Direct vs. Indirect Sinus Lift Procedure: A Comparison: March 2012

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Direct vs. indirect sinus lift procedure: A


Article · March 2012

DOI: 10.4103/0975-5950.102148 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Uma shanker Pal Rk Singh

King George's Medical University King George's Medical University


Divya Mehrotra
King George's Medical University


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Original Article

Direct vs. indirect sinus lift

procedure: A comparison
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial U. S. Pal, Nanda Kishor Sharma, R. K. Singh,
Surgery, CSM Medical University,
Department of Prosthodontics,
Shadab Mahammad, Divya Mehrotra, Nimisha Singh,
Chandra Dental College, Lucknow, Devendra Mandhyan1


Background: There are different techniques for the sinus augmentation; the factors that contribute
to the survival rate of sinus augmentation and dental implant placement are still the subject of
discussion. So we compare the two different ways of sinus floor elevation: a) Lateral antrostomy
as a one or two step procedure as direct method. b) Osteotome technique with a crestal approach
as indirect method. Materials and Methods: A total of twenty partially edentulous patients in
maxillary posterior region who opted for implant retained prosthesis but had a low sinus and
deficient alveolar ridge within the age group of 20-55 years were taken up, 25 implants were
placed in combination with bone grafting material for sinus augmentation. The final bone height
was measured from Orthopantomogram. Post-operative Clinical Evaluation was based on pain,
gingival inflammation status, stability, swelling and bone height. Statistical analysis was done
by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 15.0) (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: The gain in bone height was significantly greater in direct procedure through lateral
antrostomy (mean 8.5 mm) than in indirect method through crestal approach by osteotome
technique (mean 4.4 mm). Conclusions: Osteotome technique can be recommended when
Address for correspondence: more than 6 mm of residual bone height is present and an increase of 3-4 mm is expected. In
Dr. U. S. Pal, case of more advanced resorption direct method through lateral antrostomy has to be performed.
Department of Oral and Both sinus elevation techniques did not seem to affect the implant success rate.
Maxillofacial Surgery, CSM
Medical University, Lucknow, India.
Key words: Bio Oss, posterior maxilla, residual bone height, sinus lift procedures

To be a candidate for the dental implant procedure, a

INTRODUCTION patient must have sufficient bone in the maxillary and
mandibular ridge to support these implants. Anatomic
Dental implants are used to replace both the form and
the function of missing teeth. The actual dental implant limitations often associated with the posterior maxilla
is a metal screw designed to thread into the jawbone are flat palatal vault, deficient alveolar height, inadequate
and allow for the attachment of a variety of prosthetic posterior alveolus, increased pneumatization of the
dental replacements. Most of the time, the implant is maxillary sinus, and close approximation of the sinus to
made of medical grade titanium or a titanium alloy. crestal bone. Maxillary bone, primarily medullary and
Titanium is used due to its excellent compatibility with trabecular, has less quantity and bone density than the
human biology. premaxilla or mandible. Adjacent cortices of compact bone
are generally very thin, providing minimal strength.[1]
Access this article online
Quick Response Code: To increase the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla,
Website: the sinus lift procedure, or subantral augmentation, has
been developed in the mid 1970s.[2] It is well-accepted
techniques to treat the loss of vertical bone height (VBH)
10.4103/0975-5950.102148 in the posterior maxilla performed in two ways: A
lateral window technique and an osteotome sinus floor

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Pal, et al.: Sinus lift procedure

