F6TesT English
F6TesT English
F6TesT English
V 3.11
User Guide
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1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 1-1
F6TesT Software .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Relay Reference Characteristics............................................................................................. 1-1
Library of Relay Models ........................................................................................................ 1-2
Database of Test Results ........................................................................................................ 1-2
Ready-to-Use Report Templates ............................................................................................ 1-2
Features and Benefits ............................................................................................................. 1-3
Installing F6TesT.......................................................................................................................... 1-3
New Features with Version 3.11 ............................................................................................ 1-3
Instruments Supported............................................................................................................ 1-4
System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1-4
Software Installation .............................................................................................................. 1-4
Removing Previous F6TesT Versions.................................................................................... 1-5
Installing the F6TesT Software .............................................................................................. 1-5
Start-Up and Login ....................................................................................................................... 1-9
F6TesT Architecture and Data Views ........................................................................................ 1-11
Location................................................................................................................................ 1-16
Relay..................................................................................................................................... 1-17
Test Plan ............................................................................................................................... 1-17
Menus and Tool Bars.................................................................................................................. 1-18
Tool Bars .............................................................................................................................. 1-18
File Menu ............................................................................................................................. 1-21
New ................................................................................................................................ 1-21
Open ............................................................................................................................... 1-23
Close............................................................................................................................... 1-24
Save As .......................................................................................................................... 1-24
Delete Saved Graphs...................................................................................................... 1-24
Recently Opened Databases........................................................................................... 1-25
Print Setup...................................................................................................................... 1-25
Exit ................................................................................................................................. 1-26
Edit Menu ............................................................................................................................. 1-26
Copy ..................................................................................................................................... 1-29
Multiple Cut, Copy, and Delete ........................................................................................... 1-30
Find....................................................................................................................................... 1-31
Context Menu ....................................................................................................................... 1-32
Copy, Cut, and Paste in the Location Tree and List View ............................................. 1-33
Delete, Insert, Append, Find in the Location Tree and List View ................................. 1-33
Module Menu ....................................................................................................................... 1-33
Setup Menu........................................................................................................................... 1-34
Communication Setup .................................................................................................... 1-35
Graphics Setup...................................................................................................................... 1-36
Oscillograph Setup ......................................................................................................... 1-38
Using the Context Menu ................................................................................................ 1-39
Using the Cursors ........................................................................................................... 1-40
Setting Oscillograph Properties...................................................................................... 1-41
General Properties Tab................................................................................................... 1-42
Analog Tab..................................................................................................................... 1-43
Digital Output Tab ......................................................................................................... 1-45
Digital Input Tab ............................................................................................................ 1-46
Test Defaults .................................................................................................................. 1-47
Global Report Definitions .............................................................................................. 1-51
Directories ...................................................................................................................... 1-53
Change Language........................................................................................................... 1-53
Tools Menu........................................................................................................................... 1-54
Offline Simulation Mode ............................................................................................... 1-55
DB Compacting Preferences .......................................................................................... 1-55
F6000 Software Tools .................................................................................................... 1-56
Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 1-60
Relay Maintenance Schedule ......................................................................................... 1-61
Relay Mfrs & Models..................................................................................................... 1-61
Reports ........................................................................................................................... 1-64
Convert Database ........................................................................................................... 1-67
Template Library............................................................................................................ 1-68
Power System Model ..................................................................................................... 1-69
Vector Calculator ........................................................................................................... 1-69
Help Menu ............................................................................................................................ 1-69
Evaluate........................................................................................................................ 10-16
Save the Answer in the Vector Table ................................................................................. 10-16
Contact Information
For questions or inquiries you may have on our group companies or
products, please contact the group members as follows:
F6TesT Software
Designed to take advantage of the power and versatility of the F6000
series of power system simulators, F6TesT gives you automatic control
of the instrument from a standard PC. With the F6150sv, F6TesT
supports IEC 61850 sampled values, in addition to conventional
voltages and currents. F6TesT makes testing impedance, differential,
voltage, current, and frequency relays simpler than ever before. Even
complex protection schemes are easy to test with F6TesT’s graphical
interface and pre-configured test templates.
The highly automated approach of F6TesT reduces user intervention
and manual errors, improving the accuracy and repeatability of your
tests. This results in more reliable protection system performance. In
addition, F6TesT contains a powerful database, with reporting
capabilities that give you better control and management of your
commissioning and maintenance programs. With F6TesT, you have the
ease of use and power you need to gain higher productivity and
improve the quality of your protection maintenance program.
Installing F6TesT
New Features with Version 3.11
• Version 3.11 features enhanced amplifier ratings. Current
amplitude values are higher, the extent of which depends on the
configuration used.
• Support is included for IEC 61850 sample values for all of the
test modules, except WaveSim.
• Additional 3-phase fault type is included in DiffChar.
• Automatic search for rate-of-change of frequency, current, or
voltage is in the Ramp test module.
• An option is included in I-Char to automatically adjust the zero-
and negative- sequence values as a percentage of the test
Instruments Supported
F6TesT version 3.11 supports F6150, F6150A, F6150SV, and the
F6150+F6300 external high-power current amplifier.
System Requirements
The following table outlines the system requirements for the F6TesT
Software Installation
Software installation consists of:
• Removing Previous F6TesT Versions, if required.
• “Installing the F6TesT Software”
If you are using Windows 7 or Vista and are unfamiliar with the User
Account Control (UAC) and data redirection, also known as UAC
virtualization, you may want to consult with your IT support staff before
un-installing or installing F6TesT.
CAUTION! Windows 7 and Vista may have used data redirection on some
of the F6TesT application folder, consult with your IT support staff if
necessary to save any desired files and to ensure complete removal of
earlier versions of F6TesT.
Windows 7 and Vista may use data redirection on some of the F6TesT
installation folders and your data; consult with your IT support staff, if
2. Select Start -> Programs -> F6TesT from the task bar. A Login
dialog box appears (Figure 1.4).
To log in:
1. Enter a name (up to 20 characters) in the User Name field or select
a previously entered name from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the preferred language from the Language drop-down menu.
3. Click OK. The Select Database dialog box appears (Figure 1.5 on
page 1-10).
The icons on the tool bars provide quick access to principal F6TesT
• The location tree on the left shows the organization of the
database into Locations, Relays, and Test Plans. The tree view
is similar to the Windows Explorer view of folders and files.
• Click the plus icon to the left of an item to display the con-
tents of the Location, Relay, or Test Plan.
• Click the minus icon to hide the contents of the Location,
Relay, or Test Plan.
In the figure above, only the locations are shown, while in the figure
below, the tree is fully expanded to show individual tests.
• The Table View on the right provides details on the item
selected in the location tree. There are four tables linked in a
parent-child relationship:
1. Location, when the database name at the top of the location tree is
2. Relay, when a location is selected
3. Test Plan, when a relay is selected
4. Test modules, when a test plan is selected.
The first level of a data tree is always a location, which can correspond
to a substation or to a protection panel in a substation. A location
contains either sub-locations or relays, but not both. Up to three levels
of locations are allowed. You can add an asset tracking number, if
A relay record has a user assigned Relay ID, which can identify the line
or equipment being protected and an optional serial number. These are
arbitrary and can be edited by clicking the table entry and entering
changes. A timestamp records the original creation date of the record,
and the login name of the user that created the record. The timestamp
and originator cannot be changed.
The Manufacturer field enables you to enter a relay manufacturer. You
can select the manufacturer from a drop-down menu or you can type
the name in the field. Each manufacturer has a corresponding list of
relay models. If the name entered is not in the list, a prompt appears,
asking whether to add the name to the list. Care should be taken to
avoid entering duplicate names or synonyms for the same
manufacturer. For consistency of the relay naming conventions, it is
advisable to enter all relay model names under the Relay Mfrs and
Models menu.
NOTE! Once a test plan has been defined for a relay, the Manufacturer
cannot be changed.
Test Plan
Each test plan has a user-assigned name to describe the purpose of
the plan. A creation date and login name are recorded when the test
plan is first created. These fields cannot be changed.
Tool Bars
The following four tool bars provide quick access to various program
1. The Standard tool bar (Figure 1) presents basic file and edit
functions, using icons that are common to many Windows
applications.Standard Tool Bar
2. The Run tool bar icons (below) are used in running tests, as
described in Running Tests.
3. The Battery tool bar (Figure 1.11) controls the F6000 Battery
Simulator source. The Battery tool bar is always active, even when
no database is open.
The Formula and Functions tool bar enables you to edit formulae, and
display available functions and keywords when a test definition is open.
File Menu
Use the File menu (Figure 1.15) to open, save, and close databases;
print; and exit the program.
To create a new database file:
You can create your own database template and use it to create a
new database. Closing the open database is optional. If there is an
open database, opening another database will prompt the ser if
they want to close the current database.
To open an F6TesT database:
1. Close the open database.
2. Select File -> Open or click the folder icon in the tool bar. The
F6TesT program displays the Select Database dialog box.
3. Navigate to the desired database.
4. Click Open.
To close the currently open database:
1. Select File -> Close from the menu bar or click the small gray X in
the upper right corner of the screen. A dialog box appears asking if
you want to close the database. There is no prompt to save or
discard changes; any changes made have already been saved.
2. Click Yes.
Save As
To make a copy of the open database:
1. Select File -> Save As.
2. Enter a new name for the database.
3. Click Save. A prompt appears that tells you to close the current
database and open the one that was just saved.
4. Click OK. A new database opens.
5. Click Cancel. The current database stays open, but the newly
saved database is saved.
Print Setup
Print Setup opens a standard Print dialog box for selecting and
configuring a printer for F6TesT reports (refer to “Reports Tab”
on page 4-105).
To close F6TesT:
1. Select File -> Exit. A dialog box appears, asking if you want to exit
F6TesT (Figure 1.18).
2. Click Yes.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu (Figure 1.19 on page 1-27) provides basic functions for
adding or modifying items selected in the location tree or in table view.
There are two ways to access the menu:
1. Select Edit from the menu bar.
2. Right-click an item in the location tree or table view to access the
pop-up context menu.
Menu bar options are disabled or grayed out if they are not applicable
to the current context window.
Table 1.1 lists and describes the commands available from the Edit
menu, along with the corresponding icons in the Standard tool bar and
keyboard short-cuts (such as Ctrl + C to copy an item). Right-clicking
offers two additional options — Check All and Un-check All — that
enable you to select or deselect all the check boxes in a list of tests.
