Acid Resistance of Concrete

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Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 5 (7-8) (2015) 285-304

doi: 10.17265/2161-6213/2015.7-8.005

Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride

Penetrability of Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as

Aref M. al-Swaidani1*, Mohammad K. Baddoura2, Samira D. Aliyan3 and Walid Choeb4

1. Assistant professor & Vice-Dean, Faculty of Architectural Engineering, Arab International University (AIU), Damascus, Syria
2. Professor, Head of Syrian Code Committee, the Order of Syrian Engineers, Damascus, Syria
3. Researcher, Syrian Arab Organization for standardization and Metrology (SASMO), Damascus, Syria
4. Researcher & Consultant, the Order of Syrian Engineers, As-Swaida’a, Syria

Abstract: Basaltic rocks are used extensively as engineering materials including aggregates for Portland cement concrete and asphalt
concrete. Syria is very rich in Basaltic rocks. There are reserves estimated to be several billion tonnes according to recent geological
investigations. The annual production of concrete in Syria is about 20 million m3, containing about 35 million tonnes of aggregates.
Due to some concerns, use of basalt as concrete aggregate is very limited in Syria. Because of additional costs of transportation of
dolomite aggregate produced in quarries located about 200 km far from the southern region, studying suitability of basaltic rocks
occurring in As-Swaida’a region as local aggregate source would be very important. As-Swaida is basically an agricultural city.
However, it has recently witnessed urban and industrial developments. This paper is part of larger research on evaluating the basaltic
rocks extracted from As-Swaida’a region, as a potential source of concrete aggregate. Effects of aggressive acidic environments on
concrete have been investigated through 3 months of exposure to 5% H2SO4, 10% HCl, 5% HNO3 and 10% CH3COOH solutions. In
addition, concrete permeability measured in terms of water penetration depth was evaluated for concrete after two curing time of 28 and
90 days. A RCPT (Rapid chloride penetration test) has also been carried out according to ASTM C 1202. Dolomite aggregate were used
for comparison. Petrographical, chemical and physical characteristics of basaltic rocks have been reported as well. The experimental
results revealed that As-Swaida’a basaltic rocks were suitable for production of crushed rock aggregates for concrete production. The
resistance to all acidic solutions, except H2SO4 solution, was improved substantially with the use of basalt aggregate. In addition, the
resistance to water permeation and to chloride penetration of concrete increased with the use of basalt aggregates compared with
dolomite aggregate. Moreover, definite correlations were noted between some acidic attacks.

Key words: Acid resistance, aggregate, basalt, chloride penetration, durability, water permeability.

1. Introduction aggregate can significantly affect the properties of

concrete [3-5]. Use of basalts as aggregate material is
Basalt is the most common type of extrusive
very limited in Syria. For this reason, a particular
igneous rock and the most common rock type at the
attention was recently given to the exploitation of
earth surface [1]. Basaltic rocks are used extensively
basalt which is broadly abundant in Syria. More than
as engineering materials including aggregates for
30,000 km2 of the country is covered by Teritary and
Portland cement concrete and asphaltic concrete [2].
Quaternary-age volcanic rocks [6], among which basalt
Few published test results on the properties of basaltic
occupies important volume with estimated reserves of
rock aggregates indicate that the use of crushed basalt
about several billion tonnes [7]. There are few
Corresponding author: Aref M. al-Swaidani, assistant geological investigations on these volcanic rocks.
professor & vice-dean of faculty of architectural engineering,
Arab International University, research field: durability of However, their potential used as concrete aggregate is
reinforced concrete structures. E-mail:; still not well established.
286 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

Volcanic rocks are widespread in As-Swaida’a occurrence are summarized in Table 1.

region of Syria [6]. As-Swaida’a is basically an Permeability of concrete to water is closely related to
agricultural city. It is a mountainous region covered the durability of concrete. Permeability is the rate at
with about 3 and 5 million trees of apple and grapevine which aggressive agents penetrate through concrete.
respectively. It is famous for producing juice, drinks Water penetration depth can be considered as an
and vinegar which is usually a 5% solution of acetic indication of permeable and impermeable concrete [10].
acid [8]. Recently, As-Swaida’a has witnessed urban In addition, chloride penetrability of concrete is one of
and industrial developments. The premature the major problems that affect the durability of RC
deterioration of concrete structures due to aggressive (Reinforced concrete) structures. Although chloride
environments represents an increasing problem in ions in concrete do not directly cause severe damage to
Syria. It became more obvious, especially, in the the concrete, they contribute to the corrosion of
agricultural and industrial environments. So, owing to embedded steel bars in the reinforced concrete.
the spread of damages of concrete structures in these Therefore, the study of this aspect is important for
agricultural and industrial areas, this topic represents evaluating corrosion of reinforcing steel in RC
an increasing significance. structures.
Concrete is highly alkaline with pH values normally Although there are a lot of studies on using basalt
above 12.5, and is easily attacked by acid solutions [9]. rocks as concrete aggregate, no detailed research was
Aggregate type affects the performance of concrete conducted in the past to investigate the potential use of
against acid attack. Limestone and dolomite aggregates basalt as concrete aggregate in Syria. This study is part
are more vulnerable to acid attacks [10-12]. Use of of the first detailed research in Syria to investigate the
such aggregates in concrete sewers may prolong life by potential utilization of basalt as concrete aggregate, and
spreading the acid attack between aggregate and to study the effects of their use on the performance of
cement paste [12]. Siliceous aggregates are generally concrete. The study is particularly important not only
acid resistant [10-12]. However, these may be for the country but also for other areas of similar
susceptible to attack by alkalis, depending on the geology, e.g. Harrat Al-Shaam, a volcanic field
nature of the silica minerals [12]. The spectrum of covering a total area of 45,000 km2, third of which is
aggressive acidic media is broad. Some of the most located in the country (Fig. 1). The rest is covering
common acids which attack concrete and their likely parts from Jordan and Saudia Arabia. The objective of

