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Investigating Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain

Article  in  Journal of Marketing Research · May 2002

DOI: 10.1509/jmkr.

150 675

1 author:

Pradeep K. Chintagunta
University of Chicago


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In studying retailer pricing behavior, researchers typically assume that

retailers maximize profits across all brands in a focal product category. In
this article, the author attempts to study empirically the extent to which
three factors affect retail prices: (1) the effects of payments from manu-
facturers to the retailer other than regular promotions, as well as the
effects of additional costs borne by the retailer for these brands; (2) the
retailer’s objectives specific to its store brand, such as maximizing store
brand share; and (3) the effects of retail competition and store traffic. By
specifying a demand function at the brand-chain level for each brand in
the product category, the author derives pricing rules for the retailer. The
author decomposes the retail price of a brand into effects due to whole-
sale price, markup (obtained from the demand functions), additional pro-
motional payments, retail competition, and the retailer’s objectives for the
store brand. The author carries out empirical analysis for a specific prod-
uct category at a single retail grocery chain. The results indicate that the
effects of the three factors vary across brands in the category.

Investigating Category Pricing Behavior at a

Retail Chain

Studying retailer pricing behavior is an issue that has gen- fer 2001) discusses several factors that determine a retailer’s
erated a great deal of interest in the marketing literature. price for a brand in a given week, at least for frequently pur-
Researchers have examined the issue from both theoretical chased items such as those considered in this study. Two key
(e.g., Choi 1991; Raju, Sethuraman, and Dhar 1995) and drivers of these prices are (1) manufacturers’ actions (e.g.,
empirical (e.g., Tellis and Zufryden 1995) perspectives. wholesale prices, promotional payments) and (2) retail com-
Most studies assume that retailers set prices for different petition. However, most of the empirical literature on
brands in a product category to maximize total category retailer pricing has focused on only one of these decisions.
profits (see, e.g., Raju, Sethuraman, and Dhar 1995; Tellis For example, Tellis and Zufryden (1995) assume values for
and Zufryden 1995; Vilcassim and Chintagunta 1995). wholesale prices and then examine the effects of manufac-
Although some recent studies have advocated examining turers’ actions on retail prices. Although Pesendorfer (2001)
profits across categories, the idea of maximizing profits at accommodates both factors in his theoretical formulation,
the category level appears to be the basis of most studies on the data he uses do not contain information on wholesale
retail pricing behavior. This objective is also consistent with prices.
the move toward category management as a way of doing In this article, I incorporate both of these factors that
business for both manufacturers and retailers (see, e.g., affect retailer pricing into a single empirical analysis. Thus,
Zenor 1994). I build on the previous empirical literature on retailer pric-
The theoretical literature on retail pricing (see Lal, Little, ing behavior (Gupta 1993; Kim, Blattberg, and Rossi 1995;
and Villas-Boas 1996; Lal and Villas-Boas 1998; Pesendor- Tellis and Zufryden 1995; Vilcassim and Chintagunta 1995;
Zenor 1994). Whereas most previous research has focused
on the prices the retailer should charge conditional on the
estimated demand function parameters, my objective is to
Pradeep K. Chintagunta is Robert Law Professor of Marketing, Graduate analyze whether observed retail prices reflect factors sug-
School of Business, University of Chicago (e-mail: pradeep.chintagunta
@gsb.uchicago.edu). The author thanks the three anonymous JMR review- gested in the literature. In carrying out this analysis, I also
ers for their comments and suggestions. He is grateful to Tolga Ackura, account for some additional empirical issues that arise
Puneet Manchanda, Peter Rossi, Sanjay Dhar, J.P. Dube, and Eric Ander- because of the nature of the data at hand. I discuss these
son for useful discussions and to seminar participants at Carnegie-Mellon issues that could affect retailer pricing behavior in the con-
University and the University of California, Berkeley. Thanks to the
Dominick’s project at the University of Chicago for the data and the Kilts
text of the data available for the empirical analysis.
Center for partial funding of this research. The data are for one of two chains in a market dominated
by these two grocery chains. At the chain level, for a partic-

Journal of Marketing Research

141 Vol. XXXIX (May 2002), 141–154

ular product category, the data are weekly retail prices, sales tional costs for each of the brands (e.g., reallocation of shelf
(quantities), and promotions. In addition, the data contain space to accommodate a special pack) that could increase
the number of shoppers who visit the chain each week (i.e., that price. Borrin and Farris (1990) discuss several of these
store traffic), the population of the market area covered by costs that drive the profitability of a brand. From a research
all the stores in the chain, and the retailer’s weekly markups perspective, it would be of interest to determine the influ-
(retail prices less wholesale prices paid to the manufacturer). ence of the additional promotional payments as well as costs
The wholesale prices are the net of trade promotions such as on the retailer’s pricing of products in a particular category.
off-invoice discounts and promotional moneys for feature The key challenge in doing so stems from such payments
advertisements and special displays for that category. This and costs being unobserved in the data. Consequently, an
helps account for wholesale price levels in the analysis of empirical methodology would be needed that can estimate
retail prices. these from the data and then understand their effects on the
The reported wholesale prices, however, do not include retailer’s pricing behavior. I discuss such a methodology in
other promotional payments made by the manufacturer to this article.
the retailer (Dreze and Bell 2000; Hauser, Simester, and In the following, I refer to the net value of the promo-
Wernerfelt 1997; Lariviere and Padmanabhan 1997). For tional payments described previously and other costs as
example, companies like Procter & Gamble have estab- “side payments.” As I explain subsequently, the reason for
lished brand development funds for their resellers (Advertis- examining only the net effect is that given the available data,
ing Age 1992). The size of this fund for a particular retailer the promotional payments cannot be empirically separated
reflects the revenues generated by that retailer across all out from the costs, but the implications of the net effect on
Procter & Gamble products sold in its stores. Similar to retail prices can be obtained. The term “side payments” is
brand development funds is “street money” (Blattberg and chosen for convenience and denotes payments (and costs)
Neslin 1990, p. 319), which is “lump sum payments by man- that are not observed. Hauser, Simester, and Wernerfelt
ufacturers to retailers based on the amount of promotional (1997) note that side payments are prevalent in vertical
support offered by the retailer.” Payments such as develop- interactions between an upstream agent (in this case, the
ment funds and street money influence the pricing policies manufacturer) and a downstream agent (the retailer). They
of the retail chain and must be accounted for (Blattberg and define (p. 246) side payments as being “known politely as
Neslin 1990; Kim and Staelin 1999). As noted in Advertis- gainsharing and pejoratively as bribery.” Although payments
ing Age (1992, p. 1), such funds “will encourage supermar- such as brand development funds have not been deemed ille-
kets to promote P&G brands consistently in ads and in the gal, smaller retailers complain that they discriminate in
store to increase consumer demand.” A recent study by Can- favor of larger resellers. Kim and Staelin (1999) provide a
nondale Associates, which specializes in trade promotion theoretical analysis of side payments and analyze the extent
consulting, provides the percentage breakdown of trade pro- of pass-through of such payments to the end consumer.
motion dollars shown in Table 1 (Frozen Food Age 2000). Returning to the two factors driving retail prices men-
Table 1 indicates that off-invoice discounts are the most tioned previously, with the wholesale prices observed in the
important component of manufacturers’ trade promotion data and the unobserved promotional payments that are esti-
expenditures. However, discretionary funds and other pay- mated from the data, the impact of manufacturers’ actions
ments make up approximately 40% of the pie. (Billbacks on retail prices can be accounted for. The other key driver of
have recently become popular but did not constitute a sig- a retailer’s price-setting behavior is retail competition.
nificant fraction of expenditures during the period of the Retailers typically react to promotional activities at compet-
data analyzed.) These funds can be used by retailers to pay ing chains by running their own promotions and attracting
for features and displays but can also be passed along as store traffic. Store traffic in a given week refers to the num-
price reductions to consumers. Cannondale Associates’ ber of shoppers who visit the store in that week. A vast lit-
study indicates that approximately 60% of all promotional erature in marketing suggests that retailers lower the prices
dollars are passed along to consumers. Therefore, to the of national brands to attract shoppers into the store (Dhar
extent that such promotional payments are reflected in the and Hoch 1997; Dreze 1995). The empirical evidence that
prices charged by retailers, they need to be accounted for in relates prices and promotions in certain categories to store
the analysis. It is expected that the higher the pass-through traffic is mixed, however. Whereas Dreze (1995) finds that
of such promotional payments for a brand, the lower is its lower prices in the cola category attract more shoppers into
retail price. the store, studies by Walters and his coauthors find other-
Although promotional payments have the effect of poten- wise (Walters 1991; Walters and MacKenzie 1988; Walters
tially lowering the retail price, the chain might incur addi- and Rinne 1986).
One way of studying retail competition would be to study
the impact of promotions at competing retailers in a given
Table 1 week on the prices at the chain under consideration in sub-
BREAKDOWN OF TRADE PROMOTION DOLLARS sequent weeks. However, those data are not available.
Therefore, I use a proxy for the effects of retail competition.
Percentage of Dollars Allocated to … 1998–99 1999–2000 Recall that the available data are for store traffic for the focal
Discretionary funds 36 28 chain. Promotional activities by a competitor in a given
Off-invoice discounts 33 32 week could lower traffic at the chain in that week, so
Billbacks 22 29 responding to retail competition would be akin to respond-
Slotting allowances, new item fees,
and other unspecified expenditures 9 11
ing to a lower store traffic level at the chain being analyzed.
Therefore, to study the effects of retail competition, I ask the
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 143

