Stp944-Eb 1420
Stp944-Eb 1420
Stp944-Eb 1420
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A symposium sponsored by
ASTM Committee E-3 on
Chemical Analysis of Metals
Philadelphia, PA, 19 June 1985
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Libtaiy of Congress Catalo^ng-in-Publication Data
The Society is not responsible, as a body,
for the statements and opinions
advanced in this publication.
Printed in Baltimore, MD
Feb. 1987
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The symposium, Chemical Analysis of Metals, was presented at Philadel-
phia, PA, 19 June 1985. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee
E-3 on Chemical Analysis of Metals. Francis T. Coyle, Cabot Corporation,
served as chairman of the symposium and is editor of the resulting publica-
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ASTM Publications
Impediments to Analysis, STP 708 (1980), 04-708000-24
Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System, Fourth Edition, DS 56c
(1986), 05-056003-01
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A Note of Appreciation
to Reviewers
The quality of the papers that appear in this pubHcation reflects not only
the obvious efforts of the authors but also the unheralded, though essential,
work of the reviewers. On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation
their dedication to high professional standards and their sacrifice of time and
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ASTM Editorial Staff
Susan L. Gebremedhin
Janet R. Schroeder
Kathleen A. Greene
William T. Benzing
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Index 135
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STP940-EB/Feb. 1987
For years ASTM Committee E-3 on Chemical Analysis of Metals has held
symposia relating to the analysis of metals and alloys, which produced special
technical publications. Committee E-3 is concerned with the standardization
of referee methods relating to chemical analysis of metals and alloys for com-
pliance with compositional specifications. The symposium "Chemical Analy-
sis of Metals" was held in concurrence with the celebration of the 50th anni-
versary of Committee E-3 and the 25th anniversary of Committee E-16 on the
Sampling and Analysis of Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials. In con-
structing the program, suggestions were sought from knowledgeable people
engaged in the use and development of standards.
ASTM Committee E-3 has subcommittees, two that deal with the analysis
of ferrous and nonferrous materials, thus this symposium provides informa-
tion relative to the analysis of these materials. For the last 50 years, a great
deal of time and effort has been spent developing referee methods for use by
producers and users of metals and alloys as well as by commercial, govern-
mental, and educational laboratories. The subject material was organized
with a view to expounding upon the state of the art, development and applica-
tion to future needs. E-3 standard methods are based upon chemical dissolu-
tion of the samples followed by detection and measurement of the elements of
interest. Pertinent papers on these subjects were selected and reviewed for
this volume.
The paper entitled "Rapid Dissolution of Steel Industry Materials for
Chemical Analysis" provides information of value to chemists involved in the
analysis of these materials. This covers selection of proper acids and fusion
media in order that the selected method of analyses can give acceptable
results. After proper dissolution, measurements can be made by atomic ab-
sorption spectroscopy, photometry, redoximetric, or complexometric titra-
tions. Examples are given which include data on accuracy and precision.
"Novel Sample Preparation Techniques for Chemical Analyses—Micro-
wave and Pressure Dissolution" further addresses the importance of sample
dissolution with respect to performing high volume analyses with speed, relia-
bility, and safety. Classical old techniques and new techniques are discussed,
and examples achieved through their use are presented.
"The Application of Ion Exchange to the Determination of Impurities in
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys" is a vivid example of work that has led to a
new standard, which is incorporated in the revision of aluminum analytical
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Copyright 1987 AS FM International
Francis T. Coyle
Cabot Corporation, Country Line Rd., Boyer-
town, PA 19512; symposium chairman and
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Om P. Bhargava^
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a rapid, simple technique for solubilizing a wide range
of materials such as ores, sinters, slags, ferro-alloys, and other reagents and additives
used in integrated steel making operations including environmental dusts and particulate
matter. The procedure involves fusion of the specimen with sodium peroxide, or with a
sodium peroxide-sodium carbonate mixture in a zirconium or virtreous carbon crucible.
Treatment of the fused melt with water and acid yields a clear solution. It avoids the
tedious operations involved in solubilizing residues left by other dissolution techniques.
Losses of normally volatile elements, such as arsenic, phosphorus, lead, and zinc, do not
occur. Solutions obtained by this procedure may be analyzed by a wide range of methods
(for example, atomic absorption spectroscopy, photometry, redoximetric, or complex-
ometric titrations or gravimetry) for such elements as aluminum, arsenic, calcium, chro-
mium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, lead, titanium, vanadium,
and zinc, at concentrations from trace to major. Numerous examples of methods devel-
oped employing the dissolution technique are cited, with data on accuracy and precision,
to demonstrate the wide range of usefulness of the technique. Combined with automated
instrumental methods such as DC and inductively couple plasma spectrometers for solu-
tion analysis, this procedure offers an attractive alternative to purely physical methods of
analysis, which are often subject to matric interferences.
KEY WORDS: analysis, steels, slags, sinter, iron ore, ferro-alloys, sludge, environmen-
tal, industrial hygiene, gravimetry, redoximetric, complexometric, photometric, atomic
absorption, fusion, solution, aluminum, arsenic, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, lead,
magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, titanium, vanadium, zinc
'Supervisor, Corporate Analytical Chemistry, Stelco Inc., P.O. Box 2030, Hamilton, Ontario
L8N3T1, Canada.
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Copyright 1987 AS FM International
involves many diverse materials, such as ores, sinter, limestone, coal, coke,
ferro-alloys, process materials, reagents, steelmaking additives as well as var-
ious dusts and residues of environmental significance. Some physical meth-
ods of analysis are applicable to solids with or without prior initial prepara-
tion, such as polishing or briquetting, but the physical form of the specimen
does not always lend itself to such techniques, hence dissolution of the speci-
men, usually into an aqueous medium, is necessary before the determination
of elements by more traditional aqueous chemical procedures or instrumental
methods such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, DC or IC plasma.
With the wide variety of materials with which the steel chemist is con-
fronted, it is not surprising that a diversity of sample dissolution procedures
has evolved, usually based on attack by acidic media chosen in the light of the
material to be solubilized and the nature of the subsequent analytical steps.
Sometimes this step itself can be time-consuming. Regrettably also, in many
instances, some portion of the specimen remains undissolved after the prelim-
inary attack. For completeness, it is not uncommon to filter this out, ignite it,
fuse with a suitable flux then dissolve and add this to the initial solution.
Except in cases where the residue can be discarded without affecting the
result, there seemed little to be gained from the time and effort expended with
such an initial acid attack.
A time-saving procedure that can be applied to almost all materials sub-
mitted for aqueous chemical analysis is based upon fusing the entire speci-
men initially, either with sodium peroxide alone or with a peroxide-sodium
carbonate mixed flux, followed by dissolution of the cooled melt in an acid
chosen to be compatible with the subsequent analytical procedure.
This basic dissolution technique is effective for a wide range of materials,
including iron ore, sinter, ferro-alloys, calcium silicon, stool dressing, slags
[ / ] , sludge, baghouse and flue dusts, and atmospheric particulates. The solu-
tions of these specimens are suitable for the determination of many elements,
such as aluminum, arsenic, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, lead, silicon, titanium, vanadium, and zinc, using a
variety of chemical analytical techniques. The following sections illustrate the
versatility of this specimen dissolution technique.
Determination of silicon in ferro-phosphorus by gravimetry is carried out
as follows: the specimen (0.3 g) is fused with a mixed flux of 3.5-g sodium
peroxide and 0.5-g sodium carbonate in a zirconium crucible. The melt is
leached with water and 30-mL hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added. After boiling
for 2 to 3 min, the specimen is completely dissolved. The entire operation of
fusion and dissolution is complete within 5 min. Perchloric acid is added and
after dehydration using the usual hydrogen fluoride-sulfuric acid (HF-
Copyright byH2SO4) treatment,
ASTM Int'l (all pure
rights reserved); Thu Jan 3 silica is determined
05:50:16 EST 2019 gravimetrically.
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Similarly the ASTM Test Method for Silica in Iron Ores and Manganese
Ores (E 247 82) for the determination of silica in iron ores and manganese
ores by gravimetry incorporates the sodium peroxide fusion in a zirconium
Determination of total iron in iron ores, sinters, concentrates, and so forth
is accomplished as follows. The specimen (0.3 g) is fused in a zirconium cruci-
ble with sodium peroxide (2 g). After leaching, the melt is dissolved in HCl.
After boiling for 2 to 3 min, the ferric iron can be reduced by either stannous
chloride and mercuric chloride addition [2] or by passing through a silver
reductor [3] (a method free from mercury pollution and vanadium interfer-
ence) and is then determined redoximetrically with dichromate using diphe-
nylamine indicator. The technique is used in ASTM Test Method for Iron in
Iron Ores by the Silver Reduction Trimetric Method (E 1081). This rapid
dissolution enables the determination of total iron in ores in three specimens
in '/2 h with results matching the referee method.
The results for International Organization for Standardization, British
Chemical Standards, and National Bureau of Standards (ISO, BCS, and
NBS) reference standards in Table 1 show that excellent results are obtained
on specimens whose compositions vary widely. This dissolution technique is
also used for the redoximetric determination of iron in iron ores in ASTM
Test Method for Total Iron Ores by the Pollution Free Titrimetric Method
(E 1028) using stannous chloride, titamus chloride, and perchloric acid.
This technique was applied to the determination of aluminum in iron ore,
sinter [4], and so forth in the range of 0.25 to 5.0% aluminum. The specimen
Total Iron, %
Ore Specimen ISO or Certified Determined x
(0.1 to 0.3 g) is fused with the mixed flux sodium carbonate (0.5 g) and so-
dium peroxide (2 g) in a zirconium crucible. After leaching with water the
melt is completely solubilized by HCl and aluminum separated as ammonium
hydroxide (R2O3) precipitates. The R2O3 hydroxides are dissolved in HCl. El-
ements such as iron, titanium, and zirconium, are separated from aluminum
by solvent extraction with cupferron and chloroform. After removal of the
traces of organic matter from the aqueous phase an excess of ethylene-
diaminetetraacetate (EDTA) is added and titrated with zinc solution using
xylenol orange indicator. Addition of ammonium fluoride releases the EDTA
bound to aluminum, which is then titrated with zinc and the percent of alumi-
num is calculated. The results of our laboratory demonstrate excellent preci-
sion and compare well with those of the average values reported in an ISO
round-robin test of the method shown in Table 2. A detailed description of
this method is given in ASTM Test Method for Aluminum in Iron Ores by
Complexometric Titration (E 738).
A method for the determination of phosphorus in iron ore, sinters, and so
forth, in the range 0.002 to 0.7% phosphorus, was successfully developed [5].
Specimen (0.3 g) is fused with the mixed flux of sodium carbonate (0.5 g) and
sodium peroxide (2 g) in a vitreous carbon crucible. The melt is leached with
water and solubilized by addition of perchloric acid. The phospho-molybde-
num blue complex is formed by the addition of ammonium molybdate-hydra-
zine sulfate solution, and absorbance is measured at 725 nm. The method is
rapid and much simpler than previous methods. Two iron ore specimens were
submitted from The South African National Institute of Metallurgy for coop-
erative tests to establish them as reference materials. Specimens A and B are
duplicate bottles of the same material. Precision of the phosphorus results are
shown in Table 3.
The accuracy of the method is demonstrated in Table 4. The agreement
between the BCS values and those found is quite satisfactory. The method has
been further simplified [6] by dissolving the melt in hydrochloric acid and
"x ISO
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Specimen n x a
% Phosph orus
Specimen Certified Determined
avoiding perchloric acid. This version has been accepted as an ASTM Test
Method for Phosphorus in Iron Ores by the Phospho-Molybdenum-Blue Pho-
tometric Methods (E 1070) to replace ASTM E 278.
Another photometric example is the determination of titanium [5] in iron
ores, and so forth, 0.01 to 0.6% titanium. The specimen (0.5 g) is fused with
sodium peroxide (4 g) in a zirconium crucible. The melt is leached with water
and dissolved in HCl. After reducing the iron with ascorbic acid and suitable
buffering, the titanium-chromotropic complex is developed and measured at
470 nm. The precision of the results on the South African standard reference
material (SRM) iron ores is shown in Table 5.
The comparison of results with the certified values of standard reference
iron ores and those found by this rapid method is shown in Table 6.
The determination of vanadium [5] in various specimens in the range 0.001
% Titanium
Automated Analysis
Having discussed the application of the rapid dissolution technique to the
photometric determination of some elements in a manual mode, further ap-
plication of this technique as applied to automated analysis will now be illus-
The steps in the rapid dissolution of sinter for the automated analysis of
major sinter components [7] are as follows. The sinter specimen (0.1 g) is
mixed with sodium carbonate (0.5 g) and sodium peroxide (2 g) and fused in a
vitreous carbon crucible. The melt is leached with water followed by the addi-
tion of 25 mL of (3 + 2) HCl. The solution after boiling somewhat is trans-
ferred to a 1 L volumetric flask containing 40 mL of 8% volume/volume (v/v)
sulfuric acid and 500 mL of water. This solution is made up to volume with
water and is ready for the determination of alumina, silica, calcium oxide,
magnesia, and total iron (55 to 66% iron) on the auto analyzer. Calibration of
the auto analyzer is established by running accurately analyzed internal refer-
ence standards as well as NBS, BCS, ISO standard reference sinters and iron
Vitreous carbon crucibles are expensive but up to 18 fusions can be carried
out before a crucible must be discarded. This cost is justified because the
interference of zirconium in the determination of calcium is eliminated,
which permits photometric determination of all elements of interest in a sin-
gle specimen solution. If calcium results are not required, zirconium cruci-
bles can be used. For example, iron and silica can be determined by auto
analyzer for routine quality control at mine sites, either in place of or as a
backup to the much more expensive X-ray spectrometric procedures. Because
this work has been presented previously [7], the details of the photometric
systems for the determination of sinter components on the auto analyzer, will
not be described.
Tables 9 through 13 show the results for alumina, silica, calcium oxide,
magnesia, and total iron, respectively.
The second illustration of an auto analyzer procedure is the composite au-
tomated determination of major blast-furnace slag components. However, for
this application the blast-furnace slag specimen (0.100 g) is sintered with 2-g
sodium peroxide in a platinum crucible at 380°C for '/2 h instead of fusing at
a higher temperature.
% AI2O3
Specimen n s X Assigned
% SiOz
Specimen n s X Assigned
% CaO
% MgO
Specimen n s X Assigned
% Fe
Specimen n s X Assigned
Specimen Certified, % n X a
Specimen Certified, % n X a
Specimen Certified, % n X a
Specimen Certified, % n * a
In our experience we have found this rapid dissolution to be very useful and
provides an important technique that gives a complete solution for analysis of
the various materials in the steel industry. Combined with automated instru-
mental methods such as DC or inductively coupled plasma for solution analy-
sis, this procedure offers an attractive alternative to physical methods of anal-
ysis, which often are subject to matrix interferences.
Acknowledgment is made to Stelco Inc. for permission to publish this con-
[/] Bhargava, O. P. and Hines, W. G., American Laboratory, Dec. 1977.
[2] Bhargava, O. P., Analyst. Vol. 101, 1976, p. 125.
[3] Bhargava, O. P., Talanta. Vol. 25, 1978, p. 357.
[4] Bhargava, O. P., Talanta. Vol. 26, 1979, p. 146; also ISO/DIS 6830.
[5] Bhargava, O. P., Gmitro, M., and Hines, W. G., Talanta. Vol. 27, 1980, p. 263.
[6] Bhargava, O. P. and Gmitro, M., Talanta, Vol. 31, 1984, p. 301.
[7] Bhargava, O. P. and Hines, W. G., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 48, 1976, p. 1701.
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H. Jerome Seim^
ABSTRACT: Methods are described for the determination of low percentages of gallium
and lead in aluminum alloys using anion exchange chromatography and atomic absorp-
tion spectrophotometry. Limits of quantitation can be lowered by at least an order of
magnitude over methods without preconcentration. With minor modifications, the
method for gallium can be applied to the determination of trace levels of iron, zinc, and
cadmium. The lower limits of measurement using 1-g samples are 0.001% for both gal-
lium and lead. Using larger sample weights, the limits for both elements can be lowered to
at least 0.0005%.
KEY WORDS: aluminum alloys, analyzing, gallium, lead (metal), iron, zinc, anion ex-
change, hydrochloric acid, atomic absorption
With the advent of new and more sensitive instrumental techniques over
the past two decades, the application of separation techniques, such as sol-
vent extraction, ion exchange, or coprecipitation, has lost considerable favor
in the chemical analysis of metals. However, there are numerous instances
where these instrumental techniques by themselves lack sufficient sensitivity
to make specific low-level determinations that are requested of the analyst.
Specific examples for aluminum alloys are gallium, lead, bismuth, and tin.
These elements exhibit low sensitivity by the most commonly used instrumen-
tal techniques of atomic absorption and plasma spectroscopy. These tech-
niques are also limited in that solution concentrations greater than 1 g of alu-
minum per 100 mL are not too practical.
'Research associate. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Center for Technology,
P.O. Box 877, Pleasanton, CA 94566.
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This paper will describe how anion exchange can be successfully applied to
answer some of these requests. Aluminum is an ideal element for using
strongly basic anion resins in the chloride form since it is not adsorbed from
any concentration of hydrochloric acid. Other common alloying elements that
behave similarly include magnesium, chromium(III), nickel, beryllium, the
alkali metals, and the alkaline earth metals. Manganese, titanium, and
iron(II) are only slightly adsorbed from hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions ap-
proaching 12 M. Alloying elements that are adsorbed and can be separated
and concentrated from aluminum include bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, cop-
per, iron(III), gallium, lead, tin, vanadium, zinc, and zirconium. Several of
these elements exhibit sufficient sensitivity by atomic absorption or plasma
spectroscopy so that preconcentration is seldom required.
The technique has been applied to the analysis of a variety of metallic mate-
rials including nickel (Ref / and ASTM Method for Chemical Analysis of
Carbon Steel, Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and
Wrought Iron [E 350]), manganese [2], iron[3,4], and the rare earth metals
[5]. Modifications of the technique have also been applied to the determina-
tion of cobalt, nickel, and lead in ASTM Method for the Chemical Analysis of
Carbon Steel (E 350) and ASTM Method for Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron
(E 351). However, it has received very limited application to aluminum alloys.
There is one method in ASTM Method for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum
and Aluminum Base Alloys (E 34) in which major amounts of zinc are deter-
mined by titration with disodium (ethylenedinitrilo)-tetraacetate (EDTA) af-
ter separation by anion exchange. This method is an adaptation of an Inter-
national Standards Organization (ISO) procedure.
Experimental Procedure
Absorbances were measured with an Instrumentation Laboratory IL 351
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, equipped with a 5-cm nitrous oxide-
acetylene burner for gallium determinations and a 10-cm air-acetylene
burner for lead determinations. The instrument was equipped with an impact
bead nebulizer.
50 rnm.i
Teflon Stopcock
C o a r s * Frittsd Disk
18 mm. o.d.
Standard solutions (1000 /xg/mL) were prepared from gallium and lead
(purity: 99.9% minimum) by dissolving in HCl and nitric add (HNO3), re-
spectively. Standard solutions (100 /ig/mL) were prepared by a one to ten
dilution of the high standards.
For the gallium determination, prepare a series of calibration solutions in
100-mL volumetric flasks containing 5 to 50 /ng/mL of gallium, 5 mL of po-
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tassium chloride (KCl) solution, and 10 mL of 5 M HCl. For the lead determi-
nation, prepare a similar series in 100-mL volumetric flasks containing 5 to 20
/ig/mL of lead and 10 mL of 5 M HCl. Use 0.5 M HCl as the reference solu-
Preparation of Column
Wash the resin with successive portions of water, decanting to remove
"fines" until a clear supernatant solution is obtained. Stir the resin slurry and
transfer a sufficient amount of the suspension to the glass column to obtain a
resin bed approximately 150 mm high after settling. Using a 19-mm-outside
diameter (OD) column, this is about 30 mL of wet resin. Wash the column
with 150 mL of 0.5 M HCl, followed by 200 mL of water using a flow rate of 3
to 5 mL/min. When not in use, the resin bed in the column should always be
covered with water.
Determination of Gallium
Transfer a 1.0-g sample (containing 0.001 to 0.05% gallium), weighed to
the nearest milligram, to a 250-mL beaker. Add 10 mL of water and, in small
increments, 30 mL of HCl (1 + 1). When the reaction subsides, add 2 mL of
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30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and boil for 5 min. Filter through a l.2-ixm
membrane filter, wash with hot water, and reserve the filtrate. If a black sili-
con residue is present, transfer the filter and residue to a platinum crucible
and carefully ignite at 500 to 600°C until the carbon is removed. After cool-
ing, add 5 mL of hydrofluoric (HF) solution, followed by the dropwise addi-
tion of HNO3 (1 + 1) until a clear solution is obtained. Evaporate to dryness
and dissolve the residue in 1 mL of HCl (1 + 1) and a minimum amount of
water. Transfer the solution to the reserved filtrate.