Table 1 Some of common acids, solubility of calcium salts, chemical formula and their likely occurrence.
Chemical substance Formula Likely occurrence
Natural ground waters [13, 14], chemical industry [13], effluents from furnaces (that use
high-sulfur fuels) [15, 16], some industrial waste-waters [14, 15], decay of organic matter in
Sulfuric acid
sewer pipes(sewage system) often leads to the formation of H2S gas which is transformed
(Solubility of calcium H2SO4
into sulfuric acid by bacterial action [13-17], oil refinery [18], textile manufacturing [18],
sulfate in water: 0.20%)
acid rain [11, 14, 19], some mineral waters [17], explosives, wood pulp mills or from
fertilizer manufacture [16]
Hydrochloric acid Chemical industry [20], textile manufacturing [18], oil refinery [18], food processing plants
(Solubility of calcium HCl [18], through pickling and cleaning of metals [16] or from combustion of carbon, paper and
chloride in water: 46.08%) organic plastic materials [21]
Nitric acid Chemical industry [22], fertilizer manufacture [19, 20], produced by microorganisms,
(Solubility of calcium HNO3 namely bacteria, as end-products of their metabolisms [23], nitrifying basins of waste water
nitrate in water: 56.00%) treatment plants [24] and acid rain [11, 16].
Effluents from agricultural and agrofood industries such as breeding, dairy or sugar
Acetic acid industries [17, 25], fermentation processes [20], cider vinegar, sour alcoholic beverages
(Solubility of calcium CH3COOH [16], paper mills [26], farm silage [16, 17], acetate plastics (vinyl, cellulose, …),
acetate in water: 52.00%) photographic chemicals, rubber latex, insecticides, on garbage feeding floors for animals
[26] or in manure [16]
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 287
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

2. Experimental
2.1 Materials

2.1.1 Basalt
The basalt used in the experiments was collected
from As-Swaida region, about 100 km southeast of
Damascus, as shown in the Fig. 1. The petrographical
examination showed that olivine, clinopyroxene,
plagioclase and volcanic glass were the main
constituents of basalt. Their percentages were
approximately 18%, 21%, 32% and 20%, respectively.
Traces of clay minerals were also observed. Fig. 2
shows thin sections of the used basalt. Crushed
dolomite extracted from Hassia region, about 120 km
north of Damascus, was also used for comparison. The
(a) chemical analysis of 6 basalt samples collected from
different sites in Swaida, is summarized in Table 2 and
Fig. 3 respectively. The chemical analysis of the
dolomite used in the study is also listed in Table 2. This
analysis was carried out by means of X-Ray
2.1.2 Cement Samples
The cement used in the experiments was obtained
from Adra Cement Plant, Damascus, Syria. Chemical
analysis of cement is shown in Table 2.
2.1.3 Concrete Mixes
(b) Two concrete mixes were prepared. The first mix
was prepared by using crushed basalt aggregate while
the other by crushed dolomite aggregate. The grading
of aggregate mixtures was kept nearly close to fuller’s
curve for both concrete mixes. Chemical composition,
(c) some physical properties and grading of the aggregates
Fig. 1 (a) Map of Harrat Al-Shaam, (b) photo of the are illustrated in Table 2, Table 3 and Figs. 4-6
studied quarry and (c) the used basalt aggregate.
respectively. Their quantities in 1 m3 concrete mix
this paper is to report a part of this ongoing research on based on oven-dry condition are summarized in Table 4.
the effect of crushed basalt aggregates on some All concrete mixes were designed to have a
durability-related properties. Acid resistance, water water-binder ratio of 0.6 which is a commonly used
permeability and chloride penetrability have been ratio in the local concrete plants, and a slump of 100 ±
particularly investigated. Some petrographical, 20 mm. Nine concrete cubes (150 mm) were cast for
chemical, physical and mechanical properties also have each of aggregate type and curing age for the
been reported. determination of compressive strength and three for the
288 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

ClPy Pl





(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Thin sections of the basalt. (a) Microphenocryst of Olivine, Clinopyrosene and elongated plagioclase in volcanic glass
matrix; (b) Microphenocrysts of Olivine and elongated plagioclase in volcanic glass matrix (Gl: Volcanic glass, Ol: Olivine,
ClPy: Clinopyroxene, Pl: Plagioclase).

Table 2 Chemical composition of the used materials.

