Seminario 4 PDF
Seminario 4 PDF
Seminario 4 PDF
Background Patients with refractory or relapsed haematological malignancies have few treatment options and short Lancet Haematol 2017;
survival times. Identification of effective therapies with genomic-based precision medicine is hampered by 4: e595–606
intratumour heterogeneity and incomplete understanding of the contribution of various mutations within specific Published Online
November 15, 2017
cancer phenotypes. Ex-vivo drug-response profiling in patient biopsies might aid effective treatment identification;
however, proof of its clinical utility is limited. S2352-3026(17)30208-9
See Comment page e567
Methods We investigated the feasibility and clinical impact of multiparametric, single-cell, drug-response profiling in *Contributed equally as first
patient biopsies by immunofluorescence, automated microscopy, and image analysis, an approach we call authors
pharmacoscopy. First, the ability of pharmacoscopy to separate responders from non-responders was evaluated †Contributed equally as last
retrospectively for a cohort of 20 newly diagnosed and previously untreated patients with acute myeloid leukaemia. authors
Next, 48 patients with aggressive haematological malignancies were prospectively evaluated for pharmacoscopy-guided CeMM Research Center for
treatment, of whom 17 could receive the treatment. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival in Molecular Medicine, Vienna,
Austria (Prof B Snijder PhD,
pharmacoscopy-treated patients, as compared with their own progression-free survival for the most recent regimen on
G I Vladimer PhD, N Krall PhD,
which they had progressive disease. This trial is ongoing and registered with, number NCT03096821. O Lopez de la Fuente BA,
J W Bigenzahn MD, M Sabler MSc,
Findings Pharmacoscopy retrospectively predicted the clinical response of 20 acute myeloid leukaemia patients to R Kralovics PhD, A Ringler MSc,
S Kubicek PhD,
initial therapy with 88·1% accuracy. In this interim analysis, 15 (88%) of 17 patients receiving pharmacoscopy-guided Prof G Superti-Furga PhD);
treatment had an overall response compared with four (24%) of 17 patients with their most recent regimen (odds Department of Biology,
ratio 24·38 [95% CI 3·99–125·4], p=0·0013). 12 (71%) of 17 patients had a progression-free survival ratio of 1·3 or Institute of Molecular Systems
higher, and median progression-free survival increased by four times, from 5·7 (95% CI 4·1–12·1) weeks to Biology, ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland (Prof B Snijder);
22·6 (7·4–34·0) weeks (hazard ratio 3·14 [95% CI 1·37–7·22], p=0·0075). Allcyte, Vienna, Austria
(G I Vladimer); Department of
Interpretation Routine clinical integration of pharmacoscopy for treatment selection is technically feasible, and led to Internal Medicine I, Division of
improved treatment of patients with aggressive refractory haematological malignancies in an initial patient cohort, Hematology and
Hemostaseology (K Miura MD,
warranting further investigation. A-S Schmolke PhD, H-S Choi PhD,
E van der Kouwe PharmD,
Funding Austrian Academy of Sciences; European Research Council; Austrian Science Fund; Austrian Federal S Gültekin PhD, L Kazianka MD,
Ministry of Science, Research and Economy; National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development; G Jeryczynski MD,
Prof H Gisslinger MD,
Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank; MPN Research Foundation; European Molecular Biology Prof U Jäger MD,
Organization; and Swiss National Science Foundation. Prof P B Staber MD,
Prof W R Sperr MD,
Copyright © The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Prof P Valent MD), Clinical
Institute of Pathology
(C Kornauth MD, N Prutsch MSc,
Introduction 30% longer progression-free survival with treatment Prof O Merkel PhD,
Genetic studies have identified several genomic selected on the basis of genetic profiling than they did Prof I Simonitsch-Klupp MD,
Prof L Müllauer MD,
alterations associated with the development of haema with their previous treatment. However, the SHIVA
Prof L Kenner MD), Department
tological malignancies. However, barriers remain in fully study,5 one of the first randomised trials of genomic- of Laboratory Medicine
translating this genomic information into direct clinical based precision medicine, did not show a benefit in (Prof G Hoermann MD),
benefit for patients. Current efforts to introduce per progression-free survival for patients assigned to genome- Department of Biomedical
Imaging and Image-guided
sonalised medicine in patients with cancer, which focus based targeted treatment compared with treatment
on genetic and molecular patient stratification, have according to physician’s choice in heavily pretreated (Prof M E Mayerhofer PhD),
produced varying results.1–5 In a pioneering study,4 which patients with cancer. Genome-based therapy decisions Division of General Surgery,
used each patient as their own control, 27% of patients are limited by our incomplete understanding of the Department of Surgery
(F Felberbauer MD,
with recurrent metastatic cancer of any kind had a relationship between cancer phenotype and genotype,
University of Vienna (Ethik Kommission 1830/2015, concentration combinations in four technical repeats. To
2008/2015, 1895/2015). determine the ex-vivo drug-induced cytotoxicity, we
quantified the number of non-fragmented nuclei in each
Procedures image after drug treatment. Drug-induced cell death based
Mononuclear cells from bone marrow aspirates, peripheral on nuclear morphology was measured after overnight
