EC6602 SCAD MSM by WWW -
EC6602 SCAD MSM by WWW -
EC6602 SCAD MSM by WWW -
Department of ECE
Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Designation
Copyright © SCAD
1. Edward C.Jordan and Keith G.Balmain” Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating
Prentice Hall of India, 2006
2. R.E.Collin,”Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, Mc Graw Hill 1985.
3. Constantine.A.Balanis “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Wiley Student
Edition, 2006.
4. Rajeswari Chatterjee, “Antenna Theory and Practice” Revised Second Edition
New Age
International Publishers, 2006.
5. S. Drabowitch, “Modern Antennas” Second Edition, Springer Publications, 2007.
6. Robert S.Elliott “Antenna Theory and Design” Wiley Student Edition, 2006.
7.H.Sizun “Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications” First
ReprintSpringer Publications 2007.
1-20 PART A 7-10
PART B 11-55
1 Antenna parameters 11-12
2 Matching-Baluns& Polarization mismatch 13-16
3 Half wave dipole 17-21
I 4 Yagi-Uda Antenna 22-29
5 Hertzian dipole 30-47
6 Folded dipole and antenna temperature 48-55
1-17 PART A 56-59
PART B 59-103
1 Antenna apertures 59-70
2 Horn antenna 71-74
II 3 Reflector antenna 75-84
4 Slot antenna 85-98
Rectangular Patch antenna, Radiation
5 Mechanism 99-103
1-19 PART A 104-107
PART B 108-145
1 N-Element antenna arrays 108-116
2 Broadside array of n-point source 117-119
III 3 Endfire array 119-123
4 Phased array 124-129
5 Antenna synthesis and binomial array 130-142
6 Pattern multiplication 143-145
1-18 PART A 146-148
PART B 149-203
1 Helical antenna 149-160
IV 2 LPDA 161-171
3 Lens and active antennas 172-176
4 Test range measurements 177-190
5 Gain and radiation pattern measurement 191-199
6 Polarization and VSWR measurement 200-203
1-17 PART A 204-206
PART B 207-248
1 Ground wave propagation 207-215
V 2 Structure of atmosphere 216-223
3 Duct propagation and troposcatter 224-233
4 Flat earth and curved path concept 233-235
5 Definition-Parameters 236-237
6 Ionosphere 238-242
7 Problem in ground range determination 243-244
University Question papers 245-248
1. If the radiation resistance of an antenna is 65 ohms and loss resistance
is 10 ohms, find its efficiency?
[Nov/Dec 2012]
Rrad = 65 ohms, Rloss = 10 ohms
=65/ (65+10)=0.86
% Efficiency=86.66%
5. What are θ and Φ patterns in antenna radiation? [Nov/Dec 2013]
The θ component of the electric field as a function of the angles θ and Φ
or Eθ (θ, Φ) v/m
The Φ component of the electric field as a function of the angles θ and
Φ or EΦ(θ, Φ) v/m
6. What are dBi and dBd? Write their significances. [Nov/Dec 2013]
dBi means power gain of the antenna in dB is relative to isotropic antenna
i)It compares the radiated power i)It compares the radiated power
density density
of the actual antenna and that of of the actual antenna and that of
an an
isotropic antenna on the basis that isotropic antenna on the basis that
both both
are fed with the same input power. are radiating the same total power.
ii)Here Power fed to the antenna is
ii) Radiated power is considered taken
11. The radial component of the radiated power density of an antenna is given
Wrad =arWr= arA0sin θ/r2 (W/m2), Where A0 is the peak value of power
density, θ is the usual spherical coordinate, and ar is the radial unit vector.
Determine the total radiated power.
[May/June 2016]
U= Wrad r2
= arA0sin θ
3. Derive the field quantities of a Half wavelength dipole.(16) NOV/DEC 2012, 13, APR/MAY 2015
Hertzian dipole:
10. State Babinet’s principle and how it gives rise to the concept of
complementary antenna. [April/May 08],[Nov/Dec 08],
[Nov/Dec 11],[May/June 2013]
Babinet’s principle states that when the field behind a screen with an
opening is added to the field of complementary structure, the sum equal to
the field when there is no screen.The electric screen with the opening and the
electric conductor are dual. They are usually referred to as complementary
structures, because when combined they form a single solid screen with no
It is used in satellite
12. What are the applications of slot radiator? [Nov/Dec 07]
Radar antennas
Sector antennas used for cell phone base stations.
