Resolution For Drug Testing
Resolution For Drug Testing
Resolution For Drug Testing
Excerpts from the minutes of 2nd meeting of the Barangay Poblacion 08 council
on April 10, 2019 at the Barangay conference hall, Dumaguete City.
Presents were:
Resolution No. 2
Series of 2019
WHEREAS, Section 2. Declaration of Policy of Republic Act No. 9165 states that it
is the policy of the State to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-
being of its citizenry particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous
drugs on their physical and mental well-being, and to defend the same against
acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation. In view of
the foregoing, the State needs to enhance further the efficacy of the law
against dangerous drugs, it being one of today's more serious social ills.
WHEREAS, the mandatory drug testing shall remain a requirement for initial entry
to any sports activity in the barangay for the strict implementation of Republic
Act No. 9165 and to further solidify the objectives in conducting sports activities
thereof, any aspiring participant found positive for drug use or if he or she
refuses to undergo the testing shall be denied entry to the sports activity;
WHEREAS, this Regulation shall cover all aspiring participants of sports activities in
the barangay such as the annual sports tournament or in any instances that the
barangay is responsible thereof; upon unanimously acclamation of all members
present, and duly seconded by the same, it was;
I hereby certify to the Correctness of the above Quoted Resolution which was
adopted by the sanggunian in session on April 10, 2019