And Use, of of of - : Built Ond

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I AR1101 ARCI.


Teaching Sehenre: 0(L) - 0(T) - 3(P) Cnedits: 4

Ccurse Objective:

: To introduce rhe architectural design languoge and design pracess.

t To understand the nature of built environment ond its determinants.

Module - |
LETTERING: Architectural lettering exercises - drafted and free hand, rendering and presentation
techniques with pencil and ink
Module - ll
TECHNICAL DRAFTING: Demonstration of dra,r,ing instruments and their use, architectural
representation of materials on drawings, use of scales, Scaling and measuring of 3D forms and
representing them in 2D form.
Module - lll
ANTHROPOMETRIC STUDIES : Average measurements of human body in different postures, its
crcpcr-tion and graphic representation, application in design of simple household and street furniture.
Module - IV
SPACE STUDY: Basic human functions and their implications for space requirements. Minimum and
cpt 6um areas for varlous functions such as living, dining, sleeping, cooking, study, storage, toilet etc.
Ircl ud ng fu rniture layout, ci rculation spaces

Course Outcome:
{Jpon completion of the course, the student sholl have ochieved o comprehensive understanding
of technicol drowing techniques ond orchitecturol presentotion.

The course sholl prepare students to gain on understonding into the fundomental issues in
orchitecturol design ond develop skills to creote orchitecturol solutions for simple problems.
L. Francis D. K. Ching, 'Architecture: Form, Spoce ond Order', John Wiley & Sons,2007'
2. Geoffrey Broadbent'Design in Architecture'John Wiley and Sons, 1973.
3. Arthur L. Guptill and Susan E. Meyer, 'Rendering in Pen ond /nk' , Watson-Guptill, 1997
4. Neuferts' Architect's Data
5. Francis D. K. Ching, 'Architecturol Graphics', Wlley, 2009.

lnternal Continuous Assessment (M oxi m u m M o rks- 100) (G ro u p 1 Su bj e ct)

20% - Tests (minimum 2)
7A% - iloss work.
10% - Regulority in the closs
U niversity Exam ination Pattern :
Exa mi nation d u rati on : 4 hou rs Moximum Totol Marks: 100

The question poper sholl consist of 2 questions of 100 morks esch. Candidotes have to answer one full
questior't out of the two.


Teaching Scheme: 2(L) - 0(T) - 0(p) Creciitsr4

Course Objective:
t rc introduce the elementary buildirtg mciericls, their opplications snd canstruction
Ta forniliorize the students with building campcnents ond their role" To
a understand vernocular/ troditional buitding materials and proctices. To
o understond prevailing BIS specificltions.


' lntroducing moteriols and methods of c:onstruction through lectures and studio
r Site visits to gain knowledge about construction details.
' Documentotion and demonstration ta some bosic construction methods and elements.
o Collecting material samples ond literature.

Module - |

lntroduction to building materials and construction- components of buildings-how to make

Stone: Classification stones suitable for construction-properties-available sizes-use.
Clay: Brick [country bricks & factory made]-properties-available sizes-usp Terracotta-available
forms suita ble for construction-sizes- properties-uses.
Mortar: lngredients of mortar-water, mud, lime, cement and sand- proportions- properties-

r'1 Concrete: Ingredients of plain cement concrete-grades-properties-applications and uses.

Cement concrete blocks used for construction.
Module - ll
Masonry: Stone masonry for foundations and super structure-various types-with and without
mortar-methods of construction. Brick masonry for foundations and superstructure-brick
bonds-different types-for varying thickness-other structural systerns using bricks-arches and
vaults-methbds of construction.
Drawings: Stone masonry for foundations and super structure. Brick bonds, orches and vaults.
Module - lll
Timber: Classification of timber according to position of hard core-available types of timber-
areas of application-properties of timber-specification. Seasoning of timber-need for seasoning-
methods-defects in timber.
Bamboo: Bamboo as a building material-types-properties-application.Comparison bamboo v/s

c'' mernbers-loining
!torking rvith tin-rbey: various steps invcived-recu;;'eo sizes dco!'s' winCows anc
woocien members ror'vai'icus appiicaiions iii<e structurai
guides'fasteners'nuis'boits' of i'nocjern hardwares-iocks,ninges,siiding
screws,wind staris,Traditicna! knowledge in carpentry'
sizes of members-methods of
working with bamboo: Various steps invoivec-requir"ed
.joining bamboo fcr various
details of bamboo constructions'
Drawings: .taints in waoden ioinery. lllustratians-

