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The Vallourec Oil & Gas magazine N°07 / November 2014

The tech files

PURE - Premium
Upset Riser Ends
innovation for OCTG Growing into
Extended Reach
Drilling applications
---------- a major player
On the market in Asia Pacific
Vallourec 2014 Sales
Award for innovative
global solutions to
Tullow TEN project

Dear customers,
partners and readers,
The world of oil & gas is both growing and changing. The industry is simultaneously explo-
ring new frontiers in extreme offshore environments and developing unconventional
resources. We are facing the challenge of both increasing reliability of more complex ope-
rations and improving cost efficiency to deliver the cash flow that will fuel E&P investments.
Our ambition is to support our customers in all their endeavors, everywhere in the world,
offering innovation, local value, and cost-effectiveness.

While VAM® leadership remains undisputed, when customers require the best available
technology, we are improving our supply and services model to increase our proximity
and deliver a better Total Cost of Ownership.
We are pursuing an ambitious regional development strategy with new production, R&D
and service facilities in Brazil, Europe, USA, Middle East, China and now Asia Pacific.

Our hub in Batam, Indonesia is a good example of this regional deployment. Thanks to
our 30-year partnership with PT Citra Tubindo, we are offering an integrated regional
supply chain for OCTG that provides green tubes with heat treatment and threading.
Furthermore, we have expanded our local offer to line pipe, accessories, field services,
as well as state-of-the-art testing capabilities and vast port logistics.
Reinforced by competitive local resources and our
hub expertise, we deliver premium quality with record
lead-time thanks to our latest investment in threading

Every one of our hubs can deploy Global Solutions

that include all our products and services, blending
local resources with global support and product lines.
We are proud to bolster our local offers with cutting-
edge innovation like VAM® 21TM, VAM® HTTCTM connec-
tions for high torque, Saturnax 09 advanced welding
solution, or VM 105 DP SS+, for extreme sour service
drill pipe.

We are not just investing in the future of the oil & gas
industry, we are helping our customers shape it. Didier Hornet,
Senior Vice President OCTG
Happy reading! and Drilling Sector

Publisher: Vallourec Oil and Gas France - 27, avenue du Général Leclerc, 92660 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex - France
Editorial Director: Damien de Montlebert - Chief Editor: Hassna Belmalek ( – Phone: +33 1 49 09 35 83
Interviews, articles and editing: Stephan Caso - Drilling section editor: Ludivine Laurent - Pipe Project section editor:
Annette Karsten - Production: Zabriskie, Paris - Design: LeGrand8, Paris - Photographs: Thierry Truck, Vallourec, PT Citra
Tubindo, Serimax, Fotolia, Neuf&9, Stephan Caso, Patrick Fallouey, Philippe Dureuil or as mentioned otherwise. All rights reserved.

VAM® is a registered trademark of Vallourec Oil and Gas France

The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.3
Contents News



Page 6 For the second year in a row, Vallourec was awarded an AGEFI Governance Prize WITH THE NEW SOUR
Focus for Corporate Social Responsibility. SERVICE DRILLING
Growing into a major player Vallourec’s drilling products division has been
in Asia Pacific ONSHORE LINE PIPE & HYDROCARBON making great strides in developing Sour
PROCESSING SEMINAR IN PARIS Service products for the most challenging
sour environments. Our commercial and
Page 12 On 13 November 2014, the team of Vallourec Onshore Line Pipe and Hydrocarbon technical success has been visible through-
Processing activities held its first European customer seminar around the theme: out the world. Recently a major land rig
Solutions “Vallourec – your Partner for Projects”. Representatives of the oil and gas industry, contractor has purchased our new VM-120
Vallourec and Dril-Quip: including operators, EPC’s and distributors gathered at Marriott Conference Centre in DP S grade of drill pipe to drill complex wells
collaboration on a special Paris to learn about latest developments from Vallourec in terms of customer-driven in the Sultanate of Oman. In South America,
production riser coupling project organization, specialty mills to enhance the premium offer and technologies a major offshore service company in Brazil
to solve new challenges and innovations at the heart of Vallourec. Technical experts introduced customers to purchased VAM® DPR HPTM risers developed
the world of pipe manufacturing and two guest speakers from Conline Coating B.V. in combination with our new VM-95 DP SS+
and Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group were highlighting successful partnerships with grade, which exhibits enhanced resistance
Page 15 Vallourec for complex projects. to Sulfide Stress Cracking in the weld zone.
The afternoon was dedicated to working group sessions focused on hydrocarbon pro- And in the North Sea, a major IOC has been
The tech files This prize rewards Vallourec for its transparency and effective implementation of best cessing and line pipe challenges, project management solutions, technical solutions using our very first string of VM-120 DP MS
practice in corporate social responsibility, particularly in the following areas: for sour gas injection challenges and the creation of a value proposition for Fired Heaters. grade of drill pipe in the UK, and has com-
PURE - Premium Upset Riser Ends
• employee shareholding and human resources The positive response of the participants to the overall event has reinforced the plans pleted its first development phase success-
• weighing of potential environmental impact when developing its business of organizing a technical seminar in Dubai in 2015. fully.
Pages 20-22-24 • fulfillment of stakeholder expectations, including those of its customers
and suppliers.
VAM® HTTC™: Groundbreaking “We are delighted to receive this prize again. It reflects the quality of the dialogue we
have established with our stakeholders,” says Jean-Yves Le Cuziat, Vallourec Director
innovation for OCTG Extended of Strategic Marketing and Sourcing. “This is a positive sign that encourages us to
Reach Drilling applications uphold and expand our corporate social responsibility commitments.” VALLOUREC SHALE EXPERTISE
VM-105 DP SS+: A new Drill AT DUG EAGLEFORD 2014
Pipe grade to address increasing
H2S-rich field challenges
Saturnax 09 by Serimax:
The state-of-the-art welding VALLOUREC STAR RECOGNIZED
technology with an outstanding FOR ITS SAFETY PERFORMANCES
track record
Vallourec Star mill in Muskogee Oklahoma, US, was recognized for Excellence in
Safety at the Muskogee City-County Port Authority annual Business and Industry
Page 27 Awards. Nominated by Indian Capital Technology Center (ICTC) the Muskogee facilities
achieved a 60% reduction in no-lost-time injuries from the previous year.
On the market
This award reaffirms Vallourec Star's cuture of safety. Kathy Adair, ICTC director commented,
Vallourec 2014 Sales Award "They have incorporated safety into every business process and decision. They actively
for innovative global solutions seek input and feedback from
to Tullow TEN project all team members... and im-
plement and maintain a con- The Vallourec North America teams exhibited at the DUG Eagleford convention
tinuous improvement-based held in San Antonio (Texas) from September 15-18, 2014. This event brings
Page 30
occupational safety and health together the entire industry related to this world-class shale play with 4,500+
Events management system." attendees, 350+ exhibitors, executive-level speakers, and hours of exclusive net-

