Pre Week 2017 Banking SPCL
Pre Week 2017 Banking SPCL
Pre Week 2017 Banking SPCL
Banking and Special Commercial Laws UCP binds the parties to an LC even though not it is not so stipulated in the LC
What is a letter of credit? Correspondent Bank of the Issuing bank in letter of credit
A letter of credit is any arrangement, however named or described, whereby a bank, acting The Advising/Notifying Bank
upon the request of its client or on its own behalf, agrees to pay another against stipulated i. The advising bank determines the apparent authenticity of the letter of credit and
documents, provided that the terms of the credit are complied with. notifies the beneficiary of the l/c issuance.
ii. It does not guarantee the genuineness or due execution of the l/c. It is not liable for
Kinds of letter of credit damages even if the l/c turns out to be spurious provided the spurious character is
not apparent on the face of the instrument.
a. Confirmed -When the Letter of credit is guaranteed by adding payment confirmation by i. It has no obligation to pay the beneficiary unless it is also the paying or confirming
the advising bank or any third bank (Confirming Bank) on behalf of the opening bank, it is bank.
termed as a confirmed LC
b. Unconfirmed- when the letter of credit is not guaranteed by a confirming bank. b. The Confirming Bank
Confirmation can be added only to irrevocable and not to the revocable credits. i. The confirming bank lends credence to the lc issued by a lesser known bank as if it
were the one that issued the letter of credit.
The presence of a correspondent bank does not make the LC confirmed unless the bank ii. Its obligation is similar to the issuing bank. Thus, beneficiary may tender documents
expressly assumes the obligation of a confirming bank to the confirming bank and collect payment.
iii. The confirming bank collects fees for such engagement and obtains reimbursement
Under FRIA, issuers of letter of credit are not covered by commencement order issued by a from the issuing bank.
competent court
c. The Negotiating Bank
What laws govern letter of credit? i. The negotiating bank becomes a party to the l/c transaction after it buys the draft
drawn by the beneficiary and becomes the holder thereof.
A letter of credit is a commercial transaction. As such, it is governed by the Code of
Commerce. The Code of Commerce, nevertheless, provides that in the absence of applicable An advising bank may act as a negotiating bank independently of the LC arrangement.
laws governing commercial transactions, customs and usages shall be made to apply. Letter
of credit is thus now primarily governed by the Uniform Customs and Practices (UCP) for What do you understand by the Doctrine of Independence?
The issuing bank should pay the beneficiary as long as it submits the stipulated documents What is the Doctrine of Strict Compliance?
even though the applicant of the lc has already indicated that it will not reimburse the issuing
bank. Under this doctrine, the documents that the beneficiary should submit to the issuing bank or
confirming bank must strictly conform to the documents stipulated. If there is discrepancy,
SMC accredited B as one its dealers authorized to sell SMC beer products. As required by the issuing bank is not liable to pay. If it pays despite discrepant documents, it pays at its own
the terms of the dealership, B obtained a credit line from ABC Bank and that in case of risk and cannot obtain reimbursement from the applicant.
purchase by B from SMC, the latter may draw on the credit line and such drawdown shall
be considered loan availments on the part of B. The obligation of B under the dealership WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS LAW
agreement secured by a letter of credit issued by ABC Bank. B failed to pay certain purchase
orders. SMC filed an action for collection against B and ABC Bank. The Court rendered What are the remedies available to the warehouseman to enforce his lien?
judgment finding B solely liable to pay SMC and omitted by inadvertence to insert in its
The remedies available to the warehouseman to enforce the lien are:
No. only the failure of the entrustee to deliver the proceeds of the sale of the goods or No. There is no trust receipt, notwithstanding the label, if goods offered as security for loan
instruments subject of the trust receipt up to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster accommodation are goods owned and sold by the seller who, at the outset of the transaction,
or to return the goods. Such violation constitutes estafa. Under recent jurisprudence, has against the buyer general property rights over such goods.
however, the penal sanction under the trust receipts law does not apply in case the goods are
not intended for sale or resale or to manufacture items intended for sale such as when they Limitation the right of the entrustee as owner of the goods
are for actual use.
