Cut Glove: Instruction Manual

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by Rodrigo Constanzo


The Cut Glove is a live sampling and performance instrument
built using Max. It was programmed around the Xbox 360
controller. Additionally, the patch has MIDI learn functionality
built in, so every parameter can be mapped to any MIDI

Requires Max7 or later and the externals listed below. (The patch will
work in Max6 but the GUI will not look right)

(all are included in the download)
Alex Harker externals:
Sigmund~ for pitch tracking in “Pitch” module:

Individual externals:
karma~ for sampling/playback
framerank~ for mp3ification
morphfilter~ for IR manipulation




Input/Output/Info/Record Section 6
Setup Window 7
Input FX 8
Output FX 10
karma Modules 15
xbox Mapping 21
Troubleshooting 22

The GUI was built to be very minimal and utilitarian. It is not
intended to be used while performing, as you don’t need to
interface with things on screen while you play.


This section has three main parts. The bottom left is your input section.
The number boxes, and corresponding meters are the first four inputs
of your soundcard. If you only have two inputs, only the first two will
appear active (as in the screenshot).

The drop-down menu (currently showing “adc”) is where you select

wether you want to use live input, or file playback (or test tone/vst).
Open/play are for the file playback, although when in vst mode, open
opens the current vst instead.

Clicking on the word ‘input’ opens a window that lets you add
convolution (equipment emulation) to the different inputs as well as an
overall input/output EQ. There is also a chromatic tuner in this section

On the bottom right we have the output section. Here you set the thru
level, and the level of all sampler modules.

On the top left you find the master output level/meter and the
revamped “Setup” section (explained in detail in the next chapter).

The record button lets you record the summed output of Cut Glove to a
file. When you press it you are presented with a file dialog window.
Name your file and hit ‘OK’ and you will see the meter going, indicating
that you are recording audio.

The ‘info’ button gives a general overview of the patch and mappings.


Here you have pop-up window for all the DSP, IO settings.

The top section of the window mirrors the settings found in

the Max Audio Setup window. You can find more information
about the settings in the Max documentation.

The OSC section lets you send your IP address and receive/
send ports. The MIDI learn section lets you map parameters
by hovering over them.

There are a total of four FX slots. The top two are input fx (pre-
loop) and the bottom two are output fx (post-loop). Any effect
can be loaded into any slot (including multiples of the same
effect) by clicking on the name of the effect to bring up a
dropdown menu showing the optional fx modules.


“Stutter” is a stutter/glitch module with two modes. The ‘dd-6’

mode, which does time domain stuttering and is modeled after
the Boss DD-6 guitar pedal in ‘hold’ mode. The other one is an
FFT mode that does spectral freezing. Both modes are always
running so you can switch between them even after creating a
stutter/glitch. To change modes press the button in the bottom
(Stutter cont..)

To activate the Stutter module you must first record a loop.

The ‘record’ button records audio for the duration that it is
depressed, so it is best to map it to a momentary button
Then the ‘stutter’ button turns on the audio.

“Kill” mode mutes incoming audio when there is a glitch

playing. Finally ‘random’ turns on/off the record function at a
rate and probability set by the rate and density controls.


The “Pitch” module uses a delay-based pitch shifting

technique to produce somewhat natural, somewhat glitchy
sounding pitch shifting. I am aiming for a ‘whammy pedal’
type glitchiness, but it is difficult to emulate.

The preset window (showing “2 down/2 up”) lets you select

ranges for the ‘shift’ parameter. These are also inspired by
the Whammy pedal. ‘Shift’ controls the pitch shifting in
relation to the range of the selected pitch preset. ‘Blend’
controls the dry/wet levels. The ‘dirty/clean’ button affects
the pitch tracking. When set to ‘clean’ the window size
changes only on new attacks. When set to ‘dirty’ the window
changes all the time, so you get lots more artifacts.


The “Lofi” module is a combination of signal degradation

modules. ‘Sample’ controls traditional sample rate reduction,
while ‘bit’ & ’bit 2’ control bit rate reduction using different
techniques that allow for fractional bit rate reduction. Both
techniques sound slightly different, but allow for a wide
range of sounds when combined.

‘Bitwise’ does bit flip/replacement processing and sounds

very grungy. Even though this is controlled by a single float
value, it is eight discreet steps.

The new ‘mp3ify’ control does some FFT processing on the

signal to allow you to dynamically control the psycho-
acoustic compression very similarly to how mp3
compression works. When combined with the other signal
degradation parameters, this adds a very distinctive and
unique twist to the lofi sound world. Note that this parameter
behaves ‘inverted’ compared to the other ones in this
module. For other parameters lowering the value ‘reduces’
the fidelity; for mp3ify increasing the value turns up the mp3


The “dirt” module is a distortion module with two modes. The

‘soft’ mode is based on ‘faust’ code by Julius O. Smith and uses
cubic nonlinear distortion. It has a milder ‘overdrive’ type sound.
The ‘hard’ mode is a variable-hardness clipping function by
Laurent de Soras. It is, as the name implies, a harsher distortion.