blood, pleural effusion, ascites, or excised lymph node drug incubation, and subpopulation specificity was
samples were purified using Ficoll density gradient (bone assessed on the cells that stained positive for CD34 or KIT
marrow, peripheral blood, pleural effusion, ascites; Axis- (CD117). Both markers are commonly present on leu
Shield, Oslo, Norway) or homogenised and filtered kaemic blasts in acute myeloid leukaemia.34 Because all
through a 70-μm mesh filter (lymph tissue). The resulting patient samples contained a combination of blast cells and
single-cell suspensions of mononuclear cells were seeded non-malignant cells, we calculated the RBF of drug-treated
in 384-well imaging plates containing small compound cells to compare on target drug-induced cytotoxicity with
libraries which were incubated overnight (18 h at 37°C and that of drug-induced cytotoxicity in blast-marker-negative
5% CO2). For most patients, libraries included 139 different cells (figure 1A). The RBF is thus defined as the fraction of
drugs in two concentrations and five technical replicates viable blasts surviving drug treatment relative to the
total (appendix p 9). Bone marrow samples for the average fraction of viable blasts observed in negative See Online for appendix
retrospective acute myeloid leukaemia study came from control samples. Drug sensitivity per patient was integrated
frozen biopsies, whereas biopsies used for the prospective over the drug matrix by averaging the number of RBF
study were all freshly acquired and not stored frozen. datapoints above (scored with +1) or below (–1) the
A comparison of pharmacoscopy results from fresh and hyperplane that best separated responders from non-
frozen material from the same biopsy showed good responders (figure 1G), weighted by the area under the
consistency in results (appendix p 2). Immunofluorescence receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of each
staining, imaging by automated microscopy (Opera corresponding concentration point in the drug matrix.
Phenix; Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA), image ana We also compared clinical response with cytogenetic and
lysis (CellProfiler; Broad Institute of Harvard and molecular risk classification.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA), For the prospective study, eligible patients were assessed
and data analysis (Matlab; versions R2015a, R2015b, by the board (PBS, UJ, GIV, KM, CK, GH, IS-K, KO, WRS)
R2016a, R2016b, R2017a, R2017b) were done as described and those who met inclusion criteria were tested by
previously.30 The antibodies used to identify the target blast pharmacoscopy as outlined above. The markers used to
population were selected based on clinical pathology identify the blast populations were selected individually
antigen expression assessment reports, and included CD3 for each patient based on their disease indication and
(HIT3a), CD19 (HIB19), CD20 (2H7), CD79a (HM47), clinical diagnostics. For the prospective study, on-target
CD34 (4H11), CD117 (104ED2), and CD138 (DL-101; cytotoxicity was identified by calculating the RBF as in the
eBiosciences [Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA, USA]). acute myeloid leukaemia retrospective analysis, in which
Relative blast fractions (RBFs) were calculated as the blast, in this context, now referred to any cancer cell. Thus,
fraction of marker-positive viable cells after drug treatment top-scoring drugs achieved the most specific reduction of
divided by the average fraction of marker-positive viable the tumour-cell-enriched cell fraction ex vivo, while
cells measured in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-containing causing minimal cytotoxicity to the marker-negative
control wells. For hierarchical clustering of ex-vivo drug healthy cells also present in the sample. The board then
responses, all RBF values per patient and marker assessed the results, taking into account an individual
combination were first averaged over technical replicates patient’s previous treatment outcomes to recommend the
and concentrations per drug, and subsequently normalised next treatment regimen. Patients assessed by the board,
into pharmacoscopy scores via (1 – RBF)/max (1 – RBF). but who had further standard treatment options, were
Thus, a pharmacoscopy score of 1 represents the strongest used as an observational cohort. Integration of data from
on target ex-vivo response, a pharmacoscopy score of 0 both patient groups allowed us to test whether chemo
indicates no ex-vivo effect, and negative pharmacoscopy resistance measured by pharmacoscopy (eg, ex-vivo
scores indicate ex-vivo chemoresistance. survival of blast cells coinciding with death of non-
To explore whether pharmacoscopy is predictive of malignant cells) is predictive of poor clinical response. To
clinical response, we designed a retrospective study using gain an overview of the complete dataset, we first set out
samples from patients with acute myeloid leukaemia to cluster the drug-response profiles. For this purpose,
collected before receiving standard first-line remission RBF values were normalised to pharmacoscopy scores;
induction therapy (figure 1A). Roughly 60% of patients negative values indicate drug resistance (blast survival and
typically respond with complete remission to induction non-malignant-cell death), and positive values indicate on-
therapy,31 which consists of cytarabine combined with target chemosensitivity (blast death and non-malignant-
daunorubicin and etoposide.32,33 Each patient sample cell survival; appendix p 5).
