Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
4.The Actor’s Studio, a professional actors’ workshop in New York City, provides ------
whereactors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.
(A)a place and
(B)a place
(C)so that a place
(D)a place is
7.The artist Romare Bcarden was ------ whose yellows, deep blues, and fuchsias
contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.
(A)with a gift for color
(B)a gifted colorist
(C)a gift with colorful
(D)gifted with coloring
8.The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll, -------carbon dioxide
and water react to form carbohydrates.
(A)whose presence
(B)which is present
(D)in the presence of which
9.One theory of the origin of the universe is-------from the explosion of a tiny, extremely
dense fireball several billion years ago.
(A)because what formed
(B)the formation that
(C)that it formed
(D)when forming
10.Roads in the United States remained crude,------- with graved or wood planks, until
the beginning of the twentieth century.
(A)were unsurefaced or they covered them
(B)which unsureface or covered
(C)unsurfaced or covered them
(D)unsurfaced or covered
11.Portrait prints were the first reproductions of American paintings ------- widely
distributed in the United States.
(B)that which
(C)that being
(D)to be
12.Abigail Adams was prodigious letter writer, ------- many editions of her letters have
been published.
(C)in addition to
(D)due to
13.In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points -------distances from
two fixed points is constant.
(A)which as the sum of
(B)of the sum which
(C)whose sum of whose
(D)whose sum that the
14. -------at the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted Police, Calgary is
now one of Canada’s fastest growing cities.
(B)It is built
(C)To build
(D)Having built
15.An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that -------express.
(A)take many words to otherwise would.
(B)would take to many otherwise words
(C)many words to take would otherwise
(D)would otherwise take many words to
Jawaban : B
Kata kunci : just as, employed
Pembahasan : Penggunaan konjungsi just as menunjukkan bahwa klausa tersebut
merupakan anak kalimat, dan kata kerja employed merupakan predikat dari induk
kalimat. Karena itu induk kalimat masih membutuhkan subjek. Jadi isian yang paling
sesuai adalah robots can be.
2. Virtually ________ species have biological clocks that regulate their metabolism over a
24-hour period.
A. all there are
B. all
C. allare
D. they all
Jawaban : B
Kata kunci : species
Pembahasan : Kata benda species adalah subjek kalimat, sedangkan kata
kerjahave adalah predikat kalimat. Maka determiner yang paling sesuai untuk
melengkapi subjek adalah all.
3. ___________ need for new schools following the Second World War that provided the
sustained thrust for the architectural program in Columbus, lndiana.
A. Since the
B. To be the
C. The
D. lt was the
Jawaban : D
Kata kunci : need
Pembahasan : Kata need merupakan kata kerja, jadi kalimat tersebut masih
membutuhkan subjek. Satu-satunya kemungkinan subjek dalam pilihan adalah it.
4. ln addition to __________ a place where business deals are made, a stock exchange
collects statistics, publishes prices quotations, and sets rules and standards for
A. being
B. it is
C. that which
D. where is
Jawaban : A
Kata kunci : in addition to
Pembahasan : Frasa in addition to harus diikuti kata benda. Jadi jawaban yang
paling sesuai adalah being yang merupakan gerund.
5. The Woolworth Building in New York was the highest in America when _________ in
1913 and was famous for its use of Gothic decorative detail.
A. built
B. it built
C. was built
D. built it
Jawaban : C
Kata kunci : was the highest; was famous
Pada kalimat sudah ada dua frasa kata kerja berbentuk pasif, yaitu was the
highestdan was famous. Selain itu subjeknya adalah The Woolworth Building yang
merupakan benda mati. Jadi isian yang dibutuhkan harus berupa bentuk pasif. Bentuk
pasif yang tepat adalah was built.
6. Soap operas, a type of television drama series, are so called because, at first they
were ________.
A. often which soap manufacturers
B. sponsored often soap manufactures
C. often sponsored by soap manufacturers
D. soap manufactures often sponsored them
Jawaban : C
Kata kunci : Soap operas, they were
Pembahasan : Subjek kalimat adalah soap opera yang merupakan benda mati jadi kata
kerjanya berbentuk pasif. Pada kalimat sudah ada frasa they were, denganwere pada
kata kerja bentuk pasif harus diikuti kata kerja bentuk ketiga (untuksimple past
tense). Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah often sponsored by soap manufacturers.
6. The first trans-atlantic telephone cable system was not established ______ 1956.
A. while
B. until
C. on
D. when
Jawaban : B
Kata kunci : was not established, 1956
Pembahasan : Frasa was not established merupakan bentuk pasif. Penggunaan tahun
(1956) di akhir kalimat menunjukkan akhir dari rentang waktu yang terjadi
sebelumnya. jadi kata yang tepat untuk mengisi isian adalah yang bermakna ‘sampai’
atau ‘hingga’. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah until.
7. If the company’s personnel department had mailed the letter earlier, I ________ for
the interview.