Course 0utcome:

and their judicial usoge in their t'uture design proiects'
Construction,, John Wiley & Sons.
1. Harry parke r,,Materials ond Methods of Archltecturol
Canada, limited, 1958'
2. W B McKay,'Building Construction', Orient Longman
,The construction of buildings (vo!.1-v)', Blackwell publishing, 2000'
3. Robin Barry,
Principles' Materiol & Methods"
4. Olin, Harold & schmidt, 'Building Construction -
American Savings and Loan lnstitute Press' 1970'
6. Relevant BIS codes.

20%'Tests (minimum 2)
70% - Closs work.
10% - RegularitY in the class

U niversitY Examination Pattern:

Examinotion durotion: i hours Maximum Total Morks: 100

The question poper sholl consist of 2 parts'
All questions
port A : Question 1. (40 morks) - iignt short onswer questions of 5 marks eoch.
,ruporprlioiy. rnere shiutd be two questions f rom eoch

Question 2. {10 marks) -Questions for 10 mqrks from module I ond ll' condidotes
hove to onswer ony one out of the two'

to answer onY one out of the two'

hove to answer ony one full question out of the

Port B ftA Marks)- Drowing: candidates morks.
two each irom moiules lt and :il. Each question corries 20


Teachlng Scher^ne: 2iL) 0(Tl - C(p) Cr'edits: 4

Course Cbjeetive:
To aporeciole tne impartance af histary af orchitecture and iis reiationship to the development
oi cny region. To create owcreness af the precious architecturc! pest ond how ta interpret the
f uture development bosed on thct trodition, wisdom and technical knowledae.

Module -i
Factors influencing the architectunal character of any place; Geographic, Climatic, Socio-cultural,
Religious, Economic, etc.
Prehistoric architecture of the West, Middle East and East: General characteristics of the
Human Settlernents: Gobekli Tepe, Catal Huyuk, Jericho, Jomon culture; Shoji walls, pagoda,
Early Settlernents in lndia: Mehrgarh, Early Harappan.
Module - ll
Ancient Mesopotamia: History, evolution and characteristics. Example: Ziggurat (Sumerian), palace
of Sargon (Assyrian), lshtar Gate (Babylonian).
Ancient Egypt: History, evolution and characteristics. Example: Mastabas, pyramid of Giza and
Temple of Amon at Karnak.
lndus Valley Civilisation: City Planning. Domestic Architecture. Building materials and construction
techniques. Example: Great Bath, Mohenjo- daro.
Ancient Greece: History, evolution and cha.racteristics. Example: Classical orders, optical
corrections, Parthenon, Acropolis, Agora, Theatre.
Ancient Rome: History, evolution and characteristics. Example: Roman engineering skills-pantheon,
Colosseum, Basilica.
Module - lll
Vedic Period: Vedic Village. City Planning in later Vedic period. Building materials and construction
Buddhist & Jain: History, evolution and characteristics. Major typologies; Stupa, Chaitya hall,
Vihara' Example: Lomas Rishi, The Great Stupa at Sanchi, Chaitya Hall at Karli,. Vihara 1 at Ajanta.
North lndian: Evolution of architectural style, major influences on the development of form and
other architectural elements. Gupta Period. Example: Tigawa & Dasavatara Temples.

Central & South lndian: Chalukya & Pallava Architecture. Example: Ladkhan and Durga temples
Aihole (Chalukya), Rathas & Shore temple (pallava).
Dravidian temple architecture: principles of Design and Construction

lntroduction to Kerala Architectur", ,"",Ili"li'i .lln,,".turar styte, Factors that inftuenced

the development of architecture: Materials, Climate & Socio-economic factors.
Residential architecture: ResidentialTypologies and Palaces Example: padmanabhapuram palace.
Religious architecture: Early Hindu Temples, Churches and Mosques. Evolution of religious
architectural forms. Koothambalam, etc Examples: Hindu: Vadakkumnathan temple at Thrissur.
christian: st. Mary's church at Kallooppara, Muslim: Miskal Masjid at Kozhikode.

