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A Guide to Checkers Families and Rules

Prepared by Sultan Ratrout


Updated September 28, 2018

Table of Contents

Introduction, Page 3

(I). Checkers Starting Positions, Pages 4-9

(II). Survey of Checkers Families, Pages 10-18

(III). Movement and Capture Direction, Page 19

(IV). Summary of Checkers Survey, Page 20

(V). Give-away Checkers, Page 21

(VI). A simpler Checkers Survey, Pages 22-23

(VII). Dameo: A New Step in the Evolution of Draughts, Page 24

(VIII) Geographical distribution of Draughts variants, Page 25

(IX) Draughts/Checkers Terms, Page 26

(IX). A list of References, Page 27-28

(X). Softwares and Applications, Page 29


Checkers/Draughts is a traditional board game played in many countries. To play the game, one needs a chess
board and pieces traditionally called men. Now, to play the game, we must go over the most important questions
[1] What board size should the player use? Depending on the checkers variant, it may be 8*8 , 10*10 or 12*12 or even 14*14.
[2] What colour is the bottom left square? The colour depends on the checkers variant. It may be black or light
[3] How many men should the player use? The number of men depends on the checkers variant and the size of the board. For
example, 8*8 > 12 men, 10*10 > 20 men, 12*12 > 30 men. At the beginning, the number of men is equal for both players.
[4] Where should the player locate the men? Usually playing is on the dark squares though some still play on light squares.
[5] Who should start the game? The checkers variant determines who starts the game. Sometimes, the players determine that.
[6] Where should the player move the men? The movement depends on the checkers variant. Usually, the men move
diagonally forward in the same colour of the squares. In some variants, the men move orthogonally forward or sideways.
[7] Is the player forced to capture the other men? Capture is mandatory and one is forced to capture the opponent’s men
[8] How does the player capture? Capturing is made by “jumping” – moving two consecutive steps in the same line, jumping
over the piece on the first step. Multiple opposing pieces may be captured in a single turn if done by successive jumps made by a
single piece
[9] How many pieces is the player allowed to capture? It depends on the checkers variant. Some allow maximum capture of
the opponent’s pieces. For example, if there is a chance to choose between capturing 10 or 8 men, you must capture 10 men.
Other variants, don’t force you to capture the maximum number of the opponent’s men. You can choose any capture sequence. If we
go back again to our example of 10 and 8 men, any sequence of capture here means you will choose either 10 or 8 men.
[10] In which direction can the player’s men move? The movement depends on the checkers variant. Usually, the men move
diagonally forward on the same colour of the squares. In some variants, the men move orthogonally forward or sideways.
[11] In which direction can the player capture the opponent’s men? The movement depends on the checkers variant.
Usually, men capture diagonally forward on the same colour of the squares. Some variants allow capturing backwards or orthogonal
[12] How can the player remove the captured men? Usually in diagonal games, men are removed after the whole capturing
move whereas in orthogonal games, men are removed during the capture. There few exceptions of course as in Thai checkers.
[13] Can capture continue in the last rank? Depending on the checkers variant, there are three possibilities.
[A] Capture terminates and a man becomes a king. [B] Capture continues and a man remains a man
[C] Capture continues with a man becoming a king
[14] What happens when the man reaches the final rank? Usually, the man is crowned and it becomes a king. It has more
privileges than the ordinary man. For example, it can move and capture forwards, backward and even orthogonally.
[15] What are the types of Kings? Kings can be of three types. [A] Non-flying kings (Short kings). Here, kings move only
one square forward or backward. They capture also one square forward or backward. [B] Flying Kings move any number of
squares diagonally/orthogonally forwards or backwards. After the completion of the capturing, Kings can land on any field behind
the captured piece. [C] Short Flying Kings (King Halt):- Here, Kings move any number of squares diagonally/orthogonally
forwards or backwards. After the completion of the capturing, the king must land directly behind the captured piece.
[16] When does the player win? A player wins if the opponent has no legal move, either because [a]all his pieces are captured
OR [b] he is completely blocked. OR [c] he resigns. There are also special winning conditions for some draughts variants.
[17] What about draw conditions? [a] If a player offers a draw and if the other side accepts, then the game is a draw.
[b] If both players are left with only one piece and if that piece is a king, then the game is a draw since the game can go on
indefinitely. [c] There are special draw conditions for some draughts variants either determined locally or by draughts
federations. Wikipedia has also draw conditions for many draughts variants.
(I) .Checkers Starting Positions

Checkers games starting positions (A)

Turkish, Arab, Greek, Turkish, Arab, Greek, Gothic= Old German,

Adigha, Ossetian Keny, Adigha, Ossetian Keny, Old Turkish (second row
Armenian,Turkthic Armenian and Turkthic pieces move two steps
(Actual Board) (Alternative Board) forward like chess)
8*8 8*8 8*8

White starts White starts White starts

Checkers games starting positions (B)

Old Polish
International, and in some
Croda, Frisian, Scandinavian and
Universal Checkers Indonesian German game books and
Laotian Michaelsen’s
8*8 10*10 10*10

White starts White starts White starts

Checkers games starting positions (C)

Ivorian , Paraguayan,
Ghanian, Nigerian Canadian , Sri Lankan
Winther’s reconstruction Malaysian /Singaporean,
of Makvar and Marquere,
Dama Triestina
10*10 12*12 12*12

White starts White starts White starts

In Nigeria, white or black

Checkers games starting positions (D)

Brazilian, American/British, Filipino, Mozambican,

Dam Haji/African American Italian, Jamaican,
Straight, Russian, Bashni, Spanish, Myanmar,
South African Pool, Czech, German, Central- Moroccan, Portuguese,
south German, North German, Argentinian,Winther’s
Swazi, Tanzanian, Eurasian, reconstruction of Makvar
Englisch, Makvar, Marquere and Marquere

14*14 8*8 8*8

White starts in all except for White starts in all except

American, American pool, for Jamaican, where black
White starts African-American straight starts.
checkers and North German In Mozambican, the
where black starts. In starter is either white or
Tanzanian or Swazi, the starter black.
is either white or black.
Checkers games starting positions (E)

