Gasoline Plant Design
Gasoline Plant Design
Gasoline Plant Design
Chapter One
1.1. Introduction:
Gasoline (also referred to as motor gasoline, petrol in Britain, benzene in
Europe) is a mixture of volatile, flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived from
petroleum that is used as fuel for internal combustion engines such as occur
in motor vehicles, excluding aircraft. The boiling range of motor gasoline falls
between –1°C (30°F) and 216°C (421°F) and has the potential to contain
several hundred isomers of the various hydrocarbons.
The hydrocarbon constituents in this boiling range are those that have 4–
12carbon atoms in their molecular structure and fall into three general types:
(1) paraffins (including the cycloparaffins and branched materials).
(2) Olefins.
(3) Aromatics.
Gasoline boils at about the same range as naphtha (a precursor to gasoline)
but below kerosene .The various test methods dedicated to the determination
of the amounts of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen (ASTM D-5291) as well as
the determination of oxygen, sulfur, metals, and chlorine (ASTM D-808) are
not included in this discussion. [1]
1.2. Historical background:
The history of gasoline begins with the first oil well in 1859.The petroleum
was used to produce kerosene for lighting. In 1892, the invention of the
automobile prompted an interest in gasoline as a fuel. By 1920, 9 million
automobiles were on the roads, so service stations began showing up
everywhere. By 1950, cars were becoming more complex, so octane levels
were increased and lead was added to the gas to improve the performance of
the engine. However, leads to health issues, so the 1970 saw the removal of
lead from gasoline. We all know that gasoline comes from crude oil. The
media is always reminding us of how much it costs per barrel. But what is
gasoline chemistry? What is done to crude oil that turns it into gasoline?
Below is a list of the chemicals you will find in your car’s gasoline:
1.3. Chemical and physical properties:
1.4. Test methods of gasoline:
The test protocols used for gasoline are similar to the protocols used for
naphtha .The similarity of the two liquids requires the application of similar
test methods. However, knocking properties are emphasized for gasoline and
there are several other differences that must be recognized. But, all in all,
consultation of the test methods used for the analysis of naphtha can assist in
developing protocols for gasoline. The properties of gasoline are quite diverse,
and the principal properties affecting the performance of gasoline are
volatility and combustion characteristics. These properties are adjusted
according to the topography and climate of the country in which the gasoline
is to be used. For example, mountainous regions will require gasoline with
volatility and knock characteristics somewhat different from those that are
satisfactory in flat or undulating country only a little above sea level.
Similarly, areas that exhibit extremes of climatic temperature .Because of the
high standards set for gasoline, as with naphtha, it is essential to use the
correct techniques when taking samples for testing (ASTM D-270, ASTM D-
4057, and IP 51). Mishandling, or the slightest trace of contaminant, can give
rise to misleading results. Special care is necessary to ensure that containers
are scrupulously clean and free from odor. Samples should be taken with the
minimum of disturbance so as to avoid loss of volatile components; in the
case of the lightest solvents it may be necessary to chill the sample. While
awaiting examination, samples should be kept in a cool dark place so as to
ensure that they do not discolor or develop odors. [1]
1.4.1. Additives:
and may, for example, react and form new compounds. Consequently, a blend
of two or more gasoline, containing different additives, may form a system in
which the additives react with each other and so deprive the blend of their
beneficial effect. Thus certain substances added to gasoline, notably the lead
alkyls, have a profound effect on antiknock properties and inhibit the pre
combustion oxidation chain that is known to promote knocking.
tetraethyl lead (TEL) was the preferred compound, but more recently tetra
methyl lead (TML) has been shown to have advantages with certain modern
types of gasoline because of its lower boiling point (110°C/230°F as against
200°C/392°F for tetraethyl lead) and therefore its higher vapor pressure,
which enables it to be more evenly distributed among the engine cylinders
with the more volatile components of the gasoline.
The lead compounds, if used alone, would cause an excessive accumulation of
lead compounds in the combustion chambers of the engine and on sparking
plugs and valves. Therefore “scavengers” such as dibromoethane, alone or in
admixture with dichloroethane, are added to the lead alkyl and combine with
the lead during the combustion process to form volatile compounds that pass
harmlessly from the engine.
The total lead in gasoline may be determined gravimetrically (ASTM D-52, IP
96), polarographically (ASTM D-1269), by atomic absorption spectrometry
(ASTM D-3237, IP 428), by the iodine chloride method (ASTMD-3341, IP
270), by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ASTM D-
5185), and by X-ray fluorescence (ASTM D-5059).When it is desired to
estimate tetraethyl lead a method is available (IP 116), whereas for the
separate determination of tetramethyl lead and tetraethyl lead Re course can
be made to separate methods (ASTM D-l949, IP 188).
Test methods have been developed to measure ethers and alcohols in
gasoline-range hydrocarbons, because oxygenated components such as
methyl-tert-butylether and ethanol are common blending components in
gasoline (ASTM D-4814, ASTM D-4815, ASTM D-5441, ASTM D-5599,ASTM
D-5986 ASTM D-5622, ASTM D-5845, ASTM D-6293).[1]
1.4.2. Combustion Characteristics:
Gasoline is normally rated by using two sets of conditions of differing
severity. One, known as the research method (ASTM D-2699, IP 237), gives a
rating applicable to mild operating conditions, that is, low inlet mixture
temperature and relatively low engine loading such as would be experienced
generally in passenger cars and light-duty commercial vehicles. The other is
the motor method (ASTM D-2700, ASTM D-2885, IP 236), which represents
more severe operating conditions, that is, relatively high inlet mixture
temperature and high engine loading such as would be experienced during
full-throttle operation at high speed. Research octane numbers are generally
higher than those obtained by the motor method, and the difference between
the two ratings is known as the sensitivity of the gasoline. The sensitivity of
low-octane-number gasoline is usually small, but with high-octane gasoline it
varies greatly according to gasoline composition and for most commercial
blends it is between7 and 12 in the 90–00 research octane number range. The
heat of combustion (ASTM D-240, ASTM D-2382, IP 12) is a direct measure
of gasoline energy content and is determined as the quantity of heat liberated
by the combustion of a unit quantity of gasoline with oxygen in a standard
bomb calorimeter. This gasoline property affects the economics of engine
performance, and the specified minimum value is a compromise between the
conflicting requirements of maximum gasoline availability and consumption
characteristics. [1]
1.4.3. Composition:
Where the boiling point increases because of the alkyl side chain and this
increase bear little relationship to the aromatic ring . Other methods for the
determination of aromatics in gasoline include a method (ASTM D-5580)
using a flame ionization detector and methods in which a combination of gas
chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (GC-FTIR)
(ASTM D-5986) and gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
(ASTM D-5769) are used. [1]
1.4.4. Corrosiveness:
an addition to the test for mercaptan sulfur by potentiometric titration(ASTM
D-3227, IP 342), a piece of mechanically cleaned copper is used to determine
the amount of corrosive sulfur in a sample (ASTM test methods 119D-130, IP
112, IP 154, IP 411). The pure sheet copper (3.0≤ \ 0.5≤/75 \12mm) is placed
in a test tube with 40 ml of the sample, so that the copper is completely
immersed. The tube is closed with a vented cork and heated in a boiling-water
bath for 3 h. The copper strip is then compared visa all with a new strip of
copper for signs of tarnish. The results are recorded as:
No change: Result negative
Slight discoloration: Result negative
Brown shade: Some effect
Steel gray: Some effect
Black, not scaled: Result positive, corrosive sulfur present Black, scaled:
Result positive, corrosive sulfur present thus visual observation of the copper
strip can present an indication or a conclusion of the presence or absence of
corrosive sulfur. There is also a copper strip corrosion method for liquefied
petroleum gases (ASTM D-1838). [1]
Density (the mass of liquid per unit volume at 15°C) and the related terms
specific gravity (the ratio of the mass of a given volume of liquid at 15°C to the
mass of an equal volume of pure water at the same temperature.) and relative
density (same as specific gravity) are important properties of petroleum and
petroleum products . Usually a hydrometer, pycnometer, or digital density
meter is used for the determination in all these standards.