The new Vallourec OCTG website

working opportunities. VISIT US AT…
Gary Hauck, General Manager The many visitors to Vallourec booth discovered how the improved performances
is now live! of Vallourec Star Muskogee of the casing and tubing produced at Vallourec Star, and the premium connections Nigeria Oil & Gas
operations commented, "We developed by VAM ® USA contribute to the reliability and safety of their uncon- 16-19 March 2015
Get our upgraded new version of are especially proud of the ventional operations. Abuja, Nigeria
the Vallourec Oil & Gas App now! validation the award repre- According to Ronny Clark, Executive Vice President OCTG – North America, "this Booth #E104
sents. It substantiates the conference allows us to share our know-how for onshore applications with our
Page 31 work we have done to streng- existing customers and the market as a supplier of reliable domestic solutions.
then our already robust safety The live presentations also bring practical knowledge operators can use right
SPE/IADC Conference & Exhibition
People training and the time and effort from our booth." Experts from the North America teams presented performing 17-19 March 2015
Patrick Fallouey, a Maverick our team members put into products for optimized onshore oil and gas operations, such as steel grades with London, UK
the program." tighter tolerances and connections with proven field history. Booth #501
in Standardisation

p.4 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.5

Growing into a major player in Asia Pacific

Vallourec’s reach is
sometimes the fruit of
long-lasting partnerships
and powerful local strategies.
P.T. Citra Tubindo (PTCT),
in Indonesia, is a striking
example of such
partnerships. In under
30 years, PTCT has grown
from a local company
into a world-class partner
of Vallourec throughout
the Asia Pacific area
and beyond.

p.6 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.7
News The tech files Solutions On the market Events People

Pipe Threading
and services
• Threading of seamless pipes from 2-3/8” to 20”
in diameter, according to American Petroleum
Institute (API) standards.
• Manufacturing of couplings in accordance to API
• Drift testing and alignment of pipes, hydro-testing
the pipes to withstand specific pressure.
• Surface treating of threads and couplings such
as phosphating, tin-plating, copper-plating and
• Inspecting, repair and cleaning of pipes and their
• Producing various range of threads and accessories
based on licensing agreements from the world’s
leading seamless pipes producers, including the
technical services from Vallourec for manufacturing
and repairing threaded pipes and accessories of
• Thermal Spray Alumunium (TSA) coating for special
PTCT in Batam,
pipe corrosion control.
Indonesia, just
across the waters PTCT’s facilities are located in Kabil Integrated Industrial drilling products, accessories as well as an all-encom- our teams, our expertise and know-how step by step. All within record supply lead time for the region.
of Singapore,
Estate, Batam, Indonesia, and provide heat treatment, passing port that delivers far beyond Indonesia. We were able to demonstrate, very early on, that we
at the heart
of Asia Pacific. Premium connections such as VAM® and other pro- Kris Wiluan shares the early strategy of the company: could indeed answer the requirements and specifications
prietary OCTG products in addition to oilfield acces- “We started off with a profound desire to be a part of of Oil & Gas companies. With time, we widened and
sories and a wide range of services and logistics solu- the energy sector as it plays such an important role improved our spectrum of services and capabilities,
tions. Together, we can cover most of the tubular needs in the development of our country. Indonesia has showing we were able to exceed expectations, delivering
in Oil & Gas of all the major National and International considerable natural resources and we were proud to richer and more comprehensive solutions to a growingly
Oil Companies. As partners, our help contribute to the wealth of the complex market.”

‘‘ With
scope has expanded vastly, and country. Our philosophy has been
we can now deliver high-value to bring local answers for the pro- Batam, a port at the heart
global solutions worldwide with a
dedicated focus for the regional
partnership duction of oil and gas in the very
country where these resources are
of PTCT’s reach
PTCT’s Kabil port in Batam is unique and strategically
Asia Pacific market. with PTCT, exploited. We have sought to bring located, with 78.4 ha of infrastructures. The deepwater
competitive answers efficient logis- port is at the very heart of the industrial center, providing
On the road to success Vallourec is tics to a fast-growing industry while the infrastructure and reach to serve global export of all
with powerful local
content Partner closer to all its ‘‘ stimulating our national growth.”
Didier Hornet, Senior Vice President
the company’s products and services worldwide. Today,
over 75% of its products are shipped to major International
The story of PT Citra Tubindo
began with founder CEO Kris
customers in OCTG and Drilling Sector, adds,
“With partnership with PTCT,
Oil Companies as well as State Oil Companies, from Batam.
The port can support all operational requirements for off-
Wiluan, in 1983, on the island of Asia Pacific. Vallourec is closer to all its custo- shore drilling as a logistics and operational base for oil
Batam, Indonesia, located just mers in Asia Pacific. We can provide and gas companies, logistic companies and industries
20km south of Singapore. The company started with a faster responses to their needs and requests and rely to stock and fabricate oilfield equipment, including jetty
processing facility that delivered pipe threading for seam- on a powerful local network to deliver even the most services, stevedoring, trucking, wharfage, open storage
less pipes as well as couplings and oilfield accessories, demanding customers. We best serve our clients when yards, and warehouses.
The world-class threading facility supplying
predominantly for its domestic market. PTCT, under the we work with PTCT’s local resources and logistics. the full range of VAM® and NS® products.
leadership of Kris Wiluan and a strong partnership with Together, we have a unique insight on the Asia Pacific A vast array of products and services
Vallourec, developed quickly, becoming a VAM® licensee market and a privileged strategic proximity. Our reach PTCT manufactures a wide range of pipes, connections
as early as 1985 and an associate of Vallourec since over this vast area is definitely enhanced by the powerful and accessories.
its public listing in 1989. By 1994, in addition to con- local content of PTCT.” The seamless pipes heat treatment plant has an annual Supplying accessories
nections and accessories, PTCT had integrated its But the conquest of the Indonesian and Asia Pacific production capacity of 120,000 metric tons and can and maintenance in record time
original pipe threading plant with a state-of-the-art OCTG market was no easy task, as Kris Wiluan continues: produce pipe sizes ranging from 2-3/8” to 13-3/8” in both Short delays and reactivity are the very nature of the acces-
processing center that contained the first tubular heat “Our challenge was to face the huge demands and standard API, Premium and proprietary grades. The sory activity, and PTCT delivers according to customer
treatment facility in Southeast Asia. Three decades after potential of our oil fields and prove we were able to company manufactures thread protectors and packaging need, from a couple of weeks down to a couple of days
its foundation, PTCT has grown into a major logistics supply the materials, equipment and services locally. systems for threaded pipes through integrated solutions after order. PTCT supplies Pups, Cross-overs, lifting equip-
center, boasting a vast facility that includes OCTG and It was quite a task, as we started from scratch. We built to reduce the dependency from other suppliers. ment, TMC services (threading) on completion and well /...
p.8 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.9
News The tech files Solutions On the market Events People

