HW 1
HW 1
HW 1
Homework 1
1. In General Relativity, one often uses the system of units GN = c = 1, where GN is Newton’s
gravitational constant.
3. Hence prove that Λµν and Λµν are inverse transformations (η µν = diag(+1, −1, −1, −1)).
1 1
L= (∂µ φ(x))2 − m2 φ2 (x). (1)
2 2
d3 p h
Z i
φ(t, x) = 3
Ap e−i(ωp t−p·x) + A∗p ei(ωp t−p·x) . (2)
Here Ap and A∗p are just numbers. By substituting this into the expression for the Hamiltonian
written above, prove that the time dependence drops out and that the total energy is given by
d3 p 2
H=2 ω |Ap |2 . (3)
(2π)3 p
d3 p
d3 xT 0i = p a†p ap , (4)
Here ϕ1 (x) and ϕ2 (x) are real scalar fields and φ, φ∗ = (ϕ1 ± iϕ2 )/ 2.
(a) From the expressions ap = (a1p + ia2p )/ 2, etc. derived in class, verify the following commu-
tation relations: (i) [ap , a†q ] = [bp , b†q ] = (2π)3 δ (3) (p − q), (ii) [ap , aq ] = [ap , bq ] = 0.
d3 p d3 p
a†p ap − b†p bp ωp a†p ap + b†p bp .
Q= 3
and H= 3
(2π) (2π)