Paste Special
Multiple Copy Copies multiple locations,
relays, test plans, and tests to
the clipboard from the table and
stores it on clipboard so that it
can be can be pasted to
different, compatible place in
the database.
Multiple Cut Cuts multiple locations, relays,
test plans, and tests.
Multiple Delete Pastes multiple locations,
relays, test plans, and tests.
Move Down Moves the selected record
down one position in the table.
Use Copy to copy one record (location, relay, test plan, or test),
including all related records under it, to the clipboard so that it can be
pasted to a compatible place elsewhere in the open database. For
example, a relay can be copied to another location, but a test plan or
test can be copied only within the same relay because it is linked to
specific relay functions and parameters. Copying blocks of data is
enabled in some test definition dialog boxes.
To copy a record from one database to another:
1. Right-click the record.
2. Select Copy from the pop-up menu or press Ctrl + C.
3. Close the database.
4. Open the destination database.
5. Right-click in the appropriate table.
6. Select Paste from the pop-up menu or press Ctrl + V.
To highlight a block of data for copying or cutting:
1. Click the item at the start of the block.
2. Press Shift and click the item at the end of the block. The
highlighted portion is copied to the clipboard.
Because the Copy function uses the Windows clipboard, data can also
be copied from one application to another.
3. Select the level (location, relay, test plan, test, test definition) where
you want to make the changes.
NOTE! The button that is available at the bottom of the dialog box depends
on the operation you selected from the Tools menu. All other buttons, with
the exception of Close, are greyed out.
Use Find (Figure 1.21) to specify a search of the database for records
that contain a specific string.
To find a record that contains a specific string:
1. Right-click the record.
2. Select Find from the pop-up menu or press Ctrl + F. The following
dialog box appears.
3. Enter the text string in the Find What field. (The search string is not
4. Use the drop-down menus in the In Table and In Column(s) fields to
further refine the search. A blank search field acts as a wild card.
For example, searching the table Relay and column Relay_Name
with nothing specified in Find What returns all relays in the
database. You can search only one column in one table at a time.
5. Check Match Whole Word Only to further restrict the search.
6. Click Find. Matching records are displayed in the lower pane of the
dialog box.
7. Double-click a record to open it.
Context Menu
The Edit menu is also available as a context menu in the Location Tree
and the Table View (Figure 1.22).
Copy, Cut, and Paste in the Location Tree and List View
You can copy and paste one or more records (locations, relays, test
plans, tests) from the location tree or table view, according to the
following rules:
• Copy a location and paste it to another location. This pastes all
sub-locations, if any, and all relays, test plans, and tests to the
target location.
• Copy a relay and paste it to the same location or another
location. All sub-records are also copied and pasted.
• Copy a test and paste it to the same test plan or another test
Delete, Insert, Append, Find in the Location Tree and List View
These options enable you to delete, insert, append, and find records
(locations, relays, test plans, and tests) in the location tree or table
view. To perform any of these actions, highlight a record and select one
of the options from the context menu. If you are adding, inserting, or
appending, the new record will appear before the selected record.
Module Menu
Module menu options are described in the following table. These
options are active only when a test record is selected.
Setup Menu
Setup menu (Figure 1.24) options are:
Communication Setup
To configure communications between the computer and the F6000
1. Select Setup -> Communication Setup from the menu bar to open
the Communication Setup dialog box (Figure 1.25).
Graphics Setup
Use the Graphics Setup dialog box (Figure 1.26) to set default color
and display properties for tests:
1. Choose Setup -> Graphics Setup. The Graphics Setup dialog box
2. Use the dialog box controls to set the color scheme for displaying
test points and characteristics, the test point shape, and tolerance
format. For example, to improve printing quality, select a white
background and colors for axes, grid, and data that show up well
against a white background.
3. Click OK.
To see additional selections for Impedance tests, click More and select
Impedance. The following, additional options appear in the dialog box.
To see additional selections for other tests, select Other Tests. The
following, additional options appear.
Oscillograph Setup
The Oscillograph Setup dialog box enables you to set color and display
properties for X (voltage) and Y (current) sources for all test types.
Oscillographs can be displayed for each test by double-clicking the
test, clicking the Test tab, and then clicking the Oscillograph button.
The following figure shows a sample oscillograph.
To move either cursor, click it. When a double arrow appears, drag the
cursor to its desired location and drop it.
4. For each item on the tab for which you want to set a color, click the
browse button ( ) next to that item. The color selection dialog box
Analog Tab
The Analog tab enables you to set the color for a maximum of 12
sources with conventional (Figure 1.34 on page 1-44) and sampled
value source (second below) power system simulators. You can also
select the width of the line (in millimeters), as well as the style of the
1. To configure the Analog display, select the color as you did on the
General Properties tab.
2. From the Width drop-down menu, select the width of the line (1 – 5
3. From the Style drop-down menu, select the style of the line (solid,
dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot).
4. Click Apply.
5. Click OK to close the Oscillograph Setup window.
Test Defaults
To review test specification defaults before configuring new tests,
select Setup -> Test Defaults. The Test Defaults dialog box appears,
with the following three tabs:
• System Parameters
• Run/Auto Run
• Miscellaneous
System Parameters
Enables you to select phase rotation and names and nominal or rated
values of relay frequencies, voltages, and currents.
Controls the way in which testing proceeds when test failures are
This tab includes separate specifications for when a single test module
is run (which can test several points on a characteristic) and for when
multiple tests are run in a nonstop sequence (Auto Run).
The occurrence of a large number of failed tests may indicate a setup
problem, requiring the test to be stopped.
Click the Auto Save Test Results check box to ensure that results are
saved in Auto Run.
In the Auto Save Name section, if the name is for all test definitions,
click the Use Global Auto Save Name check box and enter a name
(or accept the default entry in the field). If the name is for a particular
test definition, do not check the box and enter a name for the test in the
Enables you to set display time formats for the program and for reports.
It also enables you to perform alarm maintenance, maintain log
settings, and set the maximum transient duration for Standard
amplifiers. The setting for Enhanced amplifiers is now continuous.
The value in the Next Test Due field is calculated from the Last Tested
and Test Interval values. If a test is due, a blinking button (Figure 1.42)
appears in the field. Click the button to stop the blinking.
8. Click Close.
This menu option is available only when no database is open. It
displays the path for the default database directory and enables you to
change the path.
To change the default database directory path:
1. Select Setup -> Directories. The Default Database Directory
dialog box appears (Figure 1.44).
Change Language
This menu option enables you to change the language used in F6TesT.
Currently, the following languages are supported:
• English
• Spanish
• Portuguese
• Simplified Chinese
• Traditional Chinese
• French
• German
Tools Menu
The Tools menu (Figure 1.45) includes the following options:
NOTE! The options that appear on this menu depend on the tab that you’re
currently on.
DB Compacting Preferences
Database compacting recovers disk space allocated to deleted records
and optimizes the location of the remaining database records.
Database compacting can be run automatically or on demand.
Repacking or compacting a large database can take a long time, so it is
done infrequently.
To set preferences for this performance feature:
1. Select Tools -> DB Compacting Preferences. The DB
Compacting Preferences dialog box appears (Figure 1.46).
Select Characteristics to open a submenu with the following options:
• Edit Characteristics — Enables you to add or change
characteristics for relay functions:
• Differential
• Over Current
• Over Voltage
• Over Frequency
• Under Voltage
• Under Frequency
• Volts per Hertz
From here, you can add or delete manufacturers and model numbers.
NOTE! New model numbers and manufacturers can be added when a relay
is added to the database.
It is advisable to use the global dialog for this purpose, however, to ensure
consistent names and numbers and to avoid duplicate entries (such as
“SEL” and “Schweitzer” or “SEL321” and “SEL-321”).
To add a manufacturer:
1. In the drop-down menu, make sure that the desired manufacturer is
not already listed.
2. Click Add Mfr to add a new manufacturer. (Once a manufacturer
name is added, it can be deleted, but not edited.)
3. Add optional contact information in the Contact Information field.
4. Add a model number, if desired.
5. Click Save.
This option enables you to generate global reports for relays.
To generate a report:
1. Select Tools -> Reports from the menu bar. The Reports dialog
box appears (Figure 1.55).
4. To filter the report further, select any or all of the following options:
a. To display only the default test definitions for each test, click the
Default for auto run check box.
b. From the Evaluation drop-down menu, select an operating
range for the relay to further refine the data. Choices are:
• All
• Pass
• Fail
• Op
• NoOp
c. In the Date section, select All, Last Tested, or Tested Date
If you select Tested Date Range, from and to boxes appear that
enable you to select the dates to be included in the report.
You can deselect any of the test plans, tests, or test definitions by
clicking the grey box next to the test plans, tests, or test definitions that
you don’t want included in the report. To select one test or test
definition, click the grey box next to it. The relay and test plan are
automatically selected.
6. Click Preview so see what the report looks like. Click Print to print
the report. Click Export to export the report data to a specified
format and location. The following dialog box appears, enabling you
to select the format and location to export the report data to.
Convert Database
Software upgrades sometimes involve a change in the database
schema. As a result, a new version of F6TesT may be unable to open a
previous database. In such cases, an Invalid F6 Database error is
2. Use the browse button to the right of the first field to find and select
the old database.
3. Use the browse button to the right of the second field to find the
new and current master database (..\F6TesT\F6_Master.mdb)
located in the application folder.
4. Click Proceed.
The converted database can now be opened.
Template Library
This option enables you to view F6TesT database templates, copy
entire locations or relays, and paste them into the open database.
Select Tools -> Template Library. A dialog box similar to the following
Vector Calculator
See Vector Calculator (Chapter 10) for instructions on how to use the
Vector Calculator.
Help Menu
There are two selections in the Help menu:
After the copy process is complete, you can open another batch copy
dialog box and select the previous destination database as the source
database to compare the characteristics.
Characteristics Library
To examine a characteristic or add a new one:
1. Select Tools -> Characteristics -> Edit Characteristics.
The Characteristics screen appears. Characteristics are arranged by
relay function and manufacturer.
2. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the window to select a relay
function. Available characteristics are displayed on three screens,
each of which can be accessed from a button at the top of the
• Characteristic Equations. These are generic equations for
each function that are independent of manufacturer. They are
applied to a specific manufacturer by selecting Characteristic
Constants to set parameter values.
