Discovery Learning

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The key takeaways are that discovery learning is an instructional approach that actively involves learners in the problem solving process to construct new ideas and models of thinking. It guides learners to explore concepts in order to learn in their own way and pace while integrating new knowledge. Discovery learning leads to accelerated learning and high knowledge retention.

The three key ideas of discovery learning are: 1) Problem solving, 2) Learner management, and 3) Integrating and connecting.

The four fundamentals are: 1) People learn more intensely by seeing and doing, not by being taught. 2) People use their senses in ways that enhance learning. 3) Thinking is encouraged and mistakes are okay, both lead to discovery. 4) Connections are made to the real world of work so learning sticks.



Improving Corporate Training Results

with Discovery Learning Methodology
By Catherine J. Rezak

You’re sitting in a training room listening to a speaker who seems quite passionate about her subject. You thought
the subject would interest you, but your brain just doesn’t seem to be clicking in. You check your watch. It’s only been
Executive Summary
15 minutes. You wonder about dinner tonight. Should you take the family out or bring in some pizza? Wait. Pay Corporate learning professionals can’t
attention. What did she just say? It certainly sounded important. Maybe a co-worker is taking notes. Where’s Todd? afford to waste time or money on
training programs that don’t produce
Oh yeah, over there. But he seems to be dozing. Pizza it is. You check your watch again: 20 minutes. Or maybe tacos.
results. Discovery learning is a proven
Sound familiar? As a learning professional, you can’t afford to waste time—or money—on instructional approach that actively
training programs. And while keeping learners’ attention seems like a basic consideration, it can be involves participants in the learning
a real challenge. process. Techniques like business
It’s not surprising that brains go elsewhere during a lecture—brains just aren’t made to be games, simulations and Discovery
Maps® are all part of well-designed
talked at. Talking, no matter how animated or passionate, doesn’t provide enough stimulation for
discovery learning sessions. All of this
our brains to work … and so they don’t. And if our brains don’t work, we don’t learn. Period. leads to accelerated learning, high
Organizations today, facing increased competition from all areas of the globe, need educated knowledge retention and motivated
managers and employees who can solve problems, work in teams, understand complex issues, learners who can successfully transfer
deal with fast-paced change, and learn new skills quickly and effectively. This means that training what they’ve learned in a classroom
setting to their jobs. In this white
organizations need to provide learning opportunities that effectively address these issues in ways
paper, you’ll learn about the five
that produce high retention rates, resulting in bottom-line results as employees take their new
characteristics of effective discovery
skills back to their jobs. learning experiences, the steps in a
If lectures and other “sage on the stage” approaches don’t work, then what does? discovery learning design and the
Enter discovery learning. advantages of discovery learning over
traditional training.
What Is Discovery Learning? in great demand, discovery learning can help organizations offer
training that works quickly—and well.
Discovery learning is a powerful instructional approach that guides
and motivates learners to explore information and concepts in order A Brief History of Discovery
to construct new ideas, identify new relationships, and create new Learning
models of thinking and behavior.
As early as 1916, an American philosopher, psychologist and
When they are well designed, discovery learning educational
educational reformer, John Dewey, studied the concept of “learning
sessions are highly experiential and interactive. They use stories,
by doing.” In his book on the subject, Democracy and Education,
games, simulations, visual maps and other techniques to get
Dewey argued that it was critical for teaching to go beyond the
attention, build interest and lead learners on a journey of discovery
presentation of facts. Social interaction during the learning process,
toward new thinking, actions and behaviors.
he believed, was critical so that learning could be integrated into
The discovery learning approach incorporates three
students’ lives. His core concept was that developing problem-
key ideas:
solving and critical-thinking skills was more important than
1. Problem Solving: The learning design must guide and
memorizing facts. His thinking was often referred to as “progressive
motivate learners to participate in problem solving as they
education,” and it significantly influenced the educational field
pull together information and generalize knowledge.
throughout the 20th century.
2. Learner Management: Learning must be learner-driven
The concept of students as active, participating, collaborative
so that participants, working alone or in small teams, can
learners was studied by other psychologists and researchers
learn in their own ways and at their own pace.
throughout the 1900s. Jean Piaget, a biologist and philosopher,
3. Integrating and Connecting: Learning must encourage
focused his research on the thinking and reasoning processes. In
the integration of new knowledge into the learner’s existing
works that were published in the 1960s and ’70s, he demonstrated
knowledge base and clearly connect to the real world.
that children were not “empty vessels” to be filled with knowledge,
Discovery learning works because it ensures that learners’ brains
but instead were active participants in building their own
are engaged in the learning. The learning environment promotes
knowledge base.
strong involvement—participants may be manipulating pieces on
Jerome Bruner, an educational psychologist, studied cognitive
a game board, working with other learners to make a decision, or
learning theory in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s. Bruner looked at learning
pulling together seemingly disconnected pieces of information from
acquisition and proposed a discovery-oriented approach for schools.
a variety of sources to solve a problem. Because it engages learners’
He promoted the concept that learning is a process of creating new
brainpower, discovery learning accelerates the learning process and
ideas based on current and past knowledge. Students, he found,
results in higher levels of retention than more traditional learning
could be more successful learners by working in environments that
approaches do. With learning time in short supply, and learning
facilitated discovery, actively exploring information in order to

