Gigi Mathew
Gigi Mathew
Gigi Mathew
a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of
work done by Dr.Gigi Mathew in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
Dr. M.C.Patil,
M.D. (Ayu)
Professor & H.O.D,
Dept. of Rasashastra,
Post Graduate Research Center
D.G.M Ayurveda Medical College,
Date: Date:
Place: Gadag. Dr.Gigi Mathew
gratitude to all those who have helped in so many ways in preparing this work.
Mr. I.O. Devassy and Mrs. V.J. Thresia and my father-in-law Mr. M.K. Uthup and
mother-in-law Mrs. Acharu Uthup whose blessings made me to progress and whose
I acknowledge my sincere thanks to my wife Dr. Smini J. Moonjely for her kind
Mr. Renjith Sebastian and family and my sisters Mrs. Shyji Joy and family, Mrs. Lyji
Joly and family, brother-in-law Mr. Soans Joseph and family and Sister-in-law Mrs.
Sniji Baiju and family for their kind co-operation and help during study.
I pay my heartful thanks to my dear daughters Ethel Therese Mathew and Eezel
PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Shornur for his continuous support during my
course of study.
Ayurveda Medical College, Shornur, Dr. Chethan M., Lecturer SDM Ayurveda
College, Hassan, Dr. Simkin Suryan, Lecturer PNNM Ayurveda Medical College,
Shornur and Mrs. Sreekala P. Kumar, PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Shornur
Dr. Sathish Kumar, Dr. Gopikrishnan, Dr.Jayakar, Dr.Sanjeev and Dr.Vijay during
this work and beyond this work. Their love and affection can not be bounded under
the single word “Thanks”. I will be always in need of their love and affection. I am
My sincere thanks to my Senior Friends Dr. Joshy, Dr. Sooraj, Dr. Anish,
With pleasure I extend my sincere gratitude to non teaching staff Smt. Patil,
Smt.Shamshad, Smt.Mangala, Manjunath, Shettappa Gouda and Prabhu for their co-
Toxicology, K.L.E Society College of Pharmacy, Gadag for his kind help.
Dr. Jithin, Dr. Sivakumar for their kind co-operation in completing the work.
Last but not least I thankful to all those persons who directly or indirectly
In spite of various drugs for anaemia exists, a research for newer natural drug
continues because of several therapeutic complications associated with existing
therapy. Several herbal and herbo-mineral drugs are described in Ayurvedic literature
for the management of Pandu which are more effective with less adverse affects.
Both Abhraka and Guda act on Pandu effectively. Thus in present study – An
attempt will be made to evaluate the efficacy of Abhraka bhasma prepared by using
Guda as marana dravya with special reference to its haematinic effect.
b) Analytical study: This Chapter includes the organoleptic & chemical analysis of
Abhraka Bhasma.
In this part the results obtained are systematically presented, which include
In this chapter observation, findings and results of studies have been found
1 Introduction 1
3 Drug Review 3 – 32
4 Disease Review 33 – 62
5 Methodology 63 – 96
8 Conclusion 143
9 Summary 144-145
10 Bibliography 146-157
03 Vargeekarana of Abhraka 10 – 11
04 Rasa of Abhraka 14
05 Karma of Abhraka 15
08 Number of Puta 21
erythroid 48 hrs
erythroid 96 hrs
48 hours
48 hours
48 hours
96 hours
37. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for the parameter Myeloid to 116
Erythroid 48 hours
39. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for RBC at 48 hours 118
40. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for RBC at 96 hours 119
43. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Pronormoblast 48 hrs 122
45. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Normoblast 48 hrs 124
46. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Normoblast 96 hrs 125
47. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Reticulocytes 48 hrs 126
48. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Reticulocytes 96 hrs 127
49. Shows Paired ‘t’ test table for Normocytes 48 hrs 128
Erythroid 48 hours.
5 Hb at 48 hrs 120
6 Hb at 96 hrs 121
Sl. No Photographs
2 Pharmaceutical procedures
4 Experimental procedures
Introduction 1
different parts of the world. The sole motto of all healing systems of medicine is to
science is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and to cure the disease of a
antianaemic plants rich in iron, but also with abundant amount of other minerals,
In spite of various drugs for anaemia exists, a research for newer natural drug
therapy. Several herbal and herbo-mineral drugs are described in Ayurvedic literature
for the management of Pandu which are more effective with less adverse affects.
including Panduroga3. In classical text books Guda is a dravya, prepared out of herbal
Marana dravyas for Abhraka bhasma, where Guda is one among them 5.
Both Abhraka and Guda act on Pandu effectively. Thus in present study – An
attempt will be made to evaluate the efficacy of Abhraka bhasma prepared by using
“Evaluation of Haematinic Effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
- An Experimental Study”
Objectives 2
3) Preparation of Dhanyabhraka.
Historical review:
In Rasashastra Parada is the main drug and it represents lord Shiva himself.
Here Shiva becomes the creator of parada which is the agency that he employs.
long time. Earlier to that metals are used for different purpose. This means that Lord
Shiva who came later might be started Rasashastra. Hence he might be said as creator
of Rasashastra.
Abhraka patra, Abhraka satwa in the process of parada jarana is found in many texts.
with “Hara Gowri Sristi” i.e use of parada along with Gandaka and Abhraka those
By looking all the above references it is said as, the Abhraka has an important
role in all the parada karmas. Hence Abhraka has got more importance in Rasashastra.
In Pre-historic period (4500 B.C - 1500 B.C) both in Harappa and Mohenjo-
Daro, metallic articles made of copper, bronze, gold, silver and lead were found. But
In Vedic period (1500 B.C - 600 B.C) various synonyms of Abhraka, are
actually used in the name of Udaka i.e. water. But not a single text has mentioned
Abhraka as a mineral, though various metals and minerals have been elucidated with
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 4
their uses in Vedas. After vedic period in Jain and Buddha literature too, Abhraka
found no place.
During Samhita period, illustration of Abhraka and its uses are not eluded
found. The word 'Vajrakhya' has been cited in Su.Ci. 9/5 Dalhana, the famous
use of Abhraka by the goldsmith while preparing ornaments, as the substitute for
The Nyaya darshana of Gautama Muni (2nd A.D.) mentions the name
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 5
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 6
Origin of Abhraka
About origin of Abhraka fantastic stories have been narrated in different text
1) One story narrates Goddess parvathi when met God shiva for the first time
she passionately attracted by him resulted by ejaculation of veerya from her genital
organ which coming into contact with earth becomes pure Abhraka6.
2) Another mythological story is that, when lord Indra raised his vajrayudha to
kill the demon Urtra, the sparklings from this thunderbolt moved around the top of
3) During the time of intercourse between Lord shiva and Goddess Parvathi,
ejaculated Shukra of which deposited on the mount of hills. Later from these shukra,
because of this reason it is claimed to have great affinity towards parada, which is
samucchaya. Here Acharya Vaghbata explains that the Abhraka which is mined from
the depth of one rajahasta is said to have good medicinal properties than the Abhraka
available on the surface of the earth which is devoid of essence and useless9.
more essence and best in properties than that available in mountains of southern
Madagascar. In India the chief sources are in Bihar and Nellore(Andhra Pradesh).
Moreover it is also found in Ajmer (Rajasthan), Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. Mica
2 Abra + - - - - + - + +
3 Anantaka - - - - - - + - + +
4 Akasha - - - - - - + - - +
5 Ambar - - - - + - + - - +
6 Amala - - - + - - + - - +
7 Antariksha - - - - - - - - - +
8 Gagana - - + + - + - - +
9 Girija - - - - + + - + - +
10 Kha - - - - - - - - - +
11 Vyoma - - - - - - + - - +
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 8
12 Vajra + - - - - + + - - +
13 Ghana - + - - - - - - - +
14 Shubra - - - - - - - + - +
15 Garaja - - - - - - - - - +
16 Megha - - - - + - - - - +
17 Bhrunga - - - - - - - - - +
18 Bahupatra - - - - - - + - - +
19 gouriteja + + - - - - + - - +
20 Akashavaci - - - + - - - - - -
21 Girijabija - - - - - - - - - -
22 Pita - - - - - - - + - -
23 Gourija - - - - - - - - - -
24 Gouriteja + - - - - - + - - -
25 Abrapatala - - - - - - + + - -
26 Nirmala - - - - - - - + - -
27 Varapitaka - - - - - - - + + -
28 Girijamala - - - - - - - + - -
29 Meghava - - - - - - - - + -
30 Swachcha - - - - - - - - + -
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 9
1. Latin : Mica
2. English : Glimmer
3. Hindi : Abhrak
4. Sanskrit : Abhra
5. Marathi : Abhrak
6. Kannada : Abhraka
7. Gujarati : Abhrakh
8. Telugu : Abhrakam
9. Tamil : Appirakam
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 10
It is white in colour
urÉZrÉÉiÉqÉç |17
drug. Abhraka being an important drug in Rasashastra have been classified in the
different vargas by different authors. From the following table we can have a clear
chudamani authors have sub classified each variety into 4 types i.e total of 16 by
A) Pinakabhraka
On heating, the layers of the piece of mica starts getting separated. It leads to
produces ‘chit chit’ sound and consumption of this Abhraka causes kusta.