Evaporate the filtrate, using a ribbed cover glass, to a volume of about 10
mL or until heavy crystallization occurs. Add 40 mL of 6 M HCl and warm to
dissolve the salts.
Condition the anion exchange resin by passing 50 mL of 6 M HCl through
the column at a flow rate of 3 to 5 mL/min. Transfer the cooled test solution
to the reservoir of the column and rinse the beaker with small portions of 6 M
HCl. Pass the solution through the column at a flow rate of 3 to 5 mL/min.
Wash the column reservoir three times with 10-mL portions of 6 M HCl. Al-
low each wash to drain before adding the next.
Wash the column with 200 mL of 4 M HCl, maintaining the same flow rate.
This step separates all the aluminum and those metals not adsorbed by anion
exchange, plus most of the copper, if present. Discard the eluate and washes.
Elute the gallium with 150 mL of 0.5 M HCl at a flow rate of 3 to 5 mL/
min, collecting the eluate in a 250-mL beaker. Cover with a ribbed cover glass
and evaporate just to dryness, but do not bake. Dissolve the residue in 1.0 mL
of 5 M HCl and 2 to 3 mL of water with gentle heating. Cool, add 0.5 mL of
KCl solution, and transfer to a 10-mL volumetric flask. Complete the analysis
for gallium by comparing the absorbances with those of the appropriate cali-
bration solutions using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
To prepare for the next determination, wash the column with 200 mL of hot
water (boiling) using a flow rate of 5 to 7 mL/min to elute any zinc. Under
these conditions, the resin bed will maintain a temperature of about 50°C. If
high zinc alloys, such as the 7000 series, have been analyzed, wash with a
second 200-mL portion of hot water.
Determination of Lead
Transfer a 1.0-g sample (containing 0.001 to 0.02% lead), weighed to the
nearest milligram, to a 250-mL beaker. Add 10 mL of water and, in small
increments, 20 mL of 6 M HCl. When the reaction subsides, add 2 mL of 30%
H2O2 and boil for 5 min. Filter through a 1.2-/im membrane filter, wash with
hot water, and reserve the filtrate. If a black silicon residue is present, treat
the filter and residue as described in the gallium determination. Adjust the
volume of the filtrate to 50 mL.
Condition the anion exchange resin by passing 50 mL of 1.75 M HCl
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05:50:16rate of 3 to 5 mL/min. Transfer the test solution
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to the column reservoir and rinse the beaker with small portions of 1.75 Af
HCl. Pass the solution through the column at a flow rate of 3 to 5 mL/min.
Wash the reservoir three times with 15-mL portions of 1.75 M HCl. Allow
each wash to drain before adding the next. Discard the eluate.
Elute the lead with 50 mL of 0.5 M HCl, followed by 100 mL of hot water,
collecting the eluate in a 250-mL beaker. Cover with a ribbed cover glass and
evaporate just to dryness, but do not bake. Dissolve the residue in 1.0 mL of 5
M HCl and 2 to 3 mL of water with gentle heating. Cool and transfer the
solution to a 10-mL volumetric flask. Complete the analysis for lead by com-
paring the absorbances with those of the appropriate calibration solutions
using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
To prepare for the next determination, wash the column with an additional
200 mL of hot water to elute any residual zinc.
Resin Behavior
The adsorption behavior of a metal ion in an ion exchange column can be
predicted from its volume distribution coefficient Dy
C, = milliequivalents per millilitre (meq/mL) of the metal ion in the resin
Cs = meq/mL in the solution.
The most extensive investigation of the anion exchange behavior of the ele-
ments in HCl was performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory by Kraus
and Nelson [7]. Examples of the relationship between Log Dy and the molar-
ity of HCl for elements pertinent to the present study are shown in Fig. 2.
Early experiments in our laboratory on the determination of gallium in alu-
minum alloys used an adsorption step from 6 M HCl to separate the gallium
from the aluminum. Elution was performed using 0.8 M HNO3. Under these
conditions, all of the copper, iron, and zinc were eluted with the gallium.
Atomic absorption measurements on synthetic solutions showed that iron and
zinc had no effect on the gallium response, while copper exhibited an appar-
ent slight enhancement. Based on 1-g samples and the concentration of the
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O * ,Cu "TiT
4 4
2 I 2
I > ^
4 8 12
0 4 8 12
FIG. 2—Adsorption of gallium, iron, copper, and zinc on strong base ion exchange resin from
HCI solutions [7].
gallium eluate to 10 mL, the extent of this enhancement for various percent-
ages of copper is illustrated in Table 1. From these data, it appears as if the
maximum enhancement approaches a maximum of 4%. However, a similar
set of tests were performed by W. E. Pilgrim of Reynolds,^ also shown in Ta-
ble 1, that exhibited no enhancement.
Nevertheless, it was decided to change the eluting acid to varying concen-
trations of HCI to learn if a chromatographic separation of gallium from both
Gallium Found, %
"Gallium added, %.
the copper and zinc was feasible. Examination of Fig. 2 predicts that elution
with 4 M HCl should separate most of the copper from the gallium, zinc, and
iron. Figure 2 also predicts that the elution with 0.5 M HCl should separate
the gallium from the zinc and that no separation from iron(III) is possible.
The first series of tests were run on 1-g samples of National Bureau of Stan-
dards (NBS) 85b (3.99% copper and 0.019% gallium) using small self-level-
ing columns. These columns have an OD of 16 mm, a bed depth of 90 mm,
and hold approximately 12 mL of resin. The sample solutions were passed
through the column in 50 mL of 6 M HCl. After washing with small portions
of 6 M HCl, the copper was eluted with 100 mL of 4 M HCl, the gallium with
100 mL of 0.5 M HCl, and the zinc with 100 mL of hot water. Flow rates were
3 to 5 mL/min. The gallium fraction was evaporated to dryness and made up
to 10 mL in 0.5 M HCl for determination by atomic absorption. Results ob-
tained on nine samples of NBS 85b gave an average of 0.0200% gallium, a
range of 0.0180 to 0.0215%, with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of
However, when three 1-g samples of NBS 85b were spiked with 70 mg of
zinc (which is equivalent to 7.0% zinc), about 5% of the total zinc was eluted
with the gallium fraction. In order for a method to be acceptable in ASTM E
34, it must be applicable to alloy compositions given in the scope that includes
alloys containing up to 20% copper and 10% zinc. It was believed that the
resin capacity would become overloaded when used for such highly alloyed
materials, and that larger columns would be necessary. However, the small
columns would be applicable for most aluminum alloys.
All remaining experimental work was performed using columns containing
30-mL resin as illustrated in Fig. 1. Eight 1.0-g samples of NBS 85b were
analyzed using a procedure similar to that described for the small columns.
Exceptions were that the copper was eluted with 200 mL of 4 M HCl, the
gallium with 150 mL of 0.5 M HCl, and the zinc with 200 mL of hot water.
Results obtained on NBS 85b and other standard reference materials (SRMs)
are summarized in Table 2.
NOTE: n = number of samples, Jf = sample mean, a = standard deviation, and RSD = the
relative standard deviation.
"Not certified.
'Reported for information only.
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Four of the NBS 85b samples were spiked with 70 mg of zinc, and essen-
tially 100% of the zinc was recovered using a second 200-mL elution with hot
water. Two of the samples were spiked with 160 mg of copper to give the
equivalent of 20% copper, and the procedure gave a 96% separation of the
copper from the gallium fraction.
The anion exchange separation of lead offers a somewhat different problem
because of its low D^, which reaches a maximum of about 20 between 1.0 and
2.5 M HCl, as shown in Fig. 3. It also exhibits no adsorption at HCl concen-
trations above 6 M. Because of the narrow range of lead adsorption, the total
chloride concentration becomes very important, as shown in Fig. 4 [7]. Al-
though the data shown are for zinc, Kraus et al. [8] reported similar behavior
for iron, cobalt, and gallium in lithium chloride (LiCl) solutions. In 12 M
LiCl, the distribution coefficients are more than 100 times greater than in 12
M HCl. No additional data have been reported for aluminum chloride (AICI3)
solutions, but it is assumed that its behavior will not be significantly different.
One gram of aluminum as AICI3 in 50 mL of solution has a chloride ion con-
centration of about 2.2 M. If one assumes no loss of chloride during the disso-
lution of the sample, the simplest way to control the chloride ion concentra-
tion is to control the amount of HCl used. For example, if one dissolves a 1-g
sample of aluminum alloy in 20 mL of 6 M HCl and dilutes to 50 mL, the
chloride ion concentration will be 2.4 M and no additional acid is needed.
Another factor that must be considered is the volume of solution used. Be-
cause of the low Dy, lead is slowly moving down the column during the ion
exchange process, and the total volume of solutions used must be kept to a
minimum. Therefore, transfer and washings are performed with a minimum
volume of 1.75 M HCl.
Lead, like zinc, is best eluted with hot water. However, the column still
contains appreciable iron after the adsorption step, and the lead is eluted first
Pb •
• •
9 2
0 4
s 8 12
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FIG. 3—Adsorption of lead by anion exchange from HCl solutions [7].
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•Z 10'
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Molarity of Chloride
NOTE: n = number of samples, A" = random variable, o = standard deviation, and RSD
relative standard deviation.
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855, which is a 356 casting alloy. The results obtained are shown in Table 5,
and the improvement in precision over the direct atomic absorption method is
quite evident.
Finally, a recovery experiment was performed by spiking NBS 859, a 7075
type alloy that has not been certified for lead. Samples were analyzed as is and
after adding the equivalent of 0.020% lead. The results shown in Table 6
indicate that the recovery is quite satisfactory.
NOTE: n = number of samples, X = sample mean, and RSD = relative standard deviation.
"Not certified.
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sorption curve for lead since lead is not adsorbed from 6 M HCl alone, but the
increased adsorption is insufficient for analytical purposes.
Dilution of a solution containing 5 g of aluminum to 250 mL with a total
chloride concentration of 2.4 M also gave a lead recovery of only 80%. This is
attributed to the increased volume passing through the column and the rela-
tively low D,. for lead. It has been determined that the maximum sample size
that can be analyzed and obtain good recovery of lead is 2.5 g of aluminum in
125 mL of solution having a total chloride concentration of 2.4 M.
The application of larger sample sizes to the determination of gallium is not
nearly as critical as for lead since its D,, is 10 000 in 12 A/ HCl. Experiments
were conducted using 5-g samples of 4-9's aluminum dissolved in 100 mL of 6
M HCl. These solutions were spiked with the equivalent of 4.0% copper and
0.2% iron to aid in the visual observation of the ion exchange process. They
were run as is and with the addition of the equivalent of 0.001 and 0.005%
gallium. The solutions were adjusted to a volume of 100 mL having a total
chloride concentration of 6 M and ion exchanged. The balance of the proce-
dure was identical to that used for 1-g samples.
The results of these tests, summarized in Table 7, show that one can deter-
mine gallium at concentrations below 10 jug/g using 5-g samples. Although
one would like to obtain greater recoveries, it is postulated that this might be
accomplished by modifying the column size or the elution procedure.
The procedure using 5 g of aluminum in which the chloride concentration
as AICI3 is 5.5 M behaves dramatically different from the procedure using 1-g
samples in which the chloride concentration as AlClj is 2.2 M. When using 5-
g samples, not only the iron, but also the copper, is held as a tight band at the
top of the resin bed. When the reservoir and resin are washed with small por-
tions of 6 M HCl, the copper can be observed to move down the resin. In the
procedure using 1-g samples, the copper can be observed to move down the
resin during the adsorption step, and a small amount is actually eluted with
the aluminum fraction. These observations verify that the distribution coeffi-
cient for copper is increasing with increased concentrations of AICI3. Further
research is warranted on this system.
(ig Ga/g Al
NOTE: n = number of samples,X = sample mean, and RSD = relative standard deviation.
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I wish to thank A. BeLue and G. M. Calkins for making most of the atomic
absorption measurements. Special thanks are also offered to W. E. Pilgrim of
Reynolds Metals and E. W. Hobart of Ledoux and Co. for their many helpful
[/] Kirk, M., Perry, E. G., and Arritt, J. M., Analytica Chimica Acta. Vol. 80, 1975, pp.
[2] Korkisch, J., Steffan, I., and Nonaka, J., Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 109, 1979, pp.
[3] Shevchuk, I. A., Dovzhenko, N. P., and Kravtsova, Z. N., "Atomic-Absorption Determina-
tion of Lead and Bismuth in Steels Using Ion-Exchange Chromatography," Ukrainskii
Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Edition). Vol. 47, No. 7, 1981, pp. IIZ-IK).
\4\ Janousek, I., "Determination of Lead, Bismuth, Zinc, and Cadmium in Technical Iron and
Ferromanganese by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry," Hutnicke Listy. No. 1, 1974, pp.
[5] Seim, H. J., Johnson, J. L., Stever, K. R., and Heady, H. H., "Ion Exchange Separation and
Instrumental Analysis of Impurities in Rare Earth Metals," U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of
Investigations, No. 6097, Reno, NV, 1962.
[6] Seim, H. J., Morris, R. J., and Frew, Vi., Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 29, 1957, pp. 443-446.
[7] Kraus, K. A. and Nelson, p., "Metal Separations by Anion Exchange," Symposium on Ion-
Exchange and Chromatography in Analytical Chemistry. STP 195. American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1956, pp. 21-ST.
[8\ Kraus, K. A., Nelson, F., Clough, F. B., and Carlston, R. C , Journal of the American
Chemical Society, Vol. 77, 1955, p. 1391.
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Thomas R. Dulskf
KEY WORDS: volumetric analysis, titrimetry, specialty alloys, automated analysis, clas-
sical chemical analysis, evaluation
Automatic titration equipment has been around for a long time, first as
custom-designed configurations to solve particular problems at particular
laboratories, and later as general-purpose commercial instruments, which
have enjoyed bouts of popularity since their introduction to the marketplace
three decades ago [l-3\. Early systems were of two types: "dead-stop" buret
valves that terminated titrant delivery at a predetermined potentiometric or
photometric signal level, and recording titrators that plotted classical step-
function titration curves for graphical interpolation of the endpoint. Difficul-
'Senior chemist. Carpenter Technology Corporation, P.O. Box 662, Research and Develop-
ment Center, Reading, PA 19603.
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ties with the "dead-stop" systems were evident from the start: crude direct-
response circuitry frequently led to endpoint overshoot, and time savings were
minimal since an operator was required to read and record the buret volume,
calculate the results, and often even refill and "rezero" the buret. The record-
ing titrators were potentially more accurate but required near-perfect syn-
chrony between the movement of a strip chart drive and the movement of a
piston-driven buret, a goal that was difficult to achieve. In addition, the
graphical treatment of the true endpoint proved tedious and led to the incor-
poration of differential circuitry that allowed the first derivative of the solu-
tion potential to be plotted. Endpoint determination then was reduced to
counting chart divisions.
Despite a slow but steady evolution of features, automatic titration systems
remained more of a laboratory curiosity than a workhorse because they
tended to be difficult to set up, finicky to maintain, and offered, at best, only
minor efficiency advantages over manual titration methods. Recent advances
in digital circuit design and microprocessor technology, however, have
changed this picture dramatically. Today, commercially available automatic
titration systems can prove to be practical, timesaving, and highly accurate
analytical tools. This paper describes our laboratory's experience with this
new technology.
In 1982 CarTech's Research and Development Center acquired a Fisher
Scientific Titrimeter II AEP Automatic Titration System. This is a modular
system consisting of an electrometer, a digital buret, a "titrate-demand"
module, a recorder, a sample holder, and a programmable calculator. The
electrometer is essentially a research grade analog pH/millivolt meter. The
digital buret is a piston-driven syringe that dispenses titrant in 0.002-mL in-
crements and displays the dispensed volume to the nearest 0.01 mL. The en-
tire syringe assembly is designed for quick and simple replacement, facilitat-
ing changes in titrants and buret capacity. The "titrate demand" module is
the central controller for the system; it processes information from the elec-
trometer and feeds back control to the digital buret to achieve an operator-
selected endpoint condition. In "fixed endpoint mode" this endpoint condi-
tion is an exact electrometer set point, a pH value, for example; while in
"automatic endpoint-seeking mode," the endpoint condition is a defined rate
of change in the value of the volume-based first derivative of the electrometer
output (dE/dV) where£ is the electrode potential and Vis the volume signal.
The recorder is a standard millivolt-range model with paper advance driven
by either time or volume signals; its primary utility is in the method develop-
ment phase when parameters are being optimized. The sample holder is a
magnetic stirrer and utility stand for holding the sample beaker, reference,
and indicating electrodes, titrant delivery tip, and any needed accessories.
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Experimental Work
The adaption of the classical potentiometric determination of chromium to
automatic control involved some initial problems that were solved by minor
modifications of the chemistry. The classical approach is based on oxidation
of chromium to the ( + V1) oxidation state by boiling the dissolved sample
with ammonium persulfate and silver nitrate. A measured excess of ferrous
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A. HjSq,
B. HjPO^ + H2SO4
FIG. 1—Effect of acids on titration curves for chromium (^represents the electrode potential
and V represents the volume signal, that is. the volume of titrant dispensed).
Certified Average % Cr
Standard %Cr Replicates Found 1-sigma RSD, %
NOTE: pooled variance = 0.000 467, pooled standard deviation = ±0.022, and total number
of degrees of freedom = 27. RSD = relative standard deviation.
The automation of the classical potentiometric vanadium method also pre-
sented problems; in this case, however, they were anticipated. The classical
method used involves boiling the dissolved sample with nitric acid to oxidize
vanadium to the (+V) oxidation state, reduction with a measured excess of
ferrous ammonium sulfate, and a potentiometric back-titration [6]. A plati-
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1-sigma = +
(« - 1)
(1-sigma) X 100
average value found
Pooled variance =
« « - 1)
Certified Average % V
Standard %V Replicates Found 1-sigma RSD, %
NOTE: pooled variance = 0.000 246, pooled standard deviation • ±0.016, and total number
of degrees of freedom = 28.
For many years our laboratory has used the mannitol-acid/base titration
for boron following a mixed-bed ion exchange separation to remove interfer-
ences [7]. The sample is dissolved using controlled-acid conditions under re-
flux in boron-free glassware. It is then passed through a resin bed that retains
both sample matrix ions and excess free acid. The eluent is boiled to expel
carbon dioxide and cooled. Each sample is then carefully adjusted to pH 7.00
while nitrogen is sparged through the solution. Mannitol is added to form the
borate complex and release a stoichiometric amount of hydrogen ions. While
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maintaining the nitrogen flow, the sample is titrated with standard sodium
hydroxide solution to return it again to precisely pH 7.00. In skilled hands,
using a high precision, research-grade pH meter, the manual version of this
method can achieve a level of accuracy sufficient to statistically justify the
reporting of three decimal places at and around the 1% boron level.
Adaption of the procedure to the automatic titration system was compara-
tively straightforward. The sample holder was modified with a glass frit dif-
fuser for the introduction of nitrogen. A universal pH electrode and saturated
calomel reference electrode were used, and the system was configured to seek
pH 7.00 in fixed endpoint mode. Both pH adjustments are under automatic
control, although, of course, only the volume readings for the endpoint after
the mannitol addition generate boron results.
Although our manual titration work had traditionally been based on nor-
mality, it was decided to try a titer approach with the automatic system to
eliminate the need to periodically restandardize the sodium hydroxide titrant
and to compensate for systematic errors. Since primary alloy standards are
unavailable in the concentration range of interest (0.5 to 2.0% boron), two
alternatives were studied and found to yield equally acceptable results. One
technique involves spiking a boron-free alloy with a standard boron solution
prepared from NBS SRM951 boric acid (or equivalent purity reagent). The
other technique utilizes a very well-established secondary standard as the titer
sample. Both forms of titer compensate for the small positive error caused by
silicic acid from the sample matrix. As a weak acid, silicic acid is not retained
by the resin column and is titrated with the boron. In the manual normality
approach this necessitates a special correction.
Table 6 summarizes some results obtained using secondary standards and
prepared synthetics as "unknowns," and Table 7 summarizes the precision
obtained. The pooled data show a standard deviation (1-sigma) of ±0.004%
over a data set that covers the range 0.4 to 2% boron.
Cobalt is a difficult element to determine with high precision at high con-
centration levels. One classic approach that has not been widely accepted is
the ferricyanide potentiometric titration [8]. The chemistry relies on the high
stability of cobalt's ( + 11) oxidation state in the absence of complexing lig-
ands. Even after fuming with perchloric acid only the divalent species is
present in the cold, water-diluted solution. This species can be oxidized with
excess standard potassium ferricyanide solution in an ammoniacal citrate
medium and the excess reagent back-titrated potentiometrically with stan-
dard cobalt (II) nitrate solution.
The method has not gained wide acceptance because many matrix elements
interfere. These problems were investigated using the computer-assisted ti-
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Certified Average % B
Standard % B Replicates Found 1-sigma RSD, %
NOTE: pooled variance = 0.000 016 93, pooled standard deviation ±0.004 11, and total
number of degrees of freedom = 55.
present, a fine white precipitate is visible in the solution and the titration pro-
duces poor results for cobalt. Evidently, some sort of complex competition
between nickel and cobalt for the two hexacyanoligands is involved.