Characteristic Equations
A characteristic equation is a general formula or template for equations
specific to a manufacturer and relay function. Parameterized formulas
for a function, such as overcurrent, can apply to all manufacturers and
To select an equation:
1. Select the relay function type (except Differential) from the
drop-down menu.
2. Click Characteristic Equations. The Characteristic Equations
screen appears (Figure 2.3 on page 2-5).
3. Select an equation name from the drop-down menu. The related
equation appears in the Trip time window.
If the desired equation does not exist:
1. Click New.
2. Enter the equation name in the Equation Name field.
3. Enter the equation in the equation field. Two reserved variables
must be present:
• M: multiple of pickup setting
• T: time dial setting
Characteristics Constants
The next step is to define a specific relay characteristic by selecting
one of the previously defined general equations and supplying the
1. Select the relay function type (except Differential) from the
drop-down menu.
2. Click the Characteristic Constants button.
3. Click New.
4. Select a manufacturer from the drop-down menu. If the
manufacturer is not in the list:
a. Enter the manufacturer’s name.
b. Press Tab or Enter. A dialog box appears, asking if you want to
add this name to the list of manufacturers.
c. Click Yes.
5. Enter a Characteristic Name.
6. Select a general equation from the Equation Name drop-down
menu (this is the equation on which the characteristic will be
based). The Trip Time equation and constants for that equation
7. Enter a description in the Characteristic Description field. Optional.
8. In the Time Dial Settings group, enter the minimum, maximum, and
default times.
NOTE! The value for Definite Minimum Time Starts at M= is normally on the
order of 10 to 30, particularly for IEC curves.
For definite time curves, it should be 1.0; for general inverse curves where
the value is not specific, use a high number, such as 1000.
This list box enables you select the equations that you want to appear
on the graph.
2. Click Add. The following fields appear under the list box.
Look-up Table
Use a look-up table (Figure 2.9 on page 2-11) when the relay
characteristic does not have an equation.
To create a look-up table:
1. Click Look-Up Table.
2. Select a manufacturer from the drop-down menu or enter a new
3. Enter a characteristic name and description.
When you click outside the Characteristic Name field after entering a
new name, the Key In button is enabled (except when Differential is
selected in the drop-down menu at the top of the screen).
4. Click Key In to define the number of columns (minimum 12) and
enter values for Tap, Time Dial, and times in the table cells.
5. Click Save.
6. Check the Display Graph box to view a graph of the new
4. Enter the Workbook Sheet Number, starting cell address (the upper
left corner of the block) and ending cell address (lower right corner).
5. Click OK.
The spreadsheet can be open during this process to make it easier to
determine the worksheet number and start and end cell numbers.
Differential Characteristics
The Characteristic Library uses a look-up table for differential
characteristics (Figure 2.11).
NOTE! Ibias, Idiff, Ip, and Is are not absolute currents, but are multiples of
a reference current, Iref, defined for the specific relay function. Iref is
usually the tap setting for relays that use tap settings or the nominal
current divided by the ratio compensation for relays that use ratio
Iref, in turn, is a multiple of the nominal current In defined for each relay
winding. (That is, currents are expressed in units of the nominal or rated
current referred to the differential measurement circuit.) For simplicity, set
Iref = 1*In.
Many of the dialog boxes and windows described in this chapter open
with the default values defined in the Test Defaults dialog box (see
“Test Defaults” on page 1-47.
To review these settings before adding a relay to a location, select
Setup -> Test Defaults from the menu bar.
Related Topics:
• “Adding a Relay to a Location” on page 3-2
• “Relay Parameters and Functions” on page 3-3
• “Relay Parameters Tab” on page 3-4
2. Change the Relay ID, if desired, and enter a serial number for the
3. Press Enter. The cursor jumps to the Manufacturer (Mfg) field.
4. Select a relay manufacturer from the drop-down menu. If the
manufacturer is not included in the list:
a. Enter the number in the Model column. A dialog box appears,
asking if you want to add the manufacturer name to the relay
manufacturer list.
b. Click Yes. The cursor jumps to the Model field.
5. Select a relay model from the drop-down menu. If the model is not
included in the list:
a. Enter the name in the Model column. A dialog box appears, ask-
ing if you want to add the model number to the relay model list.
b. Click Yes.
6. Press Enter.
7. Double-click the Relay Id to open the relay table view.
3. Click Save.
4. Click either the Analog Signals tab or the Digital Outputs tab to
configure those connections:
5. Click the Digital Inputs and Triggers tab to define logic inputs from
the relay to the F6000:
For wired signals go to Wired Digital Inputs:
a. Enter a name in the Signal Name field.
b. Select a sense condition from the Input Type & Condition
drop-down menu.
Digital Outputs
6. If needed, assign an F6000 digital output or IEC GSE Simulations
(GPn) to change state when the test executes — for example, to
simulate a breaker close contact to the relay, allowing it to reset
when the test completes, or to simulate a transfer trip receive
For wired signals go to Wired Digital Output:
a. Enter a name in the Signal Name field.
b. If desired, enter descriptive information in the Name and relay
c. Click Save.
Notebook Tab
The Notebook tab provides a two-column note pad for originator test
instructions and user comments. Notebooks are available at the relay
level and for each test module.
You can document relay identification and settings or provide online
instructions for relay setup, manual calibration, and visual inspection.
You can attach a file, create a link pointing to a file, or copy the file to
the Notebook folder.
The test originator can use the Notebook tab (Figure 3.10 on
page 3-12) to enter general instructions. Later, a user can enter
To add comments:
1. Click the Notebook tab.
2. Enter instructions in the Originator Comments text box.
To attach a file, click Attach File. For example, an attached file can be
the relay instruction manual or a connection diagram, which is opened
from the Notebook page using an application such as Microsoft Word,
Adobe Acrobat, or Visio.
Function Window
Each type of relay function has its own set-up, displayed on a separate
To access the setup for a relay function at the Relay Parameters tab:
1. Select the function in the table on the right.
2. Click Show. F6TesT displays the window for the function. The
figure below is an example of impedance.
Adding a Function
NOTE! The following steps can be used to add all functions except
Impedance, for which the procedure can be slightly different. See “Adding
an Impedance Function Using the Relay Library” on page 3-16 for the
To add a function:
1. Click Add. The Add Relay Function dialog box appears
(Figure 3.13).
3. Check the Relay Library check box. A list of models for the relay
manufacturer appears.
4. Select the relay you want and click Next. A window appears that
displays the library model window (Figure 3.16). Settings can be
8. Select Edit library model from the pop-up menu. The library model
appears (Figure 3.19).
Copying a Function
To create a function based on an existing function:
1. Select the function in the table on the right side of the tab.
2. Click Copy. With a copy of the selected function on the clipboard,
the Paste button is enabled.
3. Click Paste. The copy is pasted into the first available row in the
table of functions. The copy is named “Copy of...”.
4. Select the copy.
5. Enter a new name.
6. Press Enter.
The Pickup Settings table has columns for each possible phase loop or
sequence elements, and rows for levels of protections. In case of a
negative sequence, different relays define the setting as either I2 or
3I2. Check or un-check the box to indicate this. This will be considered
in the I-Char test module.
For current, up to five overcurrent elements are allowed: I>, I>>, I>>>,
I>>>>, I>>>>>.
NOTE! When displaying the composite graph, all elements are referred to
the lowest set element, as shown in the figure above.
Thus, if pickup settings are I> = 2A, I>> = 15A, and I>>> = 30A, then on the
graph, 3A corresponds to a multiple of 3/2 = 1.5, 15A corresponds to a
multiple of 15/2 = 7.5, and 30A corresponds to a multiple of 30/2 = 15.
Enter the Inherent relay operating time (in ms) if needed. This time
will be added to the operating time settings of each element when
calculating the expected operating times.
Enter the General Tolerances for Time and Current (or Voltage or
Frequency). The per cent tolerances may be used in the individual
element time settings. The absolute current (or voltage or frequency)
tolerance and time tolerance are used if the calculated tolerances
based on the per cent values are less than the absolute tolerances.
Generic Functions
The Generic function screen (Figure 3.23) enables you to define
custom variables that aid in testing relays. This screen enables you to
create the label, assign a value, select a type (voltage, current,
frequency, etc.), and enter comments. Variables can be Primary or
Secondary; values can be entered as formulas. Variables can also be
used in test modules.
To create a variable:
1. Indicate whether the variable is to be Primary or Secondary.
2. Indicate the time unit
Double-click in the Label field and enter a label for the variable. Labels
should not be the same as any existing keyword.
3. Enter a value for the variable. You can enter an absolute value or
you can enter a formula.
4. Enter any comments. You can insert a comment row by using one
of the characters - #, " - as the first character in the label column.
This will not be treated as a label.
5. Select a type for the variable from the Type drop-down menu.
6. If the variable is to be used in test modules, click the gray box next
to the variable to give it visibility in the test module.
7. To automatically recalculate any changes that are made on the
Relay Parameters tab (such as VTR and CTR ratios), check
Enable automatic formula recalculation check box.
CAUTION! If you do not check this box, the values on this screen will not
be updated.
Impedance Functions
The Impedance Function screen (Figure 3.25 on page 3-28) includes
an Operating Time table on the left, with up to eight distance zones and
columns for zone elements to test phase quantities.
Enter the Protected Line Impedance data, if known. This is used for
optionally drawing a line on the R-X diagrams. The angle value is also
used as a default when defining the characteristic angle of the
individual zone elements.
To modify an existing zone element, select its column in the table and
click Modify. The curves for each zone element are superimposed on
the graph.
To see the curves one at a time, select a cell and check the Show
Selection Only check box.
To add a new zone:
1. Click in an empty cell.
2. Click New Zone. The Add or Modify Zone dialog box appears
(Figure 3.26 on page 3-29).
General Characteristic
Use the General Characteristic screen to construct a variety of closed
shapes bounded by arcs and lines to represent an operating
characteristic, such as a quadrilateral or mho characteristic with
If you select General in the Characteristic Type drop-down menu of the
Add or Modify Zone dialog box, the next display is the General
Characteristic screen (Figure 3.29 on page 3-31). Use the buttons and
columns to define lines and arcs.