The determination of density (specific gravity) (ASTM D-287, ASTM D-891,
ASTM D-941, ASTM D-1217, ASTM D-1298, ASTM D-1555, ASTMD-1657,
ASTM D-2935, ASTM D-4052, ASTM D-5002, IP 160, IP 235, IP 365)
provides a check on the uniformity of the gasoline, and it permits calculation
of the weight per gallon. The temperature at which the determination is
carried out and for which the calculations are to be made should also be
known (ASTM D-1086). However, the methods are subject to vapor pressure
constraints and are used with appropriate precautions to prevent vapor loss
during sample handling and density measurement. In addition, some test
methods should not be applied if the samples are so dark in color that the
absence of air bubbles in the sample cell cannot be established with certainty.
The presence of such bubbles can have serious consequences for the
reliability of the test data. [1]
1.4.7. Oxygenates:
Blends of gasoline with oxygenates are common and, in fact, are required in
certain areas. These blends consist primarily of gasoline with substantial
amounts of oxygenates, which are oxygen-containing, ash less, organic
compounds such as alcohols and ethers. The most common oxygenates are
ethanol and methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) with lesser attention focused on
ethyl-t-butyl ether (ETBE), t-amyl methyl ether (TAME), and di-iso-propyl
Ether (DIPE) . Some of the test methods originally developed for gasoline can
be used for gasoline-oxygenate blends, whereas certain other test methods for
gasoline are not suitable for blends. To avoid the necessity of determining in
advance whether a gasoline contains oxygenates there are test methods that
can be used for both gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate blends (ASTM D-4814).
In general, the test methods for determining distillation temperatures lead
content, sulfur content, copper corrosion, existent gum, and oxidation
stability can be used for both gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate blends. Some
of the test methods for vapor pressure and vapor-liquid ratio are sensitive to
the presence of oxygenates in the gasoline and must be acknowledged
Whereas gasoline and water are almost entirely immiscible, and will readily
separate into two phases, a gasoline-oxygenate blend is used to dissolve water
without phase separation. Hence the use of the term water tolerance.
Gasoline-oxygenate blends will dissolve some water but will also separate into
two phases when contacted with water that is beyond the threshold
concentration. Such a phenomenon is a major issue for alcohol-containing
Phase separation can usually be avoided if the gasoline is sufficiently water
free initially and care is taken during distribution to prevent contact with
water. Gasoline-oxygenate blends can be tested for water tolerance (ASTM D-
4814) by cooling gasoline under specified conditions to its expected use
temperature. Formation of a haze (analogous to the cloud point; ASTM D-
2500, ASTM D-5771, ASTM D-5772, ASTM D-5773, IP219) must be carefully
distinguished from separation into two distinct Phases and is not a reason for
rejection of the gasoline. [1]
The study of the analysis of crude oil products is incomplete without some
mention of instability and incompatibility. Both result in formation and
appearance of degradation products or other undesirable changes in the
original properties of petroleum products. Test methods 123 In terms of the
instability and incompatibility of petroleum and petroleum products, the
unsaturated hydrocarbon content and the heteroatom content appear to
represent the greatest influence. In fact, the sulfur and
Nitrogen content of crude oil is an important parameter in respect of the
processing methods that must be used to produce gasoline of specification
sulfur concentrations. There could well be a relation between nitrogen and
sulfur content and crude oil (or product) stability; higher-nitrogen and—
sulfur crude oils often exhibit higher sludge-forming tendencies. Gasoline
manufactured by cracking processes contains unsaturated components that
may oxidize during storage and form undesirable oxidation products. Because
gasoline is often stored before use, it is essential that any components should
not undergo any deleterious change under storage conditions and should
remain stable during their passage from the gasoline tank of a vehicle to the
cylinder of its engine so that no harmful deposits are built up in the tank and
gasoline lines, in the inlet system, and on the valves.
During storage, gasoline is exposed to the action of air at ambient
Temperature, and in its path from vehicle tank to engine it is mixed with air
and also subjected to the effects of heat. An unstable gasoline will undergo
oxidation and polymerization under such conditions, forming gum, a resinous
material, which in the early stages of chain reaction is initiated by the
formation of peroxides and catalyzed by the presence of metals, particularly
copper, which may have been picked up during refining and handling
operations. Instability occurs because of a low resistance of the product to
environmental (in use) influences during storage or its susceptibility to
oxidative and/or other degradative processes. In case of incompatibility,
degradation products form or changes occur because of an interaction of
some chemical groups present in the components of the final blend.
The term instability is often used in reference to the formation of color,
sediment, or gum in the liquid over a period of time. This term may be used to
contrast the formation of a precipitate in the near term (almost
immediately).However, the terms are often used inter changeably. The
measurement of color (ASTM D-l56, ASTM D-848, ASTM D-1209, ASTM D-
1555, ASTM D-5386, IP 17) provides a rapid method of check in the degree of
freedom from contamination. Observation of the test for residue on
evaporation (ASTM D-381, ASTM D-1353, IP 131) provides a further guard
against adventitious contamination.
Tests should also be carried out for sediment if the gasoline has been
subjected to events (such as oxidation) that could lead to sediment formation
and instability of the gasoline and the resulting products. Test methods are
available for the determination of sediment by extraction (ASTM D-473, IP
285) or by membrane filtration (ASTM D-4807, IP 286) and the
determination of sediment simultaneously with water by centrifugation
(ASTM D-96, ASTM D-1796, ASTM D-2709, ASTM D-4007, IP 373, IP 374).
