Chapman University Woman's Choir

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The document provides information about upcoming performances from the Chapman University College of Performing Arts including concerts, plays, and dance events for the Spring 2012 season.

The Rimers of Eldritch by Lanford Wilson, Summertime by Charles Mee, Student Directed One Acts, and various music and dance concerts are highlighted for the Spring 2012 season.

The document mentions performances by the University Singers, Chapman Chamber Orchestra, Chapman University Wind Symphony, opera performances, dance concerts, and a scholarship concert.

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Chapman University Women's Choir

Chapman University Women's Choir

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Spring 2012 Event Highlights

Conservatory of Music
presents the
The Rimers of Eldritch by Lanford Wilson ............................. Feb. 16-18, 23-25
Summertime by Charles Mee .................................................. Mar. 15-17, 22-24
Student Directed One Acts ................................................................ Apr. 25-28

MUSIC: Chapman University

University Singers Post-Tour Concert... ................................................... Feb. 3
Chapman Chamber Orchestra & University Choir............................ Mar. 9
Women's Choir
Chapman University Wind Symphony................................................ Mar. 10
Ensemble in Residence - Firebird Ensemble ................................. Mar. 12-13
Opera Chapman presents The Magic Flute ...................................... Apr. 27-29
Sholund Scholarship Concert ................................................................. May 12 Angel M. Vazquez-Ramos, conductor

DANCE: Vivian Liu, piano

Dance Works in Progress ................................................................... Feb. 18-19
Concert Intime .................................................................................... Mar. 22-24
Spring Dance Concert. .......................................................................... May 9-12