The entrustee cannot mortgage the goods because one of the requisites of a valid mortgage
What is the effect of the loss or surrender by the entrustee or repossession by the entruster is that the mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property mortgaged or must have
of the goods under trust receipt? free disposal thereof. Entrustee is not the absolute owner of the goods under trust receipt
nor has free disposal thereof.
©2017 Dean Nilo T. Divina, All Rights Reserved 3
The director or officer of the corporation or an agent who signed the trust receipt in behalf of
The entruster likewise is not responsible as principal or vendor under any sale or contract to the corporation shall be criminally liable but not civilly liable unless he assumes personal
sell made by the entrustee liability.
Who has a better right over the goods subject of the trust receipt, the creditors of the What are the remedies available to the entruster in case of violation of the trust receipt
entrustee or the entruster? agreement ?
What about between the entruster and the innocent purchaser for value? The remedies available to the entruster are:
The entruster’s security interest in the goods under trust receipt shall be valid as against all 1. File a criminal action for estafa in case of failure of the entrustee to deliver the
creditors of the entrustee for the duration of the trust receipt agreement. Thus, the security proceeds of the sale of the goods under trust receipt up to the extent of his obligation
interest of the entruster over the goods under trust receipt is superior than the monetary to the entruster. The civil action may be instituted in the criminal action or separately
claims of the laborers of the entrustee. filed independently of the criminal action. The criminal action is based on ex-delictu
for violation of the law while the civil action is based on ex-contractu for violation of
The innocent purchaser for value of the goods sold by the entrustee has a better right than the trust receipt agreement.
the entruster. He acquires title to the goods free from the security interest of the entruster. 2. Cancel the trust and take possession of the goods at any time upon default of the
entrustee. After repossession, the entruster may sell the goods upon at least five day
There is no criminal liability despite execution of a trust receipt agreement if the transaction notice to the entrustee and apply the proceeds in payment of the obligation. The
is not a trust receipt within the contemplation of the trust receipts law entrustee is liable for deficiency or entitled to excess, if any.
3. If a surety secures the obligation of the entrustee in addition to the trust receipt, the
Upon whom the does the law impose liability if the offender is a corporation? law does not obligate the entruster to cancel the trust or take possession of the
goods. He can proceed against the surety. The options belong to the entruster
If the violation or offense is committed by a corporation, the criminal liability shall be imposed
upon the directors, officers, employees or other officials or persons therein responsible for The New Central Bank Act
the offense without prejudice to civil liabilities arising from the criminal offense.
Bsp can buy and sell foreign currency as part of its mandate to promote and maintain
The officer of the corporation who signed a trust receipt can not hide behind the cloak of the monetary stability
separate legal personality of the corporation and can not avoid criminal prosecution even
though he had no physical possession of the goods nor benefitted from the trust receipt BSP may grant ordinary loans to banks by way of rediscounting facility and in case of
transaction. The law makes him liable for such corporate act without prejudice to the civil emergency as when a bank needs liquidity
liability of the corporation and/or directors/officers responsible for the violation.
No. It is not. Resolutions of the BSP in the exercise of its quasi-judicial function are not subject a. one peso coins and coins of higher peso value are legal tender for obligations not
to petition for declaratory relief. exceeding P 1,000.
b. Twenty five cents and coins of lower value are legal tender for obligations not
What do you mean by the “Close now hear later“ doctrine ? exceeding P 100
It is the rule that allows BSP to order the closure of the bank even without prior hearing. BSP Notes, regardless of denomination, are legal tender for any amount.
may rely on the report of either the conservator, receiver or the head of the supervising and
examining department. It is not required to conduct a thorough audit of the bank before Coins which show signs of filing, clipping or perforation and notes which have lost more than
ordering its closure. 2/5s of their surface or all of the signatures inscribed therein shall be withdrawn from
circulation and demonetized without compensation to the bearer.
Does injunction lie against the authority of BSP to appoint a conservator/receiver or order
the closure of a bank? Are notes and coins withdrawn from circulation still legal tender?