Stability is also defined as the ability of the liquid to withstand long periods at
temperatures up to 100°C (212°F) without degradation. Determination of the
reaction threshold temperature for various liquid and solid materials might
be beneficial (ASTM D-2883). Thus potential gum is determined by the
accelerated gum test (ASTM D-873, IP 138), which is used as a safeguard of
storage stability and can be used to predict the potential for gum formation
during prolonged storage. In this test, the gasoline is heated for 16 h with
oxygen under pressure in a bomb at 100°C (212°F). After this time, both the
gum content and the solids precipitated are measured. [1]
1.4.9. Volatility:
The volatility of a liquid is its tendency to change from the liquid to the vapor
or gaseous state. Thus volatility is a primary and necessary characteristic of
most liquid gasoline. The distillation profile is also a measure of the relative
amounts of the gasoline constituents in petroleum. The volatility of gasoline
affects the performance of the engine in a number of ways, the chief of which
are ease of starting, rate of warm-up, vapor lock, carburetor icing, and
crankcase dilution (the dilution of the engine lubricating oil with the higher-
boiling constituents of the gasoline).
The gasoline must be sufficiently volatile to give easy starting, rapid warm-up,
and adequate vaporization for proper distribution between the cylinders.
Conversely, it must not be so volatile that vapor losses from the Gasoline tank
are excessive or that vapor is formed in the gasoline line, causing vapor lock
that may impede the flow of gasoline to the carburetor.
The determination of the boiling range distribution of gasoline by gas
chromatography (ASTM D-3710) not only helps identify the constituents but
also facilitates on-line controls at the refinery. This test method is designed to
measure the entire boiling range of gasoline with either high or low Reid
vapor pressure (ASTM D-323, IP 69). In this method, the sample is injected
into a gas chromatographic column that separates hydrocarbons in boiling
point order. The column temperature is raised at a reproducible rate, and the
area under the chromatogram is recorded throughout the run. Calibration is
performed with a known mixture of hydrocarbons covering the expected
boiling of the sample.
Another method is described as a method for determining the carbon number
distribution (ASTM D-2887, IP 321), and the data derived by this test method
are essentially equivalent to that obtained by true boiling point distillation
(ASTM D-2892).
The sample is introduced into a gas chromatographic column that separates
hydrocarbons in boiling point order. The column temperature is raised at a
reproducible rate, and the area under the chromatogram is recorded
throughout the run. Boiling temperatures are assigned to the time axis from a
calibration curve, obtained under the test methods same conditions by
running a known mixture of hydrocarbons covering the boiling range
expected in the sample. From these data, the boiling range distribution may
be obtained. However, this test method is limited to samples with a boiling
range greater than 55°C (100°F) and having a vapor pressure (ASTM D-323,
ASTM D-4953, ASTM D-5190, ASTM D-5191,ASTM D-5482, ASTM D-6377,
ASTM D-6378, IP 69, IP 394) sufficiently low to permit sampling at ambient
temperature. The volatility of petroleum and petroleum products is an
important Aspect of safety and quality. It would be unsafe to attempt to store
highly volatile materials in the open sunlight or in an enclosed space where
temperature can rise to be in excess of 37.8°C (100°F).And yet, without any
indications of when the material might vaporize and spontaneously ignite,
there is no way of even considering the correct storage and handling
The vapor pressure of petroleum or a petroleum product is the force exerted
on the walls of a closed container by the vaporized portion of a liquid.
Conversely, it is the force that must be applied to the liquid to prevent it
vaporizing further. The vapor pressure increases with increase in temperature
and is variously expressed in terms of millimeters of mercury, pounds per
square inch, or other equivalent units of pressure depending on common
usage. Gasoline vapor pressure depends critically on its butane content, and
in the refinery the final adjustment of vapor pressure of a gasoline to meet the
specification is often made by butane injection. The Reid vapor pressure
(ASTM D-323, IP 69, IP 402) is a measure of the vapor pressure of petroleum
or a petroleum product an oil at 37.8°C (100°F) expressed as millimeters of
mercury. The apparatus used to determine the Reid vapor pressure consists of
a metal cylinder, or bomb, fitted with an accurate dial pressure gauge or a
mercury manometer. The bomb consists of two parts, an upper expansion
chamber and a lower liquid chamber. The sample is cooled and poured into
the lower chamber until it is full. The temperature of the air in the upper
chamber is taken, and the two chambers are connected together in a gas-tight
manner. The bomb is immersed upright in a water bath at 37.8°C (100°F) and
shaken repeatedly until a constant pressure reading is obtained. This is
corrected, from tables, for initial air temperature and pressure. Another
method (ASTM D-5191) is now most commonly referenced in gasoline
regulations, and the method requires fewer samples and is much easier and
faster to run. [1]
However, before any volatility tests are carried out it, all water must be
removed because the presence of more than 0.5% water in test samples of
crude can cause several problems during distillation procedures .Water has a
high heat of vaporization, necessitating the application of additional thermal
energy to the distillation flask. Water is relatively easily superheated, and
therefore excessive bumping can occur, leading to erroneous gasoline
readings, and the potential for destruction of the glass equipment is real.
Steam formed during distillation can act as a carrier gas, and high-boiling
point components may end up in the distillate (steam
distillation).Centrifugation can be used to remove water (and sediment) if the
sample is not a tight emulsion.
Other methods that are used to remove water include:
1. Heating in a pressure vessel to control loss of light ends,
2. Addition of calcium chloride as recommended in ASTM D-1160,
3. Addition of an azeotroping agent such as iso-propanol or n-butanol.
4. Removal of water in a preliminary low-efficiency or flash distillation
followed by re blending the hydrocarbon that co distills with the water into
the sample (IP 74).
5. Separation of the water from the hydrocarbon distillate by freezing. Water
is a contaminant in gasoline and should be measured with the Karl Fischer
method (ASTM E-203, ASTM D-1364, ASTM D-1744, ASTM D-4377,ASTM
D-4928,ASTM D-6304), by distillation using a Dean and Stark condenser
(ASTM D-4006) (Fig. 5.3), or by centrifuging (ASTM D-96) and excluded by
relevant drying methods.(fig.1.2) dean and stark adapter on the bottom of a
Tests should also be carried out for sediment if the gasoline has been
subjected to events (such as oxidation) that could lead to sediment formation
and instability of the gasoline and the resulting products. Test methods are
available for the determination of sediment by extraction (ASTM D-473, IP
285) or by membrane filtration (ASTM D-4807, IP 286) and the
determination of simultaneously sediment with water by centrifugation
(ASTM D-96, ASTM D-1796, ASTM D-2709, ASTM D-4007, IP 373,
1.5. Uses of Gasoline:
Gasoline is an important part of our day-to-day lives. We use it to fuel our
cars and trucks, as well as our lawnmowers, weed trimmers, boats, a variety
of off-road vehicles, portable electric generators and more. However, gasoline
is highly flammable and can be extremely dangerous if not handled or stored
safely. Following these safety tips will help protect you and your family. [3]
1.6. Hazards of Gasoline:
Gasoline is a colorless liquid with characteristic odor. It may be dyed yellow.
