is autowired is an array-type, then the Spring container will collect all
beans matching the value-type of the array in an array and inject the array.
- If the type that is autowired is a collection type, then the Spring container will collect
all beans matching the collection’s value-type in a collection of the specified type and
inject the collection.
- If the type that is autowired is a Map, then as long as the expected key type is String
Map values will contain all beans of the expected type, and the keys will contain the
corresponding bean names.

- Alternatively, you may express the non-required nature of a particular dependency

through Java 8’s java.util.Optional
- Constructor, method and parameter can have any access modifier visibility

Note! As of Spring Framework 4.3, an @Autowired annotation on such a constructor is no

longer necessary if the target bean only defines one constructor to begin with. However, if
several constructors are available, at least one must be annotated to teach the container which
one to use.
@Autowired(required = Declares whether the annotated dependency is required)

What do you have to do, if you would like to inject something into a
private field?
You can use:
- Constructor
- Setter
- Mark @Autowired on field
- Use @Value

How does this impact testing?

When testing:
- If Annotated with @Autowired then it is easy to mock those dependencies
- If property value (@Value) then @TestPropertySource annotation allows either use
test-specific properties or customize individual property values
- Otherwise, use ReflectionTestUtils
How does the @Qualifier annotation complement the use of
Spring provides one more annotation, @Qualifier, to overcome the problem of disambiguation
in autowiring DI.
@Qualifier at Bean Definitions
Qualifiers can also be applied on bean definitions by annotating a method annotated with
@Bean in a configuration class with @Qualifier and supplying a value in the @Qualifier
annotation. This will assign a qualifier to the bean and the same qualifier can later be used at
an injection point to inject the bean in question.
If a bean has not been assigned a qualifier, the default qualifier, being the name of the
bean, will be assigned the bean.

What is a proxy object and what are the two different types of proxies
Spring can create?
A proxy object is an object that have the same methods, at least the public methods, as the
object it proxies. The purpose of this is to make the proxy indistinguishable from the object it
- JDK Proxy: This is also known as a dynamic proxy. Its API is built into the JDK. For
this proxy, the Java interface is required
- CGLib Proxy: This is NOT built into JDK. However, it is included in Spring JARS,
and is used when the interface is not available. It cannot be applied to final classes or
What are the limitations of these proxies (per type)?
Limitations of JDK Dynamic Proxies
- Requires the proxied object to implement at least one interface.
- Only methods found in the implemented interface(s) will be available in the proxy
- Proxy objects must be referenced using an interface type and cannot be referenced using
a type of a superclass of the proxied object type. This unless of course the superclass
implements interface(s) in question.
- Does not support self-invocations. Self-invocation is where one method of the object
invokes another method on the same object.
Limitations of CGLIB Proxies
- Requires the class of the proxied object to be non-final. Subclasses cannot be created
from final classes.
- Requires methods in the proxied object to be non-final. Final methods cannot be
- Does not support self-invocations. Self-invocation is where one method of the object
invokes another method on the same object.
- Requires a third-party library. Not built into the Java language and thus require a
library. The CGLIB library has been included into Spring, so when using the Spring
framework, no additional library is required.

What is the power of a proxy object and where are the disadvantages?
Powers of proxy objects are:
- Can add behaviour to existing beans. Examples of such behaviour: Transaction
management, logging, security.
- Makes it possible to separate concerns such as logging, security etc from business logic.
Disadvantages of proxy objects are:
- It may not be obvious where a method invocation is handled when proxy objects are
- A proxy object may chose not to invoke the proxied object
- If multiple layers of proxy objects are used, developers may need to take into account
the order in which the proxies are applied
- Proxy object may incur overhead
- Only methods with public visibility will be advised
- Local or internal method calls within an advised class doesn’t get intercepted by
proxy, so advise method of the aspect does not get fired/invoked

What are the advantages of Java Config? What are the limitations?
Advantages of Spring Java configuration, configuration classes annotated with
@Configuration, over Spring XML configuration and/or annotation-based configuration in
Spring bean classes with component scanning:
- Regular Java refactoring tooling will work on Java configuration classes. Special
tooling needed for Spring XML configuration files.
- Type-checking performed by Java compiler and IDE.
- Can be located in one or a few places, compared to annotation-based configuration that
is more spread out.
- Combining Spring Java configuration, JUnit and Mockito you can write flexible
integration tests mocking only some Spring Beans.
Limitations of Spring Java configuration:
- Configuration classes cannot be final. Configuration classes are subclassed by the
Spring container using CGLIB and final classes cannot be subclassed.

