Mutual Coupling Suppression in Closely Spaced Antennas: G. Dadashzadeh A. Dadgarpour F. Jolani B.S. Virdee
Mutual Coupling Suppression in Closely Spaced Antennas: G. Dadashzadeh A. Dadgarpour F. Jolani B.S. Virdee
Mutual Coupling Suppression in Closely Spaced Antennas: G. Dadashzadeh A. Dadgarpour F. Jolani B.S. Virdee
ISSN 1751-8725
Abstract: A technique to significantly reduce the mutual coupling between closely spaced antennas operating at
the same frequency band is presented. The method comprises the use of two ground-plane side walls that are
erected vertically next to adjacent antennas. The side walls are defected with a lattice pattern of slots to form a
defected wall structure (DWS). In addition, the adjacent antennas sharing a common ground plane are separated
with a pair of slits in the ground plane. This technique implemented on closely packed antenna suppresses surface
waves in the antenna’s operation band and can provide isolation of 56 dB, which was achieved with a DWS
loaded with mushroom-shape slots separating two microstrip patch antennas. In this case, the inter-antenna
spacing (centre to centre) is 0.272 l o and ground-plane size is 0.606 × 0.370 l 2o . Also investigated is the
number of DWS slot loadings on isolation between adjacent antennas. Furthermore, the proposed technique
is shown to substantially reduce mutual coupling between planar inverted-F antennas (PIFAs) and monopoles.
The measured results validate the proposed technique and vindicate the simulation results.
1 Introduction The second reason is due to the free space radiation when
low dielectric substrates are used.
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems have the
potential to provide significant increase in wireless channel Reduction of mutual coupling techniques that have been
capacity without the need for additional transmit power or studied thus far for closely packed antennas include the use
spectrum [1, 2]. One important requirement for MIMO of: (i) mushroom-like electromagnetic band-gap (EBG)
antenna systems is the requirement for good isolation between structures that are inserted between the antennas, where the
adjacent antenna elements. The requirement also applies to distance between the antennas is 0.75lo [6]; (ii) defected
antenna arrays and diversity antenna communication systems ground structures (DGS) that present a bandstop effect
where the isolation between antennas is a critical parameter. because of the combination of equivalent inductance and
In addition, closely packed antennas as a consequence of size capacitance [7 – 9]. This DGS technique provides an
reduction in portable communications devices suffer from isolation of about 20 dB between two microstrip patch
mutual coupling effects. Hence, there is a need to provide a antennas. In this case the antenna elements are separated
high degree of isolation between closely spaced antenna from each other by 0.5lo [10]; (iii) two pairs of slits on the
elements in order to substantially reduce mutual coupling. ground plane between two-patch antennas to provide
isolation of about 20 dB, with centre-to-centre inter-
The mutual coupling between closely spaced antenna element spacing of 0.265lo [11]; and (iv) a multilayer
elements is attributed to two factors [3– 5]. In a planar dielectric substrate composed of high and low permittivity
dielectric substrate, the coupling is mainly caused by dielectric layer with EBG structure which is printed on
excitation of substrate modes. This type of coupling is more the different substrates with a total separation between
significant when high dielectric constant materials are used. elements of 0.75lo . This technique achieves about 29 dB of
IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125 113
doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2009.0564 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011
isolation [12], and an isolation of about 17 dB is achieved by etched in the middle of it, as illustrated in Fig. 1b. The gap
spacing two planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) by 0.9lo [13]. between the antennas is 10 mm, and the antennas are
fabricated on FR4 substrate of thickness 1.6 mm with a
In this paper, a technique is proposed which comprises of dielectric constant of 4.4.
embedding a lattice pattern of slots in the ground-plane walls
located between neighbouring antennas. The ground plane Slits interleaved with strips on the ground plane behave as
between the antennas also contains a pair of slits; this capacitors, and the central small connecting strip introduces
combination of ground-plane slits and a defected wall an inductive element [11]. Hence, this structure behaves
structure (DWS) is shown to effectively suppress mutual equivalently to a bandstop network based on a parallel LC
coupling between closely packed microstrip patch antennas resonator. Several pairs of slits with various lengths and
operating at the same frequency band. The proposed widths based on [11] were studied in Section 2.1 to
technique is shown to also significantly improve isolation of empirically determine the effect on the isolation between
closely packed PIFAs and monopole antennas. This two antennas. From this study, it was found that one pair
technique can provide an isolation of 56 dB between of slits with a size of 54 × 2 mm2, as illustrated in Fig. 1b,
microstrip patch antennas, thus making it suitable for provided the optimum mutual coupling of about 234 dB.