Spanish II Spantsiretti Thai , Slovak , Siberian

(white squares ( (Russian 80 cells(

8*8 10*8 8*8

White starts White starts Black starts in Thai whereas

White starts in Slovak and
Summary of Checkers starting positions

# Checkers Variants Board Location of checkers Squares Bottom Starter

size used left sq
Turkish, Arab, Greek, Adigha, 16 checkers on the second and Black + light
Ossetian Keny, Armenian and 8*8 third horizontal rows with the Black White
A Turkthic back row (first row) vacant
Gothic, Old German and Old 8*8 16 checkers on the first and Black + light Black White
Turkish second horizontal rows
Croda, Universal Checkers 8*8 24 checkers on the first, second Black + light Black White
and third horizontal rows
International, Frisian, 10*10 20 checkers on the first, second, Black Black White
B Indonesian, Laotian third and fourth horizontal rows squares only
Old Polish+ some 10*10 15 checkers on the first, second Black Black White
Scandinavian,German games and third horizontal rows squares only
Ivorian,Parag, Ghan,Niger, 10*10 20 checkers on the first, second, Black Light White
Winther Makv+Marq,D. Tries third and fourth horizontal rows squares only In Nigerian, W/B starts
Canadian , 30 checkers on the first, second, Black
C Malaysian /Singaporean, 12*12 third, fourth and fifth horizontal squares only Black White
12*12 30 checkers on the first, second, Black
Sri Lankan third, fourth and fifth horizontal squares only Light White
42 checkers on the first, second, Black
South African 14*14 third, fourth, fifth and sixth squares only Black White
horizontal rows
Brazilian, American/British, White starts in all except for
Dam Haji/African American American, American pool,
Straight, Russian, Bashni, African-American straight
Pool, Czech, German, 8*8 12 checkers on the first, second Black checkers and North German
D Central-south German, North and third horizontal rows squares only Black where black starts. In
German, Swazi, Tanzanian, Tanzanian or Swazi, the
Makvar, Englisch, Marquere starter is either W or B
Filipino, Moz,Italian, Jamac, 12 checkers on the first, second White starts in all except for
Spanish, Myanmar, Portug, 8*8 and third horizontal rows Black Light Jamaican (Black).
Argentinian, Winther’s Recon squares only In Moz,W/B starts
Spantsiretti 10*8 15 checkers on the first, second Black Black White
(Russian 80 cells( and third horizontal rows squares only
E Thai , Slovak, Siberian 8*8 8 checkers on the first and Black Black Black starts in Thai
second horizontal rows squares only White starts in others
Spanish II 8*8 12 checkers on the first, second White Black White
and third horizontal rows
(II). Survey of Checkers Families
(A). Turkish Checkers Related Variants (Orthogonal) (Maximum Capture) (No Back-capture)
Man jumping Bott
Flying at last rank notation left
Game Board Men wards Capture rule Notes
Start king (capture and Sq
capture black
sequence of A man moves and captures sideways or
maximum forward only. A king moves and captures
capture forwards, backwards and sideways. Pieces are
removed during capture. If a man reaches
(Within a Capture the final row in a capture next to an undefended
A1 is on
multi-capture, continues in opposing king, it must then proceed to capture
Turkish 8*8 16 W X left of √ this opponent’s king before it is crowned itself.
√ turning 180 last rank and a
(Dama) white
degrees man does not If there is another opponent’s king in the same
between two change status final row and if it is away from the first
captures is not opponent’s captured king, your king can’t
allowed.) capture it.
Same as Turkish. Warning is optional. You may
Capture Chess, or not warn the opponent to move his piece
sequence of continues in A1 is on
Arab √ before it gets captured. In Bahrain, if you’re
8*8 16 W maximum last rank and a left of under attack/capture, you must first move your
(Dama) X √ capture man does not white threatened man if possible. You aren’t allowed
change status to move any non-threatened man to another
square to threaten/capture any opponent’s man
Capture Chess, Same as Turkish but the King must land on the
sequence of continues in A1 is on first square after last jumped piece (king
8*8 16 W X √ maximum last rank and a the left of
√ halt).The other variants include any sequence
capture man does not white of capture & a variant where capture continues
change status with the man becoming a king in last rank.
Capture Chess,
sequence of Same as Turkish, but Pieces are removed
Adigha continues in A1 is on √
8*8 16 X maximum after the whole capture NOT during
(PhèkIèn) W last rank with the left of
√ capture capture.
a crowned man white
Sequence of Same as Turkish .Pieces are removed
maximum during capture. In general, players abide by
capture. Capture Chess, √ these rules but some players allow the following
Ossetian W A king can continues in A1 is on [a] Any sequence of capture can be chosen
8*8 16 X √ immediately last rank with left of [b] A man continues capturing as a man NOT
reverse a crowned man white as a king in the last rank.
direction in a [c] A king captures normally. It may not be
capture. allowed to reverse direction in a capture.
(B).International Checkers Related Variants (I) (Diagonal) (Back capturing) (Maximum Capture sequence)

