Heterocycles Synthesis Through Reactions of Nucleophiles With Acrylonitriles, Part 9. A Direct One-Pot Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles
Heterocycles Synthesis Through Reactions of Nucleophiles With Acrylonitriles, Part 9. A Direct One-Pot Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles
Heterocycles Synthesis Through Reactions of Nucleophiles With Acrylonitriles, Part 9. A Direct One-Pot Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles
Pyrazoles and their fused ring systems are versa reagent to the ylidenic bond in 5 a or 6 a leading to
tile heterocyclic compounds, some of which have an acyclic intermediate 7a which cyclizes sponta
considerable biological activity. They have been neously to give the final product (cf. Scheme 1).
used as antipyretic, fungicidal and bacteriostatic A structural p ro o f was obtained through anoth
agents [1—3]. As a continuation of our work for er route of synthesis by stirring a solution of equi-
the simple synthesis of biologically interesting het m olar am ounts o f 5 a and 2 in dioxane/piperidine
erocyclic compounds [4-8], several pyrano[2,3-c]- at room tem perature (c f M ethod B. Experimen
pyrazoles were successfully prepared by a direct tal).
one-pot synthesis in excellent yields from readily Similarly furfural 1 b and thiophene-2-
available chemicals. Only limited synthetic ap carboxaldehyde 1 c submitted to the same reaction
proaches for pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles are reported conditions afforded the corresponding pyrano-
[9-11]. [2,3-c]pyrazoles 3 b ,c respectively which also were
Thus it has been found that stirring a solution of synthesized from 5 b ,c (cf. Scheme 1 and Experi
pyridine-3-carboxaldehyde (la ), malononitrile mental).
and 3-methyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (2) in dioxane/pi- As an example of aliphatic aldehydes, isobuter-
peridine at room temperature afforded 2-amino- aldehyde (Id) was treated as in the previous cases
3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-5-methyl-4-(3-pyridyl) pyra- to afford the corresponding pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole
no[2,3-c]pyrazole (3a). Structure 3 a was estab derivative (3d) in good yield.
lished for the reaction product based on analytical In order to generalize this one-pot synthesis to
and spectral data (cf. Experimental). Structure 4 the different types of aldehydes, we found that
was excluded as a possible isomer of the reaction substituted benzaldehyde ( l e - k ) undergo the ter
product since the IR spectrum revealed the pres nary condensation procedure yielding the corre
ence of the characteristic bands for NH-, and C = N sponding pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles (3 e -k ).
groups. H N M R spectrum also gives evidence of Also pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles (3 e ~ k ) were syn
such structure showing signals for the amino pro thesized from 5 e - k [10] and from 6 e - k [9] respec
tons at <5 3.5 ppm and for the pyran 4-H at Ö tively (c f M ethod B, Experimental).
4.5 ppm (cf. Experimental). We concluded here that this method provides a
Form ation of 3 a is rationalized in terms of the facile one-pot method for the synthesis of
initial condensation of the aldehyde 1 a with m a pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles from the different types of
lononitrile or 3-methyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (2) af aldehydes.
fording a-cyano-/i-(3-pyridyl)acrylonitrile (5a) or Acetophenone, cyclohexanone and cyclopen-
4-pyridylidene-2-pyrazolin-5-one (6a) followed by tanone (1 1-n) submitted the same reaction condi
the Michael addition of the other active methylene tions (M ethod A) afforded the corresponding
pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles (3 1-n) respectively; benzo-
phenone did not react.
Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, D-7400 Tübingen Structures o f 3 b - n were established on similar
0932-0776/90/1200- 1675/$ 01.00/0 grounds for those of 3 a (cf. Experimental).
Download Date | 4/14/15 4:57 PM
1676 F. F. A b d el-L atif • Heterocycles Synthesis
.C = 0
CH2 ( C N ) 2 -CN
\ / "
/C .0
,N H
r f °
/NH ,0 '
h 3c
-N H
1 ,3 - 7 R R
S chema 1
a H 3-Pyridyl
b H 2-Furyl
c H 2-Thienyl
d H Isopropyl
e H Phenyl
f H / 7-Tolyl
g H /»-Nitrophenyl
h H o-Anisyl
i H o-Chlorophenyl
j H m-Bromophenyl
k H 2,5-Dim ethoxyphenyl
1 CH, Phenyl
m (C H 2) 5
n (C H 2) 4
Download Date | 4/14/15 4:57 PM
F. F. A bdel-L atif • Heterocycles Synthesis 1677
NH, N H 2), 4.5 (s, 1 H, pyran 4-H) and 6 .4 -8 .4 (m, NH,), 2195 (C = N ) and 1640, 1610, 1600 cm "1
4H , pyridyl protons). (C =C , C = N, <SNH,), H NM R: Ö = 1.7 (s, 3H , to-
C 13H 11N 50 (2 5 3 ) lyl C H 3), 2.3 (s, 3 H, pyrazole C H 3), 4.5 (s, 1 H,
Calcd C 61.66 H 4.30 N 27.66, pyran 4-H), 6.7 (s, 2H , NH-,), 7.0 (s, 4H , phenyl
Found C 61.50 H 4.50 N 27.80. protons) and 11.9 (s, 1H, NH).