For more information about our events, May 6, 2012 111

4:00 P.M.
please visit our website at Memorial Hall, Chapman Auditorium
or call 714-997-6519 or email
Program Program Notes
I. Our program contains four distinct sections. The first is a collection of three sacred works
Confitemini Domino Alessandro Constantini
(faith); the second has two newly composed works (new music); the third includes two working
songs (work); and the fourth incorporates three songs dedicated to call attention to the needs of
(ca. 1581-1657) our race and planet (famine, unheard voices, nature).
Tota pulchra es, Op. 10, No. 2 Maurice Durufle C01ifitemini Domino by Constantini is a homophonic motet from the baroque era. It contrasts
with the 20th century Tota pulchra es by Durufle in character and style. Conjitemini Domino is set in
(1902-1986) a major key reflecting the joyful character of the text. Tota pulchra es in a minor key, conveys a
Laudate pueri dominum, Op. 39, No. 2 more introspective and meditative mood. Laudate pueri dominum by Mendelssohn is a beautiful
Felix Mendelssohn work for three equal voices and keyboard.
(1809-184 7)
Three Summer Songs were composed during the summer months of 2011 for conductor Angel
Vazquez-Ramos and Chapman University Women's Choir. Each song uses a text by a different
II. author (composer herself, Emily Dickinson, Richard Le Galliene) and depicts the summer
Three Summer Songs Vera Ivanova months: Sun and Moon-June, Answer July-July and Summer Going-August. Both the first and
Sun and Moon last songs in this cycle have some folk-music influences in its rhythmic and voice-leading organ-
Answer July ization; the contrasting middle song takes a more reciting approach to the interpretation of
Emily Dickinson's poem.
Summer Going
Christiana Franzetti, Elisa Perez-Selsky and Brittany Bethurum, soloists One Not One was inspired by the philosophical relationship between the concept of one and
many. The work was influenced by the melodic and rhythmic structures in Balkan music, as
One not One well as the musical form and percussive elements found in the music of Tokelau, a Polynesian
Derrick Spiva Jr. island that is slowly disappearing under water due to the effects of global warming.
Whitney Androlia, Lisa Matthewson,
As Costureiras (sewing girls) and Canto de pil6n (mortar song) are women's working songs from
Kylena Parks and Elisa Perez-Selsky, soloists
South America (Brazil & Venezuela). As Costureiras with a text and music by Villa-Lobos, was
first performed in 1932. Canto de Pil6n is an arrangement of a traditional working song. Cristian
Grases explains the origin of canto de pilon by writing: " .. .is a working song from the coast. In
III. the Venezuelan coast, women use big mortars carved out of the tree trunks to grind corn,
As Costureiras Hector Villa-Lobos wheat, coffee, and cocoa, which is a tradition that came from African tribes. This is an intense
physical activity and women often do this in groups of two or three so they feel accompanied
(1887-1959) and achieve results in shorter periods of time. To coordinate the strokes of those involved, they
sing a tune.
Canto de Pilon arr. Christian Grases
Famine Song was inspired by stories of Sudanese basket weavers. This song expresses the pain
and hope experienced by those in the famine of the 1980s. In the midst of hardship, a wonder-
ful new sense of creativity emerged when women began weaving baskets as a means of survival.
Famine Song Jim Papoulis by composed Oye after he spent some time in Mexico. There he was inspired to
arr. Matthew Culloton voice the needs and dreams of those who may not speak up and are easy marginalized, the chil-
