Application of Elman Neural Network and MATLAB To Load Forecasting
Application of Elman Neural Network and MATLAB To Load Forecasting
Application of Elman Neural Network and MATLAB To Load Forecasting
Abstract—In order to improve the load-forecast precision and speciafication.Compared with BP neural network,Elman
availability of power system, a method based on Elman neural neural network is much more appropriate to model for
network and MATLAB is presented to create a load forecast complex and nonlinear system.
model,which according to the Elman neural network model having For load forecast model of power system with dynamic
the characteristics of approach to arbitrary nonlinear functions behavior is generally a nonlinear function,so using Elman
and having the ability of reflecting the dynamic behavior of the neural network to model and analyze is feasible.
system and for the practicability and high efficiency of using However,most load forecast model based on artifitical
neural network tool-box in MATLAB to program.Then using actual
neural network are using C language or FORTRAN language
load data to train the model,the emulation results show that the
model is of quickly convergence speed and high forecasting
to program,which not only makes structure of the model
precision,which can meet the needs of running and scheduling in complex,but also have a long training time. Then using the
power system,and using neural network tool-box in MATLAB to NNTool-Box in MATLAB to program can disembarrass the
program can make the worker won free of elaborate program and users out of elaborate programing[9] and collect their thought
make the working efficiency improved effectively.The example is of to find a method for solving the problem,then working
proof that the method is feasible and effective. efficiency and the quality for solving the problem can be
Keywords- Elman neural network; MATLAB;forecast model; greatly improved.In the paper,we manage to create a load
electric load; forecast model with the feature of facilitation and higher
forecast precision in the situation of using MATLAB
I. INTRODUCTION language to program.
For long years,load forecast of power system is largely
and deeply studied by people,and many significant methods
are proposed such as regression analysis method[1][2],time
series method[3][4] and grey system method[5] etc. In Elman neural network can be considered as a forward
general,conventional mathematical model use an explicit neural network with a local memory element and a local
mathematical representation to describe,which decides the feedback conjection,which is generally divided into four
limitation of traditional forecast model.In fact,the load of layers,including input layer,hidden layer,association layer
power system is a dynamic system influenced by many and output layer,the basic structure of the network is seen in
factors and having a nonlinear variation,and the variety Figure.1.In which the conjunction among input layer,hidden
regulation of load is difficult to use an explicit mathematical layer and output layer is similar to the forward neural
formula to describe.Then a method based on artifitical neural network,the neurons of input layer play a role of
network[6-8] becomes a great breakthrough in forecast transmission signal,and output layer neurons play a role of
fields,which regards independent variable and dependent linear weighted.The transfer function of hidden layer is still a
variable of traditional explicit function as input-output of the nonlinear function,which is generally using a Sigmoid
network,and inverts the relationship of conventional function function;association layer ia also called state layer,which is a
into a nonlinear mapping with high dimension not an explicit unit delay operator for saving the output state at previous
mathematical representation. Therefore,the method based on moment of the hidden layer to characterize the inner feature
artifitical neural network is largely used in analyzing and of the object.Then the inner feature together with external
forecast the complex and nonlinear system such as load in input signal are used as the input of hidden layer nodes at the
power system,and in which the Elman neural network with current moment,which is correspond to a state feedback.
the characteristics of reflecting the dynamic behavior directly The mathematical model of Elman neural network is
and lively is more and more valued by people.Elman neural analyzed as follows:
network is a typical network with dynamic neuron,which is
on the basis of the structure of BP neural network,a
particular association layer is introduced,and by memorying
the inner state to make it having a function of mapping the
dynamic behavior and then which makes the system having
the ability of adapting time inflecting
parts,including training sample(which use the data from the DN '
year of 2000 to April 2006) and test sample(which use the 4;5 DN
data from May to August in the year of 2006).And there are 3
seven input value and one output value in the
/: DN \
5 6 Q
model.Considering in power system,the load at i moment
6 5
Q 6 6
influenced not only on external environment and inner
D 6
6 E
factors at i moment,but also on other factors at i-1,i-2,Ă,i-n
moment for the course of formation with time lag of
6 6
% the variable threshold is used to set the maximum and From above results,we can obtain that error of network
minimum of input vector, which sets the maximum as 0.9 answers the requirements by training the network at 127
and the minimum as 0.2. times.Results are shown in Figure.4.
threshold >0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9;0.2 0.9@ 0
Performance is 6.13087e-005, Goal is 0.0001
Training-Blue Goal-Black
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