JBMR 3055
JBMR 3055
JBMR 3055
Although Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis is considered to be incurable, the major bacterial reservoir in live cortical bone has
remained unknown. In addition to biofilm bacteria on necrotic tissue and implants, studies have implicated intracellular infection of
osteoblasts and osteocytes as a mechanism of chronic osteomyelitis. Thus, we performed the first systematic transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) studies to formally define major reservoirs of S. aureus in chronically infected mouse (Balb/c J) long bone tissue.
Although rare, evidence of colonized osteoblasts was found. In contrast, we readily observed S. aureus within canaliculi of live cortical
bone, which existed as chains of individual cocci and submicron rod-shaped bacteria leading to biofilm formation in osteocyte lacunae.
As these observations do not conform to the expectations of S. aureus as non-motile cocci 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter, we also performed
immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) following in vivo BrdU labeling to assess the role of bacterial proliferation in canalicular invasion.
The results suggest that the deformed bacteria: (1) enter canaliculi via asymmetric binary fission; and (2) migrate toward osteocyte
lacunae via proliferation at the leading edge. Additional in vitro studies confirmed S. aureus migration through a 0.5-mm porous
membrane. Collectively, these findings define a novel mechanism of bone infection, and provide possible new insight as to why
S. aureus implant-related infections of bone tissue are so challenging to treat. © 2016 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
Received in original form August 19, 2016; revised form December 2, 2016; accepted December 5, 2016. Accepted manuscript online December 8, 2016.
Address correspondence to: Edward M Schwarz, PHD, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 665, Rochester, NY 14642, USA.
E-mail: Edward_Schwarz@URMC.Rochester.edu and Karen Bentley, MS, Pathology, Electron Microscope Resource, 601 Elmwood, Box 626, Rochester, NY 14642,
USA. E-mail: Karen_Bentley@URMC.Rochester.edu
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2017, pp 985–990
DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.3055
© 2016 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
protein A-deficient mutant of UAMS-1 (DSpa; provided by which were placed in the four outermost screw holes of the
Dr. Paul Dunman, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY), and plate. A 0.7-mm transverse osteotomy was cut through the
USA300LAC.(11) These strains were used as described in the three femoral mid-diaphysis under the plate using a 0.67-mm wire
separate in vivo experiments, and an in vitro study, as listed in Gigli saw and a cutting guide (RISystem, Davos, Switzerland). A
the sections below. All animal studies were performed in 1-mm radius semicircle of fibrillar collagen sheet (Kensey Nash,
accordance with protocols approved by the University of Exton, PA, USA) was soaked for at least 2 hours in an overnight
Rochester’s Committee on Animal Resources. To be consistent culture of USA300 prepared as described in Experiment 1
with our previous studies,(4,5,12) normal and healthy female (contaminating dose 5 104 CFU, group 1, test), or was
Balb/c J mice (Jackson Research Labs, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) at 8 untreated (group 2, sterile control). A collagen sheet was
to 10 weeks of age were acclimated for 1 week prior to surgery placed into the femoral defect (n ¼ 5 per group; 10 total),
and randomly assigned to an infection group. All mice were fed which was secured with 5-0 nylon monofilament sutures
Purina Chow 5008 (St. Louis, MO), and were anesthetized just wrapped around the muscle and skin during wound closure to
prior to each type of surgery with xylazine (12 mg/kg) and ensure retention of the collagen sheet in the osteotomy defect
ketamine (130 mg/kg) injected intraperitoneally. The weight of for the duration of the in vivo experiment. The mice were
the mice at the time of surgery ranged from 21 to 28 g. They housed for 14 days prior to euthanasia and femur harvest for
typically lost 2 to 3 g 1 day postoperation, and recovered this TEM analysis.
weight loss by day 14. There were no significant weight
differences between the groups at any time point. Experiment 3
To assess the role of proliferation in S. aureus infection of bone
Experiment 1 following direct contamination, mice (n ¼ 5; 10 total) received
To assess S. aureus infection during the establishment of the femoral osteotomy surgery with a sterile collagen sheet
implant-associated osteomyelitis, we utilized a transtibial pin (group 1, negative control), or a collagen sheet soaked with
implant model.(4) Briefly, an overnight culture was established UAMS-1DSpa (group 2). Following surgery, the mice were fed
by inoculating 1 107 colony forming units (CFU) of UAMS-1 in 0.5 mg/mL bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO,
10 mL of tryptic soy broth (TSB), which was incubated for USA) in their drinking water, which was available ad libitum
16 hours at 37°C. The next day, flat stainless steel wires were 24 hours/day until euthanasia on day 14, and the femurs were
incubated in this overnight culture for 30 min prior to surgical harvested for IEM.
