Recognizing and Responding To "Bad Smells" in Extreme Programming

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Recognizing and Responding to

"Bad Smells" in Extreme Programming

Amr Elssamadisy Dr. Gregory Schalliol
ThoughtWorks, Inc. ThoughtWorks, Inc.
651 West Washington Blvd., Ste 500 651 West Washington Blvd., Ste 500
Chicago, IL 60661 Chicago, IL 60661
312-373-8523 312-373-8661

ABSTRACT executable code, with very little of it remaining from the earlier
The agile software development process called Extreme development effort using a different process. We have been
Programming (XP) is a set of best practices which, when used, members of the project team (Amr as developer; Gregory as
promises swifter delivery of quality software than one finds with analyst) for over two years, and the examples we present in this
more traditional methodologies. In this paper, we describe a large paper were directly experienced in the day-to-day tasks we
software development project that used a modified XP approach, performed during that time. Although XP proved to be a more
identifying several unproductive practices that we detected over effective and successful software development process on this
its two-year life that threatened the swifter project completion we project, we learned--and wish to show in this paper--that it, too,
had grown to expect. We have identified areas of trouble in the is susceptible to making "wrong turns" that could prove to thwart
entire life cycle, including analysis, design, development, and a team's ability to deliver quality products in a timely manner.

testing. For each practice we identify, we discuss the solution we

2. Q U A R T E R I N G THE C H I C K E N
implemented to correct it and, more importantly, examine the
early symptoms of those poor practices ("bad smells") that project 2.1 Smell
managers, analysts, and developers need to look out for in order Dividing development into "story cards" the way we did last time
to keep an XP project on its swifter track. (with success) is no longer successful.

2.2 Solution
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N With each new development iteration, rethink whether the
In his book Refactoring [1], Martin Fowler--using the parental procedures used in the previous iteration are still appropriate.
experience of Kent Beck--introduces the metaphor of a "bad
smell" to describe the identification of early warning signals that 2.3 Discussion
something in computer code needs to be rewritten. In this paper, One of the core trademarks of XP is iterative development cycles
we wish to extend that metaphor to the general examination of dunng which new functionality is divided into "story cards."
early warning signals that certain aspects of an entire software These stories become the fundamental units of development for
development process need to be "refactored." Given the greater the iteration, and all resource estimation is based on summing the
project significance involved in "rewriting" the encompassing separate estimates assigned to each story card. There are many
process as opposed to a single practice within the process, we guides one can follow when deciding how to break down the
propose that bad process smells deserve far more attention than whole of the application into discreet "stories": what can be done
they have received previously. in an iteration, what will result in visible functionality for the
The particular example we will explore is a major J2EE customer, etc. In our case, we used one or more of these guides at
development project that switched to an extreme programming various times to do the disintegration of the whole into small
(XP) process after a more traditional approach proved ineffective. parts. But as the iterations wore on, it became evident that
The project consisted of a 50-person team, about 30 of which dividing into stories using a guide from two or three iterations
were developers, working over a three year period. The earlier began to yield development tasks that prompted poorer
application being built was a comprehensive enterprise resource estimates than in earlier, similar cases.
solution for the leasing industry, including all aspects of accounts What happened here was our succumbing to a natural human
receivable, asset management, and contract terminations. The tendency toward laziness. We tended to reuse prior strategies that
present code base consists of well over 500,000 lines of worked without considering the circumstances in which we reused
them. As the application grew in size and complexity, the sort of
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for functional unit that was simple and easily estimated in earlier
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are iterations became more complex and harder to complete within a
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that single iteration. So when we insisted on tackling card x in
copies bear this notice and the flail citation on the first page. To copy iteration 6 the same way we did card y in iteration 2 (namely,
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, insisting on having a customer-usable feature finished within a
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
1CSE'02, May 19-25, 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA. single iteration), we ended up with a very incomplete card at the
Copyright 2002 ACM 1 - 5 8 1 1 3 - 4 7 2 - X / 0 2 / 0 0 0 5 . . . $ 5 . 0 0 . end of iteration 6. The reason was simple. In order to get the