was screened through a drug combination matrix of all To account for the complicating fact that for most
three first-line drugs, consisting of 125 unique drug treatment regimens comprised of multiple drugs, ex-vivo
8000 Correlation = 0·99
(ten patients)
Complete remission
0 p<0·0001
(% blasts relative to DMSO)
1·2 3 1·0
Relative blast fraction
1 1·0
1.0 3
(relative to DMSO)
Total cell number
Cytarabine (μM)
10 0·8
0.6 p<0·0001
0 0·6
0.4 Non-responders
3 0·4
Complete remission
Etoposide (μM) 0 1 3 10 20 0 1 3 10 20 0 1 3 10 20 0 1 3 10 20 0 1 3 10 20
Daunorubicin (μM) 0 0·1 1 3 10 0 0·1 1 3 10
Daunorubicin (μM)
p<0·0001 90 AUROC (relative blast fraction) = 0·97
Cross validation accuracy (%)
Integrated relative blast fraction
Relative blast fraction
True positive rate
1·0 70
0·8 0·5
60 0·50
0·6 0
0·4 5
4 50
0 3
5 10 15 2 40 0
20 25 1 Random Total cell Total Relative 0 0·5 1·0
–0·5 number blasts blast fraction False positive rate
Optimal separating plane Drug space Non- Complete
Complete remission responders remission Random Total cell number Total blasts Relative blast fraction
testing was in fact done with single drug treatments, and R2016b, R2017a, R2017b), and Microsoft Excel (version
that multiple and varying number of blast markers were 2016).
measured in different patients depending on their clinical The trial was registered at the trial
diagnostic results, we summed the relevant pharma registry, number NCT03096821.
coscopy values over all drugs and markers per patient,
resulting in an integrated pharmacoscopy (i-PCY) score. Role of the funding source
We quantified overall response as 1=progressive disease, The funders of the study had no role in study design, data
2=stable disease, 3=partial response, 4=complete remis collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
sion, and determined the correlation with i-PCY. the report. PBS and UJ had access to patient annotated
clinical data, BS, GIV, and GS-F had access to the
Outcomes anonymised patient clinical data and correlated drug
The primary outcome measure was the proportion of responses. The corresponding author had full access to all
patients achieving progression-free survival, and the the anonymised results and final responsibility for the
secondary outcome measure was the proportion of patients decision to submit for publication.
with an overall response (achieving either a complete
remission or partial response). Progression-free survival Results
was calculated as the time from the first day of treatment The retrospective acute myeloid leukaemia study to
to the date of the first reported disease progression or determine whether pharmacocopy is predictive of clinical
relapse, initiation of a new (unplanned) anticancer treat response used 20 biobanked bone marrow samples;
ment, or death as a result of any cause. Overall response ten samples from patients achieving stable complete
was defined by achieving either complete remission or remission to induction therapy, and ten from non-
a partial response, defined by standard response definition responders to induction therapy.32,33 The correlation
guidelines.35,36 For patients with lymphoma, responses coefficient (r) when examining the number of non-
were classified as complete remission, partial response, fragmented nuclei in each image after drug treatment was
stable disease, or progressive disease according to the 0·99 with immunofluorescence against activated caspase-3
criteria proposed by the international working group on as a measure of cell death over samples from three patients,
malignant lymphoma.35 For patients with leukaemia, confirming the nuclear morphology readout (figure 1B).
responses were assessed following the response criteria Bone marrow immunohistochemistry from clinical
defined by the recommen dations of the European diagnostics confirmed the presence of CD34 and CD117 on
LeukemiaNet.36 All patients that were included in the blasts of all 20 patients. The 20 patients represented both
prospective trial had uniform follow-up intervals of sexes and diverse ages, had diverse genetic lesions and
4 weeks. karyotypes, and blast fractions at time of sampling ranging
from 30% to over 90% (appendix p 6). The clinical response
Statistical analysis to treatment in our retrospective cohort of patients with
The treatment was deemed to be of clinical benefit for the acute myeloid leukaemia only partially followed the
individual patient who has a progression-free survival ratio cytogenetic and molecular risk classification (appendix
(progression-free survival on pharmacoscopy-guided pp 3, 6), with, for instance, all four patient who had a FLT3-
therapy/progression-free survival on prior therapy) of 1·3 ITD mutation in the non-responders group and both
or higher. In such cases, we rejected the null hypothesis, inv(16) patients in the complete remission group.