Course 0utcome:
its building arc and cartstruction techniques
Knowledge about the history oi c culiure,
develap c keen appreciotiott af o!:r heritage
of the cot)rse, the stttdent wiil be cble ta particuror culture,
thot orchitecture is the product af a
buitdings reading to the understcnding
ilme ortd Place'

,rndion Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu periods" D. B. Taraporevara,lg65.
,The Architecture af tndio: Buddhist and Hit.ldu,, Vikas, 1980.
2' Satish Grover,
lnternational, 2003'
Yale UniversitY Press,1994'
5. BanlsterFletcher,'DanCruickshonksir,BanisterFletcher'sohistoryoforchitecture:A
Press' 1996'
History of Architecture', Architectural
Oceonia', Oxford UniversitY' 2000'
B.NlichaelRaeburn,,Architectureofthe\y'lesternWorld,,Rizzoli,1982. and Hudson, 1998.
of lndia,,Thames
9, llay Cooper ,,Borry Dowson, Troditionol Buitdings of vastu vidyo" vastuvidya-pratishthanam
10" Balagopal T s
prabhu, A Achyutha n,'Text Book
Academic Centre, 2001
KerolQ" S'Chand' 1982'
1L. Ronald.M.Bernier, 'Temple Arts of
12. Susan visvanatha'n,'Christians of
Keralo" oxford University Press' 1993'
Coast' Vastuviciya-
an, 'Troditiono! Architectural Forms of
13. Ashalatha Thampur
pratishthanam Academic Centre' 2001
Architecture', John Wiley & Sons' 2011

Morks-50) (Group 2
lnternal Continuous Assessmenl (Moximum
Subiect) 50%'Tests (minimum 2) quiz, seminor, term-
j0%. Assignments (minimum 2) such os home work, problem solving,
Project, etc.
20% - RegutaritY in the closs

UniversitY Examination Pattern:

Maximum Total Marks:
Exomination duration: i hours

The question paper sholl consist af Two

^^^L Alt
.^ each' arroctinn, are compulsory'
Alt questions
part A (40 marks) - Eight short answer questions of 5 marks
There shoutd be two questions from each
have to answer any one fuil
part B (60 Marks) _ Two Qutestions from each modure. candidates

Teaehing Schenre: 0(L) - 0iT) - 5{P) Credits; 6

Course Objective:
c To understcnd the reiationship ci basic desiqn to architectural design ond
t design field. Ta deveiop ccmprehensian and visuclizotion of geometric forms.
c To cbserve, express, record onC anoiyze the en',tiranment as a basic creotive instinct.
Module - |
Fundamental eienrents of design and their ciefinitlons - poini, iine, shape, form, structure, space,
texture, vaiule lntroduction to the pr!ncipies of design - unity, balance, symmetry, prcportlon,
scaie, hierarchy, rhythm, contrasi, harmony, focus, figure and gi"ound etc.
Perception of colour and iight
Module - ll
Exploration of pattern with 2D compositions, Expioration of fornrs through 3D
compositions Utility models
Module - lll
Study of simple siructural systems and behavior under ioad. Working model of siructures (Like
post and lintel, cantilever, trusses, arches, space frame, suspension etc), Development of basic
skill in design expression, Visual analysis of built forms, sculptural and spatial qualities, analysis
of solid and void relationship, Three dimensional projects developed through modeis and
Module - lV
Design lntroduction: Short exercises in design ancl layouts of personal spaces and rooms.
lntegration of form and functron in the design cf single room spaces(bus shelter, phone kiosk,
snack corner, ATM Center, milk booth, security cabin, flower kiosk, temporary shelter, viewing
gallery etc.) stressing on concept generation and development of rich design process.
Site visits, experimental exploration of built environment.
Course Outcome:
c Upon completion of the course, the students sholl hove become fomiliar with visuol ond
verbol vocobulories of architecture; and hove developed onalyticai thinking and on
understonding of spotial order ond design field.
. They sholl olso oppreciote the constraints in the Architecturol design of o smoll building
with reference to function, form ond anthrapametry.
1'. Krome Barratt,'Logic and Design in Art, Science ond Mathematics',Globe pequot
2. Francis D. K. ching, 'Architecture: Form, spoce and arder', .John wiley & sons,
lncorporated,T00T .

