SG Tube Inspection Technology
SG Tube Inspection Technology
SG Tube Inspection Technology
By the mid-90’s, the number of tubes exhibiting SCC In addition, future SG inspections will likely be
had increased dramatically; hence, the need for timely, challenged by new degradation modes that might emerge
fast detection and characterization of this and other as a result of life extension of NPP and their SGs or from
modes of degradation motivated the development of new tube materials used in replacement SGs.
inspection systems based on advanced probe technology
coupled with versatile instruments operated by fast
computers and remote communication systems and much 3. Inspection Requirements and Scope
improved manipulators and probe drives.
SG tubes have a number of important safety functions.
SG inspection systems have progressed through the 90’s, They are an integral part of the reactor coolant pressure
and particularly into the new millennium, to a much boundary (RCPB) and, as such, their function is to
higher level of automation, efficiency and reliability. maintain the primary system's pressure and inventory of
The increasingly competitive market of electricity coolant. They also provide the heat transfer surface
production and the demands of economic globalization between the primary and secondary systems such that
required shorter and more cost effective inspections. residual heat can be removed from the primary system.
Also, the role of Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) The SG tubes are also relied upon to isolate the
evolved from simple detection tools to diagnostic tools radioactive fission products in the primary coolant from
that provide input into integrity assessment decisions, the secondary system (2).
fitness-for-service and operational assessments. This
new role was motivated by tighter regulatory The structural integrity performance criteria (SIPC)
requirements to assure the safety of the public and the require that SGs can withstand burst pressure under
environment, better SG life management strategies and normal or postulated accident conditions. For instance in
often self-imposed regulations. It led to the development Canada, US, Belgium and Germany, the safety factor
of advanced probe technologies, more reliable and applied is approximately 3.0 against burst at normal
versatile instruments and robotics, better training and steady-state full-power operation and 1.4 against burst
qualification of personnel and better data management under the limiting design basis accident. Also,
and analysis systems. regulations limit the allowable leakage rate at normal
operating conditions (1).
5. Probe Manipulators
Because of the high radiation fields inside a SG head,
data acquisition systems rely on robotics to deliver the
probes remotely. The manipulator technology has
significantly evolved over the years. Early versions
required substantial human intervention as the operator
needed to enter the SG head to install and relocate them
to cover areas where the manipulators could not reach,
called exclusion zones. Also, other manipulators were
sometimes needed to perform repairs. This resulted in a
(b) very high cost in terms of radiation exposure.
Figure 4. Examples of man-way-mounted (b)
manipulators (a) Zetec SM 23 Figure 5: Examples of non-entry
and (b) Zetec SM 23A (11) manipulators (a) Westinghouse ROSA III
and (b) AREVA Non-Exclusion zone
The limitations of these manipulators were overcome by ROGER (13)
much more robust designs that can perform the ET
inspection as well as the follow-up maintenance and 6. Probe Technology
repairs such as tube pulling, plugging or welding of
sleeves. This has helped reduce the radiation exposure Bobbin probes have been the industry standard for
and total time needed for SG maintenance activities. general inspection of SG and heat exchanger tubes for
Their design also eliminates the need to relocate the many years. They are quite reliable and provide good
robot within the generator in order to inspect all tubes general-purpose inspection of the tube, being able to
and therefore reduces inspection time. This generation reliably detect and size volumetric flaws such as fretting
of robots, when coupled with advanced software and wear and pitting corrosion. With the new
hardware, can perform inspections in fully automatic instrumentation their typical scanning speed is up to
mode. They use vision systems to accurately locate the about 1 meter per second
tube, ET data to determine probe position and tube end,
encoders and information from the robot to go from tube However, one of the major limitations of bobbin probes
to tube following the inspection plan without the is their inability to detect circumferentially oriented
intervention of the operator (12,13). Figures 5a and 5b cracks because the induced current in the tube wall
show pictures of the Westinghouse ROSA III and circulates parallel to the coil windings and is inherently
AREVA (Framatome) Non-exclusion Zone ROGER. unaffected by the presence of such cracks. These probes
More recent robot models are Westinghouse PEGASYS, are sensitive to axial cracks at straight tube sections;
used for European inspections and also optimal for however, at TTS and the U-bend transition regions, the
inspection of replacement SGs, and the Zetec ZR-1 large signals generated by geometrical tube-wall
designed specifically for CANDU® applications. They distortions significantly reduce detectability (14,15).
are lighter and easier to assemble than the previous
models but can only perform light repairs. In the 90’s, the need to reliably detect SCC led to the
development of Motorized Rotating Pancake Coil
(MRPC) and later the Plus Point ™ probes. These
surface-riding probes are connected to motor units that
rotate the probe inside the tube in a helical pattern. They
overcome the limitations of bobbin probes since they can
Circumferential Crack
Tube Axis Detection Coil
Direction of Rotation
Figure 7. X-probe for axial and
circumferential crack detection
(a) View of an X-probe for 22.3mm
diameter tubing (b) View of an X-probe for
Axial Crack
Detection Coil 12.9 mm diameter tight radius
U-bend tubing
Figure 6: View of a rotating Plus Point
Another array probe currently available in the market is
probe for axial and circumferential crack the Mitsubishi Intelligent probe shown in Figure 8. This
detection is also a high-speed, high-performance alternative to
rotating probe inspections. The Intelligent Probe
Transmit/Receive (T/R) array probes were also combines bobbin and array coil technologies to detect all
developed in the 90’s, to address specific inspection flaw types in a single pass. The non-surface riding probe
needs of CANDU® SG tubes. These probes take design is durable, reliable and allows fast pull speeds.
