8 1 HEAT TRANSFER 2016 Questionaire

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1. Emissivity of chromnickel is 15. Radiation of a single wavelength is called

a) 0.35 b) 0.46 c) 0.64 d) 0.82 a) radiosity c) irradiation
2. This factor depends on operating temperature, fluid b) emissive power d) monochromatic
velocity and length of service of heat exchanger. 16. With increase in porosity, the thermal conductivity of a
a) U b) h c) Rf d) xw solid substance
3. The amount of radiation emitted in all direction and over all a) decreases c) remains constant
wavelengths by a perfect emitter is proportional to the b) increases d) change depends on the solid
fourth power of the absolute temperature of the emitter. 17. Commonly used heat exchanger in fermentation and HVAC
This statement is systems..
a) Stefan-Boltzman Law c) Wien’s law a) Direct contact HE c) Transfer type HE
b) Kirchoff’s law d) Planck’s law b) Regenerators d) None of these
4. The ration of the emissive power of a body to its 18. It is a method of developing the design for a heat
absorptivity is a constant and the same for all radiating exchanger wherein the engineer assures the existence of
bodies in a confined enclosure under thermal equilibrium. an exchanger and makes calculations to determine if the
This statement is
exchanger would handle the process requirements under
a) Stefan-Boltzman Law c) Wien’s law
reasonable conditions.
b) Kirchoff’s law d) Planck’s law
a) exchanger modeling c) performance rating
5. The spectral distribution of a perfect emitter has maximum
b) exchanger calculation d) rating an exchanger
value and that the corresponding wavelength depends on
19. A measure of heat transfer surface area.
temperature. The maximum spectral emissive power is
a) NTU b) U c) LMTD d) e
dispelled to shorter wavelength with increasing
20. It is a method of developing the design for a heat
temperature. This theory is stated by
exchanger wherein the engineer assures the existence of
a) Stefan-Boltzman Law c) Wien’s law
an exchanger and makes calculations to determine if the
b) Kirchoff’s law d) Planck’s law
exchanger would handle the process requirements under
6. What do you call the effectiveness of a body as a thermal
reasonable conditions.
radiator at a given temperature.
a) Heat exchanger modeling
a) absorptivity c) emissivity
b) Rating of heat transfer
b) conductivity d) reflectivity
c) Heat exchanger calculation
7. Heat exchanger type most suitable for the construction and
d) Heat transfer performance evaluation
heat transfer in condensers and cooling towers.
21. In a heat transfer equipment, dirt or scale may be
a) Direct contact HE c) Transfer type HE
accounted by introducing a resistance called
b) Regenerators d) None of these
a) factor of safety c) max factor
8. The hotter the object is, the longer the wavelength and the
b) X factor d) fouling factor
greater its amount.
22. If a man touches two metals which were kept together at a
a) true b) false c) both d) no answer
room temperature, why would one metal feel colder than
9. Also known as surface condensers due to its extensive use the other?
in heating, cooling, condensation evaporation processes. a) one has a high heat transfer coefficient
a) Tubular HE c) Shell and tube HE b) one has a high thermal conductivity
b) Finned type HE d) Compact HE c) one has a lower temperature
10. The theoretical body where the absorptivity and emissivity d) one has a higher heat capacity
is independent of the wavelength over a spectral region of 23. The ratio of the molecular diffusivity of momentum and
irradiation and the surface emission is called heat is number
a) Black body c) Opaque body a) Grashof b) Peclet c) Nusselt d) Prandtl
b) Gray body d) Transparent body 24. On one side of a heat exchanger is a condensing vapor, the
temperature may be assumed to be constant. In
11. Air is best heated with steam in a heat exchanger of
determining the logarithmic mean temperature difference,
a) plate type
the direction of flow will have effect
b) shell and tube type
a) large b) little c) no d) signigicant
c) double pipe type with fin on steam side
25. The heat transfer radially across an insulated pipe per unit
d) double pipe type with fin on air side
12. If the viscosity of the fluid will increase, the heat transfer
a) remains constant
coefficient in a turbulent flow system will
a) increase c) remain the same b) is inversely proportional to thermal conductivity

b) decrease d) none of the above c) decreases from pipe wall to the insulated surface
13. What is the value of transmissivity for opaque materials? d) increases from pipe wall to the insulated surface
a) 0 b) 1 c) infinity d) indeterminate 26. Fourier's law applies to the heat transfer by
14. The standard ratio of shell passes to tube passes is a) convection c) radiation

a) 1/2 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4 b) conduction d) all of the above