find connections with what they already knew and forming however, is the process for delivering that content to learners. A
conclusions from this exploration. The teacher’s role was to help raise discovery learning experience has several characteristics that, in
the interest of learners, guide them in discovery and ensure relevance combination, set it apart from other learning methodologies.
of the exercises. Team Problem Solving: During a discovery learning session,
Over time, the term “discovery learning” was often used to learners engage in problem solving with other learners, using their
define this process. combined knowledge and experience to achieve a goal. Small
teams—generally two to six learners per team—work together to
Discovery Learning in Corporate explore, discuss, analyze, make decisions, challenge assumptions and
Education accomplish other tasks. This approach “protects” learners (“I’m not
Discovery learning techniques began to find their way into the alone in this activity”) while it provides powerful peer reinforcement
world of corporate education in the early to mid-’90s. Initially, and feedback.
some training suppliers and corporate training professionals began Hands-on Learning: Active participation by learners in
to incorporate discovery-oriented exercises into their existing exploring information and ideas helps get brains engaged in the
training programs. Traditional training, learning process. Physical engagement
however, continued to dominate until “Regence’s Discovery Map was designed to might mean moving game pieces
several pioneering training suppliers be experienced by all employees and stresses around a game board; assembling,
began to offer innovative new programs two key points: what our company is doing prioritizing or integrating items to solve
and what we want our employees to do to
and services that used more-robust problems; engaging in rehearsals or
contribute to the overall success. Three years
discovery learning approaches. games; or physically moving around the
ago, [Regence’s] transformation [consisted of ]
One of these companies, Paradigm words on paper. Now we can ‘see’ what we’re learning environment to accomplish
Learning, began designing discovery- doing, and that’s motivating!” assigned tasks. Getting learners moving
based programs in 1994 and offering – Regence Group and manipulating gets them learning.
them to Fortune 500 companies in the Guided Discovery: Learners
form of classroom-based games and simulations. Since that time, must be guided along a path toward discovery of ideas, concepts and
more than 1,000 organizations have used Paradigm’s programs information. This requires two things:
worldwide. This article describes Paradigm’s perspective, approach 1. A learning design that builds ever-increasing
and techniques as they have evolved since 1994. understanding and comprehension in learners without
causing frustration or apathy. Challenging yet achievable
Five Characteristics of Effective activities allow learners to stretch their thinking and
Discovery Learning Experiences be successful. (A test of a good learning design: look for
The content of learning programs is critical. Equally important, scrunched-up foreheads followed by smiles and facial