defined as 15% or fewer patients having a progression-free The RBF was significantly different between complete
survival ratio of 1·3 or higher. Thus, the individual patient remission and non-responders groups, with significantly
was their own control. Comparisons of the overall response stronger on-target effects observed with ex-vivo dauno
to previous treatment and pharmacoscopy-guided treat rubicin treatment for the complete remission patient
ments were calculated using a one-sided McNemar’s test cohort (p<0·0001; figures 1C, 1D, appendix pp 3, 7).
for paired binomial data with continuity correction. The Conversely, population-averaged cytotoxicity measure
odds ratio (OR) could not directly be calculated as one of ments (total cell death) did not correctly stratify patients
the discordant values (those patients who did respond to based on their clinical response (figures 1E, 1F), indicating
the most recent treatment, but who did not respond to the need for the relative drug sensitivity measurements. As
pharmacoscopy-guided treatment) was equal to zero. We expected, the integrated response score for drug sensitivity
therefore calculated the overall response-associated OR revealed good separation of responders and non-
using the standard calculation for contingency tables. responders (figure 1H, appendix p 3). One particularly
Significance testing for progression-free survival dif strong outlier was observed, complete remission in
ferences was done using the log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test. All patient 10 for whom no ex-vivo response was measured.
correlations are Pearson correlation coefficients. All other This discrepancy could not be attributed to differences in
p values are two-tailed t tests, unless stated otherwise. clinical parameters nor technical issues. Cross-validation
Statistical analyses were done in GraphPad Prism by leaving out and reclassifying every possible combination
(version 7), Matlab (versions R2015a, R2015b, R2016a, of two patient samples, and calculation of the ideal
hyperplane based on the remaining 18 samples, revealed Consistently, we observed reduced classification power for
an average classification accuracy of 88·1% for the RBF this cohort with population-averaged readouts: overall cell
(figure 1I), and an average AUROC of 0·97 (figure 1J). death, quantified by the total cell number, led to a
Insufficient material (n=5) Drug not available (n=6) 100 Correlation = 0·92 CD117
Worsening condition (n=3) Worsening condition (n=8) CD138
Lost to follow-up (n=1) Lost to follow-up (n=4) CD14
Diagnostic pathology
(flow cytometry)
Lost Lost
(n=9) (n=18) CD30
Yes Pharmacoscopy-guided
50 CD34
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Physician’s choice of
1·0 Anastrozole 1 0·210 <0·0001
0·8 Cisatracurium besylate 2 0·284 <0·0001
Raltegravir 3 0·366 <0·0001
0·6 Bortezomib 8 0·498 0·00015
0·4 6-mercaptopurine 13 0·580 0·00095
Tamoxifen 14 0·583 0·0023
266 drugs
Diagnosis Age Previous Sample type Clinical Cell markers Pharmacoscopy-guided Overall Progression- Ongoing
(years) treatment diagnostic used treatment response free survival response
lines mutations (weeks)
1 B-cell acute lymphoblastic 23 5 Peripheral NRAS, CDKN2A CD10, CD34 Bortezomib Partial response 5·3 No
leukaemia blood
2 Diffuse large B-cell 69 7 Dissociated MYD88, CDKN2A CD20 Ibrutinib Complete 42·0 No
lymphoma lymph node remission
3 Precursor B-cell 51 3 Pleural Not determined CD19, CD20 Obinutuzumab, Partial response 12·9 No
lymphoblastic lymphoma effusion 6-mercaptopurine, bortezomib
4 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma 56 4 Bone marrow TP53 CD3 Ixazomib, lenalidomide, Complete 22·6 No
dexamethasone remission
5 Diffuse large B-cell 29 2 Dissociated No alterations CD79a Bortezomib, cladribine, Complete 34·0 Yes
lymphoma lymph node detected dexamethasone remission
6 B-cell acute lymphoblastic 29 2 Peripheral FLT3, KRAS CD20, CD34 Bortezomib, azacitidine Complete 37·1 Yes
leukaemia blood remission
7 Diffuse large B-cell 60 5 Dissociated MYD88 CD19, CD20 Imatinib, ibrutinib, Stable disease 37·3 Yes
lymphoma lymph node lenalidomide, obinutuzumab;
8 Acute myeloid leukaemia 72 2 Peripheral NRAS CD34, CD117 Azacitidine Complete 22·4 No
blood remission
9 Primary mediastinal large 27 6 Dissociated No alterations CD20, CD30, Brentuximab vedotin, Complete 34·7 Yes