dren. The final piece of the program is Lqy Earth's Burden Doum, a collaboration of Paul Caldwell
Oye Jim Papoulis and Sean Ivory. This work is very rhythmic and has a bit of a gospel feel. The text celebrates
commitment to the planet and one another, as citizens of the world.
Lay Earth's Burden Down Caldwell & Ivory
Texts and Translations
Confitemini Domino III. Summer going by Richard Le Gallienne
Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: Praise ye the Lord for he is good: Crickets calling,
Quoniam in saeculum miseric6rdia ejus. Because his mercy endures for ever. Apples falling.
Summer dying,
Tota pulchra es Life is flying.
Tota pulchra es Maria, Thou art fair, 0 Mary, So soon over-
et macula originalis, and the stain of original sin, Love and lover.
non est in te. is not in thee.
One Not One Intellectual,
v estimentum tuum candidum quasi nix, Your vestments are a white as snow, Strong will we, call for mirrors for bodies.
et f:icies tua sicut sol. And your face is like the sun. one is strong Intellectual,
but many is strength. focus on layers of soul.
Tu gl6ria Jerusalem, tu laetitia Israel, Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, the joy of Israel, Take a step as a body,
Be self, be whole!
tu honorificenti p6puli n6stri. And the honor of our people. take a leap, soul.
Take fear to be mortal Fearless we walk with many
Laudate pueri Dominum remember the whole. manifest healing.
Laudate pueri D6minum, 0 praise the Lord, ye children,
All is strength!
laudate nomen Domini. Praise the name of Lord.
As Costureiras
Sit n6men Domini denedictum ex hoc, Blessed be the name of the Lord. Com alma a chorar! With soul to cry!
nunc et usque in saecula. from hence forth now and for ever. Alegre a sorrir! Cheerful smile!
Cantando os seus males! Singing their ills!
Three Summer Songs
As costureiras, The seamstresses,
I. Sun and Moon 0; Vera Ivanova
Somos nesta vida! We are in this life!
Sun and moon,
Come together! Ate, amores unimos a linha, So, lovers join the line,
n6s trabalhamos we work
II. Answer Ju!J 0; Emi!J Dickinson sempre alegres na Iida always cheerful in dealing
Answer July- Nay-said the May- Como alguem que adivinha, As someone who guesses,
Where is the Bee- Show me the Snow- 0 belo futuro que nos faz sorrir! The beautiful future that makes us smile!
Where is the Blush- Show me the Bells-
Com, alma a chorar! With soul to cry!
Where is the Hay? Show me the Jay!
Alegre a sorrir. Cheerful smile.
Ah, said July- Quibbled the Jay-
Cose, cose, cose a costureira, Sew, sew, sew seamstress,
Where is the Seed- Where be the Maize-
cose a manga, a blusa, a saia. sews the sleeve, blouse, skirt.
Where is the Bud- Where be the Haze-
Cose, com interesse e mostrate faceira, Sew, with interest and mostrate chaps and chaps,
Where is the May- Where be the Bur?
bem faceira, a quern provares o ponteado, who prove the broken line,
Answer Thee-Me- Here-said the Year-
o alinhavado, o costurado, o chuliado, o the cobbled, stitched to the chuliado the
preguiado, ah! preguiado, ah!
Canto de Pilon Angel M Vazquez-Ramos, a native of Carolina, Puerto Rico, is an Assistant Professor of
Pila que pila Maria, pila el maiz. Grind and grind, Maria, grind the com. Choral Music Education at Chapman University. He teaches undergraduate courses in cho-
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy pile todo el maiz; Today, today, today, today I ground all the corn; ral music education and conducts the University Women's Choir, the Vocal Jazz Ensemble
and the Choral Union. Before completing his doctoral studies at Florida State University,
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy que mama mand6 Today, today, today, today, that mother ordered he taught secondary choral music for seven years in Pinellas County Schools in the Tampa