Gasoline is an extremely flammable liquid and vapor. The liquid can
accumulate static charge by flow or agitation. It can float on water and may
spread to distant locations and/or spread fire .The vapor is heavier than air
and may spread long distances making distant ignition and flash back
possible. Gasoline is a possible cancer hazard. It may cause cancer (based on
animal data). It is a central nervous system depressant and exposure to high
vapor concentrations may cause headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness,
unconsciousness and death. It is also an aspiration hazard. Swallowing or
vomiting of the liquid may result in aspiration into the lungs. This chemical
profile record refers to common, commercial unleaded gasoline used for
automotive purposes, unless otherwise specified. [4]
1.6.1. Gasoline is a powerful fuel for engines and a
Dangerous explosive:
2-Cancer: There is no evidence that exposure to gasoline causes cancer in
humans. However, long-term exposure to high levels of benzene, a
component of gasoline, may increase a person's risk of leukemia.
1.7.1. Raw material:
Gasoline is one of the products derived from distilling and refining
petroleum. Compounds of organic lead were added to gasoline in the past to
reduce knocking in engines, but due to environmental concerns this is no
longer common. Other chemicals are also added to gasoline to further
stabilize it and improve its color and smell in a process called "sweetening."
1.7.2. Exploration:
1-The first step in the manufacture of gasoline is to find its parent ingredient,
petroleum. Crude oil is trapped in areas of porous rock, or reservoir rock,
after it has migrated there from the area of its origin. Possible areas of oil
concentration may be pinpointed by looking for rock types that are commonly
found in those areas. Explorers may examine the surface features of the land;
analyze how sound waves bounce off.
2-After a possible oil reservoir is found, the area must be test drilled. Core
samples are taken from test wells to confirm rock formations, and the
samples are chemically analyzed in order to determine if more drilling is
justified. Although the methods used today are more advanced than any of
the past, there is still no certainty in oil exploration. [6]
1.7.3. Drilling:
Crude oil is recovered through wells that can reach over 1,000 feet (305 m)
into the rock. The holes are made by rotary drillers, which use a bit to bore a
hole in the ground as water is added. The water and soil create a thick mud
that helps hold back the oil and prevent it from "gushing" due to the internal
pressure contained in the reservoir rock. When the reservoir is reached, the
mud continues to hold back the oil while the drill is removed and a pipe is
inserted in this fig (1.3) show drilling. [6]
1.7.4. Recovery:
1-To recover the oil, a complicated system of pipes and valving is installed
directly into the drilling well. The natural pressure of the reservoir rock brings
the oil out of the well and into the pipes. These are connected to a recovery
system, which consists of a series of larger pipes taking the crude oil to the
refinery via an oil (liquid) and gas (non-liquid) separator. This method allows
the oil to be recovered with a minimum of waste.
now required to obtain a greater percentage of the oil. The pressure is
restored by either injecting gas into the pocket above the oil or by flooding
water into the well, which is far more common. In this process, four holes are
drilled around the perimeter of the well and water is added. The petroleum
will float on the water and come to the surface. [6]
1.7.6. The feedstock introduce to Fractionation crude oil in
atmospheric distillation column:
Crude oil is not a good fuel, since it is not fluid and requires a very high
temperature to burn. The long chains of molecules in crude oil must be
separated from the smaller chains of refined fuels, including gasoline, in a
petroleum refinery. This process is called fractional distillation. A fractional
distillation tower is a huge unit that may hold up to 200,000 barrels of crude
oil. The oil is first pumped into a furnace and heated to over 600°F (316°C),
causing all but the largest molecules to evaporate. The vapors rise into the
fractionating column, which may be as tall as 150 feet (46 m). The vapors cool
as they rise through the column. Since the boiling points of all the compounds
differ, the larger, heavier molecules will condense first lower in the tower and
the shorter, lighter molecules will condense higher in the tower. Natural
gases, gasoline, and kerosene are released near the top. Heavier compounds
used in the manufacture of plastics and lubricants are removed lower in the
tower. Fractional distillation itself does not produce gasoline from crude oil; it
just removes the gasoline from other compounds in crude oil. Further
refining processes are now used to improve the quality of the fuel. [8]
Platinum-based reforming catalysts are used in the late of 1940. By time, in
1960, their performance was improved by the addition of some metals such as
Ge, Sn, Re, and Ir. These additions have given the catalyst a better selectivity,
a better stability of performance over time, and the possibility of operating at
lower pressure. Most of the reforming catalysts are based on well-dispersed
platinum on an alumina promoted by halogen, usually chlorine. Since 1970,
many attempts were made to find a better performing system of catalyst.
Nowadays the reforming process is generally carried out over bi-functional
catalysts which consist of one or more metals, most commonly platinum or
platinum combined with rhenium or tin or iridium, dispersed on an acidic
support. [10] Isomerization:
The light naphtha introduce to isomer unit by this unit it change to gasoline ,
Upgrading light hydrocarbon (C4–C6) streams in refineries and gas
processing plants has increased in importance as new regulations affecting
gasoline composition are enacted in many regions of the world. These
regulations include lead phasedown, benzene minimization, and oxygen
content requirements. Light-naphtha isomerization plays a key role in
meeting octane demands in the gasoline pool that result from both lead
phasedown and increasing market share for premium gasoline grades. By
isomerization we mean the skeletal isomerization of paraffin to amore
branched paraffin with the same carbon number; however, because of its
nature, isomerization may also affect some of the naphthene components and
will also hydrogenate aromatics. In fact, isomerization is the most-economic
means available for reducing the benzene content in gasoline. An aluminum
chloride catalyst for alkane isomerization was first developed in the 1930 s.
The original application was for the conversion of n-butane to isobutane,
which was, and still is, reacted with C3, C4, and C5 olefins to produce motor
fuel alkylate. The catalyst such as Chloride alumina, the highest-activity
paraffin isomerization catalyst available, increases the octane of a typical
light-naphtha stream from about 70 to as high as 85 RONC in a once-through
paraffin isomerization unit.[11]
systems. SCADA (Systems for Supervisory Control of Data Acquisitions) use
specialized software to monitor operations through one or more master
terminals and several remote terminals. These systems increase efficiency,
help prevent mishaps that could harm the environment, and reduce the
number of laborers with increased safety. Enhanced oil recovery methods
increase the percentage of oil that can be obtained from a reservoir. In the
past, workers were able to extract less than half of the oil contained in a
reservoir. New methods involve injecting gases or foams into the well to force
out the oil, drilling horizontally into the well, and using more geophysical
information to accurately predict the characteristics of the reservoir. Because
gasoline is produced from a limited supply of petroleum, scientists are
looking for clean, renewable sources of energy to power machines of the
future. Steam power, used in the steamboats of the past, is an energy source
that is receiving renewed attention. Electric vehicles have been developed and
solar and wind energies are also powering cars and homes. [6]
Chapter two
Atmospheric distillation column
Chapter two
Atmospheric distillation column
2.1. Introduction:
The first and the most fundamental step in the refining process (after the
crude oil has been cleaned and any remnants of brine removed) is distillation,
which is often referred to as the primary refining process. Distillation involves
the separation of the different hydrocarbon compounds that occur naturally
in a crude oil into a number of different fractions (a fraction is often referred
to as a cut). In the atmospheric distillation process, heated crude oil is
separated in a distillation column (distillation tower, fractionating tower,
atmospheric pipe still) into streams that are then purified, transformed,
adapted, and treated in a number of subsequent refining processes, into
products for the refinery's market. The lighter, more volatile, products
separate out higher up the column, whereas the heavier, less volatile,
products settle out toward the bottom of the distillation column. The fractions
produced in this manner are known as straight run fractions ranging from
(atmospheric tower) gas, gasoline, and naphtha, to kerosene, gas oils, and
light diesel, and to (vacuum tower) lubricating oil and residuum. The feed to a
distillation tower is heated by flow through pipes arranged within a large
furnace. The heating unit is known as a pipe still heater or pipe still furnace,
and the heating unit and the fractional distillation tower make up the
essential parts of a distillation unit or pipe still. The pipe still furnace heats
the feed to a predetermined temperature, usually a temperature at which a
predetermined portion of the feed will change into vapor. The vapor is held
under pressure in the pipe in the furnace until it discharges as a foaming
stream into the fractional distillation tower. Here the unvaporized or liquid
portion of the feed descends to the bottom of the tower to be pumped away as
a bottom nonvolatile product, whereas the vapors pass up the tower to be
fractionated into gas oils, kerosene, and naphtha.the followng fig(2.1) show
distillation column[12]
2.2. Overview:
–Complex distillation.