What does the @Bean annotation do?

Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container. Has properties:
- destroyMethod
- initMethod
- name
- value (alias for name())
Typically, @Bean methods are declared within @Configuration classes. In this case, bean
methods may reference other @Bean methods in the same class by calling them directly.

@Bean methods may also be declared within classes that are not annotated with
@Configuration. For example, bean methods may be declared in a @Component class or
even in a plain old class. In such cases, a @Bean method will get processed in a so-called 'lite'
mode. In contrast to the semantics for bean methods in @Configuration classes, 'inter-bean
references' are not supported in lite mode. Instead, when one @Bean-method invokes
another @Bean-method in lite mode, the invocation is a standard Java method
invocation. Spring does not intercept the invocation via a CGLIB proxy. This is analogous to
inter-@Transactional method calls where in proxy mode, Spring does not intercept the

What is the default bean id if you only use @Bean? How can you
override this?
Default bean’s id is method’s name. To override it, use @Bean(name=”name”) or

Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with

Configuration classes are subclassed by the Spring container using CGLIB and final classes
cannot be subclassed.

How do @Configuration annotated classes support singleton beans?

Singleton beans are supported by the Spring container by subclassing classes annotated with
@Configuration and overriding the @Bean annotated methods in the class. Invocations to the
@Bean annotated methods are intercepted and, if a bean is a singleton bean and no instance of
the singleton bean exists, the call is allowed to continue to the @Bean annotated method, in
order to create an instance of the bean. If an instance of the singleton bean already exists, the
existing instance is returned (and the call is not allowed to continue to the @Bean annotated

Why can’t @Bean methods be final either?

Because @Configuration is used to create CGLIB proxy, and all methods annotated with
@Bean are overridden. Final methods cannot be overridden.

How do you configure profiles? What are possible use cases where
they might be useful?
In Java configuration, you can use the @Profile annotation to specify which profile a bean
belongs to. The @Profile annotation may be used in any of the following ways:
- At class level in @Configuration classes. Beans in the configuration class and beans
in configuration(s) imported with @Import annotation(s).
- At class level in classes annotated with @Component or annotated with any other
annotation that in turn is annotated with @Component.
- On methods annotated with the @Bean annotation. Applied to a single method
annotated with the @Bean annotations.
- Type level in custom annotations. Acts as a meta-annotation when creating custom
Spring honors two separate properties when determining which profiles are active:
spring.profiles.active and spring.profiles.default:
- If spring.profiles.active is set, then its value determines which profiles are active.
- If spring.profiles.active isn’t set, then Spring looks to spring.profiles.default.
- If neither spring.profiles.active nor spring.profiles.default is set, then there are no active
profiles, and only those beans that aren’t defined as being in a profile are created.
Note! You can activate multiple profiles at the same time by listing the profile names, separated
by commas.
If you would like to define alternative beans with different profile conditions, use distinct
Java method names pointing to the same bean name via the @Bean name attribute, as
indicated in the example above.

Note! Profile names in the @Profile annotation can be prefixed with !, indicating that the beans
are to be registered when the profile with specified name is not active.

The beans in the above configuration class will be registered if any profile except the “prod”

Testing with profiles

Spring offers the @ActiveProfiles annotation to let you specify which profile(s) should be
active when a test is run.
Can you use @Bean together with @Profile?

Can you use @Component together with @Profile?


How many profiles can you have?


How do you inject scalar/literal values into Spring beans?

