IEHP Medi-Cal Members Rights and Responsibilities PDF
IEHP Medi-Cal Members Rights and Responsibilities PDF
IEHP Medi-Cal Members Rights and Responsibilities PDF
A. For the purpose of this policy, a “Delegate” is defined as a medical group, IPA or any
contracted organization delegated to provide services to IEHP Members.
B. Members have the right to quality care when accessing services covered by IEHP. IEHP
believes that Members, Providers, practitioners, and Delegates have a role in assuring the
quality of care received.
C. IEHP adopted and continues to use the “Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities,”
promulgated by the President of the United States, as the basis for its statement of
Members’ Rights and Responsibilities.
D. IEHP requires Providers and practitioners to understand and abide by IEHP’s Members’
Rights and Responsibilities when providing services to Members.
E. IEHP informs Members of their Members’ Rights and Responsibilities in the Member
Handbook upon enrollment and annually thereafter or upon request in a manner
appropriate to their condition, individual communication style, and ability to understand.
F. It is IEHP’s policy to respect and recognize Members’ rights. The following statements
are included in the Member Handbook.
1. As a Member of IEHP, you have the right to:
a. Receive information about your rights and responsibilities as an IEHP
b. Be treated with respect and courtesy. IEHP recognizes your dignity and
right to privacy.
c. Receive information about IEHP, its programs and services, its Doctors,
its Providers, and health care facilities.
d. Receive information about IEHP staff and staff qualifications for disease
management programs.
e. Receive information on how to reach Disease Management staff and to
discuss any problems regarding Disease Management and how to request a
f. Receive interpreter services at no cost to you.
g. Not be charged by your IEHP Doctor for covered health care services,
except for required co-payments.
v. Talk with your Doctor about your medical condition and appropriate or
medically necessary treatment options regardless of the cost or what your
benefits are. Members who are not able to talk with their doctor about
decision making have the right to be represented by parents, guardians,
family members or other conservators.
w. Decide about your care, including the decision to stop treatment, services,
or stop participating in disease management programs.
x. Decide in advance how you want to be cared for in case you have a life-
threatening illness or injury.
y. Be informed by IEHP regarding advance directives, and to receive
information from IEHP regarding any changes to that law. The
information shall reflect changes in state law regarding advance directives
as soon as possible, but no later than ninety (90) days after the effective
date of change.
z. Review, request corrections to, and receive a copy of your medical records
(your Doctor may charge a fee for copies of records and other forms).
aa. Keep your personal and medical information, and records confidential,
unless you say differently, and know how IEHP keeps your information
bb. Complain about IEHP, its Providers, or your care. IEHP will help you
with the process. You may appeal decisions made by IEHP or your
Medical Group. You have the right to choose someone to represent you
during the grievance process and for your complaints and appeals to be
reviewed as quickly as possible and be told how long it will take. Medi-
Cal Members have the right to request a State Fair Hearing or an
expedited Fair Hearing for urgent cases. Call the Department of Social
Services Public Inquiry and Response Unit at 1-800-952-5253 or TTY
cc. Have IEHP act as your patient advocate.
dd. Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of
coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation.
ee. Medi-Cal recipients can stop being IEHP Members (disenroll) at anytime,
for any reason. If you want to disenroll, call IEHP Member Services at
1-800-440-IEHP (4347)/TTY 1-800-718-4347 or Health Care Options at
1-800-430-4263 to get disenrollment information.
ff. IEHP will honor authorizations for services already approved for you. If
you have any authorizations pending approval, if you are in the middle of
treatment, or if specialty care has been scheduled for you by your current
Doctor, contact IEHP to help you coordinate your care during this
g. Give accurate information to IEHP, your Doctor, and any other Provider.
This helps you receive better care.
h. Understand your health care needs and be a part of your health care
decisions. Ask your Doctor questions if you do not understand.
i. Work with your Doctor to make plans for your health care.
j. Follow the plans of care and any other Provider instructions your Health
Care Providers feels is necessary.
k. Notify IEHP and your Doctor if you want to stop the plans and
instructions you have agreed on or want to stop participating in health
management programs.
l. Immunize your children by age 2 years and always keep your children’s
immunizations up to date.
m. Call your Doctor when you need routine or urgent health care.
n. Care for your own health. Live a healthy lifestyle, exercise, eat a good
diet, and don’t smoke.
o. Avoid knowingly spreading disease to others.