The Total Brunei Project

Superior solutions for the most challenging
operating conditions
The Total Brunei project will be operated by Total’s affiliates
Total E&P Borneo, in Brunei and will be operating in extreme
The development wells will be producing at depths greater than
5,000 m, in a highly corrosive environment and sustaining High
Pressure/High Temperature. These conditions position the
project at a new frontier of field development. This project
consolidates Vallourec’s leadership in premium solutions for the
Oil & Gas industry operating in very complex environments and
its position as a strong global solutions and local player.
Didier Hornet declared: “We are honored to have been selected
by Total for this complex offshore project. This contract recognizes
Vallourec’s ability to provide the most advanced premium tubular
solutions and services in the most challenging environments.
We will work alongside Total to develop the local contribution
and deliver the highest value to this project.”
Vallourec will equip the wells with premium pipes, the majority
of which is high alloyed, corrosion-resistant grades, threaded
with its latest premium connection VAM® 21TM. Casing and tubing
Make to order, will be manufactured in Vallourec’s European & PTCT plants,
short lead time, Global Solutions. Building with the logistics and facilities of PTCT. The drilling operations
stock management, a strategy for the future are scheduled to start in the second half of 2015.
PTCT offers a full
heads. Thanks to its OCTG core business, PTCT also application, bending loads and elevated temperature “Asia Pacific is a very competitive area. Selling even
scope of logistics
and services. sells base pipe for sand screens. testing. Also located within the CDEC facility is the CNC the widest range of products isn’t enough to remain an Project content: a new frontier
As accessories are a specific market segment, PTCT set threading and torque/turn, stress/strain, equipment. influential player in the industry of Oil & Gas, especially for materials & connections
up a workshop with a dedicated team to offer optimal Validating performance in specific well conditions can with so many low-cost suppliers blossoming in Asia…” • Connection types
service. Flexibility is of the essence and the accessory even help improve the design for each specific well. explains Kris Wiluan, “In our Oil & Gas industry today, - Latest connections: VAM® 21TM & VAM® HPTM
department can deliver all items for connections ranging The Batam facility is unique in the region: Vallourec we aim to be higher in the food chain. We can supply - 5 dimensions tested under the most severe conditions
from 2 3/8” to 22”. In addition, the facility’s workshop can and PTCT can claim having the most advanced and port logistics, repairs and maintenance, training, local - 3 out 4 R&D qualification engineers / 18 months of tests
also handle the maintenance of OCTG and Drilling con- comprehensive testing facility in the Asia Pacific area. organization and oilfield services in addition to our • Materials
nections, including the most complex products like VAM® products because this is where we can bring value to - VM 125 SS
BOLTTM and VAM® 21TM. the market. With our sister companies, we are even - VM 110 13ECRSS CY: enhanced Super 13%Cr
TESTING FACILITY widening our offer to supply rigs and field equipment.”

- VM 22: material and QC at the highest limits
Our challenge The most advanced A remarkable example of a Vallourec’s global solutions • Accessories
was to face the huge testing facility offer is the ongoing Total Brunei project that combines - Fit-for-purpose products (Inconel, drill cross-over blank pipes, etc).
demands and in Southeast Asia DESTRUCTIVE TEST
high-end premium products and PTCT’s best logistics
A very efficient organization
With Oil & Gas companies exploring and services (see box).
potential of our oil and drilling in tougher oil fields and
• Tensile Test
In addition, Vallourec will enhance its Asia Pacific area
• Dedicated project team set-up with key account
• Spectrometer Test
fields and prove we environments, product behavior is key: • Hardness Test offer with solutions for subsea, supplying offshore line
management organization
• Dedicated plant, QA/QC, sales focal points
were able to supply testing the performance of all products • Charphy Test pipe for SURF projects with PTCT. Vallourec will be
• Monthly follow-up meetings with Total Brunei drilling team.
the materials,
equipment and
‘‘ and accessories is crucial to ensure
well integrity. To verify the reliability
of the final product, a fully calibrated
• Metallography Test
• Collapse test.
delivering 7,118 tons of flowline to Technip for the Jangkrik
gas field development project (for Eni Muara Bakau B.V.,
the Operator of the Muara Bakau PSC, off the coast of
Global services
• Advanced Logistics
services locally. in-house inspection facility was created
• Special End Area Magnetic Particle
Makassar Strait, Indonesia). - Production hub with PTCT giving high flexibility and very
by PTCT to carry out a large number strong reactivity to Total requests
of destructive and non-destructive tests. In addition, Inspection of the pipes Didier Hornet concludes: “Batam proves a powerful hub - Logistic focal point based in Singapore with technical support
Citra Tubindo created an in-house Connection Deve- • Magnetic Particle Inspection for Vallourec’s reach in Asia Pacific. PTCT is a key partner and Operations General Management
• Ultra Sonic testing
lopment Evaluation Centre (CDEC), under VAM® quality and its wide scope of logistics and services are a major • Local content requirement
• Electro Magnetic Inspection
supervision, to perform combined load gas testing for asset in a highly competitive area. We are confident we - Local VAM® Field Service Branch
• Hydrostatic Test
premium connections. The center houses a 1,000 ton can continue to expand our reach in the Asia Pacific by - Local maintenance and repair solutions with PTCT.
• Dimensional Inspection.
horizontal load frame providing axial loading in ten- combining innovation, strong local value and bold global
sion and compression, internal and external pressure solutions for our most demanding customers!”

p.10 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.11
News Focus The tech files On the market Events People

New features for VAM® formance gave great confidence in

Vallourec and Dril-Quip Based on the design proposed, Vallourec took the coupling design and allowed
the challenge of incorporating the new features manufacturing to move forward.

Collaboration on a special into their 14” VAM® TTR™ connection. The VAM®
TTR™ connection is a field proven design that
features an internal metal to metal seal, fatigue
From the drawing board
to manufacturing

production riser coupling enhanced threads, fatigue bending profile

(swoosh) and external metal to metal seal. It was
first successfully run 10 years ago in the Gulf of
Since the internal handling profile
became an inherent part of the
coupling design, Vallourec had to

to solve new challenges Mexico and since on multiple products.