Most of the masking agents that were tried in an attempt to prevent the
nickel precipitation failed because they disrupted the redox oxidation of co-
balt. The solution lay in the use of a controlled amount of disodium ethylene-
diaminetetraacetate (EDTA). The EDTA complexes both nickel and cobalt,
but the cobalt-EDTA complex still undergoes the same oxidation by ferricya-
nide as the uncomplexed cation [9]. This stratagem works for samples con-
taining up to 20% nickel; above that level, such a high concentration of
EDTA is required to prevent nickel precipitation that the redox equilibrium
begins to be affected.
The second interference involves the redox chemistry directly. Manganese
was found to consume ferricyanide stoichiometrically in the identical molar
ratio as cobalt. Table 8 summarizes these studies that were based on synthet-
ics prepared from high purity metals. Correction for manganese then reduces
to a simple subtraction of that element's concentration, as determined by
atomic absorption, colorimetry, or titration.
One other interference was discovered; molybdenum when present at con-
centrations above 5% leads to an erroneously low cobalt result. Evidently,
when present in this amount, molybdenum irreversibly complexes some co-
balt (possibly by the formation of a heteropoly salt) [9].
Samples with more than 20% nickel or more than 5% molybdenum can
still be analyzed for cobalt by this technique by first isolating the cobalt by ion
exchange [10]. On a strongly basic, chloride-form, anion exchange resin,
manganese and nickel (as well as chromium, vanadium, and aluminum) are
eluted with 9 M hydrochloric acid (HCl). When cobalt is eluted with 4 M HCl,
it is assumed to be unaccompanied by any other interferences, and the eluate
can be wet-ashed with nitric and perchloric acids (to destroy organics from
the resin) and titrated.^ The separation adds some time to the procedure, but
^In practice the best results were obtained when disodium EDTA was added to even the ion-
exchange separated samples just before ferricyanide addition. It is possible that copper, which
accompanies the cobalt in the 4 M HCl fraction, may perturb the endpoint somewhat in the
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it eliminates the need for tiie manganese correction, as well as eliminating the
effects of high concentrations of nickel and molybdenum.
Table 9 shows the data obtained from both versions of the method and
Table 10 summarizes the precision. The EDTA-masking approach shows a
pooled standard deviation (1-sigma) of ±0.10% over the concentration range
21 to 49% cobalt, while the ion-exchange separation approach shows a
pooled standard deviation (1-sigma) of ±0.06% over the concentration range
12 to 17% cobalt.
Certified %
Standard Alloy Type Co" Separation Found % Co
NBS 153a Mod M34 high speed 8.47 yes 8.47, 8.46, 8.55
NBS 1206-2 Rene 41 11.55 yes 11.49, 11.58, 11.59,
NBS 1207-1 Waspaloy 13.05 yes 13.01, 13.15, 13.11
271-2A'' CTX-1 (13.71) yes 13.60
NBS 349 Waspaloy 13.95 yes 13.88, 13.86, 13.93,
13.98, 13.97, 13.96,
13.96, 13.99
187-1 A* CTX-3 (14.93) yes 15.04
980-2X'' CTX-3 (15.06) yes 15.02, 14.93, 14.74,
HA-903' Inco 903 (15.09) yes 15.11, 15.15, 15.15,
Wb-IA' CTX-3 (15.15) yes 15.09
1300630* IN 100 (15.66) yes 15.71, 15.64, 15.66,
IS00304'' Astroloy (17.26) yes 17.44, 17.46, 17.53,
1500117' AISI 661 (19.79) no 19.73, 19.76, 19.65,
NBS 1187 AMS 5376A 20.80 no 20.72, 20.68, 20.65,
20.95, 20.91
NBS 1187 AMS 5376A 20.80 yes 20.92
ALN25'' AInico VB (23.88) no 24.06, 24.18, 24.15,
24.18, 24.09
NBS 168 IN 155 41.20 no 41.33, 41.22, 41.21,
41.26, 41.21
NBS 168 IN 155 41.20 yes 41.18
NBS 167 IN 155 42.90 no 42.84, 42.79, 42.74,
NBS 167 IN 155 42.90 yes 42.92
IS01165'' Hiperco 50 (49.42) no 49.35, 49.46, 49.16,
49.33, 49.30
Certified Average %
Standard % Co Separation Replicates Co Found 1 -sigma RSD, %
When development work with the new generation of automatic titrators
was initiated, four criteria for the new methods were appUed: (1) they should
be faster than the equivalent manual determinations; (2) they should be free
from the need for special skills and from "operator-sensitive" factors; (3) they
should be applicable over a wide concentration range; and (4) they should
yield results with a routinely attainable precision and accuracy that is equal to
or better than that afforded by the best routine manual methods in skilled
hands. Based on the work with chromium, vanadium, boron, and cobalt,
these criteria have been satisfied.
Future work at our laboratory is expected to extend the array of elements
determined by automatic potentiometric titration to further exploit the ad-
vantages of this new technology. Methods for manganese, iron, and nickel,
which likewise meet the four performance criteria, appear to be achievable
I wish to thank R. R. Bixler, M. A. Noll, and F. J. Stoltz for their help in
generating the chromium, vanadium, and boron data. I also wish to thank
Carpenter Technology Corporation for permission to publish this work.
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[/] Shaffer Jr., P. A., Briglio, A., Jr., and Brockman, J. A., Jr., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 20,
1948, p. 1008.
[2] DeLoach, W. S., Eiland, J. L., and Harmon, J. G., Journal of Chemical Education, Vol.
26, 1949, p. 609.
[3] Hawes, R. C , Strickler, A.,- and Petterson, T. H., Electrical Manufacturing, Vol. 47,1951,
p. 76.
[4] Walters, H. E., Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 27, 1905, p. 1550.
[5] Kelley, G. L. and Conant, J. B.,Journal of Industrial Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 8, 1916,
p. 719.
[6] Kelley, G. L., Wiley, J. A., Bohn, R. T., and Wright, W. C, Journal of Industrial Engi-
neering Chemistry. Vol. 11, 1919, p. 632.
[7] Martin, J. R. and Hayes, J. R., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 24, 1952, p. 182.
[5] Dickens, P. and Maassen, C, Archive fiir das Eisenhiittenwesen, Vol. 9, 1936, p. 487.
[9] Cotton, F. A. and Wilkinson, G., Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley, New
York, 1972, pp. 677 and 953.
[10] Lewis, L. L. and Straub, W. A., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 1960, p. 96.
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Gerald J. DeMenna^ and William J. Edison^
KEY WORDS; dissolution, chemical attack, fusion, microwave, pressure bomb, ultra-
sonic, oxidation, ashing, analytical spectroscopy, sample introduction, inorganic chemis-
try, flux, acid digestion
'Regional laboratory manager, Beckman Instruments, Inc., 594 Dial Ave., Piscataway, NJ
^Chief chemist, Chem-Chek Consulting, P.O. Box 350, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880.
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Copyright® 1987 AS FM International
The contents of this article present equipment and chemicals that are po-
tentially hazardous, even when used as directed. The material is presented as
an educational aid to analytical chemists in many fields in the hope of simpli-
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fying and expediting their job duties. It is the sole responsibility of the reader
to follow any and all safety precautions pertaining to the equipment(s) of
chemical(s) being utilized.
The authors, G. DeMenna and B. Edison; their affiliations, Beckman In-
struments and Chem-Chek Consulting, respectively and ASTM assume no
liability whatsoever for any material, financial, or personal loss incurred from
damages arising from the implementation of equipment, chemicals, or proce-
dures listed herein.
The normal compliment of laboratory equipment was used for this work:
calibrated glassware and balances, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer
and polyethylene vessels (4-oz [113-g] bottles and 400-mL beakers), ACS re-
agent grade minerals acids (or one of the spectrographically analyzed, puri-
fied grades), preparatory reagents (as described in the text), and an instru-
ment to do the analyses [3,4]. The work represented here was performed on a
SpectraSpan Model V, simultaneous direct-current plasma with an Echelle
spectrometer (SpectraMetrics/Beckman). The analytical emission wave-
lengths used are listed in the appropriate procedures. Special preparatory
equipment or apparatus is also detailed in the specific procedure pertaining
to the equipment.
equipment is its volatile and usually high cost [1,8.10]. At the time of this
initial investigation (1981), a 35-mL platinum crucible with lid cost $1150.00.
There is an alternative to pure (refiner's grade) platinum; produced by a pre-
cious metal manufacturer, the only one at the time of this writing. It is called
a ZGS-Pt TRI-M crucible, and consists of a palladium core upon which a
composite of zirconia-grain stabilized platinum is permanently layered. Such
a mixture gives the temperature and chemical stability of pure platinum
(since palladium has a similar thermal modulus to platinum), with the lower
cost of palladium, which comprises half the weight. The cost for a 35-mL
crucible with lid was $485.00, over a 50% reduction in cost. The ZGS mate-
rial is advertised to be superior to pure platinum in its chemical resistance
and volatility, but there is some initial contamination as shown below.
The first evaluation consisted of a series of chemical "attacks" on a cruci-
ble of each material to see if their chemical resistances were comparable. Ini-
tial treatment was boiling for 16 h in concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) in
a PTFE beaker, followed by five fusions with 5 g of a mixed lithium borates-
lithium carbonate mixture, which were dissolved in 4% nitric acid (HNO3).
The final step was boiling for 16 h in a mixture of 1 to 1 nitric acid-hydrogen
fluoride (HNO3-HF) acids in a PTFE beaker. All solutions were analyzed by
DCP/AES to give a total "contaminant value." The treated crucibles were
then ignited to white heat at 1100 to 1175°C for 1 h to indicate any volatility
losses. A blank of the reagents used in this investigation was analyzed sepa-
rately. The sum total of their impurities was less than 40 ^ig (or 1 ppm), and
their contribution was ignored in making the relative comparison between the
two crucibles. The results of these findings are listed in Table 1.
Fusion fluxes and sintering agents are frequently used for attacking geolog-
ical materials, silicate, phosphate, and other rocks, and allowing almost all
components to be stable in a single solution. Common fluxing materials in-
clude the basic media—sodium and lithium borates (meta- and tetra-borate),
their carbonates, sodium peroxide—and acidic media—potassium pyro- and
per-sulfates, sodium silicate, alkali fluorides [6,9,11-13]. While fusion prep-
arations are useful, they do require high heat and can be hazardous under
certain circumstances, particularly when employing an oxidizing agent in a
mixture, such as potassium nitrate (KNO3) with sodium carbonate (NaaCOs).
Presented in this section are some new or previously unused fusion media to
minimize time and hazard, yet preserve the quality of the analysis.
Aqua regia is commonly used as a strong oxidizing acid for wet digestions,
particularly for precious metals. The 3:1 mixture of HCl: HNO3 generate free
chlorine in a high C r solution, with a boiling range of 120°C [4,14]. There is
an old precious metal ore assay method that uses solid aqua regia to attack
the sample. It consists of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and ammonium
chloride, from ratios of 3:1 to 1:3, mixed 5 parts to 1 part of sample [1,6].
The mixture is heated in either graphite or vycor, preferably on a hot plate or
over a small gas flame in a fume hood. A muffle set at 250°C can be used but
allow for fairly dense fumes initially. The meH is leeched out in water, or pref-
erably a dilute stabilizing solution of HCl (for transition and precious metals),
tartrate (for heavy metals and hydride-forming elements), hydrogen peroxide
(for complexing titanium, vanadium, and molybdenum and some refractory
species), or fluoride (for the hydrolytic and refractory metals) [6,7,9,15]. This
procedure is indicated for many types of ore samples, ashing residues; pyrite,
arsenide and metalliod compounds; Cu-Zn-Pb-Sn bearing materials and un-
sintered ceramics. The reaction is too violent for use on unoxidized transition
metals and alloys, though it works quite well on aluminum and its alloys.
Since ammonium salts are quite clean spectroscopically, there is virtually no
contamination, and the cost per preparation is very low. Silicaceous residues
are unattacked and removed by filtration.
A National Bureau of Standards Reference Material SRM-330 copper ore
and a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard precious metal ore were pre-
pared and analyzed by DCP/AES. The results of the analysis and correlation
with certified values are listed in Table 2.
Sodium peroxide is an extremely powerful oxidizing agent and is quite vig-
orous, if not hazardous, in its reactions. Lithium metaborate is an excellent
basic flux to solubilize and complex silicate materials, but has little oxidizing
TABLE 2—Aqua regia fusion results (values are lig/g in sample, unless noted and
[K] = known, certified value: [M] = measured data).
potential [5,6]. A flux of these substances, mixed in ratios of 1:4 to 4:1, com-
bine the best features of both. Such a mixture will fuse with less spitting and
violence than pure sodium per oxide (Na202), but have the stabilizing activity
of LiBOj, and the overall precision of the analysis should improve. An unfore-
seen advantage of this method is the economic use of sodium peroxide (Na202),
which is in short supply and costly. This mixture is applicable to the dissolu-
tion of geological or catalyst materials containing precious metals, rare
earths, or unoxidized base metals. A spent cracking catalyst (containing re-
duced precious metals) and a USGS standard rock, IZ, were prepared and
analyzed. The method recommends a 6:1 flux to sample ratio, and fusion at
900°C for high metaborate mixes, and 650°C for high peroxide blends; all
times range 10 to 15 min. The melts were leeched and dissolved in 4% HCl.
The data from spectrometric analysis are presented in Table 3.
TABLE 3—LiB02/Nafi2 mixed flux results (values are lig/g in sample, unless noted and
standard deviations calculated on triplicate preparations).
TABLE 4—Presto Bomb catalyst dissolution (values are ji-g/g in sample unless noted).
TABLE 5 --Presto Bomb mineral preparation (values are jig/g in sample u nless noted).
NOTE: The boron was invariably lost with heating, and the arsenic was completely volatilized
below the DCP limit of detection.
through the aqueous media, allowing a very rapid and efficient attack on
many types of sample matrices [11,16]. In addition to the nonoxidizing disso-
lution media employed in bomb digestions, microwave procedures can also
utilize attacks with mildly oxidizing mixtures. Such methodology can be used
to prepare a wide variety of organic and inorganic substances for chemical
analysis: rocks and minerals, ceramics, and oxides (including refractories),
metallurgical, environmental, biological, and physiological [2,5]. The inter-
nal temperature of a digestion will vary with the molecular characteristics of
the sample and the dissolution media being used but will range from 100°C to
over 350°C in spots. Pressures within a sealed PTFE bottle can also build up
safely to 345 kPa (50 psi), which is sufficient to attack even inert refractory
At the time of this writing, there is one manufacturer of a "laboratory-
grade" microwave oven. It has a 600-W power level, the standard sized cavity
is lined with plastic, it comes with a chemically resistant carousel, and it has a
vent hole in the rear of the housing. This company also supplies a unique
vessel and manifold system, made of PTFE, to house the dissolution reaction,
maintain a constant pressure, and vent any over-pressure safely to the vent.
Its cost is about $3500.00 for a typical system. A standard household micro-
wave oven with a 1000-W power level and a carousel, can be purchased almost
anywhere for under $300.00. With a little effort, some polyethylene sheet
(from Bel-Art or Nalgene) can be cut to fit the inner surfaces of the chamber
and glued in place with clear silicone seal from the hardware store. The oven's
schematic will give the optimum location for a small V4-in. (2-cm) vent hole to
be drilled, usually through the back panel, through which a section of tygon
tubing is inserted and hooked up to some vacuum attachment to draw a nega-
tive pressure in the oven. The door, which is usually bare metal, and the seal-
ing gasket, can be sprayed with one of a variety of plastic-coating sprays to
provide an inert surface in case a bottle ruptures and evolves acid vapors. This
work was done on a Sharp 1000-W carousel microwave oven, using Vykem
spray (Fisher Scientific Co.) to coat the door. The total cost for the completed
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system was $340.00. The reaction vessels were the 2-oz (57-g) PTFE bottles
used in the Presto-bomb evaluations, and there has been no failures in them
to date.
The first study evaluated the dissolution of some National Bureau of Stan-
dard certified materials and a USGS standard, a refractory basalt rock
(USGS/BHVO-1), a high alkali clay (SRM-97a), and a dried tomato leave
sample (SRM-1573). The preparation, which was done in duplicate, con-
sisted of 1-g powdered sample, 5-mL concentrated H2SO4, 3-mL concen-
trated HCl, and 1.5-mL concentrated HF, placed in a 2-oz (57-g) PTFE bot-
tle, which was then tightly capped with the use of a crescent wrench, and
irradiated at TV DINNER (800 W) for 2-min cycles, with a 1-min equilibra-
tion period, until the solution appeared complete, typically 10 min for biolog-
ical and agricultural samples, and 15 to 18 min for geological matrices. Con-
trary to some limited references on microwave digestions, the necks of the
bottles should not be wrapped with any material (PTFE tape, parafilm) that
may cause the cap to bond to the bottle permanently. The acid mixture listed
above has been found to be universally suitable for most oxidized samples (no
massive metal present) and is even suitable for mineral analysis by adding
0.3-g /M-benzene-disulfonic acid to the reaction [1,4,13]. The w-benzene-di-
sulfonate salts are extremely stable and soluble, stemming from its high pKa
and its moderate chelating abilities for divalent ions. Such a mixture would
allow a sample substance containing high-silicon and high-alkaline earths to
be dissolved in a single stable solution; a feat that previously required a fusion
with an appropriate flux [9,18]. The results of DCP analysis of the prepared
samples is listed in Table 7.
The plating bath industry has been utilizing fluoroborate (BF^) salts for
years to prepare stable solutions of various elements. The anion is small,
clean, inexpensive, and forms coordinated ligands with many metals and
semi-metals [8,13]. The concentrated acid (45% W/W) can be used in pres-
sure bombs, microwave dissolutions, or simply open vessel digestions. Since
the prepared acid contains virtually no free fluoride, glassware can safely be
used, up to 125°C, where it dissociates back to F~ and HBF3OH, trifluorohy-
droboric acid [18]. It is a "universal" attacking medium where many types of
elements are present in a sample, and the analyst would like a single reagent
to use for preparation; many minerals, natural (zeolite) and synthetic cata-
lysts, cements and high alkali materials (since there is no fluoride precipita-
tion), and basic metal ores (oxides) are simply prepared this way [6]. The
procedure for preparing high purity fluoroboric acid is found in most chemis-
try texts [7,/0].
The samples submitted were sludges, slimes, and slags from various stages
in a solder (Sn/Pb/Zn/Ag) smelting foundry. The substances were in a highly
oxidized state, and contained a variety of element types. The preparation con-
sists of placing 0.5-g powdered sample and 15-mL fluoroboric acid in a 2-oz
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2019 for 2 cycles of 2 min each on THAW
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TABLE 7—Microwave Plasma dissolutions (values are p-g/g in sample unless noted and
results are average of duplicate preparations).
(450 W), then 3 cycles of 3 min each on ROAST (700 W), after which, a clear
solution resulted. The data obtained from DCP/AES analyses are presented
in Table 8.
NOTE: Samples were diluted with DI water after treatment. No hydrolysis was observed after
two days.
sure digestion. Two materials were prepared by this method and analyzed by
DCP/AES. One was a fluorescent zinc sulfide (ZnS) or sphaelerite, the other
a National Bureau of Standards certified citrus leave material. The procedure
involved sonication of 1 g of powdered sample with 2 mL each HCl, HF, and
H2SO4 in a plastic bottle. A 300-W Branson ultrasonic bath, unhealed, was
used for the dissolution. Three cycles of 10 min were needed to completely
dissolve the material. The results of analysis and correlation to certified val-
ues are shown in Table 9.
After reviewing the preponderance on numbers presented herein, it is evi-
dent that there exists a multitude of alternative preparation methods that can
provide equally satisfactory results. The cheaper ZGS/TRI-M crucibles, the
use of "solid" aqua regia for precious metal and ore dissolutions, mixing two
good fusion fluxes to combine the best of both worlds, low pressure digestion
TABLE 9—Ultrasonic hath preparations (values are iig/g in sample, unless noted and
[K] = known, certified value: [M] = measured data).
When considering a new or improved method for implementation in your
analytical environment, do not shirk away from the unusual or untried. The
difficulties encountered in most analytical laboratories stem not from the in-
ability of the chemist to know his or her analytical techniques but from a lack
of knowledge of simple descriptive inorganic chemistry. No analytical proce-
dure will work if the sample cannot be quantitatively and reproducible dis-
solved in a form suitable for analysis. If there is a way to solubilize lead with
tartaric acid, use it in an existing preparation method. If alkaline EDTA is
the only way to maintain silicon and calcium in the same solution without
using a fusion, then consider the cost and time savings over "classical" tech-
niques. It was by accident that a technician found that fusing a beryl sample
(a Be-Al silicate) with sodium hexafluorosilicate quantitatively solubilized the
beryllium as BeF^^, while leaving the main interfering elements precipitated
as silica (Si02) and cryolite (NaaAlFf,). Fluoroboric acid cannot be bought in
pure form but can be easily and safely made in the laboratory and is an ideal
dissolution agent for many samples. Again, this can be combined with the use
of supplemental stabilizing agents. Almost no one uses iodine anymore, but a
methanolic iodine solution will oxidize and dissolve most ferrous and nonfer-
rous metals, leaving any molecular compounds (oxides, carbides, nitrides,
and intermetallic species) unattacked. Iodic acid with a little HF rapidly dis-
solves steels, including high Cb and tantalum alloys.