13. What is E-plane Sectoral horn antenna? [May/June 09]
If the flaring is done in the direction of E-plane then the E-plane sectoral horn
antenna is obtained.
f = 10 GHz
h = 12 cm
w = 6 cm
2.Explain the principle of rectangular horn antenna with a neat sketch. Draw
various types of horn structure . (16) NOV/DEC 2012, 14, MAY/JUNE 2014,15
3.With a neat diagram, explain the principle of reflector antenna and various
types of feed used. (16) [MAY/JUNE 2012,13,14,15, NOV/DEC 2012]
Antennas at Microwave frequencies:
Reflector antennas:
Reflector antennas are widely used to modify the radiating pattern of the
radiating element.
For example, the backward radiation from an antenna may be eliminated with
plane sheet reflector of large dimensions. In general beam of predetermined
characteristics may be produced by means of a large suitably shaped and illuminated
reflector surface.
Spill over and back lobe: In addition to the desired radiation some of the desired rays
are not captured by the reflector and these constitute spill over. While receiving spill
over increase noise pick up which is particularly troublesome in satellite ground stations.
Feed systems:
The entire parabolic reflector antenna consists of two basic components,eg.,the
reflector and a source of primary radiation at the focus. The source is called the primary
radiation (or)feed radiator (or) simply feed, while the reflector is the secondary radiator.
An ideal feed would be that radiator which radiates towards reflector in such a
way that it illuminates the entire surface of reflector and no (or) zero energy is radiated
in any other directions. These kind of ideal source is not available in practice. Clearly an
isotropic antenna as feed would not be better choice.
Various feeds:
1) Dipole antenna
2) End fire antenna
3) Horn antenna
4) Cassegrain feed
Dipole antenna:
It is not very much suitable but occasionally used.
Simplest and generally used is a dipole with parasitic reflector (I,e Yagi
antenna)(or) simply reflector which is fed with a coaxial line.
Spacing between driven element is .125 λ and for a plane reflectorit may be
around 0.4 λ.
Besides end fire arrays of dipoles are also used infront of the reflector.
End fire antenna:
The double dipoles are so spaced and phased such that end fire pattern is
produced which illuminates the paraboloidal reflector.
Feeding with a dipole involves changing from unbalanced system to a balanced
Horn antenna:
The most common feed radiation for paraboloidal reflector antenna is waveguide
Horn. The Horn feed is a waveguide feed.
4.Explain the construction and principle used in slot antenna. And discuss in
detail the methods of feeding slot antenna. (16) MAY/JUNE 2012,13,
NOV/DEC 2014
If the dipole is inductive ,the slot antenna is capacitive and vice versa. However
lengthening of a
λ/2 antenna makes it more inductive and lengthening of a λ/2 slot makes it capacitive.
5. (i)Explain about the Rectangular Batch antenna with neat diagrams. (8)
NOV/DEC 2013
Two wires:
Consider an antenna driven by transmission line with a voltage source
connected as shown in the Figure.
When the source is applied, the electric field gets developed between
conductors. The electric lines of force are tangent to the electric field. The
1. Define pattern multiplication.[May 07, Dec 08, Dec 10, May 11, Dec
12,May 13& 15]
The total field pattern of an array of non-isotropic but similar sources is the
product of the individual source pattern and the array pattern of isotropic
point sources each located at the phase center of the individual source
having the same amplitude and phase. While the total phase pattern is the
sum of the phase patterns of the individual source pattern and array pattern.
2 Individual elements are fed with Individual elements are fed with
current of equal amplitude and
current of equal amplitude and out
phase of phase
L = λ/8
Rr = 12.34 Ω
15. What is Hansen – Wood yard array? [May/June 12]
To enhance the directivity of an end-fire array without destroying any
of the other Characteristics, Hansen and Wood yard in 1938 proposed that the
required phase shift between closely spaced elements of a very long array
should be
L = nd
Given: n = 50, d = λ/2
D = 50
17. Draw the pattern of 2 point sources separated by λ/2. [May/June 13]
1. For a ‘n’ element linear antenna array, derive the field quantities and
draw its radiation pattern. (16) NOV/DEC 2012,14, MAY/JUNE 2013.
N element Linear array:
2. Derive the expression for field pattern of broad side array of ‘n’ point
MAY/JUNE 2013,14
3. Derive the expression for field pattern of end fire array of ‘n’ point
MAY/JUNE 2012,14
Rhombic antenna:
The rhombic antennas are almost always terminated.
It is the combination of Two V type antennas and also called ad
diamond shape antenna
9. Mention the relation between the length ‘l’ and spacing ‘s’ of adjacent
elements of log periodic dipole array [April/May 2008]
15. What are modes of operation of helical antenna and mention the
limitations of normal mode operation of a helical antenna?