Scalar/literal values can be injected into Spring beans using the @Value annotation. Such
values can originate from environment variables, property files, Spring beans etc.

A default value can be specified if the property value to be injected is not available.

Similarly, we can set a zero-length String as the default value:

To set a default value for primitive types such as boolean and int, we use the literal value:

We can also inject a comma-separated list of values into an array:

What is @Value used for?
The @Value annotation can be used for injecting into bean fields, method parameters and
constructor parameters:
- Setting (default) values
- Injecting property, environment values
- Evaluate expressions and inject the result
- Inject values from other Spring beans

What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short)?

The Spring Expression Language is an expression language used in the different Spring
products, not only in the Spring framework. SpEL expressions are framed with #{ ... }. SpEL
has support for:

Literal value expressions

#{3.14159}, #{9.87E4}, #{'Hello'}, #{false}

Referencing beans, properties, and methods

Reference bean by id: #{sgtPeppers} bean whose ID is sgtPeppers
Reference bean property: #{sgtPeppers.artist}
Bean’s method: #{artistSelector.selectArtist()},#{artistSelector.selectArtist().toUpperCase()}
To guard against a NullPointerException, you can use the type-safe operator:

Types in expressions
#{2 * T(java.lang.Math).PI * circle.radius}
#{disc.title + ' by ' + disc.artist}
#{counter.total == 100}
#{scoreboard.score > 1000 ? "Winner!" : "Loser"}
#{disc.title ?: 'Rattle and Hum'} If disc.title is null, then the expression evaluates to “Rattle and

Regular expressions
#{admin.email matches '[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.com'}

#{jukebox.songs[T(java.lang.Math).random() * jukebox.songs.size()].title}
#{jukebox.songs.?[artist eq 'Aerosmith']} Suppose you want a list of all songs in the jukebox
where the artist property is Aerosmith.

What is the Environment abstraction in Spring?

The Environment is an abstraction integrated in the container that models two key aspects of
the application environment: profiles and properties.
A profile is a named, logical group of bean definitions to be registered with the container only
if the given profile is active.
Annotation providing a convenient and declarative mechanism for adding a PropertySource to
Spring's Environment. To be used in conjunction with @Configuration classes.
Given a file app.properties containing the key/value pair testbean.name=myTestBean, the
following @Configuration class uses @PropertySource to contribute app.properties to the
Environment's set of PropertySources.

Notice that the Environment object is @Autowired into the configuration class.
Where can properties in the environment come from – there are many
sources for properties – check the documentation if not sure. Spring
Boot adds even more.

Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is designed to allow sensible
overriding of values. Properties are considered in the following order:
1. Devtools global settings properties on your home directory (~/.spring-boot-
devtools.properties when devtools is active).
2. @TestPropertySource annotations on your tests.
3. @SpringBootTest#properties annotation attribute on your tests.
4. Command line arguments.
5. Properties from SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (inline JSON embedded in an
environment variable or system property).
6. ServletConfig init parameters.
7. ServletContext init parameters.
8. JNDI attributes from java:comp/env.
9. Java System properties (System.getProperties()).
10. OS environment variables.
11. A RandomValuePropertySource that has properties only in random.*.
12. Profile-specific application properties outside of your packaged jar (application-
{profile}.properties and YAML variants).
13. Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your jar (application-
{profile}.properties and YAML variants).
14. Application properties outside of your packaged jar (application.properties and YAML
15. Application properties packaged inside your jar (application.properties and YAML
16. @PropertySource annotations on your @Configuration classes.
17. Default properties (specified by setting SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties).

What is the difference between $ and # in @Value expressions?

Expressions in @Value annotations are of two types:
- Expressions starting with $. Such expressions reference a property name in the
application’s environment. These expressions are evaluated by the
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer Spring bean prior to bean creation and can only
be used in @Value annnotations.
- Expressions starting with #. Spring Expression Language expressions parsed by a SpEL
expression parser and evaluated by a SpEL expression instance.

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