B) Nagabhraka
This variety of Abhraka when heated, creates a sound that resembles to hissing
like bhagandara.
C) Mandukabhraka
The sheets of mica on heating get thrown out which resembles the jumping of
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 12
frogs. Its intake causes incurable ashmari roga, which can be treated only with
surgical measures26.
D) Vajrabhraka
In this variety of Abhraka, neither sound is created nor any visual effect is
I) It has been classified into 4 types, such as Shweta, Rakta, Peeta, Krishna. It
is said as such, because of its contact with different types of soils, Abhraka attains
different colours.28,29
A) Shwetabhraka
treatment of shwetakusta.
B) Raktabhraka
haematinic properties.
C) Peetabhraka
D) Krishnabhraka
even though all kinds of Abhraka were best rasayanas.It is again divided into Naga,
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 13
1) Brahmana(Shweta)
2) Kshatreeya (Rakta)
3) Vaisya (Peeta)
4) Shudra (Krishna)
Acc to Udbhava Sthana
Abhraka being a mineral found in different places and mines. The chemical
composition and physical properties vary from place to place and mines to mines.
Rasacharyas have fixed some parameters based on physical properties and behaviour
All the rasagranthas have mentioned the good quality of Abhraka with
following words.
3. Krushnantu Gadesu
4. Sarvarogaharam Param
Further good quality of Abhraka has been mentioned, which is smooth, heavy,
thick layered, could be separated easily33, good coloured like Anjana and Vajra, does
Apart from all these, the Rasacharyas have unanimously accepted the
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 14
Krsnavajrabhraka as the ideal one and capable of eradicating all sorts of ailments. It is
also said that the Abhraka available in the northern mountains has more essence and
best in properties whereas available in south has less essence and properties.35, 36
qualities. The Abhraka available on the surface of the earth is devoid of essence and
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 15
S S T Vi
Ayusya + + - - + + - + - - + + +
Jaranashaka + - - + + + - - + + - + -
Medhya + + - - + + + + - - - - +
Mrityu + + - + + - + - + + + + -
Rasayana + + + + - - - + - - - - +
Sarvaroga - - - + + - - + - + + + -
Smritikara - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balya + - + - + - + + - - - + +
Virya + + + + + - + - + + + - -
Vrushya + + + - + + + + - + - + +
Deepana + - + - + + + + - + - + -
The term shodhana literally means purification. Abhraka being a mineral drug,
hard and stony in nature comes in contact with impurities like sand, clay, stone pieces
separate these physical and chemical impurities and to make brittle for marana.
cannot be effective, on the contrary it may cause various disorders like kusta, karshya,
It is also said that the impure Abhraka takes away the span of life, aggravates
vata and kapha. So to eradicate all these above ill effects Abhraka should be purified
Most of the texts of Rasashastra have agreed the method for shodhana as
Nirvapana, means heating Abhraka to red hot and dipping in the suitable liquid media
immediately. This is called as Nirvapana as per the definition given by the texts.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 17
Definition :
Converting stratified Abhraka into granular form with the help of Dhanya and Jute
bag is called as Dhanyabhrakaranam.
Though after Mardana, Abhraka will become brittle and it will only get
converted into small dimensional pieces from one large lattice of ore.
As Abhraka is found in ignicious rock, during cooling layerwise compact
arrangement generates mica sheets. So, it is also possible that in between the layers of those
small pieces, physical impurities may exist.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 18
Process of Dhanyabhraka 45
One part of shalidhanya and four parts of purified Abhraka are mixed well and
kept in a jute bag and tied with thread. Further it is immersed in a container having
kanji for 3 days. After 3 days the bag is taken outside and kept on a clean surface and
rubbed vigorously by foot wearing slippers. The bag is dipped in liquid media in
regular intervals repeatedly by which fine particles of Abhraka are collected into the
liquid, disintegrated by sharp edges of paddy through the fine pores of the jute bag.
The hard and stony particles remain inside the jute bag due to their unchanged shape.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 19
Definition :
Levigation of metals and minerals with liquid extracts of medicinal herbs and later
their exposure to heat is called as process of calcination i.e. Marana.
Prerequisite :
(1) To prepare a herbomineral drug from an inorganic matter i.e. metals and
minerals, by destroying their mettalic properties like lustre, opacity, colour,
(2) To constitute mainly fineness, smoothness in drugs by abolishing the hardness,
toughness of the ore.
(3) To prepare most assimilatory, harmless, therapeutically effectual form of
herbomineral drug.
Practicability :
(1) New properties of various Bhavana drugs are imposed on the Bhasma.
(2) It provokes entirely different properties like Raga, Laghutva,
Vichitragunadeepti in Bhasma, which are not previously seen in raw material.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 20
(3) It boosts the action of drug escalating its potency and curtailing its dose.
(4) According to reference of R.S.S, R.D, One can say that due to numerous
puta, the penetration power of drug is amplified which helps for its quick
absorption and easy assimilation.
Most of the Rasagranthas have described the marana of Abhraka with several
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 21
under Maraka gana and chakrikas were made and dried under sunlight. These are
placed in a sharava samputa and subjected to gajaputa till it attains the features of
Nature of puta : All the Rasashatra text unanimously agree to apply gajaputa
for the preparation of Abhraka bhasma. Some authors opine to give mahaputa in
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 22
Grant Kap K K G G V Bh Bh M L L V S
ha ota u u aj or al an ud a a a a u
nama puta k m a bh u da ar h g v r r
k b ar k a a h a a y
u h a a u k h a
ta a a a
A.P - - - + + + - + + + - - +
A.S.S + + + - + - + + + - + + -
P.S - - - + - - - - - - - - -
B.P + + - + + - + - + - - + -
R.Ci + + - + + + + + + - - + +
R.P.S + + - + - - + + + - + + -
R.R.S + + - + + + + + + + + + -
R.T + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Sh.S - + - + - + - + + + + + -
R.J.N + - - + + + + + - + + + +
Rasa + - - + + - - + - - - - -
Ra ka + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The word itself indicates Amruta i.e the drug processed in this method turns
into Amruta and thus the effect in the body. Also it removes all the Avashista doshas
left out in Marana, it reduces the rukshata, teekshanata, ksharata produced by agni
Procedure: In this process 10 part of Abhraka bhasma is taken in an iron pan and 16
part of decoction of triphala along with 8 parts of goghrita is mixed with it and heated
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 23
in low temperature till the liquid evaporates. There after the container is covered by
By the above process Abhraka bhasma becomes more potent, mridu and
Apart from triphala kwatha, kumari swarasa, can be used for this process
(swarasa - 16, Abhraka - 10, Goghrita - 12 parts) or can also be performed by using
While describing uses of this Samskara, Acaryas have quoted a disadvantage too,
called as Varnahani (colour loss) i.e. red coloured Bhasma changes to brown or
black one.
The secret behind this can be revealed by referring to the periodic table. Iron and
copper are the main constituents of Abhraka and Tamra Bhasmas respectively. Both
Fe and Cu are placed in 4th period and termed as 'transition element' (Plate 1/I),
(1) Iron (II) Ferrous oxide - FeO ( Black powder produced by heating iron
oxalate in absence of air )
(2) Iron (III) Ferric oxide - Fe2O3 ( Red powder prepared by heating iron
hydroxide in strong heat )
2 Fe (OH)2 → Fe2O3 + 3H2O ↑
(3) Iron (II, III) Ferroso Ferric Oxide - Fe3O4 ( Bluish black prepared by heating
iron in air or steam to redness)
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 24
Iron (III) oxide is the basic oxide readily reacting with dilute acids to form
corresponding iron (II) salts, this makes it the most absorptive form of iron,
which will be digested in Stomach.
Iron (II) changes rapidly to Iron (III) when it is exposed to air.