Chemical composition Materials
(by mass, %) Basalt The used crushed basalt Dolomite Cement
SiO2 43.80-46.95 45.76 0.42 20.43
Al2O3 15.18-18.22 16.87 0.38 5.86
Fe2O3 12.60-15.70 14.39 0.10 3.20
CaO 7.93-9.70 8.93 31.40 61.69
MgO 4.14-7.79 6.61 20.46 2.31
Na2O 1.72-2.97 2.64 0.06 0.81
K2O 0.46-1.13 1.05 0.30 0.24
TiO2 2.14-3.04 2.53 0.18 0.25
Mn2O3 0.13-0.18 0.16 - -
Cl- 0-0.02 0.01 0.021 0.05
SO3 - - - 2.30
Loss on ignition 1.10-1.30 1.10 46.48 2.29
Insoluble residue - - - 0.59
C3S 45.30
C2S 24.48
C3A 10.12
C4AF 9.73

determination of water penetration depth. A total of each concrete cylinder specimens (100 × 200 mm2).
102 concrete cubes (150 mm) were cast. Three One was used for immersion in the acid solution, while
concrete cylinders (100 mm × 200 mm) for each of the other was used for chloride penetrability test.
aggregate type, curing age and solution type were cast, All concrete specimens were cast in three layers and
for investigating the acid resistance of concrete compacted using a vibrating table. After casting, the
mixes and for evaluating the penetrability of chloride moulded specimens were covered and left in the
ions. A total of 48 concrete cylinders (100 × 200 mm2) casting room for 24 h. They were then demoulded and
were cast. Two slices of 100 mm in diameter and 50 immersed in 21 ± 2 ºC lime-saturated water until the
mm in thickness were cut from the middle portion of test age.
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 289
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

The analyzed samples of basalt quarried

from different sites in As-Swaida’a

Fig. 3 Classification of the basalt samples quarried from As-Swaida according to Le Maitre et al. [27].

Table 3 Comparison of some characteristics of crushed basalt and dolomite with some typical acceptance limits.
Crushed basalt
Crushed dolomite aggregates
Characteristic aggregates Acceptance limits
Fine Medium-size coarse Fine Medium- size coarse
Specific Gravity 2.72 2.78 2.78 2.70 2.71 2.71 >2.6 [BS 812:1975]
<2 [ASTM C 33:1986]
Absorption (%) 1.56 1.33 1.33 1.50 1.45 1.45 <2.5 [ASTM C127]
<3 [BS 8007:1987]
Sand Equivalent (%) [ASTM
87 75 >70% [28]
<45 (500 cycles) [ASTM C
Los Angeles (%) 17.03 22.15
<25% for wearing surfaces
[ASTM C131]
<12 (coarse aggregate) after
Na2SO4 Soundness (%) (ASTM
0.394 0.464 5 cycles in Na2SO4
[ASTM C 33; ASTM C88]
Assessment of alkali-silica <0.1 at 14 days
reaction ; Expansion (%) at 14 days [ASTM C 1260:1994]
Thermal conductivity (W/m.k)
1.81 2.64
(rock sample: 150×150×50mm)
Particle finer than 75 µm (%) 3.50 6.47 <5% [ASTM C 33]
Chloride content (Cl-) 0.01 0.021 <0.05% [BS 882:1992], [17]
<0.2% [29]
Sulfate content (SO3) - -
<0.4% [12], [BS 812:118]

according to ISO 4012, at ages of 2, 3, 7, 28 and 90

2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Compressive Strength Test of Concrete 2.2.2 Acid Resistance
The compressive strength development was The relative acid resistance was determined in
determined on 150 mm cubic concrete specimens, accordance with ASTM C-267 (standard test method
290 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

Fine aggregate Medium-size aggregate Coarse aggregate Blend

Passing (%)

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sieve size (mm)

Fig. 4 Grading curve of basalt aggregates used in the concrete mixes.

Fine aggregate Medium-size aggregate Coarse aggregate Blend

Passing (%)

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sieve size (mm)

Fig. 5 Grading curve of dolomite aggregates used in the concrete mixes.

Fuller Blend(Crushed basalt) Blend(Crushed dolomite)

Passing (%)

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sieve size (mm)

Fig. 6 Grading curve of basalt & dolomite aggregate blends used in the concrete mixes with fuller’s curve.
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 291
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

Table 4 Ingredients of the concrete mixes.

Fine aggregate Medium-size Coarse aggregate Total weight
Mix type Cement (kg) Water (kg)
(kg) aggregate (kg) (kg) (kg/m3)
843 334 667 350 210 2404
concrete (BBC)
675 588 547 350 210 2370
concrete (DBC)