Through Finite Element Analysis (FEA), the coupling
design with internal handling grooves was modeled
identify the best way to machine the
profile using standard manufacturing
processes. The most critical point
and tested to verify there were no adverse effects was to machine the IRT handling
Vallourec and Dril-Quip, leaders in riser with weld-on and threaded and coupled riser joint on the tension, compression or fatigue perfor- profile in the correct location within
connections. The utilization of two types of joint mance of the connection. The FEA simulated the the specified tolerances while main-
systems, collaborated on an innovative connectors results in a reduced string weight while load steps of an ISO13679 CAL-III test on the pipe taining the production efficiency.
design and manufacture of a special coupling meeting the high fatigue resistance and loading
requirements. Seeing the opportunity to provide a single
and connection using techniques developed by
Vallourec within the elastic-plastic strain metho-
Typically the shoulder region does
not require high tolerances thus
to meet the installation requirements of a riser joint handling tool to run both types of riser con- dology. Comparison of the new coupling design allowing the coupling face to shoulder
nections, Dril-Quip worked with Vallourec to develop to Vallourec’s large library of FEA and physical length to be controlled tightly. The
single barrier top tension production riser. the special VAM® TTR™ coupling with an internal hand- testing of similar connections showed positive key innovation to success was
ling profile, as shown in Figure 1. The major benefits results. The stresses in critical areas of the special to design a single direction high
from the single IRT include minimized rig operations and coupling are consistent with standard VAM® TTR™ tolerance coupling. For standard
The Campos Basin tension leg wellhead platform (TLWP) reductions in required backup equipment. As the ope- connections. couplings both sides A and B are
project called for a high fatigue resistant coupling to rator changes between the various riser joints (PR-80™ identical; no distinction is made for
meet the environmental and system loading conditions. and VAM® TTR™) and specialty joints, the same running Outstanding testing results which side can be made up to the
Furthermore, for flow assurance, the riser is coated with tool is utilized to eliminate down time in changing out Following FEA evaluation, physical testing was pipe pin thread. However, in order
2 in. of thermal insulation. The insulation and the requi- equipment as well as reducing operator error by main- completed to further validate the coupling design. to accommodate proper IRT make-
Figure 2:
rement for cathodic protection created several challen- taining the same functionality in tool make-up. Dril-Quip’s Vallourec performed a full ISO13679:2002 CAL-III up, the internal profile was indicated off of one
VAM® TTRTM riser
ges for running the riser and for attaching the earthing IRT is hydraulically operated and functions with an internal test of the VAM® TTR™ connection in addition to coupling side during machining. This “quality con- coupling during
strap to each of the submerged riser joint couplings piston actuating radial segments into the internal handling fatigue testing utilizing six samples. The connec- trol by design” method drastically reduced the fatigue testing.
while ensuring electrical continuity. grooves of the coupling. tion test results matched the FEA in tension, and reject rate such that the coupling could be manu-
The tool is designed with mechanical secondary locks most importantly in compression, as this was the factured in an economically viable way. In order
A single internal and visual indicators to provide positive tool make-up area that could be most affected by the presence to ensure visual identification of the high tolerance
handling tool when fully installed in either the Dril-Quip PR-80™ or of the lifting grooves. The internal handling profile, IRT engagement side, a special band was painted
Dril-Quip has previously developed internal running tools Vallourec’s VAM® TTR™ coupling. as well as the anode threaded attachment hole, on the coupling along with an explicit instruction
(IRT) for use with their PR-80™ riser couplings along The PR-80™ and VAM® TTR™ internal running tool was presented areas of high stress concentrations procedure for coupling to pipe makeup. The first
with numerous other marine riser connections. The successfully load tested to 2.25 times the tool rating in which potentially could limit the fatigue life of the manufacturing order of the pipe and couplings
production riser systems for the TLWP are designed both couplings to industry requirements. connection. Dril-Quip took this into consideration was completed in late 2012.
when creating the shape of the internal handling
profile, allowing large radii and smooth transitions. The success of a partnership
However, the threaded area of the anode attach- While the project presented challenges and
ment hole, with its sharp thread start, was still an required new developments, the design synergy
area of special interest. In order to mitigate poten- provided the greatest benefit to the end user by
tial concerns, Vallourec subjected the connection reducing operational time and risk. The production
to fatigue cycles using the eccentric mass cyclic riser coupling met all performance criteria and
bending method, shown in Figure 2. In this was successfully manufactured to meet the
method the pipe and connection experience a project demands. Dril-Quip’s knowledge and
predetermined stress via bending induced by an expertise in designing and creating running tools,
eccentric mass. The resulting alternating bending as well as Vallourec’s VAM® Riser connection
Figure 1:
motion resembles that of a school ground jump– developing, testing, and manufacturing expe-
Riser Handling rope at 20 to 30 Hz. By subjecting the VAM® rience, allowed the two companies to create this
Tool installed TTR™ connection and pipe to the fatigue stress innovative solution.
in VAM® TTR™ cycles, it was demonstrated that the connection Darren Mills, Capital Equipment Engineering Manager,
and PR-80™
was able to achieve over 6,000,000 cycles with Dril-Quip, Inc. Michael Tricarico, Technical Sales Manager
Riser Couplings. for Threaded and Coupled Risers, Vallourec USA.
a resulting SAF of less than 1.5 using the DNV Article ran in the August issue of Hart’s E&P and is being
B1 2005 curve (air). This high level of fatigue per- reprinted with permission.

p.12 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.13
News Focus Solutions On the market Events People
The tech files

Riser Ends

PURE is a ready for service solution

for offshore applications developed
by Vallourec specifically to eliminate
the need for pre-matching pipe ends
and to give more consistent fatigue
orbital performance.

The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.15
News Focus Solutions On the market Events People
The tech files

Driven by Deepwater,
the new frontier
The ongoing shift towards deepwater and ultra-deepwater are therefore crucial in selecting products for steel catenary PURE
fields in Oil & Gas calls for more specialized and superior riser (SCR) applications.
technologies in pipe design and metallurgy. These new The main target for expanding the possibilities of SCR
solutions must overcome increasing technical cons- applications is to significantly enhance fatigue life.
traints while reducing project and operational costs. Technically, that means optimizing the riser pipe-end
Deep and ultra deep field constraints, like high pressure/ and welding capabilities to guarantee superior fatigue
high temperature, high fatigue loads and stresses, lead performance.
to a high level of technical and safety requirements to PURE stands for “Premium Upset Riser Ends”. It is
ensure end-to-end integrity. a ready-for-service solution for offshore applications
With exploration in offshore areas for Oil & Gas extending developed by Vallourec providing an assured pipe end
to deeper waters, Vallourec has set out to develop pro- match, minimum stress concentration factors as well
ducts that can withstand increasing workloads in more as an unaffected media flow. A complex heat treatment
extreme environments. High resistance against fatigue, and an optimized chemical composition result in assured
in combination with optimized tolerances at pipe ends, mechanical properties over the entire upset end line pipe.

SAIPEM, a major EPC in the market explains : “The Welding qualification requirements are indeed getting
costs of subsea projects increased a lot, driven by more and more demanding and can be a critical factor
challenging applications like HP/HT, Deepwater, and as they can seriously delay a project (delays can
highly corrosive environments. In this context, the amount to 1 million$/day in cost). Today, the biggest
welding operations contain a high saving potential challenge for ultra-deepwater projects is that clients
within the supply chain (lower defect rates, faster ope- are requesting both higher yield strength and heavier
ration). It is important to be aware of the risks at an walls at the same time. This simultaneous increase of
early stage of the project and to share the responsibility both characteristics was a barrier until PURE was deve-
of saving costs between all parties involved in the loped. High strength steel and wall thicknesses above
project. This includes the features of the pipe in terms 1.0 inch, make it very difficult to meet all the corrosion
of materials and geometry which have direct impact standards required by NACE in the weld, including
on the weldability.” the heat-affected zone. Geometry
Furthermore, the geometrical features of the pipe of the pipes, operating with a very low repair rate.
have a considerable impact on the welding. For Steel SAIPEM confirms this with hands-on, with their field
Catenary Riser applications, counterbored pipes, and experience: “This is a great contribution to the produc-
even end-trued pipes, have more limitations than an tivity of our laying vessels. Our experience with the
upset pipe end. Upset pipe ends are ideal as upsetting installation of PURE Riser for the P55 project offshore
does not display any eccentricity and machining is Brazil has convinced us that our common route with
perfect: all pipes ends are concentric to each other. Vallourec is the further development of pipe end solution
This enables an efficient, quick and constant fit-up concepts like PURE.”