implantation into the mice, which contaminated them with
5 105 CFU (group 1, test). Untreated wires were used as TEM
group 2 sterile pin controls (n ¼ 5 per group; 10 total). After Tibias were excised and immersion fixed in 0.1M sodium
anesthesia, a 5-mm to 7-mm longitudinal skin incision was made cacodylate buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde/4% paraformalde-
on the medial side of the proximal right lower limb. The center of hyde overnight. Femurs were perfusion fixed via the
the incision was about 5 mm posteromedial to the tibial descending aorta using the same fixative. Afterward, the
tuberosity. Then the soft tissue was removed, and the medial long bones underwent decalcification for 7 to 10 days with
aspect of the proximal tibia was exposed. A medial hole was 14% EDTA. Following decalcification, all implants (pins,
created by manually inserting a 23G needle at the level of the plates, screws, and sponges) were removed prior to trimming
tibial tuberosity, and the center of the anteroposterior axis. A and processing for TEM. The bones were postfixed in 2.0%
30G needle was then used to enlarge the hole of the medial osmium tetroxide, dehydrated through a graded series of
surface, via insertion parallel to the knee joint line and posterior ethanol to 100%, transitioned into propylene oxide (PO), PO/
aspect of the tibia. Then, a flat stainless steel wire (cross-section EPON/Araldite epoxy resin, two changes of 100% EPON/
0.2 mm 0.5 mm; MicroDyne Technologies, Plainville, CT, USA) Araldite epoxy resin before embedment into large inverted
was cut to a 4 mm length, and bent into an L-shaped implant (flat cap side) BEEM size 00 capsule molds for 48 hours of
(long side 3 mm, short side 1 mm), which was inserted along a polymerization at 60°C. A variation of our large block
medial-to-lateral path through the medial and lateral holes, sectioning technique(13) was utilized to produce 1-mm
leaving the 1-mm dimension protruding on the medial aspect of sections of the entire proximal tibia (>3 mm), and the
the tibia, but tightly apposed to its periosteal surface. Afterward, femoral diaphysis flanking the osteotomy (two pieces 3 mm
the muscle and skin were closed with sutures. The mice were proximal and distal to the defect) were embedded as intact
housed for 14 days prior to euthanasia and tibia harvest for TEM bone samples. One-micron (1-mm) sections cut using a
analysis. diamond Histoknife, and stained with Toluidine blue, were
used to identify S. aureus infiltrating into the canalicular
Experiment 2 system of cortical bone. Serial step (every 300 nm) thin
To assess S. aureus infection of bone following direct sections were cut at 70 nm using a diamond knife, placed
contamination, we utilized a femoral osteotomy model.(5) onto formvar/carbon slot grids, stained with aqueous uranyl
Briefly, after anesthesia the right femur was exposed by a acetate and lead citrate then imaged using a Hitachi 7650
direct lateral approach blunt dissection, and a six-hole TEM with an attached Gatan Erlangshen 11 megapixel digital
radiolucent polyether ether ketone (PEEK) femoral plate camera.
(11 mm in length 1.75 mm in width 1 mm thick) with a
40-nm titanium coating (RIS.401.130 MouseFix plate 6 hole,
rigid; RISystem, Davos, Switzerland), was implanted 2 to 3 mm UAMS-1DSpa was used for IEM to eliminate background
from the distal end of the femur on the anterolateral surface of antibody binding to protein A. The femurs were perfusion
the bone using just four titanium screws (RIS.401.100 fixed, excised, and postfixed an additional 8 hours with 4.0%
MouseFix screw, L ¼ 2.00 mm; RISystem, Davos, Switzerland), paraformaldehyde in 0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer and then
Fig. 1. TEM evidence of submicron-elongated S. aureus in the osteocytic lacunar-canaliculi network of infected live bone tissue. Long bones from mice
(n ¼ 5) infected with a UAMS-1–contaminated tibial pin (A–F, H, I), or a USA300-infected femoral osteotomy (G), were harvested on day 14 postinfection
for TEM. (A) Low magnification TEM image (4000) of UAMS-1 invasion of live bone tissue (note osteocyte OC) in a canaliculus (green arrow)
communicating with the marrow cavity (MC). Also note the proximal neutrophils (yellow arrow) within the marrow. (B) Low magnification TEM image
(4000) of UAMS-1 invasion of an osteocytic lacunar-canaliculus adjacent to a channel infected with S. aureus (arrows) containing necrotic cells ( ).