Man jumping at Bottom

Flying last rank left
Game Board Men wards Capture rule notation Notes
Start king (capture and Sq is
crowning) black
Men move forward
Old polish was
sequence of Capture continues Numeric played with 15 men.
Polish √ √
10*10 20 W √ maximum and a man does not 1-50, 1 on The game is a draw
capture change status right of black when the same
position repeats
itself for 3 times.
Ivorian/ sequence of Capture continues Numeric X Mirrored board of
Paraguayan 10*10 20 W √ √ maximum and a man does not 1-50, 1 on
(Dames) capture change status right of black
Canadian sequence of Capture continues Numeric
The 12*12 board of
( Jeu de/ 12*12 30 W √ √ maximum and a man does not 1-72, 1 on √ international
Dames/ Quebec) capture change status right of black
sequence of Capture continues Numeric
Sri Lankan Mirrored board of
12*12 30 W √ √ maximum and a man does not 1-72, 1 on X Canadian
capture change status right of black
sequence of Capture continues Numeric
South African The 14*14 board of
14*14 42 W √ √ maximum and a man does not 1-98, 1 on √ international
capture change status right of black
sequence of Capture continues Chess,
(Minor Polish/ W √ √ √ The 8*8 board of
64 polish)
8*8 12 maximum and a man does not A1 on left of
capture change status white
Mirrored board of
X Brazilian. It is also
sequence of Capture continues Chess,
Filipino W played on a lined
8*8 12 √ √ maximum and a man does not A1 on left of
(Derecha) board where only
capture change status white
diagonals are
Mozambican 8*8 12 W/B √ √ Max capture Capture continues.. ?Chess/Num X
Chess, A1 on
Capture continues Huffing is part of
Swazi W √ √ sequence of
with the man
left of white √ the game. Pieces
(Mswati) 8*8 12 or maximum Or Numeric
becoming a king in are removed
B capture 1-32, 1 is on
last rank during capture.
right of black
(B). International Checkers Related Variants (II) (Diagonal) (Back capturing) (Any Capture sequence)
Back- Man jumping
Flying notation Bottom
Game Board Men wards Capture rule at last rank Left
king sq
Start capture (Cap+crown) Notes
Capture If there are 3 kings
Russian Any sequence may continues with playing against one
8*8 12 Chess,
(Shashki) be chosen, as long the man king, and the player
√ as all possible becoming a king
A1 on left
with 3 kings is unable to
Spantsiretti W √ captures are made. in last rank of white √ win within 15 moves,
10*8 15
Russian 80 cells then the game is a draw.
Bashni Capture Same as Russian, but
(Towers/ Any sequence may continues with captured pieces are not
8*8 12 √ √ be chosen, as long the man A1 on left √ removed from the game,
Columns) W as all possible becoming a king but placed underneath
of white
(Stolbovye captures are made. in last rank the capturing piece,
Shashki) forming a "tower".
Am Pool>If a player has
American Numeric 1-
3 kings and the other
Pool/ 32, 1 is on
Swedish/ B right of √ has just one king, the
Pool Norwegian Any sequence may continues and a one with 3 kings must
8*8 12 √ √ be chosen, as long man does not black
win within 13 moves.
as all possible change status Chess, Same draw condition as
Unified Pool captures are made.
W A1 on left Am Pool but the player
(Jake Kacher)
of white must win with 12 moves
North German Any sequence may Capture
(Polish-German- B √ be chosen, as long continues and a A1 on left √
8*8 12 √ as all possible man does not
of white
Swedish) captures are made. change status
Same draw conditions
Traditional X as Am Pool in endgames
A1 on right

Jamaican B Any sequence may Capture Numeric 1-32, 1 on right

of black.
be chosen, as long continues and a of black is also possible
8*8 12 √ √ as all possible man does not Same draw condition as
Unified captures are made. change status Chess,
Jamaican W A1 on right √ Traditional Jamaican
but the player must win
(Jake Kacher) of white
with 12 moves
Ghanaian (Damii) W Any sequence may Capture Numeric X In Nigerian+Ghanaian,
Nigerian (Drafts) W/B huffing is enforced, but
be chosen, as long continues and a 1-50,
10*10 20 √ √ as all possible man does not 1 on right
in Ghanaian only, you
Laotian /Laos lose if left with a single
W captures are made. change status of black √ piece (man/king)
(C).Turkish +International Checkers Related Variants (Orthogonal +Diagonal)

