Revived Article On Alternative Therapy For Cancer
Revived Article On Alternative Therapy For Cancer
Revived Article On Alternative Therapy For Cancer
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- An alternative therapy is a remedies where II. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ALTERNATIVE
the cancer related symptoms is relived, so that the THERAPY?
patients feel better and also improves their health
condition. In this revived article we discussed the Alternative therapy is a complementary and
meaning, types, guidelines, and helpful of alternative medicine and it is also a nonconventional
complementary and alternative medicine along with the approach towards healing. The meaning of complementary
most popular alternative therapies. The result for this and alternative gives the same meaning but some difference
review so many researches carried out and it seems to is there in two therapies.
be safe. It concludes that by using alternative therapies
the quality of life will improve for the cancer patients. Complementary Medicine
To motivate the open communication of It is one of the therapy used to reduce symptoms and
Complementary and alternative medicine use by increases the quality of life. It is one of the standard
patients but oncologists should have more knowledge method.
about the most popular remedies and also should know
where to find correct information for themselves and Alternative Medicine
for their patients. It is one of the therapy which is used apart from the
standard treatment. Standard or conventional medicine is
I. INTRODUCTION the treatment which is scientifically proved by various
researches. So this type of medicine is safe to use.
Complementary and alternative medicine are the
different types of therapies and methods which includes III. TYPES OF CAM (COMPLEMENTARY AND
such as massage, acupuncture, progressive muscle ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE)
relaxation therapy etc. These are the therapies used by the
cancer patients along with medical treatment. It is an There are many types of CAM has been in practice
integrated approach in healing and also may include today. They are as follows:
practice such as yoga, herbal medicines etc. Compare to
standard medicine or medical treatment the complementary A. Alternative Traditional Medicine:
and alternative medicine is very less expensive and less This form of treatment has been in the practice since
side effects. Complementary and alternative medicine is for centuries. Examples- Acupuncture, Ayurveda,
not a medicine which cures the cancer disease but it shows Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc.
the effectiveness of reliving the symptoms related to cancer
treatment and overall improves the health condition. B. Body:
This is an old type of medicine in the medical field.
Complementary and alternative medicine Users the Touch is the main healing process of illness. With the help
use of Complementary and alternative medicine for cancer of hands gentle massaging will bring back to the original
is widespread. By various accounts, from less than 10% to health without any guidance and precaution. Examples-
more than 60% of cancer patients have used Massage, Yoga, Body movement, Chiropractics etc.
Complementary and alternative medicine. The Data
monitor 2002 Survey indicated that 80% of cancer patients C. Herbs and Diet:
used an alternative or complementary modality. Herbal and diet therapy play a important role in the
nutritional well-being to balance the body from acute and
chronic diseases. The simple diet play big role in the health
of the individual. Examples- Vitamin supplements,
Mineral supplements and Dietary supplements. Herbal
J. Yoga:
This is a body stretching exercise with deep breathing
in different actions. It relaxes the mind and body with the
help of yoga therapist the cancer patients should perform
the yoga according to their disease condition.