Vallourec Premium
Tubular Solutions
The development of innovative pre-material is key.
Vallourec is well established in alloying concepts for
the X65 and X70 grades with high strength properties.
Saipem has successfully pre-qualified the pipes for
PURE pipe end the Total EGINA project, for instance. Our collabora-
after machining. tion comprises a full qualification of high strength
steel chemistries, which meet Saipem’s requirements
in terms of weldability.
1 - NACE is a standards-writing organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
There are three categories of NACE standards: Standard Practices (SPs), Material Requirements (MRs) and Test Methods (TMs).

p.16 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.17
News Focus Solutions On the market Events People
The tech files

The Process
To realize optimal pipe end tolerances for Hi-Lo’s2 in offshore nominal wall thickness, there is no weight increase of the
installations, the pipe ends are upset at the outer diameter product. Eccentricity and out of roundness are no longer
(OD) and inner diameter (ID). Upsetting is followed by a full a concern. The flow assurance is unaffected. During
body heat treatment. Afterwards, the inside and outside of laying operations, each PURE steel catenary riser and
the pipe ends are machined to achieve the inner diameter subsea flowline can therefore be immediately welded to the
tolerance of ± 0.25 mm and the outer diameter ± 0.75 mm. following pipe with optimal processing parameters, without
Since the upset pipe end is machined to nearly original prior sorting, thus requiring less weld re-work and cut-outs.

After extensive testing, the PURE design has successfully
been used by major Oil & Gas players in deepwater offshore
conditions. The PURE design meets the most stringent
requirements in terms of fatigue life as well as end dimen-
sioning tolerances.

‘‘ In operation, PURE
results in a significantly
longer service life of the ‘‘
weld under dynamic
stress conditions.
As new offshore discoveries go deeper the need for increased
fatigue life will be of major importance together with
reduced times for line-up and welding. Vallourec is once
again a pioneer and leader in developing and industrializing
PURE pipe end
the most complex solutions for the most demanding Oil & after upsetting.
Gas players in the world.


• Internal and external upsetting of pipe ends with subsequent machining to perfect geometry

• Perfect ID tolerances of +/- 0.001 inch (+/- 0.25 mm)

• Enhanced OD tolerance of +/- 0.003 inch (+/- 0.75 mm)

• No pipe end misalignment

• Easy line-up for welding

• Enhanced fatigue properties

• No need for end machining at location and no need for pipe sorting or end dimensioning

• Uniform wall thickness and surface finish for reliable AUT (no need for various calibration blocks and thus
reduced inspection time

• Available in sizes 8 5/ 8” (219.1mm) up to 16” (406.4mm)

• PURE design is feasible for reel-laying

2 - Hi-Lo stands for the difference of either the external ot internal diameter of 2 pipe ends which will have to be welded together. The bigger
the Hi-Lo the less mechanical strength the final weld will have.

p.18 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014
News Focus The tech files On the market Events People

Groundbreaking innovation
for OCTG Extended Reach 20” Surface Casing

Drilling applications 800.00 m 13 3/8” Intermediate Casing

VAM® HTTCTM 9 5/8” Production Casing

VAM® HTTCTM 6 5/8”

Production Liner
Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) market 4,700.00 m
was looking for new technical solutions 9,175.00 m
12,700.00 m
for the toughest long reach oil fields.
ERD schematic
Vallourec designs new extreme high torque sales were mobilized in the Middle East, Europe and the be attributed in Q1 of 2015. Hoping we are awarded, first made by Vallourec.

premium connection for ERD applications. United States, cooperating continuously with the end- delivery is expected towards the end of the year 2015.”
user in Abu Dhabi, ZADCO, as well as with ExxonMobil.”
Vallourec enriches its VAM® premium connections offer for Aykut Yanik continues, “Beyond the technical achieve- Ready for the future!
tubing and casing, creating a new benchmark in high torque ment, this was a fantastic experience in terms of relations Leonardo Azeredo concludes: “Beyond the artificial islands
capability, high tensile efficiency and gas tight sealability. and communication. Coordination was a daily challenge, project, this is a high-value niche product: wherever you
Aykut Yanik, Marketing and Technical Senior Manager for considering there were so many different players in the cannot drill vertically, then VAM® HTTC™ is the ultimate tor-
Vallourec in the Middle East tells the story: “In 2009, ZADCO project, in so many different places. In this kind of deve- que capable product and safest solution for lateral drilling!”
(Zakum Development Company), was working on behalf of lopment, communication is key at every stage of rese-
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in conjunction with Exxon arch, engineering and qualification, especially when you
Mobil. They decided to build a network of artificial islands consider we had to work in a narrow timeframe and bea-
amid the Arabian Gulf rather than offshore platforms. A choice ring in mind the huge technical barriers we had to break.” VAM® HTTC™ in a nutshell
encouraged by exceptional circumstances: the seabed off
the shores of Abu Dhabi is robust and shallow (6-13 meters). Technical challenge and qualification APPLICABLE RANGE
In this instance, artificial islands for Oil & Gas are cost effective With previous existing connections, the limit of torque • Available soon from 3 1/2" to 11 7/8”
in this area where running an installation on firm land is less tolerance would draw the line of mechanical and drilling Standard, alternative and special drifts
• Carbon, Martensitic stainless steel (13%Cr & Super 13%Cr), Duplex, Super
costly than running an array of several offshore platforms. capabilities. But as end-users have started requesting
Duplex and Nickel base Alloys. Yield Strengths from 80 ksi to 125 ksi.
Fields are safer and offer the convenience of onshore exploi- both higher technical performance and safer, more reliable
tation. Technically, however, the island network requires a solutions, we were challenged to design a new, superior APPLICATIONS
large amount of connection for long horizontal wells rather option for the market. The remarkable feature of VAM® • Extended reach wells and horizontal wells with long laterals
than for vertical wells to reach the fields, and, in addition, HTTC™ is that we have brought torque performance • Rotating while cementing
offer superior torque capability while preserving 100% tight- connections to a whole new level, with a self-locking • Drilling with casing/reaming with casing
ness. These connections needed to outperform anything capability that guarantees the connection is operational • Production casing, tie-backs and liners.
available on the market.” and sealed. PERFORMANCE
Leonardo Azeredo, Marketing & Technical Sales, pro- “After we have applied this extreme high torque to the • Sealability as per the most stringent outcoming test procedure API
duct leader for VAM® HTTC™, continues: “To answer the application, the connection remains gas-tight. You must 5C5:2013 CAL-IV
challenges of this project, Vallourec set off to design and understand that well integrity is paramount! Optimal • Tension: 100% PBYS capacity
engineer a cutting-edge technological solution, VAM® HTTC™, performance must be maintained, even after maximum • Compression: 80% CYS compression for sealability
that delivers extreme torque capabilities while ensuring full torque is reached. That is what we have achieved and (100% PBYS uniaxial compression)
connection integrity.” that’s what makes the difference for the client.” explains • Internal pressure: 100% pipe pressure rating
Leonardo Azeredo. • Collapse: 100% Pipe collapse
Building a solution together: In addition to the most stringent Vallourec testing protocols, • Bending: 95% PBYS capacity (40% under ISO)
a worldwide achievement for Vallourec technical qualification was successfully run through • Extreme high torque capacity.
VAM® HTTC™ is the fruit of an impressive global partnership, ExxonMobil’s own connection test procedure, considered BENEFITS
within Vallourec and beyond. Many players worked together amongst the most demanding in the world. VAM® HTTC™ • Extreme High torque capability (2 times above standard premium)
to design, validate and qualify every phase of the development. has proved a superior and reliable solution, above all other allowing string rotation through highly deviated & long lateral sections
Leonardo Azeredo explains “The main design, development existing options on the market. • Full sealability performances as per API: 2013 CAL IV maintained even
and testing was carried out in our Houston R&D facility and Aykut Yanik continues: “Technical qualification rounds are after high torque application
was managed by the business manager in France, with the still ongoing and should be finalized by December 2014. • Simple, reliable and easy running.
support of our R&D facility in Aulnoye. Experts and technical Commercially, the first awards for the artificial islands should