2.2.3. Process description steps:
1-Crude oil is pumped from storage and is heated using hot overhead and
product side streams using a heat exchanger network (HEN). The HEN
enables the crude to achieve a temperature of about 200 ‐ 250 of.
2-Eventually, the pre‐heated crude oil is injected to remove salt in a desalted
drum which does not remove any organic chlorides and removes dissolved
3-Dissolved salt in the crude is removed using electrostatic precipitation as
salt water. The salt water is sent to sour water stripper, cleaned and sent to
oily waste sewage disposal.
4-Eventually crude enters a surge drum and some light ends entrained with
water are flashed off the drum. The removed light ends are directly fed to the
flash zone of the main column of the CDU.
5-A second HEN would energize the crude oil to higher temperatures after
which the crude oil enters a furnace and is heated to a temperature that will
vaporize distillate products in the crude tower.
6-Crude oil is often heated to vaporize about 5 % more than required for the
distillate streams. This is called over flash and this ensures good reflux
streams in the tower.
7-The heated crude then enters the fractionation tower in a lower section
called flash zone. The un vaporized portion of the crude oil leaves the bottom
of the tower via a stream stripper section. The distillate vapors move up.
8-Distillate products from the main column are removed from selected trays.
These are called Draw off trays. The streams are called draw off streams.
These streams are steam stripped and sent to storage.
9-From the tower top of the main column, full range naphtha (both light and
heavy) will leave as a vapor. Eventually, the vapor will be condensed and
separated in a phase separator. The separated naphtha product will be
partially sent for reflux and the balance sent as reflux stream from the
overhead drum.
10-In addition, pump around units are included at the LGO draw off and
HGO draw off. A pump around involves removing a hot side stream cool it
and return it back to the column at a section above the draw off tray. The
pump around is an internal condenser that takes out heat of that section and
ensures reflux below that section.
11- Side stream distillate products are kerosene (Jet fuel), light gas oil (diesel)
and heavy gas oil. These are stripped free of entrained light ends in separate
stripping towers (called secondary columns). About 4 – 6 trays are required
in these secondary columns. The purpose of secondary columns is to strip the
side stream distillate products from entrained light ends. In these columns,
steam is injected below the bottom tray which moves up the tower and leaves
at the secondary column top along with light ends stripped out. The stripped
steam (with light ends) is allowed to enter the main column just above the
side stream draw off tray. Often, side stream stripper units (secondary
columns) are stacked above one another in a single column (with distributed
liquid and vapor traffic) so as to ensure free flow of side stream product from
the draw off tray to the secondary column.
12-In certain circumstances such as kerosene stream sent to jet fuel blending,
stripping is effected using a re‐boiler.
13- The residue product leaves the flash zone at the bottom of the main
column. It is stripped free of light ends using steam injected at the bottom of
the main column.
12-Live steam is pretty useful in the CDU operation. While steam enabled the
reduction of installed costs of reboiler from cost perspective, it enables the
flashing of the streams at a reduced partial pressure and therefore contributes
significantly for the removal of light ends throughout the main and secondary
column. A conceptual diagram of the CDU is presented in Figure (2.3). [14]
2.2.4.Typical yield :
Processing sequence:
1-Fractionation systems have different objectives. The major processing
objectives set the system type and the equipment configuration needed. The
common objectives include removing a light component from a heavy
product, removing a heavy component from a light product, making two
products, or making more than two products. We will call these major
categories are called stripping, rectification, fractionation, and complex
2-Stripping systems remove light material from a heavy product.
Equipment type:
3-Packing creates a surface for liquid to spread on. The thin liquid film has a
high surface area for mass-transfer between the liquid and the
bottom fig.(2.4) [12]
Chapter three
Reformer and isomerization
Chapter three
Reforming and isomerization
3.1. Introduction:
product is separated. The remainder of the reformed material leaves the top
of the tower to be separated into gases and reformate. The higher octane
number of the product (reformate) is due primarily to the cracking of longer
chain paraffins into higher-octane olefins. Thermal reforming is in general
less effective than catalytic processes and has been largely supplanted. As it
was practiced, a single-pass operation was employed at temperatures in the
range of 540 to 760 °C (1000 to 1140 °F) and pressures in the range 500 to
1000 psi. Octane number improvement depended on the extent of conversion
but was not directly proportional to the extent of cracking-per-pass.
The amount and quality of reformate is dependent on the temperature. A
general rule is the higher the reforming temperature, the higher the octane
number of the product but the yield of reformate is relatively low. For
example, a gasoline with an octane number of 35 when reformed at 515°C
(960 °F) yields 92.4% of 56 octane reformate; when reformed at 555°C (1030
°F) the yield is 68.7% of 83 octane reformate. However, high conversion is not
always effective as coke production and gas production usually increase.
naphtha) can be processed after treatment to remove olefins and other
contaminants. Hydrocarbon naphtha that contains substantial quantities of
naphthenes is also a suitable feed. The process uses a precious metal catalyst
(platinum supported by an alumina base) in conjunction with very high
temperatures to reform the paraffin and naphthene constituents into high
octane components.
Sulfur is a poison to the reforming catalyst, which requires that virtually all
the sulfur must be removed from the heavy naphtha through hydrotreating
before reforming. Several different types of chemical react ions occur in the
reforming reactors:
1. Paraffins are isomerized to branched chains and to a lesser extent to
naphthenes, and
2. naphthenes are converted to aromatics.