feature rally operational in iteration 6, we had to take into account delivery, the risk of receiving a disappointing product at the end is
the various dependencies and other interconnections in the enormous. Just to think of the tailor example again, if the time to
application that were not yet there in iteration 2. Once we produce the suit lasts months or years, the risk that the suit will
honestly admitted to ourselves that this was the case, we began to not fit the customer in the end is much greater if the customer
realize that rally tested, customer-usable flanctionality in iteration does not periodically return for new measurements at the tailor's
6 could not be expected. Story card division now would have to shop. Bodies have a tendency to change with time, just as do
be done at a more granular level if we hoped to have the same software requirements of businesses trying to stay competitive in a
iteration completion rate we had enjoyed earlier. rapidly changing environment.
A concrete metaphor that illustrates the general principle here is If an XP customer does not find something to complain about or
the task of cutting a whole chicken into various pieces. For change after early deliveries in the development process, the
someone just beginning, the easiest places to cut (the joints) are customer is, more than likely, not as engaged in the process as he
not readily apparent, but with some experience one can learn or she should be. This turned out to be the case in our project.
where they are. Yet if one insists on having the pieces always cut The development team encouraged our customer to devote their
the same way (for instance, into quarters), then some of the own people flail-time to the development process, which they did.
cutting may turn out well (e.g., leg quarters), but other cuts done However, those customer "partners" were one step removed from
later, intended to yield the same result, might be sloppy and the actual end users who would use the new system in the end,
difficult (e.g., cutting the breast in half through the breastplate). and rather than follow our suggestion to write their own
If we had not insisted that cutting the chicken breast into quarters fimctional tests to after every delivery to verify that the system
(cards in iteration 6) should be like cutting the chicken legs into was doing what it should, they refrained from that "toil" and
quarters (cards in iteration 2), we would have produced much relied instead on the fanctional tests we wrote ourselves. When
better stories with more reliable estimates. The software the time came near final deployment to train the ultimate users of
development process that puqgortedly "embraces change" must the system, complaints arose about fimctions that had long since
itself embrace changes to its own specific implementation as been "delivered" and "accepted" in previous iterations. Part of
needed if it is to succeed. this was due to some communication breakdown between our
customer "partners" and the actual customer end users, but part
was also due to the fact that those people representing the
customer should have been much more involved in the "toil" of
3. W H E N S H O U L D THE C U S T O M E R BE developing acceptance tests throughout the development process.
HAPPY? Without themselves going through the toil of writing their own
fimctional tests, they became lulled into thinking that what we
3.1 Smell
thought they wanted was what they really wanted. But that, of
After product deliveries following early iterations, the customer
course, was not always right, because their business changed over
has no complaints, but during the late iterations, the customer
time, and communication is not always perfect.
complains about many things from all iterations.
Since XP is a relatively new approach to software development,
3.2 Solution however, the responsibility for integrating the customer into the
The customer must be "coached" sufficiently to provide honest development process rests primarily on the shoulders of the IT
and substantial feedback from the very beginning of the group who actually employs the XP process. We failed to push
development process. the customer hard enough early in the process to be an actual
partner in the planning and acceptance of the development. We
3.3 Discussion found it more comfortable to let the customer remain comfortable,
In a consumer oriented society, it becomes habitual to think that if but we paid a dear price for it in the end. If the customer is to
you pay money to buy something, you do so partly to avoid the become the true partner in the process, which XP demands, then
toil or headache of having to produce the product yourself. There practitioners of this new methodology must recognize their
remain some instances in consumerism, however, where a additional responsibility to successflally educate customers to
customer willingly donates his or her effort to insure proper think more like buyers of tailored suits rather than of generic
satisfaction when the sale is complete. Those who buy custom- clothing. The customer will more likely be happy with the
made clothing, for example, just spend some time with the tailor product in the end if he or she has had sufficient opportunity and
in order to get the quality product they desire. insight to re-evaluate the product rigorously from the beginning.
Customers of custom-build software need to think more like the
buyer of the tailored suit if they wish to receive the quality
product they have ordered. For that to be possible, however, they TOGETHER
must be integrally involved in the development process, and for
4.1 Smell
an iterative process like XP, that means the entire development
When the story cards are written and analyzed, the responsible
process. Since new functionality is delivered after every iteration,
party for a card feels that he or she cannot be sure all fimctionality
and since XP permits the customer to re-evaluate his or her
has been accounted for in the functional tests developed for that
priorities after every iteration, an XP customer can no longer drop
into the IT "shop" just once, have his or her measurements taken
(= traditional requirements gathering), and then expect to receive
a fully built system satisfying current needs many months or years
later. Without constant and honest feedback after each iterative