p.20 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.21
News Focus The tech files On the market Events People

VM-105 DP SS+
A new Drill Pipe
grade to address
H2S-rich field
It is well known that H2S is hazardous
to human health, living organisms,
and more generally to the environment.
Historically, this is the reason wells
containing sour gas were often
carefully plugged and abandoned.
One of the latest drilling products
developed by Vallourec to address
highly sour fields, VM-105 DP SS+,
exhibits SSC resistance in the weld
and pipe body upset areas, The SSC resistance
exceeding IRP 1.8 requirements. Highly Sour Fields: Standard, and includes high strength steels and SSC by IRP. Both the upset area and the friction weld were
of both the welds
and upset areas has
A New Frontier requirements in the assembly zone of the drill pipe. more vulnerable in terms of SSC resistance due to been assessed according
Steel tubular products, such as drill pipe, may be Some highly sour oil and gas reservoirs are currently From a product point of view, the new challenges asso- metallurgical factors, such as the heterogeneity of the to the NACE TM177
Method A and Solution A.
exposed to Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2 S) during drilling being explored with H2S content beyond what could ciated with particularly sour fields require innovative, microstructure, different chemical compositions
operations in the event of well control loss, or if the have been imagined a decade ago. In order to explore, highly engineered, drill string solutions to increase the between the tool joint and the pipe body, as well as
drill pipe are used with under-balanced drilling tech- appraise and develop these new fields, which often safety margin related to SSC failure risks, especially high hardness values close to the weld line.
niques. When one or more factors are combined, this combine sour and deep/complex well profiles, in the upset and welded zones. To achieve our outstanding results, we implemented
contact can lead to a crack initiation that can propa- significant safety challenges must to be overcome, several improvements in drill pipe tool joint chemistry
gate and lead to catastrophic failure, and this even including maintaining drill pipe integrity. Vallourec’s Latest Innovation and post-weld heat treatment. As a result, the hard-
with stresses largely below the yield limit of the steel. From a normative standpoint, regional initiatives con- to Address Drilling Challenges ness gap between the pipe body and the tool joint
With the increasing demand of gas worldwide, some tinue to be influential, with the upcoming revision of in High H2S Environments has been significantly decreased. The weld line is no
highly sour oil and gas reservoirs have been explored IRP Volume 1, but also the emerging use of IRP Volume Vallourec is a premium manufacturer of drilling longer distinguishable using micro-hardness map-
in Russia, the Middle East, China and North America. 6 in the industry. This volume addresses critical sour products. We are perpetually developing new grades pings, indicating a more homogeneous microstructure.
The development of such fields, which contain a high underbalanced drilling, and, although it was published able to extend the current drilling envelope, and The SSC resistance of both the welds and upset areas
percentage of sour gas, represents significant drill in 2004, it has only been used recently. Furthermore, pushing the frontiers of sour gas development, safely. has been assessed according to the NACE TM177
pipe integrity and operational safety challenges. The the Chinese government has put together its own One of our latest products developed to address Method A and Solution A. This new grade of drill pipe
combination of tubular failures due to Sulfide Stress standard placing more stringent requirements on Sour highly sour fields, VM-105 DP SS+, exhibits SSC has been fully qualified to provide higher safety margins * Petroleum and Natural Gas
Industries – OCTG used for
Cracking (SSC) and rising HSE concerns when Service drill pipe used in sour gas wells. The standard resistance in the weld and pipe body upset areas, compared to any other existing grades on the market. special environment. Part 2-
dealing with sour gas have led the industry to develop was issued by the National Energy Administration of exceeding IRP 1.8 requirements. Sour Service drill Drill pipe used in sour oil &
Vincent Flores, gas fields (National Energy
new drill pipe grades with enhanced resistance to China and implemented in 2012*. The specification pipe have long been used with tool joints and tubes Administration of China,
Global Product Line Manager,
SSC. is largely influenced by sections 1.8 & 6.3 of the IRP fulfilling separate criteria for Sour Service as defined Vallourec Drilling Products. 2012).

p.22 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.23
News Focus The tech files On the market Events People

Saturnax 09 by Serimax
The state-of-the-art
welding technology
with an outstanding
track record
Welding is at the heart of onshore and
offshore projects and constitutes one of
the most crucial stages in the field. To satisfy
the specifications of the various different line
pipe types (CRA, Deepsea, Structural, and
Arctic), technically demanding projects, and
a higher level of precision, Serimax has
developed a new groundbreaking welding
bug and band system with an extensive
range of application: the Saturnax 09.

A versatile, be accommodated range from the traditional Dual An amazing system, installed on the production line, and the fewer materials
advanced welding solution GMAW to the Dual PGMAW, covering the CMT (cold “made for welders by welders” need to be transported to the laying site. Saturnax 09
The fact is that this new unit is extremely versatile, with metal transfer) process as well. Through our continual This new system also meets customer expectations reduces this cut-back distance by about 70 mm on a
the ability to handle multiple welding processes, which improvement process, the evolution of this latest bug when it comes to cut-back reduction. The cut-back joint to be welded in the case of a concrete element at
allows us to offer customers a unique tool with a huge and band system is capable of welding on any type of is the distance over which the end of the pipe is bare, 90°, and with a concrete element at 45° can even
scope of applications, and to ensure compatibility with edge (V, J, K) in any position (1G, 2G, 5G, 6G), on with the coating removed. The more the cut-back is reduce it to 100 mm.
all kinds of pipeline projects. The processes that can Serimax Classic bands. reduced, the less pipe protection materials need to be With the operational involvement of our internal expertise /...