The commercial processes available for use can be broadly classified as the
moving-bed, fluid-bed, and fixed-bed types. The fluid-bed and moving-bed
processes use mixed non-precious metal oxide catalysts in units equipped
with separate regeneration facilities. Fixed-bed processes use predominantly
platinum-containing catalysts in units equipped for cycle, occasional, or no
regeneration. There are several types of catalytic reforming process
configurations that differ in the manner that they accommodate the
regeneration of the reforming catalyst. Catalyst regeneration involves burning
off the coke with oxygen. The semi-regenerative process is the simplest
configuration but does require that the unit be shut down for catalyst
regeneration in which all reactors (typically four) are regenerated. The cyclic
configuration uses an additional swing reactor that enables one reactor at a
time to be taken off-line for regeneration while the other four remain in
service. The continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR) configuration is the most
complex configuration and enables the catalyst to be continuously removed
for regeneration and replaced after regeneration. The benefits of more
complex configurations are that operating severity may be increased as a
result of higher catalyst activity but this does come at an increased capital cost
for the process. Although subsequent olefin reactions occur in thermal
reforming, the product contains appreciable amounts of unstable unsaturated
compounds. In the presence of catalysts and hydrogen (available from
dehydrogenation reactions), hydrocracking of paraffins to yield two lower
paraffins occur. Olefins that do not undergo dehydrocyclization are also
produced. The olefins are hydrogenated with or without isomerization, so that
the end product contains only traces of olefins. The addition of a
hydrogenation–dehydrogenation catalyst to the system yields a dual function
catalyst complex. Hydrogen reactions hydrogenation, dehydrogenation,
dehydrocyclization, and hydrocracking take place on the one catalyst, and
cracking, isomerization, and olefin polymerization take place on the acid
catalyst sites.
Under the high-hydrogen partial pressure conditions used in catalytic
reforming, sulfur compounds are readily converted into hydrogen sulfide,
which, unless removed, builds up to a high concentration in the recycle gas.
Hydrogen sulfide is a reversible poison for platinum and causes a decrease in
the catalyst dehydrogenation and dehydrocyclization activities. In the first
catalytic reformers the hydrogen sulfide was removed from the gas cycle
stream by absorption in, for example, diethanolamine. Sulfur is generally
removed from the feedstock by use of11a conventional desulfurization over a
cobalt–molybdenum catalyst. An additional benefit of desulfurization of the
feed to a level of <5 ppm sulfur is the elimination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
corrosion problems in the heaters and reactors. Organic nitrogen compounds
are converted into ammonia under reforming conditions, and this neutralizes
acid sites on the catalyst and thus represses the activity for isomerization,
hydrocracking, and ehydrocyclization reactions. Straight-run materials do not
usually present serious problems with regard to nitrogen, but feeds such as
coker naphtha may contain around 50 ppm nitrogen and removal of this
quantity may require high-pressure hydrogenation (800 to 1000 psi)
overnickel–cobalt–molybdenum on an alumina catalyst.
The yield of gasoline of a given octane number and at given operating
conditions depends on the hydrocarbon types in the feed. For example, high-
naphthene stocks, which readily give aromatic gasoline, are the easiest to
reform and give the highest gasoline yields. Paraffinic stocks, however, which
depend on the more difficult isomerization, dehydrocyclization, and
hydrocracking reactions, require more severe conditions and give lower
gasoline yields than the naphthenic stocks. The end point of the feed is
usually limited to about 190 °C (375 °F), partially because of increased coke
deposition on the catalyst as the end point during processing at about 158 °C
(278 °F).Limiting the feed end point avoids redistillation of the product to
meet the gasoline end-point specification of 205 °C (400 °F), maximum.
Dehydrogenation is a main chemical reaction in catalytic reforming, and
hydrogen gas is consequently produced in large quantities. The hydrogen is
recycled through the reactors where the reforming takes place to provide the
atmosphere necessary for the chemical reactions and also prevents the carbon
from being deposited on the catalyst, thus extending its operating life. An
excess of hydrogen above whatever is consumed in the process is produced,
and as a result, catalytic reforming processes are unique in that they are the
only petroleum refinery processes to produce hydrogen as a by-product. [10]
3.2. Overview:
3.2.3. Process description steps of catalytic reforming:
3.2.4. Typical yield:
3.2.5. Catalytic Reforming reactions:
1-dehydrogenation of naphthenic to aromatics:
Isomerisation of paraffins is also a fast reaction. The reaction is almost
thermo neutral, AH 2 kCal/mole. This reaction has a negligible effect on the
final octane number. [17]
3-dehydrocyclization of paraffins to aromatics:
are important in the reforming reactors. Unlike other reforming reactions,
hydrocracking is exothermic with a heat release of 10kCal/mole. Compared to
hydrodecyclization, the reaction rate is small at low temperature and
conversion rates. However, the rate increases with higher temperatures and
increases in aromatic content when it becomes an important competitor of
hydrodecyclization reactions. The reaction products appear in the reformate
and in the gases. The presence of light components Ca and C5 gives important
volatility properties to reformate. Also, hydrocracking decreases the liquid
yield and increases the aromatic content due to a concentration effect. [17]
3.2.1. Introduction:
butane isomerization is one of the sources for the isobutane requirements in
Because of the heightened demand for isomerate, refiners continue to look for
increasingly effective and economic means of producing this valuable
blending component. Over the years, UOP has developed and continues to
develop new catalyst systems in order to improve process economics and
operability. This paper discusses two examples, the LPI-100 and I-80
catalysts in terms of their fundamental improvement over existing catalysts in
various processing options and, most important, the increased value available
to refiners who use these new high-performance isomerization catalysts.[11]
3.2.2. Overview:
62 Process description steps:
Yields vary with feedstock properties and operating severity. A typical product