3. Simon Unwin, 'Analizing Architecture', Routledge, 2003.

4. Geoffrey Broacibent'Design in Architecture,'John Wiiey and Sons, i973.
lnternal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Morks-150 @roup 1 Subject)
2A% - Tests (minimum 2)
70% - Class work.
1A% - Regularity in the closs


Teaching Scheme: 1{L) - C(T) - 3(p) Credits: 4

Course Ob.!ective:

' Toprovide d comprehensive introductiati to techniccl and free-

hand drowing techniques in architectursl representatjon

t To provide on owsreness in Visuol arts

Module - |

INTRODUCTION TO ART AND ARTMOVEMENTS: Exposure to the life and works of

famous artists of Kerala, lndia; important movements in art.

Renaissance- Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Alberti; Baroque - Rembrandt, Bernini

lmpressionism, cubism; lnfluence of art on 20 cent. Mordern architecture
Kandinsky, Maholynagy
Module - ll
FREE HAND DRAWING: lntroduction to Architectural drawings using different mediums such
as pencil, ink, crayons, pastels, water colors, types of papers etc. lntroduction to drawing
fundamentals- Drawing lines, curves and shapes- and form- Rendering in 3D form- Shading and
Drawing of simple objects, parts of built forms, and natural elements such as plants, trees,
and graphic human figures etc.
Outdoor sketching: study parts of built form, play of shade and shadows, streetscapes
and landscapes with human figures
Module - ttl .a.1

USE OF COLOUR : Form in nature, Generation of visual images with analogies from nature.
of colours, composition with colour. Colour theory -Colour Principles, Colour scheme, Colour
combination. Drawing still life.

lNrRoDUcrtoN To vlsuAL ARrs: rt, ,"r.Yoo,lil".;Jil,".,ure - study of fundamentats of visuat

arts- - line, shape, form, space, colour, value, and texture - three dimensional composition of
spaces and their graphic expression- exercises given to meet the requirements of elements of
Principles of visual art - balance - unity - pattern - emphasis, movement, rhythm, contrast are
introduced . exercises to explain the conditions.

Course Outcome:
Students shall acquire the necessary skills to translote their concepts into
rendered drawirtgs effectively capturing all dimensians of visuai arts
1. cooper Douglas,'Drowing ond perceiving',van Nostrand Reinhord, 1992
2. H.W. Janson -'History of Arts, Prentice Hall'(Higher Education Division), pearson

3. Philip Meggs,'A rltstory of Graphic Desigrt'John ,,Viier., & Sons; -1 edition (Sepiernber 9,

4. Alexander" W. Whiie, 'The Elements of Graphic DesiEn, Aiiwcrth Press; l- edition iNov 1,
5. Mark A, Thomas, Poppy Evans,'Explcring Elements of Design'2 edition (August 15,
6. Victor" Perard, 'Anatomy and Drawing'

lnternal Continuous Assessment (Moximum Morks-100) (Group 1 Subject)

20% - Tests (minimum 2)

70% - Class work.
10% - Regularity in the closs

U niversity Exarnination Pattern: l


Exomination durotion: 4 hours Moximum Toto! Marks: 100

The question poper shall consist of 2 ports.

Part A (40 morks)- Eight Short answer questians of 5 marks eoch. All questions ore
compulsory. There should be two questions from eoch module.

Part B (60 Morks) - Drowing: Condidotes have to onswer one full question out of the two. Eoch
question corries 60 morks.


Teaching Scherne; 2{l-) - 0iTi - 0iP) Credits:4

Course 0bjeetive:

r Tc develop basic Mathemaiicai skiiis for Architeciure students to unierstand structural

concepts complex form and geometry.
r To inculcate understanciing of the appiication of differential equations, probabiliiy and
sampi!ng distributions in the study of architecture

Module - I
Ordinary differential equations: First order differential equations - exact differential equaricns,
Bernoulli's equations--Methods of solution and Simple applications.