a pilar; to grind; Bay Area. In addition, he worked as director of music ministries in churches in both Largo
Pile yo, pil6 Maria y tambifo pil6 Pilar. and Tallahassee, Florida. His research interest encompasses: teacher preparation, rehearsal
I ground, Maria ground, and also Pilar ground.
techniques, adolescent choirs, and assessment in music education.
Dr. Vazquez-Ramos is a member of the American Choral Directors Association and
Famine Song NAfM_E: National Association for Music Education. He completed his Bachelors of Music
Ease my spirit, ease my soul, Education degree at the University of Puerto Rico, Magna Cum Laude. In addition, he re-
Please free my hands from this barren soil. ceived a Masters in Music Education and Ph.D. in Music Education/Choral Conducting at
Ease my mother, ease my child, Florida State University where he studied with Andre J. Thomas, Rodney Eichenberger,
Earth and sky be reconciled. Judy K. Bowers, and Kevin A. Fenton. He has published articles on assessment in music
education and teacher preparation in the Florida Music Directo0 and the Journal if Research in
Rain, rain, rain.
Music Education.
Rain, rain, rain.
Weave, my mother, weave, my child,
Weave your baskets of rushes wild. Vivian I-Miao Liu) a native of Taiwan, is a versatile collaborative pianist and coach. She
has worked with the Intimate Opera, Long Beach Opera, Opera A La Carte, Opera Idaho,
Out of heat, under sun, Opera Nova, Opera Pacific, Repertory Opera, Sun Valley Opera, Classical Singers Associa-
Comes the hunger to ev'ry one. tion, National Association of Teachers of Singing, Wagner Society of Southern California,
Famine's teeth, famine's claw Boys Choir of Harlem, LA Opera Lounge, L.A. Tapestries, Merrywoode Singers, Bakers-
on the hands of Africa. field Symphony, Calico Winds, California Quartet, Mladi Chamber Orchestra, Pokorny
Low Brass Seminar, Redlands Bowl, Riverside Philharmonic, and LA Music Center's Edu-
Oye cation Program. She has played auditions for the Lyric Opera of Chicago, and Pacific
Esta solo, llorando All alone, in the darkness Coast Opera. She has participated in the Aspen Opera Center, and Tyrolean Opera Pro-
En silencio, en la oscuridad They are crying out for your help. gram in Austria as a fellowship pianist.
Esta soiiando, deseando Dr. Liu earned a D.M.A. in Keyboard Collaborative Arts from the University of Southern
They are hoping, they are dreaming
Con esperanza, por la oportunidad. California, a M.M. in Keyboard Collaborative Arts from USC, a M.M. in Piano from Man-
They are asking, for a change to be heard.
hattan School of Music, and a B.F.A. in Piano from Taipei National University of the Arts
Escuchalos, escuchalos, ellos te llaman. in Taiwan. In 2007, she directed and staged Poulenc's monodrama "La Voix Humaine" at
Are you listening, can you hear their cries?
USC. Her teachers include Kevin Fitz-Gerald and Alan Smith at USC, Martin Katz and
Escuchalos, miralos Graham Johnson at Songfest, Marc Silverman and John Forconi at MSM. With her pas-
They are watching, they are listening.
Escucha lo que tartan de decir sion for vocal repertoire, she has reading and diction knowledge of French, German, Ital-
They are searching to find their way.
ian, Spanish, and Russian as well as Latin diction. Currently she is on the faculty at Chap-
Estan en busqueda, del camino man University. In addition, she is the principal rehearsal pianist with National Children's
Can you see them, can you hear them calling
pequeiias voces llamandote Chorus and works closely with Los Angeles Opera's Education Program.
What their voices are trying to say.
Chapman University Women's Choir