Man jumping Bott

Flying Capture at last rank notation Left
Game Board Men wards Notes
Start king rule capture and Sq
crowning black
Armenian I Same as Turkish except that it allows
(Tama) Capture diagonal movement. Some play it with
Willy Schmidit
X the Russian rule: - a man can continue
continues in last
most common sequence of Chess, √ capturing as a king in the last rank.
8*8 16 W √ maximum rank and a man A1 on left
Armenian II capture does not change of white Same as Turkish but there is no
(Tama) status diagonal movement. A multiple capture
√ must begin with a forward/sideways
Machatscheck capture.
Capture Chess, Men move forward diagonally. Men
Gothic Any sequence terminates and A1 on capture in 5 directions orthogonally
8*8 16 W X X of Capture a man becomes left of
√ forwards, diagonally and sideways.
Blachetta) chosen a king white Kings move diagonally forward and
backward. They capture in 8 directions
Old Capture Chess, Also known as Gothic. Same as Gothic
sequence of
German (√) terminates and A1 on √ reconstructed by Blachetta but a king
8*8 16 X maximum
a man becomes left of moves in 8 directions and recently a
W capture
Dame) a king white flying king is used instead of short king
Men move and capture in 5 directions
Capture Chess, orthogonally forwards, diagonally
sequence of continues with A1 on forwards and sideways. Kings move
Gothic) √ √
8*8 16 W X maximum the man left of and capture in 8 directions. The king
capture becoming a white must land on the first square after last
king in last rank jumped piece (king halt). Removal
of captured pieces is immediate
Capture Chess, Men move forward orthogonally or
sequence of
continues in last A1 on the diagonally. They capture orthogonally
Croda maximum
8*8 24 W √ √ capture
rank and a man left of
√ forwards, backwards and sideways.
does not change white Kings move and capture orthogonally
status forwards, backwards and sideways
Chess, Men move in all directions except for
sequence of Capture cont+
Universal W √ A1 on the √ back. Capture is in all directions
8*8 24 √ maximum a man does not
left of W whether for men or kings.
capture change status
(D). Frisian Checkers and Related Variants (Diagonal+ orthogonal)
(I) Flying kings move along unblocked diagonal rows only.
Back- Man jumping
Flying Capture notation Bottom
Game Board Men Start wards at last rank Left Notes
king rule sq
capture (cap+crown)
Same as International checkers but men
sequence of
can capture in vertical and horizontal
max capture
directions, on squares of the same
colour, so captures are in 8 directions.
must give
Flying kings may move freely along
the max
unblocked diagonals. The king may only
"value" to
move three successive times in a row.
capture. A
Then it must be set free by capture
king has
(possibly with the same piece), or by the
more value
move of any other of the same player's
Frisian than a man, Capture
(Fries 20 W √ √ but less than continues and a √ pieces. This rule is not valid if the player
10*10 1-50, has only kings left. A king can also
Dammen) 2 men. This man does not
1 on right capture in all directions (vertical,
means change status
of black horizontal) on squares of the same
2 men are
colour. If a king and a man can capture
higher in
an equal value, then Capture with
value than
king is mandatory. If many captures
one king,
are available, then you must choose the
and one
one that captures the maximum
man is lower
number of the opponent's kings. If,
in value
at the end, one player has 2 kings and the
than one
other has one, the player with the 2 kings
must win within 7 moves, or a draw.
Men and kings capture in 4 directions
(horizontally, and vertically on squares
of the same colour, i.e black.)Flying
Eurasian/ kings may move freely along unblocked
Turkish- Chess,
W √ √ Any capture continues and a A1 on left √ diagonals. It should be noted that neither
Russian 8*8 12 men nor kings due to the properties of
sequence man does not
(older of white the board can capture more than four
change status
name) pieces at once. It’s not clear whether
there is an variant with a crowned man
continuing capturing in the last rank.
Draw conditions are same as Russian.
Capture Chess,
Siberian √ Men capture forward orthogonally on
8*8 8 W X √ Any cap seq terminates and A1 on left black square to the other. It is not clear
a man ….. of white whether right or left capture is allowed.
(D). Frisian Checkers Related Variants (Diagonal+ orthogonal)
(II) Flying kings move along unblocked diagonal and orthogonal rows
Back- Man jumping Bottom
Flying Capture notation
Game Board Men wards at last rank Left
king rule
Start capture (cap+crown sq Notes
8*8 12 Englisch has nothing to do with
England. Englisch is the same as
German Capture International checkers, but men and
Englisch / W continues and a kings can also capture vertically and
√ √ Capture √
Swedish 10*10 15 man does not horizontally on squares of the same
Engelska change status colour (black). Flying kings move
8*8 orthogonally and diagonally along
Numeric unblocked rows only on black squares
Capture If back-capture is not allowed, then
1 on right
continues and a Makvar is similar to German
8*8 12 √ of black
Danish Any man does not checkers, but with orthogonal
(Makvar) W √ Capture change status √ capture. If back-capture is allowed,
[Jørgensen ] sequence then Makvar is the same as Englisch.
Capture OR
10*10 15 X Capture is on black squares. Flying
terminates kings move like in Englisch variant.
Numeric As Billberg’s description is brief and
1-50, somewhat vague, Peter Michaelsen
8*8 12 1 on right thinks “Marquere” is a diagonal
Swedish Capture of black variant like German checkers if the
(Marquere) terminates and text is taken literally. Nevertheless, he
X √ Capture √
[Billberg] W a man becomes assumes that the earlier Marquere
a king played by Mollberg in Stockholm
before 1772 was completely identical
10*10 15
with Makvar described by Høst in
1802, with 10*10 board, 15 men each
Winther’s reconstruction is for these
Maximum Capture 8*8
reasons. Jørgensen describes Polish
Mats capture continues and a Numeric
8*8 12 √ checkers without mentioning capture
Winthers’ (Main man does not 1-32,
Main preference nor clearly delineating the
reconstrution Variant) change status 1 on right
Variant capture and movement directions. He
of (main variant) of black
W also says that makvær is similar to
Marquern/ √ OR OR X
OR Polish Checkers, but the difference is
Makvar Any OR 10*10
that orthogonal capture occurs and
based on Capture Capture term Numeric
10*10 20 X flying kings move orthogonally and
Jørgensen + Sequence and a man 1-50,
other diagonally along unblocked rows only
Billberg (other becomes a king 1 on right
variants on black squares. Capture is also on
Variants) (other variants) of black
squares of the same colour (black).
(E) Spanish Checkers Related Variants (I) (Diagonal) (No Back capturing) (Maximum Capture)
Man jumping bottom
Flying Capture at last rank notation left
Game Board Men wards
Start king rule (capture and Square Notes
crowning) is black
Men move forward. If there are two
Numeric X or several moves that capture the
sequence of terminates and same number of men and kings, you
Spanish 1-32, 1 on
8*8 12 X maximum a man becomes must capture the maximum
(Damas) W √ capture a king
right of
number of the opponent's kings.
white √
Some still play on light squares when
the bottom left square is black.
Capture Same as Spanish, but the game is
sequence of terminates and X always played on dark squares.
Portuguese 1-32, 1
8*8 12 W X √ maximum a man becomes Regarding 3 kings vs 1 king, if the
(Damas) on right
capture a king player with 3 kings is unable to win
of white
with 12 moves, the game is a draw
Capture Numeric
sequence of Same as Spanish except that the king
Argentinian W X √ terminates and 1-32, 1 X
8*8 12 maximum must land on the first square after
(Damas) a man becomes on right
capture last jumped piece (King halt).
a king of white
sequence of Capture Numeric Capture is officially mandatory in
Myanmar W √ maximum terminates and 1-32, 1 on Myanmar although Wikipedia
8*8 12 X capture a man becomes right of
X mentions an unofficial rule of free
a king white capture.
sequence of Capture Numeric
W √ maximum terminates and 1-32, 1 on The game is also played by some
Algerian 8*8 12 X capture a man becomes right of
X Tunisian players.
a king white
Sequence of Capture Numeric
Huffing is enforced.
Indonesian W √ maximum terminates and 1-50, 1 on
(Dam blas)
10*10 20 X capture a man becomes right of
√ The game is also played on a 12*12
a king white
Huffing is enforced. In the variant
Sequence of Capture Numeric played in Penang, capture with
maximum terminates and 1-72, 1 on king is mandatory if both capture
(Dam Haji/ 12*12 30 W X √ √
capture man becomes a right of sequences are only equal. The game is
king white also played on 8*8 board. Some
Singaporeans also play this variant.
(E) Spanish Checkers Related Variants (II) (Diagonal) (No Back capturing) (Maximum Capture Sequence)