When Iron (II, III) treated with acids, it immediately yields the Iron (II) and
Iron (III) salts in solution.
From the previously mentioned reactions one can say that, due to process of
Amritikarana -
(A) In first step iron III changes to iron II, III and
(B) In second step Iron III changes to Iron II as earthen Sharava is covered causing
absence of air.
So, the red colour which was due to Iron III is lost and Bhasma becomes
brownish black in colour.
That is why to overcome this disadvantage, they have introduced another
procedure called 'Lohitikarana'.
Small chakrikas are made and dried under sunlight. They are kept in sharava samputa
to Gajaputa. The same procedure is repeated for 4 to 5 times. At the end Abhraka
Apart from manjista some other herbs like Vatamoola swarasa, Vata ksheera,
Bhasma Pareeksha
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 25
applications. In the context of Abhraka bhasma some classical parameters have also
been prescribed.
Therapeutic uses: 66
Abhraka bhasma has been mentioned as sarvavyadihara prescribing its broad
vehicles or drugs.
1 Jwara Rasasindura
2 Jirna jwara Pippali churna Madhu
3 Drustimandhya Triphala churna Madhu
4 Grahani Trikatu churna Ghrita
5 Rakta pitta Haritaki, Guda, Sharkara, Ela Vasa
bija churna swarasa
6 Arsha, Pandu, Trikatu,Triphala,Chaturjata Madhu
Kshaya, Halimaka Churna
7 Prameha Haridra, Pippali churna Madhu
8 Kshaya Swarna bhasma
9 Vandhyatwa Rajata, Swarna bhasma
10 Mutrakrichra Bhumyamlaki, Gokshura,Ela, Ghrita
11 Mutraghata, Ashta kshara
12 Vrana dosha Murva kashaya
13 Dourbalya Kshirakakoli churna Kshira
14 Arsha Shodhita Bhallataka
15 Dhatu kshaya Lavanga churna Madhu
16 Shukratarala Jatiphala churna Bhanga
17 Vata vyadi Shunti, Pushkaramula, Madhu
Bharangi, Vamshalochana
18 Krumija hridroga Kajjali Arjuna
19 Pitta roga Chaturjata churna, Sharkara
20 Kloma roga Pippali, Katphala churna Madhu
Matra :
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 27
1 ratti to 2 ratti 67
Apatya :
Introduction to Mica :
a sheet or plate like structure with different composition and physical properties. All
mica, form flat six-sided monoclinical crystals with a remarkable cleavage in the
direction of large surfaces, which permits them to split easily into optically flat films.
When split into thin films, they remain tough and elastic even at high temperature.
electrical,thermal and mechanical properties which are not found in any other product.
Mica is transparent, optically flat, easily split able into thin films along its cleavage,
iron, sodium, fluorine and/or lithium and also traces of several other elements. It is
stable and completely inert to the action of water, acids (except hydro-fluoric and
by atmospheric action.
Types of Mica :
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 28
[H2KMg3Al (SiO4)3]
[(H2K)Fe3(Al, Fe)(SiO4)3]
Composition of Mica :
Manganese (MnO2)
Phosphorous (P)
Sulphur (S)
Liquor prepared with the manda of half boiled kulmash dhanya is Kanji.71
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 29
Property : Bhedana
When applied externally cures daha and fever. When taken internally it
Virya – Ushna
Vipaka – Katu
This includes three drugs: (a) Haritaki (b) Vibhitaki (c) Amalaki.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 30
Pharmacodynamics :
Rogaghnata : Pandu,Rakta pitta,Shukra dosha etc & it is pathya in vata pittaja vikara.
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 31
Pharmacodynamics :
Family : Poaceae
Pharmacodynamics :
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Drug review 32
Family : Rubiaceae
Pharmacodynamics :
“Evaluation of Haematinic effect of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma
– An Experimental Study”
Disease review 33
In Ayurveda, different diseases are named on the basis of signs and symptoms,
the origin of the disease, location of exhibiting its symptoms. Here the disease Pandu is
Pratyaya to it. For Pandu specifically the Nashana will be of the Varna i.e. the colour,
which is said by acharya Charaka as “Vaivarnya.”81 Thus the derivation of the word
Sa Pandurogaha Ityuktaha ||
The disease in which, twacha becomes Pandu, Haridra, Harita varna is known as
know the role of Raktadhatu and Pittadosha which play a predominant role in the
maintenance of the complexion of the body. Rakta has been considered as a key factor for
But, the proper functions of rakta can be expected only in its pure form as said by
acharya charaka.
Rasadhatu is sara of Shadrasayukta ahara called Poshya dhatu. When this poshya
dhatu undergoes pachana by agni derived from pitta, it transforms into raktadhatu. Due to
the action of ranjaka pitta on rasa, it gets transformed into reddish colour substance i.e.
Rakta. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned the main site of rakta is Yakrit and Pleeha.87
Ranjaka pitta is located in Yakrit and Pleeha, plays a major role in ranjana karma of
On the bases of above description it can be deducted that rakta depends on pitta,
which transforms rasa into rakta, and bala, varna, ayu depends on rakta.
obviously there will be impairment of pitta i.e. in either vriddhi or kshaya stage.
It can be said that pitta plays an important role in the formation of rasaraktadi
dhatus as agni is represented by pitta in body which brings about good and bad effects
When pachaka pitta gets vitiated and due to its adverse effect, the digestive
process gets disturbed thereby dhatu formation. Ranjaka pitta also plays vital role in
formation of rakta, hence its vitiation also affect the formation of rakta. The vitiation of
sadhaka pitta disturbs the functions of hridaya and rakta parisanchalana. Hence, the sthayi
dhatus are poorly nourished. As a result, due to rakta kshaya, Bhrajaka and Alochaka
pitta also becomes durbala in performing their normal functions. Hence, various
Thus it can be inferred that pitta plays a vital role in manifestation of disease
and Samprapti.
The different authors have explained many nidanas for manifestation of the
disease Pandu. For the sake of convenience it can be categorized under different groups.
A. Aharaja Nidana
causes for pitta pradhana tridoshas prakopa and Mandagni. Acharya Madhavakar,
ahara may lead to disturb in digestive and assimilative process, leading to Panduroga.
B. Viharaja Nidana
01. Amlarasa + + +
Manasika factors
05. Viruddha + - -
Pratikarma Vaishamya
Causes related to vihara deals with both physical and mental activities as well as
C. Nidanarthakara Roga
9 Raktarbuda96 9 Raktarsha100
9 Asrgdhara97 9 Pleehodara101
9 Raktapitta98 9 Yakrutodara102
All leads to either rakta kshaya due to bleeding or vikrita doshas which results in
POORVAROOPA104, 105,106
lakshana lakshana
The term roopa implies to both the signs and symptoms by which a disease is
Pratyatma Lakshana:
Samanya lakshana:
The Samanya lakshanas of Panduroga mentioned in the classics other than Panduta
12. Gatramadata + - -
Vishishta Rupa
The lakshanas which are specifying the involvement of particular doshas and
Though the classification is made on the bases of involvement of particular dosha, the
Classification of Panduroga:111,112,113,114
Sl. Prakara Ch Su Ah As BP YR MN
01. Vataja + + + + + + +
02. Pittaja + + + + + + +
03. Kaphaja + + + + + + +
04. Tridoshaja + + + + + + +
05. Mridbhakshnanajanya + - + + + + +
presented as follows –
Sl. Ch Su Va Sl. Ch Su Va
Lakshana Lakshana
Sl. Ch Su Va Sl. Ch Su Va
Lakshana Lakshana
Sl. Ch Su Va Sl. Ch Su Va
Lakshana Lakshana
Vitiation of all the doshas causes severe degree of dhatushaithilya and dhatu
The features of sannipataja pandu are explained only in Hareeta samhita. All other
authors have stated that it manifests due to the vitiation of all the doshas and considered
Hareeta Samhita118
05. Kasa
06. Hrillasa
07. Shosha
08. Vitbheda
09. Jwara
degree of vitiation.119
Mridbhakshanajanya Pandu –
followed the Charaka’s version.122 But Sushruta has not considered it separately. Here
(Ksharanurasa), Madhura rasa will vitiates Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha respectively.