No. The authority of BSP to place a bank under conservatorship, receivership or order its Notes and coins called in for replacement shall remain legal tender for a period of one year
closure is a valid exercise of police power. It is final and executory and not subject to from date of call. After this period, they shall cease to be legal tender but during the following
injunction. However, such orders are subject to judicial scrutiny. They may be set aside if they year or such longer period as the MB may determine, they may be exchanged at par. After
were arbitrary and appear to have been issued with grave abuse of discretion expiration of this latter period, the notes and coins which have not been exchanged shall
cease to be the liability of the BSP
What are the requisites to assail the order of BSP appointing a receiver/conservator or
closing a bank?
What are the prohibited acts under RA 1405? Information relating to the Purchase by the bank client of a commercial bond coursed through
the bank is not covered by RA 1405 but by the Data privacy act
It shall be unlawful for any official or employee of a bank to disclose or allow the examination
or inquiry by any person other than those excepted by law any information concerning In what cases may information on Philippine currency bank deposits, as well as investment
Philippine currency bank deposits of whatever nature and kind, as well as investment in in government securities, be disclosed, examined or looked into without violating the law?
government securities
1. in case of impeachment
Bank depositor can invoke the right to privacy of bank deposits in congressional and senate The house committee on justice has no power to look into deposits of the public official
hearings because one’s bank account is included in the zone of right to privacy facing impeachment but only the senate once constituted into an impeachment court
2. in case of order of a competent court in any of the following cases :
Who are covered by the prohibition? i. where the subject matter of litigation is the money deposited
- BSBA vs Ong
If a legislator outside the halls of congress discloses information about bank deposit he ii. prosecution for unexplained wealth ( plunder is akin to unexplained wealth )
obtained from a bank teller, the former is not liable under RA 1405 but violates the right to 3. In case the law is repealed, superseded or modified by any law to the contrary.
privacy of the depositor. During senate and congressional hearings, rights under RA 1405 are
available if invoked. May the bank disclose information about Philippine currency bank deposits pursuant to a
writ of garnishment?
Ombudsman cannot examine bank accounts
The Bank may disclose information about Philippine currency bank deposits pursuant to a writ
AMLA cannot inquire into bank deposits unless there is bank inquiry order unless there is a of garnishment. The disclosure in this case is only incidental to the execution process. There
probable cause that the bank account relates to unlawful activity and the predicate crime is is nothing in the records of Congress that would show the intention of legislature to place
HKTMAD Philippine currency bank deposits beyond the reach of judgment creditor.
What are the items covered by the prohibition against unauthorized disclosure under RA Foreign currency deposits, however, are exempt from garnishment or any court or
1405? administrative process. However, the exemption of foreign currency deposits from court
order and administrative processes cannot be invoked in case of violation of the anti-money
1. All Philippine currency bank deposits of whatever nature with banks, including investment laundering law, or if property or funds are related to financing of terrorism or acts of terrorism
in bonds issued by the government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and or by a person who is not the owner of the FCDU account or against a co-owner of the account
instrumentalities. or by a transient for any purpose contrary to that intended by law, which is to encourage
foreign currency deposits to beef up our international reserves.
©2017 Dean Nilo T. Divina, All Rights Reserved 6
entities are not insured with PDIC. Unlike deposits or funds obtained thru quasi-banking,
BSP can not look into deposits unless the purpose is to ensure compliance with the anti- there is no creditor and debtor relationship in trust.
money laundering law
Distinguish universal bank from commercial bank.
Minimum capital for UB is 10b. Commercial bank 5b thrift bank 1b
What is a BANK? UB may invest in the equity of allied and non allied undertaking a commercial bank can only
A bank is an entity engaged in the lending of funds obtained from the public in the form of invest in the equity of allied undertaking.
What is the kind of diligence required of banks?
A transaction involving not a loan but purchase of receivables at a discount within the purview
of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities which an investment company may perform The diligence required of banks is more than that of a good father of a family where the
is not banking. What is prohibited is for investment company to lend funds obtained from the fiduciary nature of their relationship with their depositors is concerned. The highest degree
public through receipts of deposit which is a banking function. of diligence is based on the General Banking Law which requires of banks the highest
How are Banks classified? standards of integrity and performance.