When you enter the relay data and click OK, the segments are added
to the table, after first clearing the previous contents. You can edit the
settings further by inserting, appending, or deleting line or arc
segments and/or changing the values.
Enter the Inherent relay operating time (in ms) if needed. This time
will be added to the zone operating time settings when calculating the
expected operating times.
Enter the General Tolerances for Impedance and Time. The per cent
tolerances may be used in the individual zone time settings. The
absolute impedance and time tolerance are used if the calculated
tolerances based on the per cent values are less than the absolute
Click Advanced Z-time Curve Settings in the Impedance Function
screen to display a dialog box that enables you to define how the
operating time slows down as it approaches the zone reach point
(Figure 3.31 on page 3-33). This is used to calculate the maximum
acceptable operating time in the Z-Time test module.
Directional Functions
Overcurrent relays can have directional elements, which use a
polarizing voltage or current to control operation. The function is
defined in the Directional Function screen (Figure 3.32 on page 3-34).
The screen includes a table of values for each phase and a phasor
diagram that shows the relationship between the operating and
polarizing quantity.
7. Click Yes to save your changes. You are returned to the Relay
Functions window.
Differential Functions
To configure a differential relay function:
1. Select the function in the Relay Functions table.
2. Click Show. The Differential Relay Function screen appears
(Figure 3.33). The screen has two tabs:
• Differential Function
• Compensation Settings
Differential Function Tab
The screen opens with the Differential Function tab displayed
(Figure 3.33) and no test elements defined.
Test Plans
The Creating Test Plans section describes how to add test plans and
tests to a relay, as well as how to define individual test modules. The
relay parameters and functions and their characteristics must first be
defined as described in Relay Characteristics and Creating a Relay. A
relay can have multiple test plans, each test plan can have one or more
tests, and each test, in turn, can be defined with multiple test
To create a test plan:
1. Expand the location tree to find the desired relay.
2. Right-click the relay and select Append from the pop-up menu.
F6TesT adds the new test plan to the first available row in the Test
Plan tab. The default plan name, New Test Plan, is highlighted,
indicating that the name can be changed (Figure 4.1 on page 4-2).
The name also appears in the location tree under the selected
Adding tests to a plan is similar to adding test plans to a relay.
To create a test:
1. Expand the display of the relay in the location tree and select the
test plan. The tests already configured for the plan appear in the
Test tab in Table View.
2. Right-click the test plan (or anywhere in Table View) and select
Append from the pop-up menu. The new test is added to the first
available row in the Test tab. The default name, New Test Module,
is highlighted, indicating that the module name can be changed
(Figure 4.2 on page 4-3).
Test Types
Table 4.1 Supported Test Types
Test Type Description
Test Definitions
After creating a test, you need to create one or more test definitions.
The test definition enables you to set parameters for a test; without the
definition, a test can’t be run. You can set up multiple test definitions
and select one to use for each test. When there are multiple definitions,
one is selected as the default to be used by AutoRun.
If no test definitions exist for the test, go to step 4.
To set up a test definition:
1. In table view, double-click the test record.
a. If the test does not have any definitions, the Save Test Definition
to dialog box appears (second, below). The test definition that
you create automatically becomes the default.
b. If the test has existing test definitions, the Test Definitions dialog
box opens (directly below), listing the current test definitions.
The figure below shows the Test Elements tab for overcurrent. Select
the overcurrent function from the drop-down menu and click the
elements to be tested.
The figure below shows the Test Elements tab for impedance tests.
Select from the Zone elements defined for that function under Relay
Figure 4.7 shows the Test Elements tab for a directional test. Select a
phase or sequence element.
Figure 4.8 shows the Test Elements tab for differential tests.
The figure below shows the Test Elements tab for WaveSim test
module. Select Impedance Function and Zones elements for testing in
this module.
Fault Calculation
Test Timing and Trigger
For time characteristics Selection
Digital Outputs
Source Configuration
Test Method
Test Timing and Trigger
For impedance test modules Selection
Digital Outputs
Source Configuration
Test Method
For WaveSim test module Digital Output
Source Configuration
If 3I0 or 3I2 elements are enabled and they share a common output
contact, checking the box "For Ph-N fault limit 3I0 and 3I2 to" and
entering a number such as 5% of Ifault will adjust the non-faulted
currents such that the calculated values of 3I0 and 3I2 will only be 5%
of the faulted phase current. This will avoid unwanted operation of the
3I0 and 3I2 elements and will not interfere with testing the Ph-N
For testing 3I0 elements, the voltages are based on an A-Ph-N fault
when polarizing is derived internally from 3 phase, but the currents are
all zero sequence. This prevents other elements from operating.
Similarly, for 3I2 or I2 elements, the voltages as also based on an
A-Ph-N fault, but the currents are pure negative sequence, to prevent
operation of other elements.
F6TesT calculates the actual test values output by the test instrument.
The polarizing voltage or current applied here is used only for testing
time overcurrent response and to do a quick directional test by applying
a forward or reversed fault; more accurate directional response is
tested in a separate module.
Figure 4.10 Fault Calculation Tab for Voltage and Frequency Time Characteristics
Directional Characteristics
Use the Fault Calculation screen (Figure 4.11) for directional
characteristics. Pre-fault current is zero. Fault Calculation automatically
uses the nominal voltage defined under Relay Parameters as the
default pre-fault voltage.
Differential Characteristics
Figure 4.12 shows the Fault Calculation screen for Differential
Is vs. Ip
The test applies fixed levels of one source and varies the other, starting
in the middle of the restraint region where high side and low side
currents are balanced. Ip is set at 0° and Is at 180°. This can be done
in the following two ways, or a combination of both:
• Fix Ip and search for Is. On a graph of Is vs. Ip (Figure 4.13 on
page 4-19), this detects the lower boundary of the restraint
• Fix Is and search for Ip. This detects the upper boundary of the
operate region, using lower Is current than would be required if
Ip were held constant. If the combination is selected, two tests
are performed, first fixing Ip, then fixing Is, to map out both
upper and lower boundaries of the restraint region, as shown.
The restraint region is bounded between the upper and lower curves
(Figure 4.13 on page 4-19).
Impedance Characteristics
Figure 4.14 shows the Test Configuration tab for impedance tests with
the Test Method button selected.
All Z characteristics (Z-Time, Z-Char, ZMTA) allow three methods of
• Constant Current
• Constant Voltage
• Constant Source Z
Use this tab to select a method and specify pre-fault values and
methods for relay polarization or initializing.
Constant Current
A fixed test current is applied and voltage is calculated, corresponding
to the impedance. Set the maximum test voltage (Max. Acceptable
Voltage). For a remote fault (high impedance), the required test voltage
may be too high, so F6TesT automatically limits the voltage to the
maximum specified value and recalculates the test current
corresponding to the impedance of the test point. If this occurs, the
background for the Actual test value field in the Test tab becomes white
(Figure 4.15 on page 4-22).
Constant Voltage
A fixed test voltage is applied, for phase-neutral or phase-phase tests,
and current is calculated corresponding to the test point impedance.
Set the maximum test current (Max. Acceptable Current), which must
be within the limits of the F6000 sources. For close-in faults (low
impedance), the required test current may be too high, so F6TesT
automatically sets the test current to this limit and recalculates the test
voltage. If this occurs, the background for the Actual test value field in
the Test tab becomes white (Figure 4.15 on page 4-22).
Constant Source Z
Fill in the source impedance values (second, below) in the power
system model, which calculates voltage and current quantities for each
impedance test point. A maximum current is specified, which limits the
test for close-in faults. If the test point requires a current that exceeds
this limit, the backgrounds for the Actual Voltage and Actual Current
fields in the Test tab become white (Figure 4.15 on page 4-22). These
points are not tested and have a result of ITH, meaning the current is
too high. This test method tests the dynamic or expanded mho
The time constant, L/R, allows the current to change smoothly from
zero value to realistically simulate real-world conditions and controls
the rate at which the DC transient decays.
WaveSim Characteristics
The figure below shows the WaveSim Test Configuration tab.
Test Method
1. Click the Test Method button
2. From the Type of Simulation drop-down menu, select the type of
simulation you want to use in the test. Choices include:
• Classical power swing : constant | E |, f, Z
• User-specified load, faults, dz/dt, Zs
• Transient Ground Fault
3. In the Time Unit section, select the time unit to be used for the test.
Choices include:
• Seconds
• Milliseconds
• Cycles
4. From the CT Direction drop-down menu, select the starting point.
Choices include:
• Towards Bus
• Towards Line
5. Indicate whether Values are Secondary or Primary.
• Time Between Shots is the wait between test points, with the
fault no longer applied, to allow the relay to reset.
Conventional Sources
In all test modules, except Ramp and SSIMUL, F6TesT automatically
sets the source configuration of the test instrument according to:
• Instrument Model
• Value of the Required Test Injection
• Test Module Type
Instrument Model
The figure below shows the source configuration for the F6150 and the
F6150A for three voltages and a current on the left bank and three
currents on the right bank.
Figure 4.23 Sample Source Configuration for the F6150 and the
The F6150A model has one less amplifier on both the left and right
banks. For more information on F6000 sources, refer to the F6
Hardware User Guide. In simulation mode, you can select either the
F6150 or the F6150A.
Value of the Required Test Injection
For current values up to the maximum continuous range, F6TesT uses
a normal mode; for higher currents, F6TesT uses the transient mode
current. A transient source current for phase A is shown on the PC
screen as IA but displayed on the F6000 instrument as TA.
4. Click OK. The Voltage and Current Sources dialog box closes and
the resulting data appears in the Test tab (Figure 4.25 on
page 4-35).
Figure 4.26
Figure 4.27
The Test Points List group has several fault type tabs that can be active
or inactive. Only fault type tabs that have relay elements activated are
active. On each active Test Points tab, you can add test points in
several ways:
• On the graph. Double-click on the graph or click once and then
click Add Point to List.
• One at a time. Enter either multiple or amplitude in the edit area
and click Add Point to List.
2. Enter the Start Value, End Value, and Step Value. The value is
stated in either multiples or units, depending on the current scale
selected at the lower left.
3. Click OK.
Z-Time Test Points
Test points are selected to capture operation anywhere inside a zone
or near zone boundaries, based on the zone tolerances (Figure 4.30
on page 4-39). Select a series of points along a radius that travels
through the zones: just inside Zone 1, just outside Zone 1 (in Zone2),
just inside Zone 2, just outside Zone 2 (in Zone 3 or no operation if
there is no Zone 3).