Fire assay is the only technique that is method intensive and is respected
enough that it will always remain so. The authors are both analytical chemists
by profession, but have been grass-roots, descriptive inorganic chemists since
their first Gilbert Chem-Craft kits. There are thousands of good texts dealing
with descriptive and reaction chemistry of the periodic table of elements and
should be consulted for some background before trying to attack a new or
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Jan 3 05:50:16 EST 2019
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Indian Institute of Technology (Indian Institute of Technology) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
The authors wish to thank Thomas A. Edison, whose practical application
of the Scientific Method inspired most of the developments shown here; War-
ren V. Miller, a mentor, former employer and superb synthetic inorganic
chemist; Michael Carr of Rutgers University Geology Dept., for the rock
samples; SpectraMetrics/Beckman, for maintaining the D.C. Plasma equip-
ment; Karen R. Centrella, a nonferrous person that has good hearing; and
Francis Coyle of KBI/Cabot, for his quality organization of the ASTM sym-
posium for which this work was completed.
[/] Fresenius, C. R., >t System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1881, pp. 130-190, 227-353, 480-596.
[2] Van Loon, J. C , Selected Methods of Trace Metal Analysis: Biological and Environmental
Samples, John Wiley Interscience, Toronto, Canada, 1985, pp. 6-13, 53-112, 170, 278.
[3\ Staff, I. C. S., Quantitative Analysis, International Textbook Co., VoL 1-4, 1930.
[4] Skoog, D. and West, D., Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. Holt, Rinehart and Win-
ston, New York, 1963, pp. 128-149, 192-199, 725-760.
[5] Minczewski, J., Chwastowska, J., and Dybcznyski, R., Separation and Preconcentration
Methods in Inorganic Trace Analysis, Ellis Harwood Ltd., Halsted Press, Chicester, En-
gland, 1983, pp. 9-34, 37-92, 316-353.
[6] Bock, R., A Handbook of Decomposition Methods in Analytical Chemistry, International
Textbook Co. Ltd., London, 1979.
[7] Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Publishing Co., Ohio, 1959.
[5] Treadwell, F. P. and Hall, W. T., Analytical Chemistry, 9th ed.. Vol. II, MIT Press, 1932.
[9] Jeffery, P. and Hutchison, D., Chemical Methods of Rock Analysis, 3rd ed., Pergamon
Press, Oxford, England, 1981, pp. 18-58, 377.
[10] Phillips, C. S. and Williams, R. J., Inorganic Chemistry. II-Metals, Oxford Press, New
York, 1966.
[//] Johnson, W. and Maxwell, J., Rock and Mineral Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto,
Canada, 1981, pp. 92-121, 237-247, 263, 280.
[12] Beamish, F. E. and Van Loon, J. C , Analysis of Noble Metals, Academic Press, New York,
1966, pp. 30-76, 215-310.
[13] Burns, D., Townshend, A., and Carter, A., Inorganic Reaction Chemistry—Reactions of
the Elements and Their Compounds, Ellis Harwood Ltd., Halsted Press, Chichester, En-
gland, 1981, Parts A and B.
[14] Vas, R. (producer), Thomas Alva Edison—The Wizard Who Spat on the Floor. NOVA/
WGBH Educational Foundation, Boston, MA, 1980, show transcript.
[15] DeMenna, G. J. and Miller, W. V., Preparation of Standards for Plasma Emission Spec-
troscopy. Vol. 25, Issue 3, The Spex Speaker, Spex Industries, Metuchen, NJ, Sept. 1980.
[16] DeMenna, G. J., Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society, Vol. 13, 1985, pp. 35-40.
[17] The Scientific American Cyclopedia of Receipts. Notes and Queries, Munn and Co., New
York, 1891.
[18] Int'l
Copyright by ASTM Sidgwick, N. V., Thu
(all rights reserved); TheJanChemical Elements
3 05:50:16 EST 2019 and Their Compounds, Vols. 1 and 2, Oxford
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University Press, London, 1950.
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian Institute of Technology) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Arnold Savolainen, ^ Hank Griffin, ^ and George Olear^
REFERENCE: Savolainen, A., Griffin, H., and Olear, G., "The Use of Modem Atomic
Spectroscopy in Industrial Analysis," Chemical Analysis of Metals. ASTM STP 944,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1987, pp. 60-73.
ABSTRACT: Industrial laboratories are being forced to develop faster, more accurate
and precise but less expensive analytical methods. This paper describes one laboratory's
learning process over the past 20 years. The changes that occurred by changing from wet
chemistry and arc/spark emission spectroscopy to atomic absorption spectrometry to
manual and then automated plasma spectroscopy are described. The rationale of choos-
ing a particular plasma spectrometer is explained along with how to automate specimen
introduction, computerize data collection, and display results of a running analysis. An
algorithm used to improve results is also described.
A number of different methods that were developed for the new methodology are de-
scribed. These methods cover a wide range of topics such as plating bath analysis, steel
analysis, precious metals analysis, comparisons to fire assaying, analysis of impurities in
titanium dioxide (Ti02), and solders. Along with these methods are some time studies
that demonstrate the economic rational for buying this type of instrumentation.
'Supervisor of chemistry laboratory, senior chemist, and senior chemist, respectively, Texas
Instruments, Inc., 34 Forest St., MS 10-16, Attleboro, MA 02703.
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Copyright® 1987 AS FM International
In 1974, the only commercially available plasma spectrometer was the di-
rect current plasma (DCP) spectrometer. In 1975, inductively coupled
plasma (ICP) spectrometers also became available. Which type of plasma
emission spectrometer should one buy? The main area of concern with instru-
ment manufacturers, as well as in the literature, was whether one plasma
source was better than another. Plasmas are nothing more than excitation
sources. The two that were commercially available, inductively coupled and
direct current plasmas, can both be used to cause all the elements and many
molecular species to emit radiation, which by itself is useless. The analytical
usefulness of this radiation is related to the monochrometer or polychrome-
ter. The plasma sources both have advantages and disadvantages, but neither
one is the ultimate excitation source.
In our case, the most important parameter was resolution. In the analysis
of metals, because of the large number of emission lines, spectral overlap was
the most important factor. When we considered the resolution of an echelle
monochrometer, approximately 0.01 nm in the ultraviolet region, versus the
resolution of conventional monochrometers, approximately 0.03 nm in the
ultraviolet region [4], it became apparent that the resolution of the mono-
chrometer would be the determining factor in the type of plasma emission
spectrometer we would buy. Since the echelle grating came with the DC
plasma as a complete spectrometer, this is what we bought.
When we got our first DC plasma echelle grating spectrometer (DCPES),
we were faced with several analytical problems. Following are some of the
methods we developed to solve these problems.
One of our first methods was the analysis of phosphorous in electroless
nickel plating baths. We were using an ammonium phosphomolybdate gravi-
metric procedure in accordance with ASTM Method for Chemical Analysis of
Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron (E 30), which re-
quired 4 to 5 h for one set of specimens, but we needed a method that was
much faster and just as accurate. We found that the baths could be analyzed
directly by DCPES using standards of phosphorous in water. The agreement
with the gravimetric method by DCPES (Table 1) was excellent, and the anal-
ysis time was only 0.5 h/set of specimens. This saved us over 100 h/year, or at
a rate of $20/h, we saved about 10% of the cost of the instrument on this one
job in the first year.
Automated Analyses
In 1976, we found that the capacity of both the DCPES and the AAS was
not sufficient. The problem is typical of most analytical labs: give the cus-
tomer a little and he wants a lot. In this case, we were being asked to analyze
multiple elements in each specimen. An example of this was the analysis of
impurities in fine silver. Previously we determined the concentration of two
impurities (copper and lead) by arc emission spectrography but were now de-
termining 13 impurities by DCPES. At just that time, the multielement
DCPES [5] was introduced. This was a brand new spectrometer with an
echelle polychrometer that allows one to simultaneously analyze for up to 20
elements at a time. It also contains a new three-legged DC plasma with the
stability and limited spacial resolution in the plasma necessary for multiele-
ment analyses.
While waiting for the delivery of our multielement spectrometer, we were
also doing some development work. The multielement analyses would be very
fast but, having a technician sit in front of the instrument to feed in speci-
mens and push buttons, would be very counter-productive. Their time could
be better spent in preparing more specimens, interpreting results from pre-
vious analyses, and so forth. With this in mind, we developed an automatic
sampling system for the spectrometer [6]. It consisted of a turntable con-
nected to the spectrometer by an interface that works on a timing system. The
turntable automatically positioned standards and specimens for introduction
to the spectrometer. The interface automatically activated the instrument
analysis cycles.
As long as the specimens and standards were placed in the turntable in the
correct order, the spectrometer would run automatically for hours at a time.
In addition, the system restandardized the spectrometer with both high and
low standards at regular intervals. The time saved using this system is truly
impressive. A 4-h run on the spectrometer required less than V2 h of actual
operator's time. Within three months of the time our multielement DCPES
arrived, it was running automatically.
Multielement Analysis
Development of multielement analytical methods is a complicated under-
taking. The chemistry of dissolving a number of elements in the same solution
is complex. This also applies to preparation of the standards. For accurate
analysis, a very important parameter is the choice of emission lines. When
choosing the proper emission lines, a complete study of interferences must be
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YTTERIUM 437.493 nm
Ti 437.482
ALUMINUM 394.4 nm
The second set of scans (Fig. 1) is for aluminum at 394.4 nm. In this case,
there is an emission line that exactly overlaps the aluminum emission line.
The closest titanium emission line is at 394.78 nm. This is so distant that it
would not show up on this scan, but it would probably present a spectral over-
lap with a conventional gratings. What this means is that we have either dis-
covered a previously unreported titanium emission line or that another ele-
ment is present in titanium, probably aluminum. To prove this, a scan at
another aluminum emission line would be necessary.
One of the first multielement methods developed was the analysis of impu-
rities in precious metals. Because of the large volume of material and the re-
quired purity, we had been analyzing for impurities in gold, silver, platinum,
and palladium by arc emission spectroscopy. When we converted to a DCPES
method, we analyzed specimens in duplicate for 13 impurities. The method
for the analysis of fine silver, for example, is a very easy procedure [8]. A 2-g
specimen is dissolved in nitric acid, diluted to 25 mL, and analyzed for impu-
rities at the parts per million level. Emission wavelengths were chosen for
their sensitivity and freedom from interferences. We use this method to ana-
lyze all the incoming fine silver as well as all the silver alloys made in our
plant. Other precious metals are checked in a similar manner. The time saved
over the arc emission method was about 20%.
Another analytical procedure development was the analysis of impurities in
lead-tin solder [9]. This analysis was being performed by the solder supplier,
but it took two to three weeks. We needed faster turnaround to insure the
purity of the solder baths. The hardest part of this method was specimen
preparation. As mentioned previously, the chemistry of the system is often the
most important part of the analysis. Dissolution of lead and tin together is
difficult by most procedures. We found that by heating the specimen in hy-
drobromic acid, just below the boiling point, complete dissolution was almost
always achieved. Occasionally, a precipitate would remain. By the addition of
a few drops of 10% nitric acid, we have been successful in complete solder
dissolution. The advantage of this technique is that the purity of the acids is
never in question. Other techniques, that is, fluoroboric acid dissolution,
present purity problems.
After dissolution, the analysis was rather routine. Many of the same wave-
lengths used for precious metal analyses worked for solder analyses. Analysis
time is less than 1 min per element when done in lots of at least ten specimens.
This analysis is now a routine procedure in the lab. A one-to-two day turn-
around time gives production much better control of their solder operations.
Analysis of steels was another method that easily lent itself to multielement
spectrographic analysis. Anybody who has had to analyze steels by wet chem-
istry knows just how difficult that is. Direct reading arc emission spectrogra-
phy is an excellent method, but it requires a dedicated instrument, more
suited for use in a foundry. With plasma emission spectroscopy, we are now
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reserved); Thu Jan 3 05:50:16 different steel alloys for up to 20 elements
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Al 394.4 5 300
B 208.8 10 300
Co 350.2 6 200
Cr 359.3 2 120
Cu 327.3 1 60
Mn 257.6 2 200
Mo 281.6 3 300
Nb 309.4 9 200
Ni 351.5 4 300
P 213.6 12 300
Si 288.1 3 500
Sn 326.2 28 300
Ta 240.0 12 200
Ti 338.3 2 200
V 270.0 10 300
Zn 249.6 10 100
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analysis of the parted gold bead [11], that is, a precious metal bead that had
been separated from the specimen's base metal in a furnace. In fire assaying,
the parting technique is used to dissolve all other precious metals from the
gold in a fire assay collection bead. The resulting gold bead should be, essen-
tially, pure gold. We found substantial amounts of silver in the gold after
parting, which indicates that the parting does not completely separate the
precious metals from the gold.
The next step was to compare the entire fire assay operation to DCPES
[12]. Figure 2 shows analyses of gold at the part per thousand (ppt) level in
refinery specimens performed by the two methods. The straight line shows the
curve that would result if the two methods gave identical results. The actual
results all fall on the plasma emission side of the line, which means that, for
gold, plasma emission gives higher results than fire assaying. Fire assaying
does have two losses inherent in the method, evaporation and absorption in
the slag [13]. Because of this, fire assaying values would be expected to be
Another analytical procedure involved the determination of gold in electro-
lytic gold plating baths. We had been determining the gold by AAS. An ex-
periment was set up to compare gold analyses by AAS, DCPES, and fire as-
saying. The first thing we found was that the AAS analysis had to be very
carefully controlled because the flame had a significant effect on the analysis
10 20 30 40
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3 05:50:16 EST 2019in refiner specimens.
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[14]. A specimen of a gold bath that had been diluted to about 10 jtig/mL was
analyzed, using a 10-^g/mL gold standard in aqua regia. In an air-acetylene
flame, the concentration of gold changed dramatically as the flame condi-
tions were changed. The nitrous oxide/acetylene flame was a much better
choice, but it also showed some variation. This meant that standards and
specimens had to be very carefully matched, and flame conditions had to be
controlled in order to get acceptable gold results using A AS. Five sample
types were analyzed by AAS, DCPES, and fire assaying. The first four sam-
ples are gold plating baths; the last is gold plated beryllium copper. In all
cases, precisions were determined by analyzing different dilutions or speci-
mens, not by analyzing the same dilution or specimen many times. The AAS
results were obtained under optimum AAS operating conditions. The preci-
sion of all methods is good. The two spectroscopic methods both have essen-
tially the same precision, which is not as good as the fire assaying method.
The accuracy is a different story. The DCPES results are all just slightly
higher than the fire assay results. The difference between the two is constant
at about 0.07, which was expected from the previous study. AAS results vary
from the fire assay results by 0.16, more than double the DCPES results.
Changing from AAS to DCPES for these analyses would mean no difference
in analysis time and a 60% time savings compared with fire assaying.
The proof of the reliability of the DCPES method for the analysis of scrap
material can be shown in total compositional analyses. For the gold and silver
composition specimens, we have analyzed for all elements with concentra-
tions greater than 0.2 parts per thousand (ppt). The total results are all very
close to 100% with an average for 27 analyses of 99.90% (Tables 3 and 4).
Precision Improvements
During the first years using the DC plasma, our main objective had been to
improve accuracy, that is, parameters not involved in the actual analysis. We
investigated better specimen preparation, selection and characterization of
wavelengths, understanding interferences and enhancement, and improved
matching of standards and specimens. Little, however, was done to improve
the precision of the analysis, that is, parameters directly affecting the actual
The manufacturer advertised analytical precision for this spectrometer in
the order of ± 2 % relative standard deviation (RSD). In some of the work we
are doing, we need to achieve precisions in the order of ± 0 . 5 % RSD. Internal
standardization is generally used to increase precision in emission spectros-
copy; however, developing internal standards for multielement analysis is a
long and complex procedure. The internal standard must be properly selected
for each element. Specimen preparation is longer and, therefore, more costly.
As an alternative, a procedure for improving precision by linear correction of
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Specimen Zn Cd Sn Fe Ni Au Ag Cu Total
Ag Component
1 12.5 16.0 0.5 0.4 53.0 * 237.0 63.7 95.8
2 100.0 26.0 0.3 * 1.2 * 237.3 63.0 99.5
3 40.0 27.0 0.6 0.8 32.0 * 337.0 56.4 100.2
4 111.0 0.1 2.4 0.4 18.0 * 232.3 63.1 99.6
5 34.2 16.1 1.5 5.0 84.5 * 269.3 57.3 98.5
6 6.5 1.2 2.3 * 5.5 * 412.2 53.4 96.2
7 14.4 23.5 0.5 0.3 46.0 * 319.7 59.0 99.5
8 12.8 21.8 0.4 0.3 19.8 * 289.0 66.3 100.7
9 130.0 1.7 0.6 * 2.7 * 272.1 60.8 101.6
10 12.7 1.3 3.4 * 1.8 * 487.8 50.4 101.1
11 82.5 1.1 1.6 * 1.4 * 309.5 58.3 98.0
12 134.0 1.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 * 292.5 63.7 102.7
Ag Steel
1 * 5.0 * 19.7 2.0 0.36 57.0 84.9 93.3
2 * 6.6 * 21.5 1.6 0.34 57.3 88.8 97.5
3 * 3.9 * 32.8 * 0.32 33.4 89.2 96.3
4 * 4.3 * 35.5 * 0.34 29.9 88.8 98.8
S * 3.8 * 31.5 10.5 0.30 44.4 87.9 96.9
6 * 2.8 * 31.1 11.3 0.31 43.5 86.4 95.3
7 * 3.0 * 46.0 4.0 0.32 52.5 84.8 95.7
8 * 4.2 * 51.0 4.0 0.32 51.0 85.3 96.3
9 * 3.5 * 34.0 4.8 0.30 41.2 87.1 95.5
10 * 4.3 * 31.5 5.1 0.36 43.7 87.8 96.3
Au Component
1 2.7 * 9.2 2.0 106.0 8.96 0.3 88.8 101.7
2 3.3 * 15.1 1.8 87.0 8.92 0.4 89.7 101.4
3 2.1 « 6.0 * 118.0 10.3 3.05 85.4 99.4
4 2.5 * 16.2 * 104.0 2.61 2.84 88.3 101.2
5 3.5 * 10.5 1.2 112.0 7.65 2.84 86.0 99.7
6 2.3 * 16.3 2.5 133.0 15.6 4.5 83.4 100.8
7 2.8 * 8.8 * 127.0 15.1 4.4 84.5 100.3
8 3.0 * 9.7 1.6 108.0 3.86 3.1 86.7 99.6
9 3.1 * 15.9 * 105.0 3.32 1.88 88.6 101.5
10 3.0 * 4.3 * 103.0 4.09 2.11 89.0 100.6
11 2.8 * 5.4 * 104.0 1.85 2.00 88.2 99.8
12 3.0 * 5.5 * 105.0 2.12 2.10 87.9 99.7
13 2.7 * 4.5 * 105.0 2.51 1.76 86.4 98.1
14 2.5 * 4.5 « 105.0 2.01 1.60 88.3 99.9
15 1.4 * 5.0 « 106.0 2.65 1.00 88.6 100.2
The method requires that when specimens are analyzed, high and low stan-
dards are run before and after each group of one to five specimens. Linear
correction calculations assume that the instrumental drift is linear between
the standards. Experimentally, we have proved it to be a reasonable assump-
tion. First, corrected high and low standard values are calculated for the time
each specimen is analyzed using a straight line equation. Next, the specimen
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concentration is calculated using the corrected standard values and the speci-
men reading. While this appears very time consuming, especially for mul-
tielement analyses, the calculations are easily and rapidly carried out in even
the simplest of computers. A study was carried out comparing corrected and
uncorrected values for the analysis of copper in 50 scrap specimens. Average
precision per specimen improved from ±0.7 to ± 0 . 3 % RSD.
Linear correction calculations affect not only precision but also accuracy.
Comparison of the corrected and uncorrected values with values from gravi-
metric analysis of copper indicates better accuracy for the corrected values.
The average deviation from gravimetric results for corrected DCPES values
was 1.2 compared to 1.9 for uncorrected DCPES data.
Another technique for improving precision is gas displacement flow injec-
tion sampling [7,16]. The gas displacement pumping system provides a con-
tinuous flow of sample matrix/solvent to the spectrometer nebulizer, elimi-
nating any pulsing and providing a viscosity independent flow rate. To do
this, a continuous stream of solvent is presented to the nebulizer of the spec-
trometer. A discrete reproducible microliter volume of sample is injected into
the stream for analysis. The spectrometer integrates the intensity of the emis-
sion signal during the time the sample volume passes into the plasma. Analyt-
ical precision using the flow injection sampling technique is improved when
compared to that of peristaltic pump sampling [7].