C ,,H 14N 40 (2 6 6 )
2-Amino-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-4-( 2-furyl)- Calcd C 67.67 H 5.26 N 21.05,
5-methylpyrano[2,3-cJpyrazole (3 b) Found C 67.70 H 5.40 N 21.20.
Colourless crystals (from dil. ethanol), m.p.
215-216 :C, yield 85%, IR: 3370, 3300, 3150 2- Amino-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-5-methyl-
(NH, N H ,), 2195 (C = N ) and 1645, 1610 c n T 1 4- (p-nitrophenyl)pyrano[ 2,3-cJpyrazole (3g)
(C = C, C*=N, <SNH,), H NM R: ö = 2.0 (s, 3H ,
C H 3), 4.7 (s, 1H, pyran 4-H), 6.1 (d, 1 H, furan Colourless crystals (from dil. ethanol), m .p.
5-H), 6.3 (m, 1 H, furan 4-H), 6.8 (s, 2 H, N H ,), 7.3 237-239 °C, yield 80%, IR: 3380, 3260, 3120
(d, 1H, furan 3-H )and 12.0 (s, 1 H, NH). (NH, N H ,), 2205 (C = N ) and 1655, 1620, 1610
cm “1(C = C, C = N,e>NH2).
C 12H 10N 4O, (242)
Calcd' C 59.50 H 4.13 N 23.14, C 14H n N 50 3 (297)
Found C 59.70 H 4.00 N 23.20. Calcd C 56.56 H 3.70 N 23.57,
Found C 56.80 H 3.60 N 23.70.
4- (2-thienyl)pyrano[ 2,3-cJpyrazole (3 c) 2-Amino-4- ( o-anisyl) -3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-
Colourless crystals (from ethanol), m .p. 229 — 5-methylpyrano J 2,3-c Jpyrazole (3 h)
230 °C, yield 75%, IR: 3380, 3300, 3150 (NH, Colourless crystals (from ethanol), m .p. 241 —
NH,), 2190 (C = N ) and 1650, 1610 c m '1 (C = C, 243 °C, yield 72%, IR: 3400, 3370, 3180 (NH,
C = N,(5NH2). NH,), 2200 (C = N ) and 1640, 1610 cm*1 (C = C,
C p H 10N 4OS (258) C = N,t>NH,).
Calcd C 55.81 H3.87 N21.70 S 12.40, C „ H I4N 40 , (282)
Found C 56.00 H4.00 N 21.70 S 12.50. Calcd“ C 63.83 H 4.96 N 19.86,
Found C 64.00 H 5.00 N 19.70.
2- Amino-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-4-isopropyl-
5-methylpyrano[2,3-cJpyrazole (3d)
Colourless crystals (from ethanol), m .p. 180 — 2-Amino-4-(o-chlorophenyl)-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-
182 °C, yield 50%, IR: 3400, 3220, 3160 (NH, 5-methylpyranoJ2,3-cJpyrazole (3i)
NH,), 2900-2850 (CH stretches), 2150 (C = N ) Colourless crystals (from dioxane), m .p. 2 4 7 -
and 1625, 1600 cm 1 (C = C, C = N, d'NH,), H 249 °C, yield 70%.
NM R: <5 = 0.8 (2d, 6H , 2 alkyl CH,), 2.2 (s' 3H ,
pyrazole C H 3), 3.3 (m, 2H , CH and pyran 4-H), C 14H h N 4OC1 (286.5)
6.66 (s, 2 H, NH,) and 11.8 (s, 1 H, NH). Calcd C 58.64 H3.84 N 19.55 Cl 12.39,
Found C 58.60 H3.60 N 19.70 Cl 12.50.
C ,,H 14N 40 (2 1 8 )
Calcd C 60.55 H 6.42 N 25.69,
Found C 60.50 H 6.50 N 25.80. 2-Amino-4-( m-bromophenyl) -3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-
5-methylpyranoJ2,3-cJpyrazole (3j)
2-Amino-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-5-methyl- Colourless crystals (from ethanol), m .p. 2 3 7 -
4-phenylpyrano[2,3-cJpyrazole (3e) 239 °C, yield 80%, IR: 3400, 3320, 3260 (NH,
Colourless crystals (from dioxane), m .p. 2 4 2 - N H ,), 2195 (C = N ) and 1645, 1610, 1600 cm “1
244 °C, lit. m.p. 242 C [10], yield 90%. (C =C , C = N, <5NH,), H NM R: Ö = 2.3 (s, 3H ,
C H 3), 4.6 (s, 1 H, pyran 4-H), 6.8 (s, 2H , NH,), 7.1
2-Amino-3-cyano-4,7-dihydro-5-methyl- (m, 4 H, phenyl protons) and 11.8 (s, 1 H, NH).
4-(p-tolyl)pyrano[ 2,3-cJpyrazole (3f) C l4H ,,N 4OBr (331)
Colourless crystals (from ethanol), m .p. 198- Calcd C 50.75 H3.32 N 16.92 Br 24.17,
199 C, yield 90%, IR: 3420. 3310, 3200 (NH, Found C 50.70 H3.50 N 17.10 B r24.00.
Download Date | 4/14/15 4:57 PM
1678 F. F. A b d el-L atif • Heterocycles Synthesis
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Download Date | 4/14/15 4:57 PM