for chemical resistance of mortars). Four types of surface of the specimen for a specific time (72 ± 2 h)
acidic solutions were used: 5% sulfuric acid (H2SO4); and then to split the specimen perpendicular to the
10% hydrochloric acid (HCl); 5% nitric acid (HNO3) injected face and determine visually the depth of
and 10% acetic acid (CH3COOH), with the following penetration. Three 150 mm concrete cube specimens
pH values: 0.5, 0.25, 0.45 and 2.2, respectively. were tested after 28 and 90 days curing. The results
For each acidic environment and curing age, three shown in this paper were the average penetration depth.
concrete slices were subjected to each solution. The 2.2.4 Rapid Chloride Penetrability Test
concrete slices were immersed in plexi-glass containers The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM C
containing these acidic solutions for 90 days. These 1202. The test measures the ease with which concrete
containers were kept covered throughout the testing allows the charge to pass through and gives an
period to minimize evaporation. Three rock cubes of 50 indication of the concrete resistance to chloride
mm size were also immersed in separate containers to penetration. Three slices of 100 mm in diameter and 50
evaluate the direct effect of these acidic on the rock itself. mm in thickness were epoxy-coated on ring surface and
After 2, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days of immersion, each then vacuumed in a desiccator. The slice is then
specimen was removed from the baths, brushed with a enclosed between two chambers, one containing a
soft nylon brush, and rinsed in distilled water. This solution of 3% by mass sodium chloride acting a
process removed loose surface material from the cathode and the other a 0.3 M NaOH solution acting an
specimen. The specimen was then dried and weighed. anode. The set-up of RCPT is illustrated in Fig. 7.
The acid resistance was evaluated through A 60 V dc electric field was continuously applied
measurement of the weight loss of the specimens between the two chambers. The current was recorded at
determined as follows: 30 min-intervals and the cell temperature was also
Weight loss (%)= Wo-Wi/Wo (1) monitored. The total charge passed through the sample,
where, Wo is the weight (in grams) of the specimens in coulombs, is determined by calculating the area
before immersion, Wi is the weight (in grams) of
under the current-time plot during the 6 h test period. It
cleaned specimens after i-day of immersion (i = 2, 7,
is generally agreed that for low-permeability concretes,
14, 28, 56 and 90 days). After weighing, each slice was
the value of the charge, in coulombs, passed through
then returned to the appropriate solution. At 90 days of
the specimens should not exceed 2,000. Three cylinder
immersion, all specimens were photographed. The
specimens of each concrete mix were tested after 28
evaluated concrete specimens were cured for 28 and 90
and 90 days curing.
days respectively. The average value for three
specimens was considered for assessment. 3. Results and Discussion
2.2.3 Water Permeability Test
3.1 Properties of Basalt
Concrete permeability measured in terms of depth of
water penetration was carried out as per the standard As seen from Table 3 and Fig. 3, crushed basalt rock
EN 12390-8. The basic procedure for such a depth of is classified as basic basalt and can be considered as
penetration is to apply water pressure (5 bars) to one suitable material for use as aggregate. It satisfied the
292 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

60 Volts DC

Solid acrylic cell

- +

Copper mesh
Test electrode

3% NaCl Epoxy coating 0.3 N NaOH

(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Experimental setup of rapid chloride penetration test: (a) Schematic representation of experimental setup of rapid
chloride penetration test; (b) View of experimental setup.

45 Basalt-based concrete Dolomite-based concrete
Compressive strength of

concrete cubes (MPa)

35 32.32
30 34.11
25 20.11
12.18 20.7
10 12.83
5 9.02
1 10 100
Curing time (days)
Fig. 8 Development of compressive strength of basalt- and dolomite-based concretes.

standards requirements for such a material by having a expected, the compressive strength of the concrete
specific gravity of more than 2.6, water absorption (%) increases with curing time with a high rate of strength
of less than 2%, a sand equivalent of more than 70%, a gain at early ages which gradually decreases at longer
Los Angeles value (%) of less than 45 and Na2SO4 ages. BBC specimens have higher compressive
soundness of less than 12 for coarse aggregates, strengths beyond 7 days when compared with DBC
respectively. In addition, the chemical composition of ones. The relatively higher compressive strength of
basalt aggregates, as shown in Table 1, is also in DBC at early ages may be due to some interfacial
conformity with the standards requirements. Their chemical reactions which may improve the bond
contents of Cl- and SO3 are less than 0.05% and 0.2%, strength [4, 30]. In return, the higher compressive
respectively. According to ASTM 1260 crushed basalt strength of BBC beyond 7 days could not be easily
aggregates can be classified as non-reactive aggregates. explained in the normal strength concrete. Tasong et al.
Its expansion of less than 0.1% is indicative of 1998 [3] indicated to the higher apparent interfacial
innocuous behavior in most cases. bond strength in basalt when compared with dolomite.
Furthermore, according to authors, crushed basalt is
3.2 Compressive Strength of Concretes
more angular and rougher than dolomite. This may
The development of the compressive strength with make the ITZ (interfacial transition zone) when using
age of BBC (Basalt-based concrete) and DBC basalt more compacted, and thereby the bond between
(Dolomite-based concrete) is shown in Fig. 8. As the hydrated cement and aggregate becomes stronger.
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 293
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

