كيفية حساب كمية سلك اللحام المطلوبة
كيفية حساب كمية سلك اللحام المطلوبة
كيفية حساب كمية سلك اللحام المطلوبة
Welding Process
How to calculating required welding wire ?
One of our task in mechanical work is Welding. Good enggineer should known
how to prepare his work. In this case is calculating welding rod. Before the
enggineer calculating welding rod, enggineer must be understand about :
a. Techical Drawing,
b. Welding code.
Ok, lets us started to expalin how to calculating welding rod/wire requirement
from the simple welding.
First step, we must find the volume of welding, ussualy we used triangular
pyramid to simplify the calculation. example : we have data from welder about
Area, Long & Thichness as bellow :
In this case for example the widh of las is 8 mm, then we can compute:
Surface Area (A) = ½ x 8 x 8 mm = 32 mm2
If the Specific Gravity = 7.85 gr/cm3 Mild Steel, then
Heavy Metal Las to 1 meter = 32 x 7.85 = 251.2 g = 0.251 Kg / mtr.
How to count applies to the form - the form of connection such as: U type,
Double V butt joint type or without a groove.
Counts above applies to connections without reinforcement. If there is a
reinforcement, then the amount of welding wire, plus about 3%.
Las DE = Heavy Metal (Weld Metal) / Weight Las wire used (Electrode Used)
SAW 99%
GMAW (98% Ar, 2% O2) 98%
GMAW (75% Ar, 25% CO 2) 96%
GMAW (99.99% CO 2) 93%
Metal Core Wire 93%
FCAW (Gas-Shielded) 86%
FCAW (Self Shielded) 78%
SMAW (length 300 mm) 59%
SMAW (length 350 mm) 62%
SMAW (length 450 mm) 66%
For SMAW Process, the rest is wasted electrode 5 cm / Trunk.
If we return to the above case,
Heavy Metals Las per meter is: 0.251 Kg / Meter
Its long-las = 1000 m
The amount of weld metal = 0.251 x 1000 = 251 Kg.
The amount of welding wire to be ordered in accordance with the welding process
used is as follows:
SAW 253 Kg
GMAW (98% Ar, 2% O2) 256 Kg
GMAW (75% Ar, 25% CO 2) 261 Kg
GMAW (99.99% CO 2) 270 Kg
Metal Core Wire 270 Kg
FCAW (Gas-Shielded) 292 Kg
FCAW (Self Shielded) 322 Kg
SMAW (length 300 mm) 425 Kg
SMAW (length 350 mm) 404 Kg
SMAW (length 450 mm) 380 Kg
For SMAW Process, the rest is wasted electrode 5 cm / Trunk.
With this information, and knowing the deposition rate of the process, it is possible to
determine the arc time (the length of time that an arc is burning and depositing weld
metal) and the amount of welding consumables required to fill the joint. Both of these are
required in order to calculate the cost of making the weld. Costing will be dealt with in
future Job Knowledge articles.
With a fillet weld or a 45° single bevel joint this is relatively simple but the calculations
become lengthier as the weld preparation becomes more complex. Fig.1 illustrates how
simple this calculation is for an equal leg length fillet weld; the area of such a weld is half
the square of the leg length, Z. When using this formula do not forget that welders seldom
deposit precisely the size of weld called up on the drawing or in the welding procedure and
that there may be some excess weld metal on the face of the weld.
An asymmetrical fillet weld is a little more difficult; the area of a triangle is given by the
base Z2 times the height Z1 divided by 2 so when a fillet weld is deposited with unequal leg
lengths the area can be calculated from multiplying the throat, a, by the length of the face
I and divided by 2 as illustrated in Fig.2.
Turning now to butt welds, the calculations become a little more complex.
There are three factors that determine the volume of the weld in a single V butt weld.
These are the angle of the bevel, b, the excess weld metal and the root gap, g, as
illustrated in Fig 3. To calculate the area of this weld we need to be able to add together
the areas of the four components illustrated in Fig.3.
The dimension 'c' is given by (tan b x t); the area of a single red triangle is therefore t(tan
b x t)/2. The total area of the two red regions added together can be calculated using the
formula 2t(tan b x t)/2 or t(tan b x t).
The area of the excess weld metal is approximated by the formula (W x h)/2.
The bevel angles, b, most often used are 10° = (tan 0.176), 15° = (tan 0.268), 22.5° =
(tan 0.414) 32.5° = (tan 0.637) and 45° = (tan 1.00). As will become obvious when the
weight is calculated, it is easier to ensure that the decimal point is in the right place if
centimetres are used in the calculations rather than millimetres.
As a worked example, if the weld is in a plate 2.5cm thickness, 0.3cm root gap, 65°
included angle (b = 32.50°; tan 32.5° = 0.637) and with a cap height of 0.2cm we have:-
Conventionally, the volume is often expressed in cubic centimetres (cu.cm). per metre so
in this example the volume is 507 cu. cm/metre.
To obtain the weight of weld metal this figure is then multiplied by the density of the
alloy. Table 1 gives the density of some of the more common alloys in gm/cu.cm. Note
that with some alloys the alloying elements can change the density quite significantly.
iron 7.87
nickel 8.90
copper 8.94
7% Al bronze 7.89
aluminium 2.70
Al 5052 2.65
Al 7075 2.8
The weight of weld metal to fill one metre length of the joint described above would
therefore be; in carbon steel (507 x 7.86) = 3985gms or 3.98kgs/metre; in a 5XXX series
aluminium alloy (507 x 2.65) = 1343gms, 1.34kgs/metre.
Calculating the weight of weld metal in double sided V-joints uses the same approach by
dividing the weld into its individual 'V's and adding the products.
A J-preparation, however, adds another area into the equation; that of the half circle at
the root of the weld, see Fig.4. The formulae given above to calculate 'c', the area of the
two red components and the excess weld metal remain unchanged but the width of the
cap must be increased by 2r. There are also the two areas, 'A' and 'B', to calculate and the
two white root radius areas to be added to the total.
Fig.4. Single 'U' preparation (other notation as in Fig.3)
1. the dimension 'c' is given by (tan b x (t-r)); the total area of the two red regions is
therefore given by the formula 2((t-r)(tan b x (t-r))/2 or ((t.-r)(tan b x (t-r)).
2. the width of the weld cap, w, is given by w = 2(tan b x (t-r)) + g +2r.
3. the area of the excess weld metal is given by the formula (w x h)/2.
4. the area 'A' is (t-r) x (2r +g).
5. the area 'B' is g x r.
6. the root radius area is (πr2)/4
For a double-U preparation it is necessary to calculate the areas of both sides and add
these together.
Having calculated the weight of weld metal required to fill a weld preparation it is then
possible to calculate the weight of filler metal required (these two figures are not
necessarily the same) and to estimate the time required to deposit this weld metal; both
essential in order to arrive at a cost of fabricating the weld. This will be covered in future
Job Knowledge articles.