expressions that indicate “aha” moments.) Brain-churning = Learning
2. A learning facilitator who is a guide rather than a Guided small-team activities get learners thinking,
teacher during the learning activities. Facilitators provide doing, analyzing and questioning. “Wow…I wonder why…if…how…?”
initial guidance, monitor progress, steer learners back on Discovering and Concluding
track if necessary, ask questions to ensure understanding, Participants discuss ideas, draw conclusions
facilitate feedback when required, give positive and develop insights. “Aha, I get it!”
reinforcement and help learners integrate concepts into Bridging and Connecting
the learners’ own job responsibilities. They’re important to Learners transfer the experiences and insights
the process, but they don’t interfere with discovery. to real workplace issues and bridge to follow-up
Reflection and Connection: Insights learned must clearly connect action on the job. “Now I know what to do, so I plan to…”
to real workplace issues. Within the learning experience itself, © Paradigm Learning
the learning design must help teams connect ideas, concepts and
information to their own companies, departments and/or issues. Discovery Learning Design
Individually, learners must also be provided with the time and tools Techniques
to reflect on their own insights and to plan ways to incorporate them There are several discovery learning techniques that work well to
into on-the-job action. It’s all about connecting content to context. engage and educate learners. They include:
Learner Accountability: Well-designed discovery learning programs Stories: A great story line can “hook” learners quickly and keep
place learners “in the driver’s seat.” Although the road is paved them involved throughout the learning experience. Stories are also
and road signs provide assistance, learners have the wheel. They’re likely to be remembered over time and can help with retention of
accountable for getting to their destination—which means that they learning insights.
should be working much harder than the session facilitator is. Visuals: Game boards, wall visuals and colorfully illustrated
maps make learners want to learn and provide graphically
The Five Steps in a Discovery
interesting clues and metaphors to speed the discovery process.
Learning Design
Small-Team Exercises: A table team environment gives
Attracting and Intriguing learners a strong sense of commitment to learning and encourages
First, grab the learner’s attention with sounds, visuals, power active participation.
openings, game boards and other techniques. Simulations: Simulations replicate a slice of reality from the
The learner’s response: “Hey…I’m interested in learning.” workplace. They are time-compressed and safe so learners can make
Jump-Starting mistakes and learn without real-world consequences.
Next, give participants just enough information to get
the experience started. “OK, I’m ready to learn.”

Maps and Models: Maps and models help imprint critical These types of characteristics translate to differences in learning
content information during the learning experience while providing styles. From a practical standpoint, however, organizations
a context for the knowledge or skills being learned. They can also cannot afford to design training specifically targeted to each
become on-the-job reinforcement and retention tools. generation of employee. They must rely on designs that cut across
Gaming Techniques: Chips, cards, game pieces, dice, timers these differences.
and other items can boost the fun factor and provide a competitive The good news is that discovery learning appears to appeal
element that keeps the focus strong and the energy high. equally to all generational learners. Because it incorporates a variety
It is important to note that the use of one or more of these of fast-paced and interactive techniques and because it is learner-
techniques within a traditional training program doesn’t magically driven, it is a methodology that seems to hit the mark with most
make the program a discovery learning experience. Games, for learners. A growing number of companies are using discovery
example, have been incorporated in many forms within curriculum learning as the methodology of choice with mixed-generation
offerings for a long time. It is only when these techniques form employee groups.
the foundation of the learning experience and when the entire
experience promotes learner accountability for discovery that a true
Advantages of Discovery
discovery learning experience emerges.
Learning over Traditional Training
As discovery learning techniques have increasingly been used in
Generational educational settings, formal and
Considerations “Getting the message out there couldn’t wait, and informal studies have identified
this methodology fit our need to be innovative with
Much has been written about four key advantages over
the approach. But ours isn’t a short-term goal.
today’s multigenerational employee traditional learning approaches:
We’re in it for the long term, and leveraging ‘the
populations. Read the articles and power of discovery’ is one of the tools we are using 1. Motivation to Learn:
you’ll learn that baby boomers have to make the concept live for our employees.” Discovery learning techniques
a strong work ethic, organizational – Brinker International help draw learners into the
loyalty and motivation for security. learning environment and keep
Generation Xers value a work-life balance and demonstrate a them interested and involved. As they seek information,
high degree of individuality. Generation Yers seek strong social work with peers and explore ideas, their natural curiosity
relationships and informality and have high expectations of is aroused and ultimately satisfied. The “fun factor” is high
themselves and their employers. And millennials, just entering when games, simulations, colorful visuals and competitive
the workforce, are confident and achievement-oriented and enjoy challenges are used to create an experiential environment
working in teams. for learning.