B-cell lymphoma lymph node detected CD79a cladribine remission
10 T-cell lymphoblastic 31 4 Peripheral PIK3CA, FBXW7, CD3 Bortezomib, cyclophosphamide, Partial response 4·1 No
lymphoma blood NOTCH1 dexamethasone
11 Acute myeloid leukaemia 72 3 Peripheral NPM1, KRAS CD34, CD117 Decitabine Partial response 8·4 No
12 Diffuse large B-cell 67 3 Lymph node MYC CD20, CD79a Ibrutinib Complete 21·9 Yes
lymphoma remission
13 Follicular lymphoma grade 63 3 Skin biopsy TP53 CD19, CD20, Bortezomib, cladribine, Complete 19·3 Yes
3A CD79a dexamathasone remission
14 T-cell prolymphocytic 40 2 Peripheral No alterations CD3 Venetoclax Partial response 13·9 No
leukaemia blood detected
15 Acute myeloid leukaemia 76 4 Bone marrow No alterations CD34, CD117 Azacitidine Partial response 3·6 Yes
16 Diffuse large B-cell 53 3 Dissociated TP53 CD19, CD79a Pixantrone, idelalisib, Partial response 7·4 Yes
lymphoma lymph node obinotuzumab
17 Diffuse large B-cell 50 3 Bone marrow TP53 CD19, CD20, Azacitidine, panobinostat, Stable disease 3·3 No
lymphoma CD79a atorvastatin
Data are provided for each patient (number 1–17). Patients 5, 6, and 9 could proceed to allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, patient 7 received CART-19 transfusion. *Administered sequentially.
Table: Characteristics, treatments, and clinical responses of the 17 patients receiving pharmacoscopy-guided treatment
classification accuracy of 68·5% (AUROC 0·86), and cell (IQR 4·5–8·7). The characteristics of the 17 patients who
death of marker-positive cells, quantified as the total blasts, had pharmacoscopy-guided treatment are listed in the
led to a classification accuracy of 78·1% (AUROC 0·91; table. The 13 patients reviewed by the board that received
figures 1I, 1J). treatments not guided by pharmacoscopy served as an
In the prospective study of the 57 patients with observational cohort (appendix p 8). A comparison be
aggressive haematological malignancies, nine patients tween the percentage of marker-positive cells measured
were not assessed by the board for reasons given in from the same biopsies by clinical diagnostics-based
figure 2A. Of 48 patients who were assessed by the board, flow cytometry, the current gold standard, and by pharma
18 were not included and 13 still had further treatment coscopy revealed strong consistency between the
options, leaving 17 patients who met the inclusion criteria two methods (r=0·92, p<0·0001; figure 2B).
to receive pharmacoscopy-guided treatment (figure 2A). Pharmacoscopy-guided treatment regimens resulted in
For these 17 patients, pharmacoscopy was always done on encouraging partial and complete remissions (table),
the same day as the biopsy procedure, and median time to documented as indicated by the type of malignancy, for
report pharmacoscopy results back to clinicians was 5 days example by PET-CT or PET-MRI for lymphoma. To visualise
(IQR 2–8). The trial started on Sept 1, 2015, the censoring the workflow, we present data for the first four patients who
date for the interim analysis for all patients was Nov 11, had partial or complete response, as documented by PET-
2016, and the median follow-up time was 7·6 months CT or PET-MRT. Patient 2, a 69-year-old man with diffuse
No response
sequencing confirmed that patient 2 had a MyD88 mutation
6 disease (table). Patient 3, a 51-year-old women with precursor B-cell
4 Progressive lymphoblastic lymphoma, had three lines of previous treat
2 ment, and was progressive after immunotherapy with the
0 bispecific CD3–CD19 antibody blinatumomab (table). Cells
Most recent Pharmacoscopy-
regimen guided treatment isolated from a pleural effusion were tested by pharma
coscopy against a panel of 266 compounds in duplicate,
B which revealed significant ex-vivo sensitivity to the
100 Pharmacoscopy-guided treatment
Most recent regimen proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (RBF 0·498, p=0·00015)
Censored and the thiopurine 6-mercaptopurine (RBF 0·580,
Progression-free survival (%)
Patient 16 Patient 1 Patient 4 Patient 13
p=0·0031 Partial response Partial response Complete remission Complete remission
0·3 p=0·011 Diffuse large B-cell acute Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma
p=0·0081 B-cell lymphoma lymphoblastic lymphoma i-PCY=2·4
Average pharmacoscopy score
0·2 i-PCY=2·2
0 CD19 CD34 CD19
CD79a CD10 CD3 CD79a
Progressive Stable Partial Complete
disease disease response remission 1
