Archigram Bibliography 1
Archigram Bibliography 1
Archigram Bibliography 1
Archigram / Peter Cook London: Studio Vista, 1972 (reprinted New York:
Princeton Architectural Press, 1999 ISBN 1568981945)
Dance with Archigram / edited by Kim Jeoug-eun and Kim Hyouk-joon Seoul:
Space Publishing Co., 2005 ISBN 8985127071
AA SHELFMARK: 72.036(42):92ARC KIM
Exit Utopia: architecture provocations, 1956-76 / edited by Martin van Schaik and
Otakar Macel Munich: Prestel, 2005 ISBN 3791329731
AA SHELFMARK: 72.01:711.4.03 VAN
‘Archigram civil war’ / article by Charlie Gates (the proposed plan to sell the
Archigram archive is in disarray as the owners of the collection cannot agree on
how to proceed)
in Building Design no.1715 March 31, 2006 / p.1
‘UK ‘should lose’ Archigram work’ / article by Ed Dorrell (Peter Cook wants to
sell the Archigram archive abroad)
in Architects’ Journal vol.223 no.8 March 2, 2006 / p.16
‘Archigram goes public with three hundred thousand pound grant’ / article by
Charlie Gates (Archigram’s archive will be made available to the public on a
special website)
in Building Design no.1707 February 3, 2006 / p.2
‘US bidders line up for three million pound Archigram files’ / article by Robert
in Building Design no.1710 February 24, 2006 / p.2
‘The forces of matter’ / article by Hadas Steiner (on pneumatic structures,
domes and the properties of the soap bubble, with examples by Archigram)
in The Journal of Architecture , 10 (1) February 2005 / p.91-109
‘Archigram legend talks about ‘reinvigorating’ HOK’ / article by Angela Monaghan
(Peter Cook is working 5 days a month for HOK)
in Building vol.269 no.8357 (45) November 12, 2004 / p.22
‘Archigram exhibition at the Design Museum, London’ / article by Dirk van den
in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui no.352 May/June 2004 / p.40-41 (text
in French)
‘Future past and present : exhibition review’ / article by Vicky Richardson (three
Archigram-related exhibitions showing in London: Archigram at the Design
Museum (designed by Peter Cook); This Was Tomorrow: Art and the Sixties at
Tate Britain; and David Greene’s design work at the University of Westminster)
in Blueprint (218) April 2004 / p.50-54
‘Yikes Peter Cook’s and Colin Fournier’s perkily animistic Kunsthaus in Graz
recasts the identity of the museum and recalls a legendary design movement’ /
article by Liane Lefaivre
in Architectural Record, 192 (1) January 2004 / p.92-99
‘Atterraggio a Graz [Archigram has landed]; Architects: Peter Cook and Colin
Fournier’ / article by Stefano Casciani (the Kunsthaus in Graz is the realization
of the architectural dreams of the 1960s)
in Domus no.865 December 2003 / p.54-65 (text in Italian+English)
‘Whatever happened to their Rock ‘n’ Roll? Kunsthaus, Graz (Peter Cook and
Colin Fournier)’ / article by Martina Duttmann
in Bauwelt vol.94 no.46 December 5, 2003 / p.10-15 (text in
‘Futurology’s strange new world – a look at future studies through the works of
Cedric Price, Buckminster Fuller and Archigram’ / article by Kester Ratternbury
in Building Design supplement November 2003 / p.6-9
‘Brothers in arms: Peter Cook and Colin Fournier’s newly completed Kunsthaus in
Graz is the result of a 30-year creative partnership, in the tradition of Archigram
and Cedric Price’ / article by Jeremy Melvin
in Architects’ Journal vol.218 no.13 October 9, 2003 / p.24-25
‘Stars join Archigram Gold Medal ‘rally’’ (the third Archigram ‘rally’ planned to
coincide with the awarding of the RIBA Gold Medal in November)
in Building Design no.152 October 18, 2002 / p.4
‘Archigram duo win Spink’ (Peter Cook and David Greene win Annie Spink Prize
for Excellence in Education)
in Building Design no.1549 September 27, 2002 / p.3
‘Bubble and chic’ / article by Neil Spiller (profile of Peter Cook, founding
member of Archigram and winner of a competition for the Kunsthaus Museum in