Higher magnification TEM images (C: 8000; D: 10,000) of UAMS-1 colonization of osteocytic lacunae. (E) Low magnification TEM image of three
parallel canaliculi in various states of colonization (1: severely infected; 2: moderately infected; and 3: uninfected) by the invading UAMS-1 within the live
cortical bone (3500). (F) Higher magnification TEM image measuring submicron-elongated UAMS-1 (15,000). (G) Similar bacterial invasion of
canaliculi adjacent to the osteotomy (red arrow), and neutrophils in the marrow cavity ( ) were observed in USA300-infected femurs (4000), but not in
long bones that received sterile implants (data not shown). (H) Low magnification TEM image (4000) documenting cortical bone damage adjacent to
the infected tibia pin (red arrows), and a cavity filled with UAMS-1 (yellow bracket) that leads to a canaliculus (black arrow). (I) High magnification TEM of
the infected cavity in H demonstrating mitotic S. aureus in the live cortical bone (25,000). Note that only the bacterium entering the canaliculus has an
asymmetric septal plane (red arrows), which is aligned perpendicularly with the canaliculus orifice, perhaps to anchor and propel the emerging daughter
cell into the submicron channel in the cortical bone during binary fission.
Fig. 2. In vivo and in vitro evidence of proliferating S. aureus through canaliculi and submicron pores. Mice (n ¼ 5) received a femoral osteotomy that was
infected with UAMS-1 DSpA, and were fed BrdU in their drinking water continuously postoperation until euthanasia on day 14. (A) Light microscopy
image (4) of the toluidine blue–stained cortical bone section containing a defect (yellow bracket) leading to a canaliculus (black bracket) colonized with
S. aureus, which was interrogated by immunoelectron microscopy (IEM). (B) Low (15,000 boxed region in A), (C) high (40,000 boxed region in B), and
(D) ultrahigh (boxed region in C enlarged from 150,000 original) magnification of IEM images of BrdU-positive S. aureus. Note the rod-shaped bacterium
with a diameter of 0.36-mm at the leading edge of bacterial infiltration (C), and the immunogold-labeled chromosome (12 nm black dots in D) confirming
BrdU incorporation. IEM on S. aureus–infected femurs from mice that were not fed BrdU were all negative for immunogold labeling (data not shown).
(E) Our in vitro transwell culture system loads via an open chamber on the topside (white arrow), through which GFPþ UAMS-1 in TSB medium is placed
onto a 0.4-mm-thick silicon nitride submicron porous (0.5 mm in diameter) membrane. Note left and right access channels (black arrows) for loading TSB
medium into the underside reservoir, which is a sealed chamber that is physically separated from the topside of the submicron porous membrane.
(F) SEM (15,000) of the static biofilm that forms on the top surface of the membrane at 3 hours. Validation of GFPþ UAMS-1 migration through the
submicron pores is shown by confocal fluorescent microscopy of the bacteria (G top view) and a 3D reconstructed image of five confocal slices (H).
S. aureus migration through the submicron pores via proliferation is evidenced by low (I: 2000) and high (J: 12,000) magnification SEM imaging of the
underside of the membrane demonstrating extrusion of the bacteria at 6.5 hours. (K) The increase in GFPþ S. aureus occupancy of the submicron pores
was quantified via real-time fluorescent confocal microcopy from the topside of the membrane, and the data are presented as the mean of three
independent experiments SEM in which the plateau (saturation time) is estimated at 35.6 min (95% CI, 25.8 to 45.4 min; p < 0.05 versus 5 minutes).
(L–P) Representative fluorescent images (60) from the topside obtained at 15-min intervals from 0 to 60 min are shown to illustrate the increase in pore
occupation over the first 30 min, and subsequent saturation thereafter.
This work was supported by grants from AOTrauma (Davos,
Due to its ability to cause an assortment of serious infectious Switzerland); National Institutes of Health, Grant numbers: P30
diseases, S. aureus has been intensely studied for centuries. It AR069655, P50AR054041, S10RR026542, and T32AR53459. We
has been over 200 years since Sir Benjamin Brodie described thank Gayle Schneider of the URMC Electron Microscope
musculoskeletal infections likely caused by this microbe in his Shared Resource Laboratory for her technical assistance of
1813 treatise Pathological Researches Respecting the Diseases of serial thin sectioning for TEM; Drs. Linda Callahan and Paivi
Joints,(18) and the lesion that is now commonly referred to as a Jordan of the Confocal and Conventional Microscopy Shared
“Brodie’s abscess” from his first description of subacute Resource; and Dr. Christopher A. Beck for biostatistical
osteomyelitis.(19) As a result, we have a general understanding support.
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