Linear differential equations of higher orders with constant co-efficients-Methods of solution of

these equations. Caucny's linear differentiai equaiions. Simultaneous lineai"differential
equations - Simple applications of linear differential equations in engineer!ng problems -
Electrical Circuits, Mechanical Systems

Module- l!
Partial differentiation: Partial differentiation-Concept of partial derivative - Chain rule-
Total derivativeEuler's theorern for homogeneous functions, Differentials and their
applications in errors and approximations,
Jacobians - Maxima minima of functions of two variables(Proof of the result not required)-
Simple applications.
Co-ordinate systems: Rectangular co-ordinates-Polar co-ordinates-ln plane and in Space-
Cylindrical polar coordinates-Spherica! polar co-ordinates.

Module -lll
Probability distributions: random variables (discrete & continuous), Probability density,
mathematical expectation, mean and variance of a probability distribution, binomial
distribution, Poisson appro ximation to the binomial distribution, uniform distribution, normai
Curve fitting: method of least squares, correlation and regression, lines of regression.

Mociule -iV
Sampling distributions: Population and samples, the sampiing distribution of the mean
unknown(o known), the sampling distribution of the mean (o)the sampiing distribution of
the variance, point estimation, interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, null hypotheses and
significance tests, hypothesis concerning one mean, type land type il errors, hypotheses
concerning two means. The estirnation of variances: Hypotheses concerning one variance -
Hypotheses concerning two variances.

ecurse Outcomes:

Upon ccmptetion cf this course, students uviil oe able io undersiand and apply
the ccncepts of
georneiry and statistics to soive prcbiems in ciifferent areas of archiiecture"


2. Erwin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern

3. T.Veerarajan, Engineering Mathemaiics, TMGH Ptrblishers

4. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers

5. Miller & Freiend, Probability And Statistics For Engineers, Prentice Hall of
5. P.Kandaswamy.K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy, Numerical Methods, S'Chand & Co'

7. A.papoulis, probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, Mc-Graw Hill.

lnternal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Mcrks-50) (Group 2 Subiect)

50% - Tests (minimum 2)
quiz etc.
3A% - Assignments (minimum 2) such os home work, problem solving,
20% - RegularitY in the class

University Exami nation Pattern:

Exomination duration: 3 hours Moximum Tota! Marks: 1A0
The question poper shall consist of 2 parts.

port A (40 marks)- Eight Short onswer questions of 5 morks eoch. All questions are compulsory.
There shauld be two questions from each module'
port B (60 Morks) - Two Questions from each rnodule. Candidotes have to onswer ony one
question carries 1.5 morks.
f ult question out of the two eoch f rom module. Eoch

AR1"lCI? c EO ttl ETRICAL ER.AtrVt N6

Teaching Scherne: 1(i_) - 0(T) _ 3ipi

Credits: 4
Course Objective:

t To introduce students tc the iundamenta! techniques of technicc!

t Ta develop the opprcpricte manuat skitts
for visualizstion and techr.tical represent1tion of
built forms in different types of drewings.
Module -|
scales : construction of prain scare and diagonai scare
conic sections : construction of conic sections given the distance
of focus frcm the directrix
and eccentricity. Constructior'l of ellipse concenrric circle
- method, rectanguiar method and
intersecting arc method. construction of pai'abola by rectangular
method and by tangent
' method' construction of hyperbola - given the asymptotes and point
a on the curve
spirals:construction of Archimedean spirai and Logarithmic spiral
Helix : construction of cyrindricar herix ,conicar heiix

Module - tl
First angre projection
Points and Lines : orthographic projection of lines for
any given condition, determination of
true length,traces and inclinations tothe planes of projection
of any given line
Planes : Traces of planes, plane figure inclined to
one or both the reference planes
solids : simple solids in simple position , prisms, regular pyramids,
tetrahedron, cone, spheres
and their combinations placed in different positions. Auxiliary projections
of simple solids and
their combinations. change of position and auxiliary plane r.nuit,oa.' ;':x'; -' -"'

Module - til
lntersection of surfaces : Line of intersection of two prisms
, two cylinders and cone
section of solids : section of simple solids by planes inclined.
True shape of sections.
Development of surfaces : Development of surfaces of simple
solids, prisms, cylinders,
pyramids, cones , spheres and truncated solids.