applications like phase-array antennas and MIMO systems The size of the ground plane is 180 × 110 mm2. The
(to increase channel capacity). An isolation of 40 dB is optimum side wall dimension to achieve the best result for
achieved between two PIFAs with centre-to-centre inter- the mutual coupling is 95 × 12 mm2. As disclosed in
element spacing of 0.122lo . Moreover, it is found that an Section 2.3 the isolation obtained with the introduction of
isolation of 44 dB can be obtained between monopole the metallic walls increases to about 236 dB. Different
antennas with antenna to antenna separation of 0.09lo . DWS lattice patterns such as mushroom shape, H-shape
and C-configurations shape were explored. It was
In Section 2 the proposed DWS and its E-field discovered that an additional 20 dB reduction in mutual
distribution. In this Section 3 lattice patterns are explored coupling is achieved with the present lattice pattern of four
and the proposed DWS are investigation by studying their mushroom-shaped slots etched in the DWS which are
parameters. Section 3 applies the proposed technique to separated by 0.132lo . This antenna structure with the
closely packed PIFA and monopole antennas. DWS technique proposed here significantly reduces the
mutual coupling to about 256 dB, compared to a similar
dual patch antenna that provides only 217 dB [11]. This is
attributed to the reduced surface waves.
2 DWSs to suppress mutual
coupling between adjacent 2.1 Simulation and measurement results
antennas A pair of microstrip patch antennas separated by DWS
The proposed technique is applied to the microstrip patch was constructed based upon the design shown in Fig. 1b.
antennas shown in Fig. 1a, where the DWS loaded with The frequency of operation was 1.01 GHz and the
mushroom-shaped slots separates the two-patch antennas. corresponding dimensions as defined in Fig. 1b are: d ¼
The common ground plane itself contains one pair of slits 81 mm (0.272lo), W1 ¼ 60 mm (0.202lo), L1 ¼ 70 mm
114 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125
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Figure 2 Simulated and measured S-parameters of two microstrip patch antennas with and without a slit etched on the
ground plane
(0.235lo), W ¼ 180 mm (0.606lo), L ¼ 110 mm (0.370lo), coupling at 1.02 GHz is about 233 dB. It can be observed
s ¼ 2 mm (0.006lo), L2 ¼ 54 mm (0.181lo) and L3 ¼ that mutual coupling dips at other frequencies that are due to
17 mm. The structure’s performance was analysed using reduction in the surface currents by the DWS.
Ansoft’s high frequency simulation software (HFSSTM ).
Fig. 2 shows the results of the simulated and measured Fig. 3 shows the measured S-parameters of the proposed
S-parameters using one pair of slits in the ground plane with antenna structure in Fig. 1 where the two-patch antennas
no DWS, and using a conventional ground plane with no are separated from each other with a pair of slits in the
slits and no DWS. The measured operating frequency with ground plane and a DWS loaded with four mushroom-
the slits is 1% higher than predicted. The measured mutual shaped slots. The measured operating frequency is 1.49%
Figure 3 Simulated and measured S-parameters of two microstrip patch antennas separated by one pair of slit in the ground
plane with DWS
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Figure 4 Measured radiation pattern of microstrip patch antennas with ground-plane slits and mushroom-shape DWS at
1.025 GHz
a x– z plane
b y– z plane; and with no DWS and conventional ground-plane at 1.025 GHz
c x– z plane
d y–z plane
higher than the simulation prediction. The measured mutual ground plane had no slits. This reduction of gain is
coupling with the present mushroom-shape DWS loading at attributed to higher mutual coupling between the antennas.
1.025 GHz is about 253 dB.
116 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2009.0564
Table 1 Mutual coupling in conventional ground plane with different dimensions of slits without walls
No. of slit pairs Centre operating Max S12 within Length of Width of Distance
on the ground frequency, GHz operating band, slits (L2), slits (s), between slits,
plane dB mm mm mm
1 1.025 234.09 54 2 –
1 1.025 231.2 54 1.6 –
2 1.025 220.96 54 1.8 4
2 1.025 221.2 54 1.8 3.5
2 1.025 222.4 54 1.8 3
3 1.025 219.45 54 1.8 5
3 1.025 220.3 54 1.8 4.5
3 1.025 221.6 54 1.8 4
Fig. 5 shows how the mutual coupling is affected by the Different slot configuration loadings in DWS were also
varying the height of the walls to prevent air coupling. investigated. These configurations included the mushroom-
Three walls were explored with heights of 10– 15 mm. The shape, H-shape and C-configuration structures as depicted in
wall length was fixed to 95 mm that it completely covered Fig. 6. The dimensions of these structures are given in
the length of the patch antennas. The two microstrip patch Table 2. These slots behave like band rejection networks.
antennas were separated by a centre-to-centre length of Fig. 7 shows the mutual coupling as a function of frequency
81 mm. for DWS loaded with these slot lattice patterns. The slots are
separated by 0.103lo . The C-configuration slot lattice
As shown in Fig. 5, a wall height of 11 mm provides structure achieves S12 of about 251 dB, whereas the
mutual coupling isolation of about 29 dB at 1.02 GHz. mushroom-shape slot achieved S12 of about 256 dB.