elevation technique and placing bone-graft material in 3. At least 5 mm of residual ridge remaining – SA-3
the maxillary sinus to increase the height and width site
of the available bone. Experience in the rehabilitation 4. Less than 5 mm of residual ridge remaining – SA-4
of severely resorbed maxilla is growing.[3] Autogenic site
bone graft are used most often.[4-7] The bone seems to be
Ethical clearance was taken from institutional ethical
harvested from the iliac crest most often,[4,7] although
committee. Written informed consent was obtained
several anatomic areas have been used.[5,7,8]
from the enrolled patients and necessary routine
Various bone-grafting materials have been studied hemogram investigation (BT, CT, TLC, DLC, HB%, RBS,
for use in maxillary sinus grafts to accelerate the bone viral markers for HCV, HIV, and HBSAG) was done.
healing process and prevent repneumonization of the
Apically tapered, commercially pure titanium
maxillary sinus after grafting,[4,9] autogenous bone from
implants (LifeCare Devices Private Limited
the iliac crest or maxillary tuberosity, frozen bone,
Mahim, West Mumbai, India) were used. The length of
freeze-dried bone, xenogeneic bone, demineralized
implant was 8, 10, 11.5, 13, and 16 mm and diameter was
freeze-dried bone, and hydroxyapatite.
3.3, 3.75, 4.2, and 5 mm. Bio-Oss (Geistlich Biomaterials,
Although these techniques are used to regenerate lost Switzerland) a xenograft was used as the standard graft
bone, the factors that contribute to the survival rate material for the study because the organic material is
of sinus augmentation and dental implant placement completely removed to leave the mineralized bone
are still the subject of discussion. The recent literature architecture, which renders it nonimmunogenic and
concerning sinus grafts has shown differing long-term presumably safe from possibility of infection.
results depending on which type of bone-graft material
The surgical procedures were performed under local
was used.[10-12] An ideal maxillary sinus bone-grafting
anesthesia and under medication. Patients were
material should provide biologic stability, ensure volume
randomly and equally divided into two groups, group
maintenance, and allow the occurrence of new bone
A (direct sinus lift) and group B (indirect sinus lift).
infiltration and bone remodeling. Over time, bone-grafting
Preoperative antibiotic therapy (amoxycillin and
materials and implants should achieve osseo integration.
clavulanic acid 625 mg three times a day) was started
After the restoration of the upper part of the implant has
a day before surgery for all patients.
been completed, there should be no bone loss and the
materials should be stable; there should be a predictable
Surgical procedure in Group A
success rate.[13]
An incision was made a few millimeters above the muco-
gingival junction from the canine eminence anteriorly
So we performed the lateral (direct) sinus lift procedure
to the zygomatic buttress posteriorly. A mucoperiosteal
and compared it with osteotome (indirect) technique.
flap was elevated from the incision buccally and
Bio-Oss (xenograft) was the standard graft material in
superiorly and a rectangular window was created in the
both the technique.
canine fossa with the help of 4 mm, 6 mm chisels and
mallet. The inferior osteotomy cut was made about 4–5
MATERIALS AND METHODS mm above the floor of the maxillary sinus, followed by
anterior, posterior, and superior osteotomy cuts. The
The present study enrolled 20 subjects of age group osteotomy size created was 1 × 1 cm approximately,
20–55 years irrespective of gender having maxillary sufficient to allow good access for easy dissection, sinus
posterior edentulous region and opted for implant membrane elevation, and insertion of graft. The sinus
retained prosthesis but had a low sinus and deficient membrane was dissected intact from the underlying
alveolar ridge. Patients with chronic sinusitis, long bone starting from the inferior and lateral cuts and
standing nasal obstruction, smokers, pregnant, and thus sufficient mucosa had been freed to allow tension
psychologically ill patients were excluded from the free reflection from the sinus floor. The dissection was
study. continued till the osteotomy window could be reflected
inward and superiorly to the height necessary. No
Assessment of maxillary sinus was done by perforation of the sinus membrane occurred in any of the
Orthopantomogram (General Medical Equipment, cases. 5 ml of whole blood was drawn from the patients
USA) as per Misch criteria.[14] antecubital fossa, graft material (Bio-Oss) was opened
1. 12 mm or more of residual ridge remaining – SA-1 and poured in dish; graft was mixed with sufficient
site amount of whole blood. The osteotomy site was exposed
2. 10 mm to 12 mm of residual ridge remaining – SA-2 and elevated sinus membrane was lifted superiorly.
site The particulate graft mixed with patient’s whole blood

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Pal, et al.: Sinus lift procedure

was placed in the sinus cavity and was packed after The patients from both groups were followed up post-
achieving adequate elevation. A barrier membrane of operatively at 1st week, 3rd week, 6th week, and 12th week
collagen was placed over the grafted site. The incision and for implant stability checking, follow-up was done
was closed with 4-0 silk. at 1, 2, and 3 months of implant insertion.