equivalent question: Does a lower traffic number in a given retailer prices the store brand below category profit-
week trigger a price response in a given category during maximizing levels; and (3) store traffic and competitive
subsequent weeks? By providing an answer to this question, retail considerations seem to affect the prices of some of the
the article sheds some light on the extent to which retail national brands in the product category analyzed. The impli-
competition that drives store traffic influences the retailer’s cations of these results for manufacturers, retailers, and
pricing of brands within a particular product category of researchers are discussed in the concluding section of the
interest. article.
Accounting for manufacturer actions and retail competi- The main contributions of this study are as follows: (1) It
tion enables me to build a model to study their effects on discusses the multiple objectives a retailer must consider
retail prices. However, there is one other complication that while setting retail prices for the different brands in a prod-
arises because of the nature of the data available. This stems uct category. (2) It provides a decomposition of the retail
from the category containing not only national brands but price of a brand into several components—wholesale price,
also the retailer’s own brand or store brand. As several markup, side payment effects, store traffic effects, and so
authors have pointed out, the store brand plays an important forth. In this way, the relative importance of each driver of
strategic role for the retailer (see Dhar and Hoch 1997; Hoch retail price can be evaluated in an empirical context. (3) On
and Bannerji 1995; Narasimhan and Wilcox 1998; Scott- the demand side, it applies some of the recent developments
Morton and Zettelmeyer 2000). Dhar and Hoch (1997) note in the empirical industrial organization literature to estimate
that retailers are interested in enhancing the performance of a random coefficients logit model with aggregate data. (4) It
store brands in terms of market share, because a successful provides an empirical analysis of a specific product category
private label program for a store or chain builds customer for a retailer and estimates the effects of the different driv-
loyalty for the retailer. Furthermore, there is the “umbrella ers of retail prices.
branding” effect (the same name across product categories) The rest of this article is organized as follows: In the next
of the private label (Scott-Morton and Zettelmeyer 2000). In section, I develop the model formulation that takes into
other words, purchase and a positive experience in one cat- account the different factors driving retailer pricing behav-
egory may motivate the consumer to purchase the store ior. I then construct the empirical model that facilitates esti-
brand in other product categories as well. Therefore, mation of the demand parameters as well as the unique
although the retailer’s primary objective may be to maxi- parameters in the pricing equations. The following section
mize category profits, it may also be interested in maximiz- provides empirical results from the analgesic product
ing the share of the store brand within that category. I category. The final section provides a summary and
account for these two objectives for the retailer and attempt implications.
to empirically disentangle the relative importance of these
objectives in the retailer’s price-setting behavior within a MODEL
product category. Discrete choice models have recently been used to char-
I explicitly consider the effects of three factors—manu- acterize the demand for brands in a category (e.g., Berry
facturer actions, retail competition or store traffic consider- 1994; BGJ). In contrast with linear and log–log models that
ations, and store brand objectives—on retail prices, and I have traditionally been used to model retail chain data, dis-
determine the retailer’s pricing “rules.” I then estimate the crete choice models rarely result in incorrect signs for the
parameters of these pricing rules using data for a specific own- and cross-price sensitivity coefficients in the demand
product category from a single chain. This study provides functions. This makes them more appealing, especially in
some insights into the factors that drive retailer behavior, situations in which the primary purpose is an understanding
subject to the constraints imposed by the available data. of pricing and its effects. A major drawback of the discrete
Specifically, I decompose retail prices into the following choice model BGJ use, however, is the restrictions it places
components: those due to (1) manufacturer actions includ- on the pattern of cross-elasticities across brands. Specifi-
ing wholesale prices and side payments, (2) retail competi- cally, the model constrains the elasticities of Brands A and
tion, (3) the retailer’s objectives regarding the store brand, B with respect to the price of Brand C to be the same. In the
and (4) retailer markup from the nature of demand functions context of individual-level data, this issue can be addressed
facing the chain. I carry out the empirical analysis on the by allowing households to differ in their preferences and
analgesic product category. Consistent with the recent liter- price sensitivities across brands. For early examples of such
ature on empirical channels research (see Sudhir 2001) and analyses, see Hausman and Wise (1978) and Beggs,
other related studies such as Besanko, Gupta, and Jain’s Cardell, and Hausman (1981), and for a marketing applica-
(1998; hereafter BGJ), I use the logit demand model with an tion, see Kamakura and Russell (1989). Aggregate shares
outside good as the empirical demand specification. Fur- will then be free from the restriction. Recent research in the
thermore, similar to Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995; economics literature (BLP; Nevo 2001) has applied such
hereafter BLP) and Nevo (2001), I estimate a random coef- random coefficients versions of the logit discrete choice
ficients version of the logit model. Such a demand system is model that allow for a flexible pattern of cross-elasticities
more flexible than the standard logit model in that it allows among brands with aggregate- as opposed to individual-
for a more general pattern of cross-price elasticities. At the level data. Following, I describe the random coefficients
same time, it retains the advantage of parsimony over linear, model I use to characterize the demand for brands in the
log–log, and other demand systems. product categories analyzed. I start with the model at the
The results indicate the following: (1) The retail price for household level and then demonstrate how aggregate shares
certain national brands reflects side payments made by man- are obtained by aggregating household-level shares over the
ufacturers to the retailer; (2) to build market share, the distribution of heterogeneity.