Indriya balahani and Teja, Veerya and Ojokshaya. Thus manifesting Panduroga,
Sl. Ch Va MN BP Yo
01. Shoonaganda + - + + +
02. Shoonakshikoota + - + + +
07. Krimikoshta + - + + +
08. Atisara + + + + +
The causes of Panduroga that are explained under the heading of Nidana leads
The intake of pitta pradhana ahara in excess, pitta situated in hridaya aggravates, it is
propelled by aggravated (balina) vayu through dashadhamani that spreads all over the
body. The vitiated pitta affects in between twak and mamsa leads to vitiation of twak,
mamsa, vata, asrik, thereby produces various varna like Pandu, Haridra and Hareeta,
Samprapti of Panduroga
Twak Mamsantarashrita.
Rakta kshaya
Theories of Origin:
Extravascular: As per this theory RBC,s produced from extravascular cell, i.e
haemocytoblast which burrows in to the blood sinuses, multiply there and mature in
Stages of blood formation: In embryos foetus. There are three successive stages of
After birth: The bone marrow is the main site of erythrogenesis. During early years
all bones are filled up with blood forming red marrow but after 20th year, RBC
formation in this location stops. Only the upper ends of femur and humerus, vertebrae,
Erythropoiesis: The erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow and are destroyed
several stages. The precursor cell in the bone marrow is haemocytoblast proliferate
intermediate and late normoblast. The nucleus of the late normoblast becomes
Early normoblast
Intermediate normoblast
Late normoblast
The red cells are constantly being destroyed and are regenerated. The rate of
destruction and regeneration are same. Here certain factors are necessary for the
1) Diet : Food, rich in first class proteins, that supply amino acids for the
Due to the union of these two factors there will be a production of one more
membrane and reaches the bone marrow and this helps in the maturation of
normal range appropriate for the age and sex of the individuals. In adults, the lower
extreme of normal haemoglobin is taken as 14.0g/dl for males and 12.0g/dl for
carrying capacity. Hence, a reduction in the blood haemoglobin level and in the
determining whether or not Anaemia is present. The red cell count, haematocrit
(PCV) and absolute values of MCV, MCH, and MCHC provide alternate means of
assessing Anaemia.
Patho-physiology of Anaemia130
Tissues with high oxygen requirement such as the Heart, CVS, and the skeletal
01. The spread of onset of Anaemia – Rapidly progressive Anaemia causes more
symptoms than Anaemia of slow onset, as there is less time for physiological
02. The severity of Anaemia – Mild Anaemia produces no symptoms or signs but
03. The age of the patient – The young patients due to good cardiovascular
01. Pallor – Pallor is the most common and characteristic sign, which may be seen
03. Central nervous system – The older patients may develop symptoms like
menorrhagia and loss of libido are some of the manifestations involving the
06. Renal System – Mild proteinuria and impaired concentrating capacity of the
After obtaining the full medical history pertaining to different general and
specific signs and symptoms in order to confirm the presence of anaemia its type and
value is below the lower limit of the normal range for particular age and sex,
d. Compensatory erythropoiesis
e. Miscellaneous changes
C. Red cell indices – An alternative method to diagnose and detect the severity of
screening test for anaemia. It usually gives a clue to the underlying organic
the cause for anaemia is not obvious. In addition to these general tests, certain
Classification of Anaemia
A. Pathophysiologic
Megaloblastic Anaemia.
i. Aplastic Anaemia.
f. Congenital Anaemia.
B. Morphologic
I. Microcytic, hypochromic.
responsible for iron deficiency in different populations are variable and are best
Iron metabolism131
The amount of iron obtained form the diet should replace the losses from skin,
bowel and genitourinary tract. These losses together are about 1 mg daily in an adult
The iron loss required for haemoglobin synthesis is derived from two primary
sources –
01. Ingestion of foods containing iron (e.g. Leafy vegetables, Beans, Meats, Liver,
01. The average western diet contains 10-15 mg of iron out of which only 5-10%
is normally absorbed.
03. The iron is absorbed mainly in the duodenum and proximal jejunum.
04. Iron from diet containing haem is better absorbed than non-haem iron.
(Vitamin C), Citric acids, Sugar, Gastric secretions and Hydrochloric acid.
08. The factors, which determine this mucosal intelligence, are unknown. When
the demand for iron is increased there is increased iron absorption, while
01. Haemoglobin – Present in the red cells, contains most of the body iron (65%).
iron (0.05%).
04. Transferrin bound iron – Circulates in the plasma and constitutes another
05. Ferritin and haemosiderin – These are the storage forms of excess iron (30%).
Thus, are stored in the mononuclear phagocytic cells of the spleen, liver and
After absorption, iron circulates in the blood bound to beta globulin fraction,
extra vascular space and serves to transport iron from the site of absorption and
storage to the areas of its utilization. The liver parenchymal cells are the major site of
transferrin synthesis.
The labile iron pool (mainly ferritin) is that part of the body iron which is
readily available for utilization of haemoglobin synthesis. Iron quickly enters this pool
transferred into storage pool. The daily iron turnover has been estimated to be
approximately 35 mg.
The major contribution to this 21 mg comes form the normal red cells
destruction. About 3 million red cells are destroyed every second. Iron released form
haemoglobin production during its stay in the marrow. While remaining 2-3 mg
comes form the storage sites, intestinal absorption and the extra cellular fluid.
From these 35 mg of iron about 32 mg, enters the erthropoietic labile pool, a
1mg of iron goes for storage and into extra cellular fluid each and about 1 mg is
Iron deficiency anaemia develops when the supply of iron is inadequate for the
It is only after the tissue stores of iron are exhausted that the supply of iron to the
marrow becomes insufficient for haemoglobin formation so that state of the following
factors –
cancer of stomach and large bowel oeasophages varices, hiatus hernia, chronic
02. Prematurity.
03. Elderly individuals due to poor dentition, apathy and financial constraints.
02. Aschlorhydria.
Clinical features
consequences of iron deficiency manifest in two ways – Anaemia itself and Epithelial
tissue changes.
01. Anaemia – The onset of iron deficiency anaemia is generally slow. The usual
pallor of the skin, mucous membranes and sclerae. Patients may have unusual
deficient women.
02. Epithelial tissue changes – Long standing chronic iron deficiency causes
01. Correction of disorder causing the anaemia – The underlying cause of iron
1) Pharmaceutical study.
2) Analytical study.
3) Experimental study.
Pharmaceutical Study :
The study involves proper Identification, Collection, Processing of raw drugs &
Preparation of the Abhraka Bhasma. The rationality of this study is to make the drug
effective, safe & suitable medicine. It is evident that samskara given
to the drug will change the quality & also acts in different manner, when mixed with
other drugs. Timing of medication & anupana also direct the medicine to act in
different ways.
Study Design:
It involves 5 major steps:
Step 1: Identification & collection of Krishnavajrabhraka.
Step 2: Shodhana of Abhraka as per classics.
Step 3 : Dhanyabhraka preparation as per classics.
Step 4: Marana of Abhraka as per classics.
Step 5: Amruteekarana & Lohitikarana of Abhraka Bhasma as per classics.
It also involves Date of commencement & Date of completion, Reliable
References & Methods adopted.
Pharmaceutical study
Practical no – 1
Materials required: Gas stove, steel vessel with lid, plastic jar, sieve, clothes, dry
husk, etc.
Water – 32 litres
Procedure : 2 kg of Shali is cleaned and washed twice with water. Then to it 32 litres
of water is added and kept on agni. Mandagni is maintained throughout the procedure.
After 2½ hrs gas is turned off,one part is evaporated and three parts is retained.Then
it is kept for self cooling. Later filtered through the mesh and manda portion is kept in
the plastic jar which is fumigated before and closed with lids. Then jar is kept in the
husk. From 10th day of filteration the kanji was suitable for the purpose of shodhana.
1) After boiling for 2 ½ hrs the rice particles were found broken.
2) On 3rd day the hissing sound was absent, on filtration the manda obtained was thick
Results :
Practical no – 2
Reference : R.R.S 2 / 16 - 17
Materials :
Krishnavajrabhraka – 1 kg
Kanji – 12 litres
Apparatus :
Procedure : In a steel vessel, required amount of kanji was taken with help of
measuring jar. Then large pieces of Abhraka were kept directly on charcoal till they
became red hot. Then immediately Abhraka was completely immersed in kanji. Then
it was allowed to cool,after that Abhraka was taken out and washed with hot water.
After complete drying, the Abhraka was weighed and repeated the same procedure
Observations :
5) Temperature of kanji suddenly raised and its colour became slightly brown.
Results :
Practical no – 3
Materials :
Gomutra – 12 litres
Apparatus :
Gas stove, steel vessels, cloth, measuring glass, Iron pan etc
Procedure :
shodhita abhraka was heated until it turns red hot. Then it was immersed in gomutra.
