Projected Revenue Estimation
Projected Revenue Estimation
Projected Revenue Estimation
Cost Estimation
In Rupees
Responsive App Design 800000 ($30 per hour*8hours a day*44 days on avg.)
Projection-Based AR
Time estimation: 240–360
Price: $7000 avg. + Fully
Immersive VR : Time
estimation: 280–340 hours
VR & AR 938000 Price: $7000 avg.
SEO 160800 $200 per month * 12 months
Discounts 176547751.2 10% of annual sales or revenue
Total 188296551.2
35%, 20%, 30%, 15% increase in downloads of consumer, dealers, painters, architect from year
25%, 15%, 20%, 8% increase in monthly active users
10%, 25%, 25%, 10% are the conversion rate
* 12 months
ales or revenue
Profit before tax 1577180960.8
ainters, architect from year 2018-19