27. It states that the ratio of the emissive power of a body to 41. Based from the preceding problem, determine the area
its absorptivity is a constant and the same for all radiating assuming flow is concurrent
bodies in a confined enclosure under thermal equilibrium a) 2.71 m2 b) 3.23 m2 c) 5.43 m2 d) 6.46 m2
a) Stefan-Boltzman Law c) Wien’s law 42. A large surface at 50OC is exposed to air at 20OC. If the
b) Kirchoff’s law d) Planck’s law heat transfer coefficient between the surface and the air
28. The term hD/k is known as is 15 W/m2.K, determine the heat transferred from 5m2 of
a) Prandtl number c) Nusselt number
surface area in 7 hours.
b) Peclet number d) Reynold’s number
a) 15.75 kJ b) 1.16 MJ c) 4.375 J d) 56.7 MJ
29. In a heat exchanger, the area of heat transfer is calculated
43. The velocity of water flowing through a tube of 22 mm
from the
a) total lateral area of the tubes diameter is 2 m/s. The steam condenses at 150OC on the
b) the mean lateral area of the shell outside surface of the tube and heats the water from 15 OC
c) total cross-sectional area of the tubes to 60OC over the entire length of the tube. Ignore the tube
d) cross-sectional area of the shell and steam side film resistance. Calculate the length of the
30. Product of area exposed to radiation and shape factor. tube.
a) radiosity c) irradiation a) 1.25 m b) 2.43 m c) 3.45 m d) 4.56 m
b) conductance d) emissive power 44. A sphere having 10 cm in diameter is suspended inside a
31. Which ONE of the following statements about baffles in a large evacuated chamber whose wall are kept at 300K. If
shell and tube heat exchanger is FALSE ? Baffles the surface of the sphere is black, and maintained at 500K,
a) act as a support to the tube bundle
what would the the heat loss from the sphere to the walls
b) reduce the pressure drop on the shell-side
c) alter the shell-side flow pattern of the chamber?
d) help in increasing the shell-side heat transfer a) 77.48 W b) 96.85 W c) 3084 W d) 8524 W
coefficient 45. Heat flux through a wood slab 50 mm thick, whose inner and
32. The total radiation energy leaving a surface per unit time outer surfaces are 40OC and 20OC respectively has been
and per unit area determined to be 40W/m2. Determine the thermal
a) radiosity b) absorptivity c) irradiation d) emissivity
conductivity (W/m2.K ) of the slab.
33. Convective heat transfer co-efficient in case of fluid
a) 0.1 b) 10 c) 20 d) 35
flowing in tubes is not affected by the tube
46. A flat plate has one surface insulated and the other
length/diameter ratio, if the flow is in the __________
zone exposed to the sun. The exposed surface absorbs solar
a) laminar b) transition c) turbulent d) no answer radiation at a rate of 800 W/m2 and dissipates heat to the
34. In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to surrounding air at 300K. If the emissivity of the surface is
a) facilitate cleaning of the exchanger 0.9 and the surface heat transfer coefficient is 12 W/m2.K,
b) increase the heat transfer area determine the surface temperature of the plate.
c) increase log mean temperature gradient
a) 235 K b) 343 K c) 350 K d) 393 K
d) relieve stresses caused by thermal expansion
47. Saturated steam at 1.43 bar condenses on a 1.9 cm OD
35. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation, an object must
be at a temperature, vertical smooth tube which is 20 cm long. The tube wall is at
a) above 00C c) above that of its surroundings uniform temperature of 109OC. Calculate the heat transfer
b) above 0 K d) high enough for it to glow coefficient (in W/m2.K). The mean film properties are: ρ =
36. Prandtl number of nitrogen at 200K is 951.0 kg/m3, μ= 258.9 x10-6 Pa.s, k = 0.685 W/m.K, ν =
a) 0.714 b) 0.821 c) 0.885 d) 0.901 0.2714 x 10-6 m2/s, λ@383K = 2230 kJ/kg.K
37. Determine the wavelength at which the spectral emissive a) 13666 b) 17653 c) 18720 d) 21153
power of tungsten filament at 1400 K is at its maximum. 48. In a heat exchanger, hot fluid enters at 60OC and leaves at
a) 1.73 μm c) 69.23 x103 W/m2.μm 48OC, where as the cold fluid enters at 35OC and leaves at
5 2
b) 2.07 μm d) 1.76 x10 w/m .μm 44OC. Calculate the mean temperature difference for cross
0 3
38. Benzene at 100 F and 1 atm flows at 100 ft /min in a flow (both fluids unmixed)
smooth 1” ID tube. The heat transfer coefficient for the a) 11.50OC b) 13.58OC c) 14.16OC d) 14.45OC
system in Btu/s-ft2-0F is estimated to be 49. A metal clad heating element of 6 mm in diameter and
a) 0.197 b) 2.42 c) 6.54 d) 8.41 emissivity equal to unity is horizontally immersed in a water
39. A reaction mixture having a CP = 2.85 kJ/kg-K is flowing at bath. The surface temperature of the metal is 255 OC under
a rate of 7260 kg/h and is to be cooled from 377.6K to steady state conditions. If the water is at atmospheric
344.3K. Cooling water at 288.8K is available and the flow pressure, estimate the power dissipation of the heater per
rate is 4536 kg/h. the overall Uo is 653 W/m2-K. Calculate unit length (W/m). The properties at mean film are: λ@372 K =
the outlet water temperature in 0C. 2257 kJ/kg.K Cpv=2.56 x 103 J.kg.K, μv = 14.85 x 10 -6
Pa.s, kv
0 0 0 0
a) 51.95 C b) 89.37 C c) 156.45 C d) 325.10 C 3
= 0.0331 W/m.K, ρf = 957.9 kg/m , ρv = 4.808 kg/m . 3

40. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the area a) 1344 b) 1391 c) 1452 d) 1582
assuming flow is countercurrent.
a) 2.71 m2 b) 3.23 m2 c) 5.43 m2 d) 6.46 m2
50. Two parallel plates are at T1 and T2 and have emissivities of 58. A central heating radiator system has a surface
ε1 = 0.8 and ε2 = 0.5. A radiation shield having an emissivity temperature of 70 C and heats a room maintained at 20OC.

ε3 on both sides is placed between the plates. Calculate the Calculate the contribution of convection and radiation to
emissivity of the shield in order to reduce the heat loss heat transfer from the radiator. Use the following
from the system one tenth of that without the shield. correlation for the determination of convection coefficient
a) 0.75 b) 0.67 c) 0.09 d) 0.04 in W/m2: NuL = 0.118 (GrPr)1/3. The mean film properties
51. Two large parallel planes with emissivity 0.6 are at 900K are: ρ= 1.2 kg/m3, μ = 1.8 x10-5 Pa.s, k = 0.026 W/m.K Pr =
and 300K. A radiation shield has one side polished and with 0.71
emissivity of 0.5, while it is proposed that the emissivity a) 367 b) 379 c) 634 d) 845
for the other side be 0.4. Which side of the shield should 59. Consider the following 30 m2 parallel flow heat exchanger
face the hotter plane if the temperature of the shield is to specifications:
be kept at a minimum? Cold fluid enters at 40OC: CC = 20,000 W/K
a) Polished side c) Both will do Hot fluid enters at 150OC: Ch = 10,000 W/K
b) Unpolished side d) Either side Determine the hot and cold exit temperatures using the
52. A heat exchanger is to be designed to transfer heat to a effectiveness-NTU method.
certain cold fluid. The given conditions are: ṁh= 5 kg/min, a) 84.44OC, 72.78OC c) 105.56OC, 84.44OC
ṁc= 10 kg/min, Thi = 85 C, Tci = 27 C, Tco = 55 C, Cpc = b) 72.78 C, 84.44 C d) 105.56OC, 72.78OC
2.93 kJ/kg.K. What flow pattern will be best suitable to 60. For a furnace constructed with 0.7 ft thick fireclay brick
the system? having k=0.6 Btu/h-ft2-0F. The innermost surface is
a) Counter flow b) Parallel flow c) Both d) None maintained at 18000F while the outermost surface of
53. Find the surface area required in a counter flow steam insulating material is maintained at 1000F. How thick must
superheater in which the steam enters at 180 C in a dry, the insulator be, to maintain a maximum allowable heat
saturated state and leaves at 250OC with an increase of transfer rate of 300 Btu/h-ft2.
enthalpy of 159 kJ/kg. The hot combustion gases (Cp = 1.05 a) 0.10 ft b) 0.18 ft c) 0.30 ft d) 0.40 ft
kJ/kg.K) enter the superheater at 510OC. The steam flow 61. A furnace is constructed with 0.20 m of firebrick, 0.10 m
rate is 1000 kg/h, the hot gas flow rate is 2000 kg/h, and of insulating brick, and 0.20 m of building brick. The inside