Specifically, the probability of household i purchasing observed only at the aggregate level. In other words, Sjt—
brand j in week t is given by shares of brand j in week t, not household-level choices—
are observed. Furthermore, pjt and µjt could be correlated,
(1) Pijt = exp(α ij + β i p jt + γd jt + φp jt d jt + λSD + µ jt )
which would lead to the endogeneity problem. Addressing
K this latter problem requires instruments for the prices, pjt. I
1+ ∑ exp(α
k =1
ik + β i p kt + γd kt + φp kt d kt + λSD + µ kt ), discuss possible instruments in the next section. Estimation
of the parameters of the model described in Equation 1, Θ =
{αj, β, γ, φ, λ, Σ, σβ, j = 1, 2, ..., K}, using aggregate shares
where the category consists of K brands, j = 1, 2, 3, …, K; Sjt, prices, and promotional activities is discussed in detail
the first K – 1 are national brands; and the Kth brand is the by BLP, Nevo (2001), and others. The basic idea is to rec-
store brand. ognize that shares are the aggregation of probabilities.
Therefore, the shares can be constructed by first drawing
Pijt = probability that consumer i purchases brand j in from the heterogeneity distribution, computing the “individ-
week t, ual” probabilities, and then aggregating these probabilities
αij = consumer i’s intrinsic preference for brand j, to obtain shares. For estimation details, see BLP and Nevo
βi = price sensitivity parameter for consumer i, (2001). A sketch of the estimation strategy is provided
pjt = price of brand j in week t, subsequently.
γ = deal (promotion) parameter, The retailer’s problem is to choose the vector of prices in
djt = deal (promotion) variable for brand j in week t, week t, pt = (p1t, p2t, ..., pKt) for the K brands in the category.
φ = interaction effect between price and deal, The extant marketing literature (see, e.g., BGJ; Raju, Sethu-
λ = effect of seasonal dummy, raman, and Dhar 1995; Zenor 1994) typically assumes that
SD = seasonal dummy for summer (preliminary analysis the retailer chooses prices to maximize category-level prof-
indicated no significant differences across the other its. As is described in the introduction, the retailer may have
seasons), and multiple objectives. These are to maximize (1) category
µjt = unobserved term for brand j in week t. profits and (2) the share of the store brand. One approach to
The unobserved term µjt captures the effects of variables specifying the retailer’s optimization function in the pres-
other than prices and deals that are not included in the model ence of multiple objectives is as a weighted sum of the indi-
and that could drive the probability of a consumer choosing vidual objectives (see, e.g., Yu 1989). The weights would
brand j. These could be variables such as shelf location, then correspond to the relative importance of the objectives
amount of shelf space, and other demand drivers at the chain to the retailer. Because these relative importance weights are
or store that vary over time and are correlated with price unknown in this study, the proposed methodology should
(e.g., a higher-priced brand receives a more prominent shelf help in the empirical estimation of them. The retailer’s
facing). The quantity 1 in the denominator of Equation 1 objective function can be written as
allows for the household not to make a purchase in the prod-  K  
uct category and represents the outside option. This allows
total category demand to increase or decrease on the basis of (3) ∏ max 
= p  ∑
k =1
( p kt − c kt )S kt M t 
+ ω s S Kt
1 2 3
the marketing activities of the brands included in the cate-
R t
 1444 424444 3  (ii) Store brand share 
 (i) Category Profits  
gory. Households differ along their preferences as well as
price sensitivities. Heterogeneity in intrinsic preferences where ckt is the price charged by the manufacturer of brand
(αij) and price sensitivities (βi) is accounted for as follows: k in week t, ΠR is the objective function for the retailer, and
(2) αij = αj + εij, where εij ~ N(0, Σ); Mt is the potential market size in week t. Note that the
assumption of constant costs in Equation 3 is not entirely
βi = β + εiβ, where εiβ ~ N(0, σβ2). realistic because of the availability of quantity discounts to
In other words, αj is the mean intrinsic preference level the retailer. However, because of the absence of information
for brand j across households, and β is the mean value of the on the discount schedule, this assumption is necessary. The
price sensitivity parameter. The element Σ denotes the weight ωs represents the importance of store brand market
covariance matrix of preferences across brands, and the σβ share relative to the importance of category profits. This
parameter denotes the standard deviation of the price sensi- weight is unobserved and must be estimated from the data.
tivity distribution. In addition, it is assumed that the prefer- Note that because the two objectives have different units of
ence parameters are not correlated with the price parameter. measurement, the weight also adjusts the objectives into
In the estimation, restrictions are imposed on the Σ matrix to common units. The weighted profit function in Equation 3
aid model parsimony while allowing brand preferences to be can be construed as a reduced form to a larger multicategory
correlated. No distributional assumptions are made regard- profit-maximizing problem for the retailer that explicitly
ing the unobserved term µjt in Equation 1, except that it has accounts for the umbrella branding effect of the store brand.
a mean of zero. If brand preferences can be characterized by In the presence of such a cross-category effect, the retailer
their constituent attributes, then correlated preferences can would be expected to lower the price of the store brand to
also be obtained across brands under the assumption that increase that brand’s share if purchasing the store brand in
consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences for these one category has a positive influence on purchasing it in
underlying attributes. other product categories. As is shown subsequently, the con-
Taken together, Equations 1 and 2 yield the random coef- struction of the objective function in Equation 3 serves a
ficients logit brand-choice model at the household level similar purpose; that is, the retailer lowers the price of the
(with the exception of the error term µjt). However, data are store brand to build its share.
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 145

The first-order necessary conditions for the retailer’s directly to increasing the retailer’s profits. Using this setup,
problem are the equilibrium amount of side payment and pass-through
can be determined.
∂Π R
( 4) = 0, j = 1, 2, ..., K. In this case, I do not observe the side payments or the
∂p jt pass-through. But the portion of the side payments not used
for merchandising activities could influence the retailer’s
The first-order necessary conditions for the retailer’s profit prices, as in Kim and Staelin’s (1999) work. In other words,
maximization can be written as the retailer could be passing through a portion of the side
K j j payments as lower retail prices. Effectively, the observed
s jt ω s s Kt

s kt
(5) p jt = c jt − − ( p kt − c kt ) − , retail prices will correspond not to the reported manufac-
s jjt k =1
s jjt M t s jjt turer prices (as these reflect only promotions such as off-
k≠j invoice discounts) but to some lower level of those prices.
j = 1, 2, ..., K Stated differently, the impact of the side payments on retail
prices can be modeled as a lowering of the cost to the
j ∂s kt retailer of the manufacturer’s product. Although the amounts
s kt = .
∂p jt by which costs are lowered and their timing are not
observed, the average (over time) amounts by which manu-
In Equations 4 and 5, sjt, j = 1, 2, …, K, denotes the pre- facturers’ prices are lower because of side payments can be
dicted share of brand j in week t obtained from Equations 1 estimated from the available data. The proposed approach
and 2. In other words, the probability expression for con- accounts for side payments to the extent that the retailer
sumer i from Equation 1 must be aggregated over the distri- takes them into account while setting retail prices. It does
bution of consumer preferences and price sensitivities given not take into account payments that the retailer does not pass
in Equation 2 to obtain the predicted (or unconditional) through to consumers, because these payments would repre-
share. This is accomplished by integrating over the region of sent fixed increments to the retailer’s profit function that
the unobserved variables that leads to the choice of brand j. will drop out of the optimization.
Because convenient closed-form solutions to these integrals Although side payments lower the retailer’s costs, the
are not available, the integral is computed numerically as the retailer could incur other, brand-specific expenditures that
sum of several draws from the heterogeneity distributions. could increase its costs. Retailer costs related to each of the
Note that because of the presence of heterogeneity, the brands and not accounted for by the data at hand therefore
derivatives in Equations 4 and 5 do not simplify. Solving the have the opposite effect to the side payments described pre-
system of equations in a two-brand case (say, Brand 1 and viously. Given this, the two effects cannot be separated out.
Brand K) would yield However, as is described subsequently, the net effect from
the data can be estimated. If the net effect is such that man-
s1Kt s Kt − s1t s Kt
ufacturer prices are lowered, this implies that side payments
(6) p1t − c1t =
s1t s Kt − s Kt s1Kt
1 K 1 exceed costs. If the manufacturer prices are raised, then the
reverse is true. The approach provided subsequently
ω  s s K − s11t s Kt accounts for any such costs to the extent that the retailer
p Kt − c Kt = − s  + 11t K1t .
 M t  s1t s Kt − s1Kt s1Kt takes them into account while setting retail prices.
Denote by rk the (unobserved) average per-unit net reduc-
The price-cost margins for the retailer reveal two things: tion in the price charged by the manufacturer of brand k to
First, as expected, the margins depend on the demand the retailer as reflected by that brand’s retail price. Then, the
parameters as reflected by sjt and its derivatives. Second, the retailer’s objective function can be written as
margins also are a function of the retailer’s objectives.
Specifically, the larger the weight placed on the share objec-  K  
max  
tive of the store brand (ωs), the lower will be the price of that ( 7) ∏ R
= p 
t  ∑
 k = 1
[ p kt − (c kt − rk )]S kt M t  + ω s S Kt  .
 