2. Acceleration of Learning: Because discovery learning Discovery Learning: Online or Live?
programs are so highly engaging, learners quickly begin
using their minds to digest new information, make Many of the techniques of discovery learning can be used effectively
connections to their previous experiences and pull within an online environment. Games, simulations, models and
together disparate pieces of knowledge. Assimilation of other strategies can be used to help learners work through the
the program’s content, therefore, is accomplished more exploration and discovery of information, concepts and ideas.
easily and quickly. Using these techniques can make online education more engaging
3. Acquisition and Retention of Learning: In self-report and effective.
studies and post-session evaluations, learners consistently There is, however, a key drawback that can be more or less
report and/or demonstrate better understanding and significant, depending on the educational issue being addressed.
recollection of information and skills after receiving them Team (peer) interaction is easier in a live session and can be
experientially, when compared to more passive learning powerful as issues are explored together toward higher levels of

approaches. understanding and commitment. For example, when one of our

4. Transfer of Learning to the Job: Because well-designed clients was implementing a very comprehensive—and expensive

discovery learning approaches mirror or illustrate learners’ —new technology solution, online education that focused on how

actual job environments to use the new technology was

and because they have “The post-course evaluations say it all. ‘It was the successful. However, getting
most fun and interesting class I’ve ever taken,’ one employees to understand it and
clear job connection
participant writes. ‘Makes me want to learn more,’ commit to using it was another
activities and exercises writes another. ‘Fun and so easy to stay engaged,’
built into the experience, story. Only when the company
another participant writes. ‘I found myself wishing that
learners are more likely to college finance and accounting had been delivered with elected to gather groups of

transfer new knowledge or a similar approach.’” employees together to work

– Expedia through a guided discovery
skills to the workplace.
Discovery learning programs experience did the lightbulbs

take more time and expertise to design than traditional training begin to go on about what the new technology was intended to do

programs. This is, no doubt, why few external suppliers and internal and why it was so important to the company’s success. Discussion

training professionals use this approach when building their and dialogue were needed to make that level of acceptance happen.

educational offerings. However, there seems to be growing evidence Some other things to consider: Given the sometimes

that use of this methodology can make a big difference in how higher dropout rate of online learners, it is important to assess

quickly and effectively learning is assimilated and retained. the importance of the subject and/or communication to the
organization. If it is critical to ensure that learners “get it,” if it’s a

subject that is difficult for learners and may not be attractive enough engage with the story line and participate within the team.
to hold their attention online, if peer experiences and/or knowledge A business game is a competitive activity in which players,
can help others learn or commit, or if learners will need to use the within a structured set of rules or guidelines, contend with obstacles,
skills within on-the-job teams, the classroom is the more effective make decisions and work toward a goal. Challenges abound,
delivery approach. and players interact with one another individually or as part of a
team—to “win.”
A Cautionary Word about Games should be designed with a clear focus on building
Business Games and Simulations learners’ knowledge and/or skills. That means that it’s not enough
as Learning Tools for the experience to be “fun.” Unlike games marketed to consumers
Since games and simulations are being used more frequently in that usually don’t have a learning objective, business games must
corporate education, it is important to understand what they are and incorporate guided choices that lead to well-defined learning goals.
how to use them well. For example, a board game on business finance and strategy in which
A business simulation replicates a slice of reality from the learners run a company to see the impact of business decisions on
work environment. It compresses time and allows learners to income statements and balance sheets will have to offer decision
experiment with and experience that reality in a safe environment. A “choices.” In this way, “outcomes” of the various choices can be
simulation promotes intense clearly aligned with learning objectives.
“Our employees need to be engaged by training A decision-making “free-for-all” could
learner engagement and can
methods that stimulate their senses and keep them be fun, but wouldn’t necessarily lead to
be used to educate in a wide
involved in focusing on the issues. We’ve tried the
variety of subject areas. important insights and knowledge.
traditional book and lecture methods but found that
Business simulations games and simulations really turned the lights on Business games should also be designed
should be true to a work inside people’s heads.” so that no person or team fails. To keep
environment so that transfer – International Thompson the competition engaging, a design
of knowledge learned to can certainly incorporate “degrees” of
the job is as easy as possible. For example, a simulation that places winning. However, participants who feel successful will be more
learners in a fictitious company dealing with a work-appropriate willing to internalize the learning and use it on the job.
project as a way to learn project management skills will be more
successful than one that places learners on a deserted island and has
Discovery Maps®: One Type of
them build a boat. Simulations should also be designed in ways that
Discovery Learning Application
use the full spectrum of the senses—incorporating written, verbal A discovery learning application that is gaining wider and wider
and visual tools—so that learners with different learning styles can acceptance, especially in larger corporations, is the use of “maps” to