Once it becomes cool,Abhraka was taken out and washed with hot water. After
complete drying, the Abhraka was weighed and again repeated the same procedure for
Observations :
1) Each time when the Abhraka quenched in gomutra there was lot of smoke.
2) After 7th nirvapa,the Abhraka was more blackish in colour than the previous
Results :
Practical no – 4
Materials :
Water – 48 litres.
Apparatus :
Procedure :
6 kg coarse powder of Triphala was taken. Then 48 litres of water was added
to triphala churna and boiled on mandagni till it reduced to ¼ part. Then it is filtered
Observations :
4) After 6th hr, triphala was found to be turned into very soft in consistency.
Results :
Practical no – 5
Materials :
Apparatus :
Gas stove, steel vessels, cloth, measuring glass, Iron pan etc
Procedure :
Gomutra shodhita abhraka was heated until it becomes red hot. Then it was immersed
in Triphala kwatha. Then the Abhraka which is cooled was taken out and washed with
hot water. After complete drying, the Abhraka was weighed and again repeated the
same procedure for 7 times, each time fresh triphala kwatha was taken.
Observations :
Each time the Abhraka quenched in triphala kwatha took lot of time to red hot.
Results :
Practical no – 6
Materials :
Godugdha – 10 litres
Apparatus :
Gas stove, steel vessels, cloth, measuring glass, Iron pan etc
Procedure :
Samanya shodhita Abhraka was heated until it turns to red hot. Then it was immersed
in Godugdha. Then cooled Abhraka was taken out and washed with hot water. After
complete drying, the Abhraka was weighed and again repeated the same procedure for
Observations :
Results :
Practical no: 7
Date of completion : 29 / 07 / 10
Ingredients :
3) Kanji - 10 litres
Procedure : The shodhita abhraka was powdered and shali dhanya was mixed with it
thoroughly and tied in a jute bag with thread to prepare pottali. The required quantity
of kanji was taken in a vessel and the pottali was kept into it. After 72hrs the pottali
was removed and rubbed between palms protected by gloves. Then the fine particles
of Abhraka were slipped into the kanji and settled in the bottom of the container. Then
it was collected by transferring the supernatant fluid. This process was continued till
Observation :
2) Abhraka became more brittle, minute in particle size and light in weight.
Results :
Practical no : 8
Guda - 100 gm
Equipements : Mortar, Pestle, Sharava, Steel vessels, Cloth, Clay, Cowdung cakes.
Method : First Guda paka is prepared by taking above mentioned quantity of Guda
taken in khalva and required amount of Guda paka was added and mardana is done
for 9 hrs. When the contents become paste like, then chakrikas were made over plastic
sheet and allowed to dry. Next chakrikas were kept in sharava, sandhibandhana was
done accordingly. Then dried and subjected to gajaputa. When puta becomes
swangasheeta the sharava samputa was taken out chakrikas were collected after
opening sandhi bandhana carefully.The Abhraka bhasma was collected, powdered and
weighed. The same procedure is repeated for 20 times and each time fresh Guda paka
Observation :
1) Weight loss is observed in each puta, so the quantity of Guda paka was reduced
4) Puta was continued until the appearance of the special parameters for Abhraka
bhasma .
Results :
Practical no : 9
Ghrita - 600ml
Procedure : The above mentioned quantity of ingredients are taken in an iron vessel
and kept over the stove and heated until ghrita gets dried up completely.
Observation :
Results :
Practical no : 10
Manjista - 100gm
Water – 800ml
manjista and water boiled and reduced to 1/4th. Filtered in a vessel. The Abhraka
bhasma is taken in a khalva and sufficient quantity of Manjista kwatha was added and
triturated.When the substance became semisolid, chakrikas were made and dried.
After that chakrikas were kept in sharava and sandhibandana is done with the help of
was taken out and Chakrikas were collected, powdered and weighed,again the same
procedure was repeated until Ishtika varna Abhraka bhasma was obtained.
Observations :
2) During 2nd , 3rd and 4th the bhasma colour changed to brownish colour.
Result :
less like th
less like th
sh less like th
sh less like th
less like th
Analytical Study:
1 Varna Ishtikavat
2 Gatarasatvam Nirasa
3 Sparsha Mrudutva and Slakshnatva was felt by simple
(Slakshnatvam--Mrudutvam) touch with finger tips
4 Gandha Nirgandha
5 Rekhapurnatva The Bhasma was rubbed in between index finger
and thumb. It penetrates into the furrows of the
fingers – Positive
6 Varitaratva A small amount of Bhasma was carefully
sprinkled in beaker full of water. It was found that
total portion of Bhasma was floating on the water
surface – Positive
7 Nischandratvam The Bhasma observed in bright sunlight. It was
not having any lustre – Positive
8 Dantagra kach kach Bhava Bhasma when kept in between teeth, cannot feel
the kach kach Bhava.
2) Modern Parameters
1) Physical analysis
2) Chemical analysis
1) Physical analysis
a) Organoleptic characters
Odour: Odourless
Touch: Fine
b) Analysis
Determination of pH Value:
The pH value of the sample was determined by a digital pH meter. One gram of
Abhraka bhasma was weighed accurately and dissolved in 100ml of water and pH
Result: pH = 7.88
Two grams of Abhraka bhasma was weighed in a silica crucible and dried in a hot air
oven at 110°C till a constant weight is obtained. The difference in the two weighing
gives the loss on drying & then the percentage of loss on drying was calculated.
Result: 0.18 %
Loss on Ignition:
Weigh a silica crucible which is previously ignited for one hour at a temperature not
weighed sample. Weigh the crucible accurately. Place the loaded crucible in the
muffle furnace & ignite the crucible to 500°C, until constant weight is indicated.
Result: 0.51%
Take about 2 gms accurately weighed ground drug in a previously traced silica
dish, previously ignited and weighed. Scatter the ground drug in a fine even layer on
the bottom of the dish. Incinerate by gradually increasing the heat not exceeding dull
red heat (450°C) until free from carbon. Cooled and weighed. Then the percentage of
Boil the ash obtained in the process described under determination of total ash for 5
minutes with 25ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. Collect the insoluble matter on an ash
less filter paper. Wash with hot water and ignite.Weigh it and calculate the percentage
Result: 90.88%
the size of the mesh of the sieve through which the particle is able to pass. A suitable
quantity of the sample is weighed and transferred to the set of sieves and shaken,it is
shaken for about 30minutes and the residue on each sieve is weighed separately.
About one gram of the sample was weighed and dissolved in 10 ml of the solvents.
When the sample did not dissolve, an excess of solvent by 10 ml quantity up to 100ml
was added and noted that the sample was sparingly soluble in water. Abhraka bhasma
Procedure: Angle of repose: It is the maximum angle that can be obtained between
the free standing surface of a powder heap and the horizontal plane i.e tan θ = 2h/D
Where D is the diameter of the circle & ‘h’ is the height of the powder heap. Angle of
repose by which we can analyze either the powder having very good flow property,
good property or a bad flow property. This test involves the hollow cylinder half is
filled with the sample with one end sealed by transparent plate. The cylinder is rotated
about its horizontal axis until the powder surface cascades. The curved wall is lined
with sand paper to prevent preferential slip at this surface. If the value comes between
Procedure: A simple indication of the ease with which a material can be induced to
I = [1-V/V0] x 100
Where ‘V’ is the volume occupied by sample of the powder after being subjected to a
In this procedure one measuring cylinder is taken and is filled with sample.
tapping should be done, after that the level of the sample in the cylinder is once again
noted and the value “I” is calculated with respect to the Vo and V value. If the “I” is
2. Chemical analysis:
1. Nitric acid
2. Hydrochloric acid
Standard Solution:
Sample Solution:
and heat on a low heat until the sample dissolve. Dilute to 100 ml and filter.
To 2ml each of sample and standard solutions, add 5ml of Ammonium Thiocyanate
Solution, dilute to 25 ml dilute sulphuric acid. Measure the absorption of both the
Result: 10.5%
Determination of Calcium:
• Methyl Red indicator – Dissolve 0.5g of Methyl Red in100ml of 95% Alcohol.
• Dilute Sulphuric acid : Add acid to water slowly and with constant stirring.