brand. The extent of this effect on retail prices can be deter-
mined when the weight has been estimated. Another point of
interest from Equation 6 is that it is easy to verify that the It is assumed here that there are no side payments or addi-
implied price-cost margins for the retailer are not equal tional costs for the retailer’s store brand.
across brands as in BGJ’s no-heterogeneity case. If K is the index of the store brand, then rK = 0. The pric-
ing first-order conditions associated with the preceding
Accounting for Side Payments and (Other) Retailer Costs profit function can be obtained as
As noted previously, these payments are over and above K j j
s jt ω s s Kt

s kt
the off-invoice discounts and other temporary price reduc- (8) p jt = c jt − rj − − [ p kt − (c kt − rk )] − ,
tions offered by manufacturers (which would be reflected in s jjt k =1
s jjt M t s jjt
cjt in Equation 5). There are several different approaches to k≠j
analyzing the effects of side payments. Kim and Staelin j = 1, 2, ..., K .
(1999) model these payments as driving the retail-level
demand functions of brands through merchandising activi- Because of its impact on the retailer’s costs, Equation 8 indi-
ties. The retailer, however, does not use the entire amount cates that the side payments will affect the retail prices for
provided by the manufacturer but passes through only a por- the brands in the product category. Again, considering the
tion of the side payment for merchandising activities to simple case with two brands, 1 and K, the retailer’s markups
stimulate demand. The remainder of the payment goes can be written as

s1Kt s Kt − s1t s Kt
K (10) Pjt = θjRt + Pjt.
( 9) p1t − c1t = − r1 + .
s1t s Kt − s Kt s1Kt
1 K 1
In Equation 10, θ is the brand-specific effect on retail
price of brand j. If the retailer is using the price of a brand
It is clear that retail prices for the national brands fall or a subset of brands in this category to react to higher retail
when the net effect of side payments and other retailer costs competition levels, it would be expected that θ < 0. In other
is greater than 0. The empirical analysis shows how the words, the retailer lowers prices in reaction in lower traffic
unknown quantity rk can be estimated. Intuitively, however, numbers to draw more consumers into the store.
these quantities can be identified only if the costs cjt are
observed. If those costs are also unobserved, the manufac- ESTIMATION ISSUES
turer prices cannot be separated out from the side payments
in the estimation. The estimation task at hand is to obtain estimates for the
various model parameters introduced in the previous sec-
Accounting for Store Traffic Effects tion. These are as follows:
In the previous two cases—accounting for multiple 1. The set of demand parameters Θ1 = {αj, β, γ, φ, λ, Σ, σβ, j =
retailer objectives and for side payments—the retailer’s cat- 1, 2, ..., K} and
egory profit-maximizing problem was modified to accom- 2. Parameters of pricing equations Θ2 = {rj, j = 1, 2, …, K – 1;
modate the corresponding effects. Another reason for the ωs, τ, θj, j = 1, 2, …, K}.
chain to price below the profit-maximizing levels is if there
are store traffic considerations. As noted previously, the Because the pricing equations share the demand parameters
chain could react to the competing chain that is promoting with the demand equations, the two sets of parameters are
in certain categories and drawing customers away from the estimated simultaneously by means of the demand functions
chain by offering promotions of its own in the following as well as the retailer pricing equations. This is consistent
weeks. Ideally, given data from the major competing chain with recent studies in marketing that, on the basis of the
across several categories, attempts could be made to esti- empirical industrial organization literature, recommend
mate the direct effect of competition across chains. This such an approach (Cotterill, Putsis, and Dhar 2000).
would be consistent with the extant theoretical literature The estimation strategy closely parallels that laid out by
(Choi 1991; Kim and Staelin 1999). As noted previously, Berry (1994). The errors on the demand side stem from the
because there is no data on competitor promotions, store unobservable term µjt in Equation 1. Furthermore, as noted
traffic in previous weeks is used to proxy for competitor pro- previously, the observed wholesale price wpjt does not per-
motions in those weeks. Although this accounts only for the fectly reflect the retailer’s cost for brand j in that week.
indirect effects of retail competition on retail prices in a Therefore, cjt can be written as cjt = wpjt + ηjt. The term ηjt
product category, it could nevertheless provide some insight denotes the mean zero error in the observed wholesale prices
into whether pricing in a particular product category is and becomes the error in the pricing equation. In the simple
driven by competitive or store traffic considerations. This two-brand case, the pricing equation for Brand 1 can be
approach does not address whether the lower retail prices written as the sum of six components: the cost, side pay-
affect store traffic but only whether the retailer responds to ments if any, markup, store traffic effect, store brand market
a lower level of chain traffic by lowering prices in the prod- share weight effect, and error:
uct category under consideration. s1Kt s Kt − s1t s Kt
To account for the effects of store traffic in several previ- (11) p1t = wp1t − r1 + + θ1R t + η1t
{ { s s Kt − s Kt s1Kt
1 K 1 { {
ous weeks on retail prices in a particular week, we create a Cost Side 11t44 2443 Traffic effect Error
payment Markup
cumulative store traffic variable (CT), an exponentially
smoothed version of the store traffic (T) in previous weeks.  ωs  s1t s1Kt − s11t s Kt
Specifically, this variable is defined as follows: p Kt = wp Kt − M  + + θK R t + ηKt .
123  t s11t s K − s1Kt s1Kt 123 {
CTt = τTt – 1 + (1 – τ)CTt – 1, 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1. Cost 123 1442443Kt Traffic effect Error
Share weight Markup
A value of τ close to 1 implies that traffic in the most recent
week drives prices in the current week, whereas a value Equation 11 implies the following for the retail price of
close to 0 indicates that historical store traffic numbers play Brand 1 (a national brand). The larger the side payment from
a larger role in accounting for the effects of store competi- the manufacturer to the retailer, the lower is the retail price
tion on retail prices. The value of τ can be estimated directly of Brand 1. Furthermore, if θi < 0, this implies that more
or obtained through a search by trying out different values of retail competition (i.e., lower store traffic) in previous weeks
the smoothing parameter and picking the one that best fits triggers a lower price for that brand in subsequent weeks.
the data (Gupta 1993). In the empirical analysis, I tried both For the store brand, the larger the weight placed on the store
approaches. Now, in the setup, a lower store traffic number brand’s share maximization objective, the lower is the retail
implies a higher level of retail competition. To translate traf- price. Equation 11 can also be written in a form similar to
fic measure into a retail competition measure, I set the value the pricing equations (3.6) in BLP.
of the retail competition variable in week t, Rt = ln(1 ÷ CTt). s1Kt s Kt − s1t s Kt
In this way, a higher level of cumulative store traffic would (12) p1t − wp1t − = − r1 + θ1R t + η1t
s1t s Kt − s Kt s1Kt
1 K 1
imply a lower level of retail competition. I use the log trans-
form, as it resulted in a better fit to the data. Let the vector s1t s1Kt − s11t s Kt ω 
Pt denote the solution to the system of Equations 8; then, the p Kt − wp Kt − = − s  + θ K R t + ηKt .
effects of store traffic on retail prices are given as follows: s11t s K
Kt − s1 sK
Kt 1t  Mt 
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 147