The easiest way to do this is to click Add Boundary Test Points. Then
enter From Angle, To Angle, and Delta angle. In the two-zone case
shown below, test points are generated for each angle at 95% and
105% of each zone boundary. The graph displays the points as dots
and an x for an expected NoOp point. Using the Add Boundary Test
Points button allows the test points to be defined as a percentage
relative to the zone elements.
Points can be added one by one using one of the following methods:
• Double-click on the graph.
• Click on the graph, then click Add Point to List.
• Enter values of R and X, then click Add Point to List. Pressing
Enter or Tab before clicking Add Point to List moves the graph
cursor to the desired position on the graph.
• Enter values of Z and Angle, then click Add Point to List.
• Select the desired zone from the drop-down menu, enter values
of Angle and %Zone, then click Add Point to List. This method
defines the test points in relative terms of the specified zone.
To test the borders of a quadrilateral characteristic, select points on
either side of a border, both inside and outside the zone boundary, as
shown in Figure 4.32 on page 4-41.
To perform a timing test for various fault locations along the line, select
the zone and enter test points at a fixed line angle at different values of
%Zone (Figure 4.33 on page 4-42).
On the Test tab, select the R-X Plane or Z–T Plane option button in the
Graph Type area at the left (Figure 4.34 on page 4-43) to change the
view. Z-T Plane shows the Z-vs.-time characteristics.
3. Define a test line by entering the From Angle, the To Angle, and the
Delta Angle. A maximum of four arcs can be defined so that finer
angle steps can be used near the MTA.
Table 4.2 describes the functions available from the graph pop-up
NOTE! The options that appear in the graph pop-up menu depend on
whether you're on the Test tab or the Test Points tab.
Maximizing Graphs
To maximize graphs, right-click on the graph and choose Maximize
Graph (Figure 4.40). To restore a maximized graph to its default size,
choose Restore Graph.
Clicking Delete All Points eliminates all points that belong to the
currently displayed fault tab in the Test Points tab, as well as on the
Test tab. For example, deleting all test points on the Ph-Ph tab deletes
all points in the Test tab for fault types AB, BC, and CA.
The Z-Char test module does not have a Test Points tab, but it does
have a Test Lines tab.
To delete duplicate test points on the Test tab:
1. Select a test point.
2. Click Delete Selected Point.
Measurement Tab
The following figure shows the WaveSim Measurements tab.
Test Tab
The Test tab (Figure 4.43) shows test points, expected values, and the
record of actual test results with pass/fail evaluation, depending on the
test type. Once Test Elements, Test Configuration, and Test Points
have been defined, the Test tab is the only tab that you need to use
when running or rerunning a test.
Phasor Diagrams
The phasor diagram (Figure 4.44 on page 4-56) is a separate window
opened from the Test tab that shows the voltage and current phasors
and their values for each test point, before, during, or after testing.
To view a Phasor diagram, click the Show Phasors check box and
select a test point.
• If separate external sources are selected from the I0 tab, the
source column can include Vpol, Ipol or Iop.
• If internally derived quantities are selected, the derived
quantities are shown below the source table (Figure 4.45).
The fault voltages may be shown in wye or delta. The pre-fault voltages
and the symmetrical components of voltages and currents may be
displayed by checking their associated boxes.
This applies to the Z, I-Char, VF-Char and Directional test modules.
The Differential and SSIMUL test modules have different phasor
diagrams. Ramp does not have one.
Directional Test
The objective of the directional test (Figure 4.47 on page 4-59) is to
find the boundary of operation and no operation of the relay, which
should be near the specified lead and lag angles from the MTA.
Defaults are Lead = MTA + 90°, Lag = MTA – 90°. A binary search is
performed using a series of test shots to find the lead and lag operating
points. A test shot consists of a pre-fault state and a fault state. The
MTA is calculated by getting the arithmetical average of the actual lead
and lag values.
Select the relay elements to test and F6000 source to use (for
example, IA for testing Phase A, even for an ABC, AB, or CA fault).
An AB fault has fault currents IA and IB, which can cause both relay
elements A and B to operate. If a common output contact is used for
both elements, only F6000 relay current IA should be checked when
testing element A, to prevent element B from interfering with the test.
Both IA and IB may be checked if each element has a different output
The graph on the right displays the expected directional characteristics
and the voltage phasors for a selected fault type. The fault voltage and
polarizing voltages are highlighted. When the test runs, performing a
binary search, the operating current phasor is assumed to be at the
same angle as the moving test line. At the end of the search the actual
lead, lag, and MTA lines are drawn.
While the test is running, the graph displays the currently running fault
Differential Test
The Test tab for a Differential test shows test points plus actual test
results, %Error, and pass/fail evaluations. Test points appear as
• Green squares for points that passed the test
• Red dots for points that failed the test
• x for points that have not been tested
Figure 4.48 on page 4-61 shows a Test tab for a Differential test.
Before running a test, select a phase by checking the boxes for the
relay elements to be tested. During testing, F6TesT will target the
selected phase element. The ABC box will simulate three-phase faults
during testing.
An Is vs. Ip test that tests both upper and lower boundaries of the
restraint region appears like the one in the figure below. The middle
line (where Ip = Is and Idiff = 0) is the center of the restraint region; the
upper and lower curves bound the restraint region. Values outside
should cause the relay to operate.
To display the test phasors during or after the test, check the Show
Actual Currents and Phasors check box to open the Phasors screen
(Figure 4.50 on page 4-63).
Z-Time Test
The figure below shows the Test tab for a Z-Time test. Test points are
plotted on the graph together with the reference characteristics. The
table on the left shows the details for each point, copied from the Test
Points tab, along with the operate time and Pass/Fail evaluation, if test
has been performed.
To see additional results, drag the table scroll bar to the right:
• %Error, the actual zone which operated (based on the operate
• Test voltage and current that were applied
The Z-Time characteristic graph for test points along a common angle,
typically the line angle, can be shown before or after testing by
selecting the Z-T plane (Figure 4.54 on page 4-67).
NOTE! To perform a Spiral test, click the Spiral option button in the Run
Tests group in the bottom left corner of the tab.
Use a Spiral test to show a large number of test points, starting from
the center and proceeding outward in a spiral manner until the graph
area is filled. If no testing has yet been performed, no test points are
The number of horizontal and vertical divisions of the graph can be
selected before running the test (Figure 4.55 on page 4-68).
Z-Char Test
The Test tab for Z-Char (Figure 4.56 on page 4-69) graphs results as
dots (circles, squares, diamonds, and so on) for each of the zones. The
table shows the details for each point:
• Expected test points
• Actual test points found by the binary search
• Pass/Fail evaluation
• Actual voltage and current for each point
NOTE! In some cases, duplicate test points exist due to common zone
The Z Maximum Torque Angle (ZMTA) test applies only to mho
characteristics. The test is a special form of Z-Char test module,
applying a fault arc sweep (instead of straight test lines) over a range of
angles, from outside to inside the static zone of protection. Like all Z
tests, the pre-fault and fault conditions are specified with the Test
Method button in the Test Configuration tab.
The Test tab graph (Figure 4.57 on page 4-70) displays the calculated
expected MTA and the lead and lag angles on the zone boundary.
When the test runs, the first test probe is at MTA + 45°. After each reset
time (specified on the Test Configuration tab, Test Timing and Trigger
Selection screen, Time Between Shots field), the test angle is adjusted
closer to the MTA and the test is rerun until the difference in angle
between successive test probes is less than the specified search
accuracy angle. The test then shifts to MTA – 45° and finds the other
The test sequence is run for each zone selected for test. The simple
average of both lead and lag angles gives the calculated MTA, which is
compared to the expected. The expected MTA or characteristic angle
for the relay is defined at the relay level in the Add or Modify Zone (or
Mho Characteristic) dialog box (see “Impedance Functions”
on page 3-27).
WaveSim Test
The WaveSim test module is used to simulate power swing to test
blocking or tripping functions in relays.
The WaveSim Classical Power Swing type test is configured in the Test
tab (Figure 4.58).
Figure 4.60 WaveSim User-specified load, faults, dz/dt, Zs type Test Tab
To configure it:
1. Select several impedance points, using mouse clicks on the R-X
diagram, specifying the rate-of-change by which the impedance
moves smoothly between points, and how long a point may stay
stationary at a certain location to simulate a fault or load condition.
For swings the rate-of-change of impedance, dz/dt, is slow and for
faults the movement can be very fast or instantaneous.
2. Click Refresh Graph.
3. Click Display Waveform. An oscillograph similar to the following
A pulsed ramp returns to offset or pre-fault after every ramp step; the
step size, pulse duration and wait between pulses are set on the Test
tab (Figure 4.65 on page 4-77). Pulsed ramp is useful for testing
high-set overcurrent elements to avoid thermal damage to relays. It
also more closely simulates relay dynamic behavior.
A smooth ramp is a straight line ramp with its slope set on the Test tab
(Figure 4.66).
5. Enter the Number of Ramps; a single ramp is one that extends from
an offset toward a limit; a double ramp starts from an offset, ramps
toward a limit, stops on relay pickup, waits a specified time, and
ramps back in the opposite direction to dropout. You may add a
timer here for Frequency ramps.
11. On the Test tab, in the Sources table, enter pre-fault and Action
settings for volts, amperes, phase angles (Ph-N), and frequency.
The ramp quantity is identified in the Action portion of the table by
entering A for Action in the appropriate cell; for example, for a
current ramp, Action is entered in the amplitude field for IA. An
action multiplier can be used in the Amplitude and Frequency
columns; the form is A*n, where n is a constant from 0.001 to 1000,
in increments of 0.001. For phase angle ramp, one phase must be
Action and a relative phase angle action like A-120 or A+75 may be
entered for other phases.
NOTE! A ramp can go either up or down. For example, a current ramp can
start low (load current) and ramp to a high limit (fault current), or a voltage
ramp can start high (normal voltage) and ramp down toward a lower limit
(undervoltage fault). For a negative ramp direction, enter a negative Delta
• The Limit value determines when the ramp stops if the relay has
not already output a trip signal. For current, the limit value (or
the offset, whichever is higher) also determines the source
range required for the Action source. Normally an offset
somewhat below the expected pickup and a limit not too much
higher is used. If the relay does not operate, a NoOp result is
Pulsed Ramp
For a Pulsed ramp there are three additional Action details: Initial
Current, Pulse Duration, and Wait (Figure 4.68 on page 4-82).