Best overall response
i-PCY score
C −1 Accuracy=92%
0·4 p<0·0001
Average pharmacoscopy score
0·2 −4
−5 Correlation=0·49
0 p=0·0065
25 p=0·016
Patient 37 Patient 33 Patient 7 Patient 17
Progressive disease Progressive disease Stable disease Stable disease
5 Mantle cell lymphoma Diffuse large B-cell Diffuse large Diffuse large
i-PCY=−6·2 lymphoma B-cell B-cell
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i-PCY=−1·9 lymphoma lymphoma
Number of previous treatment lines i-PCY=−1·1 i-PCY=1·3
eight (47%) of 17 patients that received pharmacoscopy- transfusion. Five (29%) of 17 patients received treatment
guided treatment regimens still had ongoing responses at regimens that included immunotherapy as part of their
the time of analysis (figure 3C), including patients 5, 6, pharmacoscopy-guided treatment, potentially confounding
and 9, who could proceed to allogenic stem-cell our interpretation of the results. We therefore re-tested
transplantation, and patient 7, who proceeded to CART-19 clinical response after exclusion of these five patients,
which showed that both overall response (p=0·0002) of less than –0·2, less than –0·3, or less than –0·4. Patients
and progression-free survival (p=0·025) remained signif who had received no or only one previous treatment line
icantly improved for pharma coscopy-guided treatments showed ex-vivo chemoresistance (a pharmacoscopy score
compared with the most recent regimen. This reanalysis less than –0·1) to 9% of tested drugs, whereas patients
allowed us to exclude the possibility that the addition of that had received five or more previous treatment lines
antibody-based immuno therapies affected our interpre showed ex-vivo chemoresistance to 17% of tested drugs
tation of the results. Taken together, pharmacoscopy- (p=0·016; figure 4D).
guided treatment regimens de monstrated strongly im Patient outcomes correlated positively with the integrated
proved clinical responses and survival benefit in an initial pharmacoscopy scores (r=0·49, p=0·0065; figure 4B).
cohort of 17 late-stage patients with aggressive relapsed 18 (94%) of 19 responding patients (partial response and
and refractory haematological malignancies. complete remission) had i-PCY scores between 0 to 3,
To test whether chemoresistance measured by pharma whereas four (67%) of six patients with progressive disease,
coscopy is predictive of poor clinical response we did all of whom did not receive pharmacoscopy-guided
a cluster analysis including the 17 patients receiving treatments, had i-PCY scores in the negative range
pharmacoscopy-guided treatment with the 12 observation between –0·75 and –7. Patient treatments associated with
cohort patients whose subsequent treatments were also high i-PCY scores combined drugs acting on-target on all
tested ex-vivo before treatment initiation. Hierarchical tested blast markers, or combined neutral, ex-vivo acting
clustering of the pharmacoscopy response profiles per drugs with ex-vivo on-target acting drugs. Conversely,
patient and blast-markers as determined by clinical patients res ponding with progressive disease as best
diagnostics, overlaid with the best overall response overall response had treatments including drugs to which
corresponding to drug and patient pairs, revealed strong, ex-vivo chemoresistance was measured. One of two
extensive patient-to-patient variability in both the number non-responding (stable disease) patients receiving pharma
and identity of drugs to which either chemoresistance or coscopy-guided treatments had an i-PCY score of below –1,
chemosensitivity was measured (appendix p 5). Similar indicating that the pharmacoscopy test did not strongly
indications displayed remarkable heterogeneity in support the final personalised treatment regimen for this
response profiles, indicating an absence of character non-responding patient, due to ex-vivo discordance
istic ex-vivo responses for the tested indications in this depending on the used blast markers (figure 4B). Overall,
partially heavily pretreated cohort. Hierarchical clustering the i-PCY score separated progressive disease from
repeatedly grouped drug classes with the same mode of patients who had achieved a partial response and complete
action, including immunomodulatory drugs (thalidomide, remission with a classification accuracy of 92% and an
lenalidomide, and pomalidomide), anthracycline chemo AUC of 0·84 (figure 4B).