A second advantage of this technique is reduced specimen preparation
time. Merging one or two solvent streams with the sample carrier stream pro-
vides a range of dilution ratios, thereby eliminating manual dilutions. The
study of the analysis of refiner scrap for copper has demonstrated that analy-
sis efficiency is improved by 20% using the diluting mode of the flow injection
system without loss of precision or accuracy.
Automatic, multielement plasma spectrometric analyses generate so much
data that computer handling of data is a necessity. Most instrument manu-
facturers now provide computerized data handling and instrument control
with their instruments. When we first automated our multielement spectrom-
eter, such capability was not available. First a Zenith Z-80 microprocessor
and later a Texas Instruments professional computer (TIPC) were interfaced
with the spectrometer and sample turntable. We realized from our experi-
ences that the computer should provide three functions: synchronize the oper-
ation of the turntable and spectrometer, monitor and provide a warning for
any real-time problems in the analyses, and collect and manipulate data for
final presentation. The remaining portion of this paper will explain how, us-
ing the TIPC, we accomplished this.
The TIPC is connected to both the spectrometer and automatic sampler
by means
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Thu Jan 3interface. Activation of the sampling mechanism of
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the turntable and initiation of the analysis routine of the spectrometer are ac-
complished by means of simple print statements from the computer software.
The only hardware changes were the installation of a solid state relay and a
latching relay in the turntable. This work was all completed in our lab by
people with a basic knowledge of electronics and experience in interface pro-
gramming [18].
Data manipulation required the use of the raw diagnostic data from the
spectrometer. In order to gain access to this data, a modification was made in
the instrument microprocessor by the manufacturer so we could collect this
data by the Z-80 computer. This modification is not necessary when using the
TIPC because of its larger storage capacity. The raw data, including elec-
tronic gains, standard values, and integrations of all elements for each analy-
sis, are collected in a one-dimensional array. Any extraneous data are elimi-
nated. The computer then checks the integration values and eliminates any
that show more than a ± 4 % relative deviation from the mean. This elimi-
nates spikes in the data caused by any phenomenon not directly related to the
actual analysis. The mean value is then stored for the elements for each speci-
men and standard tested. At the end of an analysis set, consisting of one to
five specimens and the standards run before and after the specimens, drift
correction calculations are performed and the results printed out in the pre-
scribed format. If desired, this data can also be stored and further manipu-
lated for such things as weight correction, normalization, statistical analysis,
control charting, and so forth.
Computer handling and manipulation of data are fast and accurate; how-
ever, if there is an error in specimen or standard preparation, spectrometer
setup, or specimen sequencing, there is no way of knowing since neither the
diagnostic data nor the data for standards can be reviewed. Using computer
graphics, we developed an excellent method for displaying data for review. A
moving bar graph of diagnostic data for a set of 13 specimens and standards
is displayed. Display can be of any one desired element of the analysis. Bars
are blue for the standard and green for the specimens. If the value for a speci-
men is outside the range of the standards, then the bar is displayed as red.
The operator can immediately tell if there is a problem with the analysis.
Comparison between high and low standards will tell if there is the appropri-
ate intensity difference. Comparing standards before and after a sample
group indicates the amount of instrumental drift. Finally, if the specimens
are repeated, then precision of the analyses can be calculated. It is then the
operator's responsibility to determine the cause of a problem if one appears.
This type of monitoring real-time data can save valuable time when problems
In summary, the DC plasma echelle grating spectrometer is a very useful
industrial lab analytical instrument. Many analyses that are difficult or im-
possible by wet chemical or other instrumental techniques become very rou-
tine using the DCPES. This does not mean that there is nothing new happen-
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ing in the field of plasma spectroscopy. There is still a very large area open for
original ideas in the field, and industrial chemists should take advantage of
this field to develop some new methods, theories, or equipment.
[/] Skogerboe, R. K. and Urasa, I. T., Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 32, 1978, p. 527.
[2] Greenfield, S., McGeachin, M. McD., and Smith, P. B., Tantala. Vol. 22, 1975, p. 1.
[3] Sholes, P. H., Analyst, Vol. 93, 1968, p. 197.
[4] Cresser, M. S., Keliher, P. N., and Wohlers, C. C , Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 45, 1973,
p. 111.
[5] Reednick, J., American Laboratory, Vol. 11, 1979, p. 53.
[6] Griffin, E., Bowen, R., and Savolainen, A., "Automation of a Multichannel DC Plasma
Emission Spectrometer," The 5th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Societies Meeting, Boston, MA, 1978.
I 7] Griffin, E. and Savolainen, A., "Wavelength Selection for a Multielement DC Plasma
Emission Spectrometer," The 5th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Societies Meeting. Boston, MA, 1978.
[8] Savolainen, A., Griffin, H., and Clear, G., "Analysis of PPM Level AlkaH Metals and
Impurities in Fine Silver and Silver Alloys by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy," The 9th
National Conference on Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis, Edgartown, MA, 1984.
[9] Griffin, H. and McNulty, R., "Analysis of Impurities in Lead," New England Conference
on Current Developments in Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis, Woods Hole, MA,
\10] Belliveau, J., Griffin, H., and Savolainen, A., New Analytical Techniques for Trace Con-
stituents of Metallic and Metal-Bearing Ores, STP 747, American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, 1981, pp. 77-90.
[//] Skwarto, J., Savolainen, A., Clear, G., Marvelle, B., and Griffin, H., "Multielement Anal-
ysis of Fire Assay Collection Beads by Multichannel DCP Spectrometer," International
Precious Metals Institute Seminar, 1984.
112] Griffin, E. and Savolainen, A., "Analysis of Silver Scrap by DC Plasma Emission Spectros-
copy," The 5th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Meeting,
Boston, MA, 1978.
[13] Furman, N. H., Standard Method of Chemical Analysis, P. Van Nostrand Company,
Princeton, NJ, p. 475.
[14] Griffin, H., Savolainen, A., and Haschke, R., "The Use of DC Plasma Echelle Grating
Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Plated Gold," New England Conference on Current Devel-
opments in Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis, Boston, MA, 1980.
[/5] Savolainen, A., Griffin, H., and Clear, G., "Standard Updating and Linear Regression
Correction for Automatic Analysis of DC Plasma Emission Echelle Grating Spectroscopy,"
The 6th National Conference on Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis, Edgartown,
MA, 1981.
[16] Shugar, G. T., Shugar, R. A., and Bauman, L., The Chemists' Ready Reference Hand-
book, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1985.
[17] Savolainen, A., "Improved Precision with a Plasma Emission Echelle Grating Spectrome-
ter," Labcon New England '84, 1984.
[18] Clear, G., Bernard, T., Savolainen, A., and Griffin H., "Automation of an Echelle Grat-
ing Spectrometer," The 7th National Conference on Spectrochemical Excitation and Anal-
ysis, Edgartown, MA, 1982.
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Raymond K. Hertz^
General Analytical
Chemistry of Berylliunn
ABSTRACT: A number of classical methods for the determination of beryllium are de-
scribed in the literature. Gravimetric methods in which beryllium is weighed as the oxide
or the pyrophosphate are employed for relatively pure materials, but careful separation of
interfering elements is required. A useful volumetric method is based upon the precipita-
tion of beryllium hydroxide, addition of fluoride to complex beryllium, and titration of
the liberated hydroxide; but this method is also subject to many interferences. Spectro-
photometric reagents, such as aluminon and p-nitrophenylazoorcinol, and fluorometric
reagents, such as morin, have been used to determine beryllium: but for most applica-
tions atomic emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry have re-
placed these methods. The emission of neutrons by gamma-irradiated beryllium is the
basis for a rapid, relatively interference-free beryllium analyzer, which requires minimal
sample preparation and may be used for practically any matrix.
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ion (6.00 elementary charge units/A). Beryllium, in fact, does exhibit many
chemical similarities to aluminum. Both metals resist attack by pure, concen-
trated nitric acid because of the formation of a coherent oxide coating. Both
elements form amphoteric hydroxides that dissolve readily in strongly alka-
line solutions to form anionic complexes.
Beryllium also exhibits many similarities to the Group IIB metals, zinc and
cadmium. Both beryllium and zinc form covalent oxide carboxylates. The
crystalline structures of many beryllium compounds, such as beryllium oxide
(BeO), beryllium hydroxide (Be(0H)2), and beryllium sulfide (BeS), corre-
spond to structures of their zinc analogs. Beryllium differs from both alumi-
num and the group IIB elements in its inability to expand its coordination
sphere to six because of its small ionic radius and the inaccessibility of its 3d
Several works covering the chemical and physical properties [1-8] and the
analytical chemistry [9-18] of beryllium are available.
Beryllium and its alloys and compounds can be handled safely in the well-
equipped chemical laboratory if reasonable precautions for dealing with toxic
materials are rigorously followed.
In susceptible individuals, inhalation of dusts, fumes, or mists containing
beryllium, its compounds, or its alloys may cause chronic beryllium disease, a
serious chronic lung disease. In addition, acute pneumonitis may result from
inhalation of soluble beryllium compounds. Contact of soluble beryllium
compounds with skin or eyes may cause irritation or rash ulcers. Beryllium is
listed as a potential carcinogen in the International Agency for Cancer Re-
search Monograph Series and the National Toxicology Program Annual Re-
port on Carcinogens, as beryllium compounds have produced tumors in sev-
eral species. No convincing evidence exists that beryllium is carcinogenic in
All operations that might produce airborne beryllium must be conducted
under local exhaust ventilation. Spilled solutions containing beryllium must
be wiped up immediately to prevent dried residues from becoming airborne.
Provision must be made for the isolation and safe removal of beryllium-con-
taining dusts. Liquid and solid wastes containing beryllium must be disposed
of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
Strong acids or bases can react violently with beryllium and some of its
alloys, particularly when finely divided.
Those unfamiliar with the handling of beryllium-containing materials
should consult Refs 1,3,8, and 19 for appropriate safety practices. Further
assistance in establishing safe procedures, as well as Material Safety Data
Sheets for beryllium and its compounds, may be obtained from the supplier of
the material.
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Beiyllium Standards
Relatively few beryllium-containing standard reference materials are avail-
able. The National Bureau of Standards^ has offered six copper-beryllium
standards: the wrought standards 1121 (1.89% beryllium), 1122 (1.75%
beryllium), and 1123 (0.46% beryllium); and the chill cast standards C1121
(1.92% beryllium), C1122 (1.75% beryllium), and C1123 (0.46% beryllium).
Only CI 121 and CI 123 are still available. Eight copper-beryllium standards
have been fabricated by Centre Technique des Industries de la Fonderie^:
1593 (2.36% beryllium), 1677 (0.85% beryllium), 1678 (0.135% beryllium),
1707 (0.65% beryllium), 1708 (2.96% beryllium), 1722 (2.19% beryllium),
1723 (0.78% beryllium), and 1735 (1.12% beryllium). Beryllium metal stan-
dard reference materials are available in powder and chip form from the De-
partment of Energy.'' Beryllium contents range from 98.38 to 99.40%.
The analysts choices are also limited when a source of high-purity beryl-
lium is required for standard preparation. Beryllium metal produced by mag-
nesium reduction of beryllium fluoride is available from a number of labora-
tory supply houses. This material normally contains the metallic impurities
magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, chromium, manganese, iron,
nickel, and copper, at concentrations above 100 ppm. Electrorefined beryl-
lium flake, containing several hundred parts per million total metallic impu-
rities (primarily lithium, potassium, and silicon, is not produced at the
present time, but may be available from some suppliers in limited quantity.
Beryllium oxide can be used in standard preparation; but the commercial
product, which is calcined at high temperature for ceramic production, is dif-
ficult to dissolve in most matrices. Highly pure beryllium oxide can be pro-
duced by recrystallizing reagent grade beryllium sulfate (BeS04 • 4H2O) sev-
eral times from deionized water containing (ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetic acid
(EDTA) and calcining the purified salt at 900°C to constant weight. The acid
form or ammonium salt of EDTA should be used to avoid contamination of
the product with sodium. Beryllium oxide prepared in this manner dissolves
readily in mineral acids and contains less than 10 ppm of any metallic
Beryllium sulfate (BeS04 • 4H2O) and beryllium nitrate (Be(N03)2 • 3H2O)
can be used to prepare standard beryllium solutions, but the salts vary in
composition. The solutions prepared from these materials must be analyzed
by a gravimetric or volumetric method to assign accurate beryllium concen-
Basic beryllium acetate, Be40(C2H302)5, is a covalent compound of well-
-off ice of Standard Reference Materials, Room B311, Chemistry Building, National Bureau
of Standards, Washington, DC 20234.
'Available in the United States from Brammer Standard Co., Inc., 14603 Benfer Road, Hous-
ton, TX 77069.
•"Department of Energy, New Brunswick Laboratory, D-350, 9800 South Cass Avenue,
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Sample Dissolution
Beryllium metal dissolves readily in dilute or concentrated sulfuric, hy-
drochloric, or hydrofluoric acids. The reaction, which can be vigorous or even
violent, can be controlled by covering the sample with water and adding the
acid slowly and in small quantities. Pure concentrated nitric acid leaves beryl-
lium virtually unattacked, but traces of hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, or sulfu-
ric acid result in rapid reaction. Beryllium also dissolves readily in ammo-
nium bifluoride or sodium hydroxide solutions. The choice of a dissolution
matrix frequently depends upon the impurities that must be determined.
Most beryllium-containing alloys (including copper-beryllium, nickel-
beryllium, and aluminum-beryllium alloys) dissolve readily in dilute nitric
acid or a dilute mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids.
Beryllium oxide calcined at 500° C can be dissolved in dilute sulfuric, hy-
drochloric, hydrofluoric, or nitric acids; however, as the calcination tempera-
ture is increased, the oxide becomes progressively more resistant to attack.
Dissolution of beryllium oxide calcined above 1200°C usually requires hy-
drofluoric acid or an acid mixture containing hydrofluoric acid [13,18]. Alter-
natively, high-fired beryllium oxide may be dissolved by fusion with potas-
sium pyrosulfate or potassium bisulfate [18].
Beryl ores are resistant to acid attack and are usually decomposed by fu-
sion. In our laboratory, finely ground beryl ore is fused with sodium carbon-
ate. The melt is dissolved in a mixture of sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. Sili-
con tetrafluoride is driven off by evaporation of the solution to strong fumes
[20]. If sodium or silicon is to be determined, the finely ground ore is fused
with a mixture of lithium metaborate and lithium tetraborate, and the melt is
dissolved in a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. Many other fusion
methods for beryl ore have been described in the literature [14,18].
Beryllium is a member of the group of metals that is precipitated by ammo-
nium hydroxide from weakly basic solutions. Since reagents for the determi-
nation of beryllium generally lack specificity, extensive separation schemes
are often required to remove interferents. Aluminum, present with beryllium
in many matrices, is chemically similar to beryllium and interferes in nearly
all classical and spectrophotometric methods.
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Janberyllium hydroxide with ammonium hydroxide at pH
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8 to 9 forms the basis for the most common beryllium separation schemes.
Coprecipitation of manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc, is minimized
by complexation of these elements with excess ammonia. The alkali and alka-
line earth elements also remain in solution. Multiple reprecipitations may be
required because the precipitate tends to occlude impurities. Species, such as
tartrate, citrate, and fluoride, which complex beryllium, must be absent. Flu-
oride may be removed by evaporating a solution in sulfuric acid to strong
fumes. Phosphate, which coprecipitates with beryllium hydroxide, maybe re-
moved by precipitation with ammonium molybdate.
The utility of this method is improved by adding EDTA before the addition
of ammonium hydroxide [21-23]. Most of the divalent and trivalent metal
ions form strong complexes with EDTA, whereas beryllium does not. Addi-
tion of EDTA minimizes precipitation of aluminum, chromium, and iron and
further reduces coprecipitation of manganese, cobalt, nickel, and zinc. Ex-
cess EDTA should be avoided, as it will prevent complete precipitation of
Ammonium beryllium phosphate (NH4BeP04) precipitates from slightly
acidic solutions containing EDTA upon addition of ammonium phosphate
[23,24]. The alkali and alkaline earth elements, aluminum, vanadium, chro-
mium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and
lead, remain in solution. If hydrogen peroxide is present, the precipitation of
small amounts of titanium can be prevented.
Several reviews discuss numerous other methods for separation of beryl-
lium from interferents [13,15,18]. These include selective precipitation of
interfering elements, solvent extraction of beryllium or of interferents, ion
exchange, electrolysis using a platinum or mercury cathode, and selective
Gravimetric Methods
Gravimetric procedures for determining beryllium are used primarily to
obtain accurate analyses of beryllium products and standards that contain
low levels of interfering elements. The ammonium hydroxide procedure for
separation of beryllium from interfering elements provides the starting point
for the most frequently used gravimetric beryllium method [13,25-29]. Inter-
fering elements are removed by prior precipitation with 8-hydroxyquinoline
or are complexed with EDTA. The precipitate is filtered and carefully heated
to 600°C before ignition to beryllium oxide (BeO) at 1100°C. The ignited BeO
is usually contaminated with silicon dioxide, which can be removed by adding
hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids and reigniting to BeO. The ignited crucible
should be cooled in a desiccator over the best drying agent available and
weighed quickly to avoid the adsorption of water vapor.
The phosphate procedure for separation of beryllium has also been applied
as a gravimetric method [13,24,29-31]. The NH4BeP04 precipitate is filtered
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Volumetric Method
One of the few classical beryllium methods still in general use is a titration
procedure based upon the complexation of beryllium with fluoride. The sam-
ple to be analyzed is dissolved in sulfuric acid. Beryllium hydroxide is precipi-
tated by adjusting the pH of the solution to 8.5 with sodium hydroxide solu-
tion. Excess sodium fluoride is added, redissolving the Be(0H)2 to form the
tetrafluoroberyllate complex (BeF4""2). The liberated hydroxide is titrated
with sulfuric acid. The titration volume is used to calculate the amount of
beryllium in the sample [29.32.33].
The complexation of beryllium by fluoride is not quantitative, so standards
containing known amounts of beryllium must be analyzed along with the
samples. Hold times and titration rates are critical; but, under carefully con-
trolled conditions, relative precisions of 0.2% or better can be achieved (Ta-
ble 1). An automatic titrator has improved the precision of the procedure in
our laboratory.
Any species that complex fluoride interferes; therefore, aluminum, silicon,
zirconium, hafnium, uranium, thorium, and the rare earth elements must be
absent or (if present in small amounts) corrections must be made. This proce-
dure is used in our laboratory for assay of beryllium metal, beryllium hydrox-
ide, and beryllium specialty chemicals. Copper-beryllium and nickel-beryl-
lium alloys can be analyzed by this method after separation of beryllium from
copper, nickel, and cobalt by ammonium hydroxide precipitation.
Spectrophotometric Methods
The Be+^ ion in solution does not absorb in the ultraviolet (UV) visible
region of the spectrum, so spectrophotometric reagents for beryllium must
Percent Beryllium
Fluorometric Method
The yellowish-green fluorescence of the beryllium complex with
2',3,4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone (morin) was frequently used for the deter-
mination of beryllium in environmental and biological samples before the ad-
vent of atomic absorption methods [29,36,40,43-46]. Beryllium concentra-
tions of 0.5 /ig/L can be determined by this method. Triethanolamine,
EDTA, and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) have been employed
to mask interferents, which include lithium, calcium, manganese, copper,
zinc, silver, gold, and the rare earth elements. The morin fluorometric
method for beryllium is used in ASTM Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of
Aluminum and Aluminum Base Alloys (E 34).
Photoneutron Method
When subjected to gamma irradiation, beryllium undergoes the nuclear
•^Be + 7 - ^ »Be +
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313.042 doublet V
234.861 Fe
265.060 multiplet Th, Os, Zr, Yb
332.134 multiplet Th, Sm, V, Tb, Ti, Ho
249.473 multiplet Th, Ru
235.069 multiplet Co, Fe, Ni, Hf
217.507 doublet Ir, Ni, Pt
298.662 multiplet Fe, Cr, Ir, Rh
457.267 multiplet Mn, Ti, Ta
205.590 doublet Cr
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"I, atom Thu II,
line; Jan ion
3 05:50:16
line.EST 2019
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'Refs 72 through 74.
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Determined by DCP
Internal Standard
Sample Certified Uncorrected Corrected
Spectro- Direct
Certi- photo- Atomic Reading
Sample fied DC Plasma Titration* metric* Absorption Spectrometer
The author wishes to thank Roy Beck of Brush Wellman Inc. for supplying
the copper-berylHum alloy data used in this report.
White, D. W., Jr. and Burke, J. E., Eds., The Metal Beryllium, The American Society for
Metals, Cleveland, OH, 1955.