communicate with and educate employees around organizational They must motivate learners to want to learn. They must educate
issues. Colorfully illustrated table-sized graphics—Paradigm employees as rapidly as possible. And they must transfer the learning
Learning refers to these as Discovery Maps®—are designed to capture to the workplace.
messages and information relevant to the company’s strategic Discovery learning’s place in the corporate educational arena
issues. These maps form the visual foundation of one- to three-hour is clear. It is a powerful training methodology for today’s—and
experiences during which small teams of learners, guided by activity tomorrow’s—workplace.
cards and other exercise materials, explore and discuss concepts, ■

information and ideas.

In some cases, game elements, case studies, simulations and Five Considerations When
critical-thinking guides are incorporated into the learning experience Purchasing a Discovery
to provide interest, variety and on-the-job application tools.
Learning Solution
Discovery learning maps can be especially powerful when
companies need employees to understand organizational changes— 1. Does the supplier have significant experience with
discovery learning design? Check past experience and
what they are, why they are important and what is needed for
customer references.
a change to be successful. Because map sessions are visual and
2. Does the product allow for easy “connection” to
engaging, and because they guide small teams of employees to work your business and to the learners’ job
together as they learn, participants “discover” information in the responsibilities? Pay close attention to relevance in the
form of both content and context. This makes employees much classroom as well as learning transfer to the job.
more likely to grasp the issues, become committed to the changes, 3. Does the supplier offer customization services?
and understand their own roles and responsibilities. Unique issues may require unique solutions. Make sure
the supplier can provide experienced learning consultants
Conclusion and designers.
4. Are there clear learning objectives and a way to
Rapidly changing technologies, marketplace globalization, aggressive
ensure that they are met? Beware of products that offer
competition, escalating costs and an ever-growing war for talent fun and games without learning.
mean that a company must provide ongoing—and effective— 5. Can you pilot the program with target learners
learning opportunities for its employees. to ensure fit? Discovery learning may be a new
To be successful, these learning opportunities must impart methodology for you and your learners. Take a test-drive.
the most important knowledge and develop the most critical skills.

How Expedia Accelerated Its Managers’ Learning
Project management and business acumen training employs discovery learning approach