4.2 Solution an artifact would be to provide guidance for the writing of story
For complex applications, provide the development team with cards and their connected functional tests when the elements of
some synoptic "picture" of the whole that promotes a holistic the application under development become very complex and
understanding of the place each story has in the total application. interconnected. To be consistent with the iterative flexibility
provided by XP, however, this picture, like the functionality it
4.3 Discussion would represent, would have to be susceptible to modification of
The XP process was initially intended for rather small some degree at every stage of the development process. Such an
development projects, with the development team probably not integrated picture would provide what a high stack of story cards
exceeding 10 people, and a product that would not be excessively cannot, namely, a guide for insuring that every new story card can
complex [2]. This limitation of project size is conducive to be written and tested completely in its relationships to all other
achieving another fundamental benefit of XP, namely, freedom stories.
from the heavy design and requirements gathering phase that
typically precedes the first line of written code and often never 5. FINISHING VS. "FINISHING"
even gets there. But as the multiple benefits of XP become more 5.1 Smell
and more evident, many development groups (like ours) have Everyone says that all of the story cards were finished at the
dared to employ a modified XP methodology for larger, more proper times, but it still takes 12 more weeks of full-time
complex projects. To do this, however, one must be aware that development effort to deliver a quality application to the
one has exceeded the recommended sphere of the methodology customer.
and be prepared to adapt appropriately.
Our project, for example, tackled the complex details of lease 5.2 Solution
accounting, including governmental regulations, taxes, and Create a precise list of tasks that m u s t be completed before the
professional accounting standards, not to mention managing all story is considered "finished," and then police it rigorously and
possible kinds of assets and all of the possible things someone honestly.
might do with them. To accomplish this formidable task, we
employed several experts with substantial experience in the 5.3 Discussion
leasing industry to act as business analysts directing the actual By practicing test-first coding and forcing deliveries at the end of
development work at the same time as they coached our customer. frequent development iterations, XP tries to avoid the well-known
But after several iterations, as the application became more and horror that greets so many software development projects at
more complex, even these experts found themselves uncertain that "completion" time, namely, bug-ridden code that requires a very
new story cards they were implementing were being correctly long time to fix. Moreover, more frequent deadlines should make
integrated with all other parts of the system. Following the planning more reliable, for new stories should be better estimated
suggestion of an XP approach, we started coding the most basic with the frequent experience of previous stories. But as we
building blocks of the system without having produced up-front discovered on our project, employing XP (as we did) was little
any great design or model that would show how it should all fit help in this area.
together. Hence, each time a new story card would be played, we
relied on our leasing experts to flesh out exactly what other At the end of our last official development iteration, our code was
dependencies this new card might produce or might need to heed full of bugs and inconsistencies, so we needed several additional
before we could say it would be done. As the number of months of "cleanup" before we could deliver a workable version
implemented story cards began to climb into the thousands, to our customer for implementation in its business. There were
however, even our experts began to miss this or that dependency many causes of this, including an insufficient suite of automated
that should have been addressed in the story card, and we often tests (see that "smell" below), but the primary one was our
found ourselves having a new bit of functionality that would work general unwillingness to acknowledge reality. As the iterations
by itself, but it did not work in conjunction with all of its 35 or so wore on in the first half of the project, many team members
other related functions in the system. (developers and analysts alike) found themselves extremely
rushed to meet each iteration deadline. Rather than acknowledge
What was missing was some type of "picture" or overview that
that the card "velocity" had been incorrectly estimated, most team
reminded us of the almost endless interconnections in a system
members, including the project managers, looked for ways to
that very rapidly became more and more complex. Having a stack
maintain the velocity, and the only avenues they could find were
of story cards was not enough, because the story cards themselves to cut corners in one way or another. The project managers
could not remain static once they were composed. The promise
excused developers from having to write automated functional
that XP would not require much up-front design lulled us into
tests, developers rushed in code directly before iteration end and
thinking that we could get away without it, even if we exceeded
refrained from completing small refactorings, and testers cut back
the recommended project size for the methodology. There was no
on the thoroughness of their functional tests. Moreover, certain
useable "metaphor" to help us out in this case, simply because
important dimensions of the application, such as GUI standards
leasing is too complex to be made more transparent via a more
and written documentation, were simply ignored. These measures
familiar or accessible image.
made it possible to continue with the same velocity, but it meant,
Were we to employ XP again on a similarly complex project, we of course, that the quality of the code was continually degraded
would insist upon including the development and constant until--surprise!--we discovered at the "end" that things did not
updating of a more traditional picture or graphic of the overall work, we had no consistent standards across all screens, and our
application as part of the tasks in each iteration. The aim of such insufficient tests had allowed a swamp of bugs to flourish. The
end result was an overall slowdown of the entire project, because