Pipette an aliquot (20 to 100 ml) of the ash solution obtained by dry ashing to a
Ammonium Oxalate solution and 2 drops of Methyl Red Indicator. Make the solution
slightly alkaline by the addition of dilute ammonia and then slightly acidic with a few
drops of acetic acid until the color is faint pink (pH 5.0). Heat the solution to the
boiling point. Allow to stand at room temperature for at least 4 hours or preferably
overnight. Filter through whatman No. 42 paper, wash with water till the filtrate
isoxalate free (since HCl has been used for preparing the original ash solution, it is
Convenient to test for the absence of chloride using AgNO3). Break the point of the
filter paper with platinum wire or pointed glass rod. Wash the precipitate first using
hot dilute H2SO4 from wash bottle into the beaker in which the calcium was
Then wash with hot water and titrate while still hot (temperature 70 to 800C)
With 0.01 N KmnO4 to the first permanent pink colour. Finally, add filter paper to
If the KmnO4 standard solution is not exactly 0.01 N, use the following expression.
Calcium (mg/100g) = Titre × Normality of KmnO4 ×20 ×Total Volume of ash soln×100
Result: 2.88%
Determination of Magnesium:
Ammonia Ammonium Chloride solution and titrate with 0.05 M Disodium Edetate
% of Magnesium
Result = 1.24%
Sample Preparation:
Weigh accurately known quantity of sample in a clear silica crucible and ashed at
HNO3 (1:1). Add 20 ml of water and evaporate to dryness on steam bath. Add 20 ml
of 0.1 N HNO3. Heat for 5 minutes and filter and give washing with 0.1 N HNO3 and
make up the volume. Further dilutions may be done if required to attain the working
Lamp Current : 5 mA
Support : Air
Fuel : Acetylene
Wavelength : 309.3 nm
Optimize the response of the instrument by adjusting burner height and flame.
Aspirate distilled water to get zero absorption. When stable response is observed,
aspirate standards (at least 3) and note down the absorption. Aspirate the sample to
get its absorption. Prepare Calibration Curve by plotting the net absorption values of
Aluminium content in % : C xV
M x 105
Result = 2.3%
Determination Of Silica:
silica dish. Sample used for the determination of moisture may be taken for ashing.
Heat first over a low Bunsen flame to volatilize as much of the organic matter (until
no more of smoke is given out by the material) as possible. Transfer the dish to a
temperature controlled Muffle Furnace. Keep the muffle at about 300°C until all the
carbon has ceased to glow and then raise the temperature to 420°C. Most materials
overnight and such low temperatures are to be preferred. Generally, ashing is done at
The time required at this temperature will depend on the nature of the material
vegetables or their products. If it is suspected that all the carbon has not been
oxidized, remove the dish from the muffle furnace, allow to cool and if required, note
the weight of the ash. Cover the dish with watch glass to prevent scattering, add
gently 40 to 50 ml of 1: 1 HCl with the help of a pipette. Heat over a water bath for
30 minutes, remove the cover and rinse. Continue heating for another 30 minutes to
dehydrated silica; add another 10 ml of 1: 1 HCl and water to dissolve soluble salts
filter into a 100 ml volumetric flask using No. 44 Whatman Filter paper. Wash the
residue in the basin once or twice using dilute HCl; wash the residue on the filter
paper with HCl. Make up to volume with water. Return the filter paper to the dish,
ignite, place in muffle furnace for 1 hour at 450°C. Cool and weigh. This gives an
Result = 26.42%
10% Potassium Iodide and 2.5% Potassium ferrocynide solution was prepared in
two different wide mouthed glass bottles and pieces of Whatmans paper No. 1 of size
14 cm. x 8 cm. was impregnated in the solution and was kept for drying.
Take about 0.25gms of sample bhasma into a centrifuge test tube and heat for a
minute. After 30 minutes, add drop by drop 0.5ml of con.HCL. Apply gentle heat for
a minute. Allow them to react for 8 hours shaking now & then. The solution is
allowed to settle for some time until clear layer forms. The solution is to be used
before 20 hour after it is prepared. Then take from the clear layer and put one drop on
in its 2nd phase a small very deep blue solid spot forms slowly followed by a wide
light blue periphery and thin white margin. This state continues to be the same in its
3rd phase also (four or five hours after 2nd phase vide plate no.1)
wide deep brown solid spot forms which continues to be the same in its 2nd phase
also. The brown color slowly begins to fade away. Since it requires several hour for
complete fading away of the brown colour put one or two drops of distilled water over
the spot at the end of its 2nd phase which washes away the brown colour from the
structural units of a substance in the crystalline state i.e. investigating the interior or a
when an X-ray beams strikes a crystal surface at an angle portion of the beam
penetrates to the second layers of atoms and so on. The cumulative effect of this
scattering from the regularly spaced centers of the crystal is nothing but diffraction of
the beam.
a) The spacing between layers of atoms must be regularly the same as the wave length
of the radiation.
¾ Powder method
Sample Preparation:
The samples are ground to a fine homogeneous powder and held in the beam
of thin walled glass or the specimen may be mixed with a suitable non crystalline
direction and when X-ray beam traverses the material, a significant number of
particles are expected to be oriented in such a manner that Bragg’s a equation for
crystallites, diffraction will take place for all crystallites whose planes spacing of
atom d make an angle or reflection (Ө) to that incident beam, and the diffracted beam
will lie on a cone of semi apex angle 2Ө.The minimum interplanner spacing giving
diffraction is at
d = λ / 2 Ө = 90ْ
A complete study of the sample assumes all possible angular positions in the
and shapes of individual crystal vary but interfacial angle remain constant)
standards, stability of X-ray tube output and the number of X-ray photos
Intensity in counts
20 30 40 50 60
File: Dr GIGI.raw - Type: 2Th/Th locked - Start: 20.000 ° - End: 60.000 ° - Step: 0.010 ° - Step time: 1. s - Temp.: 25 °C (Room) - Time Started: 7 s - 2-Theta: 20.000 ° - Theta: 10.
Intensity in counts
20 30 40 50 60
File: Dr GIGI.raw - Type: 2Th/Th locked - Start: 20.000 ° - End: 60.000 ° - Step: 0.010 ° - Step time: 1. s - Temp.: 25 °C (Room) - Time Started: 7 s - 2-Theta: 20.000 ° - Theta: 10.
Haemoglobin Estimation
like India.The common clinical features of iron deficiency anaemia are malaise,
Male albino rats weighing between 175-200gms wee taken from KLE’s
Pharmacy college animal house and whole study was carried out in the experimental
cubic millimeter capacity, pricking needle, N/10 HCl, distilled water, 70% alcohol
watch glass, RBC dilution fluid, pricking needle, 70% alcohol, xylon and microscope.
Animal selection:
18 healthy male rats (175-200gms) of Albino strain were selected for the
present study. The animals were grouped in 3 groups (6 rats in each group) and
placed accordingly in different cages as 6 animals in each cage. The animals were
Fixation of Rat dose: To calculate the Rat dose from Human dose, the formula is
¾ The rats were divided into 3 groups. The rats of group I were not given any
¾ The rats of group I & group III were given 25mg phenyl hydrazine/kg
albino rats.
hours. The remaining 3 rats from each groups were sacrificed after 96
The various haemotological and biochemical parameters were estimated and also the
Requirements: Infant bone marrow needle microscope with oil immersion lens.
Selection of Animals:
house were selected for the study. They were housed individually in polypropylene
cages in well-ventilated rooms. The rats were kept under observation for seven days
with standard laboratory diet. After which they were examined for their normal health
Procedure134: The femur bones of the rats were dissected out immediately after they
were sacrificed. The femur bones were cleaned, their heads were cut and bone
marrow was flushed out with the help of infant bone marrow needle. The flushed
bone marrow was transferred to a clean slide and thin film was prepared. The slide
was air dried and then fixed with methanol. The bone marrow slides were stained by
wrights stain and observed under the microscope using oil immersion lens.
• Pronormoblast count
• Normoblast count
• Reticulocytes count
• Normocytes cont
Haematological parmeters:
Blood samples were aspirated from all the animals by cardiac puncture, from
1) Hb
2) Hb %
4) Hemoglobin content.