Expedia, the world’s leading online travel provider, relies To address the issue of developing business acumen,
heavily on project teams to tackle complex sales, operational Expedia chose another business game—Zodiak®: The Game of
and customer service issues that require increasing speed and Business Finance and Strategy.
efficiency. By allowing small teams of learners to run a fictitious
Expedia executives realized that these project teams would company for three business years, Zodiak helped Expedia
work more efficiently if team members and team leaders shared a managers understand how organizations earn and spend
baseline knowledge about project success and if they understood money. Going beyond basic financial literacy, the game
the financial and strategic issues that were critical to achieving strengthened their understanding of what it really takes for a
the company's goals. Expedia needed learning experiences company to make a profit and generate cash.
that would meet an expressly stated learning goal: make sure How have the learning experiences worked? The
employees can join a project team and contribute immediately. post-course evaluations say it all. “It was the most fun and
There was one other factor in play for Expedia in choosing interesting class I’ve ever taken,” one participant writes. “Makes
learning programs. The company's culture is fast paced and me want to learn more,” writes another. “Fun and so easy
employees love being challenged. to stay engaged,” another participant writes. “I found myself
With that in mind, Expedia looked for training that wishing that college finance and accounting had been delivered
would be both fun and comprehensive. According to one with a similar approach.”
training executive, “It would be unconscionable to sit Expedia ■
employees in a room and have somebody lecture to them about
the basics of project management for a day. They would just
wither and die in that environment.”
Expedia turned to discovery learning to tackle both
improving project management skills and improving business
acumen. Countdown®: A Strategy Game for Project Teams
is a discovery learning simulation that focuses on building
successful project teams and kick-starting new projects.
Learners are quickly immersed into a fictitious company and
manage a project from start to finish. They are bombarded
with incoming emails, voice mails, project changes, budget
problems and more and learn to use such PMBOK® tools as
a Gantt Chart, Project Scope Document, Work Breakdown
Structure and Responsibility Matrix. They also learn concepts
and behaviors required for project team effectiveness.

Hyundai Leadership Gets Up to Speed
Discovery learning supports leadership training

Hyundai Motor America, based in Fountain Valley, California, During Impact5, Hyundai managers are engaged in a
is a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Co. of South Korea which competitive business simulation. Teams manage a department
employs 68,000 people and has annual sales exceeding within a fictitious company and see the impact of their
$57 billion. decisions on the company's financial success. They face the
Over the years, Hyundai had found its leaders in the challenge of getting results, struggle with personnel issues, deal
two usual ways: by bringing them in from other companies with interdepartmental relationships, and balance tactical and
or by promoting them from within the company. Hyundai’s strategic decisions. They get blindsided. They regroup. They
research, however, turned analyze. They take action.
up an interesting statistic: And they learn about being
of those executives brought part of a larger leadership
in from outside, only 22 team whose individual
percent remained after five and collective actions affect
years, while 75 percent of employees, customers and
those promoted from within the business as a whole.
remained after the same time This fast paced and
period. It became obvious highly interactive learning
that homegrown leadership experience makes the
was worth cultivating. knowledge and skills learned
Hyundai executives throughout the entire
decided to create a Hyundai leadership program
comprehensive leadership come vividly to life. “It just
development program—an ties everything together,” says
intensive “MBA-style” course­—that would focus on educating Tom Dell, Hyundai’s manager of training and organizational
and growing accountable and skillful leaders. development. “We read books, we give presentations, we talk
A key part of the overall leadership program is a discovery about what leadership is and how it works, but Impact5 is the
learning experience called Impact5: The Business of Leadership way we apply everything we’ve talked about.”
Game®, which helps participants learn the responsibilities ■
of leadership, understand how their decisions are directly
linked to short- and long-term business results and ultimately
embrace their leadership roles.

Making Play Productive
Four fundamentals ensure that significant learning takes
place during discovery learning activities:

• People learn more intensely by seeing and doing—

not by being taught.

• People use their senses—sight, sound, touch—in

ways that enhance learning.

• Thinking is encouraged and mistakes are OK.

Both lead to discovery.

• Connections are made to the real world of work—

so learning sticks.

To download other white papers on discovery learning programs, become a Paradigm Learning Insider.
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speaker at corporate learning events, including

About the author: Catherine J. Rezak American Society of Training and Development
Catherine J. Rezak is chairman and co-founder of Paradigm (ASTD) annual conferences. She has appeared on
Learning, a training and communications organization specializing CNN Financial News and has had articles
in the design of business games, simulations and Discovery Maps®. published in such journals as Strategic Communication Management,
Paradigm Learning has created highly acclaimed business games the Journal of Organizational Excellence and Project Management Network.
and simulations in the areas of talent leadership, business acumen, From 2003-2006, she served as president of ISA – The Association
project management, team building and leadership. Cathy focuses of Learning Providers.
on a variety of projects, most notably in the areas of new product ■

development, marketing and client relations. She is a frequent

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