Quiz CS504 From 22-30
Quiz CS504 From 22-30
Quiz CS504 From 22-30
Question # 1 of 10:
It ensures that a class only has one instance and provides a global point of access to
Components (page # 126)
Question # 3 of 10:
Complex Expressions:
Question # 4 of 10:
N-tier architecture stems from the struggle to find a ------ between the fat-client ar-
chitecture and thin-client architecture.
Distribution point
Middle ground (page # 131)
Question # 5 of 10:
MVC stands for:
Information Hiding
Information Hiding & Encapsulation (page # 158)
Question # 7 of 10:
----- provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a sub-system.
Observer Pattern
Singleton Pattern
Façade Pattern (page # 143)
All of the above
Question # 8 of 10:
"Description of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a
general design problem in a particular context." is called ------
Performance (page # 131)
Question # 10 of 10:
In case of a file servers, client requests selected records from a ….. and the server
transmits records to client over the network.
Local memory
File (page #129 )
a. Localized ü
b. private
c. global
d. accessible
a. Smaller system ü
b. medium system
c. bigger system
d. none
b. dependent
c. closeness
d. all of given
a. Static
b. dynamic ü
c. active
d. none.
5. In sequence diagrams the time required by the receiver object to process the
message is denoted by an ___.
a. Activation box ü
b. simple box
c. arrow
d. none.
b. conduct business
a. Generalization relationships
b. specialization relationships
a. Components ü
b. structures
c. objects
d. classes
12. Which one is not a type of messages which sequence diagrams depict?
a. Synchronous
b. asynchronous
c. create
d. update ü
a. what I know? ü
b. Who I know?
c. Whom I know?
d. none
a. Decentralization ü
b. centralization
c. both
d. none
a. Vertical ü
b. horizontal
c. both
d. none
a. Aggregation
b. abstraction ü
c. inheritance
d. association
18. ___ is a technique in which we construct a model of an entity based upon its es-
sential characteristics and ignore the inessential details.
a. Inheritance
b. polymorphism
c. aggregation
d. abstraction ü
20. A ___ relationship indicates that one entity is composed of one or more parts
which are themselves instances of that or another entity.
a. Inheritance
b. whole-part ü
c. generalization
d. specialization
a. whole-part relationship ü
b. inheritance
c. specialization
d. generalization
a. Generalization
b. aggregation ü
c. specialization
d. association
23. The modules interacting with each other through message passing have ___ be-
tween them.
a. Low cohesion
b. high cohesion
c. low coupling ü
d. high coupling
a. object requirements
b. functionality requirements ü
c. if most of the methods do not use most of the data members most of the time
d. if most of the methods use most of the data members most of the time ü
a. single ü
b. multiple
c. static
d. none
27. In case of ___, intra component linkages are stronger while inter component link-
ages are weak.
a. High cohesion
b. low coupling ü
c. low cohesion
d. high coupling
a. High cohesion
b. low coupling
c. low cohesion
d. high coupling ü
a. all parts of a component have a close logical relationship with each other ü
b. all parts of a component do not have a close logical relationship with each other
30. In OOD which layer contains the details that enable each object to communicate
with its collaborators.
a. Subsystem
b. message ü
c. class and object
d. responsibility
a. abstraction
b. encapsulation
c. hierarchy or inheritance
b. software with functional oriented design does not fulfill non-functional require-
a. What
b. how ü
c. who
d. when
a. an attribute that may have a number of values should be replaced by a new class
and an object connection
b. an attribute that varies over time. E.g. price of an item, should be replaced by an
additional class with an effective date and value
c. replace “yes/no” type attributes with “status” type attributes for flexibility
35. The key objective(s) of OOD process should achieve the following:
a. the class as far as possible should be independent, but could be dependent on only
a few classes
36. ___ has become a standard notation for object-oriented system modeling.
a. UML ü
b. C++
c. OCL
d. None
c. life-time of objects
d. none
a. Objects ü
b. methods
c. properties
d. none
a. time-based view ü
b. organization-based view
c. both
d. none
a. actor
b. participant
c. tangible thing ü
d. transaction
42. Modules with low coupling and high cohesion can be treated and analyzed as:
a. white boxes
b. black boxes ü
c. gray boxes
43. In the functional design, the structure of the system revolves around:
a. objects
b. properties
c. functions ü
d. all
a. Vertical
b. horizontal ü
c. both
d. none
a. parent class
b. polymorphism
c. static object
d. Object ü
a. actor
b. participant
c. transaction ü
d. container
47. Consider the following piece of code: public class square extends shape {// some
code}. The above code is an example of:
a. part-whole relationship
b. generalization/specialization ü
c. data sharing
d. data encapsulation
48. ___ relationship is concerned with classes not with class instantiates.
a. Association
b. inheritance ü
c. aggregation
d. composition
49. Which of the following is Not among one of the four layers of the Object-oriented
design pyramid?
50. While establishing the services for an object, the following fundamental ques-
tions should be asked:
a. Static ü
b. dynamic
c. iterative
d. hierarchal
52. Transactions are the ___ that must be remembered through time.
a. Events ü
b. actions
c. triggers
d. methods
53. When two components of a system are using the same global data area, they are
related as:
a. data coupling
b. content coupling ü
c. common coupling
d. external coupling
b. its collaborators
55. In Abbot’s textual analysis technique, the proper noun (e.g. Mehdi Hassan) repre-
a. class
b. instance ü
c. inheritance
d. aggregation
56. To help separate an object’s external behavior from its implementation, the
technique used is called ___.
a. Generalization
b. association
c. composition
d. abstraction ü
58. ___ analysis educates the analyst on business domain complexity and shows a
way to deal with it.
a. Domain ü
b. Use case
c. object collaboration
d. none
a. separation of concerns
b. modularity
c. divide-and-conquer
a. actors
b. participants
c. places
d. all of the given ü
a. Semantically ü
b. syntactically
c. graphically
d. none
d. none
63. In a “railway ticket reservation system” the roles such as enquiry, reservation
and ticketing and cancellation are to be performed by the user called:
a. passenger ü
b. system analyst
c. system developer
d. system designer
a. what it does? ü
b. What it knows?
d. Whom it knows?
65. Software objects interact and communicate with each other using ___.
a. Whole-part relation
b. generalization/specialization relation
c. messages ü
d. none
66. In ___ relationship, a class shares the structure and behavior defined in another
a. Aggregation
b. composition
c. inheritance ü
d. association
67. Once you define “Employee” as an object for pay-roll application ___
d. none
a. identity
b. state
c. behavior
69. The most important and critical stage in the object-oriented design is the appro-
priate classification of ___
a. functions
b. methods
c. objects ü
d. relationships
a. all classes
c. behavior of classes