therapies (daunorubicin, doxorubicin, and valru bicin),
and histone deacetylase inhibitors (belinostat, pano Discussion
binostat, and vorinostat). The clustering further high This single-centre study shows technical feasibility of
lighted the diversity of treatments given to the patients. integrating automated microscopy-based, ex-vivo drug-
30 unique drugs, distributed across the clustering, were response profiling for patients with aggressive haemato
tested by pharmacoscopy and subsequently administered logical malignancies into clinical practice. The test-guided
to patients, enabling robust pan-treatment statistical treatment regimens led to significantly longer progression-
analysis (figure 4, appendix p 5). free survival and improved overall response in patients
Further analyses demonstrated the association between with various haematological malignancies compared with
ex-vivo chemoresistance and poor clinical outcome. First, their most recent regimens, warranting further disease-
plotting the average pharmacoscopy scores over all specific clinical studies that include larger patient cohorts
markers and drugs in relation to associated overall and randomised control groups.38 Although the trial did
response to those drugs showed that treatments leading to not include a randomised control group and had a
progressive disease were associated with negative pharma relatively small cohort size of 17 patients, our results
coscopy scores, whereas treatments leading to partial suggest that a wide array of working chemotherapeutics
response or complete remission resulted in significantly and targeted inhibitors already exist, which, in principle,
positive pharmacoscopy scores (figure 4A). Second, the are capable of breaking drug resistance even in
treatments to which the patient had relapsed before multirefractory cancers, if the right drugs are selected at
pharmacoscopy testing had on average negative the right time for each individual patient. We found that an
pharmacoscopy scores (p=0·0079; figure 4C). Third, the integrative combination of chemosensitivity of the
percentage of tested drugs to which ex-vivo resistance was leukaemic blasts and chemoresistance of the marker-
measured (at pharmacoscopy score less than –0·1) negative, non-malignant cells predicted clinical response
increased with the number of previous treatment rounds to first-line acute myeloid leukaemia treatment with the
of each of the 29 patients (r=0·44; p=0·016; figure 4D). highest accuracy. Furthermore, the same readout guided
Similar significantly positive correlations were found selection of treatments associated with favourable clinical
when defining chemoresistance as pharmacoscopy scores responses, and predicted both good as well as poor clinical
responses. The positive relation observed between the selection of clinically beneficial combination treatments
number of previous treatment lines and ex-vivo drug suggests that not every drug combination needs to be
resistance is intuitive, and might reflect acquired drug tested in combination ex vivo, thus allowing for larger drug
resistance as well as refractory disease being more resistant panels to be tested; future studies are needed to further
from disease onset. refine optimal, ex-vivo drug-testing regimens.
Our investigation was designed as a prospective, non- Comprehensive drug response profiles of individual
randomised study in which every patient acted as their people, as generated here, represent the outcome of
own control. This approach allowed us to assess the overall interplay between various molecular parameters of the
effect across heterogeneous diseases and treatment responding cells, including not only the genetic, proteomic,
regimens; however, the absence of randomisation could and metabolic state of the cells, but also the direct and
have led to bias.6,38 Future randomised trials testing indirect molecular interactions with other cells.30 We
pharmacoscopy-guided therapies versus physician’s choice therefore hypothesise that such comprehensive drug-
are therefore warranted, and should focus on individual response profiles can offer novel functional insight into
disease entities. the underlying health status of an individual, with
Not all patients in our study had correlation between potentially wide-ranging implications in preventive and
pharmacoscopy results and outcome, in particular one participatory medicine. Given the fast throughput of the
outlier patient (patient 10 in the retrospective acute myeloid method, both experimentally and analytically, future
leukaemia study). Identifying the causes for such outliers studies can include higher patient numbers that will be of
will thus require repetition with larger cohort sizes and great interest to investigate the translatability of pharma
integration with systematic molecular data. In our coscopy further.
comparison of con ventional genetics with response Pharmacoscopy provided useful treatment-guidance in
in the retrospective acute myeloid leukaemia cohort, our an initial late-stage patient cohort, warranting further
results matched those in previous studies.39 investigation in larger and indication-specific clinical trials.
A benefit of pharmacoscopy resides in the analytical It is likely that the approach will synergise well with
power derived from monitoring with computer-aided molecular profiling techniques such as genomics and
precision millions of individual single-cell drug responses, proteomics for personalised treatment identification. Such
which combined with the ability to discriminate cell types studies could lead to improved patient treatment and be a
allows us to score specific rather than general and averaged useful route to mechanistic elucidation of clinically
cytotoxic effects. Pharmacoscopy will likely be instructive relevant genotype-to-phenotype relationships.