3.3 Acidic Attack Resistance Fig. 9 displays the result of weight loss of BBC
specimens due to the 5% sulfuric acid attack, and the
Acids attack concrete by dissolving cement paste
weight loss is considered as a function of time. The
and calcareous aggregates [31]. Although acids
results have revealed that the BBC specimens have
generally attack and leach away the calcium
suffered more deterioration in terms of weight loss
compounds of the cement paste, they may not readily
when immersed in 5% H2SO4 than DBC specimens.
attack certain aggregates, such as siliceous aggregates.
This was in conformity with the literature [12, 36]. The
Calcareous aggregates often react readily with acids.
weight loss of 28 and 90 days cured BBC specimens,
However, the sacrificial effect of calcareous aggregate
after 90 days of immersion in 5% H2SO4, was 14 % and
is often a benefit over siliceous aggregate in mild acid
15 %, respectively. In the case of DBC specimens, it
exposure in areas where water is not flowing. With
was 9% and 9.5% after 28 and 90 days curing,
calcareous aggregate, the acid attacks the entire
respectively. Contrary to expectation, the weight
exposed concrete surface uniformly, reducing the rate
loss increased when the curing age increased from 28
of attack on the paste and preventing loss of aggregate
to 90 days. This unexpected situation could not be
particles at the surface. Calcareous aggregates also tend to
easily explained. However, according to authors,
neutralize the acid, especially in stagnant locations [31].
this can be attributed to the higher calcium hydroxide
3.3.1 Sulfuric Acid Attack
formed during the longer-term hydration. According to
Sulfuric acid attack on concrete can occur in various
Fattuhi & Hughes [13], the higher the lime content, the
ways as shown in Table 1. Sulfuric acid is very
higher the rate of attack. The weight loss of 10% was
damaging to concrete as it combines an acid attack and obtained with BBC at up to about 15 days of exposure
a sulfate attack [32]. At the first stage, deterioration of to 5% sulfuric acid, but the DBC specimens didn’t
Ca(OH)2 results with expansive gypsum formation. achieve the same loss even after 90 days of exposure.
The gypsum then reacts with C3A in aqueous In addition, the concrete surface in the case of DBC
environment and forms a more expansive product samples is relatively smooth indicating that the attack
called ettringite. These very expansive compounds occurred to both cement mortar and dolomite
cause internal pressure in the concrete which leads to aggregates. However, in BBC specimens, the cement
the formation of cracks [33], and the transformation of mortar has been only attacked and the effect of
the concrete into a mushy or a non-cohesive mass [34]. neutralization during acid attack would be very limited.
Sulfuric acid may also cause the decalcification of This was confirmed by the highly acid resistance of
Calcium silicate hydrates C-S-H and will ultimately basalt rock and the substantial deterioration of the
transform the C-S-H into amorphous hydrous silica. dolomite rock when immersed in the sulfuric acid
The following equations express these reactions [33]: solution. This situation which created less debris in
Ca(OH)2+H2SO4→ CaSO4.2H2O (gypsum) (2) DBC specimens is preferable in areas where water is
3(CaSO4.2H2O)+3CaO.Al2O3.12H2O +14H2O → not flowing. This is in a good agreement with results of
3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.32H2O3 (ettringite) (3) Hughes and Guest [37]. It should be also noted that
CaO.SiO2.2H2O+H2SO4 →CaSO4+ there are white and brown spots as shown in the Fig. 9.
Si(OH)4 (hydrous silica)+H2O (4) The white spots of deteriorated BBC & DBC
The white gypsum which covers the surface of specimens may exhibit the presence of gypsum and
concrete can potentially lead to a blocking of pores at ettringite [38]. The brown spots may indicate to the
the surface, leading to a slower rate of attack initially. presence of hydrated ferric oxide [39].
However, this effect lasts only temporarily [35].
294 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

Basalt cube Dolomite cube

Basalt-based concrete-28 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-28 days curing"
16 Basalt-based concrete-90 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-90 days curing"



Weight loss(%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Immersion time(days)

Fig. 9 Weight losses over time of concrete and rock specimens immersed in 5% H2SO4.

3.3.2 Hydrochloric Acid Attack 8.6 % and 11 % respectively. However, in DBC

The action of HCl on cement hydration products, in specimens it was 22.6% and 24.8% for 28 and 29 days
particular Ca(OH)2 and the resulting products are cured DBC, respectively. Contrary to expectation, the
presented in the following chemical equation: weight loss increased when the curing age increased
Ca(OH)2+2HCl → CaCl2+2H2O (5) from 28 to 90 days. This unexpected situation could be
It can be seen from the Eq. (5) that, consumption of also explained in a manner similar to what was
Ca(OH)2 results with formation of salt of CaCl2. By the mentioned earlier in sulfuric acid attack. The weight
help of water, this highly soluble salt may be easily loss of 10% was obtained with 90 days cured BBC at
transported to the outer parts of concrete. In this up to 30 days of exposure to 10% hydrochloric acid,
situation, continuous reactions increase the porosity but the 28 days cured BBC specimens didn’t achieve
of cement paste and increased pore volume speeds up the same loss even after 90 days of exposure. By
the rate of reaction [40]. According to Baron and contrast, DBC specimens reached the same weight loss
Ollivier [41], a further reaction may occur between at the next day of exposure to the acid solution.
CaCl2 and C3A which leads to the formation of Contrary to sulfuric acid attack, the concrete surface
chloroaluminate and ettringite. This reaction results in in both DBC and BBC specimens were relatively
a substantial expansion. The weight losses versus day smooth indicating that the attack occurred to both
time of BBC, DBC and rock specimens due to the 10% cement mortar and aggregates. This situation was
hydraulic acid attack were plotted in Fig. 10. The clearer in DBC specimens compared to BBC ones. The
results have revealed that the degree of deterioration in disintegration of the dolomite rock specimen and the
terms of loss weight was obviously greater with DBC partially contribution of the basalt rock in the weight
specimens than BBC ones. loss could, to some extent, explain this result. The
The weight loss of 28 and 90 days cured BBC increased strength and the decreased permeability of
specimens, after 90 days of exposure to 10% HCl, was BBC is the most likely reasons resulting to the better
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 295
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