1) Pronormoblast count
2) Normoblast count
3) Reticulocytes count
4) Normocytes count
The results of the present study are based on the values of Parameters
Table No. 23. Intermediate calculations Anova table myeloid to erythroid 48 hrs
Total 17 37.383
Table No. 24. Intermediate calculations Anova table myeloid to erythroid 96 hrs
Total 17 33.3283
Total 17 30.86
Total 17 31.26
Total 17 45.995
Total 17 38.16
Total 17 1913.0
Total 17 631.55
Total 17 843.22
Total 17 4877.5
Total 17 45.417
Total 17 51.515
Total 17 73.45
Total 17 165.48
Control 4.8
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.4189
= 0.795
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 4.8 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 4.8
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.0218
= 0.368
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 4.8 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 8.26
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.09
= 0.368
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 8.26 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 8.36
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.066
= 0.315
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 8.26 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 14.1
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.0388
= 0.2422
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 14.1 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 14.32
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.032
= 0.2199
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 14.32 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 31.15
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 1.725
= 1.615
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 31.1 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 31.91
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 1.336
= 1.42
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 31.91 due to the control group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 74.2
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.178
= 0.5188
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, Standard group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and control group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 67.51
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 3.436
= 2.279
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 67.51 due to the Standard group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, Standard group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and control group, which
differ significantly the control group is preferred since the mean effect due to
Control 8.33
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 0.3092
= 0.683
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 8.33 due to the treatment group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, treatment group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between control and Standard group, which
differ significantly the control group is preferred since the mean effect due to
Control 8.33
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 1.8973
= 1.693
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 8.33 due to the treatment group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, treatment group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between control group and +ve group which
differ significantly the control group is preferred since the mean effect due to
Control 7.00
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 1.136
= 1.31
2) The highest treatment mean effect is 7.00 due to the treatment group.
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, control group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and Standard group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
Control 9.67
* Significant
CD = 2.13 2 x 2.288
= 1.86
3) If a choice is made among the three, treatment, Standard group is the best and
most effective, of choice made between treatment and control group, which
differ significantly the treatment group is preferred since the mean effect due
To know the mean effect of treatment of the three groups, the statistical analysis is
done by using completely randomized design. By assuming that the mean treatment
pair treatment means differ significantly. We final out the critical difference that is the
CD = t 0.05 2S 2E
From the study all parameters show highly significant (at p<0.05) to know
Table No. 37 Paired ‘t’ test table for the parameter Myeloid to Erythroid 48
Graph - 1
3 Series1
Control Control +ve Treatment
Graph - 2
3 Series1
Cont rol Cont rol +ve Treat ment
G r o up
Graph - 3
Control Control +ve Treatment
Graph - 4
Control Control +ve Treatment
Graph - 5
8 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 6
8 Series1
Control Control +ve Treatment
Graph - 7
15 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 8
40 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 9
40 Series1
Control Control +ve Treatment
Graph - 10
40 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 11
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 12
4 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 13
6 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Graph - 14
66 Series1
Control Control Treatment
Standard Treatment
in sharp decreased in the myeloid to erythroid ratio i.e 1.3 and 1.60 at 48 and
96 hours.
2) The animals treated with Guda marita Abraka Bhasma showed a significant
increase in the myeloid to erythroid ratio i.e 3.01 and 3.98 at 48 and 96 hours
in sharp decreased in the Pronormoblast i.e 7.70 and 17.68 at 48 and 96 hours.
2) The animals treated with Guda marita Abraka Bhasma showed a significant
in sharp increase in the Normoblast: i.e 74.20 and 67.51 at 48 and 96 hours.
2) The animals treated with Guda marita Abraka Bhasma showed a significant
decrease in the Normoblast i.e 66.58 and 54.66 at 48 and 96 hours of treatment
Reticulocytes count:
in sharp Decreased in the Reticulocytes i.e 4.66 and 4.57 at 48 and 96 hours.
2) The animals treated with Guda marita Abraka Bhasma showed a significant
increase in the Reticulocytes i.e 8.33 and 7.00 at 48 and 96 hours of treatment
in sharp increase in the Normocytes : i.e 9.67 and 11.23 at 48 and 96 hours.
2) The animals treated with Guda marita Abraka Bhasma showed a significant
decrease in the Normocytes: i.e 6.24 and 5.94 at 48 and 96 hours of treatment
To study the individual effect of all the parameters, the statistical analysis was
done by using paired t-test by assuming that the drug is responsible for the change in
the readings after the treatment in parameters erythriod control group shows more
highly significant than the others in both the hours. (By comparing ‘t’ value) in the
parameter RBC all groups showed more highly significant in 96 hrs than the 48 hrs by
comparing t value, In the parameter Hb control group and treatment group are more
hrs. In normoblast the control group and Standard group are more significant in 96
hrs, but treatment group was more highly significant in 48 hrs. in reticulocyte all the
groups are more highly significant in 48 hrs. in normocytes, all the groups are more
significant in 48 hrs.
Information available on Abhraka from Vedic period to till today indicates its
importance. In Vedic period various Synonyms of Abhraka were actually used in the
name of Udaka i.e. water. After the Vedic period in Jain & Buddha Literature no
explanation regarding Abhraka was found.
So, Krisha Vajra Abhraka possessed all characters & it was selected for the
preparation of Abhraka Bhasma.
Concept of Shodhana:-
This is well elaborated & most discussed topic. The grahya Abhraka may also
contain few adulterants, foreign materials etc which may cause complications, so by
considering all these our Acharyas have mentioned various Shodhana procedures. The
heat resistance properties & stratified structure of Abhraka, made Acharyas to follow
mainly Nirvapa for Abhraka Shodhana.
i) Kanji → pH → 3 – 3.4
ii) Gomutra → pH → 3 – 4
During Nirvapa:-
iii) Thus after nirvapa though Abhraka becomes brittle, still it has to be
converted into uniform granular form. So this is possible by
Concept of Dhanyabhraka :-
Here it is a process of keeping Dhanya + Shodita Abhraka in a Jute bag &
pottali is prepared & kept in Kanji.
Probably interaction between liquid (Kanji) & solid (Abhraka) may takes
place.The role of Amla rasa through Tikshna, Jarana & Kshalana properties supported
by its acidic nature causes brittleness in Abhraka.
Dhanya due to sharp edges makes Abhraka into coarse powder form. The
pressure of hands enhances this process by increased friction & pores of Jute bag
prove to be a perfect sieve, yielding & expelling out standard sized particles of
Dhanyabhraka. Thus by all these processes Abhraka attains granular form & becomes
fit for subjecting to marana process.
Concept of Marana:-
The process of Marana is adopted to convert the heterogenous material into
homogenous substance & converting it into nanoparticles. The puta adopted in the
present study was Gajaputa, which exerts up to 1000°C .
Different Acharyas have explained different number of putas for Abhraka
Bhasmeekarana. But here we have given puta until “Bhasma Pariksha” gets fulfilled.
So up to 20 putas we have given & after 20th puta we got all “Bhasma Parikshas” full
filled. Later Amrutikarana was done & after 5 putas lohitikarana was achieved. Puta
can be decided according to raw drug dimensions & temperature they produce
accordingly. In classics 13 types of putas explained by R.T., R.D.P., R.K.D.,
R.R.S.,B.R.R.S. etc. Here R.T. (10/56-64) (10/30) procedure is followed.
Rasacharyas do believed that performance of the putas plays key factor in
enhancing the properties of that Bhasma, So according to the number of putas
conducted, they describe variation in properties of same Bhasma.
Maraka Gana dravyas due to their antagonistic properties make the raw drug
more brittle & facilitates marana procedure & induce their special properties on
Bhasma. So according to the desired effect, the suitable drug is selected to achieve
enhanced effect from the group of maraka dravya. As the number of putas increases it
converts more & more metallic portions into oxides, which helps in yielding desired
Abhraka Bhasma has been selected for Haematinic effect, because it has been
indicated in Panduroga (R.R.S. 2/2) & even Guda is a dravya,prepared out of herbal
drug called ikshu,which will increase the amount of blood. So, as the hypothesis says
when two or more drugs having similar properties, combined together would give
enhanced effect. Thus both of them have been selected for Haematinic effect.
An Aluminosilicate mineral called, “Mica” can be co-related to Abhraka due
to its specific pattern of cleavage i.e. “Micaceous Cleavage” & its heat resistance
So the concept of marana provides an absolute extra ordinary form of dhatus
called as bhasma in which a metal & a mineral can be administered internally,as it is
in its most assimilatory form.
As Mica is an Ionic crystal, any changes taking place in it are termed as Ionic
Reactions.These reactions & their rate are directly proportional to the surface area,
temperature & concentration of the constituent.
During marana procedure, while giving puta various changes took place. First &
foremost is that Abhraka weight loss was minimal after each puta, totally after 20
putas only 130 gms weight loss was noticed which was appreciable one. During each
puta, there was difference in temperature of puta yantra, might be the surrounding
atmosphere has made difference in temperature & as I have done marana procedure
during winter season the fluctuations in the temperature was noticed.