How do you distinguish banks from quasi-banks and trust entities? BSP cannot be compelled by mandamus to restore ceiling on interest rate
A bank obtains funds from the public in the form of deposit while quasi-banks refer to entities What do you mean by risk based capital?
engaged in the borrowing of funds through the issuance, endorsement or assignment with
recourse or acceptance of deposit substitutes for purposes of relending or purchasing of It means that the capital of the bank must be sufficient to withstand risks arising from bank
receivables. Only deposits are insured with PDIC. Funds obtained by quasi-bank and trust operations like granting of loans and investment in equity. The risk assets of a commercial
bank should not exceed 10% its capital.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the MB, the total amount of loans, credit accommodations What are the rules governing transactions where DOSRI may incur contractual obligation
and guarantees that may be extended by a bank to a single borrower shall not exceed 25% of with their banks?
the net worth of such bank. The amount may be increased by an additional 10% of the bank’s
net worth provided that the additional liabilities are adequately secured by documents of title No director or officer of any bank shall, directly or indirectly, for himself or as the
covering readily marketable and non-perishable goods. representative or agent of others, borrow from such bank nor shall become a guarantor,
indorser or surety for loans from such bank to others, or in any be an obligor or incur any
What are the rules on loan values of properties offered to the bank as collateral or security contractual liability to the bank except with the written approval of at least majority of all the
for loan accommodations? directors of the bank excluding the director concerned. The required approval shall be
entered upon the records of the bank and a copy of such entry shall be transmitted forthwith
Except as the Monetary Board may otherwise prescribe, loans and credit accommodations to the appropriate supervising and examining department of BSP.
against real estate shall not exceed 75% of the appraised value of the respective real estate
security plus 60% of the appraised value of the insured improvements while loans on the The outstanding loans, credit accommodations and guarantees which a bank may extend to
security of chattels and intangible properties shall not exceed 75% of the appraised value of the DOSRI shall be limited to an amount equivalent to their respective unencumbered
the security. deposits and book value of their paid-in capital contribution to the Bank.
The redemption period after extra-judicial foreclosure of REM is one year from registration of What is the nature of the loan that does not comply with the rules on DOSRI and/or Single
the sale. However, the redemption period is reduced to three months from date of the sale Borrower’s limit?
or registration of the sale, whichever comes earlier if the following elements are present:
The loan transaction is valid but without prejudice to criminal prosecution against the erring
1. Mortgagee is a bank, quasi bank or trust entity DOSRI.
2. Mortgagor is a juridical person
3. Mode of foreclosure is extra-judicial ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING LAW
(RA 9160, as amended by RA 10365)
The reduced redemption period does not violate the equal protection of the laws because the
classification is based on substantial distinction. Natural persons enjoy a longer redemption What is the rationale of the law?
period because what they mortgage are usually their family home.
To protect and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure that
The assignee of the mortgage is entitled to the reduced redemption period even though it is the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any unlawful
not a bank because the former steps into the shoes of the bank and acquires similar rights activity.
and privileges
Money laundering is also committed by any covered person who, knowing that a covered or The issuance of a bank inquiry order does not violate the constitutional right to privacy of the
suspicious transaction is required under this Act to be reported to the Anti-Money Laundering account holder because the right to secrecy of bank deposits is not constitutional but only
Council (AMLC), fails to do so.” statutory and statute may carve out the exceptions to the prohibition against unauthorized
disclosure of bank deposits.
What is the principal government agency tasked to implement the anti-money laundering
The government body tasked to carry out the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering
law is the Anti-Money Laundering Council. It is authorized to impose administrative sanctions
for the violation of the law, rules and regulations issued pursuant to the Anti-money
laundering law.
It may freeze monetary instrument or property alleged to be the proceeds of unlawful activity
upon approval of the court.
It is also authorized to inquire into bank funds, deposits or investments, regardless of currency
but it needs a bank inquiry order. The AMLC shall apply for a bank inquiry order with any
competent court. Such competent court is the RTC and the Court of Appeals
A bank inquiry and freeze order may be granted even without notice to the account holder.
The ex-parte application for the issuance of a bank inquiry order does not violate procedural
due process because the AMLC must establish the existence of probable cause that the
account relates to unlawful activity and the Court of Appeals must independently determine
the existence of probable cause that the account relates to unlawful activity before it issues
the bank inquiry order.
It does not violate substantive due process because the issuance of bank inquiry order does
not prevent the depositor from making withdrawals of his deposit.