Normal mode
Axial mode
Bandwidth is very narrow
Efficiency of radiation η is low
16. Compare and contrast wedges and pyramids. [Nov/Dec-
Wedges Pyramids
It is an absorbing material used in It is an absorbing material used in
antenna measurement that takes the antenna measurement that takes the
shape of wedges shape of wedges
It works well for large angle of It works well for normal incidence
The dipole length increases along the antenna so that the included
angle α is constant and the length L and spacing S of adjacent
elements are scaled so that
(ii).Active Antenna:
Fc =9 √Nm
Nm =1.24*106 ×10-6 m-3
2. What is meant by skip distance?
[May 07, Dec-07, Dec-09, May-10, May-12,Dec-12, Dec14]
Skip distance is defined as the minimum distance from the transmitter at
which a sky wave of given frequency is returned to earth by the ionosphere.
3. Find the maximum distance that can be covered by a space wave, when
the antenna heights are 60m and 120m. [May/June 2013]
D = 4.12[√ht+√hr] km
= 4.12[√60+√120]
D =73.11 km
4. Find the range of LOS system when the receive and transmit antenna
heights are 10m and 100m respectively. [May/June 2016]
D = 4.12[√ht+√hr] km
= 4.12[√10+√100] km
D =54.23 km
5. What is fading? And how it is compensated?[Nov/Dec 2009] [May/June
Variation of signal strength occurs on the line of sight paths as a result of
atmospheric conditions and it is called as fading. It cannot be predicted properly.
6. Define MUF. [Nov/Dec 08, May/June 11]
Maximum usable frequency MUF is defined as the frequency which can be reflected
back to earth for some specific angle of incidence.
fMUF = fC sec i
where, fC – critical frequency, i- angle of incidence
9. What are the factors that affect radio wave propagation [Nov/Dec 2014]
i. Curvature of earth.
ii. Earth’s magnetic field.
iii. Frequency of the signal.
iv. Plane earth reflection
The frequency whose period is equal to the period of revolution of an electron in its
circular orbit under the influence of the earth’s magnetic flux density B.
5. Define:
(a) Fading
(b) Maximum Usable Frequency
(c)Critical frequency
(d)Virtual Height
(e) Skip Distance
(f)Multi hop propagation
(a) Fading:
Variation of signal strength occur on line of sight paths as a result of the
atmospheric conditions
is called as fading .It cannot be predicted properly.
There are different types of fading.
(i)Selective fading:
Produces serious distortion of modulated signal.
(ii)Interference fading:
Produced by interference between upper and lower rays of a sky wave.
Minimized by space diversity and frequency diversity reception
(iii)Absorption fading:
It occurs due to variations of signal strength with different amount of
absorption of waves absorbed by the transmission medium.
(iv)Polarization fading:
It occurs due to change of polarization of the down coming sky waves.
(v)Skip fading:
It occurs at distances near the skip distance.
It occurs due to transient electromagnetic disturbances.
(b) Maximum Usable Frequency
The maximum Frequency that can be reflected back to earth for specific
angle of incidence.It is the maximum frequency for which reflection takes pace
for a given distance of propagation. If f >MUF,then wave penetrates the ionized
layer and will not be reflected back. fmuf = fc sec i
(c)Critical frequency
The critical frequency of an ionized layer is defined as the highest
frequency which can be reflected by a particular layer at vertical incidence. It is
different for different layers.It is denoted by f0 of fc.The critical frequency is
otherwise called Plasma frequency.fc=9
(d)Virtual Height
Virtual height of the ionospheric layer is defined as the height to which a
short pulse of energy sent vertically upward and travelling with the speed of
light would reach taking the sametwo ways travel time as does the actual power
reflected from the layer.
12. a)Explain in detail the radiation from a slot antenna and their feed systems.
b)Explain the radiation mechanism of reflector antennas and their feed
13. a)Derive and plot the radiation from a broadside array of 4 point sources.
b)(i)Discuss in detail the concept , design principles and type of phased array.
b)Explain in detail about log periodic antenna. What is the need for feeding
from end with shorter dipoles and the need for transposing the lines? Also
discuss the effect of decreasing α.
15. a)Draw the electron density profile chart of an ionosphere and explain. Also
derive an expression for the effective relative dielectric constant of the
ionosphere. Explain about reflection and refraction of waves in ionosphere.
b)(i)Explain the attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation.
11. a)Derive the expression for the field quantities radiated from a λ/2 dipole
and prove theat the radiation resistance to be73 Ω.
b)Derive the expression for the field quantities for a small current element.
12. a)Discuss the geometry of a parabolic reflector and the significance of f/D
ratio. Explain its feed configurations.
b)Discuss the construction and design of a yagi uda array. Show that the
impedance of a folded dipole is 300 Ω.
13. a)Obtain the expression for the field and the radiation pattern produced by a N
element array of infinitesimal with distance of separation λ/2 and currents of
unequal magnitude and phase shift 180 degree.
b)(i)Explain the the effect of eath magnetic field on ionospheric radio wave
(ii)Describe the troposphere and explain how ducts can be used for
microwave propagation.