yield is given in Table (3.2) for a 13 number improvement in both RON and
MON clear for a 12 psi RVP C5_ isomerate product. [17]
proceed through an olefin intermediate, which is formed by paraffin
dehydrogenation on the metal site (reaction (1)):
The formation of the carbonium ion removes product olefins from reaction (1)
and allows the equilibrium in reaction (1) to proceed. The carbonium ion in
reaction (2) undergoes a skeletal isomerization, probably through a cycloalkyl
intermediate as shown in reaction (3):
In the last step, the isoolefin intermediate is hydrogenated rapidly back to the
analogous isoparaffin (reaction (5)):
In addition to these primary reaction pathways, some evidence indicates the
existence of a bimolecular reaction mechanism, in which olefinic
intermediates dimerize, internal carbon atoms are protonated, skeletal
isomerization occurs, and the dimer undergoes beta scission that results in
the product isoparaffin. In addition to the C13 labeling experiments that
support this mechanism, a relatively small amount of hydrocarbons
containing carbon numbers higher than the feed are always found in the
reaction products. The bimolecular mechanism has a minor impact on
commercial isomerization processing. [11]
Higher product octanes, up to 93 RONC, can be obtained by recycling low-
octane hydrocarbons. The C+ 5 yield from chloride alumina catalysts is the
highest from any commercial catalyst because of high catalyst selectivity and
low operating temperature. Because chloride alumina systems are not
economically regenerable, eventual reloading of the isomerization catalyst
must be considered. Nevertheless, the chloride alumina system is often the
most-economic choice because of its inherent high activity. In addition, only
chloride alumina catalysts have enough activity to economically isomerize
butanes. As a result of ongoing intensive research and development in
paraffin isomerization technology, UOP’s I-80 catalyst is one of the highest-
activity chloride alumina catalysts currently available. The I-80 catalyst, is
significantly more active than the I-8 catalyst, and is based on a unique
formulation and manufacturing technique. By simply reloading the I-80
catalyst in existing reactors, a gain of 0.5–1.0 RON can be realized compared
with the product RON when I-8 catalyst is used. Zeolite isomerization
catalysts, such as UOP’s HS-10™ or I-7™ catalysts, operate at higher
temperatures than chloride alumina catalysts. The maximum product octane
that can be achieved is limited by the unfavorable equilibrium at these
conditions. Yields are also lower as a result of the higher operating
temperature and the less elective characteristics of zeolite catalysts. A typical
octane upgrade for a once through zeolite isomerization unit is from 70 to
about 79 RONC. Higher product octanes (86–88) can be obtained in a recycle
operation, such as a TIP™ unit.[11]
Chapter four
Design catalytic reformer
Chapter four
Design catalytic reforming
4.3. Material balance on stabilizer:
Data given:
Hot fluid: Vapor from 3rd reactor
mvapor= 60290 lb/hr
T1=550 ˚f
T2=250 ˚f
Design Steps:
P = (335-100)/(550-100)
= 0.52
B- The cold-side effectiveness:
R = (550-250)/(355-100)
= 1.1765
[1shell pass and 2 or more tube passes] We found f=0.9
LMTD corrected = 0.9*180.55=162.5 ˚f
2. Actual no of tubes Nt:
From table heat transfer book
Choosing 4 passes, Ntubes = 242 tube, IDS=24 in
,Ntubes/pass=242/4 = 60.5 ≈ 61 tubes
6- hi = JH*(K/Di)*
= 160*(0.087/0.0695)*
= 345.4 Btu/ft2.˚
7- hio = 345.4*(0.834/1)
=288.076 Btu/ft2.˚
6- ho = JH*(K/De)*
= 57*(0.082/0.06)*(0.3388*
= 102.1 Btu/ft2.˚
= 838.7 ft2
B- Area available:
= 228*15.5*0.618
= 925.2 ft2
C- Check: Excess Area % = [(Aav- Areq)/ Areq]*100
= [(925.2-838.7)/838.7]*100
= 10.3% ok in range (10-25%)
1- φs is neglect
2- Ns+1=L/B =16*12/24=8
= 2.7486 ≈ 2.75 psi
ΔPtubes = ΔPt+ΔPr
= 2.75+4.8 = 7.55 psi < 10 psi check is o.k. [18]
Data given:-
Heavy sweet naphtha, 61.8◦ API, Flow rate (Gnaphtha) = 60125 lb/hr,
Boiling range (171-400 F◦ )
Recycle H2, Flow rate (GH2) = 90.79 lb/hr
Recycle (C1 –C2), Flow rate (G (C1-C2)) =75.16 lb/hr
[Total flow rate= 60290.95 lb/hr]
Inlet temperature (t1) = 871 F◦
Outlet temperature (t2) =1010 F°
Fuel gas, LHV=19700 Btu/lb
Design basis:-
Vertical –cylindrical heater with horizontal –tube convection section.
Excess air, 15%
Average radiant rate, 10000 Btu/hr ft2
Design steps:-
Step 1:- Efficiency
1- FGT= 871 + 150 =1021 F◦ [>400 F°] O.K.
2- From fig. (3) Berman:
By excess air =15 %, and FGT = 1021 F°
Ha, FGT = 14733.33 Btu/lb
5- At (tm= (871 + 1010) / 2 = 940.5 F°) of fluid and 61.8 API from Kern
obtain its physical properties:-
Cp naphtha= 0.765 Btu/lb F° , CpH2= 3.5 ,Cp(C1-C2) = 0.85
1-select tube coil having 3 passes of 4 in IPS Sched. 40 [4.5 in O.D. * 0.237 in
avg. wall]
2- Fluid mass velocity=
(60125 + 90.79 + 75.16) / (3600 * 3 * 0.0884) = 63.15 lb/s ft2
O.k. in the range [45-70 lb/s/ft2]
tc = 911.88 F°
5- Radiant section average tube metal temperature:
tm= 962.5 + 75 = 1037.5 F°
Ha,Bwt = 10790 Btu/lb
QR =(10790 / 14733.33) * 6446441.364 = 4721071.361 Btu/hr
Qc= 6446441.364 - 4721071.361 = 1725370 Btu/hr
6- Shield bank free area = 6* 4.1* ((8 - 4.5) / 12) = 7.175 ft2
8-surface area of one shield row = 6 * 4.1 * π * (4.5 / 12) = 28.981 ft2
13- Check of flue gas temperature above shield bank
Ha,shield= [(4721071.361 + 499814.158) / 4721071.361] * 10790
= 11932.324 Btu/lb
By Ha,shield=11932.324 Btu/lb and excess air=15%
From fig.(3) Berman Tsh=1475 F° O.k. ≃ (BWT - 210) = 1448.76 F°
3-try 3 fins/in with each 3/4in high *0.05in thick (At=7.33 ft2/ft)
10-From fig. (8) by KT= 1.35 ,H= 0.75 in and h0= 5.578 Btu/ft2F°hr
ξfin = 84%
12- Ro= (1 / 4.829) = 0.2071
Ri = (7.33 / 1.054) * (1 / 333.185) = 0.02087
Rw = (7.33 / 1.054) * (1 / 1367) = 0.005087
Rt = 0.2071 + 0.02087 + 0.005087 = 0.23305
Uconv. = (1 / 0.23305) = 4.291 ft F hr
14- Surface area per convection row = 6 * 4.1 * 7.33 = 180.318 ft2
At tavg. = 946 f° in stack of flue gas,
2- For ( Radiation ) :-
Npasses,rad. = 24 / 3 = 8 passes
Le = (8 – 1) * 50 * (4.026 / 12) + 8 *15.672 = 242.8 ft
3- For ( Crossover ) :-
Le = 2 * 4.1 + 3* 30 * (4.026 / 12) = 38.395 ft
5- By tavg = (871 + 1010) / 2 = 940.5 f° of fluid , = 0.03, and μ= 0.0726 lb/ft hr
ΔP = 6.662 psi
For basis of 1 hr, and isothermal reactor
nXA=0 = 221119 mol
Hence, V = 482.61 m3
The reactor volume seems to be very large for :
The massive flow rate of naphtha.
The small assumed M.wt of 112 of naphtha feed that led to
the high no. of moles in the gaseous phase which led to the
high volume of feed.
If the presence of hydrogen in the feed is neglected, the volume
of the reactor would be 150 m3 and ( D = 4 m , L = 12 m ) [18]
4.7. Design of stabilizer:
Design steps :
Step (1)
F= 621.81 Kgmol / hr.
Total Material Balance :-
F = D+B
Individual Material Balance on the component :-
FXf = DXd + BxB .