The estimation strategy is as follows: Given a set of start- model parameters consist of the sales of the brands; the
ing parameters, the set of demand-side errors can be com- prices, pjt; the promotional variables, Xjt; the manufacturer
puted from the “contraction mapping” step described in prices, wpjt; and the chain traffic variable, Tt. In addition to
Berry (1994), BLP, and Nevo (2001). The predicted brand these variables, a dummy variable was used as an independ-
shares from the model are computed through simulation. For ent demand shifter to facilitate identification (a summer-
each week, 1000 draws were made from the heterogeneity season dummy). The importance of including such shifters
distribution for this purpose. Similarly, supply-side errors is explained by Kadiyali, Vilcassim, and Chintagunta
can be computed from the pricing equations (such as Equa- (1999). The data analyzed cover a period of 196 weeks.
tion 11). The demand- and supply-side errors are interacted The initial step is to convert the sales data into shares, S0t,
with a set of instruments, which are then fed into the gener- Sjt, j = 1, 2, …, K. For this, the sales of the outside good
alized method of moments objective function. must be constructed. This was done in two ways and was
Another issue to be resolved prior to the estimation is the checked for sensitivity both across and within each method.
specification of the covariance matrix of brand preferences, The first approach assumes that some fraction of households
Σ. In previous studies, the correlation in brand preferences visiting the chain in each week may purchase analgesics. It
has come from brands that share a subset of attributes that is assumed that each household consumes four 100-tablet
characterizes them. In this case, given the aggregation of boxes of analgesic a year (approximately one pill a day), and
sales to the brand level (the data are described subse- the sensitivity of results to this assumption (2 to 6 boxes) is
quently), the information contained in the attributes pertain- tested. Under this assumption, the store traffic is converted
ing to the Universal Product Codes (UPCs) that constitute into a potential consumption number in each week, Mt. The
the brand cannot be exploited. An alternative approach to outside good is simply the weekly potential consumption
allowing for preference correlation is therefore required. less the total amount of analgesics sold in that week. When
Given the five brands in the data, estimating all the parame- this size of outside good is obtained, the share calculation is
ters corresponding to (the Cholesky decomposition of) Σ straightforward. Because store traffic enters into the compu-
would result in the estimation of 15 parameters. To avoid the tation of shares as well as the pricing equation (albeit in
estimation of such a large number of parameters, the fol- lagged form), another approach to computing shares is also
lowing decomposition for the preferences is used: explored. The second approach is based on the population in
the market area served by the stores in the chain and the con-
(13) α ij = α j + ξε ij + ψ j e i ; ε ij ~ N(0, 1), e i ~ N(0, 1).
version of this into potential consumption numbers. In this
case, the weekly potential is time invariant. The nature of
In the specification in Equation 13, εij is the brand- results obtained from the two approaches is similar.
specific component of heterogeneity that has an equal vari-
ance (ξ2) across brands, and ei is the common component (or Instruments
factor) of heterogeneity, which has a brand-specific variance As noted previously, the potential correlation between the
(ψj2). Therefore, brand j’s preference variance is given by demand-side errors (i.e., the unobservable terms) and retail
ξ2 + ψj2, and the covariance in preferences between brands prices requires instrumenting for retail prices. In the estima-
j and k is ψjψk. Such a formulation reduces the total number tion, the manufacturer prices (wpjt) as well as interactions
of estimated parameters from 15 to 6 while retaining some among the various wholesale prices (wpjt × wpkt) were used
flexibility in the brand preference distribution. Additional as instruments for retail prices. Instrumental variables are
flexibility is afforded by assuming two values of ξ—one for required to satisfy two main conditions: First, they should be
all national brands and one for the store brand. In total, 7 correlated with the endogenous variables under considera-
parameters are estimated. tion. Second, they must be uncorrelated with the error term.
In this case, it must be that though manufacturer prices
DATA (wpjt) are correlated with retail prices (pjt), they are less
The data are provided by a large chain in the Midwest and likely to be correlated with the unobserved in-store factors
have now been made available to the entire academic com- such as shelf locations and shelf-space allocations (the µjt
munity. The chain competes in a single large metropolitan term in Equation 1). The first condition is relatively straight-
area and is one of two large chains in this market. There are forward to verify. The following section on the empirical
approximately 96 stores in the chain, but complete historical analysis presents results from the regression of the retail
data are available only for approximately 80 stores. The prices on the instruments and the other exogenous variables
chain provided weekly store-level scanner data by UPC, included in the analysis.
including unit sales, retail prices, profit margin (for the The second condition is more difficult to verify, because
computation of wholesale prices), and a promotion variable. the errors are unobserved. Here, I present arguments on
Data are available for 25 food (e.g., soup, juices, tuna, when I believe that manufacturer prices make good instru-
cereal, soda) and nonfood (e.g., analgesics, paper towels, ments and when they do not. It could be argued that when
toilet tissue) product categories. Although more than seven manufacturers themselves set prices, these prices can be
years of weekly data are available, starting from 1989, atten- written as the sum of two terms—marginal costs and a
tion was restricted to the first four years. markup term. The markup is related to factors that drive
The product category used in the empirical analysis is demand in that market. Because manufacturers are required
analgesics. Data are aggregated to the brand and chain level, to set (local) market level prices rather than prices at the
and store shares are used as weights. The top five brands are chain level, it is expected that this markup term would
included in the analysis. These are Tylenol, Advil, Bayer, depend less on chain-specific factors such as shelf-space
Motrin, and the store brand, which is aspirin, just another allocations and shelf locations of brands. Under these cir-
version of Bayer. Data available for the estimation of the cumstances, the correlation between manufacturer prices

and the unobserved errors in the chain-level demand func- “Results” section). A possible reason is that these instru-
tion can be expected to be small. However, if manufacturers ments do not vary across brands and consequently cannot
take into consideration the specific demand drivers in each capture that aspect of the variation in the data. Finally, Haus-
retail chain while setting their prices, the choice of instru- man, Leonard, and Zona (1994) and Nevo (2001) suggest
ments would be problematic. Other circumstances in which using prices from other markets as instruments. The advan-
manufacturer prices will not make good instruments would tages and disadvantages of such instruments have been dis-
be when the demand errors (µjt) reflect manufacturer-level cussed in detail by Nevo (2001). However, such data are
decision variables such as television advertising. unavailable. On the supply side, I use the additional infor-
The preceding discussion pertains to all situations in mation contained in the store traffic variable and its lags in
which the researcher has access to wholesale price data. estimation.
Specific to the situation here is the manner in which the One last point about endogeneity. It has been assumed
wholesale price series are constructed by the chain from throughout that though prices and the unobserved attributes
which the data are obtained. The reported wholesale price in can be correlated, the promotion variables (djt) are uncorre-
week t is not the replacement cost in week t but the average lated with the unobservables. To determine whether promo-
cost of inventory held by the chain. This implies that the tions are also correlated with the unobserved error term, the
reported wholesale price depends on current and lagged results obtained for the promotion parameter when prices
replacement costs and lagged sales. This is problematic if were not instrumented for were compared with those
there is serial correlation in the unobserved term µjt, because obtained when wholesale prices were used as instruments
it would imply a correlation between µjt and the wholesale for the promotion variable. If promotions are indeed
price at time t, thereby invalidating these wholesale prices as endogenous, the estimated parameter is likely to change
instruments. A possible mitigating factor would be the rapid when prices are instrumented for. When prices are not
turnover of inventory in the store, which would minimize instrumented for, the estimated promotion parameter is .30
the effects of previous-period replacement costs. This is, (standard error .16). Under the proposed model specifica-
however, not very likely for the analgesics product category tion, the promotion parameter is .27 (standard error .14).
considered here. As described by Hamilton (1994), the And under the proposed specification without the retailer
weighting matrix in generalized method of moments can pricing equations, the estimate is .24 (standard error .60).
account for serial correlation in the errors. The estimation Therefore, the promotion parameter seems relatively unaf-
was carried out under the assumptions of no serial correla- fected across the various models estimated.
tion and first-order autocorrelation. The results obtained
under the two scenarios did not differ significantly from EMPIRICAL RESULTS
each other. Although this provided some assurance that it The descriptive statistics for the data sets are in Table 2.
may be reasonable to use the reported wholesale prices as The only nonprice variable included is special displays. This
instruments, future researchers using these data should variable is referred to as the promotion variable and is oper-
explore product categories with higher inventory turns, such ationalized as the fraction of UPCs for a brand with in-store
as perishables. displays. In addition to the variables shown in Table 2, there
Another way to verify whether endogeneity is indeed an is also information on the store traffic count in each week.
issue in a given empirical context would be to compare the Table 2 reveals the following: (1) The retail price is low-
results obtained through estimation of the demand function est for the store brand, (2) the manufacturer price is also
using a method such as nonlinear least squares that does not lowest for the store brand, (3) the store brand has the high-
instrument for prices with those obtained with instrument- est sales level in the analgesic category, (4) the data reveal a
ing. The results indicate that the price coefficient would be large difference in the retailer’s margins between the store
biased toward zero if endogeneity is not accounted for (the brand and the national brands—58% for the store brand
price coefficient from the proposed model is –.64 with a compared with 11%–18% for the national brands, and (5) all
standard error of .02; from the proposed model without the brands are promoted about the same in this particular
retailer pricing equations, it is –.65 with a standard error of category.
.14; and from the model that does not account for endo- Before fitting the empirical model described in the previ-
geneity, it is –.47 with a standard error of .01). (Interested ous section to the data, I tried to identify whether the chain
readers can obtain these results from the author.) was following any simple pricing rules. The model pre-
I also tried other instruments such as the price indices of sented by BGJ suggests that retailers charge an identical
input into the manufacture of the products considered. How- markup (i.e., retail price – wholesale price) across all brands
ever, these did not work well (see the discussion in the in the category. Table 2 indicates that, on average, this is not