Back- Man jumping

Flying notation bottom
Game Board Men wards Capture rule at last rank left Sq Note
king black
Start capture (cap+crown)
Any sequence Capture If you are able to capture the
may be chosen, as terminates and Chess, opponent’s piece with your man
8*8 12 W √ long as all a man becomes A1 on left
√ or king, capture with king in
X possible captures a king of white mandatory whether capture
are made sequences are equal or not.
Any sequence Capture Same as Czech checkers, but
may be chosen, as terminates and Chess, Huffing is enforced. If a player
8*8 8 W √ long as all a man becomes A1 on left
√ has no legal moves, but does
(Dama) X possible captures a king of white still have pieces on the board,
are made the game is a draw.
The king must land on the first
Any sequence square after last jumped piece
Capture Numeric
may be chosen, as (king halt). Removal of
Thai X terminates and 1-32, 1 on
8*8 8 B long as all √ captured pieces is
(Makhos) √ possible captures
a man becomes right of
immediate. A king could
a king white
are made. immediately reverse
direction in a capture.
Any sequence Numeric AASC is played in the Black
African- Capture
may be chosen, 1-32, 1 on communities of the US. Tanz
American terminates and right of
Straight 8*8 12 B X √ as long as all
a man becomes
√ Starter and Notation are not
possible captures black fixed. For its draw rules,
a king
Tanzanian W/B are made Not fixed Check Wikipedia Article.
German/ Any sequence Capture For German only, sometimes,
Swedish may be chosen, terminates and (but rarely), the rule of
8*8 12
as long as all poss a man becomes
A1 on left √ “Capture with king
W X √ of white
Damspel) caps are made. a king mandatory” is used.
Same as German, but the king
Any sequence must land on the first square
South German/ Capture
may be chosen, Chess, after last jumped piece (king
Danish/ Finnish terminates and
8*8 12 W as long as all A1 on left √ halt).Some call it Standard
(Süddeutsche X √ possible captures
a man becomes
of white German Checkers. A variant
Dame/ Damspil a king
are made. with maximum capture
exists only for C.S German
Capture Numeric Huffing exists. Capture with
Any sequence
Singaporean W X √ terminates and 1-72, 1 on king is mandatory whether
( Dam Haji)
12*12 30 may be chosen
a man becomes right of
√ capture sequences are equal or
as long as …..
a king white not. Also played on 8*8 board.
(F) American Checkers Related Variants (Diagonal) (No back capturing) (No flying Kings)
Man jumping Bottom
Flying Capture at last rank Notation left
Game Board Men wards
Start king rule (capture and Square Notes
crowning) is black
Men move forward only.
Two common rule variants, not
Any recognized by player associations
sequence [1] Capturing with a king precedes
may be Capture Numeric capturing with a regular piece.
chosen, as terminates and 1-32, (Capture with king is mandatory)
8*8 12 X X long as all a man becomes 1 on right √ [2] A piece which in the current move
Also called
possible a king of black has become a king can then in the same
“Straight B captures move go on to capture other pieces.
are made. Recently, some started to play
“Crowded Checkers”(10*10-20 men)
“Sparse Checkers” (10*10 -15 men)
A man can NOT capture a king.
#If a player may capture an equal
number of pieces with either a man or
king, he must do so with the king.
(Capture with king mandatory)
#If a player may capture an equal
number of pieces with a king, in which
one or more options contain a number
of kings, he must capture the
Capture Numeric
sequence of maximum number of the
Italian W terminates and 1-32,
8*8 12 X X maximum a man becomes 1 on right X opponent’s kings possible.
capture #If a player may capture an equal
a king of black
number of pieces (each series
containing a king) with a king, he
must capture wherever the
opponent’s king occurs first.
#If NONE of these rules apply to the
situation at hand, the player may
choose according to his tactical
Kids play Dama with 8 men
Sequence Capture Numeric
Dama W of terminates and 1-50, Same rules as Italian Dama 8*8
10*10 20 X X maximum man becomes a 1 on right X
capture king of black
(III). Movement and Capture Direction
Family Game Man’s Man’s King’s King’s
movement capture movement capture
Tur Tur ,Ar, Gr,Adig, Keny E;N;W E;N;W E;N;W;S E;N;W;S
Inter, Ivo, Cana, Sri L,
S.Afr, Braz, Filip, Moz,
Int Swazi,Russ,Spant,Bash NW;NE NW;NE;SW;SE NW;NE;SW;SE NW;NE;SW;SE
Pool, N.Ger, Jam, Nig,
Ghan, Laotian
Armenian I W;N;E;NE;NW W;N;E W;N;E;NE;NW;S;SW;SE W;N;E;S
Croda NW;N;NE W;N;E;S W;N;E;S W;N;E;S
Universal Checkers W;N;E;NE;NW W;N;E;NE;NW;S;SW;SE W;N;E;NE;NW;S;SW;SE W;N;E;NE;NW;S;SW;SE
Orthogonally S;W;E;N Orthogonally S;W;E;N
Eurasian NW;NE Orthogonally S;W;E;N NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally S;W;E
Siberian Turkutaga NW;NE Orthogonally N; ?S;W;E? NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally N;S; ?W;E?
German Englisch / NW;NE;SW;SE NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally NW;NE;SW;SE
Inter Swedish Engelska NW;NE Orthogonally S;W;E;N along unblocked rows Orthogonally S;W;E;N
+ S;W;E;N
Turk NW;NE;(SW;SE) NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally NW;NE;SW;SE
NW;NE Orthogonally W;E;N;(S) along unblocked rows Orthogonally S;W;E;N
NW;NE; ?SW;SE? NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally NW;NE;SW;SE
Marquere NW;NE Orthogonally W;E;N; ?S? along unblocked rows Orthogonally S;W;E;N
Winthers’ NW;NE;(SW;SE) NW;NE;SW;SE Orthogonally NW;NE;SW;SE
Reconstruction of NW;NE Orthogonally W;E;N;(S) along unblocked rows Orthogonally S;W;E;N
Marquere/ makvar S;W;E;N
Sp ,Port, Argen, May,
Morr, Malay,Indo, Cze,
Span Slov,Thai,Afri-Am,Tan, NW;NE NW;NE NW;NE;SW;SE NW;NE;SW;SE
Germ,C. S Germ, Sing
Am American,Italian Dama NW;NE NW;NE NW;NE;SW;SE NW;NE;SW;SE
Dama Triestina