621.81 ( 0.0000743 ) = D ( 0.0004125) + 0
D= 112.00117 Kgmol /hr
B=509.8088 Kgmol / hr.
Light key is ( n-C4 ).
Heavy key is (i-C5).
Feed enters at boiling point ;-
Feed properties
Solution :-
Rmin = 1.1
Calculation of the minimum number (Nmin) of
theoretical plates by the Fenske equation :-
Nmin = 17.6
Rop =1.2 Rmin , Rop = 1.32
By Gilliland–Eduljee method :
Y= 0.75-0.75X0.5663
= 0.4783
Ntheor =19.365 plate .
If take plate efficiency =50%
Nact = Nthoer / = 19.365/ 0.5 =39.27= 40 traysStep (3) :
To calculate the tower diameter and tower height :
2) Tower diameter (D) :
P =latm , TD=86oC.
VD = 359 * ( 460+86 )/(460+32)* 1/1
VD = 398.4 ft3 /lbmol
VD = 398.4 * 259.84=103520 ft3 / hr.
V = D (R + 1 ) = 259.84 ft3 /hr.
L =48.1 Ib / ft3
v = 0.8 Ib / ft3
Vc.s =K ( (1 - v ) /v)1/2
K = 0.16 from (Fig 2)
VC.S = 1.23 ft./sec.
VC.S Design = VC.S Max. / 1.15 = 1.07 ft./sec.
A = V/v = 26.879 ft.2
D = (4A / )½ = 5.85 ft.
standard D= 6 ft
Adc2 = 28.274 (0.45) =12.7233 ft2
LW2 / D = 0.997 ,dW /D = 0.461
Lw2=0.997*6*12=71.784 in
dW =0.461 (6) *12=33.192 in
dw2 = D - 2dw
dw2 = 4* 12 – 2 (33.192) = 5.616 in
=2(3.54 * 5)+2(67.796 * 5)
Adis = 890.36 in2 = 6.183 ft2
Distribution area percent: 21.867%
N= 2360 holes
From fig available no of holes =2860 holes
Excess no of holes =2860-2360=500 hole
Excess area =500/4.62 =108.225 in2
4.8. Design pump:
Data: -
mf = 60125 Lb/hr
API = 61.5
T = 40 C◦ = 104 ◦f
Total dynamic head = 49 m = 161 ft
Design steps:-
from kern charts by T = 104 ◦F , API = 61.5 find specific gravity =0.71
density = 0.71 * 62.4 = 44.3 Lb / ft3
Q= mass flow rate / density
= 60125 / 44.3 = 1357 ft3/hr
= 1357 * 7.48 / 60 = 169.2 G.P.M
= 0.01 ft
= 0.125 in
- B1 = 0.1 * 0.28
=0.028 ft
=0.336 in
Step (5) : Calculation of inlet and outlet tangential velocity (U1,U2)
- U1 = (* D1 * N) / 60
= (* 0.28 * 2900) / 60
= 42.52 ft / sec
- U2 = (* D2 * N) / 60
= (* 0.756 * 2900 ) / 60
= 114.8 ft / sec
Step (6) : calculation of inlet and outlet wirl
velocity (VW1, VW2)
- VW1 = zero
- VW2 = (H * g) / (U2 * man )
= (161 * 32.2) / ( 114.8 * 0.86)
=52.5 ft /sec
Step (7): calculation of pump's angles
a) absolute outlet angle calculation ( ) :-
- = tan-1 ( VF2 / VW2 )
= tan-1 (15.28 / 52.5)
=16.23 o ( < 20 o ) so it is ok .
b) plate angle at outlet calculation :-
= Tan-1 (VF2 / (U2 – VW2))
= Tan-1(15.28 / (114.8 – 52.5))
= 13.8 o (< 90 o ) so it is ok .
c) plate angle at inlet calculation ( ):-
= Tan-1 VF1 / U1
= Tan-1 (15.28 / 42.52 )
= 19.8 o in range (20o - 45 o) nearly satisfy.
Step (8): check on design
a)speed ratio( ) must be in range (0.95 – 1.25 ) : -
- = U2 / (2 g H) 1/2
=114.8 / (2 * 32.2 * 161)
=1.127 in range (0.95 - 1.25) so it is ok .
Step(9): calculation of horse power required(HP)
HP = Q H / 75 overall *3600
= 5 HP (standardized) [18]
Design steps:-
Step (1): Calculation of compression ratio (RCt)
RCt= P2/P1
= 205/14.7
= 13.9 >> 5
- So we must divide the compressor to multi stage.
Step (2): calculation of number of stage (n)
= (13.9)0.5 = 3.72 (in range (3 - 5) so it is ok)
- So there are two stages.
Step (3): Calculation of discharge pressure
a)Discharge pressure for the first stage(P12) : -
P12 = (Rci * P1) + (ΔP / 2)
= (3.72 * 14.7) + (5 /2)
=57.2 psia
b) Inlet pressure for the second stage (P22): -
P22 = P12 – Δp/2
= 57.2 – 5
= 52.2 psia
RCI = P12 / P1 Rc2 = P2 / P22
= 57.2 / 14.7 = 205 / 52.2
=3.91 =3.92
CHECK: is ok
4.10. Tank design:
Data given: -
- mp = 56000 lb / hr
- API = 44.94
- T = 104 ˚F
Design steps: -
- from kern chart by known (API = 44.56, T = 104 ˚F). find
specific gravity of reformate = 0.783
- density = 0.783 * 62.4 = 84.86 lb / ft3
so Q = mass flow rate / density
= 5600 / 84.86
= 1146.13 ft3 / hr
assume production capacity = 30 day
- V = 1146.13 * 24 * 30
= 825,228.4 ft3
= 825,228.4 /
= 23,364 m3 >> 1000
( so we wil design large tank)
Step(1) : calculation of suitable dimensions of tank (D, H )
1)- calculate D/H)OPT:-
D/H)OPT = 4 C1 / (C2+C3 + C4 + C5)
C4 = C5 = zero
C1 = C3 = 2C2
D/H)OPT = 8 / 3
2)- calculate the hieght of tank(H):-
V=(* D2 * H ) / 4
H= ( 825,228.4 * 4) / (*
=52.87 ft
standrized (H) by find the aproximately number which
can divide into (6,8).
We could distillated a crude oil from Distillation Column and then we can get
Naphtha, but we can’t using Naphtha directly because it has low Octane
number, Therefore we improved this Naphtha by Reforming Process However
we have many ways to improved Naphtha but in our project we focused on
catalytic reforming, because this way it is common way in the world, and
economic method and it has high octane number.
In this project produce gasoline because gasoline best important fuel in the
world, we design atmospheric distillation column to produce heavy naphtha
and Catalytic reforming used to improved heavy naphtha because the heavy
naphtha have few octane number by catalytic reforming increase octane
number of naphtha .there are many process to improve naphtha but catalytic
reforming .
[13]. By Ronald (Ron) F.Colwell, P.E.Oil refinery processes/a brief overview