p. Use IEHP’s grievance process to file a complaint. Call IEHP Member
Services at 1-800-440-IEHP (4347) / TTY 1-800-718-4347 to file a
complaint (grievance or appeal).
q. Report any wrongdoing or fraud to IEHP by calling the Compliance
Hotline at 1-866-355-9038, or the proper authorities.
r. Understand that there are risks in receiving health care and limits to what
can be done for you medically.
s. Understand that it is a Health Care Provider’s duty to be efficient and fair
in caring for you as well as other patients.
t. Make a good-faith effort to pay your health care bills (Premiums, co-pays
and non-covered services where applicable).
u. Follow administrative and operational procedures of IEHP, its Providers
and Government health benefit programs.
d. You have the right to ask a relative or someone else to help file your
grievance and represent you during the grievance process. Grievances can
be registered or filed by Parents, Guardians, Conservator, Relative,
Doctor, or other Designee if the Member is a minor or an adult who is
otherwise incapacitated. Relatives include Parents, Stepparents, Spouse,
Adult Son or Daughter, Grandparents, Brother, Sister, Uncle, or Aunt.
e. You have the right to disenroll from IEHP without giving a reason.
f. You have the right to request voluntary mediation. A third party unrelated
to Member or IEHP considers all aspects or issues and takes measures to
reach the best decision for both you and IEHP. You and IEHP will share
the cost of the mediation. You do not need to participate in the voluntary
mediation process for any longer than thirty (30) days prior to submitting a
complaint to the DMHC.
g. You have the right to submit written comments, documents or other
information in support of your grievance.
h. You may contact other State Agencies for help. See the Grievance and
Appeals Process Section in the Member Handbook.
3. The following information is included in the Member Handbook, grievance letters
and denial letters:
a. DMHC is responsible for regulating health care service plans. If you have
a grievance against your health plan, you should first telephone your
health plan at 1-800-440-IEHP (4347)/TTY 1-800-718-4347 and use your
health plan’s grievance process before contacting the department.
Utilizing this grievance procedure does not prohibit any potential legal
rights or remedies that may be available to you. If you need help with a
grievance involving an emergency, a grievance that has not been
satisfactorily resolved by your health plan, or a grievance that has
remained unresolved for more than thirty (30) days, you may call the
department for assistance. You may also be eligible for an Independent
Medical Review (IMR). If you are eligible for IMR, the IMR process will
provide an impartial review of medical decisions made by a health plan
related to medical necessity of a proposed service or treatment, coverage
decisions for treatments that are experimental or investigational in nature
and payment disputes for emergency or urgent medical services. The
department also has a toll-free telephone number (1-888-HMO-2219) and
a TTY line (1-877-688-9891) for the hearing and speech impaired. The
department’s Internet Web site has
complaint application forms and instructions online.
b. Medi-Cal Members also have the right to request a Medi-Cal State Fair
Hearing at any time, regardless of whether a complaint has been filed with
A. All Network Practitioners, including those contracted directly with IEHP, are
obligated to participate in and work with IEHP programs, services, standards,
policies and procedures required by IEHP.
B. Practitioners have the right to know what they can expect when working with
C. It is IEHP policy to respect and recognize all practitioners’ rights as follows:
1. As a Practitioner within the IEHP network, you have the right to:
a. Receive information about IEHP, including available programs and
services, its staff and its staff qualifications, operational
requirements, and any contractual relationships;
b. Receive information about how IEHP coordinates its interventions
with treatment plans for individual patients;
c. Receive support from IEHP to make decisions interactively with
patients regarding their health care;
d. Receive contact information for staff responsible for managing and
communicating with the practitioner’s patients;
e. Receive clinical performance data and Member experience data or
results, as applicable when requested.
f. Receive courteous and respectful treatment from IEHP staff; and,
g. Complain about IEHP, including but not limited to: staff, policies,
processes and procedures utilizing IEHP Practitioner Grievance
and Appeal Resolution Process.
2. It is IEHP policy that all practitioners directly contracting with IEHP have
the following credentialing rights:
a. Review information submitted to support your credentialing
b. Correct erroneous information during the credentialing process;
c. Be informed of the status of your credentialing or recredentialing
application upon request; and
d. Be notified of these credentialing rights.
D. It is IEHP policy that practitioners’ have certain responsibilities.
IEHP Provider Policy and Procedure Manual 01/16 MC_22B
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