Angel M. Vazquez-Ramos, conductor

Fund for Excellence Supporters
As of March 31, 2012

Whitney Androlia Allison Marquez Circle of Acclaim Arts Advocate Mr. Robert F. Fowler & Arts Associate
Ms. Teri D. Fowler
$5,000 -$9,999 $500 - $999 Up to $99
Jennifer Bales Lisa Mathewson Ms. Laila K. Frank
Anonymous Mr. Benton Bejach & Mrs. Martha H. Garrett Mr. Martin Amezcua
B. King Mrs. Wanlyn Bejach Golden Rain Fnd. of Lag. Hills Mrs. Claire Chambless
Brittany Bethururm Sahnnon McBane Glass Family Trust Mr. Jeffrey Cogan '92 & Mr. Robert Goldstein & Chevron Corporation
Mr. Donald Marabella & Mrs. Carol Cogan Mrs. Barbara A Goldstein Ms. Norma Cooper
Carolyn Buechner I-Cristi McKinley Mrs. Luciana Marabella Mrs. Melissa S. Jacobson Mr. Milton S. Grier, Jr. & Dr. Suzanne C. Crandall '00
Music Teachers Association of Mr. Bruce C. Lineberger '76 & Mrs. Jane K. Grier Ms. Margaret J. Dehning
Jennifer Beunrostro Nicole Michel California Mrs. Gina T. Lineberger Dr. Harry L. Hamilton & Mr. R. L. Dippert &
Honorable H. Warren Siegel & Mr. Stephen Smith & Mrs. Mary E. Hamilton Mrs. Linda L. Dippert
Mrs. Jan Siegel Mrs. Kristen Falde Smith Mr. Ronald A Hill & Mr. John Dupre &
Michal Burnes Laura Miller Mrs. Ruth E. Stewart Northwestern Mutual Mrs. Cheryl B. Hill Mrs. Marsha Dupre
Mr. Gregory G. Norton '84 Dr. Frederic T. Hite, D.D.S. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Grandey '40
Kayla Camacho Angelic Papacalos Director's Circle Mr. William L. Parker '52 & Dr. Charles E. Hoger & Mr. Paul J. Hanzelka '81 &
$1,000 - $2,499 Mrs.BarbaraJ.Parker'64 Mrs. Anita Hoger Mrs. Catherine Hanzelka
Gloria Cho Kylena Parks Dr. Nicolaos Alexopoulos &
Theodore Financial Group, Inc. Mr. Christopher S. Kawai & Mr. Timothy Hickcox &
Mr. David A. Weatherill '51 & Mrs. Elaine M. Kawai Mrs. Linda Hickcox
Mrs. Sue Alexopoulos Mrs. Beverly J. Weatherill 'SO Mr. Robert Lepore & Mr. Arnold R. Levine &
Cristiana Franzetti Elisa Perez-Selsky Mr. Benton Bejach & Mr. Royce A Wise & Mrs. Lori Lepore Mrs. Irma Levine
Mrs. Wanlyn Bejach Mrs. Darlene Wise Mr. James W. Ley Mr. Steven H. Lewin
Yasmin Golbadi Eileen Regullano Mr. Alan Caddick & Mr. Lee A McCabe '93 & Mr. Patric R. Lewis &
Mrs. Charlene Caddick Arts Applause Mrs. Racheal M. Rodriguez- Mrs. Karrin A. Lewis
Covington Schumacher Concert
Stacey Gomez Sharan Sacks Series
$100 - $499 McCabe Ms. Christy Lubin
Marina Vocal Arts Booster Club Mr. Paul P. Marchand &
Drs. Lynne & Jim Doti Mr. Kenneth E. Aaron & Mr. Jim McKeehan Mrs. Marisa P. Marchand
Shaina Hammer Lizabeth Sanchez Mr. Thomas Durante '97 & Mrs. Sheila L. Aaron Mr. Alfred Neukuckatz & Mr. Dan Meyerhofer &
Mrs. Amanda Durante Mr. Thomas M. Akashi & Mrs. Lillian Neukuckatz Mrs. Audra L. Meyerhofer '95
Jennie Harris Audrey Thayer Mr. Charles W. Ellwanger & Mrs. Karen K. Akashi NHS Choral Music Boosters Mr. Joseph Mills &
Mrs. Kimberly T. Ellwanger Ms. Christina A. Alexopoulos Ms. Anna Marie Novick Mrs. Marylu Mills
Mr. Jerry M. Harrington & Mr. Edgar Berriman & Orange County Playwrights
Caroline Hawkins Chanel Traboldt Mrs. Maralou Harrington Mrs. Elaine L. Berriman '58
Ms. Susan Nicholson
Alliance Mr. Steven Nicolai &
The Lux Productions Mr. Michael J. Byrne '67 & Ms. Susan Pedroza Mrs. Madonna Nicolai
Megan Henretta Jessa Marie Ursabia Mr. Carlson H. Mengert Mrs. Susan Byrne Mr. Blake Putney & Mr. Michael J. Parker
St. John's Lutheran Church Ms. Wendy D. Camp Mrs. Marilyn Putney Ms. Carol E. Rawlings
Angelique Hernandez Alayna Will Mr. Ronald D. Rotunda & Ms. Kathryn J. Carpenter '77 Dr. Irving Rappaport & Ms. Jonna H. Robinson
Ms. Kyndra K. Rotunda Mr. Kevin Cartwright Dr. Julia Rappaport Dr. La Vergne Rosow, Ed.D. '78
Schools First Federal Credit Mr. Renato M. Castaneda & Mrs. Anastacio Rivera '62
Samantha Johnson Sydney Woods Union Mrs. Josefina R. Castaneda
Mr. William A Sanders &
Mr. Eric M. Scandrett Mrs. Andrea Sanders
Mr. Milo Sieve & Mr. Rick F. Christophersen '94 Southern California Junior Mr. Erwin H. Schauwecker &
Samira Kasraie Linda Zhou Mrs. Rosemary Sieve Mr. William P. Conlin & Bach Festival Mrs. Beverly Schauwecker
Mrs. Laila Conlin Mr. Christopher D. Spaulding Sledge's Estate Jewelers
Neda Lahidji Mrs. Kaye DeVries '70 Mrs. Beverly Spring Mr. Robert Tober &
Mr. Michael 0. Drummy '73 & Ms. Susan L. Stanton '82 Mrs. Joyce Tober
Mrs. Patricia L. Drummy '81 Mr. George F. Sterne '78 & Mr. Gary Maggetti &
Mr. Stephen L. Dublin '70
*Names appear in alphabetical order Mrs. Linda Duttenhaver
Ms. Nicole Boxer Ms. Christine T. Wait '70
Mrs. Alyce M. Thomas '96 Mrs.Jennifer Winch
Echols Family Trust Mr. Ales Vysin & Mr. Anthony C. Wolski
Ms. Irene Eckfeldt Mrs. Janice Vysin Ms. Lucille Zabel
Ms. Janet K. Waiblinger