for the personalised identification of clinically effective Contributors
therapies for other malignancies beyond those tested here. BS, GIV, NK, CK, MS, OLdlF, EvdK, SG, LKa, JWB, NP, AR, LKe, PV, and
The selection of personalised therapy by pharmacoscopy SK did the experiments. BS, GIV, NK, KM, A-SS, OLdlF, UJ, PBS, and
GS-F collected and analysed data. KM, A-SS, CK, OLdlF, H-SC, JWB, GH,
benefits from the ability to measure hundreds to thousands NP, OM, AR, GJ, MEM, IS-K, KO, FF, LM, GWP, BK, LKe, WRS, RK,
of drug exposures using small patient samples, in which HG, PV, SK, UJ, PBS, and GS-F provided support and reagents. KM,
each ex-vivo treatment includes healthy cell controls from A-SS, CK, EvdK, SG, LKa, GH, NP, GJ, IS-K, KO, WRS, HG, PV, UJ,
the same patient sample. Pharmacoscopy detects cancer and PBS diagnosed patients. GJ, IS-K, WRS, HG, PV, UJ, and PBS were
involved in patient care. BS, GIV, NK, UJ, PBS, and GS-F wrote the
cells with fluorescently labelled antibodies against clinically manuscript. All authors contributed to and approved the final manuscript.
used diagnostic markers, which means the test synergises
Declaration of interests
with, and uses similar antibodies as, clinical flow BS is a shareholder of Allcyte, has a patent WO2016046346 licensed to
cytometry-based diagnostics. Both microscopy and flow Allcyte, and is a scientific cofounder of Allcyte. GIV is a shareholder of
cytometry or optometry share the limitations of detection Allcyte, has a patent WO2016046346 licensed to Allcyte, and is a scientific
of cancer cells by antibody-based immunofluorescence, cofounder of Allcyte. NK is a shareholder of Allcyte, has a patent
WO2016046346 licensed to Allcyte, and is a scientific cofounder of Allcyte.
whereas pharmacoscopy allows for reduced sample KM reports personal fees from Chugai, Kyowahakko Kirin, outside the
processing and increased throughput and automation. submitted work. GH reports grants and personal fees from Gilead; and
Our results show that single-cell detection of blast markers personal fees from Novartis, Amgen, and Ariad, outside the submitted
by pharmacoscopy enables a clinically useful comparison work. KO reports personal fees from Novartis, outside the submitted
work. RK reports personal fees from and has been an advisory board
of on-target and off-target cytotoxicity, while the minimal member for AOP Orphan, PharmaEssentia, and Qiagen; and has received
ex-vivo culturing of cells, and compatibility with clinical personal fees from Novartis, outside the submitted work. UJ reports
diagnostic markers, ensure fast and relevant feedback. personal fees from Janssen Cilag, during the conduct of the study; grants
and personal fees from Roche, Celgene, Gilead, Novartis, and True North
Specifically, the platform allowed us to test 768 conditions
Therapeutics; and personal fees from Amgen, Takeda, AbbVie, Infinity,
for almost all of the 17 patient samples, returning results to outside the submitted work. GS-F reports grants from ERC Proof of
the clinic within 5 days of receiving a sample. A crucial Concept, during the conduct of the study; and is a shareholder of Allcyte,
trade-off nonetheless remains between the number of has a patent WO2016046346 licensed to Allcyte, and is a scientific
cofounder of Allcyte. All other authors declare no competing interests.
different drugs, technical replicates, concentration ranges,
timepoints, and drug combinations that can be tested from Acknowledgments
We thank the patients and their families for their trust in taking part in
one biopsy. In that regard, the observation made in this
this study, and Manuele Rebsamen, Giorgia Jurisic, Katrina Vanura, and
study that ex-vivo testing of single treatments can aid
Bernadette Hilgarth for assistance and critical reading of the manuscript. 17 Montero J, Sarosiek KA, DeAngelo JD, et al. Drug-induced death
The study was academically funded. CeMM is supported by the Austrian signaling strategy rapidly predicts cancer response to chemotherapy.
Academy of Sciences, and we gratefully acknowledge funding from the Cell 2015; 160: 977–89.
European Research Council Proof of Concept grant to GS-F, the Austrian 18 Frismantas V, Dobay MP, Rinaldi A, et al. Ex vivo drug response
Science Fund (FWF; grants F4704-B20 to PV, F4711-B20 to GS-F, and profiling detects recurrent sensitivity patterns in drug-resistant
P27132-B20 to PBS), the Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 2017; 129: e26–37.
P-15936 to PBS, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and 19 Kurtz SE, Eide CA, Kaempf A, et al. Molecularly targeted drug
Economy to SK, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and combinations demonstrate selective effectiveness for myeloid- and
Development to SK, the MPN Research Foundation to RK, the Swiss lymphoid-derived hematologic malignancies.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017; 114: e7554–63.
National Science Foundation (grants P300P3_147897 and PP00P3_163961
to BS, and P2EZP3_159114 to NK), and European Molecular Biology 20 Pemovska T, Kontro M, Yadav B, et al. Individualized systems
medicine strategy to tailor treatments for patients with
Organization long-term fellowship (number 1543-2012 to GIV).
chemorefractory acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Discov 2013;
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