Enter the offset and offset duration as you would for a simple ramp; this
should be a normal, non-operating value. The Initial Current should be
set close to the pickup setting. The ramp proceeds from there to the
limit. Pulse Duration should be long enough for the relay to react. After
each pulse, the test value returns to the offset or pre-fault value for a
Wait time, which should be long enough for the relay windings to cool
down and for the relay to return to a quiescent state before the next
incremental pulse.
Double Ramp
Enter parameters for double ramp Action (Figure 4.69) in the same
manner as for a single ramp. After the Ramp 1 Limit, enter a Wait time
to allow relay output to stabilize before starting Ramp 2 in the opposite
direction. The wait time begins when the trip signal occurs. Ramp
amplitude can either start low, go higher, then go back down, or it can
start high, go lower, then go back up.
Ramp Rate-of-Change
The Action quantity for Rate-of-change may be frequency, voltage
amplitude, or current amplitude.
NOTE! Changing the value of delta t at a later time also changes the value
of dV/dt and df/dt.
a. If the same frequency applies for all states, leave the box
checked. The frequency appears only in State 1. It is possible to
have different frequencies for each of the sources.
b. If the frequency is to change during the test, uncheck the box. A
frequency column appears for each state. When the box is
unchecked, the frequency becomes the same for all sources.
Changing the frequency of one source changes the frequency
of all sources.
3. Enter the Maximum Duration for the state. The time unit can be
selected as cycles (referred to the relay’s nominal frequency),
milliseconds, or seconds. The minimum duration for each state is
zero and the maximum is 2147s.
When moving from one state to the next, after expiration of the time
duration and if the instantaneous amplitude value of a preceding
state current source differs from the new state, a DC component is
produced in the currents such as when moving from a prefault to a
fault condition. The DC component decays at a rate dictated by the
specified L/R Time constant. Normal values are 50ms to 70ms for
high-voltage transmission systems and 25ms to 45ms for
distribution systems. The time constant increases for locations
close to generating stations.
When no trigger transition is specified, the state runs for the
specified maximum duration. When a Trig Transition is specified
and the trigger condition is met during execution of a state, the state
ends immediately and transitions to the next state.
A trigger can be selected from digital inputs, LN1 through LN8 or
one of the triggers previously defined at the relay level. The trigger
sense condition can be selected for triggers LN1 through LN8 but
not for predefined triggers.
4. Click Append State to add a state to the right end of the table or
click Insert State to insert a state to the left of a selected state.
5. In each new state table, enter an amplitude and phase for each
source, the state duration, and a descriptive state name in place of
the default name. If most of the values are the same as another
state, use copy and paste of contiguous cells.
The Test tab in the figure above shows four states for the sources
named in the source table. Normally, three states can represent
simple pre-fault, Fault, and Post-fault (breaker operate) conditions.
Here, the fourth state represents a reclose into restored normal
conditions (transitory fault). A different scenario could be reclosure
into a fault condition, with a fifth state for breaker operation. Multiple
reclosures can be used to test lockout after a number of failed
To bring a state in view in the table, either:
• Use the horizontal scroll bar to move the display right and left.
• Use the arrows to the right of the State No/State Name field to
select the state.
To delete a state, select any cell in the state and click Delete State.
Fault Rotate
The Fault Rotate button applies to three-phase voltages and/or
currents only. For an ABC phase rotation, the previous values of phase
A go to phase B, the previous values of phase B go to phase C, and
the previous values of phase C go to phase A.
Display Phasors
The Display Phasors button opens a dialog box with a phasor diagram
for each state (Figure 4.76 on page 4-93).
Only three states can be displayed at one time. Click a state in the
State table to display it and the next two states.
To change the graphic properties of the display:
1. Right-click in any of the three phasor displays. A pop-up menu
appears (above).
2. Select either Wye or Delta for the voltage display.
3. To set the line style and colors for individual voltages and currents,
select Phasor Display Property. The Phasor Line Properties
dialog box (Figure 4.77 on page 4-94) appears.
Time Units
Select or change the time units displayed for state duration: seconds,
milliseconds, or cycles. Any previously entered values are converted to
the display units.
Run Mode
Select the Run Mode from the drop-down menu.
Start Now — Starts state playback as soon as the Run button is
GPS Go At — Enters a GPS time code when the test is run, to
determine when playback begins.
GPS Preset Until — Asserts the pre-fault condition immediately, but
playback of succeeding states waits until the appointed satellite time.
Use GPS Go At or GPS Preset Until when performing
satellite-synchronized, end-to-end testing.
The Oscillograph window displays the analog voltage and current
waveforms as well as the digital outputs and timers. It also enables you
to visualize and more closely analyze the test results.
To display an oscillograph for the SSIMUL test:
1. Click the Oscillograph button. The following window appears
(Figure 4.79):
Measurement Tab
The Measurement tab (Figure 4.80) enables you to set up timers to
record operation of trigger inputs and relays. At least one timer is
created as a default.
To add another timer:
1. Click Append. Another line appears in the table.
2. Enter a descriptive name in the Timer Name field.
3. Click in the Start field and select from the drop-down menu a state
in which to start the timer.
4. Click in the Stop field and select from the drop-down menu a trigger
name to stop the timer.
When the test is run, the time is recorded if the relay operated.
Pass/fail criteria can be applied. Use multiple timers to record multiple
NOTE! When changes are made in the Test tab, it may be necessary to
manually update the start state.
If Exterm module loops
indefinitely the user can 2
Running intervene. No Pass/Fail file exists ? No
Check status of
Time Expired? Yes
Ext. Program
After 3 seconds,
Read File
No PASS or
FAIL text
Exited Yes
PASS Pass/Fail?
Prepare msg:
Yes “External program
returned a FAIL.”
Prepare msg:
Yes “The specified file from
external program
Read contents of the “FromFile name” does not 2
FromFile exist.”
Prepare msg:
Yes “Unable to execute
external program”
Anytime during the test Append contents to Overwrite contents of
check user response to the Notebook (user side) Notebook (user side)
StopProceed dialog box.
Stop Timer
Proceed to next test.
Above msg
Proceed to next test &
“Autorun aborted.”
Using AutoRun
The Autorun feature on the Test Tab enables you to specify test to run
The following options are available:
• Wait for external program to terminate...
The specified external program is executed. EXTERN does not
wait for the external program to terminate; it can be terminated
automatically or manually by the user.
The user can proceed to the next test or stop Autorun manually
while the external program is running.
• Proceed to next test immediately after...
The specified program is executed. It then waits for the
user-specified time to wait (1 second to 1000 seconds; default is
1000 seconds). EXTERN then proceeds to the next test,
regardless of the results of the program execution. If necessary,
the user can proceed to the next test manually before the wait
time expires. The time remaining is displayed in a label box.
• Proceed to next test when...
The external program (usually a scripting program) must create
or clear the specified file (for example, PassFailCheck.txt) at the
beginning of the test. EXTERN should clear this file, if it exists.
Occasionally, EXTERN checks the contents of this file and if it
finds a PASS, it will proceed to the next test. If it finds a FAIL, it
displays a message that tells the user that the external program
Reports Tab
You can prepare a formatted report for each test definition on the
Reports tab (Figure 4.85):
To specify a report:
1. Select a report template definition from the drop-down menu. The
drop-down menu shows the two default templates, as well as any
user-defined templates. The templates are defined in the Global
Report Definitions dialog box (see “Setup Menu” on page 1-34).
2. Click Preview to view the report in a separate window. If the test
definition selected for viewing is different from the currently open
test definition, the graphs cannot be displayed.
3. Click Print. The following figure shows a sample report.
Selecting a Test
To select a test:
1. Expand the Location and Relay in the location tree and select the
test plan. The tests are listed in Table View (Figure 5.1).
3. Select the desired test definition and click Open. The Test
Definitions screen that is appropriate to the test type appears
(Figure 5.3 on page 5-3).
4. Click the Test tab to see the test points and any test results from a
previous run.
5. Click the Test tab and other tabs to review the settings made when
the test was defined. Make any desired changes to the settings.
Refer to the appropriate sections in Chapter 4, for the different test
Simulation Mode
If no F6000 instrument or relay is available, it is possible to verify the
operation of a test by using Simulation Mode.
To enable this mode, select Tools -> Simulation Mode from the menu
bar. Select this option to run a test with no instrument connected.
Simulated test values are generated and posted in the Test tab and on
the characteristic graph.
1. Click Run (single arrowhead) to start the test. The Run dialog box
appears above the test points table and displays a red Stop icon
(Figure 5.5).
Once a test plan has been populated with tests, it is possible to run
more than one test in a non-stop sequence.
To run multiple tests in a plan:
1. Select Setup -> Test Defaults -> Run/Auto Run to verify the
Run/Auto Run defaults.
2. Select the test plan in the location tree to display the individual tests
in Table View.
3. Check the box to the left of each test to be run in non-stop
sequence. It is also possible to quickly check or un-check all tests
by right clicking anywhere on the test name column and selecting
either Check All or Un-check All from the pop-up menu.
Six of the eight tests in the figure below have been selected for Auto
If a selected test has more than one Test Definition in the Test
Definitions dialog box, F6TesT runs the definition marked Default.
4. Click Auto Run (double arrowhead) on the Run tool bar or press
Alt + F12. The sequence begins.
This example, for Z-Time, Z-Char, ZMTA, I-Char, VF-Char, DiffChar,
and directional test modules, clarifies the way in which recalculation
Test points are stored in the database in relative terms. For example, a
multiple of 2.0 of Iset remains as a multiple of 2.0 of Iset, but the
current value in Amperes and the operating time may change. The
figure below shows the test points and the reference graph after the
test is run, but before parameter changes are made.
If the settings are changed, as in the figure below, opening the previous
test and going to the Test tab directly (without first applying the
changes from the Test Elements tab) displays the graph and points
shown in the second figure below.
Return to the Test Elements tab and click Apply Relay Parameters to
Existing Test Points. The test points are now recalculated or cleared
or recalculation is not done.