A. Would not be late
B. Would have not been late
C. Would not have been late
D. Would not have late
Jawaban : C
Kata kunci : had mailed
Pembahasan : karena pada anak kalimat kata kerjanya adalah had mailed (had +
verb3) maka kalimat ini adalah kalimat conditional tipe 3. Jadi pola untuk frasa kata
kerja jawabannya adalah would + have + verb3 yaitu would not have been late. Pilihan
B kurang tepat karena kata not harus di dekat kata kerja auxiliary-nya.
Jawaban : C
Kata Kunci : we; at the drycleaner
Pembahasan : pada klausa we… the drycleaner hanya terdapat subjek tanpa objek
pelaku. Karena objek pelaku tidak disebutkan, maka kalimat ini adalah kalimat passive
causative. Polanya adalah subject + have/let/make/get/tell + object + verb3. Jadi
jawaban yang tepat adalah must have them washed.
9. A moth possesses two pairs of wings ______ as a single pair and are covered with
dislike scales.
A. function
B. are functioning
C. that function
D. but functions
Jawaban : C
Kata kunci : two pairs of wings
Pembahasan : Karena menerangkan two pairs of wings yang merupakan kata benda
bukan orang, relative pronoun yang tepat adalah that atau which. Jadi jawabnya
adalah that function.
Jawaban : A
Kata kunci : humans
Pembahasan : pada kalimat dipelukan appositive, yaitu frasa atau klausa yang berada
di antara koma dan menerangkan benda di depannya. Karena appositive pada kalimat
ini menerangkan kata benda yaitu humans, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah like other
11. Stars shine because of ________ produced by the nuclear reactions taking place within
A. The amount of light and heat is
B. Which the amount of light and heat
C. The amount of light and heat that it is
D. The amount of light and heat
Jawaban : D
Kata kunci : because of
Pembahasan : Frasa because of diikuti oleh frase kata benda. Jadi jawaban yang tepat
adalah the amount of light and heat.
12. Although many people use the word “milk” to refer to cow’s milk, ________ to milk
from any mammal, including human milk and goat’s milk.
A. applying it also
B. applies also
C. it also applies
D. but it also applies
Jawaban : C
Kata kunci : although
Pembahasan : Konjungsi although digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa. jadi
jawaban yang tepat adalah it also applies.
13. The role of the ear is _______ acoustic disturbances into neural signals suitable for
transmission to the brain.
A. to code
B. so that coded
C. coded
D. it coding
Jawaban : A
Kata kunci : the role of the ear
Pembahasan : Klausa yang dimulai dari acoustic disturbances sampai akhir kalimat
menerangkan tujuan dari kata benda the role of the ear. Jadi kata kerjanya harus
berbentuk to-infinitive yaitu to code
A. Involved
B. Involve
C. to be involve
D. Involves
02. Did I tell you about the girl … I met during the student demonstration last week?
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Whom
D. Of which
A. can borrow
B. might borrow
C. ought to borrow
D. may borrow
04. We were planning to open anew office in Surabaya………… the economic crisis forced us to
postpone it
A. And
B. Or
C. So
D. But
A. To be called
B. Be called
C. Be calling
D. To call
A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in our solar system,
and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets travel in orbits around the stars. All of the planets of the solar system revolve in elliptical
orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes a planet to make one
revolution around the sun is called a year.
The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the planets. Tile word planet
comes from a Greek word meaning wanderer If a person wanders, this means that he goes from one
place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that planets “wandered” in the sky.
However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately.
A. The Stars
B. The Orbits
C. The Greeks
D. The Planets
There are millions of plants and animals living in the sea. Most of the plants and animals living in the
oceans are extremely small and float near the surface of the water in their thousands. They are food
for huge numbers of small animals that also live near the surface. Together, they are all known as
Many fish feed on this plankton, including one of the largest, the whale shark. Despite their great size,
certain whales live entirely on plankton.
The blue whale is the largest animal ever to live. It grows to a length of over 100 feet. The humpback
whale is a smaller kind and has long flippers. It can jump right out the water. The Californian grey
whale makes long migrations every year- it spends the summer feeding in the Arctic but swims south to
the warmer waters off the coast of Mexico in the winter. The females give birth in the shallow, warm
water there.
Many of the fish in the sea may be eaten by other meat -eaters. Sharks, for example, area some of the
fastest hunters, although not all of them eat other fish.
Deep down in the oceans live many strange fish. It is so dark down there that many of these fish have
“light” on them, which are used for attracting smaller fish for the larger ones to eat.
Jellyfish are peculiar-looking creatures ranging in size from a fraction of an inch to 6 feet
across. They don’t really swim but drift in the currents of the open oceans. Although they contain
a powerful sting, they are often eaten by turtles. Turtles are reptiles that spend most of their
eggs on sandy beaches.
08.……..are food for huge numbers of small animals that also live near the surface.
A. Therefore
B. Referring to
C. In spite of
D. Except
E. Instead of
A. am going to
B. will to
C. Would
D. may to
E. Might
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