just as there is a cost for carrying design [3], there is definitely a needs to be done, doing it fast, and constantly refactoring our
cost to c a ~ i n g poor code that is brittle and hard to understand. code so we have a good code base. Everything is great, right?
Ultimately, the attempt to maintain an accelerated but unrealistic WRONG.
development velocity probably added to the overall project WRONG??? What do you mean wrong? Well if that was it, we
completion time.
would be fine. We could release a bulletproof package with
bulletproof invoicing. The hitch is that we knew that we would
The primary cause of this mistake was, we believe, the common need to generalize this over the long run. There is NO WAY that
reluctance of many professionals to admit that their own task I can give one client another client's invoicing. So, even though
estimates for completing stories were inaccurate. XP empowers
we have a good invoicing implementation for the initial release,
individual project members to estimate their own tasks, but it also what we don't have is code that can be refactored easily to have
needs to reassure those same individuals that learning to estimate our flexible invoicing for any subsequent releases. We have hard-
cards well takes time and will seldom be accurate in the coded all our parameters for invoicing. So were we just ignorant
beginning. Without sufficient encouragement for learning
and stupid to do this? Probably to some degree, except that we
accurate estimation, team members will most likely try to suppress followed the XP premise although we knew in the back of our
early, inaccurate estimates by "cutting corners" the way our team minds that we would need to redo a lot of the work.
did. And once they did this a few times, it became a habit that
eventually bogged down the whole project. Such habits are hard So what ended up happening was a M A J O R refactofing of our
to remove once they have developed, so our advice to others generalized framework (which is another bad smell - next section
facing a similar project using XP would be to begin with very Large Refactorings Stink) with several instances of invoices into
strict and comprehensive guidelines as to what the story card an invoice factory that based its information off of a million-and-
encompasses and what constitutes true completion. one parameters in the database. This effort took just as much time
as actually putting the invoices together in the first place. There
was an inordinate amount of code thrown out because it was just
6. F A C T O R Y VS. I N S T A N C E S AND hard-coded - I mean parameters that needed to be moved to the
L O O K - A H E A D DESIGN 1 database.