Surgical procedure in Group B Postoperative assessment of the patient was done under
Incision was placed palatal to the alveolar crest and following parameters:
carried a sufficient length to expose all implant sites. 1. Pain (by Visual Analogous Scale)
Two vertical releasing incisions were made at the • 0 – No pain
anterior and the posterior extent of the initial incision to • 1 to 3 – Mild pain
allow adequate tension free buccal reflection of the soft • 3 to 7 – Moderate pain
tissue flap. The mucoperiosteal flap was elevated from • 7 to 10 – severe pain
the incision buccally and superiorly taking care not to 2 Gingival inflammation status: Gingival index[15]
perforate the flap at the alveolar crest. The antrostomy • 0 – No inflammation
was performed with speed reduction gear hand piece • 1 – Mild inflammation
and internal irrigation was used for bone drilling. • 2 – Moderate inflammation
Surgical twist drills various diameters ranging from • 3 – Severe inflammation
2.0 to 4.8 mm were used in sequence to prepare site.
The palatal osseous lid was completely removed and 3. Swelling (Present/Absent)
the sinus membrane was meticulously dissected and 4. Stability – Present/Absent (Glickman Method)[16]
lifted by sequential use of various sinus osteotomes 5. Patient Compliance (four point Likert scale)
• Satisfaction/Good/Satisfactory/Poor
and metal mallet. In all cases after complete elevation,
6. Complication – If any
the sinus cavity was grafted with an organic bovine
bone (Bio-Oss) (Geistlich biomaterials, Switzerland). Radiological assessment
The biomaterial was mixed with blood gained from the 1. Intraoral periapical radiograph (IOPA) at regular
patients antecubital fossa and was densely packed into intervals at 1st week, 3rd weeks, 6th weeks, and 12th
the cavity. No additional autogenous bone blocks or chips weeks postoperatively to assess bone implant
were used. After filling up the whole prepared space, the relation.
implant of selected size was placed. Implant holder was 2. Orthopantomogram was done at regular interval
pulled and the fixture insertion tool was engaged to the intervals at 1st week, 3rd weeks, 6th weeks, and 12th
implant and gentle pressure was applied. Hex ratchet weeks postoperatively to assess graft uptake and
was used to screw the implant tightly into the bone till implant relationship to graft.
all the sides of the implant came in alignment with crest 3. Preoperatively Dentascan (GE Electronics, USA) to
of alveolar bone. Excessive particles of the graft material assess availability and status of bone.
were removed and the palatal flaps were repositioned Statistical analysis
without any periosteal horizontal releasing incisions. Statistical analysis was done by using Statistical Package
Primary interrupted tension free wound closure was for Social Sciences (version 15.0) (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
accomplished with 4-0 silk suture material. USA). Significance of percentage error of two groups
was tested by Student ‘t’ test and for level of significance
Postoperatively the same medication (amoxyclav “P” value was used. “P” value of less than 0.05 was
625 mg) was continued along with metronidazole considered statistically significant.
400 mg thrice a day, a combination of aciclofenac
100 mg, paracetamol 500 mg, and a nasal decongestant
for 5 days in all group A and group B patients. RESULTS
Patients were advised to follow standard postoperative The present study was undertaken to compare the
instructions, which included ice-pack, soft high direct and indirect sinus lift procedures in edentulous
nutrient diet, thorough rinsing with antiseptic resorbed posterior maxilla with the use of an organic
mouthwash (chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2%). The bovine bone Bio-Oss.
patients were instructed to avoid sneezing, nose
blowing, or other actions that might create high Postoperatively assessment was done for pain, gingival
intranasal pressure or vacuum. The patients were inflammation, swelling, and increase in bone height at
instructed to avoid drinking with straws for a 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks. Stability of
week. The patients were instructed not to wear any implants was observed at 1 month, 2 months, and 3
prosthesis over the surgical site for at least a week months of implant insertion in both groups. No graft
after surgery to reduce the risk of wound dehiscence. and implant failure occurred in any group.