Table 2

Tylenol Advil Bayer Motrin Store

Sales (units) 1424 369 498 489 2077
Retail price ($/100 tablets) 6.16 7.41 4.59 5.95 3.55
Manufacturer price ($/100 tablets) 5.32 6.07 4.06 5.18 1.50
Retailer margin .84 1.34 .53 .77 2.05
Retailer margin (% of retail price) 14 18 11 13 58
Promotiona .05 .07 .12 .12 .08
aThe numbers corresponding to the promotion variable represent the average proportion of the product sold on promotion (special display) each week.
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 149

Table 3 brand and those of its rivals, and current and lagged price
REGRESSION OF PRICE ON MATRIX OF INSTRUMENTSa indices. Interacting the wholesale prices with the brand
intercepts improved fit. Therefore, brand-specific wholesale
Standard price effects are reported in Table 3. These are valid instru-
Parameter Error ments, as they are functions of other instruments. (Formally,
Tylenol wpb .639 .065 µ|Z] = 0, where µ is the vector of unobserved attribute
if E[µ
Advil wp –.501 .084 terms in Equation 1 and Z is the vector of instrumental vari-
Bayer wp 1.446 .094 ables, then E[µ µ|f(Z)] = 0. Therefore, f[Z] are also valid
Motrin wp .605 .032
Store brand wp 1.551 .102 instruments.) The finding that emerges from these parame-
Own brand wp × Rival 1 wpc .014 .004 ter values (the first five in Table 3), is that though prices
Own brand wp × Rival 2 wp –.014 .003 appear to be positively correlated with wholesale prices for
Own brand wp × Rival 3 wp –.007 .003 four of five brands, they are not so in the case of Advil.
Own brand wp × Rival 4 wp .030 .007
Current period price index .008 .006
According to Table 2, Advil is the smallest national brand, is
One period lagged price index –.001 .007 the most expensive, and provides the highest margins to the
Two periods lagged price index –.004 .007 retailer. Researchers have noted that the pass-through for
Three periods lagged price index –.003 .005 small brands tends to be quite low given their low relative
R-squared .96 power (see Blattberg and Neslin 1990). It is probable that
F-statistic 1184
the retailer, given the small size of the brand, could be rais-
aThe regression includes brand-specific intercepts and other exogenous
ing prices at times of manufacturer promotion to maximize
variables considered in the analysis. profits from the small base of loyal Advil users. (As is
bwp = wholesale price (wp ).
cBrand-specific effects did not improve fit for these variables. shown subsequently, Advil has the second-highest intrinsic
brand preference level among the products considered.) The
other set of instruments used is the interactions among the
wholesale prices. Again, these are valid instruments. Table 3
the case. In addition, if the retailer indeed follows such a indicates that the price index variables do not play a signifi-
pricing rule, the computed markups should be highly (posi- cant role in explaining the price variations. A possible rea-
tively) correlated across brands within a category. son for this finding is that the data are provided on a weekly
Another pricing rule commonly attributed to retailers is basis whereas the indices vary only by month. The results in
the equal margin rule (see Blattberg and Neslin 1990). The Table 3 indicate a high value of R2 (and adjusted R2). A for-
idea is that the retailer expects to make a margin ([retail mal F-test demonstrates the significance of the overall
price – wholesale price]/retail price) of, say, 30% for a par- regression. This provides some assurance that the chosen
ticular category. Therefore, retail prices for brands within instruments have some power. Similar to previous studies,
that category are chosen such that the value of (retail price – however, the hypothesis of all sample moments being equal
manufacturer price)/retail price = .30 for all brands. If this is to zero is rejected on the basis of Hansen’s (1982) χ2 test
the case, the computed margins should be highly (positively) (for a discussion on possible reasons for this finding, see
correlated across brands. Table 2 indicates that, on average, Nevo 2001).
neither of these rules is consistent with the data. Further- Table 4 presents the parameter estimates and their stan-
more, the markups and margins described previously were dard errors for the various demand parameters obtained for
correlated. These correlations clearly indicated that neither the analgesics data. Note that though these parameters are
the equal markup nor the equal margin rule is consistent from the demand functions, they also appear in the pricing
with these data. equations. The estimates obtained are provided using only
The results are discussed in the following order: I begin the demand function without the pricing equations in the
by discussing the estimates obtained by regressing the retail estimation (“Only Demand” column) and those obtained
prices on the instruments and other exogenous variables. from the full model (“Proposed Model” column). Note that
The fit of this regression provides some insights as to the only-demand model is similar to Nevo’s (2001) specifi-
whether the chosen instruments have power. I then present cation but without the product attributes and market demo-
the demand function parameters, followed by a discussion graphic variables that are included in Nevo’s analysis.
of the parameters unique to the pricing equations. Finally, I Prima facie, the results in Table 4 indicate that the esti-
attempt to explain the relative importance of various factors mates obtained from the two model specifications are com-
that drive observed retail prices. parable. In particular, the effects for price, promotion, and
Table 3 provides the results from the regression of the the mean intrinsic preferences are similar across both speci-
endogenous variable price on manufacturer wholesale fications. However, there are a few differences. In particular,
prices, the interaction of the wholesale prices with one the mean intrinsic preference for the Motrin brand is smaller
another, and the other exogenous variables in the model. under the only-demand specification. Furthermore, com-
Some explanation of this regression is in order. The depend- pared with the proposed model formulation, that specifica-
ent variable in the regression is price. The price vector is tion indicates a greater amount of heterogeneity in prefer-
obtained by stacking the prices of all brands over the 196 ences for the national brands. To ensure that there is no
weeks of the data into a single-column vector in which all contamination of estimated effects due to misspecification
the prices of Tylenol come first, followed by all the prices of in the pricing equations under the proposed specification, I
Advil, and so forth. The independent variables are the brand compared the price elasticities from the two models. These
intercepts, the instruments, and other exogenous variables. elasticities indicated only minor differences across the two
The instruments used are the wholesale prices of the five model specifications. This gave some assurance as to the
brands, the interactions between the wholesale price of a reasonableness of the proposed specification.

Table 4 Advil. The low variances for the latter two national brands
DEMAND PARAMETER ESTIMATES AND STANDARD ERRORS compared with the store brand reflect time in market and
advertising efforts by the manufacturers of these brands
Only Demand Proposed Model (Keller 1998).
In contrast with the relatively high variance in brand pref-
Parameter Estimate Parameter Estimate
Variable (Standard Error) (Standard Error) erences, Table 4 shows that consumers do not appear to be
very heterogeneous in their price sensitivities. The variance
Price (mean) –.65 –.64
(.14) (.02)
from the proposed model is .0324 (.18 × .18), though the
Price (S.D.) .06 .18 underlying parameter is significantly different from zero.
(.03) (.01) The low heterogeneity in price sensitivities could be due to
Promotion .23 .27 the nature of the product category, that is, a pharmaceutical
(.60) (.14) product. Although the price sensitivity parameter also
Tylenol (mean) –1.40 –1.38
(.40) (.07) appears small (–.64), this number is difficult to interpret
Advil (mean) –2.02 –2.15 without being converted into elasticities. Accordingly, Table
(.34) (.06) 5 provides the matrix of average price elasticities for the
Bayer (mean) –3.80 –3.39 brands in this product category.
(.60) (.12)
Motrin (mean) –5.14 –2.88
Advil has the highest own-price elasticity, followed by
(.84) (.11) Tylenol, Motrin, Bayer, and the store brand. Table 5 indi-
Store (mean) –2.08 –2.57 cates that the ranking of the magnitudes of own-price elas-
(.66) (.12) ticities (from smallest to largest) is similar to the ranking of
Tylenol (S.D) 1.22 .37 the average prices in Table 2. This implies that though pref-
(.41) (.13)
Advil (S.D) 1.25 .30 erence correlations across brands are allowed for, the one-
(.36) (.13) factor structure for the random effects (Equation 13) may
Bayer (S.D) 1.49 .83 not be rich enough to allow a general pattern of correlation.
(.57) (.16) Although this study was constrained by the data, further
Motrin (S.D) 2.69 .93
(.76) (.13)
research can address this issue. The cross-elasticities, how-
Store (S.D) .62 .97 ever, indicate some deviation from independence from irrel-
(.89) (.25) evant alternatives. For example, the cross-elasticities of
Notes: S.D. = standard deviation.
Tylenol prices on rival brands range from .037 (standard
error .029) to .050 (standard error .031), a ratio of 1.35:1,
and for Advil and Motrin, this range is 1.45:1. However, the
For the specific estimates in Table 4, first note the order- ranges for Bayer and the store brand are closer to 1. Again,
ing of the mean intrinsic preferences of brands. Table 4, for this calls for a richer heterogeneity specification.
the proposed-model specification, indicates that Tylenol has The cross-elasticities in Table 5 indicate that the brand
the highest mean preference, followed by Advil, the store whose price has the biggest impact on competitor shares is
brand, Motrin, and Bayer. Significantly, this ordering is in Tylenol. This is followed by the store brand, Advil and
contrast with the ordering of brand shares (from Table 2), Motrin, and, finally, Bayer. We also find that the cross-price
which reveals that the store brand has the highest share, fol- elasticities are small. This is because each brand’s share is
lowed by Tylenol, Bayer, Motrin, and Advil. This finding small compared with the share of the outside good. To
implies that it is important to control for the effects of mar- obtain a better sense of the cross-elasticities, I computed the
keting activities before making statements about the relative “conditional” cross-elasticities, that is, those obtained by
preferences for brands in a category. eliminating the outside good. I then summarize these cross-
Table 4 also shows that the variance associated with brand elasticities by means of the clout and vulnerability measures
preferences—that is, the amount of heterogeneity in con- described by Kamakura and Russell (1989). Doing so, I
sumer preferences for the different brands—differs substan- obtain the configuration in Figure 1.
tially among the various brands. The store brand appears to The map in Figure 1 indicates that Tylenol has the high-
have the highest amount of heterogeneity associated with its est clout, followed by the store brand and then by Motrin,
preferences. This is followed by Motrin, Bayer, Tylenol, and Bayer, and Advil. In terms of vulnerability, Tylenol and the