2013 - CLOV: The first operational success for the Saturnax 09 2014 - DAMAR project in Malaysia: The Saturnax 09 winning over Asia Pacific
The CLOV project was located offshore Angola, in the vicinity The CLOV Project was the first outing for Saturnax 09’s, using First project in APAC region using the new Saturnax 09, the Operators. Moreover, a close coordination with the internal team
of Girassol, Dalia and Pazflor fields. Operated by Total E&P the pulsed GMAW dual-torch process. A dedicated Project and Damar project successfully delivered 1,768 CRA welds with 1.13% as well as risk anticipation helped meet the client’s expectations
Angola, the CLOV SURF contract was awarded to Subsea 7. It Welding Engineering Team had been assigned to CLOV, working repair rate. For Serimax, it is also a good and first track record in terms of quality, safety and schedule.
was the first real-world mission for the Saturnax 9, in 2013. hand-in-hand with the R&D and Operational Methods Team to both of CMT application on CRA production worldwide and of The outcome? Gaining experience on Saturnax 09, CMT,
Serimax had won the pipeline welding scope of work onboard support Subsea 7 for seamless integration of the new technology the use of Scanvision (internal camera) in this region. Besides, Scanvision and technology transfer to the Asia Pacific region.
Subsea 7’s flagship vessel, the Borealis, and was eager to test and processes onboard the Borealis. Serimax integrated the OMS expertise on pipe dimensioning The project also widens the reach and potential of advanced
the Saturnax in a full-scale project. The workscope included The Saturnax 09 welding equipment operated for 7 months onboard (onshore) and pipe SmartFitTM (offshore) to achieve HiLo requi- technologies for future missions in this area.
welding 10” and 12” X65 pipes over 120 km in the J-Lay position Subsea 7’s pipe laying vessel, Seven Borealis. Serimax success- rement. In addition to the CLOV and Damar projects, the Saturnax
and approximately 20km in S-Lay, with production estimated fully completed its mission in August 2013, having accomplished This project required dynamic planning, with short mobilization 09 performed outstandingly in the Block 31 project in
to take nine months. The award came after successful prelimi- around 5,500 welds on pipes, including corrosion and fatigue- notice for equipment as well as personnel. Serimax also ensured Angola, the Ofon 2 project in Nigeria and the Martin Linge
nary weldability tests operations with Subsea 7 onboard the sensitive sections, exceeding client expectations, with record suitable training when assigning new roles such as Scanvision project in Norway, setting a new standard in the industry
Antares and Polaris vessels. welding times and minimal repair rates. Technicians or Technical Supervisors and Dimensioning and making Vallourec a leader in welding services.

p.24 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.25
News Focus The tech files On the market Events People News Focus The tech files Solutions Events People
Solutions On the market

Vallourec 2014 Sales Award

for innovative global solutions
to Tullow TEN project

productivity and in maintenance and welding, our R&D team came up For a bug & band welding system, the weight of the bug
flexibility: the
most advanced with a design for a device that meets the wide range of is an essential consideration. On average, the bug is
welding solution technical challenges incurred in supporting the full scope handled a hundred times per shift. This makes it essential
on the market.
of project challenges The Saturnax 09 has also captured that the new unit is capable of taking on whatever system
positive HSE improvements to the design including an the welders use. The new system is also retro-compatible
automated fume and smoke extraction system, and sets for use by welders who have already worked on prior
new standards in the quality of ergonomics in use (versatile Saturnax products.
two-hand control of the latch-roller, torch alignment, etc.). For other users, as far as maintenance is concerned,
the new unit is tough, easily accessible, and easy to
Tough, easy to use maintain. Saturnax 09 offers Serimax a new tool at
and easy to maintain the heart of the profession, to win new markets and
The design team overcame other challenges like, for achieve new standards of excellence. The Saturnax 09
example, a reduction in weight and easier maintenance. delivers.

Saturnax 09 BENEFITS
• Enhanced productivity
Welding processes:

in a nutshell • Multi-welding process

• 2 independent stick-out
• Dual torches Pulsed GMAW The Pipe Project Division of Vallourec was awarded the Tullow TEN
Saturnax 09 is a versatile bug and band • Up to 4 synchronized bugs • FCAW contract, a major ultra-deepwater project, by Subsea 7, in November
welding system for premium materials. • Integral and real-time QA/QC • Standard single or dual torch(es)
It offers enhanced productivity and qua- • Reduced overall pipe laying costs GMAW. 2013, thanks to an ambitious global solutions offer that includes a
• Reduced cut-back Welding speed:
lity as a result of its multi-welding capa-
• Reduced spare parts • 20 to 150 cm/min.
high level of execution and project management.
bilities and two independent stick-out
system. It is also possible to deploy up • Integrated fume extraction. Material Weldability: Vallourec will be delivering seamless offshore line-pipe Co-designing the TEN offer with product,
to four synchronized bugs on pipes over • Carbon steel (from Grade A to x 100) and fully integrated services for a total of 15,000 tons services and project execution
22 inches. EQUIPMENT MAIN DESCRIPTION • CRA - Inconel Basis pipes dedicated to the subsea infrastructure of produc- Discussions with Vallourec began as far back as 2010-
• Overall Dimension: • CRA - Stainless Steel Basis tion flowlines and gas export lines. 2011. The lead process was long and complex: Tullow
Saturnax 09 is lightweight and allows for L=250mm x W=420mm x H=366mm • CRA - Duplex / Superduplex Basis Stéphane Chrobot, project manager for Vallourec’s pipe TEN had specific technical constraints and Subsea 7
reduced cut-back to minimize on-site coa- • Bug weight: 15kg • CRA - Cryogenic. and SURF activities, explains: “We are supplying a com- expected a high level of flow assurance. Subsea 7 wanted
ting operations. Its advanced plug & play • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +60°C plete package, a ready to install solution for the client. to keep the system as light as possible with a non-standard
modular concept will help reduce mainte- • Bevel: Narrow Gap J type & API V type POWER SUPPLY This is a fully integrated project for ultra-deep. To put it pipe-in-pipe, outside API dimensions. Technically,
nance crew costs and the welding skills Bevels. REQUIREMENTS simply, we’ll be delivering a final 24-meter long product Vallourec offered a specifically designed pipe-in-pipe
profile required on-site. What’s more, with • Electricity: 70 kVA - 440 Vac Tri-Phases that includes pipe-in-pipe (PiP), coating, sleeves and that performs outstanding tolerances for both the
its built in fume extraction systems, it also PIPE DIAMETER CAPACITY OD min + 220 Vac Single Phase - 50/60 Hz double-jointing. We are coordinating every stage of the diameters of the outer pipe and inner pipe, with coating,
exceeds even the most stringent HSE • 6.63“ / 168.5mm WELDING POSITION • Pneumatic: 8 bars dry project internally, with all the project players. From a dedicated sleeves and a unique welding solution.
requirements while protecting our person- CAPACITY 5G (S lay, Landlines) 2G (J- • Shielding Gas: Bi-mix (Ar-He) or Tri mix logistics and organizational point of view, this is a new Indeed, Serimax is welding both the double-joints on
nel and the environment. lay) 1G (Prefab, DJ) 6G (Fabrication, J-lay). (Ar-He-CO2). milestone in subsea for Vallourec and a very effective land and the pipes on the vessel, during the laying cam-
solution for the client.” paign. This ultimately provides greater integrity for the /...
p.26 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.27
News Focus The tech files Solutions Events People
On the market