[2 Darwin, G. E. and Buddery, J. H., Beryllium, Butterworths Scientific Publications, Lon-
don, 1960.
13 Everest, D. A., The Chemistry of Beryllium, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam,
The Netheriands, 1964.
[4 Hausner, H. H., Ed., Beryllium Its Metallurgy and Properties, University of California
Press, Berkeley, CA, 1965.
[5 Everest, D. A., Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 1, J. C. Bailar, Ed., Pergamon
Press Ltd., Oxford, England, 1973, p. 531.
{6 Ballance, J., Stonehouse, A. J., Sweeney, R., and Walsh, K., Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology, 3rd ed.. Vol. 3, M. Grayson and D. Eckroth, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1978, pp. 803-823.
[7] Walsh, K. and Rees, G. H., Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd ed.. Vol. 3, M.
Grayson and D. Eckroth, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978, pp. 824-829.
\8 Petzow, G., Aldinger, F., Jonsson, S., and Preuss, O., Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Indus-
trial Chemistry, 5th ed.. Vol. A4, VCH Verlags-gesellschaft, Weinheim, Federal Republic
of Germany, 1985, pp. 11-33.
\9 Vinci, F. A., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 25, 1953, p. 1580.
[10 Metcalfe, J. and Ryan, J. A., Eds., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium, Proceedings of
a Symposium Held at Blackpool—June, 1960," PG Report 171(S), United Kingdom
Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields, England, 1960.
[11 Vinci, F. A., Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis, 6th ed.. Vol. 1, N. H. Furman, Ed.,
D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, NJ, 1962, p. 167.
[12 Kjellgren, B. R. F., Schwenzfeier, C. W., andMelick, E. S., Treatise on Analytical Chem-
istry. Vol. 6, Part 2,1. M. KoWhoff and P. J. Elving, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York,
[13 Kempchinskey, P. C , Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis, Vol. 7, F. D. Snell
and C. L. Hilton, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1968, pp. 103-117 and 129-141.
[14 Snell, F. D. and Hilton, C. L., Eds., Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis, Vol. 7,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1968, pp. 118-129.
[15 Novoselova, A. V. and Batsanova, L. R., Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium, Israel Pro-
gram for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Israel, 1968.
[16 Fresenius, R. and Jander, G., Handbuch der analytischen Chemie, Part 3, VoL 2a, Julius
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1940.
[lA Rodden, C. J., The Analysis of Essential Atomic Reactor Materials, C. J. Rodden, Ed.,
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1964,
pp. 349-405.
[18 Smithe, L. and Florence, T., Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series 9, Vol. 3, 1963, p. 191.
[19 Stokinger, H. E., Ed., Beryllium: Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects, Academic Press, New
York, 1966.
[20 Kallmann, S., Ledox and Company, Teaneck, NJ, unpublished procedure.
[21 Brewer, P., Analyst, Vol. 77, 1952, p. 539.
[22 Pribil, R. and Kucharsky, K., Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, Vol.
IS, 1950, p. 132.
[23 Golovatyi, R. N., Oshchapovskii, V. V., and Alekseenko, L. I., Ukrain s'kiiKhimicheskii
Zhurnal, Vol. 26, 1960, p. 771.
[24 Chernikhov, I. A. and Goryushina, V. G., Shornik Nauchnykh Trudov Giredmeta, Vol. 2,
1959, p. 97.
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[25] Parsons, C. and Barnes, S., Zeitschrift Fuer Analytische Chemie, VoL 46, 1907, p. 292.
[26] Frommes, M., Zeitschrift Fuer Analytische Chemie, Vol. 93, 1933, pp. 287, 295.
[27] Akiyama, T., Japan Analyst, Vol. 1, 1952, p. 133.
[28] Moser, L. and Singer, J., MonatshefteFuer Chemie, Vol. 48, 1927, p. 673.
[29] Rodden, C. J. and Vinci, F. A., The Metal Beryllium, D. W. White, Jr. and J. E. Burke,
Eds., The American Society of Metals, Cleveland, OH, 1955, pp. 641-691.
[30] Cupr, v., Zeitschrift fuer Analytische Chemie, Vol. 76, 1929, p. 173.
[31] Airoldi, R., Annalidi Chimica (Rome). Vol. 41, 1951, p. 478.
[32] McClure, J. H. and Banks, C. V., Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 57,
1950, p. 193.
[33] McClure, J. H. and Banks, C. V., "An Empirical Titrimetric Method for the Determina-
tion of Beryllium," Report AECU-812, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Iowa State Col-
lege, Ames, lA, 1950.
[34] Fischer, H., Zeitschrift Analytische Chemie, Vol. 73, 1928, p. 54.
[35] Fischer, W. and Wernet, J., Angewandte Chemie, Vol. A60, 1948, p. 129.
[36] Sandell, E. B., Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Metals, 3rd ed., Interscience Pub-
lishers, Inc., New York, 1959, pp. 304-324.
[37] Osborn, G. H. and Stress, W., Metallurgia, Vol. 30, No. 175, 1944, p. 3.
[38] Stross, W. and Osborn, G. H., Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 63, 1944,
p. 249.
[39] Hayes, T. J., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium, Proceedings of a Symposium Held at
Blackpool—June, 1960." J. Metcalfe and J. A. Ryan, Eds., PG Report 171(S), United
Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields, England, 1960, pp. 15-24.
[40] Snell, F. D. and Snell, C. T., Colorimetric Methods of Analysis, Vol. 2A, D. Van Nostrand
Company, Inc., Princeton, NJ, 1959, pp. 188-200.
[41] Kosel, G. E. and Neuman, W. F., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 22, 1950, p. 936.
[42] Luke, C. L. and Campbell, M. E., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 24, 1952, p. 1056.
[43] Sandell, E. B., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol. 12, 1940,
p. 674.
[44] Sill, C. S. and Willis, C. P., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 31, 1959, p. 598.
[45] Molineaux, H. F., Trowell, F., and Turnbull, G. B., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryl-
lium, Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Blackpool—June, 1960," J. Metcalfe and J. A.
Ryan, Eds., PG Report 171(S), United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields,
England, 1960, pp. 155-175.
[46] Sill, C. W., Willis, C. P., and Flygare, J. K., Jr., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium,
Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Blackpool—June, 1960," J. Metcalfe and J. A. Ryan,
Eds., PG Report 171(S), United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields, En-
gland, 1960, pp. 177-178.
[47] Bisby, H. and Hale, F. H., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium, Proceedings of a Sym-
posium Held at Blackpool—June, 1960," J. Metcalfe and J. A. Ryan, Eds., PG Report
171(S), United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields, England, 1960,
pp. 43-54.
[48] Milner, G. W. C. and Edwards, J. W., "The Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium, Proceed-
ings of a Symposium Held at Blackpool—June, 1960," J. Metcalfe and J. A. Ryan, Eds.,
PG Report 171(S), United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Springfields, England,
1960, pp. 55-69.
[49] Gaudin, A. M. and Pannell, J. H., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, 1951, p. 1261.
[50] Kienberger, C. A., "Determination of Beryllium by Gamma Activation," AEC Research
and Development Report Y-1733, Union Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN, 1970.
[51] Price, W. J., Spectrochemical Analysis by Atomic Absorption, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1979, p. 292.
[52] Analytical Methods for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, The Perkin Elmer Corpo-
ration, Norwalk, CT, 1971.
[53] Ramakrishna, T. V., West, P. W., and Robinson, J. W., Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 39,
1967, p. 81.
[54] Janousek, I., Atomic Absorption Newsletter, Vol. 16, 1977, p. 49.
[55] Amos, M. D. and Willis, J. B., Spectrochimica Acta, Vol. 22, 1966, p. 1325.
[56] Bokowski, D. L., Atomic Absorption Newsletter. Vol. 6, 1967, p. 97.
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[57] Fleet, B., Liberty, K. V., and West, T. S., Talanta, Vol. 17, 1970, p. 203.
[58] Castillo, J. R., Belarra, M. A., Dominguez, M., and Aznarez, J., Talanta, Vol. 29, 1982,
p. 485.
[59] Terashima, S., Japan Analyst, Vol. 22, 1973, p. 1317.
[60] Matsusaki, K., Bunseki Kagaku. Vol. 24, 1975, p. 442.
[61] Terashima, S., Bunseki Kagaku, Vol. 31, 1982, p. 727.
[62] Korkisch, J., Sorio, A., and Steffan, L, Talanta, Vol. 23, 1976, p. 289.
[63] Korkisch, J. and Sorio, A., Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 82, 1976, p. 311.
[64] Bettger, R. J., Ficklin, A. C , and Rees, T. F., Atomic Absorption Newsletter, Vol. 14,
1975, p. 14.
[65] Bolyard, M., NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 2nd ed.. Method 279, Vol. 4, U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health, Cincinnati, OH, 1978.
[66] NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 2nded., Vol. 4, Method S339, U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cin-
cinnati, OH, 1978.
167] Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA Publication 600/4-79-020,
Method 210.2, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1979.
[6*1 Geladi, P. and Adams, F., Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 105, 1979, p. 219.
[69] Lagas, P., Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 98, 1978, p. 261.
[70] Manning, D. C. and Slavin, W., Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 37, 1983, p. 1.
[71] Owens, J. W. and Gladney, E. S., Atomic Absorption Newsletter, Vol. 14, 1975, p. 76.
[72] Boumans, P. W. J. M., Line Coincidence Tables for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic
Emission Spectrometry, Vol. 1, Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, England, 1981.
[73] Harrison, G. R., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wavelength Tables, The MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
[74] Meggers, W.-F., Corliss, C. H., and Scribner, B, F., Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities,
Monograph 32, Parts 1 and 2, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1961.
[75] Eastwood, D., Hendrick, M. S., and Sogliero, G., Spectrochimica Acta, Vol. 35B, 1980,
p. 421.
[76] Thompson, M. and Ramsey, M. H., Analyst, Vol. 110, 1985, p. 1413.
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Rudolph B. Fricioni^
Determinator Design and tiie
Innpact of Future Trends in tfie
Area of Connputer-Controlled
Autonnation of Analytical
Chennistry Methods
ABSTRACT: The design of analytical instrumentation has always made use of the latest
electronic technology to provide the fastest and most accurate methods for analysis. The
present and the future is no different than the past. Computer and microprocessor tech-
nology offers solutions to analytical problems that until this period of time had to be lived
Designers, while holding on to basic analytical techniques, cannot incorporate correc-
tions for previously known but uncontrollable factors. Computer and microprocessor
based design offers the designer the capability of automating manual analytical methods
that previously were simply too complex. The design of such systems follows the same
exacting evaluation process as used in the past. Evaluations for the most efficient extrac-
tion, isolation or separation, detection, signal process, and systems control methods are
made and compiled to result in a fast, accurate, and easy to use system.
The combination of electronics, electro-mechanics, and analytical methods is continu-
ing with the advent and development of robotics. Combined with the technology of todays
instrumentation robotics can offer further productivity and efficiency of the analytical
Today, the electronics industry accounts for inore than $100 billion in sales
per year and is expected to reach sales of $325 billion to $400 billion by the
'Vice-president of Research and Development, Leco Corporation, 300 Lakeview Ave., St. Jo-
seph, MI 48085.
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late 1980s. It will then rank as the world's fourth largest industry, after steel,
automobiles, and chemicals.
Microprocessors are used today in everything from hand-held calculators,
digital watches, and TV games, to refrigerators, automobiles, and laboratory
instrumentation of all types. The next decade will see such unimaginable ap-
plications as tiny inexpensive climate and soil sensors for agriculture, and
infinitesimal medical devices sewn into ordinary clothing to monitor the
heartbeat of the wearer.
As computer miniaturization advanced, computer capacity soared, and
costs per function plunged; small, cheap, powerful mini-computers appeared
virtually everywhere; nearly every branch office, laboratory, sales office or en-
gineering department seems to have acquired one. Expenditures for micro-
processor-based computers alone grew, in the United States, from $300 mil-
lion in 1977 to over $3 billion in 1982.
In addition to the phenomenal growth of minicomputers, microprocessors
and microcomputers are rapidly expanding throughout the entire range of
American life. Apart from their applications in businesses and laboratories,
they are already used, or soon will be, in everything from air-conditioners and
automobiles to sewing machines and scales. They will soon monitor and mini-
mize energy waste in our homes and factories. They already fine-tune auto-
mobile fuel systems. They tell us when a component of the automobile re-
quires repair or service. Soon they will turn on the clock radio, the toaster, the
coffee maker, and even the shower for us in the morning. They will warm the
garage, lock the doors, and perform countless other tasks.
Today, the conversion of analytical chemistry methods to computer-con-
trolled automation is accelerating. The acceptance of this trend is due to in-
dustrial demands for greater analytical accuracy, more analytical data, and
more accurate process control.
As the steel industry progressed from open hearth melting to basic oxygen
and electric arc melting, increased demands were placed on the chemical lab-
oratory. The use of argon oxygen decarbonization increased these demands
The fuel laboratories of our energy industries have experienced increased
demands from material process technology, government regulations, and ma-
terial shortages. In other fields, such as plastics, foods, and environmental
science, the technological advancements of the past several years have in-
creased the same demands on their various analytical laboratories.
Automated Methods
Any automated method must consider the requirements of the laboratory,
while at the same time, making the procedure simpler. When considering the
automation of a particular method, the end element being determined is of
primary concern. Also considered in the planning process is the expected con-
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tent ranges, required accuracy, type of material to be analyzed, and the time
allotted for analysis.
Defining both the type of material to be analyzed and the element to be
determined allows the designer of the system to evaluate the most efficient
method of extracting the element from the material. Which form of energy to
employ is the first planning step. (If the element can be extracted from the
material by heating in a controlled environment, combustion, fusion, carbon
arcing, or X-ray bombardment in a controlled atmosphere, then the designer
will consider the efficiency of each method in recovering the end element to be
determined.) Methods of isolating the element from other elements that may
evolve during the various extraction methods must be evaluated, as well as the
efficiency of each extraction method.
The method of extraction determines the form of the element as it is ex-
tracted from the sample material. Establishing the form allows the engineer
to choose the most efficient means of isolating, and then detecting, the ex-
tracted element. An element that evolves from a material at a specific temper-
ature in an inert environment may be detected by weight loss, flame ioniza-
tion, infrared absorption, or thermal conductivity. Elements that evolve in
the form of a metal ion through arcing or etching may be detected by a flame
photometer or colorimeter. Elements that evolve in a gaseous state through
combustion or fusion may be detected by infrared absorption or thermal con-
ductivity. Elements evolved by X-ray bombardment may be detected by pulse
ionization, scintillation, or semiconductor detection.
The selected method of detection will be sensitive to certain interferences
from other elements. After selecting both an extraction method and a detec-
tion method, the designer concentrates on further isolation of the element in
regard to the detection system. Isolation of an element may range from simple
temperature or environmental controls to chemical absorbers, wavelength fil-
ters, or dispersion crystals.
The engineer must incorporate the decisions on extraction, detection and
separation into a system that will automatically control these functions, and,
at the same time, process the data generated by the detection system into
meaningful values. The designer's choices for control are mechanical, elec-
tro-mechanical, or electronic. At times, all three technologies will be em-
ployed to provide the most efficient method of control. As in other fields, the
chemical analysis engineer makes use of electronic technology for detected
signal processing, as well as system controls.
Making the correct design decisions is made easier by advancements that
occurred during the past decades. Even though a particular method has never
been automated before, the designer can learn from the work completed for
other analytical techniques. For example, a designer may consider a resis-
tance furnace as the heart of an extraction system. Resistance furnace sys-
tems have been used in the analytical process for nearly 50 years. The engi-
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(all rights reserved); Jan 3 05:50:16 EST 2019of an accurately controlled temperature
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Laboratory automation is essential for increasing the productivity of skilled
scientists and technicians. Robotics is a rapidly emerging technology for the
laboratory. User experience, product capability, and the range of applica-
tions are all rapidly increasing. The time to begin incorporating tomorrow's
technology into instrument and laboratory design has arrived.
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Ford A. Blair.' Jon M. Arritt,' and Larry J. Lundy^
REFERENCE: Blair, F. A., Arritt, J. M., and Lundy, L. J., "Analytical Laboratoiy In-
formation Management System (ALIMS}," Chemical Analysis of Metals, ASTM STP
944, Francis T. Coyle, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
1987, pp. 97-107.
ABSTRACT: A computerized system has been developed that closely approaches total
laboratory data automation. The system is menu driven, permitting the analyst to easily
step through a hierarchy of works instructions. Data generation, calculations, dissemina-
tion, and retention are fully automated for instruments and automated for wet-chemical
analyses prior and subsequent to raw data collection.
The system begins with the log-in of samples for which unique identification numbers
are automatically generated. The total routine workload can then be scheduled by the
computer. Overrides permit appropriate variations. Work centers query the system for
assignments. The system not only controls and monitors work flow but invokes analytical
and quality control procedures as well. For management control, sample status is readily
Instruments controlled by the system include inductively coupled plasma, atomic ab-
sorption spectrophotometer, optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP, AAS, OES), ana-
lytical balances, LECO analyzers, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-VIS), and
automatic titrators. Report capability exists for back-logs, sample status, quality control,
cost accounting, and periodic performance.
KEY WORDS; data processing, data generation, data dissemination, calculations, ana-
lytical instruments, analytical sample, log-in, work scheduling, sample status, quality
control, management control, past due reports, backlog samples, analyst performance,
laboratory performance, menu driven, password control
In the last 50 years the field of analytical chemistry has changed dramati-
cally. Classical wet techniques have given way to instrumental methods for
routine analysis. There will always be a need for wet chemical methods, but
even these have grown, and will continue to grow, in sophistication. These
events have produced changes in analytical terminology, and for some a com-
'Manager of Analytical Laboratory Section, senior chemist, and chemist advanced, respec-
tively, Inco Alloys International Inc., Huntington, WV 25720.
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number, 2, from the main menu. The following menu would appear on the
1. Exit
2. Log-in Samples
3. Schedule Samples
From this menu the analyst will either log samples into the laboratory or
will schedule work on samples previously logged in. Let us examine both
cases. First, assume the analyst selected Option 2. The following menu would
appear on the screen:
1. Exit
2. Escape (To Main Menu)
3. Enter Samples
4. Modify An Entry
5. Reprint A Label
6. Delete An Entry
Assuming further that the analyst is performing the initial log-in of sam-
ples, he would enter Option 3 from the menu. The following menu would
appear on the screen:
1. Exit
2. Ladle
3. Ingot
4. Weld Pad
5. Miscellaneous
6. Remelted Ingot
7. Experimental Heat
8. Process Control
This menu lists the seven different categories that define all the samples we
might analyze. One further selection of a specific category from this menu will
bring to the screen a form. This form has been specifically designed to contain
all the information that is pertinent to the identification of that sample type.
The analyst simply is required to fill in all applicable blanks as he or she is
automatically prompted through the form. Some blanks must be filled and
the computer will not allow the analyst to proceed further until that occurs.
After all information has been entered, the computer prompts the analyst for
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a review to insure that all information has been entered correctly. Having veri-
fied that he or she has correctly entered the identifying data, the analyst stores
this in a file, and the computer simultaneously assigns a unique laboratory
identification number to that sample. Also occurring simultaneously is the
printing of a label that is immediately attached to the sample container.
All sample types from the above menu can be logged-in in this manner.
These data are stored and are available for scheduling work to be performed
on each sample. The Log-In menu contained three other categories: Delete
An Entry, Modify An Entry, and Reprint A Label. These can be taken liter-
ally in that a sample entry can be totally deleted from the system at any time
or changes can be made to the entry at any time. New labels can also be re-
printed at any time.
Assume, now, that all samples have been correctly logged-in and the ana-
lyst is ready to schedule all required work on these samples. In our laboratory
this may or may not be done by the same analyst. In most cases the scheduling
will be done by a second individual because this tends to provide a cross check
on the log-in process.
Now let us assume that the analyst has entered Option 3 from the Sample
Entry/Schedule Menu. The following menu will appear on the screen:
1. Exit
2. Escape (To Main Menu)
3. Schedule Samples
4. Reschedule Samples
From this menu the analyst again chooses Option 3 for scheduling samples,
and the following menu will appear on the screen:
1. Exit Ladle Miscellaneous
2. One Sample Ingot Experimental
3. Some Samples Weld Pad Process Control
4. All Samples Remelted Ingot
This split screen display shows the numbered choices on the left and the
sample types, which can occur with each of these choices, on the right. This
allows the analyst to schedule any number of samples of any type in any desir-
able fashion. Of all the samples logged-in, the analyst might wish to schedule
only one, or all the ingot samples of one alloy, or all the samples that are
Computer files containing all analytical methods in use in the laboratory
have been developed. The files also contain three arrays that describe analysis
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Jan 3the number
05:50:16 EST 2019 of replicate specimens to be analyzed.
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whether or not the specimen is an over-check, and the method priority. Rou-
tine scheduling combines these three arrays with an elementary methods file
to select the routine methods needed. Routine scheduling also incorporates
nonelemental methods. Using a computer assigned method number, all
methods remain unique.