Diagonal [A] Forward: -NW=North West NE=North East [B] Backward: - SW=South West SE=South East
Orthogonal [A] Sideways: - W = West E=East [B] Forward: - N=North [C] Backward: - S=South
Russian/ Brazilian (1,3,6,7,10)
Bashni Filipino (3,6,7,10)

(1,5,6,7,10) Mozamb (3,6,7,(10))





Am. Pool
Spantsiretti (1,5,6,7,10)

Internat (1,3,6,7,10)
Ghanaian/Nigerian (3,6,7,1(0))
Ivorian (1,3,6,7,10)


Laotian (1,3,6,7,10)



Sri Lank (3,6,7,10)

S. Afric (1,3,6,7,10)

Backward Capture

Englisch (1,3,6,7,10) Makv/Marq(1,3/4,6,7,10) Makvar (1,4,5/6,7,10)



Winther, main variant (3/4,6,7,10) Winther.m.v (3/4,6,7,10

Englisch (1,3,6,7,10) Makvr(1,3/4,6,7,10) Makvar (1,4,5/6,7,10)


Marquere (1,3/4,6,7,10)

Marquer ((1,4,6,7,10) Frisian (1,2.3,6,7,9,10)



Winther, main variant (3,6,7,10)


Winther, m. v (3,6,7,10)



with king

(11) King

last rank
last rank

(12) King

in capture
(1) Bottom

max kings

(9) Capture
is crowned
ends in last

with a man

can reverse
(5) Capture

(8) Remove
(3) Capture

(4) Capture
(2) capture
left sq black

(long kings)
continues in
continues in

(7) Man can

White starts
Czech (1,.4,6,7,9,10) Span/Port(2.4,6,7,10)
Am/Brit Afr-Am /Tanz (1,.4,6,7,(10)) Argen (2.4,6,7,10,11)

Maximum Capture

1,4,,7 German (1,.4,6,7,10) Myan/Morroc (4,6,7,10)

Any Capture sequence

C.S German (1,.4,6,7,10,11) Italian (2.4, ,9,10)

Slovak (1,.4,6,7,9,10)


Thai (1,.4,6,7,8,10,11,12)

Indonesian (1.4,6,7,10)



Dama Tries (2.4,6,9,10)

Singaporean (1.4,6,7,9,10)


Malaysia (1.4,6,7,(9),10)


Siberian Turkutaga (1, 4, 6, 7, 10)

Forward Capture

Gothic (1.4,6,7,10) Armen I (1.3,/5,6,7,8,10)

Old Germ (1.4,6,7,10)



Turkthic (1.5,6,7,8,10,11)
Keny (1.5,6,7,8,10, 12)
(IV).Summary of Checkers Survey covering Board Presentation and Rules

Adigha (1,5,6,7,10)

Croda (1,3,6,7,10)


Eurasian (1, 3, (5), 6, 7, 10) Arm II (1.3,6,7,8,10)



Universal (1,3,6,7,10)

(V). Give away Checkers

# Point Relevant information

In traditional checkers games, the object of the game is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces first or
to block him. You do this by forcing yourself into capturing the opponent’s pieces. In contrast, the object
of give-away checkers game is to get rid of all of your pieces first (or be blocked). You do this by forcing
your opponent into captures. In other words, the winner is the first player to have no legal move: that is, all
1 Introduction of whose pieces are lost or blocked. You should remember that you must follow the rules of the
original game if you want to play any give-away of any checkers variant. Give-away is the same
as the standard checkers games. The only difference is that here you want to get rid of your pieces rather
than to get rid of the opponent’s pieces.

2 Alternative
terms Suicide Checkers, Anti-Checkers, Losing Checkers, Misère Checkers (Draughts).

3 Historical Give-away is relatively an old game. The Give-away German game dates back to the 19th century. In
background 1841, the "Universal-Lexikon der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit oder neuestes encyclopädisches
Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe" by Heinrich Augus,t Pierer mentions this term and
its definition. The earliest reference is by Pierre Mallet: LE IEUV DE DAMES, Paris 1668.

4 Popular Give-away checkers isn’t that popular in the English speaking world. Give-away Czech checkers is
variants still popular. But the most popular game is Russian Give-away (Poddavki). It is a much played
variant nowadays. There is also Give-away International checkers.
In reality, one could play any kind of Give-away variant (Turkish, Pool…..etc)

5 Softwares The following softwares let you play the Give-away of any checkers variant that you want :-
playing give- WorldCheckers8 1.7 , Checkers-7 2.5 ,Mad Checkers and Gigant Checkers
away variants. The following softwares let you play specific variants of Give-away
Windames, checkersland, zillions of games,

6 Importance of The value of Give-away is to try something new, a new game with new strategies and tactics. In this case,
give-away your mind will accommodate a new perspective, one that fundamentally differs from the traditional
Checkers perspective which relies on different patterns. Remember, you need to be smart if you decide to play give-
away variants.
(VI) A simpler Checkers Survey (Basic Checkers Variants)
(1) Capture

Capture direction
continues in last rank bott Quality Priority Remove Man
Capture Type
(any capture sequence)

(2) Capture ends in left Rule:- Rule:- captured Can

Flying last rank and man squ capture Capture pieces capture
Board + Pieces Start king becomes a king is maximum With King during king
Game (3) Capture continues black number of mandatory capture
in last rank with a kings

crowned man
Russian 12 W √ (3) √ X X X √
Forward and Backward capture

Pool 12 B √ (1) √ X X X √
Brazilian 12 W √ (1) √ X X X √

International 20 W √ (1) √ X X X √

Canadian 30 W √ (1) √ X X X √
South African 35 W √ (1) √ X X X √
Sequence of maximum capture