Test Preparation
Table 6.1 Checklist - Test Preparation for a New Relay
Step Reference
Step Reference
For the test definition: See “Test Elements Tab” on page 4-8.
Select one or more elements to test.
Under Test Configuration, set the Fault See “Test Configuration Tab”
Calculation or Test Method, used to on page 4-12.
determine relay response.
Select a Trigger output and set test
Select Test Points for the test. See “Test Points Tab” on page 4-36.
Select Location, Relay, and Test Plan. See Chapter 5, Running Tests.
Select a test module and open a Test
Select the Test tab. See “Selecting a Test” on page 5-1.
If the test has been prepared, the test
elements, test points and expected
values are displayed, and the results of
any previous test with pass/fail
Review values before running. This
reveals the source of the test points and
expected values.
Make changes as needed.
Select which test elements to run. See Chapter 5, Running Tests.
Connect an F6000 instrument.
Click the Start button the Run tool bar.
Review the test results and make any
necessary adjustments.
Table 6.2 Abbreviations Used in F6TesT
Abbreviation Description
NoOp The relay did not operate. This may also be an expected value.
Op The relay operated. This result is displayed if there is no expected
Src Source Error was encountered while running a test shot. This results
when the burden presented to the source exceeds its capability.
ITH Current Too High. This occurs when the required current is above the
limit of the F6000 Instrument Source Configuration.
VTH Voltage Too High. This occurs when the required voltage is above
the limit of the F6000 Instrument Source Configuration.
TTD Transient Time Duration is too long. This occurs if the test current
value requires a transient mode and the time required for one of the
states is greater than 1.5s.
FDS Fault Duration Short. This occurs if the specified maximum fault
duration is less than the maximum expected operate time for a test
point being run.
NF Not Found. The characteristic point being searched for was not
found during the binary search.
Shortcut Keys
Table 6.3 Keyboard Shortcuts Used in F6TesT
Shortcut Description
Importing a Function
This chapter describes the procedures for importing functions based on
.rio file types.
Importable functions include impedance and overcurrent. Impedance
functions can be directly imported. Overcurrent functions can also be
directly imported if the imported function characteristic has been
mapped in a cross-reference table to an existing F6TesT characteristic.
To import a function:
1. Open the target relay for the functions.
2. Click the Relay Parameters tab.
3. Click Import. A Select RIO Files dialog box appears.
4. Select the file with a .rio extension.
5. Click Open.
An RIO dialog box appears (Figure 7.1 on page 7-2), listing the
available functions in the .rio file. The list may contain one or more
overcurrent or impedance functions. The name of the function is taken
directly from the Device Name field in the RIO file. A sequential number
is then added if more than one element is present. The function names
can be edited now or after importing.
6. Click the buttons for the functions to be imported. A red check mark
appears on each button clicked.
7. Click Apply.
The functions and elements contained in each function are imported
and the functions are added to the Relay Functions list (Figure 7.2).
NOTE! Only active elements that belong to the functions are imported. If
the characteristic being imported is not listed in the Characteristics
Cross-Reference table (see “Characteristics Cross Reference”
on page 7-3), another dialog box appears, listing the function elements
with no direct equivalent characteristic. Select the most suitable
characteristic from the drop-down menu.
1. Select the Predefined tab. This tab contains standard Definite Time
and IEC characteristics.
2. Select, by manufacturer, an F6TesT characteristic that corresponds
to the four predefined characteristics. These are then configured for
use during an import. For example, for Alstom, select ALS IEC
Standard Inverse under the IEC Inverse column. When later
importing a predefined IEC inverse characteristic for an Alstom
relay, the ALS IEC Standard Inverse characteristic is automatically
3. Select the User-Defined tab (Figure 7.4).
Allowed Operations
The following cut, copy, and paste operations are allowed:
• Copy a location from any level with sub-locations and relays and
paste to the root level of the same database or to another
• Copy a relay from one location and paste to the same location
or to another location within the same database or to another
• Copy a function from one relay and paste to another relay. The
following conditions apply:
• If the function is pasted to a relay with the same manufac-
turer, all data will be simply copied and pasted.
• In case of different manufacturers, if the function depends
only on characteristic data that are defined within the func-
tion itself, such as impedance elements, directional, and
some differential characteristics, simply copy and paste the
function. In the case of differential relay characteristics, they
should not refer to a characteristic in the main characteris-
tics section.
• Copying and pasting a test plan, including all tests, to the same
• Pasting a test to a different relay, but only if the target relay has
a function to which the test can refer. For example, an
overcurrent test I-Char can be copied and pasted if the target
relay contains at least one overcurrent function. After pasting,
the following actions apply:
• If there is only one function to which the test can refer, that
function is selected.
• If all checked test elements are available in the function,
select the same test elements and apply all previous test
points. Extra elements of the function that are not in the cop-
ied test are not checked.
The Power System Model calculates amplitude and phase angle
quantities to simulate power system events in an SSIMUL macro. It is
available when an SSIMUL macro is open and can be used to test
entire protection schemes.
When using the Power System Model, the primary impedance values
are entered for the near end source, line, and far end source.
Impedance can be entered in rectangular, polar, or per unit terms.
Current and Potential Transformer ratios are entered to compute
secondary values for fault calculations.
The Power System Model represents a two-machine equivalent with
lumped impedance parameters for line and source values. The model
simulates faults with varied fault locations, resistance, and load flows.
You can then create tests that model power system events to test the
complete relay system for each case modeled.
You can test relay reach and direction for the various zones and
combinations of zones. ProTesT classifies them as Op or No Op,
depending on whether zone protection was enabled. For a Zone 1
relay with ± 5% accuracy, an operation (Op) should always occur at
95% of setting. For a fault at 106% of setting, no operation (No Op)
should occur. These two cases confirm the accuracy of the relay.
Other dynamic relay tests you can perform are operating time tests at
different system impedance ratios — the ratio of the source impedance
behind the relay to the set impedance of the relay.
Other application tests include:
• Switch onto fault
• Blown fuse, memory, adaptive characteristics
• Programmable logic tests
With dynamic relay testing, you can quickly model and play back these
events with the SSIMUL macro.
To work with the Power System Model, obtain the source impedance
and line impedance for both ends of the line. Enter only the primary
values for impedance. F6TesT calculates secondary impedance values
from the PT and CT ratios.
Enter impedances as positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence
components. If the negative-sequence impedance is not available, set
it to the positive-sequence impedance. If the source impedance is not
available, use the following guidelines:
• Set the positive-sequence impedance, negative sequence, and
zero sequence equal to each other.
• For a strong source, set the source impedance to line
impedance ratio (ZS/ZL) between 1 and 5. For example, for a
ZS/ZL ratio of 2, set the source impedance equal to twice the
line impedance.
• For a weak source, set the source impedance to line impedance
ratio (ZS/ZL) between 5 and 10. For example, for a ZS/ZL ratio
of 6, set the source impedance equal to six times the line
To access the Power System Model, select Tools -> Power System
Model. A window similar to the following appears.
The section at the top of the window can contain the following five
power system configurations:
• Single line
• Parallel lines
• Single line with tap
• Parallel lines with tap
A fault location sign indicates where the fault is. Users can use the
Fault tab to select the fault location or they can drag-and-drop the fault
location sign in the top section.
Each source has a drop-down menu that enables the user to select
source impedance.
Options include:
• Strong (SIR = 0.1
• Medium (SIR = 1)
• Weak (SIR = 5)
• Enter source Z
If you select Enter source Z, the following dialog box appears,
enabling you to enter the impedance for each source.
Impedance Tab
The Impedance tab contains two tabs: Primary Ohms and Secondary
Ohms. The Primary and Secondary Ohms tabs enables users to enter
impedance (accurate to within three digits after the decimal points) for
lines AB, CD, ET, and mutual impedance between lines AB and CD.
The following table shows the default values for Impedance.
Once the values have been entered on the Primary tab, F6TesT
calculates the secondary values and automatically updates the
Secondary tab. Likewise, if values are entered on the Secondary tab,
F6TesT calculates the primary values and automatically updates the
Primary tab.
In addition, users can enter PT and CT ratios. Default values for each
of these is 1:1.
• Enter the CT and PT ratios as a primary quantity to one
secondary quantity. For example, a 2000:5 CT has a ratio of
400. The CT and PT ratios are used to calculate the secondary
impedance and fault voltages and currents seen by the relay.
• Enter the base MVA and the voltage level of the line (in
kilovolts). Base MVA and voltage are required only when using
Per Unit impedance quantities. F6TesT recalculates Base Ohms
when switching from one coordinate system to another.
• Select the appropriate coordinate system for the primary
impedance. The Power System Model converts impedances to
the desired coordinate system. Changing the coordinate system
of the Primary Ohms does not change the coordinate system of
the Secondary Ohms.
Fault Tab
The Fault tab (Figure 9.3) enables you to specify the fault element,
type, and location.
NOTE! The items that appear in the menu depend on the type of model
• Location
If Bus C or Bus D is selected from the Fault Element drop-down
menu, this field should be disabled. By default, the location for
all faults is at 50% from A if the fault is on AB; 50% from C if the
fault is on CD. Numeric values only are allowed.
• Fault Type
Enables you to move the fault on the line. The percentage is the
distance from the near end to the fault. For example, entering
60 places the fault 60 percent of the line length from the
near-end or 40 percent from the far end. The Power System
Model also allows you to enter percentages up to 999% to test
different zones of protection. To create a fault at more than
100% of the line, set the far-end source equal to 0 for realistic
values. The following options are available from the drop-down
• Ph-G
• Ph-Ph
• Ph-Ph-G
• 3-Ph
Model diagrams for each of these selections appear at the bottom of
the window. The diagram selected changes per selected fault.
Values can be entered for Cartesian or Polar coordinates.
Relay Tab
The Relay tab (Figure 9.4) enables you to configure relays. The
number of relays that appear on the tab depends upon the system
configuration. Relays are listed as:
• Relay A
• Relay B
• Relay C
• Relay D
• Relay E
In the following list, users can enter any three fields and the other fields
will be calculated:
• Voltage at S1
• Voltage at S2
• Voltage at S3
• Voltage at Bus A
• Voltage at Bus B
• Voltage at Bus C
• Voltage at Bus D
• Current on Line CD
For a load flow of two parallel lines, users must enter any two of the
following values:
• Voltage at Bus C
• Voltage at Bus D
• Current on Line AB
• Current on Line CD
The Power tab on the Load Flow tab (Figure 9.7) enables users to
enter the power of the line.