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Pal, et al.: Sinus lift procedure

No significant difference in pain reduction with time 4. Gingival status

in both groups but more number of patients reported 5. Bone height augmentation
pain in group A than group B in 1st day and 1st week. No 6. Stability
patients had pain after 1st week, 3rd, 6th, and 12th weeks.
In group “A” 90% patients had gingival inflammation In group “A” (direct sinus lift through lateral antrostomy)
at 1st day, whereas it was in 70% patients in group “B.” at 1st day, all the 10 patients had mild pain (as per VAS
In group “A” 50 % patients had inflammation at 1 st scale) and none had moderate or severe pain. At 1st week
week and group “B” 30% patients had inflammation follow-up, 6 patients presented with mild pain while
at 1st week. In both groups, inflammation was absent at none had moderate or severe pain. Pain was absent
3rd, 6th, and 12 weeks follow-up. There was significant in all patients after 1st week at 3rd, 6th, and 12th weeks
reduction in gingival inflammation with time. There observation.
was no significant difference in gingival inflammation
in group A and group B. In group “B” (indirect sinus lift procedures through
crestal approach) at 1st day of follow-up, 8 patients
Swelling reduced in 1 week in both group “A” and group had mild pain, none had moderate or severe pain. At
“B” but more number of patients had swelling in group 1st week follow-up, 5 patients complaint of mild pain,
A than in group B. There was no significant difference in while none had moderate or severe pain. Pain was absent
incidence of swelling in group A and group B. in all patients after 1st week at 3rd, 6th, and 12th weeks of
observation. On comparing both groups, pain was found
On comparing the bone height gained in group A and to be absent after 1st week and significant reduction of
group B, the average bone height gained in group A was pain was noticed with time. On the 1st day, pain was
more (average 8.5 mm) than in group B (average height higher in both groups because of soft tissue elevation,
gained was 4.4 mm) and the difference was statistically drilling of bone, pressure effect of implant insertion,
significant. bone cutting, and sinus membrane elevation.

Stability was equal in both group “A” and group “B” Similar findings were observed by Kent and Block [1989],[4]
and no loss of stability noted in designed period of time. who evaluated clinical outcomes of dental implant
placement and sinus floor elevation and observed that
there was no significant pain after sinus lift surgery post
DISCUSSION operatively.

In this study, dental implants were placed using two Wiltfang et al.[17] observed pain reduction after sinus lift
different techniques of sinus augmentation and both surgery with time but found 2 patients with sinusitis
of them were successful with survival of implants at an related pain which they found to be due to migration
observation period of 3 months. It is interesting to note of cancellous bone sequestra into maxillary sinus
that there was significant difference in changes of the for which they performed sinuscopy and removal of
crestal bone level and between subjects with osteotome sequestrum. Our study correlates to their study in
implant placement and those with delayed implant having minimal pain post surgery.
placement in the subantral areas previously augmented
by deproteinized bovine bone. Swelling
The present study shows that there was swelling in
The dental implant has a role in the replacement of lost both groups at 1st day (group A, 8 patients, and group
tooth, especially when it is desirable to avoid preparing B, 6 patients), which subsided with time. In group A, at
adjacent teeth that have no caries, restorations. The 1 st week 5 (50%) patients had swelling, whereas in
direct and indirect sinus lift procedure could be used group B, it was present in 3 (30%) patients. In both
to augment the sinus floor thereby augmenting the groups, there was significant improvement in swelling
alveolar ridge to place implant of sufficient length. with time. Swelling was not seen after 1st week in any
patient of either group. The difference in swelling in
The present study was therefore undertaken to evaluate both groups was not significant.
the results of direct and indirect sinus lift procedures
with an organic bovine bone graft (Bio-Oss) and implant The similar finding was also reported by Rodoni
placement. The results of this study were observed et al.[18] Alkan et al.[19] observed that in patients who
under the following parameters: has maxillary sinus disease preoperatively, they have
1. Pain post surgery complication such as pain, swelling,
2. Swelling disturbed wound healing, transient maxillary sinusitis,
3. Inflammation and implant failures but observed nonsignificant post

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operative swelling in normal healthy patients which only a limited amount of augmentation which is similar
correlates to our study. to the observations of Woo et al.[22]