Frisian 20 W √ (1) √ √ √ X √

Spanish 12 W √ (2) X √ X X √


Italian 12 W X (2) X √ √ X X
American 12 B X (2) √ X X X √
Malaysian 30 W √ (2) √ X √ X √
Forward capture


Turkish 16 W √ (1) X X √ √

Armenian 16 W √ (1) X X √ √


8 B √ King (2)
Any capture



Thai halt King can reverse √ X X √ √

direction in capture
German 12 W √ (King (2) √ X X X √
Czech 12 W √ (2) √ X √ X √
Related to my survey of basic checkers variant is the Venn diagram submitted by Maurizio De Leo
and Ralf Gering to the website, www.boardgamegeek.com
(VII) Dameo: A New Step in the Evolution of Draughts? (Christian Freeling)

Man jumping bottom

Start Flying Capture at last rank left Notes
Dameo starting position Board Men wards
king rule (capture and Square
crowning) is black
Men move forward orthogonally
and diagonally forward. They
don’t move sideways !
Kings move orthogonally and
Men and kings capture
orthogonally:- forwards,
backwards and sideways.
sequence Capture
Linear movement is defined
of continues and a
8*8 18 W √ √ maximum man does not
√ as the move of a straight
unbroken line of men of the
capture change status
same color, one square along
the line of squares they occupy,
provided the square in front is
vacant. It includes the move of a
single man, which may be
considered as a line-of-one.
Linear movement does not apply
to kings.

According to Freeling, Dameo had two immediate and one subsequent advantages over its predecessors:

[1] It adds flexibility in terms of overall progress (allowing for a more or a less aggressive style, as you like) while taking
nothing away: every move possible in a Croda position is also possible under Dameo’s rules.

[2] It decreases the heaviness on the sides, which are popular alleys for progress and attack in ‘square’ Draughts games.
Dameo requires economical maneuvering between the sides and the center.

[3] Two generic basic tactics emerged based on linear movement, the Double Square formation and the Ladder. The
former plays a key role throughout the opening and middle game.
(VIII) Geographical distribution of Draughts Variants

The following map is taken from Alemmani’s book, “LES JEUX DE DAMES DANS LE MONDE”

Note (1) In the Sahran area, people play games based on Alquerque board whether it is small or big.
Note (2) Of all the games in Mongolia, the closet draughts game to the western game of draughts is called “the dööv” and its board
is that of 2*8, i.e the board of Checkers games starting positions (E), Thai checkers. Mongolian draughts has a restriction. You can
only capture a piece at a time. Besides, there are many variants from one village to the other. In Mongolian draughts, men move
diagonally forward, but many things are not known, which explains why many variants exist. [a] It is not known whether men are
allowed to capture backwards. [b] It is not unknown whether the king is a short king or whether it is a flying king. [c] It is not known
whether one must abide by the maximum capture principle or whether one is allowed to choose any sequence of capture. [d] It is
not known whether a man can continue jumping in last rank as a king.

For the draughts/checkers regions, also check https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/Checkers_family

(IX) Draughts/Checkers Terms

Term Definition Term Definition

The playing surface. Typically, a 64-square checker The last row on the checker board. When a
Board board is used, though some variations use larger board. King row checker reaches the king row, it is crowned and
A Checkered board is a chess board, i.e becomes a king.
a board with dark and light squares
Blitz Type of timed game where players are limited to one to Man A single checker not yet advanced to king row.
three minutes each per game ( a single, uncrowed piece)
Blockade A position where the checker pieces cannot move; one Mid-game Portion of the game between the opening and
way to win the game. endgame
Capture To jump an opponent’s checker then remove it from the Mirrored A board with the bottom left square light NOT
board. Capture is mandatory in checkers variants. board black
Checker A playing piece used to play checkers. Also called a man Move To move is to have the position
Placement of a checker on top of a piece that has A method of recording the moves in the game.
Crowning reached the last rank to indicate its promotion to king. Notation It could be algebraic (letter+number)
or numeric (only numerals)
Two jumps made one after another as part of the same Initial combination of moves for each checkers
Double jump move. Opening player wherein positional advantages and
disadvantages are often determined
Draw Situation where both players agreed that neither has Piece Checker piece whether it is a man or a king
enough advantage nor time to win
End Game Portion of the game where there are 8 or fewer pieces Position Advantage or disadvantage not entirely based
left on the board on the number of pieces on each side
Kinged piece that can move any number of spaces
Flying" King diagonally/orthogonally, either way, or jump over any Rank A horizontal row of squares.
piece in its path provided there is at least one space
between them. A non-flying king is called a short king
Give Away A checkers variant where you lose all of your checkers. Resign Concede the game
Remove the player’s piece because the player didn’t Quantity The number of pieces that will be captured.
huffing capture the opponent’s piece. Huffing has been (capture It could be maximum capture or any sequence
abolished though some variants still allow it. (sequence) as long as all possible captures are made
Two-square diagonal/orthogonal move in which the
Jump second square is initially vacant and the intervening Game in which players are limited to a certain
square is occupied by an opponent's piece, which is Timed Game amount of time per move or per game
captured and removed from play
A checker that reaches the king row becomes a king. A board without colours, i.e a board without
King We say that checker is “kinged” or “crowned”. A king uncheckered dark and light squares. Such board is used in
can move backwards or forwards. King halt means the orthogonal games
king is obliged to stop after the last captured piece.
(X) References
[1] Websites
https://draughtsandchesshistory.com (formerly http://www.draughtshistory.nl)
[2] Books

