Project Title: Rail-Robots For Railway Tracks Routine Inspection - Novel Re-Configurable Mechanism Design
Project Title: Rail-Robots For Railway Tracks Routine Inspection - Novel Re-Configurable Mechanism Design
Project Title: Rail-Robots For Railway Tracks Routine Inspection - Novel Re-Configurable Mechanism Design
IITB Co-supervisor(s)
(Name, Email Id, Phone)
The rapid growth for freight, passenger and heavy haul railway across the world introduces the
challenges of increased costs of upgrading railway infrastructure and increased demand for
enhanced efficiency and performance. Integration of robotics and smart communication
technologies presents opportunities to develop rail into a more commercially sustainable
industry. One of the important rail infrastructure management activities involves regular
inspection of track conditions, which is labour intensive and could be potentially augmented
with robotics.
The proposed project aims to address the above problem by introducing autonomous
inspection of railway tracks using dedicated robotic systems that could ‘walk’ the track instead
of human inspections. Since the terrain/environment for the robots to manoeuvre and interact is
known but highly specialized, unlike the road or factory floor surface, it would require
exploration of novel mechanisms and configurations. Since the railway track network is known,
it comes under structured environment category.
Also, such novel configuration and specified application calls for an inherent
‘intelligence’ using both interoceptive and exteroceptive sensors for self-balancing and
dynamically updating the environmental information. This in turn, requires predictive
assessment based upon efficient communication links between the robot(s) and the
environment (railway tracks, control room, signalling, scheduling and logistics etc.) for
coordination and localization of the robot. Therefore, the aims of this project are to
design, develop and analyze re-configurable base mechanisms based on inspection tasks and
types. A challenging problem to address is optimality and robustness of configurations and
inspection methodologies/techniques: design energy efficient and fault tolerant
techniques for repeated autonomous exploration.
Project aims
The project aims to design, fabricate and validate innovative re-configurable mobile robots that
can be adapted to various inspection tasks (and hence variable sensing suites) in routine
railway inspections.
Expected outcomes
How will the project address the Goals of the above Themes?
The project is related to designing, modelling and optimizing novel mechanisms and control
strategies for efficient and fault tolerant exploration for inspection of rail infrastructure.
Capabilities of the system would be investigated by extensive modelling and simulations.
The above mentioned research activities thus fall under the two main themes of the research
academy, viz. Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture and
Infrastructure Engineering
Please provide a few key words relating to this project to make it easier for the students to apply.
Mechanism design, robotics, control systems