Portfolio Syllabus
Portfolio Syllabus
Portfolio Syllabus
Cell phones are not permitted in the
classroom unless they are used for
educational purposes. This means no
games, texting, videos, photography,
Students will continue to expand their artistic
calls or social media at any time for
knowledge and demonstrate their advanced
any reason. If students bring their cell
artistic ability by participating in projects assigned
phones to class, they must be placed
by the teacher, individual out of class projects and
in the cell phone holder during the entire
developing and working on an art journal throughout
class period and are only retrieved once
the year. By the end of the course, each student
the bell rings to be dismissed. If a
will have both a traditional and online portfolio to
student requires their cell phone for
use to exhibit their skills and pursue further artistic
educational purposes during class,
permission must be requested from
the teacher before removing it from the
E X P E C TA T I O N S holder. If these requirements are not
respected, the following consequences
Come to class on time and prepared will occur:
Passes only in emergencies (3 per quarter)
Respect others and the art room 1ST OFFENSE:
Work quietly and use appropriate language • Loss of 5 points from project
Use all tools safely and properly; • Warning
if you haven’t learned how to use it, DON’T
Clean up after yourself 2ND OFFENSE:
#notyourmaid • Loss of 10 points from project
After clean up, go back to your seats • Two detentions
and wait for the bell - No lining up
at the door 3RD OFFENSE:
• Loss of 15 points from project
Use all of your time wisely • Office referral
This is not a study hall
Eat at home
This is not the cafeteria
• TARDIES: Studio Portfolio will be an opportunity to
- Warning: first through third tardy explore and create, however any art themes
- Detention: fourth and fifth tardy that are inappropriate, obscene or offensive will
- Office referral: six or more tardies not be accepted in this class. Any indication
• OTHER OFFENSES: Warning or detention, depending of those themes could result in a zero for the
on the severity of the action. project. The student will also be referred to the
Guidance Department.
I hold authority to bypass steps and go directly to an office referral.
PORTFOLIO – Students will be responsible for creating both a traditional and online portfolio. These will be
completed by midterm and can be added to as the year progresses.
PROJECTS – Each project will have unique, individualized goals, which will be defined when introduced as
well as within the rubric. Most projects will be worth 100 points each.
OUTSIDE PROJECTS – Students will be expected to develop projects outside of class based upon given
parameters. At least 3-5 hours a week outside of class will need to be spent on these projects. These individual
projects will be worth 100 points. Students will also receive points for check-in dates throughout the course of
the project.
ART JOURNALS – Students will be required to create and turn in a 40-page art journal by the end of this class.
You will work on these both in class as well as outside of class time in order to help you develop ideas, techniques
and prepare you for future art courses. Ten pages will be due at the end of each quarter and there will be check-
ins for points every other Monday in class. It is your responsibility to have the journal with you on these days.
ARTASTIC FEST – Seniors who are in this class, but not in Studio Art will have the opportunity to have a table
in ARTastic Fest. It is not a requirement for you, but should be thought of as an accomplishment for completing
a high level art course. All Portfolio students, however, will be required to participate in the show by helping with
stations, set up or tear down. ARTastic Fest is the first Thursday in May.
GROUP CRITIQUES – Students will be expected to participate in critiques throughout the year by contributing
thoughtful feedback and discussing the art making process. Students will interact through critiques of their work
as well as the work of other students. It is important to establish and maintain a positive atmosphere that provides
constructive criticism as a strong motivator. Group critiques will be conducted throughout the art making process
in order to provide feedback early enough to make modifications as needed. Analysis should include composition,
technique and concept. Discussions should include appropriate art vocabulary as well as elements of art and
principles of design. The student whose work is being critiqued should take notes and offer explanations as
appropriate. These will be evaluated on participation and thoughtfulness.
INDIVIDUAL CRITIQUES – I will critique various aspects of your work throughout the art making process on an
individual level. These will happen on a daily basis or as needed as a work is progressing. Emphasis will be placed
on discovering strengths or areas that need additional consideration. We will discuss the elements of art and
principles of design within each piece.
SHOWS, CONTESTS AND EXHIBITS – Students will have the opportunity to exhibit their work through the
school, the community and by entering art competitions. Students will be encouraged to participate in these
opportunities as they will be beneficial on college applications.
L AT E Late points will only be applied to projects when it is observed that the student isn’t
applying effort or spending time on task during class time. Students will receive one
warning during project time. If they receive more than one warning, 5 points will be
deducted from the project for every day that it is late.
If you have not received a soft,
black portfolio bag, you will be
provided with one during this
class to keep all of your projects
safe. All other supplies were
ART handed out during other art
FEE: classes. The student is
$15 responsible for purchasing
and replacing any items that
It is unethical to copy an image, even in a different may be needed.
medium, that was made by someone else and
represent it as your own work. This includes Sketchbooks will be needed
published photographs as well as other artwork. throughout the year to keep an
These can certainly be used as a reference, but art journal.
must move beyond duplication. Work must be
significantly altered through the use of your own
voice and expression techniques. Plagiarized work
will not be accepted for credit.
I fo u n d I c o u l d
say things
w ith
colors and shapes
that I couldn’t
say any other way -
t h i n g s I h a d n o o t h e r w o r d s fo r .
~Vincent van Gogh