Graz, Austria)
in Blueprint no.191 January 2002 / p.68-70
‘Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton & Mike Webb – Archigram: we were not hippies’
[interview] / interview by Hugo Hardy, Blaz Kriznik, Petar Zaklanovic (interview
with three of the four surviving members of Archigram)
in Hunch: the Berlage Institute report (5) 2002 / p.116-133
‘Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton & Mike Webb – Archigram: “mi nismo bili hipijevci”
= “We were not hippies” [interview]’ / interviewed by Hugo Hardy and Petar
in Oris, 4 (16) 2002 / p.133-151 (text in Serbio-Croatian+English)
‘Architecture and the rain [interview]’ / David Greene; Jon Goodbun; David
Cunningham (interview with David Greene, a founder of Archigram with Peter
in The Journal of Architecture, 6 (2) Summer 2001 / p.195-200
‘Limits of the bubble: Archigram and the ideal of the collapsible inflatable’ /
article by Hadas Steiner
in Intersight, 6 2001 / p.33-41
‘Loose ends’ / article by Peter Cook
in Architekt no.10 October 2000 / p.45-47 (text in German+English
‘Archigram in Triennale [Archigram at the Milan Triennale]’
in Modo no.203 April 2000 / p.16
‘Flashback to the future’ / article by Aaron Betsky (essay on the influence of the
1960s group Archigram on contemporary architectural culture)
in Architecture (New York) vol.88 no.4 April 1999 / p.59-63
‘Archigram in America [exhibition review]’ / article by Adam Griff (Archigram
exhibition on view in New York City at the Thread Waxing Space, the Storefront
for Art and Architecture, and Buell Hall at Columbia University)
in Oculus, 60 (9) May 1998 / p.15
‘Archigram returns 25 years on’ (Archigram’s first exhibition in the UK for 25
years to be staged at Manchester’s Cornerhouse arts centre in January 1998)
in Building Design no.1329 November 14, 1997 / p.3
‘L’utopia poetica di Peter Cook [The poetic utopia of Peter Cook]’ / article by
Michele Costanzo (includes ‘Lyrical mechanisms’, a lecture given by Cook to the
Faculty of Architecture in Rome in May 1995)
in Parametro (215) July-October 1996 / p.82-93 (text in
‘Archigram, modernita e futuro = Archigram: modernity and the future
(exhibition review)’ / article by Francesco Pagliari
in Domus (770) April 1995 / p.viii (text in Italian+English)
‘Le machine del vuoto [exhibition review]’ / article by Marc Dessauce (review of
Archigram exhibition at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris)
in Casabella, 58 (618) December 1994 / p.43-44 (text in Italian,
English captions)
‘Archigram: experimental architecture 1961-74’ / article by Paul Davies, and Sean
in AA Files no.28 Autumn 1994 / p.70-73
‘Bubble writing on the wall’ / article by Sutherland Lyall (recalls the story of the
seminal design group)
in Building Design no.1180 July 8, 1994 / p.2
‘The architect as superhero: Archigram and the text of serious comics’ / article by
David Walter (discusses the architectural collages and polemics produced by
Archigram in England in the 1960s)
in Architronic, 3 (2) 1994
‘Peter Cook: six conversations’ / article by Peter Cook
in Architectural Monographs special issue no.28 1993 / p.6-144
‘Ricordi Radicali = Radical recall’ / article by Pietro Derossi (essay on culture
(existence, play, technology and information, the party, and dissent) illustrated
by five works from 1962 to 1970. Architects: Michael Webb, Peter Cook,
Archigram, and Pietro Derossi)
in Ottagono no.99 June 1991 / p.[88-117] (text in Italian+English)
‘Peter Cook 1961-1989’ / article by Peter Cook and Toshio Nakamura
in A+U: Architecture and Urbanism no.12 extra edition December
1990 / p.[1]–[196] (text in Japanese+English)
‘Lights, steel and the Stones’ (Mobile stage set designed for the 1989 Rolling
Stones tour by Archigram)
in Progressive Architecture, 70 December 1989 / p.21
‘Peter Cook/Christine Hawley: the Archigram effect’ / article by Peter Cook and