Table 5

Price/Share Tylenol Advil Bayer Motrin Store

Tylenol –2.685 .050 .041 .045 .037
(.411) (.031) (.022) (.025) (.029)
Advil .016 –2.986 .013 .015 .011
(.011) (.529) (.009) (.009) (.010)
Bayer .010 .011 –2.254 .011 .009
(.006) (.006) (.435) (.005) (.006)
Motrin .015 .016 .014 –2.660 .011
(.008) (.007) (.008) (.444) (.006)
Store .030 .031 .029 .031 –1.808
(.017) (.015) (.015) (.015) (.517)
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 151

Figure 1 Table 6

Parameter Estimate
Variable (Standard Error)
Bayer Net side payment Tylenol 1.21
Net side payment Advil 1.25
Net side payment Bayer 1.59

1.8 Motrin Net side payment Motrin 1.56
Weight on store brand share 3.65
1.3 Advil (.23)
Store brand Store traffic effect Tylenola –.51
Tylenol (.26)
.8 Store traffic effect Advil –.02
0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 (.28)
Store traffic effect Bayer .01
Store traffic effect Motrin –.01
Store traffic effect store brand .37
store brand are the least vulnerable brands, followed by (.23)
Advil, Motrin, and Bayer. Given that Bayer is the branded Store carryover effect .60b
version of aspirin and the store brand is the unbranded ver- aThe store traffic variable was scaled down by multiplying it by the fac-
sion of the same product, Bayer’s vulnerability seems plau- tor 1e – 5. The effect reported corresponds to the scaled variable.
sible, especially given the price differential compared with bThis was fixed in the estimation.
the store brand.
To conclude the discussion from Table 4, as expected, Thus, it appears that the retailer is willing to give up some
promotions have a positive and significant effect on demand profits in pursuing a higher share for the store brand. I return
for the brands. The effects are comparable across the two to the relative impact of this weight, in relation to the side
specifications whose results are presented in Table 4. payment and store traffic effects, subsequently in the
The parameters estimated from the pricing equations section.
include the parameters characterizing the side payments The final set of parameters in Table 6 involves whether
from the national brand manufacturers to the retailer, rela- store traffic or retail competition in previous weeks drives
tive weight on store brand market share objective (ωs), and retailer pricing in the analgesics category. Note from Equa-
the parameters capturing the effects of store traffic on prices. tion 11 that the model allows for several lags to affect retail
Table 6 provides these estimates and standard errors. prices. The smoothing parameter (τ) was obtained through a
The estimates in Table 6 indicate that all four national search procedure over the range [0, 1]. The search yielded a
brand manufacturers—Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, and Bayer— value .60 that corresponded to the lowest value of the esti-
may indeed be making side payments to the retailer, and mation objective function. The results presented correspond
these exceed any additional costs borne by the retailer that to the search value of .60. The value .60 indicates that the
are variable in nature. The payments are largest for Bayer, relative importance of the most recent week’s store traffic is
followed by Motrin, Advil, and Tylenol. In Bayer’s case, the slightly larger than the importance of all preceding weeks’
estimate translates into a payment of $1.59 (standard error traffic. However, both seem to play a role in determining
.22) from the manufacturer to the retailer. Why does Bayer retail prices. Table 6 reports five parameters for store traffic
need to make such large payments to the retailer? Recall the effects, one for each brand in the analysis.
previous discussion, which was based on the demand The estimates in Table 6 reveal that previous periods’ traf-
parameters, that Bayer has a low level of clout in this mar- fic seems to influence pricing behavior in the case of Tylenol
ket. Furthermore, the retailer’s store brand is therapeutically and the store brand, albeit quite differently. In particular,
identical to Bayer. This seems to impart considerable power prices seem to be adjusted downward with retail competition
to the retailer over Bayer. The smallest value for Tylenol for Tylenol. In other words, the results seem to indicate that
($1.21, standard error .20) is consistent with its high clout a lower customer count or greater retail competition in a
and low vulnerability. given week is followed by lower prices for this national
Another factor that is incorporated into the analysis is the brand in subsequent weeks. The store brand, however, indi-
multiple objective nature of the retailer’s pricing problem. cates positive effects. Although I do not have a good expla-
The proposed formulation allows for the retailer to assign nation for this finding, note that the results for the store
some nonzero weight to the share of the store brand in the brand are consistent with those of Dhar and Hoch (1997),
objective function. The rationale for this is described in the who find that retailers primarily use national brands but not
introduction. The estimates in Table 6 indicate that the the store brand to drive store traffic.
retailer does assign a significant weight (3.65, standard error
.23) to the share of the store brand. From the discussion of Decomposing Retail Prices
the pricing equations, recall that a larger weight implies a The results thus far indicate that side payments and store
lower store brand price than is category profit maximizing. traffic effects appear to play a role in retail prices for some

Table 7

Wholesale Side Store Brand Store Traffic Retail

Brand Prices Markup Payments Objectives Effect Prices
Tylenol $5.32 $2.37 $1.21 — –$.32 $6.16
(.74) (.20) (.13)
Advil $6.07 $2.60 $1.25 — –$.01 $7.41
(.88) (.23) (.15)
Bayer $4.06 $2.12 $1.59 — $.01 $4.59
(.85) (.22) (.15)
Motrin $5.18 $2.34 $1.56 — –$.01 $5.95
(.85) (.23) (.16)
Store brand $1.50 $2.01 $.19 $.23 $3.55
(.91) — (.09) (.11)
Notes: Retail price = wholesale price + markup – side payments – store brand objectives + store traffic effect. Errors in markup computation account for
any differences from the actual retail prices.