Optimum suppression in mutual coupling between the However, the H-shape provided an isolation of about 48 dB.
adjacent antennas is obtained with a wall height of 12 mm, These three slot lattice patterns significantly reduce the mutual
which provides isolation of 36 dB. However, as the wall coupling compared to the technique described in [11, 14].
height is made any bigger the isolation degrades, as is the
case with a wall height of 15 mm that provides isolation of Fig. 8 shows the effect on isolation between microstrip patch
32 dB. antennas using plane single and dual metallic walls, and DWS
IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125 117
doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2009.0564 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011
with different numbers of slot loadings. A single wall provides plane to suppress surface currents at the operating band
isolation of 35 dB, and this increases marginally to 36 dB with [7, 8]. This also lowers mutual coupling effects in high
dual metallic walls at 1.01 GHz. Fig. 8 also shows how isolation dielectric planar microstrip [15]. The structure used in this
is effected by employing numerous lattice patterns on the paper has a relatively low dielectric constant resulting in a
DWS. A DWS with single slot loading provides S12 of about higher air coupling than surface waves. The technique
243 dB. If the number of slots is doubled, then S12 increases proposed here, employing DWS with lattice pattern of
slightly to 245 dB. If three or four slots are used in the walls slots, provides an effective EM shield to effectively reduce
the isolation is boasted to about 53 dB at 1.01 GHz. air coupling between the adjacent antennas. The
However, three and four slots provide a maximum of 56 dB parameters that dictate the effectiveness of the lattice
slightly offset from 1.01 GHz. pattern are the shape of the lattice pattern and their
separation. Fig. 9 shows the surface current distribution of
the DWS loaded with H-shape indicating its non-resonant
2.3 Equivalent structure and absorption property.
Since DWS is an etched defect on the ground plane, it
perturbs the current distribution on the antenna’s ground The bandstop characteristic created by one of the
proposed lattice patterns etched on the wall structures of
the DWS is now demonstrated. In this case the DWS is
Table 2 Dimension of C-configuration, mushroom-shape
loaded with four H-shape slots and located on either side
and H-shape DWS models
of the pair of slits in the ground plane. A microstrip
Item Dimension Dimension transmission line created on an FR-4 substrate runs
in mm in l0 underneath the DWS as shown in Fig. 10a. In Fig. 10b
the S-parameter response shows a bandstop region
DWS C-configuration a1 ¼ 2.5 0.008 observed between 0.79 and 1.22 GHz providing isolation
a2 ¼ 7 0.024 better than 10 dB.
a3 ¼ 5 0.017 The bandwidth of the band rejection generated by the
b1 ¼ 4 0.013 DWS lattice pattern can be controlled by inserting a
lumped capacitor in the gap of the H-shape, as shown in
b2 ¼ 2 0.007 Fig. 10a. If the lumped capacitor of value 1 pF is
b3 ¼ 0.5 0.002 connected, the isolation bandwidth increases marginally.
However, if a capacitor of 0.1 pF is used the band rejection
DWS mushroom a4 ¼ 10 0.034 regions shift to an upper frequency between 0.88 and
a5 ¼ 8 0.027 1.32 GHz.
b3 ¼ 6 0.020
b4 ¼ 2 0.007 2.4 Microstrip configuration
b5 ¼ 4 0.013 From the aforementioned results it was shown that the
proposed technique shown in Fig. 1 can also reduce the
b6 ¼ 1 0.003
mutual coupling between multiple antennas. However, as
DWS H-shape a6 ¼ 13.5 0.045 the number of antennas is increased the calculation of the
mutual couplings becomes more complicated. Our
a7 ¼ 5.5 0.019
empirical study indicates a good isolation realised by
a8 ¼ 4 0.013 increasing the inter-element spacing, which is equivalent to
the spacing between the two individual coaxial probe feeds.