6.1 Smell What we SHOULD have done is realize that it is OK to look

Incrementally producing several instances of like objects since we ahead and trust our inner-instinct that we are going down the
should do the simplest thing that could possibly work [4], even wrong path. We should have continued to do thing incrementally,
though we know that a subsequent iteration will develop a but after the first instance we should have pulled the work and
replacement of the several instances with a flexible tool for made it into a factory instead.
creating any instance. What types of problems does this apply to? Anytime you find
yourself working on several instances of a solution, you find
6.2 Solution yourself with the decision of going towards a hierarchical solution
Create a factory instead of building different instances. Look with hard-coded parameters written into the class hierarchy or
ahead - see where you are going and use common sense. Even if with a factory solution. The first solution is usually easier and
you don't end up needing the extra flexibility, the cost of design hence tends to be what you will lean toward. But if you know or
carry [3] is negligible in this case. suspect that it will need to be flexible to the user, then creating a
factory will only have a little overhead in the beginning. It does
6.3 Example not carry a large design/maintenance burden[3]- only a larger
Picture this... We are starting the invoicing functionality on our startup cost. As always, use common sense and don't ignore it,
application - so the first thing to do of course is do the minimum. thinking the process knows best 2.
Let us start with one specific invoice format. We know - or at
least think we know - that we will need several invoice formats
for the initial release of our application, and then we will probably
need to make it completely customizable so that any user of this 7. L A R G E R E F A C T O R I N G S STINK
application later on can create and modify invoice formats at will. 7.1 Smell
So we, like good XPers, know that we should do the simplest Basically, the premise here is that if you find yourself having to
thing that could possibly work[4] and we develop a single invoice do a large refactofing then you should have done many smaller
format. Great - it works well in this iteration, and we have started refactorings earlier and you got lazy.
invoicing. Now our customer provides us the rest of the invoice
formats over 3 or 4 iterations. Again, like good XPers we only do 7.2 Solution
the minimum. We find ourselves constantly refactonng our code You will still have to do the large refactofing, but you can avoid
- so that the commonality between invoice formats is never this in the future by refactoring more often and not putting band-
duplicated. So we are happy because we are doing only what aids on your code.

7.3 Example
1 We are presenting a concrete example of where we believe look- One piece of functionality in maintaining a lease is what is called
ahead design is warranted. In general we believe that we should unbooking and rebooking the lease. This is done when a change
ALWAYS be cognizant of where the application is going, and
leverage our experience, and more importantly common sense,
in each iteration. 2 Many people will give testimonials to XP

in the terms of an active lease will change its basic financial objects had incomplete tests that did not test commencement date
nature. In this case, our initial implementation was basically to changes.
modify each little detail that needed updating because of the
So we are making a case for another set of tests, fimctional tests,
financial change. This was fine initially, but as more and more
to be automated. These tests are specified by the customer and are
functionality was added, the developers (who were usually
the acceptance tests. If THESE tests are in place, then changes
different in different iterations) incrementally updated the code to
that affect many objects and cause bugs across these objects have
work. It was slowly dawning on us that this whole approach was
a much higher chance of getting caught instead of just flying
wrong - we needed to re-do the whole unbook/rebook
under the unit test radar.
functionality differently.
Unfortunately3 both of the authors were the ones who got stuck
with fixing this problem. Also, because one of them is a big 9. OBJECT M O T H E R AND THE SPECIAL
whiner, he kept complaining that 'we knew this all along -
something really stank for iterations and now I ' m stuck with I N S T A N C E OF A F A C T O R Y F O R TEST
fixing it.' The sad truth is that he was right. Every developer FIXTURES
after the initial implementation knew that the code needed to be
refactored, but for one reason or another (see the "finishing" smell
9.1 Smell
Extensive setup and teardown functions in unit tests and difficulty
above), they never made the refactoring.
setting up complex objects in different parts of their lifetime.
This type of smell really has no easy solution. The large
refactoring had to be made because the inertia of the bad design 9.2 Solution
decision was getting too high 4. By taking the easy road from the Create fixtures that will return different objects in different states,
beginning and completely ignoring the signs, we coded ourselves as described in [5]. It is also a different way to approach the idea
into a comer. So the moral of the story is this: when you find of General Fixture presented in [6] because this solution becomes
yourself making a large refactoring, stop and realize that it is more useful in larger and more complex business objects.
probably because that you have skipped many smaller
refactorings. Don't do it again! Also, look around in the project 9.3 Discussion
and you will almost surely find similar circumstances that you Testing, testing, testing is the backbone of the XP process. It
might be able to catch early. allows you to code at extreme speeds because you rely on tests
catching your errors. When writing unit tests for a small scenario
8. A U T O M A T E D F U N C T I O N A L TESTS within a much larger scenario, you find that many times you need
to use an object at a particular point in its lifetime. For example,
8.1 Smell
in a leasing system, to test the effect of changing the
All the unit tests are passing and the system is still broken.
commencement date on an active lease, you first need an active
8.2 Solution lease with at least an asset and a billing schedule and some
Automated fimctional tests. Just like in unit tests, when you fix a charges on it. To create a lease and bring it up to this point is a
bug you need a test to make sure it doesn't happen again. Many very large task. Of course there is the mock-object solution in [6],
of these tests can be coded and automated right along with the but this quickly loses applicability when the objects become very
unit tests. complex and you want to be able to build on your test base.
Now back to the problem: many times in setting up proper test
8.3 Example cases you need a business object or group of business objects at a
Let's go back to our unbook/rebook example in the previous specific point in their lifetime with a specific state to write a
"smell." This whole unbook/rebook functionality is really useful correct unit test. This is a very recurrent need in all projects with
to the user of the leasing application. Unfortunately, it is quite a complex business objects. The smell is when you find yourself
complex business process that entails undoing all financial writing very large amounts of setup code before you actually do
transactions, allowing the user to make the edits he wants, and the test, or even worse, not writing tests because the setup is too
then re-creating the financial transactions as needed. So, taking a extensive or not well understood. You find yourself constantly
specific example, changing the commencement date for a lease writing this setup code, and so you refactor it into a fixture to
will cause the lease to unbook and then rebook and recalculate create these objects.
everything. Now, even with our unit tests, this change broke the
[7] was presented at the XP Universe conference in the summer of
application after it was implemented. So you might be tempted to
2000 in Raleigh, NC to address this problem. During the
say that the testing was incomplete, or the specifications for the
presentation a member of the audience raised his hand and asked a
functionality of changing the commencement date was
couple of questions, and as the presenter answered the questioner,
incomplete, but this was not the case. The unit tests were
he said something to the effect "Congratulations, you have just
complete. The problem was that OTHER business objects were
rediscovered the Factory Pattern!" We tend to disagree with the
not written with this possibility in mind. So other business
questioner. We do not think this is a rediscovery of the factory
pattern, but, in fact, we think it is a very significant instance of the
factory pattern that needs to be addressed separately because of its
3 Or maybe it was fortunate, since they actually learned from this usefulness to any meaningful testing of an application.
mistake and wrote this paper as a warning to others. It is true that this solution is nothing new. It is also true that these
4 Look ahead design would have been useful here also. fixtures are a special case of a factory. But unlike the regular