of the national brands. Furthermore, the retailer considers In summary, the results from the analysis of the analgesic
the store brand to be of strategic importance and is trying to category are as follows: (1) The chain seems to be taking
maximize that brand’s share in addition to maximizing anal- side payments from the national brand manufacturers into
gesic category profits. The question then is, How can the rel- account when setting retail prices, (2) the retailer is pricing
ative effects of these factors on the retail prices of the brands the store brand below category profit-maximizing levels
be compared? To answer this question, Table 7 presents the because it is attempting to maximize the share of the store
breakdown of each brand’s (average) retail prices into the brand in addition to maximizing category profits, and (3)
following: (1) manufacturers’ reported wholesale prices, (2) store traffic and retail competition considerations affect the
markup based on the demand function estimates (this corre- prices of some of the brands in this product category.
sponds to the markup term in Equation 11), (3) side pay-
ments, (4) retailer’s store brand objectives, and (5) store traf- CONCLUSIONS
fic (i.e., retail competition) effect. In this way, the key In studying the pricing behavior of retailers, researchers
drivers of retail prices can be identified for each of the typically assume that chains maximize profits across all
brands in the category. brands in a focal product category. Recently, the literature in
On the basis of the decomposition of retail prices as in marketing has extended this basic framework to account for
Equation 11, the retailer, acting as a multiproduct monopo- other factors that drive retailer behavior—building store
list, should be making a markup of $2.37 (standard error traffic, promoting sales of store brands, and so forth. In this
.74) on the Tylenol brand in the absence of any side pay- article, I have attempted to study empirically the extent to
ments. This would result in the retail price of Tylenol being which some of these factors affect retail prices. I do so in the
$7.69. The actual retail price of Tylenol is only $6.16, $1.53 context of a specific product category at a single retail gro-
lower. The primary reason for this is that side payments cery chain. The data available are the weekly chain traffic,
lower wholesale prices by $1.21 (standard error .20), and unit sales, retail prices, manufacturer prices to the retailer
store traffic effects lower markups by $.32 (standard error (e.g., net of quantity discounts, temporary price reductions),
.13). For the store brand, the objective to increase market and the extent of promotions in the category for that chain.
share lowers that brand’s prices by $.19 (standard error .09). By specifying a demand function at the brand-chain level for
This is offset by the store traffic effects ($.23, standard error each brand in the product category, I obtain retail price lev-
.11). Thus, the computed markup for the store brand using els assuming that the retailer has multiple objectives—max-
only the demand parameters appears to reflect the actual imizing category profits as well as the share of the store
markup enjoyed by the retailer for that brand. The increase brand. The pricing equations obtained can be decomposed
of $.23 due to retail competition is harder to explain, into the effects of costs, markups, side payments, store traf-
because the retailer appears to be raising store brand prices fic effects, and so forth.
as a consequence of retail competition. One possibility is The next step was taking the model to the data. This was
that the retail chain is a “monopolist” when it comes to its done for the analgesic product category. It was found that
own store brand and can consequently charge a higher price. the magnitudes of the side payments exceed additional costs
The key takeaway from the retail price decomposition is that that the retailer might bear in selling these products for all
if the retailer pricing equation (Equation 11) did not reflect four national brands. In addition, retail prices are sensitive to
the various aspects such as markups, side payments, retailer side payments and to store traffic, and these effects were
objectives, and retail competition, it would be difficult to quantified by their net effects on retail prices. The retailer
reconcile the elasticity estimates with the observed retail also seems to be pricing the store brand strategically (com-
markups. As the proposed model indicates (and this was also pared with the national brands) because of its objective to
verified by means of the elasticities from the only-demand maximize store brand share. This results in a decrease in the
model), the estimated elasticities are too small to explain the retail price of the store brand.
markups. However, allowing for these other factors helps There are several caveats to the analysis. The entire analy-
reconcile the elasticity estimates with the observed markups. sis is carried out conditional on manufacturer prices to the
Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain 153

retailer. In other words, it is assumed that the retailer sets sumers in this retail chain for the analgesics product cate-
prices after observing manufacturer prices. Recent empirical gory. Therefore, implications similar to other analyses of
studies have attempted to incorporate the strategic behavior interbrand competition can be obtained through an exami-
of both manufacturers and retailers in their analysis of chan- nation of the demand estimates obtained from the study (see,
nel interactions (see, e.g., Kadiyali, Chintagunta, and Vil- e.g., Kamakura and Russell 1989).
cassim 2000; Sudhir 2001). However, given the present Second, manufacturers can also gain a better understand-
objective of understanding retailer behavior, it becomes dif- ing of retailer pricing and pass-through decisions from the
ficult, if not impossible, to also recover the nature of supply side of the analysis. Of particular interest is the
manufacturer–retailer interactions. It is also assumed that extent of pass-through of promotional moneys and side pay-
the marketing instrument of interest is price. Although the ments. Just observing the retail prices of a chain will not
retailer makes decisions on promotions to be offered, there give manufacturers a clear understanding of how promo-
is no data on costs associated with these promotions. This is tional moneys are translated into retail prices because of the
a limitation of the analysis. Another limitation of the speci- confounding effects of retail competition. Furthermore,
fication is the manner in which retail competition is because some of these are lump sum payments, it is even
accounted for. The operationalization is based on store traf- more difficult to understand what components of these fixed
fic serving as a proxy for retail competition. As noted previ- payments are translated into lower retail prices. Using the
ously, a more direct measure of competition is warranted. results from this analysis, manufacturers will be better able
Furthermore, a specific lag structure is imposed on the store to understand these effects. For example, Table 6 shows that
traffic when it is translated into a measure of competition. In retail prices of Tylenol reflect the smallest side payments
reality, retailers, in a given week, may respond to competi- from that brand’s manufacturer. If the company did make
tor prices only two weeks ago—the lag structure does not payments to the retailer, it would be of interest to know
allow for this. Theoretically, the model is not restricted to whether the manufacturer is receiving the full benefits in
the chosen specification for the lag structure. However, terms of retail prices. In doing so, it is important to keep in
including additional parameters to allow for a more flexible mind that the retailer could be carrying out other activities to
store traffic effect places a greater burden on the data. An promote the sales of Tylenol that also need to be accounted
alternative explanation for the side payments finding could for by the manufacturer.
be measurement error in the reported wholesale prices (i.e.,
retailer costs). However, the data from the Cannondale sur- Implications for Retailers
vey suggest the existence of such payments in the The analysis provides some useful insights for retailers as
marketplace. well. On the demand side, there are implications for the
Therefore, there are multiple directions for further retailer’s store brand. Specifically, this brand has a relatively
research. Although the effects of side payments and strate- high mean intrinsic preference level (Table 4). The retailer
gic behavior with respect to the store brand were incorpo- therefore can take advantage of the positive equity built up
rated into the profit-maximizing behavior of the retailer, this by this brand among its consumers. Specifically, if cross-
was not the case for the store traffic effects. A more com- category or umbrella branding effects exist, the retailer may
plete characterization of the model that takes into account be able to promote the sales of a store brand in a related cat-
the drivers of store traffic is required. A multicategory model egory (e.g., antacids) by copromoting that product with the
may be better able to capture such a phenomenon. To imple- store brand analgesic. One potential caveat would be the
ment such an approach, however, researchers will need to high variance in preferences for this brand. The price elas-
impose restrictions on the interactions among product cate- ticity matrix (Table 5) also is useful for the retailer to better
gories, as not doing so will result in a large number of understand price competition in the market. On the supply
parameters to be estimated. This is a nontrivial task. The side, it is clear that the retailer is under competitive pressure
implications of the model and results for manufacturers, to lower the prices of the flagship national brand—Tylenol.
retailers, and marketing researchers are now discussed. Loyalty programs that could insulate the chain from retail
competition may give it some leeway in strategic pricing of
Implications for Manufacturers analgesics.
From the perspective of the manufacturer of a national
brand, the following implications are relevant: First, the Implications for Marketing Researchers
demand-side analysis provides implications for interbrand For marketing researchers, this article offers a methodol-
competition among customers of this retail chain. Examin- ogy that has both demand- and supply-side implications. On
ing the cross-price elasticities sheds some light on this issue. the demand side, it provides a flexible and parsimonious
These estimates are obtained from a parsimonious demand demand model. It is flexible because, though it is based on
specification, which is flexible but does not result in incor- the logit model, it nevertheless allows for a more general
rect signs for the elasticity estimates. In addition, the analy- pattern of interbrand substitution. This is facilitated by the
sis of clout and vulnerability indicates which brand needs to assumption of correlated preferences across brands. The
be most concerned about price competition in this market parsimony stems from the origins in the logit model that
(in the empirical application, the brand is Bayer). Another require fewer parameters than standard linear or log–log
implication is based on the covariance matrix of brand pref- demand systems to characterize the own- and cross-price
erences. Although these estimates were not discussed in the elasticities across brands. On the supply side, it provides an
article, the elements of this matrix aid in the understanding approach to decomposing the retail price into the wholesale
of how preferences are correlated across brands for con- price, the effect of retail competition, unobserved (to the

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