the overall heat transfer coefficient is 26 W/m .K. temperature is 1200 K and the outside temperature is 330
a) 4.34 m2 b) 6.6 m2 c) 6.79 m2 d) none of these K. If the thermal conductivities (W/m-K) are 1.4, 0.21 and
54. Two parallel gray planes which are very large have 0.7 respectively, estimate the heat loss/unit area (W/m2).
emissivities of ε1 = 0.8 and ε2 = 0.7 and surface 1 is at a) 961 b) 1056 c) 1248 d) 1567
593.5 C and surface 2 at 315.8 C. What is the net radiation 62. Based from the preceding problem, estimate the
from 1 to 2? temperature at the junction of the firebrick and the
a) 7.34 kW/m2 c) 25.15 kW/m2 insulating brick.
2 a) 983 K b) 1063 K c) 1115 K d) 1472 K
b) 14.98 kW/m d) None of these
63. A 5 cm diameter sphere at 600OC is placed near an infinite
55. A 1-2 heat exchanger containing one shell pass and two tube
wall at 100OC. Both surfaces are black. Calculate the net
passes heats 2.52 kg/s of water from 21.1 to 54.4OC by
radiant heat transfer between the two bodies.
using hot water under pressure entering at 115.6 and leaving
O a) 125 W b) 175 W c) 250 W d) 31.8 kW
at 48.9 C. The outside surface area of the tubes in the
2 64. A steel pipe, 2 inches schedule 40 contains saturated steam
exchanger is Ao = 9.30 m . Calculate the mean temperature
at 121.10C. The line is insulated with 25.4 mm asbestos
difference LMTD in the exchanger.
(k=0.182 W/m-K). Assuming that the inside surface
a) 28.94OC b) 31.32OC c) 33.61OC d) 42.33OC
temperature of the metal wall is at 121.10C and the outer
56. Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2.K)
surface of the insulation is at 26.70C, calculate the heat
based on the outer surface of a steel pipe (k = 54 W/m.K)
loss for 30.5 m of pipe. Thermal conductivity of steel is 45
with inner and outer diameters 25 mm and 35 mm,
respectively. The inside and outside heat transfer
a) 3055 W b) 4718 W c) 5200 W d) 5384 W
coefficients are 1200 W/m2.K and 2000 W/m2.K.
65. What is the thickness required for a masonry wall having a
a) 316 b) 340 c) 450 d) 563
thermal conductivity of 0.75 W/m2.K if the heat transfer
57. Steam in a condenser of a steam power plant is to be
rate is to 80% of the rate through another wall having a
condensed at a temperature of 30OC with cooling water
thermal conductivity of 0.25 W/m2.K and a thickness of 100
from a nearby lake, which enters the tubes of the
mm? Both of the walls are subjected to the same to the
condenser at 14OC and leaves at 22OC. The surface area of
same temperature difference.
the tubes is 45 m2 and an overall heat transfer coefficient
2 a) 0.024 mm b) 41.67 mm c) 240 mm d) 375 mm
of 2100 W/m .K. Calculate the steam condensation rate
(kg/s) in the condenser. λ@303K = 2430.5 kJ/kg.
a) 4.82 x 10-3 b) 0.45 c) 32.5 d) no answer

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