Basalt cube Dolomite cube

Basalt-based concrete-28 day curing" Dolomite-based concrete-28 days curing"
Basalt-based concrete-90 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-90 days curing"



Weight loss(%)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Immersion time(days)

Fig. 10 Weight losses over time of concrete and rock specimens immersed in 10% HCl.

Basalt cube Dolomite cube

Basalt-based concrete-28 days curing Dolomite-based concrete-28 days curing"
Basalt-based concrete-90 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-90 days curing



Weight loss (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Immersion time (days)
Fig. 11 Weight losses over time of concrete and rock specimens immersed in 5% HNO3.

protection provided by crushed basalt. So, in Ca(OH)2 + 2HNO3→Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O (6)

HCl-containing environments, BBC specimens might It can be seen from the Eq. (6) that consumption of
be more preferable in areas where water is not flowing Ca(OH)2 results with formation of Ca(NO3)2. This salt
3.3.3 Nitric Acid Attack is highly soluble and so is rapidly removed from the
The reaction of calcium hydroxide with nitric acid corroded layer, leaving behind porosity [42]. Moreover,
results in the formation of calcium nitrate as in the as the process of acid attack progresses, aluminum
following chemical equation [16]: nitrate and iron (III) nitrate are formed. These products
296 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

are also highly soluble. In the nitric acid attack on hydrated and anhydrous compound of the cement paste
concrete, there is a relatively substantial shrinkage of (calcium hydroxide, C-S-H, hydrated aluminates, C3S,
the corroded layer, which leads to cracking and a further C2S). For example, Bensted [44] supposed that acetic
increase in the porosity of the corroded layer [42]. acid was involved in at least three reactions during its
The weight losses versus day time of BBC, DBC and action on the cementitious matrix:
rock specimens due to the 5% nitric acid attack were 2CH3COOH + Ca(OH)2→
plotted in Fig. 11. The results have revealed that the Ca(CH3COO)2 + 2H2O (7)
degree of deterioration in terms of loss weight was 6CH3COOH + 3CaO.2SiO2.3H2O→
obviously greater with DBC specimens than BBC ones. 3Ca(CH3COO)2 + + nH2O (8)
The weight loss of 28 and 90 days cured BBC 6CH3COOH + 3CaO.Al2O3.6H2O→
specimens, after 90 days of exposure to 5% HNO3, was 3Ca(CH3COO)2 + + nH2O (9)
3.6 % and 4.3 % respectively. In return, in DBC The weak acids owing to their low dissociation
specimens it was 8.9% and 9.8% for 28 and 29 days degree, achieve higher pH values [45]. Acetic acid
cured DBC, respectively. Contrary to expectation, the combines with the hardened cement to form soluble
weight loss increased when the curing age increased compounds which, on removal, leave exposed
from 28 to 90 days. This unexpected situation could be aggregate. Household vinegar is ordinarily a 5%
also explained in a manner similar to what was solution of acetic acid, but even a 2% or weaker
mentioned earlier in both attacks (sulfuric and solution can be injurious to concrete.
hydrochloric acid) Fig. 12 displays the weight losses versus day time
The weight loss of 10% was not obtained with all of BBC, DBC and rock specimens due to the 10%
concrete specimens even after 90 days of immersion. acetic acid attack. The results have revealed that the
The dolomite rock specimen is the only one that BBC specimens have lost less weight compared to the
reached the same weight loss at the next day of BBC ones. The weight loss of 28 and 90 days cured
exposure to the acid solution. No weight loss was BBC specimens, after 90 days of exposure to 10%
recorded in basalt rock specimen even after 90 days of CH3COOH, was 3.2 % and 3.5 % respectively. In
exposure. According to authors, the better protection DBC specimens it was 9.5% and 10.4% for 28 and 90
provided by crushed basalt rock could be attributed to days cured DBC, respectively. Contrary to
the highly acid resistance of the rock itself and, to some expectation, the weight loss increased when the
degree, to the lower water permeability of BBC curing age increased from 28 to 90 days. This
specimen as reported below. unexpected situation could be also explained in a
As shown in Fig. 11, the corroded layer is soft and manner similar to what was mentioned earlier in all
porous with visible cracks. The color of such a acidic attacks. The weight loss of 10% was not
corroded layer is white with brown spots. The white obtained with all BBC specimens even after 90 days
zone may contain a high content of SiO2, while the of immersion. The 90-cured DBC specimen is the
brown spots may be due to the formation of hydrated only concrete one that reached the same weight loss
ferric oxide. In addition, it was clearly noted the after 56 days of exposure to the acid solution. No
relatively substantial shrinkage of the corroded layer in weight loss was recorded in basalt rock specimen even
the dolomite rock specimen. This is in a good after 90 days of exposure to 10% CH3COOH, whereas,
agreement with the results of Pavlic [43]. the dolomite rock specimen has suffered a severe
3.3.4 Acetic Acid deterioration. The better protection provided by
Organic acids are likely to react with the different crushed basalt rock could be also attributed to the
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 297
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