factory methods, where you usually create objects in their initial 11. R E F E R E N C E S
state, these factory methods can actually create the same objects in
[1] Fowler, M. Refactoring (Reading, MA, 1999), Addison-
different states. The key input is that the entire system is in the
Wesley, Chap. 3.
correct state - with all the secondary objects and settings that you
can easily forget to add or set because these methods actually [2] Beck, K. Extreme ProgrammingExplained (Reading, MA,
create the object in its initial state and act upon this object until it 2000), Addison-Wesley, p. 157.
reaches the state needed. [3] Wiki Discussion, Cost Of Design Carry,
10. C O N C L U S I O N [4] Wiki Discussion, Do The Simplest Thing That Could
Extreme programming is a software development methodology Possibly Work,
that promotes several desirable practices for a variety of projects.
But as much as it may promise greater success in delivering high PossiblyWork
quality software in a timely fashion, it, too, depends on [5] Deursen, A., Moonen, L., Bergh, L., and Kok, G.
conscientious people who think carefully about what they do if it Refactoring Test Code,
is to succeed. As with any new method that promises http://www.xp2001 .org/xp2001/conference/papers/Cha
improvements over older methods, new users of the process might pter22-vanDeursen+alii.pdf
be easily lulled into thinking that the process will correct or even
overcome problems that stem fIom the people using the process. [6] Mackinnon, T. Freeman, S., and Craig P. Endo-Testing: Unit
In our experience, we learned that XP is a valuable and effective Testing With Mock Objects
approach to software development, so long as one recognizes that ects.pdf.
1) it cannot succeed without conscientious participants and 2) it [7] Schuh, P., and Punke, S. ObjectMother: Easing Test Object
must be adapted as necessary for projects that do not fit the "small Creation In XP,
team" limits recommended by its founders.


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