Lebbeus Woods
in El Croquis vol.8 no.3 (39) April/May 1989 / p.3-40 (text in
‘Archigram for the 80s’ / article by Alastair Best (Ron Herron, one of the
founders of Archigram, runs a busy practice with sons Simon and Matthew)
in Designers’ Journal no.41 October 1988 / p.56-59
‘Warren Chalk 1927-1987’ / article by Peter Cook
in AA Files no.15 1987 / p.55-59
‘Dziedzictwo Archigramu [The Archigram heritage]’ / article by Peter Cook
in Architektura (Warsaw) vol.40 no.4/5 (432/433) July/October
1986 / p.93-98 (text in Polish, summaries in English, French, Russian,
‘”We shall not bulldoze Westminster Abbey”: Archigram and the retreat from
technology’ / article by Martin Pawley
in Oppositions (7) Winter 1976-1977 / p.25-35
‘‘We shall not bulldoze Westminster Abbey’: Archigram and the retreat from
technology’ / article by Martin Pawley (includes portraits of Peter Cook, Dennis
Crompton, Warren Chalk)
in Oppositions no.7 Winter 1976 / p.23-35
‘Hypertech to bio-tech: the tale of the six wise giants from Archigram’ / article by
Warren Chalk
in Architectural Design vol.46 no.3 March 1976 / p.154-155
‘Long steps short steps – Archigram projects 1973-1974’/ article by Peter Cook
in Casabella vol.39 no.2 (398) February 1975 / p.20-31 (text in
‘Archigram as architects’
in Architectural Design vol.44 no.6 June 1974 / p.387-388
‘Archijam tomorrow: what has Archigram achieved?’ / article by Geoffrey
Broadbent (review of Archigram, edited by Peter Cook)
in AA Quarterly, 5 (3) July-September 1973 / p.57-59
‘Archigram 1970-1972’
in A+U: Architecture and Urbanism vol.3 no.5 May 1973 / p.43-52
(text in Japanese, English captions)
‘Archigram 1970-71
in Architectural Design August 1971 / p.485-497
‘instant City in progress: an Archigram production visualized by Ron Herron and
Peter Cook…’
in Architectural Design, 40 November 1970 / p.566-573
‘Archigram group: (1) Some notes on the Archigram syndrome’ / article by Peter
in Japan Architect July 1970 / p.34-37 (text in Japanese)
‘Preview: underground cybernetic toy on a plug-in land beach’ (winner of an
international competition for a new entertainment center, Monte Carlo;
Architects: Archigram)
in Architectural Forum, 132 (5) June 1970 / p.12-13
‘Metamorphosis: Archigram periodical’ / article by Peter Cook and David Greene
(extracts from Archigram 8)
in Ekistics, 28 (165) August 1969 / p.104-106
‘Some forays by the Archigram group into the world of exhibitions’ / article by
Peter Cook
in AA Quarterly, 1 (3) July 1969 / p.84-89
‘Archigram group and their work’ (includes Idea Circus, Moment Village,
Hardsoft, etc.)
in Architectural Design May 1969 / p.276-280
‘Archigram’ (illustrated with projects by various members of the Archigram
in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, 39 September 1968 / p.59-61 (text in
‘Blow up’ (the Milanogram, designed by the Archigram Group for the 14th
Triennale di Milano)
in Architects’ Journal, 147 (22) May 29, 1968 / p.1194
‘Triennale di Milano’ / article by Alison and Peter Smithson (includes Milanogram
by Archigram Group)
in Architectural Design, 38 April 1968 / p.151-152
‘Archigram-Group, London: chronological account of their work’
in Bauen & Wohnen no.12 1967 / p.480-482 (text in German)
‘Architecture as consumer product’ / article by Warren Chalk
in Arena: Architectural Association Journal, 81 March 1966 /
‘Some notes on Archigram’ / article by Francis Cuthbert Duffy
in House & Garden, 129 February 1966 / p.171-172
‘The history of Clip-on’
in Architectural Forum, 123 (4) November 1965 / p.68
‘The Archigram men: Peter Cook, Ron Herron, Dennis Crompton, Warren Chalk,
Michael Webb’
in Architects’ Journal, 142 November 17 1965 / p.1132-1133
‘Archigram-Group, London: chronological account of their work’
in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui no.117 1964/1965 / p.43-45