The ‘gain’ control is the overall level of distortion applied to the

signal. ‘choke’ effects the harmonic content and gating of the
distortion and varies on the mode (soft/hard) being used. Bass
and treble are both cut filters so when set at maximum, the
signal remains unaffected.


“Shuffler” is a dual mode buffer shuffler. In ‘shuffle’ mode it

randomly plays back modulated audio from two prerecorded
buffers with the ‘pitch’ controlling how severe the playback speed
modulation is.

In ‘spindown’ mode, it takes the last audio fragment being played

and repeats it while lowering playback speed, sounding similar to
a record being stopped.

(Shuffler cont..)

“Kill” mode mutes incoming audio when there is a glitch

playing. Finally, ‘random’ turns on/off the record function at a
rate and probability set by the rate and density controls.


The “Chopper” module is based on the example patch of the

same name included in the Max6 examples folder. It
segments audio based on zero crossings and has options to
choose how these are played back using the different
playback modes. These define how the tiny fragments are
played back with each having a characteristic sound to it.
The ‘rate’ controls the rate of audio playback. ‘cross’
controls how many positive zero-crossings are stored per
segment and ‘min’/‘max’ are the minimum and maximum
length of each segment.

Blend controls the wet/dry level of the effect.


The “Reverb” module is a convolution reverb with 24 built in

impulse responses ranging from rooms to halls to noise. ‘blend’
controls the wet/dry level, ‘decay’ processes the impulse
response to make the reverb shorter (there’s a small pause in the
reverb audio while this is calculated) and ‘damping’ removes
some of the high frequencies simulating a more muted acoustic.


The ‘cloud’ module is an automatic accompaniment module.

When the module is engaged, every time there is an onset
detected, a short amount of audio is recorded into a buffer AND
a different (random) section of the buffer is played back. In
‘chunk’ mode, a single larger section of the buffer is played back
each time there is an onset detected. In ‘cloud’ mode, several
shorter sections of the buffer are played back creating a pseudo
real-time granular synthesis type sound.

The ‘reverse’ parameter determines whether or not some of the

fragments that are played back will be reversed.

(Cloud cont..)

The ‘blend’ parameter sets the level of the dry/wet signals. A

setting of 0.5 is both at equal volume. The ‘pitch’ control
sets how varied in pitch (up and down) the playback grains
will be. The ‘activity’ parameter sets how often the onsets
can be detected, how short the grains are, and how many
grains are played back per onset while in ‘cloud’ mode.


The ‘brain’ module controls both the input and output effects. It
works by analyzing incoming audio and creating dynamic
presets for each of the effect parameters.

There are multiple modes for the ‘brain’ module. ‘once’ means
the preset will be generated only once, until the patch is
restarted. ‘every’ changes the preset every time the effect is
turned on. The ‘live’ modes control the parameters in realtime by
controlling the individual parameters, the effect on/off state, or

You can individual turn on/off the eight main effects, though
when loading new fx modules, each one’s Brain setting is set to
‘on’ by default. Any new fx modules that are added (ie ‘Cloud’)
will not have discreet controls for turning them on/off.


There are four identical ‘karma’ modules which are looper/

samplers with different buffer playback/processing options.


The “loop” module is a dynamically sized (as in you start end

the loop whenever you want) varispeed looper at it’s core. It is
built around karma~, a custom sampling/playback looper
external designed by myself, and coded by raja. It is modelled
after the sampler/looper in The Party Van, which is modelled
after the “Where’s The Party At” 8-bit sampler/looper, which is
somewhat modelled on the Line 6 DL-4 looper.

The pitch control works almost as a ‘clock’ control. Any

changes in pitch made while recording are heard when playing
back. While recording you can also engage half-speed and
reverse, including reversing ‘past zero’ which just makes the
loop jump to the highest point you’ve written in the buffer up
to that point.

The ‘position’/‘window’ controls control the start/end points of

the loop.


Like all the ‘karma’ modules, the “Slicer” module is linked in

with other modules. You can start creating a loop with the
‘slicer’ engaged and it will jump around the buffer writing tiny
slices into it, creating a pointillistic/glitchy loop.

The basic functionality of the “Slicer” is to jump around the

buffer (either written, or while recording) at regular or random
intervals (controlled by the ‘random’ button). ‘Rate’ controls
the overall speed of this process. The ‘reverse’ toggle allows
for slices to be played back in reverse as well as forward
(this is independent of the global ‘reverse’ controlled in the
“Loop” module). The ‘half’ reverse does the same, but for
half-speed playback. The ‘envelope’ control adds a linear
fade out to each slice playback which adds an almost
percussive sound to each slice. The ‘envelope’ parameter
controls how long the duration of that envelope is.