Gingival status The result of our study was similar to the study given by
In the present study, there was mild inflammation in Milan et al.,[23] who showed that implants placed using
group A in 9 out of 10 patients on 1st day and 5 out three different techniques of sinus augmentation were
of 10 patients in 1 st week which subsided and later successful, with equal survival rates after an observation
no inflammation was noticed in 3rd, 6th, and 12th week period of at least 3 years.
Our study shows survival rates of implants placed
In group B, gingival inflammation was present in 7 in transalveolar sinus floor augmentation sites are
patients on 1st day and 3 patients on 1 week. Gingival comparable to those in nonaugmented sites. This
inflammation was absent after 1st week on 3rd, 6th, and technique is predictable with a low incidence of
12th week. Changes in gingival inflammation at different complications during and postoperatively. Tan et al.[24]
time intervals in group A and group B were found to be showed similar result as our study.
not significant.
We observed in our study with the panoramic view
Our study correlates with the study of Zitzmann that the height of the available bone to be increased by
et al.,[20] when evaluated the gingival status around sinus the graft. The zones of soft-tissue density surrounding
augmentation and implant and after 3 weeks observed the graft were also revealed. The actual osteotomy in
no sign of gingival inflammation, which is similar to our the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus was difficult to
study. see because it was packed with the bone graft. Similar
observations were made by Abrahams et al.[25]
In our study, we found quick healing excellent and soft-
tissue response, which is similar observation of Block Stability
et al.[21] who also reported similar findings. In the present study, in group A in two patients who went
for direct sinus lift and immediate implant placement,
Bone height augmentation implant stability was present in 100% patients at
In the present study, the preoperative mean bone height 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months of implant insertion. In
of 4.5 mm, as per calculations of residual bone height the rest of 8 patients with delayed implant placement at
taken from preoperative Orthopantomagram. The 3 months of sinus augmentation, implant stability was
postoperative bone height gained was 13 mm (8.5 mm observed at 4th, 5th, and 6th months found 100% stability
of bone height gain), which was statistically significant in all patients. In group B implant stability was present
at 3 months of the study in group A and no change in in 100% patient at 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months.
bone height could be recorded at 1, 3, 6, and 12 weeks, There was no difference in stability in group A and
but radio-opacity of the graph increased. group B. We uncovered the implants after a period of 3
months of insertion for loading and observed that none
The initial mean bone height is 7.39 mm, as per of the implants were mobile at the time of exposure.
calculations of residual bone height taken from Similar was the observations made by Kent and Block.[4]
preoperative Orthopantomagram. The final mean bone
height gained was 12 mm (4.4 mm of bone height gain), Similar inferences was drawn by Zitzmann et al.[20] in
which was statistically significant at 3 months of the 1998 when comparing three different methods of sinus
study in group B. There was no change in bone height floor elevation in 30 patients designed for implant
recorded at 1, 3, 6, and 12 weeks, but radio-opacity of treatment in resorbed posterior maxilla.
the grafted bone increased with time.
Our study correlates to the study of Rodoni et al.[18]
The difference between the calculated initial bone who reported implant anchorage provided by the bone
height and final bone height was statistically significant capable of withstanding prosthetic loading regardless of
in both group A and group B patients. The difference in whether it was derived from nonaugmented, partially
increase was statistically significant in group A (8.5 mm) augmented bone, or regardless of procedure chosen to
in comparison with group B (4.4 mm). augmentation after comparing the various techniques
in 48 patients.
Zitzmann et al.[20] reported similar findings in their
study. Our study reveals that lateral antrostomy allowed Sani et al.[26] documented the application of the sinus
for a greater amount of bone augmentation to the membrane elevation technique in combination with
atrophic maxilla but required a larger surgical access. the placement of 3 blasted microthreaded implants
The crestal approach is minimally invasive but permits in a patient who was clinically and radiographically

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Pal, et al.: Sinus lift procedure

followed up for 3 years. During the follow-up period, Both the sinus elevation technique did not seem to affect
the blasted implants were all stable and intraoral the implant success rate.
radiographs showed that the bone reformed in contact
with the implants and remained stable. Similar is the Our clinical results demonstrate that Bio-Oss is a useful
outcome of our study. scaffold for bone regeneration. It has the advantage of
being stable and having an osteoconductive property
We observed no statistical differences between direct that allows for direct contact with newly formed bone.
and indirect sinus lift procedures regarding the stability The resorptive process proceeds slowly enough to
of implants which correlates with the study by Atamni provide sufficient time for bone maturation.
and Topalo[27] who studied to evaluate the secondary
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How to cite this article: Pal US, Sharma NK, Singh RK, Mahammad S,
immediate and delayed implant placements. An interim report. Oral
Mehrotra D, Singh N, et al. Direct vs. indirect sinus lift procedure: A
Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:820-7. comparison. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2012;3:31-7.
24. Tan WC, Lang NP, Zwahlen M, Pjetursson BE. A systematic review of
the success of sinus floor elevation and survival of implants inserted in Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Vol 3 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2012 | 37

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