Module - lV
l<ometric Projection : lsometric scale, isometric view
of pianes, simple solids, combination
of objects

Perspective projection : Perspective projection of simple

solids and their combinations by
visual ray method and vanishing point method.

Course Outcome:
Upon completion of the caurse, the student shall have developed
the necessory skills to
analyze and solve basic problems involving graphics and spotiol
manipulations ior
a rch itectu ra I o ppl icati on s.

1. Bhart N.D., 'Elernentary Engineering,, Charotai., 199i.
2' cari Lars svensen and wiliiarn E Streei, 'Engineering Grcphics,, Van
Nosirand, 1953.
3. venugopal K.,'Engineering Drcuting and Graphics,, New Age pubiishers,
4. Rajaraman 5.,'practico! Soiid Geometry,
5. Varghese p l,'Engineering Grophics,

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Morks-100)

40% - Tests (minimum 2)

40% - Class Work
20% - Regularity in the closs

University Examination pattern:

Exomination duration: 4 hours Moximum Total Morks: 1_00
The questicn poper sholl consist of Two parts

Part A (40 morks) - Eight shart onswer questions

of 5 morks each. Alt questions are compulsory.
There should be two questions
irom eoch module.
Part B (6a Morks) - Two Questions
from eoch module. Condidotes hove to onswer ony one
question out of the two
from eoch mcriule. Eoch question corries 15 morks.


Teaching Scherne: 2(Li - 0(T) - 0(P) Credits: 4

Course Objective:

t To understand the basic principles of structurcl mechcr'tics that wauld be pertinent

to simple design elements.
o To understand the structurol behoviour of building elements.

Module - I

Forces: Force and Moment Concepts Force system acting on a body and their resultant
- -
equilibrium concept and free body diagram, frictional force Center of gravity of planes and solid
bodies - simple practical problems and modelling and drafting of simple practical cases related
to the above cases.(not for examination purpose)

Module - ll

Moment of inertia concept - theorem of parallel axis and perpendicular axis - moment of
inertia of composite section - principal axis anci principal moment of inertia - simple plane
trusses - different types of trusses - analysis by method of joints, method of section and
Graphical methods - modelling and drafting of simple practical cases(not for examination
Module - tll
Beams - Different types of Beams - Support conditions - Different types of loads ,Analysis of
simply supported, cantilever and over hanging beams subjected to point load, uniformly
distributed load uniformly varying loads and moments- shear force and bending moment

diagrams - analytical and graphical method -modelling and drafting of simple practical
cases.(not for examination purpose)
Module - lV
Stresses and strains - General concepts - Stress - Strain relation-factor of safety - discussion on
elastic consiants - principle of super position -'stresses in composite bars - stresses due to
change in temperature, Concepts of shear stress and bending stress with simple problems. -
modelling and drafting of simple practical cases.(not for examination purpose)

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of the coursq the student shall hove developed the necessory skills to
analyze ond solve basic problems involving grophics and spatiol manipulotions for
a rch itectu ro I o p p I i c oti on s.

R efe re nces

i. Tayai, " {.ngineering Mechanics", Umesh Publication s , 1-3/e, 20A6'

2. Bansal R. K., " Engineering Mechanics", Lakshnri Publications Pvt Ltd, 3/e,1996.
3. Vazarani, "Mechanics of structures", io/e, 1995
4. Chakr.aborthi M., "Strength of Materials", SK Kataria & Sons, New Deihi,2010.
5. Abdul Mr;been, "Mechonics of Solids", Dorling Kindersley (lndia) Pvt Ltd, 21e,2011'
6. Kumar D.5., Textbcok of Engineering i\,4echonics, S K Kataria & Sons, 3le,2AA9.
7. Rajput R.K.,Textboak of Engineering Mechonics, Danpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 2002
E. Prasad 1.8., Textbook of Applied Mechonics, Khanna Publications,1,2le, L998.

lnternal Continuous Assessment (Moxim um Morks-50)

5A% - Tests (minimum 2) {,,

j0% - Assignments {minimum 2) such as harne work, problem solving, quiz, term-project,
etc. Weightoge shalt be given to modeling and drafting proiects while considering
m o rk-distri b uti on for assi gn m ents.