highly acid resistance of the rock itself and to some formation of hydrated ferric oxide.
degree to the lower water permeability of BBC 3.3.5 Correlation between Acidic Attacks
specimen as reported in the paper. Figs. 13-18 show correlations between different
As shown in Fig. 12 , the acetic acid attack resulted acidic attacks. It showed be noted from Figs. 13-18,
in the formation of a light brown corroded layer that the deterioration in terms of weight loss of DBC
corroded layer. This brown layer may be due to the specimens exposed to 5% H2SO4 was the smallest.

Basalt cube Dolomite cube

Basalt-based concrete-28 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-28 days curing"
Basalt-based concrete-90 days curing" Dolomite-based concrete-90 days curing"



Weight loss(%)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Immersion time (days)

Fig. 12 Weight losses over time of concrete and rock specimens immersed in 10% CH3COOH.

H2SO4attack = 1.9727HClattack - 6.0545
18 R² = 0.77

16 Basalt-based concrete Dolomite-based concrete

Weight loss(%)-H2SO4 attack


12 H2SO4attack = 1.0525HClattack - 17.675

R² = 0.3046

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Weight loss(%)-5% HCl attack

Fig. 13 Sulfuric acid versus hydrochloric acid.
298 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

This was due to the lowest solubility of calcium addition, the 5% H2SO4 solution was found to be at
sulfate (gypsum) in water than calcium chloride, early days of exposure, less corrosive than 10% HCl
calcium nitrate and calcium acetate. Solubility of and 5% HNO3. This can be due to the formation of
CaSO4, CaCl2, Ca(NO3)2 and Ca(CH3COO)2 are 0.2%, large amounts of gypsum that crystallized in the pores
46.08%, 56.0% and 52.0% (by weight) respectively [11]. of the specimens and near the surface, thereby blocking
By contrast, the deterioration in terms of weight loss of further reactions [18]. However, this behavior lasted
BBC specimens exposed to 5% H2SO4 was the biggest. temporarily.
The only component which suffered from the attack It should be also noted from Figs. 13-18, that all
was the hydrated cement, whereas the crushed basalt BBC specimens exhibited acceptable to strong
was not affected. correlations between all acid attacks. By contrast, the
As illustrated in Figs. 13-15, there were, contrary to only strong correlations in case of DBC specimens
expectation, acceptable to strong correlations between were observed in H2SO4 versus CH3COOH and HCl
sulfuric attack and all other acidic attacks on BBC versus HNO3 attacks. However, if the concentrations
specimens, with correlation coefficients R2 ranging were changed, different behavior might be observed.
from 0.68 to 0.93. This was despite the different Among the strong linear correlations, there was
mechanism of deterioration. In the sulfuric acid, observed a strong correlation between HCl and
expansive calcium salts of lower solubility are formed CH3COOH attacks on BBC as illustrated in Fig. 17.
and followed by cracking and eventual transformations This was in a good agreement with result of [46]. The
of mortar into a mushy or non-cohesive mass [33]. In hydrochloric acid attack was more corrosive than
return, the calcium salts in HCl, HNO3 and CH3COOH acetic acid attack. The weight loss in HCl attack was
are highly soluble, and may easily leach away. In approximately thrice when compared with CH3COOH

H2SO4attack = 6.8177HNO3attack - 15.534

16 R² = 0.68

Basalt-based concrete"
Dolomite-based concrete"
Weight loss(%)-5%H2SO4 attack

线性 (Basalt-based concrete")


H2SO4attack = 2.6885HNO3attack - 18.053
R² = 0.29

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Weight loss(%)-5%HNO3 attack

Fig. 14 Sulfuric acid versus nitric acid.

Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 299
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates


18 H2SO4(attack) = 4.917CH3COOH(attack) - 1.75

R² = 0.93

Weight loss(%)-5%H2SO4 attack

14 Basalt-based concrete
Dolomite-based concrete


H2SO4(attack) = 1.202CH3COOH(attack) - 2.47

2 R² = 0.95

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Weight loss(%)-10%CH3COOH attack

Fig. 15 Sulfuric acid versus acetic acid.