b7 ¼ 3.5 0.012
For a three-patch antenna having the same size as defined
118 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125
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Figure 8 S-parameters of proposed antenna with different number of DWS lattice patterns, and single and dual metallic
IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125 119
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Figure 10 Proposed DWS with H-shape and simulated S-parameters of H-shape DWS
a Proposed DWS with H-shape lattice pattern
b Simulated S-parameters of H-shape DWS with and without lumped capacitors
in Fig. 1 and ground-plane size of 110 × 260 mm2, the (0.171lo) etched into the middle of it. As shown, two
inter-element spacing of 10 mm provides S12 improvement patches are fabricated on 0.2 mm copper sheet with
of 7 dB across the operating frequency band. dimensions of 26 × 5 mm2, and each patch is held up with
two shorting pins. The height of the pins is 6 mm
(0.049lo) and the distance between pins and feed line is
3 PIFA and monopole antenna 3 mm. Two DWS are placed at the edges of outer slits for
structures easy fabrication. Two different lattice pattern loads were
This section describes the results of a DWS technique applied used on the DWS, that is H-shape and C-configuration.
to two types of antennas, PIFAs and monopole antennas.
The mutual coupling between two PIFAs with five pairs of
slit in the ground plane is about 217 dB [11]. We inserted
3.1 Design and structure of PIFA two metallic walls with dimension 43 × 5 mm2 at the side of
In Fig. 11 shows the PTFA with the proposed DWS antenna as shown in Fig. 11. The walls caused the resonance
structure. The PIFA consists of a rectangular planar frequency of the antenna structure to shift from 2.365 to
element located above a ground plane, a short pin and a 2.496 GHz; however, coupling improved by 8–25 dB. To
feeding mechanism for the planar element. The ground further improve reduction in coupling two types of DWS
plane of size 43 × 43 mm2 consists of five pairs of slits loading were then employed, that is the H-shape and
with a width of 1 mm (0.008lo) and length of 21 mm C-configuration. The H-shape DWS provided an isolation
120 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2009.0564
of 42 dB with a distance between each H-shape slot of 0.134lo patterns, and reduced to 3.07 dBi if a conventional ground
(16.5 mm). For the C-configuration using the same slot plane is used with no slits.
spacing of 0.134lo the isolation obtained was also 42 dB;
however, the centre frequency shifted slightly upwards.
3.2 Design and structure of monopole
In Fig. 12 the measurement results show that the mutual
coupling of closely packed PIFAs with C-configuration Fig. 14 shows two straight monopole antennas made from
DWS improved to 240 dB. This represents a significant copper wires with spacing of 0.09lo (centre to centre) and
improvement compared to [11] where the mutual coupling length of 32.5 mm and diameter of 1 mm. The ground
obtained was 20 dB. plane consists of four slits with a size of 1 × 11 mm2.
Fig. 15 shows the comparison of the simulation results of
The different DWS loadings basically shift the resonance monopole antennas with two types of DWS loading, that
frequency of S11 as shown in Fig. 13. The peak gain in is the H-shape and C-configuration, and simple walls with
PIFAs with DWS technique is 4.03 dBi which reduced to no slots. The spacing between the DWS slots is about
3.7 dBi by using a simple wall sheets with no lattice 0.090lo . The S12 of the C-configuration and H-shape
Figure 12 Measured return loss of two PIFAs with DWS and with a conventional ground plane
IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125 121
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DWS are about 248 and 246 dB, respectively. These with no loading, and is reduced to 2.2 dBi by using a
antennas resonate at around 2.49 GHz and have an conventional ground plane.
isolation of about 35 dB. The measured results in Fig. 16
show the isolation obtained is 44 dB by using the The affect of the monopole antenna’s height on the
C-configuration. coupling isolation is shown in Fig. 17, while the
parameters of the DWS were unchanged. This graph
The monopole antenna’s peak gain with DWS loading is shows that an antenna height of 32.5 mm is optimal in this
2.45 dBi, which reduced to 2.32 dBi by using a simple wall scenerio when isolation of about 49 dB is achieved.
122 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 113– 125
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Figure 16 Measured S-parameters of monopole antennas with DWS and conventional ground plane
Antenna heights above or below 32.5 mm degrade the more complicated. Hence, three PIFA arrays (same antenna
isolation. The graph also shows that the height affects the dimension as shown in Fig. 11) were used to show that the
antenna’s resonance frequency. proposed technique is suitable for PIFA arrays. The PIFA’s
inter-element spacing is 45 mm, and the ground-plane size is
180 × 43 mm2. The results of this structure are shown
3.3 PIFA configuration in Fig. 18, which indicates that the isolation in a three
As mentioned in Section 2.4, as the number of antennas is PIFA array with DWS structure provides coupling isolation
increased the calculation of the mutual couplings becomes improvement of about 15 dB across the operating band.
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Figure 18 Simulated S-parameters of three PIFAs in state without DWS and with DWS
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