Indonesia: Postcode Postcode Type and Position
Indonesia: Postcode Postcode Type and Position
Indonesia: Postcode Postcode Type and Position
Ibu Wisynuprapto
Jl. Ciburial Indah No. 47
Administrative Indonesian addresses use four levels of localities. The localities and sub-localities used
divisions the addresses refer in majority of cases to the adminstrative divisions of the country as
Admin level English Indonesian
Not used in address 1 Province Provinsi
Locality 2 City/Regency Kabupaten/Kota
Sub-locality (sub-loc) 3 District Kecamatan
Sub-locality (sub-loc 2) 4 Village Desa/Kelurahan
Rukun Tetengga /
Sub-locality (sub-loc 3) 5 RT/RW
Rukun Warga
Jakarta is a special case of a locality because it is an adminstrative division of level 1
called Province (Provinsi).
The acronym RT/RW stands for Rukun Tetengga / Rukun Warga. In address only ‘RT’
followed with two numbers separated with slash (ex. RT 01/001) is used. This is to
identify areas of neighborhood groups/citizen groups that do not have administrative
power but were created to support administrative functions of sub-districts.
RAHMAT addressee
Kampung Sukabatu RT 01/03 sub-loc 2 + sub-loc 3
Malangbong sub-loc
GARUT 44188 locality + postcode
Indonesia (cont.)
Examples (cont.) Postal services delivery
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