advantage of the superior properties of T/R technology This probe technology combines an inclined drive coil
compared to impedance probe technology. They offer a arrangement and thin film pickup coils with traditional
five- to ten-fold improvement in signal-to-noise ratio, in bobbin capabilities into one probe. By design, the probe
the presence of lift-off caused by geometrical tube coils are sensitive to all flaw types and provide
distortion such as U-bend deformations or the tubesheet characterization of indications. Each probe has a
transition. The array feature makes it unnecessary to build-in electronic preamplifier circuit that optimizes the
have moving parts, which leads to increased probe signal-to-noise ratio and EMI shielding (19).
reliability. Since T/R probes have directional properties,
being sensitive primarily to defects in-line with the T/R
coil pairs, the probe design can be optimized to
maximize response to different crack orientations (16).
The X-probe is a fast single-pass T/R array probe that Figure 8: View of the Mitsubishi
combines coils aligned for circumferential detection and Intelligent probe (19)
for axial detection in a single probe-head as shown in
Figure 7. The number of coils in each row varies from 8
Often, primary and secondary analyses are carried out by These systems have shown promising results in
different job contractors located at different sites. The laboratory and well-controlled environments, but have
data management systems integrate these locations into limited applicability. Furthermore, they still need to be
their network sending the data, receiving the reports and fully qualified and demonstrated in difficult field
frequently operating in parallel with another management situations.
system or protocol. These systems also provide
inspection plans to the acquisition computers for either
semi-automatic or fully-automatic acquisition, deal with 10. Summary/Conclusions
the reports from multiple levels of analysis, receive the
input from DQV, generate re-scan lists and help prepare The common wisdom is that one cannot expect
repair and plugging lists. Once the data management exceptionally good quality products or services, to be
systems complete processing the information and all the produced quickly and at a low price because at least one
requirements have been fulfilled, the inspection is of these three elements excludes the other two.
officially finished and the equipment can be removed.
In the case of SG inspections, undoubtedly the quality
has improved enormously over the years. Increased
9. Advanced and Automatic Analysis regulatory requirements for flaw detection and
Techniques characterization, better probe and instrument technology,
better analysis guidelines, performance demonstration
The effort required to analyse the large volume of data requirements of the technology and personnel, noise and
produced during an inspection can be enormous. data quality measurements, in-depth defence analysis
Numerous analysts are required to evaluate the data at systems, etc have all contributed to better and more
the same rate as they are acquired and often this time thorough inspections.
pressure can affect their performance and reliability.
One approach to reduce costs and analysis time and to In the past, stations were shut down for long periods of
improve reliability is to use automatic analysis systems. time for maintenance and/or refuelling, sometimes up to
Typically, these software packages consist of threshold three or four months. However, the electricity
and rule-based computerized data screening methods. production market has become much more competitive
Often, they require well-trained and experienced analysts in recent years, and hence stations have been compelled
to set them up with a fairly good understanding and to reduce outage times not only to reduce costs, but also
knowledge of the degradation modes expected on a SG. to eliminate the lost-opportunity cost associated with
Site-specific analysis guidelines are used to adjust signal station downtime. As the outages became shorter, there
amplitude and phase thresholds and analysis rules that was increased pressure to reduce inspection times as they
will flag specific types of indications, and their were frequently on the outage critical path. In addition
performance has to be demonstrated through the site to the multiplication of resources and equipment
specific performance demonstration tests. They are deployed at each outage, the industry responded with
typically used for one level of analysis, either primary or significant improvements to instrument, manipulator and
secondary, but they can be used by both teams, provided probe technology. Also, semi and fully automatic
each one uses different detection algorithms (5). acquisition systems, faster communication systems for
data transmission, better and more versatile and
These systems have shown good performance when production-oriented analysis software, efficient data
applied in SG with well-known degradation modes. One management systems, and automatic analysis are all
limitation is the inherent conflict between having main contributors to more time-effective inspections.
excessive false calls if the thresholds are set up too low
for detection of very small indications versus the risk of Finally, the costs of inspections have increased by more
missing flaw indications if these levels are set up too than an order of magnitude since the early 80’s (3). This
high. Also, they have a high risk of failing to identify high cost is due to much more demanding regulatory
new degradation modes. Moreover, they have not been requirements and the presence of active degradation
able to replace humans, particularly when identifying modes that need to be monitored, requiring a much larger
indications buried in tube noise, or for indications from inspection scope than in earlier years. However, the
multiple sources found at one location. trend in the new millennium has been to make
inspections more cost-effective and to promote reduction