To inquire about giving opportunities, contact the College of Performing Arts office at
714-997-6519 or
Partners in Excellence
President: Dr. James L. Doti
Chairman Board of Trustees: Donald E. Sodaro
What Your Gift Supports Chancellor: Dr. Daniele C. Struppa
• Talent scholarships - over 90% of performing arts students need scholarship
• Performance tours and travel for our world-renowned ensembles: Dean: Dale A. Merrill
Pacific Northwest in January 2012 - 32 Voice University Singers Administrative Director: Rick Christophersen
Operations Manager: Joann R. King
Kennedy Center/ American College Theatre Festival & Dance Festival
Assistant to the Dean: Heather Westenhofer
• Master classes with world-renowned guest artists, professors, and professionals
• Enhanced performances, recitals, and productions
• Specialized equipment and new resources for cutting-edge performing arts
technology Full-time Faculty: Amy Graziano (Chair)
Peter Atherton, Robert Becker, Jeff Cogan, Stephen Coker, Margaret Dehning, Grace Fong, Robert
Frelly, Sean Heim, Jeffrey Holmes, Vera Ivanova, Shaun Naidoo, Jessica Sternfeld, Nicholas Terry,
Legacy for the Future Priorities Louise Thomas, Angel M. Vazquez-Ramos, Daniel Alfred Wachs
• Endowments (gifts of $50,000 or more)
Academic Programs Part-time Faculty: Christina Alexopoulos, David Alt, Mindy Ball, David Black, Pamela Blanc,
Christopher Brennan, David Cahueque, Francisco Calvo, John Campbell, Clara Cheng, Tony Cho,
Guest Artist and Lecture Series
Christina Dahlin, Justin DeHart, Bridget Dolkas, Kristina Driskill, Robert Fernandez, Cheryl Fielding,
Research Institutes and Centers William Fitzpatrick, Patricia Gee, Patrick Goeser, Ruby Cheng Goya, Fred Greene, Thomas Hall,
Ensemble-in-Residence programs Timothy Hall, Aron Kallay, Janet Kao, Hye-Young Kim, Jenny Kim, Milen Kirov, Karen Knecht,
• Scholarships and Fellowships Mikhail Korzhev, Irene Kroesen, Rachael Lapidis, Roger Lebow, Hedy Lee, Vivian Liu,, Jonathan
Mack, Elizabeth Macy, Gary Matsuura, Bruce McClurg, Beverly Min, Susan Montgomery, Hunter
Endowed Scholarship Funds ($50,000 or more) Ochs, Mary Palchak, Janice Park, Genevieve Peaslee, Teren Shaffer, Thom Sharp, Paul Sherman, Lea
Non-endowed funds (expendable gifts up to $50,000) Steffens, David Stetson, Jacob Vogel, David Washburn, William Wells, Jesse Wright-Fitzgerald
• Capital Projects
Artist in Residence: Milena Kitic, Carol Neblett
Funds designated for projects, institutes, and centers to support:
Renovation funds for classrooms, studios, and theatres Staff: Katie Silberman (Department Assistant), Peter Westenhofer (Operations Supervisor)
New Classrooms, faculty offices and performance facility upgrades
Work-study Students: Nathan Campbell, Emily Dyer, Marqis Griffith, Nickolas Kaynor

To inquire about giving opportunities, contact the College of Performing Arts office at
(714) 997-6519 or or
visit our giving page
CELEBRATE the creative and intellectual promise
of today's rising stars by supporting the Chapman University
College of Performing Arts. Your tax-deductible donation
to our Fund for Excellence underwrites award-winning
programs and performances. Also, your employer may be
interested in the visibility gained by underwriting programs
and performances within the College of Performing Arts.

We invite you to learn more about how you can assist with
the construction of our new Center for the Arts, a 1,050-seat
theatre which will be located in the northwest corner of
campus. When completed, the Center for the Arts will be one
of the largest at any university in Orange County and will
feature state-of-the-art technology.

For more information about supporting our future stars in

theatre, music and dance and the exciting programs produced
by the College of Performing Arts, contact the College of
Performing Arts office at 714-997-6519 or
Thank you for your interest and continued support!

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