Fully Functioning Person
Fully Functioning Person
Fully Functioning Person
” (You can
growth has been the work of Carl Rogers, the creator of find more suggestions for responding to compliments
person-centered therapy. with grace and gratitude here.)
There are many things I appreciate about his approach Like the previous characteristic, this requires us to
to and perspectives on personal growth (especially develop a degree of mindfulness and live each moment
compared to some of the other prominent figures in the fully. What I love about this characteristic is it comes
psychology world), but the number one thing that with a degree of exciting uncertainty. If we open
draws me to his approach is his humanity and ourselves up to our moment-by-moment experience,
compassion. He is deeply respectful of our uniqueness, who knows what’s possible?!
focuses on potential rather than pathology and leaves a
lot of room within his ideas and frameworks for people 3. Increasing organismic trust
to be individuals and live the ideas in accordance with Basically, self-trust. This is about trusting our judgement
who they are. and our ability to behave appropriately in any given
situation. At its core, it’s about developing our sense of
One of these frameworks, and the one I want to share values and our own moral compass (rather than
this week, is the seven characteristics of the fully- unquestioningly adopting those of the people around
functioning person, which he writes about in his us).
excellent book On Becoming a Person. These
characteristics aren’t a state of being we arrive at, but Which leads to…
rather a constant process we are working towards
(Rogers calls this “the good life”—an apt description!). 4. Freedom of choice
As you’ll see, these characteristics are more rooted in When we trust our internal process and our external
philosophy than practical life advice and many of them behaviour, we develop a greater freedom of choice. We
are connected. Together, they are all about fulfilling our are aware of the difference between “have to” and
human potential and provide a useful overview of “choose to,” and, because we know we can choose how
things to pay attention to as we reflect on our daily we respond in situations, we take responsibility for our
experiences. decisions and behaviour. While “control” is a loaded
word, it’s fair to say we have agency over our decisions
The 7 Characteristics and behaviour that leaves us free to be who we are and
1. A growing openness to experience act in accordance with our values and own sense of
Having a growing openness to experience is about right and wrong.
moving away from defensiveness. John Gottman
describes defensiveness as: “self-protection in the form Which leads to…
of righteous indignation or innocent victimhood in an
attempt to ward off a perceived attack.” When we 5. Creativity
perceive ourselves to be under emotional attack or With the freedom to be ourselves and the self-trust that
criticism, defensiveness usually involves turning the underpins this freedom, we are able to be more
blame back on the other person or people. With this creative. As Rogers points out, we can also be more
characteristic, we are more open to what happens, as it creative in the way we adapt to our circumstances
happens, and are less likely to react in an unconscious, without feeling a need to conform to norms and values
knee-jerk way. that conflict with our own.