When the choice has been made, the computer automatically, and trans-
parent to the operator, sequences through five different scheduling options.
These internal options are
A. If scheduled samples are routine, all routine methods are displayed.
The computer then prompts the analyst with the following screen:
1. Exit
2. Schedule These
3. Make Methods Changes
4. Schedule Manually, By Alloy Independent Methods, Or Change Cur-
rent Routine Methods
If the sample types are routinely analyzed in the laboratory, the computer
files contain all specific information relative to elements to be determined in
each different alloy type. The analyst selects Option 2 from the menu and all
scheduled determinations are automatically transferred to a pre-weigh file
awaiting method application. This action simultaneously deletes the sample
from the Log-In file and creates a data receiving file.
If Option 3 or 4 is chosen, other menus appear that prompt the analyst
through necessary changes or additions. However, these options will eventu-
ally direct the analyst back to Option 2 for completing the scheduling process.
B. If the sample cannot be routinely scheduled, the following menu ap-
1. Exit
2. Need to Create/Modify Methods
3. Schedule Manually
4. Schedule By Alloy Independent Methods
Option 2 is used to input data relative to procedures that have not already
been filed and does not refer to the development of new analytical procedures.
Option 3 permits manual scheduling of samples, but this is still accomplished
within the computer. Option 4 refers to methods that are primary in nature
and do not require an alloy matrix calibration standard:
C. If The Sample Is An Ingot, it will be scheduled according to previous
ingot requests.
D. If The Sample Is Miscellaneous Type, all established miscellaneous
methods will be scrolled for review. The system will attempt to schedule
like known routine samples. Failing this, the sample will be scheduled
Copyright by ASTM Int'lmanually in Thu
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2. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
3. Balance (Mettler A-30)
4. Balance (Mettler A-160)
5. Inductively Coupled Plasma (JACO)
6. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ARL)
7. LECO(CS-344)
9. Manual Data Input
10. Potentiometric Titration
11. Spectrophotometric (HP)
12. Dissolving/Sample Preparation
13. Routine Sheets For Instruments Not Currently Interfaced
14. X-Ray Fluorescence (MRS 300)
15. X-Ray Fluorescence (MRS 400)
16. Optical Emission Spectrograph (JACO)
2. Assay
3. Standards
4. Chemistries
A. Composition Ranges
B. Average
5. Sample Status
6. Reports
An assay of all samples develops from the collection of processed data.
Data from instruments, as well as manual input from gravimetric procedures,
build a raw data file. This file will generally contain elemental data generated
by two or more analytical methods. Quality control applications will have
been previously invoked at the individual method source, and the data trans-
ferred to this file are all statistically acceptable. Ultimately this file will con-
tain a single elemental value from each source method. At this point an ana-
lyst will review all submitted data, and if acceptable, initiates a transfer to the
final assay file. The final assay utilizes all single value source data in arriving
at the statistical mean elemental values appearing in the final assay. This
mean value calculation prioritizes the source values with respect to the vari-
ance associated with the individual method. Since all data are statistically
acceptable, the most precise method has the greatest influence on the final
assay elemental values.
ALIMS maintains an inventory of some 500 standards, which include
SRMs, CRMs, and internally developed standards. The quantity of internal
alloy standards is monitored to insure that an ample supply of each is avail-
Copyright by able. These
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Thu Jan assays
3 05:50:16 EST 2019 on each standard. The quality control
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applications access these files for certified elemental values for comparison to
analyzed values in routine analysis. This section also contains a file of open
text, brief descriptions of all elemental methods in current use.
Option 4 in this menu provides access to defined alloy elemental concentra-
tions for commercial products. All final assay chemistry for each heat pro-
duced is compared to listings in this file to insure that the product meets de-
fined alloy compositional requirements. This section also maintains a
historical running average for each element in each alloy produced. This file
is accessed by the scheduling function in determining proper specimen
weights and aliquots relative to known average elemental concentration in
each alloy.
The status system links all processes operating within ALIMS. Specimens
follow a status "blueprint," which identifies the previous and next work sta-
tions. After the specimen has been through the scheduling process, all
changes to the specimen and its scheduled analyses must be done in the status
program. Since all laboratory work stations periodically refer to the status
system, the analyst receives immediate notification of the termination of or
changes in analytical requests.
All reports are made possible by status codes which are established during
the scheduling process. From these codes analysis times can be determined.
These can then be compared to known, and filed, turn around times for each
analytical method. At the time of scheduling a projected finish date is en-
tered, and actual analysis times are compared to this date. From this the sys-
tem produces past due information and projects new finish dates. These sta-
tus codes make possible the complete evaluation of our analytical processing
ALIMS provides for a variety of reports that can be viewed either from a
CRT screen or as printed reports. As a management control device, informa-
tion is generally reviewed from the CRT screen. This, in conjunction with
electronic mail capabilities, provides for a rapid communications device
among the management staff. Option 6 from this menu provides access to the
following reports:
• Quality Control—These can include all of the statistical tests, but those
most frequently viewed are the weighted mean and precision statements.
Direct comparison of analytical values from different methods is
• Sample Status—These reports provide information on progress of sam-
ples through the laboratory. The analyst can easily determine the last
procedural step completed, the length of time spent on each step, as well
as total elapsed time, and projected time to completion.
• Past Due Reports—Information from the status files automatically pro-
vides daily, or as desired, reports showing the specimens already past the
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2. Methods
A. Elemental
B. Non-Elemental (eg., Specific Gravity)
C. Current Needs
D. Print Alloys Loaded/Method
E. Edit Report Requesters
F. Change Std In Method File
G. Print Method Codes
H. Establish Routine Method Codes
I. Load Files Names/Workstations
J. Load Method File Addresses
K. Copy Method File Addresses
3. Qualified Personnel
4. Calculator
The files containing information necessary to schedule and process all spec-
imens through the laboratory are found in this section. This includes both
elemental and nonelemental methods. These are not written analytical proce-
dures but computer codes that refer to analytical methods. Once method in-
formation for a particular sample type has been loaded, the sample becomes
routine to the computer. Changes, however, can be made at the scheduling
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level for a single specimen. Permanent changes are made only by developing
new method information.
Vital functions necessary for laboratory operation are protected using a
password system. Without the correct password for a specific function, that
part of the system cannot be accessed. Each analyst has been qualified to
perform certain analytical procedures by our laboratory quality control pro-
gram. Personnel files contain this qualification information. These files are
accessed each time an analyst logs on and the computer verifies proper quali-
fication to perform the analysis.
A computerized system has been developed that closely approaches total
laboratory data automation. The system is menu driven, permitting the ana-
lyst to easily step through a hierarchy of works instructions. Data generation,
calculations, dissemination, and retention are fully automated for instru-
ments and automated for wet-chemical analyses prior and subsequent to raw
data collection. The system not only controls and monitors work flow, but
invokes analytical and quality control procedures as well. For management
control, sample status is readily available. Report capability exists for back-
logs, sample status, quality control, cost accounting, and periodic per-
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Robert L. Waiters, Jr. •
REFERENCE: Walters, R. L., Jr., "Qoality Assurance in Metals Analysis Using tlie In-
ductively Coupled Plasma," Chemical Analysis of Metals. ASTM STP 944, Francis T.
Coyle, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1987, pp. 108-
ABSTRACT; The inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique is a useful approach for
multielement analysis of a wide variety of materials. Published reports have described the
successful application of the ICP technique for the analysis of trace, minor, and major
elements in metal alloys. When assessing the quality of analytical results using the ICP or
any other technique, one must consider the contribution of various parts of the measure-
ment process to the total error. In addition to random error, a careful evaluation of all
possible sources of systematic errors must be undertaken, so that the appropriate correc-
tions can be applied to the analytical results. Emission spectroscopists are well aware of
the problems caused by spectral interferences in ferrous matrices. The inherent linearity
of the ICP technique offers a correction scheme for dealing with spectral interferences,
but the method of measuring correction factors and accounting for their variability war-
rants close examination.
Most descriptions of ICP applications report relative freedom from matrix effects. Al-
though the magnitude of systematic errors may be less than for other spectrometric tech-
niques, such errors can cause analytical bias, which can appreciably affect the final
results. For example, it has been shown that differences in acid concentration between
pure element standards and the sample can cause systematic error. This type of problem
can occur when complex alloys are dissolved for ICP analysis. Examples of these kinds of
errors and approaches to correcting for them are presented.
KEY WORDS; inductively coupled plasma, spectral interference, matrix effects, preci-
sion, accuracy, analysis of variance
'Research chemist. Inorganic Analytical Research Division, Center for Analytical Chemistry,
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
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Copyright® 1987 A S T M International
Spectral Interferences
In designing a method for the analysis of metals, particularly ferrous alloys
using any form of emission spectrometry, a set of spectral lines for all analyte
elements must be chosen. One usually considers spectral sensitivity, freedom
from spectral overlap with matrix element lines, and freedom from spectral
interference from other emission lines of minor or trace constituents. There
are several literature sources for checking the most sensitive analyte emission
lines for spectral interferences from iron or other analyte lines. The com-
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EST 2019 (NBS), Massachusetts Institute of
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Sensitivity Sensitivity
Element X, nm Rank Factor
Al I 396.153 2 1.3
As I 189.042 5 2.6
B I 182.641
Ce II 456.236 11 1.5
Cr I 427.480 10 2.7
Co II 228.616 2 1.2
Cu I 327.396 3 1.8
La II 408.672 3 1.0
Mg II 280.270 2 2.0
Mn I 280.106 9 15.0
Mo II 281.615 8 1.8
Ni II 231.604 3 1.5
Nb II 319.498 6 2.0
P I 178.280
Si I 288.160 2 2.2
Sn II 189.980 1 1.0
Ti II 334.941 1 1.0
W II 207.911 1 1.0
V II 311.071 5 2.0
Zr II 339.198 2 1.0
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lyte lines and possible interferences found are listed in Table 2. Since Winge
et al. have furnished spectral scans for the four most sensitive lines of the
elements, lines of lower rank in Table 1 must be checked by consulting other
references, such as Boumans [4], or by direct experimental observation. Sny-
der [ 7] has checked for interferences among the elements listed in Table 1.
Although boron and nickel were found to interfere with cobalt; no interfer-
ence from titanium was found. An interference from phosphorus was the only
one listed for copper as the analyte, and no interferences for magnesium and
silicon were found.
The interferences on cobalt and silicon were not detected by Snyder, al-
though they appear to be quite significant in the wavelength scans from Ref
6. The analyte concentrations used by Snyder were chosen to simulate actual
sample concentrations (0.050 /xg/mL). Interference effects can be partially
masked by the noise at this level. It is interesting to note all of the interference
effects except one recorded by Snyder are no less than 10% relative to the
analyte concentration. It is possible that interference effects less than 10%
were not considered to be significant.
Although no interferences caused by titanium were listed in Ref 7, inspec-
tion of the Boumans [6] tables indicates a possible interference from titanium
at 427.458 nm on the chromium line at 427.480 nm. At a spectral resolution
of 0.030 nm, titanium is expected to give a signal equal to that of chromium if
the titanium/chromium concentration ratio is 150. Although there are only
a few examples of ferrous materials with a titanium concentration over
100 times the chromium concentration, significant errors could occur even
at lower titanium/chromium concentration ratios. For example, SRM
465, Ingot Iron E has a titanium/chromium concentration ratio of 0.20%/
0.004% = 50. A spectral scan of the wavelength region around 427.480 nm is
presented in Fig. 1 for l.O-^ig/mL chromium and 50-/xg/mL titanium. The
spectrometer used for this scan has a spectral resolution of 0.014 nm. Al-
though these spectral lines are almost completely resolved at this resolution, a
spectrometer of 0.028-nm resolution would be unable to resolve the pair, and
an error in the chromium determination would result.
Another example can be found by checking the Boumans tables [4] for
interferences of the vanadium line at 311.071 nm. Again titanium is predicted
to give an equal signal if its concentration is 100 times that of vanadium.
Analyte X, nm Interierent X, nm
Co 228.616 Ti 228.618
Cu 327.396 Ti 327.405 (slight)
Mg 280.270 V 280.280
Si 288.160 Cr 288.193
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Cr 1.0|:^g/mL
427.458 427.480
A (nm)
FIG. 1—Spectral scan of titanium and chromium at 427.480 nm with a resolution of 0.014
0.5 MQ/mL V
5000 ^g/mL Fe
FIG. 2—Spectral scan of vanadium at 311,071 nm for SRM 465 with possible interferences
from iron and titanium.
Ti 20.0 MQ/mL
Ti 10.0 iAglml
Ti 5.0 |ug/mL
A (nm)
FIG. 3—Spectral interference correction for titanium on vanadium by aspiration of increasing
amounts of titanium.
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15.00 j^g/mL Tf
A (nm)
FIG. 4—Spectral scan of titanium at 334.941 nm.
The data for this approach are given in the second case of Table 3. These data
are to be compared to the data in the first case of the table, where no interfer-
ence correction has been made.
One of the problems associated with scanning sequential ICP spectrome-
ters can be defined by careful examination of the scans in Fig. 3. When the
standard solutions of titanium are analyzed to calibrate the interference func-
tion, the spectrometer finds the titanium peak within the spectral search win-
dow and centers on it. Since the titanium peak is slightly shifted from the
vanadium peak, the measured intensity for apparent vanadium caused by ti-
TABLE 3—Spectral interference correction schemes for vanadium in SRM 465. Duplicate
data are given for each case. Vanadium in SRM 465 is certified at 0.002%.
Apparent V
Observed V, Caused by Corrected V,
Case fig/mL Ti, ;ig/mL Hg/mL V, wt. %
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tanium is higher than it should be. The proper measurement would be on the
side of the titanium peak at the central vanadium wavelength. One way to
force a scanning spectrometer to make the measurement nearer to the vana-
dium peak wavelength is to add titanium to a solution that already contains
an appreciable quantity of vanadium. Such is the case for the data plotted in
Fig. 5. Successive amounts of titanium were added to O.S-ng/mL vanadium
so that the principal spectral feature in the peak search window is centered at
the vanadium peak wavelength of 311.071 nm. The apparent vanadium con-
centration thus obtained, and the resulting values for corrected vanadium
concentration are listed in the third case of Table 3. This improved correction
scheme results in a change of over 10% relative in the final vanadium concen-
tration value, compared to the first correction scheme. Both correction proce-
dures yield values for vanadium that are significantly more accurate than the
uncorrected value.
The procedures for implementing spectral interference corrections using
polychromator ICP systems are more straightforward, since the exit slits are
always centered on the analyte wavelength of interest. Unfortunately, spectral
overlaps, for which corrections must be applied, are likely to occur more fre-
quently with polychromators than with some sequential spectrometers. The
reason is that most polychromators have focal lengths of 0.75 to 1.0 m and
cover a spectral range of from 175 to 450 nm using both first and second order
+ 20Mg/mL Ti
+ 10 ^g/mL Ti
+5 uglmL Ti
0.5 /ig/mL V
FIG. 5—Spectral interference correction for titanium on vanadium by aspiration of increasing
amounts of titanium added to a fixed amount of vanadium.
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lines. The resulting practical limit of spectral resolution is about 0.03 nm.
The resolution limit is set by the size of the focal curve, optical aberrations at
either end of the focal curve, and slit widths necessary to ensure optical stabil-
By comparison, a 1-m Czerny-Turner monochromator with a 3600-line/
1mm grating occupies the same laboratory space, and does not incur the off-
axis aberrations of the concave grating. Consequently, such a monochroma-
tor is quite capable of a spectral resolution of 0.007 nm. This resolution
approaches the typical widths of spectral lines emitted by the ICP, and there-
fore eliminates many spectral interferences that are caused by low-resolution
spectrometers rather than true spectral line overlaps from the ICP itself. If
one has to sacrifice the speed of simultaneous multielement analysis using a
polychromator for the flexibility of a scanning sequential spectrometer, spec-
tral resolution should not also be sacrificed.
Matrix Effects
Assuming that one can obtain spectral intensity measurements free from
spectral interferences, other sources of bias must be evaluated and corrected.
The final statement of uncertainty must include the variability of any correc-
tion factors as well as the random variability of sample preparation proce-
dures, calibration procedures, and instrumental integrations. For the analy-
sis of metals or any other complex matrix, systematic error can be caused by
contamination of samples during dissolution, and differences in acid and ma-
trix element content between samples and standards. Accurate estimates of
contamination can be made by replicate preparations of blank solutions. The
procedures used must be exactly the same as those for the sample, including
all transfer, dilution, and digestion steps. Enough blanks must be prepared
to acquire a good estimate of the uncertainty in the average blank values.
Differences in matrix content between samples and standards can cause up
to 15 or 20% relative error, depending on the matrix, analyte element, and
ICP operating conditions. Such bias manifests itself as a multiplicative error
that can be corrected for by standard addition. Since the ICP exhibits linear
response over a wide concentration range, single-point standard additions, or
spike recoveries, often prove sufficient for correcting matrix effect bias. This
approach is only suitable if background-subtracted intensities are measured,
and enough spikes are run to allow estimation of the matrix effect correction
factor variance. In general, it is not advisable to attempt matrix matching of
the samples and standards. Usually it is difficult to avoid contamination of
analyte elements in the standards when high concentrations of matrix ele-
ments are added. Perhaps the addition of 0.5% iron to the standards for low
alloy steel and ingot iron analysis can be accomplished successfully. However,
this concentration of iron will not match that found in all samples exactly,
and therefore incomplete matrix effect correction will result. For the analysis
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Bulk Material
I I 12 13 I I 12 13 I I 12 13 I I 12 13 I I 12 13 I I 12 13
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Downloaded/printed by FIG. 6—Hierarchic relationship of a typical metal SRM analysis.
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nate. However, at analyte concentrations above 100 times the detection limit,
other sources of variance, such as errors in volumetric dilutions, may be as
The relative contribution of each of the steps in Fig. 6 to the total variance
can be estimated by a classical analysis of variance (ANOVA). Although we
are primarily interested in the application of the ICP to analysis of metals, the
underlying concepts of the ANOVA and its results apply to ICP analysis in
general. Analytical data for the determination of magnesium in powdered
milk, SRM 1549, provide a good example for evaluating sources of variance.
The data and corresponding ANOVA summary are presented in Table 4.
Two samples were taken from each of eleven SRM bottles, and each result
listed in the table is the average of four instrumental integrations. Estimates
for variance between bottles, between samples within a bottle, and among
instrumental integrations are obtained. In this case the sample-to-sample
variance appears to be the most important, and a reasonable estimate of the
random error of the method would be the standard deviation of the 22 num-
bers listed. A confidence interval based on this standard deviation and the t
value for 21 degrees of freedom would also include the instrumental variabil-
ity. Results based on bottle averages only would decrease the number of de-
grees of freedom to 10, when we have actually made 22 measurements. The
approach used in the foregoing analysis can help to improve the efficiency of
ICP analyses of a new sample matrix. For instance, analyzing a few samples
from a single bottle of SRM 1549 would yield the same results, while saving a
significant amount of time in sample dissolution and measurement.
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TABLE 4—Data and ANOVA for the determination on magnesium in SRM 1549, powdered
milk. Concentrations are in p-g/g.
V(2) = variance caused by SRM inhomogeneity
V(l) = variance caused by sample preparation and instrument drift
V(0) = variance caused by instrumental integrations.
Once the analysis steps with the most significant variability are identified
and replicated, it is essential to examine the validity of the assumptions that
the replicate measurements are indeed independent and normally distrib-
uted. Figure 8 is a smoothed histogram of the magnesium data, which indi-
cates a tri-model distribution. Referring to the ANOVA summary in Table 4,
it must be noted that each sample measurement requires a finite amount of
time. Therefore, the estimate of sample-to-sample variance also includes the
effect of instrumental drift during the course of the analysis.
Filliben [9] has described a convenient graphical method for testing mea-
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FIG. 8—Smoothed density distribution of results for magnesium in SRM 1549, powdered
If one applies some drift correction (DC) to each sample and spike measure-
ment, the combined equations are
Notice that the term DC cancels, and the spike-recovery corrects for both drift
and matrix effects. This makes intuitive sense since both drift and matrix
effects are considered to be multiplicative errors.