The Load Data tab on the Load Flow tab (Figure 9.8 on page 9-11)
enables you to display the voltages and currents at each relay before
the fault. These quantities are calculated based on the entered source
voltages and impedances.
Model Menu
The Model menu (Figure 9.9) enables users to model different power
systems. The Model menu options are:
Setup Menu
The Setup menu (Figure 9.14) enables you to navigate to the F6
Control Panel. When you click Setup, the following dialog box appears.
The Vector Calculator consists of a vector table and keypad. Vectors
are displayed graphically in the vector (or phasor) view area. A vector
formula you enter with the keypad is displayed in the Formula Box. If
the formula is evaluated, the result is shown in the Answer Box.
Vector Table
The vector table contains five columns:
• The Vector column contains data entry fields for vectors V1
through V9.
• The second and third columns define the vector values. The
headings for these columns depend on whether you select
Polar or Rectangular form on the keypad. For Polar form, the
columns are labeled Magnitude and Angle; for Rectangular
form, the columns are labeled Real and Imaginary.
• The Graph column contains buttons that enable you to choose
whether each vector appears in Normal View. If a vector entry
has been saved from a formula created in the Formula Box, the
formula appears in the Formula column of the vector table.
• The Source Name column allows you to add a source name to
relate the vector to a power system source (VA, I1, and so on).
Function Keys
The function keys appear in the first two rows of the keypad:
• Polar and Rect — These keys switch between Polar and
Rectangular form for all vector values, including the Answer
Box. This enables values to be entered in one form and
re-displayed in the other form.
• Back (Backspace) — Deletes the preceding value in the cell
being edited. Same as Backspace on a keyboard.
• CFB (Clear Formula Box) — Clears the formula in the Formula
Box and the result in the Answer Box.
• SV (Save Vector) — The next vector selected by a vector key
(see below) will be overwritten by the value in the Answer Box,
and the corresponding formula will also be saved in the table.
• CV (Clear Vector) — The next vector selected by a vector key
will be cleared.
• CAV (Clear All Vectors) — Clears all values in the vector table.
Vector Keys
Click keys V1 to V9 to specify a vector table entry. These are used in
two ways:
1. When creating a formula in the Formula Box, clicking a vector key
inserts a vector name into the formula, as an alternative to typing
the vector name.
2. Clicking SV and then a vector key saves the Answer Box result to
that vector. Clicking CV and then a vector key clears the contents of
that vector.
Operator Keys
Click an operator key to enter it in the Formula Box. You can enter
values from the keyboard or the keypad. The following table describes
the operator keys.
Keys Description
Number Keys
The following table describes the number keys.
0-9 Use to enter values in the Formula Box. You can also enter
values from the keyboard. Negative values are also valid (do
not space on either side of the -).
. (decimal Two decimal places are allowed for all values.
@ In the Formula Box, enter @ followed by a number to indicate
the angle of a vector. For example, in polar form, 1.0@-30 is a
valid entry for magnitude and angle of a vector (do not space
on either side of the @).
Viewing Vectors
Two graphic displays show the vector table and Formula Box as
1. Normal View. If the button in the Graph column displays a red
check mark, the vector is graphed on a circular plot. Vector tails
begin at the origin.
2. Formula View. If a vector formula in the Formula Box has been
evaluated and a result is displayed in the Answer Box, the vector
operations are graphed, showing the resultant vector in red. Vector
tails begin at the origin.
To evaluate a formula, press the equal sign (=) on the keypad.
Menu Bar
Menu bar options are:
• File
• Edit
• View
• Formulae
• Help
File menu items are:
Opens the Vector Setup dialog box:
Opens the standard Windows Print Setup dialog box.
Exits the program.
Edit Menu (Figure 10.3) items are as follows. They apply to highlighted
data, either cells in the vector table or data in the Formula Box.
Cuts the selected data and retains it on the clipboard.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + X
Copies the selected data and retains it on the clipboard.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + C
Inserts data from the clipboard. You can do multiple pastes from one
cut or copy.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + V
Deletes the selected data.
View menu items are:
If you have voltages and currents in the Source Name column of the
vector table (for example, VA, VB, VC, and IA, IB, IC), by default all of
them are scaled to the largest magnitude in the list. If you select
Scaling, the voltage and current with the largest magnitudes are shown
to the same scale, with the others proportional by type.
For example, in the figure above, with Scaling off, all vectors are scaled
to the largest magnitude (20), with the others proportionately smaller.
In Figure E-7, with Scaling on, voltage vectors are scaled to the largest
magnitude (20), and current vectors are shown to the same scale, even
though the largest current vector is only 15.
Zoom In
To zoom in on an area of a graph:
1. Click just outside the area. Holding down the left mouse button,
drag diagonally downward to create a dashed box outlining the
area (Figure 10.7).
Alternate method:
1. Select View -> Zoom In -> Normal View or Formula View. A red
cross appears at the origin of the graph.
2. Outline the area to be expanded:
a. Press Shift + Down Arrow, then Shift + Right Arrow, or vice
b. Move the box outlined by the four red crosses until it encloses
the area you wish to zoom.
3. Press Enter.
Zoom Out
Right-click in the graph and select Zoom Out.
Alternate method:
Select View -> Zoom Out -> Normal View or Formula View.
Formulae menu items are:
Standard Formulae
Opens the Formulae Manager dialog box (Figure 10.10), from which
you can enter and recall formulae to be saved.
To add a formula:
1. Type the formula in the Formulae column.
2. Add any desired comments in the Comment column.
3. Click OK.
You can add more than one formula and comments at a time and save
them all simultaneously by clicking OK.
To remove a formula:
1. Place the cursor in the line containing the formula or comment.
2. Click Remove. Any entries below the deleted formula move up one
3. Click OK.
To insert a formula in the Formula Box:
1. Place the cursor in the line containing the formula or comment.
2. Click Export. The formula appears in the Formula Box.
3. Click OK.
The Formulae menu also contains a list of the five most recently used
formulae, which you can enter by selecting the desired formula.
Help menu items are:
Opens this Help file.
Tool Bar
A vertical tool bar appears at the upper left of the Vector Calculator
screen. The following figure shows the tool bar with icon labels.
Performing Calculations
To enter a vector value in the vector table:
1. Select Polar on the function keypad to enter magnitude and angle
or select Rect to enter real and imaginary values.
2. Click in the desired cell of the vector table.
3. Enter the value using the Vector Calculator keypad or the
4. Press Enter to complete the entry or use the mouse to select
another cell.
5. Click the Graph button to view the vector in Normal View.
To clear a value in the vector table, place the cursor in that cell and
click CV.
To clear all values, click CAV.
Formula Column
The Formula column contains read-only data fields, showing a vector
formula from the Formula Box that was used to evaluate the vector in
the vector table. For example, if VA-VB is entered in the Formula Box
and evaluated by clicking the equal sign, the value and the formula can
be saved as a vector in the table. To do this, click SV on the keypad,
followed by a vector key—for example, V7.
Formula Operators
Use formula operators as follows:
Standard Operators
Enter the addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/)
operators from either the keypad or the keyboard.
Use parentheses around vector values entered in polar or rectangular
a, a2
Click a on the keypad as a multiplier to rotate the following vector 120°:
Click a2 to rotate the following vector 240°:
Click SQRT to insert the square root value into a formula. The Square
Root dialog box opens (Figure 10.13), requesting a positive real
number for the square root extraction.
Use parentheses to create an expression as a formula operand, such
as for addition or multiplication:
(-33.5 -j58.02) + (67@-120)
3*(1 + SQRT(2))
Click the equal sign (=) on the keypad or keyboard. The formula is
evaluated and the result appears in the Answer Box, in either a Polar or
Rectangular format. Change the format by clicking Polar or Rect on the
.rio file 7-1, 7-4
Abbreviations 6-3
Actual Current 4-21
Actual Value Field 4-22
Actual Voltage 4-21
ALS IEC Standard Inverse 7-4
AutoRun 1-3, 1-49, 5-6
using 4-104
Battery simulator 1-19
Formula Box 10-14
performing 10-13
Change Characteristic Curve 5-10
constants 2-5
cross reference 7-3
editing 1-60
equations 2-4
general 3-30
Characteristics library 2-3
Clear Formula box (CFB) 10-2
Color selection 1-20
Color setup
vector calculator 10-6
Command prompt 1-8
Communications setup 1-35
Help menu 1-69, 10-12 Negative-sequence 4-31, 9-2
Negative-sequence elements 4-16
I Negative-sequence voltage 4-17
Notebook 1-21
Impedance 4-8 Notebook tab 3-11
Impedance characteristics 4-20
Impedance function 3-27
Impedance tab 9-5 O
Importing data from spreadsheet 2-11 Offline simulation 1-55
Instruments supported 1-4 Oscillograph 4-96
IP address for instrument 1-57 setup 1-38
WaveSim 4-72
Key code 1-56 P
Keypad 10-2 Phasor diagram 1-3, 4-55
Power System Model 1-69, 9-1
L accessing 9-3
Print setup 1-25, 10-6
Language 1-53
Lasted Tested 1-51, 1-65
Line Cartesian segment 3-31 R
Line Polar segment 3-31 Ramp
Load Flow tab 9-9 double 4-83
Locations pulsed 4-82
cut, copy, paste 1-29 VpHz test 4-86
Log settings 1-50 Ramp test 4-74
Login 1-9 Volts per Hertz 4-86
Look-up table 2-10 Records
copying 1-29
M Reference tables 6-1
Maintenance alarms 1-50
adding to a location 3-2
Manufacturer 1-17 creating 3-1
Maximize test table 4-51 cut, copy, paste 1-29
Maximizing graph 4-50 parameters and functions 3-3
Update utility 1-56
Updating firmware 1-56
User Account Control (UAC) 1-4
Vector calculator 1-69, 10-1
answer box 10-1
keypad 10-2
Menu bar 10-5
tool bar 10-13
Vector table 10-2
WaveSim test 4-71
using 4-108
Z-Char test 4-68
Z-Char test lines 4-45
ZMTA test 4-69
adding or modifying 3-30
Z-Time test 4-65