On touch Abhraka was very rough before marana process, but as the number of
puta increased, smoothness was appreciable, as it was undergoing brittleness & agni
samskara made Abhraka to attain smoothness.Varitaratva was achieved to the
minimal level after 7th puta,but upto 6 putas no changes were seen regarding
varitaratva. Regarding colour from black colour gradually brownish/brick red colour
was seen after 18 putas & after 20th puta brick red colour was appreciable.
Here after Amruteekarana, Abhraka Bhasma is subjected to Manjista kwatha
bhavana & Gajaputa is given. It was repeated for 5 times until colour was regained.
Here water soluble extract of manjista may convert ferrous & ferroso-ferric
iron oxide in hydroxide form which on puta gets converted in to ferric form. This
process was repeated for 5 times so that maximum amount of iron gets converted in to
ferric form. This helps to regain the brick red colour of Abhraka Bhasma. The purpose
of expecting brick red colour of bhasma is that our Acharyas were expecting iron
oxide of Abhraka Bhasma in the ferric state only, for desired effects.
Minimal loss of weight was seen (20 gms). Upto 2nd puta no change in the
colour was seen, immediately after 3rd puta from black colour it changed to brick red
colour ,but brick red colour was appreciable after 5 putas of Lohitikarana.
Smoothness remained as it is until the end of Lohitikarana process. Complete
varitaratva was seen after the completion of Lohitikarana Process.
action of test drug. Another important objective of this study was to evaluate the
The action was tested by using the phenylhydrazine as the anaemic agent to
induce anaemia in the rats. The group I was not given any treatment and served as
normal. Group II was treated with Phenylhydrazine 25 mg/kg body weight orally,
which was dissolved in dimythlsulphoxide control group. Group III was treated with
the total blood volume, haemoglobin content and red blood cells count.
After 48 hours & 96 hours 6 rats from each group were sacrificed & various
The drug is responsible for the change in the readings after the treatment, in
parameters erythroid to myeloid ratio control group shows highly significant than the
others in both the hours. (By comparing ‘t’ value) in the parameter RBC all groups
shows more highly significant in 96 hrs than the 48 hrs by comparing t value, In the
parameter Hb control group and treatment group are more significant in 96 hrs where
as positive control group is more significant in 48 hrs (by comparing t value) In the
control group and positive control group are more significant in 96 hrs, but treatment
group is more significant in 48 hrs. In reticulocyte all the groups are more significant
In the control group the RBC and Hb contents were standard and the phenyl
hydrazine treated group showed decrease in the RBC and Hb value as the Guda marita
Abhraka Bhasma treated group showed significant increase in number of RBC’s and
Hb content
The RBC and Hb increase due to Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma is true
increase and may be due to the drug effect at the level of erythropoesis and the
inferred that the drug Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma is possessing Haematinic activity
erythroid ratio which indicates the drug effect on erythropiosis. This effect may be
due to the copper and iron pro metabolic activity and also due to the correction of
be inferred that Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma is a complex mineral trace elemental
supplement, when used in prescribed dose and manufactured as per classical guide
ratio level. This effect has the credit of pro erythropiosis with out organic and
erythroid ratio and hence useful in the management of anaemia. However, the control
group showed normal cells and positive control treated with Phenylhydrazine showed
decrease in myeloid to erythroid cell ratio and hence it can be said that Guda marita
stimulation activity of the drug. It may be due to the supplementation of iron and
also to be noted that Iron supplementation and other trace elemental supplementation
is desired but as Fe ion helps in augmented metabolism of Iron the effect of Guda
marita Abhraka Bhasma can be justified pro normoblast and pro reticulocyte activity
of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma is hence a true drug effect. It indicates the level of
activity of Guda marita Abhraka Bhasma and its metabolic components. This effect
normoblast and reticulocyte content. Hence it can be said that, Guda marita Abhraka
marita Abhraka Bhasma is a mineralo metallic trace elemental nano particle and do
not contain any aminoacid, which are required in erythropoiesis even then Guda
marita Abhraka Bhasma is showing pro erythropoiesis activity mean while the drug
has shown decrease in normoblast the normocyte level and positive control has
increased normoblast and normocyte count which may be due to the effect of Guda
4. Abhraka is said to possess Madhura and Katu Rasa, Guru and Snigdha
Review of Literature:
This aspect of literary review dealt with Drug & Disease review. Abhraka
Paryaya, Bheda, Shodhana, Dhanyabhraka, Marana, Amrutikarana, Lohitikarana,
Amayika Proyoga, Matra, Yoga & Modern aspect of Abhraka with this
pharmocodynamics of shodhana, Marana & Amrutikarana upayogi dravyas. The
disease review is dealt with concept of Haematinic effect in detail in both Ayurvedic
and Modern view.
Pharmaceutical Study:
Analytical Study:
Experimental Study:
This is dealt with selection of animals, collection & mode of administration of
drugs, experimental parameters.
In this part, the data obtained from the study conducted is presented with the
help of graphs & statistical analysis.
This part includes with the logical interpretations of results. An attempt has
been made to discuss Pharmaceutical studies, Analytical studies and Experimental
studies & Probable mode of action of Abhraka Bhasma. It also included the further
scope for the study.
In this part, the essence which is drawn from the present study i.e. about Drug,
Disease, Preparation, Analysis & Experimental study etc were mentioned.
4. Sri Sadananda sharma, Rasa Tarangini, Chapter 10, Shloka 81-82, edited by
Kashinath shastri, 11th edition, Motilal Banarasidas Publication, New-Delhi, 1979,
5. Sri Sadananda sharma, Rasa Tarangini, Chapter 10, Shloka 57, Kashinath shastri,
11th edition, Motilal Banarasidas Publication, New-Delhi, 1979, PP-231.
12.Shabda kalpa druma, 1st vol, 3rd edition 1967, Choukambha sanskrit
series,Varanasi, Vidyavilasa press, PP-18.
13.Shabda kalpa druma, 1st vol, 3rd edition 1967, Choukambha sanskrit
series,Varanasi, Vidyavilasa press, PP-44.
14.Shabda kalpa druma, 2nd vol, 3rd edition 1967, Choukambha sanskrit
series,Varanasi, Vidyavilasa press, PP-328
15.Shabda kalpa druma, 5th vol, 3rd edition 1967, Choukambha sanskrit
series,Varanasi, Vidyavilasa press, PP-228
20.Ibid PP- 11
28.Ibid,shloka 9 – 10.
35.Ibid,shloka 99.
41.Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa tarangini,10th taranga, shloka 15, edited by Kashinath
shastri, 11th edition, New Delhi, Motilal banarasidas publication, 1979,PP -224.
44.Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa tarangini,10th taranga, shloka 16, edited by Kashinath
shastri, 11th edition, New Delhi, Motilal banarasidas publication, 1979,PP -224.
57.Acharya Somadeva,Rasendrachudamani,Chapter10,Sloka-36,edited by
Siddinandana Mishra, Edition -1st 1984,Choukambha orientalia,Varanasi, PP -143.
58.Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa tarangini,10th taranga, shloka 55, edited by Kashinath
shastri, 11th edition, New Delhi, Motilal banarasidas publication, 1979,PP -231.
61.Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa tarangini,10th taranga, shloka 43, edited by Kashinath
shastri, 11th edition, New Delhi, Motilal banarasidas publication, 1979,PP -229.
65.Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa tarangini,10th taranga, shloka 55, edited by Kashinath
shastri, 11th edition, New Delhi, Motilal banarasidas publication, 1979,PP -231.
73.Sushuruta achrya ,Sushruta samhita sutra stana ,Chapter 46, shloka 128,
Ambikadatta shatri, 12 th edition, Varanasi Choukambha sanskrit bhavana; 2001, PP-
77.Agnivesha, cahraka samhita, chapter 9, shloka 108 to 113, Kashinath shastri, 7th
edition,Varanasi, Choukambha Bharati Academy;2002,PP-46.
78.Acharya Vaghbata Astnga sangraha, Vol- 1, chapter 5, shloka 21, Srikant murthy,
3rd edition,Varanasi,Shrikrishnadas Academy,1996 PP-60.
Fig.13. Sharava Samputa Fig.14. Marana in gajaputa Fig15. Abhraka Bhasma After
20 puta
System – Triclinic
Cell dimensions
a = 5.3714 ± 0.0034
b = 9.2978 ± 0.0066
c = 10.8108 ± 0.0075
Alpha (α) = 112.812 ± 0.036
Beta (β) + 118.931 ± 0.028
Gamma (γ) = 79.751 ± 0.040
Cell Volume = 435.546 Å3.