As an example, the determination of aluminum in a limestone sample was
accomplished by analyzing four samples from each of four bottles. Each sam-
ple solution was prepared with its corresponding spike solution, and the sam-
ple-spike pairs were nebulized into the ICP in random order. Each spike mea-
surement immediately followed its sample measurement. All measurements
consisted of four instrumental integrations. Under stable instrument condi-
tions, 90% recovery is observed for this matrix, but in this case a significant
amount of instrument drift was purposely introduced. This was accomplished
by tuning the monochromator to a wavelength slightly off the peak wave-
length used for aluminum and beginning the analysis immediately after start-
ing the ICP. The ensuing temperature drift of the system caused the alumi-
num peak to gradually shift out of the spectral window. After six of the
sample-spike pairs had been analyzed, the monochromator was retuned onto
the aluminum peak before running the remaining solutions. Run-sequence
plots of both uncorrected and corrected aluminum concentration versus in-
strument integration number are presented in Fig. 9. Instrument drift is quite
evident in the uncorrected case, whereas the plot of the corrected data shows
that bias caused by drift and matrix effects can be effectively minimized. In
cases where the drift is pronounced, measurement of the spike solution before
and after the sample and averaging the spike results is advisable. The amount
of instrumental drift indicated by the data plotted in Fig. 8 is appreciably
greater than that exhibited by most commercial ICP systems. For most appli-
cations of ICP spectrometry, long-term drift on the order of 1 or 2% is often
quite tolerable. However, for the high-accuracy analysis of SRMs, or when
excessive drift is caused by samples containing greater than 1% solids, these
procedures have been found to be useful.
When such correction procedures are employed, the sample is homogene-
ous, and the variance of ICP instrumental measurements is below 0.5% RSD,
sources of error caused by calibration must be taken into account. Even if the
measurement of the standards is very precise, errors caused by sequential di-
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1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1
0.1629 a -
M 0.159 M
« «"«
• " 0.1525 " " «
-« 0.15
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0.1429 - -
0.14 -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 4 e i 2 i G : o z 4 2 g s 3 6 46 S 96 10 64
Integration Nuaber
Corrected L.
". ."
J I I I L. -i I I \ I, L.
0 4 6 12 16 20 24 2 6 3 2 3 6 4 0 4 4 4 6 5 2 9 6 6 0 6 4
Integration Number
FIG. 9—Run sequence for aluminum: (a) uncorrected data and (b) data corrected for matrix
effects and drift.
lutions of stock standard solutions can often exceed 0.25% RSD depending
on the volumetric equipment used. Capacity tolerances for flasks and pipets
[//] can be used to estimate the total error incurred by multiple dilutions.
These effects can be reduced by restricting the use of transfer pipets smaller
than 5 mL and volumetric flasks smaller than 25 mL. If primary standards
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are made in terms of weight of anaiyte per unit weight of solution, gravimetric
dilutions can appreciably reduce the random error associated with such dilu-
For many instrumental methods of metal analysis that use direct solid sam-
ple introduction, previously analyzed reference materials are often used as
calibration standards. Recently, the use of dissolved SRMs has been sug-
gested as a feasible approach to matrix-matched calibration for ICP solution
analysis [12,13]. Since the certified values of SRMs have associated uncer-
tainties, concentrations of the standard solutions of such SRMs will also have
uncertainties. Even if the metal SRM is dissolved quantitatively for all ele-
ments of interest, the uncertainty of the concentration axis of the calibration
curve for each element can appreciably affect the overall uncertainty of the
sample analysis. This effect can easily be discerned by inspection of the series
of plots in Fig. 10.
Figure 10a depicts the linear calibration of instrument response versus
standard concentration for ICP analysis. A high standard and a standard
with an anaiyte concentration of zero are used for two-point standardization.
A measurement of the sample anaiyte intensity is made, and the concentra-
tion is calculated by inverse transformation of the calibration curve function.
No uncertainties are indicated in this inset.
Figure 10 b depicts the uncertainty in sample concentration that results
from the variability of replicate sample intensity measurements. Intensity
measurements associated with the high and low standard are assumed to have
no random error. The assumption that the calibration constants have no un-
certainty may cause an underestimation of the overall analytical uncertainty.
Figure 10c is a graphical representation of the uncertainty limits of a cali-
bration curve that result from the variance of the standard solution intensity
measurements. Notice that the variance for the low standard measurement is
smaller than that of the high standard measurement. The linear confidence
band that is drawn around the calibration curve is not intended to represent
the exact shape of the true confidence band. Rather, it is drawn so that the
effect of calibration uncertainty can be simplistically indicated by intersection
of the sample measurement uncertainty band with the calibration uncertainty
band. The resulting sample concentration uncertainty interval is appreciably
wider than the interval indicated in Fig. lOb.
Figure 10 d graphically represents the effect of adding the uncertainty of
the concentration of the high standard. This is the uncertainty associated
with using an SRM or other analyzed reference material as the source of the
high standard. The uncertainty band of the calibration curve is widened at
the high concentration end, and its effect of increasing the uncertainty in the
sample concentration is evident. It is interesting to note that if the uncertainty
band limits of the calibration curve are symmetric and nonparallel about the
curve (line) itself, the confidence interval about the average sample concen-
tration is asymmetric.
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Low Standard'
Sample High Standard
Concentration Concentration
Intensity Intensity
Concentration Concentration
Despite the difficulties encountered in the application of the ICP technique
to the analysis of metals, accurate and precise data can be obtained by cor-
recting for specific sources of error. Spectral interferences are the most likely
sources of bias that can cause gross errors in the analytical results. Since the
degree of spectral overlap is very often a function of the spectrometer, the
occurrence of specific interferences should be examined on each ICP instru-
mental system. When choosing between two ICP sequential systems, the ana-
lyst should view spectral resolution as a specification of primary importance.
The ability of both polychromator and sequential systems to display spectral
wavelength scans is also important.
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Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Office of Naval Research for its
financial support of the experimental studies contained in this report under
Contract NR-042544. The author also wishes to thank Prof. Augusta Syty,
Chemistry Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, for her assis-
tance in obtaining the spectral interference data, and Clifford H. Spiegleman
for the graphical analysis of the magnesium data in Fig. 8.
[/] Harrison, G. R., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wavelength Tables. John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1956.
[2] Meggers, W. F., Corliss, C. H., and Scribner, B. F., "Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities,"
NBS Monograph 145, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1975.
[3] Zaidel, A. N., Prokofiev, V. K., and Raiski, S. M., Tables of Spectral Lines, Veb Verlag
Technik, Berlin, West Germany, 1955.
[4] Boumans, P. W. J. M., Line Coincidence Tables for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic
Emission Spectrometry, 2 Vols., Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980.
[5] Michaud, E. and Mermet, J. M., "Iron Spectrum in the 200-300 nm Range Emitted by an
Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma," Spectrochimica Acta, Vol. 37B, 1982, p. 145.
[6] Winge, R. K., Fassel, V. A., Peterson, V. J., and Floyd, M. A., Inductively Coupled
Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. An Atlas of Spectral Information, Physical Sci-
ences Data Series, No. 20, Elsevier, New York, 1984.
[ 7] Snyder, S. C , "Testing Inductively Coupled Plasma for Steel Analysis," ASTM Standard-
ization News, Vol. 13, No. 4, April, 1985, pp. 35-38.
[8] Certificates of Analysis, SRM 460-468 and SRM 1260-1265, Office of Standard Reference
Materials, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
[9] Filliben, J., "Testing Basic Assumptions," Ch. 2 in Validation of the Measurement Pro-
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cess, DeVoe, J. R.,ed., ACS Symposium Series No. 63, American Chemical Society, Wash-
ington, DC.
[10] Walters, R. L., Jr. andNorris, J. A., "Factors Influencing decision and Accuracy of Anal-
ysis with Inductively Coupled Plasmas," in Applications of Inductively Coupled Plasmas to
Emission Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the 1977 Eastern Analytical Symposium, R. M.
Barnes, Ed., Franklin Institute Press, Philadelphia, 1978.
[ / / ] Testing of Glass Volumetric Apparatus, NBS Circular 602, National Bureau of Standards,
Gaithersburg, MD, 1959.
[12] Bratter, P., Berthold, K. P., Gardiner, P. E., Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrometry,
Paper No. 69, Orlando, FL, 1982.
[13] Schramel, P. and Li-qiang, Xu, Fresenius Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie, Vol. 314,
1983, p. 671.
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Silve Kallmann^
ABSTRACT: Chemical methods of analysis are inherently more precise than purely in-
strumental methods. With the exception of trace metal determinations chemical methods
are also more accurate than instrumental methods and have a wider range of application,
since final measurements are absolute and do not depend on the availability of standards.
The main disadvantage of the classical chemical approach is the length of time required to
carry out the analysis.
It will be shown in this paper that chemical methods of analysis can be greatly simpli-
fied, and their application range enhanced by incorporating into the procedure various
instrumental features. The instrument allows the analytical chemist to (1) examine fil-
trates for solubility products, (2) avoid reprecipitations by determining specific contami-
nants by instrumental means, and (3) act as final measuring device, after removing ma-
trix elements by selective or specific separations such as ion exchange, solvent extraction,
and precipitations. While the interdependence of chemical and instrumental methods is
demonstrated in this paper to be particularly striking in the case of precious metal analy-
sis, an area the author has been concentrating on during the last IS years, examples of the
applicability of the "interdependence" theme to base metal analysis are also provided.
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often are significantly greater unless standard samples of the same composi-
tion, both chemical and physical, are available and employed.
In addition, although with the instrumental approach at 1% relative error
may be acceptable if the concentration of an element is 10% or less, for
greater concentrations of an element, a 1% relative error is unacceptable,
particularly when applied to the determination of precious metals.
Where a higher degree of accuracy is required or when the preciotis metals
are present in ultra trace amounts, the precious metal analyst has to take
recourse to classical methods. It should be pointed out, however, that chemi-
cal methods, whether they are based on some form of classical or neoclassical
form of fire-assay or on wet chemical techniques, can be extensively modified
to take advantage of the ability of instruments to measure minor concentra-
tions of many elements with adequate precision. Thus, it is possible to recon-
struct or revitalize many of the older procedures that previously suffered from
such defects as solubility or contamination of the compound being deter-
mined gravimetrically.
Experimental Procedures
As an example, the determination of platinum in platinum alloys can be
cited. These alloys usually contain between 75 and 95% of platinum and 1 to
7% of such alloying elements as rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, palladium,
and sometimes gold. The determination of the alloying elements can be car-
ried out expeditiously and with adequate precision by dissolution of the speci-
men in aqua regia and direct measurements of the elements by direct current
plasma or inductively coupled plasma. The determination of platinum, how-
ever, requires its separation from the alloying elements. The most efficient
way to achieve this is by the hydrolytic precipitation of the alloying elements
at a pH of about 7 under oxidizing conditions. This method was originally
proposed some 40 years ago by Gilchrist of the National Bureau of Standards.
It suffered however from the fact that coprecipitation of platinum with the
alloying platinum metals was significant. In addition, Gilchrist for reasons
that may have been valid at that time rejected the ammonium chloride precip-
itation of platinum because the resulting compound (NH4)2PtCl6 was not
completely insoluble. Consequently, the method was considered quite cum-
bersome and required repeated retreatments of precipitates and filtrates.
Taking advantage of modern instrumentation, however, it is now possible
to cut the analysis time for determining platinum by more than 60% while
simultaneously improving both precision and accuracy. This is achieved by
precipitating with ammonium chloride (NH4CI) and finally weighing more
than 98% of the platinum in ultra pure form with a precision of 0.05%. The
remaining platinum is measured in various fractions by instrumental meth-
ods with a precision of 1 to 2%. Two percent of 2% calculates to 0.04%. So
the precision of the procedure is about 0.1%. This is significantly better than
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tion. Using a similar approach, the precious metals can be collected, by what
we may call neoclassical procedures, into nickel or copper sulfide. The sul-
fides can be dissolved in acid and all precious metals determined in the same
solution by PES and sometimes by A AS techniques. In a limited number of
cases, direct dissolution of samples in acids or fusion with sodium peroxide
followed by direct PES measurements is feasible. In other cases, sodium per-
oxide fusion followed by a selective separation to remove alkali salts or the
matrix elements or both is more appropriate before submitting the sample
solution to instrumental measurements.
The situation is similar in base metal analysis. The repertoire of ASTM
Committee E-3 on Chemical Analysis of Metals standards is full of examples
of dissolution of a sample in acids and direct measurements of one or more
constituents of a sample by AAS and more recently by PES procedures. Into
this category, I guess, belongs the more traditional approach of acid dissolu-
tion and spectrophotometric measurements, a technique that we should re-
member is instrumental and that has been or is in the process of being
streamlined by various microprocessor devices.
There remains one area where basic knowledge of analytical chemistry re-
mains essential. I am referring to the instrumental determination of an ele-
ment requiring prior chemical separations.
For instance, the classical method for determining antimony in its sulfide
concentrates involves separation of the antimony from iron and arsenic by
precipitation of antimony sulfide and expulsion of arsenic trichloride. The
antimony is finally determined by titration with an oxidant such as bromate
or permanganate. The method can be greatly simplified by applying instru-
mental techniques in place of the time-consuming classical separations.
Thus, antimony, iron, and arsenic can all be reduced to known oxidation
states then titrated together with permanganate. Iron is determined by AA in
the titrated solution, and arsenic can be determined by X-ray spectroscopy in
the original sample. The total titration is then corrected for the contributions
of iron and arsenic to provide excellent results for antimony with but a frac-
tion of the work required by the classical method.
The determination of traces of arsenic in various sulfide ores presents an-
other difficult analytical problem. The purely classical technique of distilla-
tion of arsenic trichloride followed by iodometric titration has an inherent
uncertainty of a few hundredths of a percent. The instrumental approach of
hydride generation AAS fails in the presence of large amounts of such ele-
ments as copper. Straight atomic absorption at a wavelength of 193 ^m is
plagued by background interferences made totally unmanageable in the pres-
ence of a large variety of matrices. However, it is a simple matter to distil the
arsenic from a sample of several grams as the trichloride, oxidize it with a
little nitric acid, evaporate to dryness, redissolve in a small volume, and mea-
sure the arsenic by AAS using background correction. Thus, 5 g of a sample
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containing 100 ppm of arsenic will yield 500 /*g of arsenic, which is conven-
iently placed in a 25 mL volume for a concentration of 20 iig/mL, easily read
by AAS.
Ion-exchange separations are frequently useful for removing the bulk of a
sample, leaving the minor elements available for measurement in a small vol-
ume. For example, a method currently being tested for ASTM for gallium in
aluminum involves putting a 1-g sample of aluminum into a solution ot6N
HCl and passing the solution through an anion exchange column. The alumi-
num and many other ions pass directly through the column while the gallium
is totally adsorbed. The gallium is subsequently eluted with 0.5 N HCl, con-
centrated by evaporation and determined by AAS. The stated scope of the
method is from 0.005 to 0.05% of gallium. By increasing the sample weight,
the applicable range could be extended to 10 ppm or lower.
Similarly, traces of lead and zinc can be adsorbed on an anion exchange
column from 1 N HCl, subsequently eluted by 1.5 iV nitric acid (HNO3) and
determined with high sensitivity by AAS.
ASTM Method for Chemical Analysis of Nickel (E 39) represents a good
example of the combination solvent extraction atomic absorption spectros-
copy. Traces of lead and bismuth present in high-temperature alloys in the
low parts per million range are first separated from a matrix solution contain-
ing nickel, iron, cobalt, and so forth, by a tri-n-octyl phosphine oxide
(TOPO) extraction in a medium containing bromide, then are determined by
Impurity elements including tin, lead, antimony, bismuth, and molybde-
num can be determined in tungsten ores by coprecipitating their sulfides into
copper sulfide from a tartrate medium, collecting the precipitate on a mem-
brane filter, and determining the elements by X-ray spectroscopy.
Similarly, selenium and tellurium have been precipitated as the metals
from an HCl medium, collected on a membrane filter, and determined by
The method for determining zinc in zinc concentrates recently developed
by ASTM Committee E-16 on Sampling and Analysis of Metal-Bearing Ores
and Related Materials involves extraction of the zinc as its thiocyanate com-
plex followed by EDTA titration. The analysis is complicated by the presence
of cobalt, which is similarly extracted unless it is removed by a preliminary
treatment. We find that it is much simpler to titrate the zinc and cobalt and
subsequently deduct the cobalt determined by AA.
One last example, it is commonly required to determine cobalt in cemented
tungsten carbides. A simple procedure is to fuse the sample in a zirconium
crucible with a mixture of sodium peroxide and sodium carbonate, leach in
water, and filter. The tungsten passes into the filtrate while the cobaltic oxide
is quantitatively retained by the paper. The cobalt oxide is readily dissolved
through the paper into hot 6 ^ HCl, diluted to a convenient volume and deter-
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mined by AAS. Iron can be determined in tin ores by essentially the same
The above survey represents an attempt to demonstrate the interdepen-
dence of chemical and instrumental methods as a discipline of great value,
which presumably is what ASTM Committee E 3 is all about.
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STP940-EB/Feb. 1987
Author Index
Arritt, J. M., 97 Griffen, H., 60
Bhargava, O. P., 5 Hertz, R. K., 74
Blair, F. A., 97
Coyle, F. T., Editor, 1
Kallmann, S., 128
Lundy, L. J., 97
D-F Olear, G., 60
Demenna, G. J., 45 S-W
Dulski, T. R., 31
Edison, W. J., 45 Savolainen, A., 60
Fricioni, R. B., 89 Seim, H. J., 17
Watters, R. L. Jr., 108
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STP940-EB/Feb. 1987
Subject Index
E 350, 18
E351, 18
Accuracy, 61, 108
E 1028, 7
Acid digestion, 54
E 1070, 9
Adsorption, 23 (fig)
Atomic absorption, 6, 15, 17
Alloys, specialty
Alumina, 12 (table) baghouse dust, 15 (table)
Alumina determination beryllium, 81, 82
Atomic spectroscopy, 23 (table), 18,
precision, 14 (table)
60, 61, 82, 84
Aluminum alloys, 18
Aluminum determination, 15, 29
precision, 8 (table)
Aluminum emission scan, 64, 65 B
Analysis, 22, 25
automated, 11, 32, 63, 90, 91, 94 Background element, 89
crucibles, 48 (table) Baghouse dust
of variance, 108 atomic absorption, 15 (table)
Analytical chemistry, 97 Beryllium, 18, 74, 75, 85 (tables)
computer controlled, 89 determination, 78, 79 (table)
Analytical instruments quality as- photoneutron method, 80
surance, 110 dissolution, 77
Analytical Laboratory Information separation, 77-78
Management System standards, 76
(ALIMS), 97 Bismouth, 17
Analytical spectroscopy, 6,16,18, 45 Boron
capabilities, 62 titration, 38-39
Analytical techniques, 92, 93 results, 40 (tables)
Anion exchange, 18, 21, 30
Arsenic determination
precision, 11 (table)
Ashing, 45
ASTM Standards Calcium, 15
E34, 18 Calcium oxide, 12 (table)
E 39, 132 Chemical analysis, 91
E 278, 9 experimental procedures, 129
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Data handling, 72, 96-107 H
Detection, 93, 119 (fig) Hydrochloric acid, 20
Dissolution, 6, 50, 55, 58
of beryllium, 77, 84
of lead-tin solder, 65
Dust components
atomic absorption, 15 (table)
Inductively coupled plasma, 108
Industrial analysis, 64-67
Industrial hygiene analyses, 15
Information management, 4, 97-107
Inorganic chemistry, 45
E Instrument response, 124
Echelle grating spectrometers, 62, 72 Instrumental methods, 129, 130, 131
Element extraction, 91, 92 Interferences, 61, l09, H I
Element isolation, 92, 93 Ion exchange, 19 (fig), 28 (tables),
Elemental oxides, 90, 94 132
Emission spectroscopy, 65, 108, 109 Ionization suppressant, 25
Environmental analyses, 15 Iron, 13 (table)
Error, randam or systematic, 118 adsorption, 23 (fig)
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Iron determination
accuracy, 7 (table)
Photometry, 8, 11
Phosphorus determination, 62 (ta-
accuracy, 9 (table)
precision, 9 (table)
Laboratory information manage-
Plasma emission spectroscopy, 61,
ment system (ALIMS), 98-
62, 68, 69 (table), 71
Plasma sources, 68, 69 (table), 70
Lead, 15, 16, 17, 21-22
anion exchange separation, 26
Platinum determination, 129
adsorption, 25 (fig), 27 (table),
Potassium, 20
Precious metals, analysis, 66, 67 (fig)
dissolution, 65
Lime determination Precision, 68, 69 (table), 71, 108
precision, 14 (table) Pressure bomb
sample analysis, 51, 52-53 (ta-
bles), 57-58
Magnesia, 13 (table) Q-R
Magnesia determination Quality assurance, 109, 126
precision, 14 (table) Quality control, information system,
Magnesium, 18,120 (table), 121 (fig) 97
Management control, information Redoximetry, 7
system, 97 Referee methods, 1
Matrix effects, 117 Reflux
Metal ions, 89 sample analysis, 53, 54 (table)
Metals analysis, 130 Robotics, 96
quality assurance, 124, 125
spectral interference, 109, 110
Microprocessor, 94-95
sample analysis, 53, 54, 56-57 (ta- Sample introduction, 46
bles) equipment and procedures, 47, 55
Multielement analysis, 63, 65, 71 Sample status, information system,
Multiple regression, 91 97
Sampling and analysis, 118 (fig),
aluminum, 122, 123 (fig)
Sensitivity of detection, 89
Separation techniques, 18
Nickel, 16, 18 Silica, 12 (table)
Oxidation, 45, 54, 129 determination, 14 (table)
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