Alemanni, JB. (2005).LES JEUX DE DAMES DANS LE MONDE. Chiron:France

Arie Van Der Stoep. (1984). History of draughts. Netherlands
Arie Van Der Stoep. (2007). Draughts in relation to Chess and Alquerque. Netherlands
Parlett, David .(1999).Oxford History of Board Games. Oxford. Oxford University Press
Morehead, Alfred H., Richard L. Frey, Geoffrey Mott-Smith. (1947). The New Complete Hoyle. Garden city Books
Blachetta, Blachetta. (1942). DAS GROSSE SPIELMAGAZI
Westerveld, Govert (2009). The History of Checkers (Draughts). Blanca (Murcia) Spain. www.lulu.com
Murray, Harlod. (1952). Board games other than chess. Oxford. Oxford University Press
Alda’ooq, Muhammad Ali. (2006). Dama Game. Lebanon. Dar Alhikayat for typing, publishing and distribution.
Gagiyev, S.G. (1980). Osetinskiye natsionalye igry. Ordzhonikdze.
Franco Pratesi, Alessandro Castelli: VARIANTI DI DAMA (Tangram 2003)
Dario Zaccariotto, Dario De Toffoli: DAMA (Unicopli 2000)
Anthon, Fredrih. (1884). Encyclopedie der Spiele, Leipzig
Norman, Albert. (1878). UNGDOMENS BOK 1, Stockholm

[3] Articles

Viglyanskiy. Draughts games. Article one // Chess sheet. – 1879, № 9-10, c.

based on email communication with the Russian board and card games researcher, Alexey Lobashev.

Mourik, Wim van. (1998). Dammen in het land van koning Maswati, Het Damspel, page 8.

[4] Email Communication

Arie Van Der Stoep regarding draguhts and Alquerque
Jean-Bernard Alemanni regarding many matters on Draughts
Alexey Lobashev regarding Russian draughts, Ossetian Keny, Siberian draughts and the variants in the former USSR
Peter Michaelsen regarding European draughts variant, namely Scandinavian Draughts
Jack Kacher regarding the Unified Approach to Pool Checkers
Wim van Mourik regarding draughts variants in general and Swazi checkers in particular
Govert Westerveld regarding Spanish draguhts and Alquerque
Marino Carpignano regarding Dama Triestina (Italian Checkers 10*10)

[5] Facebook communication with professional draughts players

Jason Yeo, on Singaporean Checkers, https://www.facebook.com/jason45371
Petra Dušková, on Czech Checkers, https://www.facebook.com/petra.duskova.16
Adil Belyamani, on Moroccan Checkers, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010228937769
(XI) Sotwares and Applications (Many draughts variants)

[1] Softwares

Aurora Borealis (Lite+Pro) The Pro version has comprehensive customization http://aurora.shashki.com
AlfaCheckers (8*8, 10*10, 12*12 with customization) https://hwiegman.home.xs4all.nl
Windames http://windames.free.fr/downloads2.html
Checkers-7 2.5 http://www.styleseven.com
Checkersland http://www.checkersland.com
Gigant Checkers http://members.chello.cz/pxmsoft
iXO http://www.setupgroup.com/xo_windows.php
Mad Checkers http://www.sapphiregames.com/madcheckers/
Cerberus Checkers http://home.planet.nl/~nagel580/Site/DownloadPagina.html
Zillions of games http://www.zillions-of-games.com [inbuilt, but has a few errors]
Checkers Collection http://www.zillions-of-games.com/cgi-bin/zilligames/submissions.cgi?do=show;id=2351
Checker Games http://www.zillions-of-games.com/cgi-bin/zilligames/submissions.cgi?do=show;id=218
Winther’s Comprehensive Checkers variants covering all Checkers families, Zillions
Turkish and Gothic Checkers variants http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/gothiccheckersvariants.htm
International Checkers variants http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/checkersvariants.htm
Spanish Checkers variants http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/spanishcheckersvariants.htm
Frisian Draughts http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/frisian.htm
Scandinavian Checkers variants http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/scandinaviancheckers.htm
Italian Dama http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/italiandama.htm
Serge Startsev Checkers softwares http://plus.gambler.ru/eng/down.html
Jocly Board (Windows, Mac and Linux) https://github.com/mi-g/joclyboard/releases
Valentin’s Dagaz Project (Online and Offline Windows version ) https://glukkazan.github.io/index.html
PlayBox Checkers https://sourceforge.net/projects/playbox/
Checker board (2008, with engines, strong) http://www.fierz.ch/engines.php
Fine Checkers (2001, demo with two levels only) http://www.lenagames.com/fcheck20d.exe
Checkers 2.34 (2003, strong) http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgvvt13ynlnphqq/checkers+2.34_.rar
[2] Android Apps

AuroraDraughts https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AuroraDraughts
Checkersland https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.checkersland
Checkers 7 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=style_7.checkersset_7
Dalmax Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dalmax.games.turnBasedGames.checkers
Oktaba Draughts https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.lukok.draughts
Draughts - free board game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.surix.checkers
Checkers online https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.game.checkers.online
Spanish draughts variants https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ts.zac.dmes
Checkers for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.checkers
Alex Firsov’s draughts variants https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Alexandr%2BFirsov%2Bcheckers&c=apps
Draughts N checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carbonapps.draughtsncheckers
Checkers 3D https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.H.Sub.checkers3d
Checkers 2018 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=checkers.online.classic.board.tactics
Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boardgames.checkers
iXO https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.setupgroup.xo.free
Checkers elite https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.elvista.checkers
Out of the bit Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outofthebit.thecheckers
B-interaktive Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.binteraktive.checkers.live
Checkers V+ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zingmagic.checkersvfree
Bali Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BaliCheckers.Checkers
Plus one labs Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.plusonelabs.checkers
Harokosoft Draughts https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.harokosoft.checkers
Miroslav’s draughts https://play.google.com/store/search?q=MIROSLAV%20draughts&c=apps
Lite Games Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.litegames.checkers_free__aat_google
Champion Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dqsoft.ChDraughts
Jocly Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jocly.android.app7_vc_as
Checkers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dimcoms.checkers
Checkers Free https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lipandes.game.checkers
Draughts https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.appforge.draughts

[3] Iphone + Ipad Apps

Aurora draughts https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aurora-draughts/id1353775633

Checkers and Draught https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/checkers-and-draughts/id465904502?mt=12
Itchigoo Checkers https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/itchigoo/id372170918
Escogitare Checkers http://www.escogitare.com/apps/checkers/

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