Operating System Lab Manual CS 2254: Ex - No: 1.a Date: Aim
Operating System Lab Manual CS 2254: Ex - No: 1.a Date: Aim
Operating System Lab Manual CS 2254: Ex - No: 1.a Date: Aim
To study and excute the commands in unix.
1.Date Command :
This command is used to display the current data and time.
Syntax :
$date +%ch
Options : -
a = Abbrevated weekday.
A = Full weekday.
b = Abbrevated month.
B = Full month.
c = Current day and time.
C = Display the century as a decimal number.
d = Day of the month.
D = Day in „mm/dd/yy‟ format
h = Abbrevated month day.
H = Display the hour.
L = Day of the year.
m = Month of the year.
M = Minute.
P = Display AM or PM
S = Seconds
T = HH:MM:SS format
u = Week of the year.
y = Display the year in 2 digit.
Y = Display the full year.
Z = Time zone .
To change the format :
Syntax :
$date „+%H-%M-%S‟
2.Calender Command :
This command is used to display the calendar of the year or the particular month of
calendar year.
Syntax :
a.$cal <year>
b.$cal <month> <year>
Here the first syntax gives the entire calendar for given year & the second Syntax gives
the calendar of reserved month of that year.
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Operating System Lab Manual CS 2254
3.Echo Command :
This command is used to print the arguments on the screen .
Syntax : $echo <text>
Multi line echo command :
To have the output in the same line , the following commands can be used.
Syntax : $echo <text\>text
To have the output in different line, the following command can be used.
Syntax : $echo “text
4.Banner Command :
It is used to display the arguments in „#‟ symbol .
Syntax : $banner <arguments>
5.’who’ Command :
It is used to display who are the users connected to our computer currently.
Syntax : $who – option‟s
Options : -
H–Display the output with headers.
b–Display the last booting date or time or when the system was lastely rebooted.
6.’who am i’ Command :
Display the details of the current working directory.
Syntax : $who am i
7.’tty’ Command :
It will display the terminal name.
Syntax : $tty
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Operating System Lab Manual CS 2254
It help us to know about the particular command and its options & working. It is like
„help‟ command in windows .
Syntax : $man <command name>
It is used to manipulate the screen.
Syntax : $tput <argument>
Arguments :
1.Clear – to clear the screen.
2.Longname – Display the complete name of the terminal.
3.SMSO – background become white and foreground become black color.
4.rmso – background become black and foreground becomes white color.
5.Cop R C – Move to the cursor position to the specified location.
6.Cols – Display the number of columns in our terminals.
12.LIST Command :
It is used to list all the contents in the current working directory.
Syntax : $ ls – options <arguments>
If the command does not contain any argument means it is working in the
Current directory.
Options :
a– used to list all the files including the hidden files.
c– list all the files columnwise.
d- list all the directories.
m- list the files separated by commas.
p- list files include „/‟ to all the directories.
r- list the files in reverse alphabetical order.
f- list the files based on the list modification date.
x-list in column wise sorted order.
2.MKDIR Command :
To create or make a new directory in a current directory .
Syntax : $mkdir <directory name>
3.CD Command :
To change or move the directory to the mentioned directory .
Syntax : $cd <directory name.
4.RMDIR Command :
To remove a directory in the current directory & not the current directory itself.
Syntax : $rmdir <directory name>
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To display the content of file mentioned we use CAT command without „>‟ operator.
Syntax :
$cat <filename.
Options –s = to neglect the warning /error message.
To copy the content of one file with another. If file doesnot exist, a new file is created
and if the file exists with some data then it is overwritten.
Syntax :
$ cat <filename source> >> <destination filename>
$ cat <source filename> >> <destination filename> it is avoid
Options : -
-n content of file with numbers included with blank lines.
Syntax :
$cat –n <filename>
To sort the contents in alphabetical order in reverse order.
Syntax :
$sort <filename >
Option : $ sort –r <filename>
To copy the contents from source to destination file . so that both contents are same.
Syntax :
$cp <source filename> <destination filename>
$cp <source filename path > <destination filename path>
6.MOVE Command :
To completely move the contents from source file to destination file and to remove the
source file.
Syntax :
$ mv <source filename> <destination filename>
7.REMOVE Command :
To permanently remove the file we use this command .
Syntax :
$rm <filename>
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8.WORD Command :
To list the content count of no of lines , words, characters .
Syntax :
Options :
-c – to display no of characters.
-l – to display only the lines.
-w – to display the no of words.
To print the line through the printer, we use lp command.
Syntax :
$lp <filename>
10.PAGE Command :
This command is used to display the contents of the file page wise & next page can be
viewed by pressing the enter key.
Syntax :
$pg <filename>
TAIL : This command is used to display the last ten lines of file.
Syntax: $tail<filename>
PAGE : This command shows the page by page a screenfull of information is displayed after
which the page command displays a prompt and passes for the user to strike the enter key to
continue scrolling.
Syntax: $ls –a\p
MORE : It also displays the file page by page .To continue scrolling with more command ,
press the space bar key.
Syntax: $more<filename>
GREP :This command is used to search and print the specified patterns from the file.
Syntax: $grep [option] pattern <filename>
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PIPE : It is a mechanism by which the output of one command can be channeled into the input
of another command.
Syntax: $who | wc-l
TR :The tr filter is used to translate one set of characters from the standard inputs to another.
Syntax: $tr “[a-z]” “[A-Z]”
2.Command: WRITE
Description: This command is used to communicate with other users, who are logged in at
the same time.
Syntax: $write <user name>
3.Command: WALL
Description: This command sends message to all users those who are logged in using the
unix server.
Syntax: $wall <message>
4.Command: MAIL
Description: It refers to textual information, that can be transferred from one user to
Syntax: $mail <user name>
5.Command: REPLY
Description: It is used to send reply to specified user.
Syntax: $reply<user name>
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