‘Retrigger’ controls how likely the slicer is going to play back

the same slice again. This can add a ‘retriggery’ kind of
sound to the slicer module. And finally ‘onset’ determines
how likely the slicer module is to jump to an onset point in
the sample. This only works with samples that have at least
10 onsets defined.


Like it’s name would imply, “Grain” is a granular synthesis

module. It is based on sugarSynth by Nobuyasa Sakonda.

The ‘position’ parameter controls the position of the grain

playback engine in the sample buffer. This is tied to the
playhead of the “Loop” module in such a way that you can
turn on the “Grain” module at any point and it will start
granulizing the sound present at playhead position.

‘Freeze’ & ‘speed’ control how “Grain” moves through a

buffer. If ‘freeze’ mode is engaged “Grain” will just stay put
and continue to spit out grains. If ‘freeze’ is turned off, the
granular synth will move through the buffer as controlled by
the ‘speed’ control. A ‘speed’ setting of 1 would be 100%
playback speed.

‘Grain size’, ‘window size’, and ‘random pitch’ control the

granular synth engine and do exactly what their name
implies. ‘Grain size’ controls the size of each grain of audio.
‘Window size’ controls the size of the buffer window that
grains are played back from and ‘random pitch’ randomizes
the playback pitch of each grain.

“Grain” and “Slice” can be used in combination to jump

around the buffer randomly while doing granular synthesis
on that portion of the buffer.


The “Pattern” module lets you record, and loop, any

parameter changes in the ‘karma’ section. This effects xbox
controller button presses, and analog controller parameter
controls. It is coded in a way that allows you to make a
pattern out of absolutely anything in this section, including
creating loops.

The “Pattern” mode will allow you to start/stop a pattern for

as long as you want but once you press ‘record’ it creates a
new one. Note that patterns are not saved with the patch, so
when you load the patch there is no pattern loaded.

The xbox mapping for this control creates a new pattern

when engaged. It is not possible to stop, and restart the
same pattern from the controller. This is intentional, although
sometimes not ideal.


The “Brain” module is the ‘backseat driver’ of the whole

‘karma’ section of the patch. It uses complex* buffer analysis
to change all the parameters of the “Slice”, & “Grain”
modules. When the ‘analyze’ button is engaged, every time
you create a new loop, the “Brain” module will change the
above mentioned parameters to something musically/
sonically relevant. You can still manually control things, but
this is meant as an intelligent preset generator so that when I
turn on “Grain” it doesn’t always sound the same, but it isn’t
random or unrelated to the contents of the buffer.

I spent a tremendous amount of time coding, tweaking,

testing, and updating the analysis algorithms to something I
find musically useful.

*Fifteen different analysis parameters are used and weighed against each other
different for each control parameter. Each parameter is also weighted against
what it was set to previously.

press/hold = record Play
press+play = overdub press/hold = play
half press (stop) = append record press+record = overdub
half press (play) = replace record half press = machine gun play

press/hold + (fx/play) press/hold + (fx/slice/grain)

= latch control (play/fx/analog) = analog takeover
double tap = dec page double tap = inc page
both bumpers + left trigger = thru both bumpers + right trigger = volume
Pattern Recorder
1st press = record
2nd press = play
3rd press = stop
Grain on/off
Slicer on/off

FX on/off

FX presets
karma playback press/hold = store karma playback
x = position (0. to 1.) press = recall x = volume (0. to 1.)
y = window (0. to 1.) fireball combo (down, down+right, right) y = pitch (-1. to 4.)
press/hold = zoom = random preset (param only) press/hold = zoom
fireball combo (left, down+left, down, down+right,
analog takeover right) = random preset latch control
controls slicer/grain/fx reverse fireball (down, down+left, left)= all fx off (latch + press)
press/hold = zoom rotate = pitch
press/hold = zoom
latch control
(latch + press)
rotate = window
press/hold = zoom

“I’ve opened the patch but nothing is happening”
Make sure the DSP engine is turned ON and that you have
your soundcard and I/O selected properly in the “SETUP”
Also make sure you have installed the externals in the
appropriate folder (Max6/Cycling ’74/msp-externals/).

“I can sample and playback but I can’t hear my dry audio”

Turn up the “thru” volume in the top right of the main
window, but be careful if you are using a microphone as this
can cause a feedback loop.

“I’ve connected my xbox controller but it’s not showing up”

Make sure you’ve download and installed the xbox 360 driver

“My CPU usage is through the roof and causing dropouts”

Every module is coded to be as efficient as possible and
most use no CPU at all when not in use. This means that you
can really push the CPU by having many things going at
once. Additionally the pattern recorders are based around a
standard msp object which appears to have a memory leak,
so starting to record a pattern and not ending it can cause
audio dropouts after a while.

For any questions, comments, bugs, or feature requests
contact me at

Special thanks to raja, Alex Harker, Pierre Alexandre

Tremblay, Sam Andreae, Barbara Cassatopo, and
countless people on the cycling74 and monome forums.

Patch can be downloaded at my webpage:


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