attack. An acceptable linear correlation (R2 = 0.71) was DBC specimens after 28 days curing, were found to be
also observed between nitric and acetic acid attacks, as impermeable after 28 and 90 days curing. However,
shown in Fig. 18. It should be noted from Fig. 18 that BBC specimens can be considered -after 90 days
HNO3 is also more corrosive than acetic attack even curing- as impermeable even under aggressive
with a lower concentration. Furthermore, as illustrated conditions, according to Neville [10]. The reason for
in Figs 13-18, the attack by acetic acid was the weakest. the reduced permeability of BBC is believed to be the
This was due to the highest pH value of acetic acid relatively high compacted ITZ of the hydrated cement
solution. and crushed basalt [47] which is relatively more
angular, rougher and less water absorbent than crushed
3.4 Water Permeability of Concrete
Water penetration depth can be considered as an
3.5 Rapid Chloride Penetrability
indication of permeable and impermeable concrete [10].
A depth of less than 50 mm classifies the concrete as Rapid chloride penetrability was measured by the
impermeable and a depth of less than 30 mm as total charge (expressed as coulomb) passed through a
impermeable under aggressive conditions [10]. Fig. 7 slice of concrete cylinder in six hours. The results are
shows the water penetration depth test results for both shown in Fig. 8. The resistance to chloride penetration
BBC and DBC specimens. Increasing the moist-curing was greatly increased with the use of BBC. The total
period of concrete from 28 to 90 days reduced water charge passed is substantially reduced with increasing
penetration depths of all concretes by a factor of about curing time. The total charge passed through concrete
2 for both concretes containing basalt and dolomite mix containing basalt aggregates after 28 & 90 days
aggregates. This result is in good agreement with the curing was about two-third of the DBC mix. None of
findings in the literature [10]. All concretes, except concretes has a total charge passed less than 2000
300 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

coulombs after 28 days. This expected result may be high compacted ITZ in BBC specimens and their
due to the used high w/b ratio. However, BBC reduced electrical conductivity.
specimens showed the best performance among all the
3.6 Chloride Penetrability versus Water Permeability
specimens. According to ASTM C1202, these
of Concrete
concretes can be considered as low chloride permeable
after 90 days curing. The improvement in resistance to Fig. 11 shows the variation of total charge passed
chloride penetration may be related to the relatively through concrete specimens (in Coloumbs) with depth
HClattack = 2.6194HNO3attack - 0.9589
R² = 0.98
Weight loss(%)-10%HCl attack


Basalt-based concrete Dolomite-based concrete


HClattack = 3.435HNO3attack - 4.7249
R² = 0.87
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Weight loss(%)-5%HNO3 attack
Fig. 16 Hydrochloric acid versus nitric acid.

HClattack = 0.43CH3COOHattack + 19.92
R² = 0.45
Weight loss(%)-10%HCl attack

Basalt-based concrete Dolomite-based concrete

HClattack = 2.15CH3COOHattack + 2.98
R² = 0.90

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Weight loss(%)-10%CH3COOH attack

Fig. 17 Hydrochloric acid versus acetic acid.

Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 301
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

HNO3attack = 0.1587CH3COOHattack + 8.0148
R² = 0.42
Weight loss(%)-HNO3 attack

Basalt-based concrete Dolomite-based concrete


HNO3attack = 0.517CH3COOHattack + 2.50

R² = 0.71

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Weight loss(%)-CH3COOH attack
Fig. 18 Nitric acid versus acetic acid.

90 28 days curing
77 Dolomite Based Concrete
Basalt-Based Concrete
Water Penetration Depth (mm)


60 90 dyas curing

40 28 days curing
30 90 days curing


DBC       DBC  BBC
Type of concrete

Fig. 19 Water penetration depth.

of water penetration. It was noted from the graph that (R2 ≈ 1) between the penetration depth and the total
the rapid chloride penetrability clearly correlates to the charge passed. This suggests that the water
water permeability of concrete after 28 & 90 days permeability data may be used to predict the concrete
curing. As shown in Fig. 10, there is a “perfect” fit resistance to the chloride ion penetration and vice versa.
302 Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

3500 28 days curing

3078 Dolomite-Based Concrete
Rapi Chloride Penetrability (Coloumbs)

Basalt-Based Concrete
90 days curing
2451 28 days curing
2500 2155
90 days curing
2000 1667




DBC                                                           BBC
Type of concrete
Fig. 20 Rapid Chloride Penetrability.

Rapid Chloride Penetrability (Coloumbs)

RCP = 22.791WPD + 1357.7

3000 R² = 0.992






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Water Penetration Depth (mm)

Fig. 21 Correlation between RCP and WPD.

However, this relationship should be investigated The physical and mechanical properties of crushed
further with a wide range of aggregate types and w/c basalt aggregates were superior to those of crushed
ratios. dolomite aggregates. However, the bulk specific
gravity of the former was more than that of the latter
4. Conclusions
aggregates. The unit weight of BBC was more than that
Based on the experimental results reported in the of DBC. However, the increase in unit weight of BBC
paper, the following conclusions can be drawn: mix was approximately 1.4%.
Since the properties of As-Swaida’a basalt meet the The specimens prepared with crushed basalt
specification limits, basalt can be used in the PC aggregates have lost more weight than the ones
concrete mixes. prepared with dolomite when exposed to 5% sulfuric
Acid Resistance, Water Permeability and Chloride Penetrability of 303
Concrete Containing Crushed Basalt as Aggregates

acid solution. The weight losses of BBC specimens Syrian Engineers. Thanks are also expressed to Prof.
after 90 days of immersion were 50% more than DBC Tamer al-Hajeh for his help in some steps.
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