2A% - ReguloritY in the class

University Examination Pattern:

Exominotion duration: 3 hours lvloximum Totol Morks: 1-00

The question poper sholl consist of Two Parts

port A (40 marks) - Eight Short onswer questicns of 5 morks eoch. All questions ore compubory.
There should be two questions from eoch module.

part B (60 Morks) - Two Questions t'rom each module. Condidotes have to answer any one full
question out of the two from eoch module. Each question corries 15 morks.


Teachlng Scheme: 2(L) - 0(T) - 0(P) Credits: 4

Course Objective:

t To bring obout aworeness of the role of surveying and levelling in architectural

and planning projects.
o Ta fomiliorize the student with the techniques of surveying and levelting.

Module -|
lntroduction: lntroduction to surveying, understanding land topography and its relevance !n
Architecture. Types of surveys in practice

Chain Surveying: Principles of survey, equipment required, selection of station, methods of

taking offsets. Booking the field notes, obstacles in chaining, errors in chalning, chaining on
sloping ground and reciprocal ranging.

Plane Table surveying: Equipment and methods. Two points and three points
problems. Demonstration classes shall conduct for chain and plain table surveying.

Module - lt

Theodolite Surveying : Theodolite, its temporary and permanent adjustntent measuring of

magnetic bearings, horizontal & ver.tical angles. Theodolite traverse and balancing the closing
error. Demonstration classes shall be conducted for" theodolite surveying.

Module - lll
lntroduction to modern surveying equipments: Total Station, GPS, Use of Distomat and
Theomat, Aerial Photography, Digital Levels and Auto-Levels. (Preliminary information and use).
Demonstration classes shall be conducted using the above methods.

odule - lV

Levelling: Principles of leveling; Study of instruments - Dumpy level and leveling staff,
Temporary and permanent adjustments of level, Booking and reduction of levels - ' line of
collimation method' and 'rise and fall method', Difficulties in leveling, Reciprocal leveling,
Sources of error in leveling, Basic ideas on plotting of longitudinal and cross sections,
Contouring, Contour interval, Contour Maps characteristics, use and interpretation.

The students should be qiven a practical session of minimum 3 hours durotion wherein
Course Outcorne:

Upon completiort af the caurse, the student shall have developeC o basic ewcreness
the general principles of surveying ar,d ievelling in context oi Architecture ond plonning,
and shoil have developed the necessary the knowledge ond skil!s required to tronsfer
infarmation from the ground n to the drowings, and vice-versa
for their
future projects.


1. Kanetkar and Kulkarni,'surveying ond Levelling',Val l, pune Vidyarthi Griha, 200g.

2. Punmia 8.C.,'surveying artd Levelling', Vol Iand Vol ll, Laxmi publications pvt ltd,2011.
3. Shahani P.8.,'surveying ond Levelling', Vol land Vol II, Oxford and IBH publishing
Company, 1971.
4. Agor R., 'Surveying ond Levelling,, Khanna publishers, 19g4.
5. Duggal 5.K.,'Surveying', Vol. /, Tata Mc Graw Hili Ltd, j.996.
6. David Clerk,'surveying', Constable, 1,969.

lnternal continuous Assessment (Maximum Morks-s7) (Group 2 subject)

50% - Tests (minimum 2)

30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such os home wark, problem solving, quiz,

2A% - Regularity in the class

University Examination pattern:

Exomination duration: 3 hours Maximum Total Morks: 700

The question paper sholl consist of Two parts

Port A (40 morks) - Eiglt Short onswer questions of 5 marks each. Alt questions
compulsory. There should be two questions from each module.

Part B $a Marks) - Two Questions f rom each module. Candidates have to onswer qny one
full question out of the two from each module. Eoch question carries L5 marks.


Teaching Scherne: 0(L) - 0(T) 3(P) Credits: 2

Course Objective:
-fo give
. opportunity to students far hands on experience
To expase the students to site situotions of buildings

Hand on working y'o'emonstration by fabricators/worksmen on carpentry,model

making,plumbing and sanitary fittings-elect:"ical wiring and bar bending.finishing works projects involving design and fabrication of articles like furniture,lamp shades,
bags,pencil stand etc.

lnternal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-fiQ $roup 2 Subject)

50% - Tests (minimum 2)

3A% - Assignments
20% - Regulority in the closs


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