IPR Synopsis
IPR Synopsis
IPR Synopsis
Software is a product of human intellect and can be rightly termed as “Intellectual property”.
Considering the very vital role it plays in today’s world economy and development,
protection of software is very crucial issue. There has been a demand worldwide of the
protection of software.
“The Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS), Berne Convention and World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)” have included provisions for the protection of
software. Copyright laws throughout the world have extended protection of software.
Research question:
1) Whether the laws protecting the software technologies is fulfilling their roles or not?
2) Are there any conventions for the welfare of the software protection?
The objective of this particular research is to understand the concept of software protection
throughout the world and to study it with regard to the International conventions.
My project significies that how software protection plays a vital role in the technological
world and how its been malafiedly used by counterfeiting. And brings huge amount of loss to
hardship and money spend by the inventor if it and my aim is to protect the inventor work
from such counterfeiting through law and even bring awareness to the inventors of such
software regarding the patent violation and also patent filing.
The scope of the research is throughout the world but mainly focuses on India. And also
comparison between India and other countries.
Research Methodology:
The method adopted is doctrinal method of research which is descriptive and analytical.
Books, articles, online sources are used in this method of research which will help in the
proper interpretation of the concepts. A comparison between the various related aspects is
also done to understand the specialty of the selected topic and for further understanding.
Literature review:
“Software and Intellectual Property Protection: Copyright and Patent Issues for
computer and legal professionals” By Bernard A. Galler
The book is organized around various legal issues raised by both plaintiffs and defendants
in copyright litigation, and the problems of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office in
dealing with the rapid proliferation of applications for software-related patents. The
author explains important terms and concepts in software litigation such as infringement,
substantial similarity, reverse engineering, the merger defence, and look and feel. A
succinct, readable survey for computer professionals, non legal academics, and lawyers
who need a fast summary of the critical issues and cases in software and intellectual
property matters.
“Software Protection: Licensing and IPR Laws” by Asheeta Regidi”
The book aims to consolidate and simplify the law governing software. It brings together
the jurisprudence in Indian software copyright, software patent and software licensing
laws. This book is organised mainly about the protection of licenses and copyrights. It
brings together the jurisprudence in India on software copyright, software patent and
software licensing laws.