Just in time workflow

and logistics
Stéphane Chrobot continues: “The tricky part is our
last stage, in Caen, where we finalize the 24meter long
sections with the pipe-in-pipe and welding. We opti-
mized the delivery of the pipes so there wouldn’t be
too many pipes at the same time, so we, or the client
wouldn’t have to manage a

huge yard (remember the
whole order is 15,000 tons,
Vallourec’s involvement
hundreds of kilometers!). We in several stages of the
set up an intermediary platform TEN project demonstrates
so the products would arrive
regularly, smoothly, according
our ability to generate
to production and to the pro- added value for our clients
ject’s real-time schedule. This through flexibility, synergies
definitely represents value
for the customer, as he has
and close cooperation.
neither bottlenecks in terms By providing an important
double-jointing. of storage nor organization to number of non-standard
manage. For us, it’s time
A powerful saving and easier to coordi-
pipe dimensions and
European cluster,
Vallourec integrated flowlines and export lines as well as a very high level of A powerful European cluster meetings for action logs between the mills, Serimax, nate the products and docu- welding solutions we help
solutions for
Tullow TEn.
flow-assurance. Integration reaches a new level with the European cluster the coating and pipe-in-pipe partners. A monthly steering mentation. Just in time is what Subsea 7 facilitate the
Furthermore, Tullow TEN raises the threshold of subsea
offers for Vallourec as it contains not only technical and
industrial value, but also a considerable amount of project
the Pipe Project Division created for Tullow TEN. By
choosing its best partners in Germany, the Netherlands
and France, Vallourec maximized proximity and enhanced
committee is held, attended by Dominique Richardot,
the plant managers, managers of Serimax and our
customer, Subsea 7. This “under the same roof” approach
you want to aim for.”
Tullow TEN is a milestone in
Vallourec Global Solutions,
pipe-in-pipe design
optimization, and thus
management, coordination and logistics. Dominique the workflow of every stage of production, making logis- is efficient and time-saving: every player has the whole a breakthrough in bringing reduce total costs.
Richardot adds: “Stéphane Chrobot was appointed tics easier to handle and follow. picture, every issue is solved quickly, and any variation value through the execution
project manager, he is our point of contact with Subsea 7 Dominique Richardot develops: “We sought the most in the project schedule can be immediately translated and project management. We Dominique Richardot
and he can be reached at any reliable and reputable partners in the industry for every into actions on all sites. created value where it counts,

‘‘ By co-designing
the pipes and sleeves
with Subsea 7 from
the start, we were able
time, for any question, by any
one of the partners in the pro-
ject. This position helps keep a
full vision and grasp on the pro-
ject, every day.”
crucial stage like coating, welding and PIP. All the partners
are very close to one another, within the same northern
European area, with optimal synergies and monitoring.
The carbon steel seamless pipes are produced in
Vallourec’s German mills of Rath and Mulheim; the anti-
Stéphane Chrobot describes: “Integrated planning,
where you can monitor the whole execution, has a great
advantage: at any given moment, you can trigger cor-
rective actions and adapt the workflow of all partners
consequently. We learned to become more adaptable,
with local content, schedule risk mitigation and exe-
cution risk mitigation. Our global solutions render
faster and better execution, enhanced reliability while
assuring the highest level of product design and quality.
Vallourec is passionate to deliver cost-effective global Pipe
In TEN, Vallourec is hands-on, corrosion coating is executed by Conline in Rotterdam predict bottlenecks or foresee risks at a very early stage. solutions!
to anticipate the needs piloting all the key stages from (3LPP anti-corrosion coating on outer pipes); the sleeves Operating from a higher level, seeing the whole picture,

and constraints of the final the mill to the 24 meter ready to are cut by Vallourec Fittings, in Maubeuge, France; the we can better anticipate actions than at business unit
application with Subsea 7. lay pipe. Project management is welding pre-qualifications achieved by Serimax in Mitry, level, as well as adapt to client modifications or needs.
clearly where we add innovative France; the double-jointing and pipe-in-pipe are executed This is the ultimate time-saver. For instance, early in the
This in mind, we built value for the customer. Mastering in Caen, France, in a continuous process line, respec- project, the client decided to increase the length of the
an integrated offer that the whole process means more tively by Serimax for the welding and by ITP (InTerPipe), sleeves. In theory, it was simple, but longer sleeves
optimized the pipe for flexibility in production and more for the PiP; the final 24 meter long products are stocked meant an order modification, more pipe than initially

the ultra-deep application,

from the bare pipe to
‘‘ reliability. Documentation, for
instance, is often a headache,
with hundreds and hundreds of
in a dedicated port yard in Ranville, near Caen, and fed
to the project according to Subsea 7’s schedule and
needs. Additionally, the headquarters of Subsea 7 are
planned, more material, longer production time. In a
non-integrated planning organization, we would not
have been able to modify all the slots on such short
the double-jointing. pages being handed over with in London, just hours away from our own headquarters notice (mills, cutting, coating, pipe-in-pipe and double-
the product, from one supplier in Paris, which makes it very easy to meet and follow joint). Thanks to our integrated planning, we were able
Dominique Richardot, to the next, with heavy and through the project together.” to instantaneously fine-tune the production slots with
Managing Director of Vallourec’s Pipe repeated checking and valida- the mills, alter the planning for Vallourec Maubeuge for
and SURF activities. ting. In Tullow TEN, our docu- Integrated planning: the new sleeves, and cascade the workflow so every-
mentation is integrated once for the backbone of project execution thing fitted right into the schedule. Today, our integrated
all to the whole process, handled at project level, going At the heart of Tullow TEN, the real-life challenge is to planning is fully operational, easy flowing, adaptable
through production and handed over to the customer coordinate and synchronize the various phases as and reliable. It’s not just good for the client; it’s great for
with the finalized product in minimal time. A fantastic smoothly as possible as well as optimize production all the partners! There is no time wasted and we can
time-saver and a flawless procedure for the client! and workflow. Coordination is guaranteed by weekly focus on quality and delivering.”

p.28 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.29
News Focus The tech files Solutions On the market People News Focus The tech files Solutions On the market Events
Events People

Patrick Fallouey

The new Vallourec (on the left) receiving

the Havercroft Award
in 2012 in Durban

OCTG website (South Africa).

is now live!
Vallourec OCTG launched its
new website last July:
The new website has been designed to provide the ultimate
Patrick Fallouey,
user-friendly experience with improved navigation and tools,
allowing you to access all the information you may need rela-
ted to our Casing and Tubing products and services offers.
a Maverick
The new site is articulated into 7 main sections:
Applications: a presentation of Oil & Gas applications,
Solutions: our services offer through Vallourec Global
Solutions, from conception to completion.
in Standardisation
organized by challenge and technology.
E-Library: enjoy our videos, read the latest news and
Click on a challenge or a technology to display a page
download our brochures or our Vallourec Oil & Gas App… Happily retired after 40 years in Vallourec, Patrick When Patrick returned, in 1990, Vallourec entrusted
dedicated to the selected application and highlight the
Fallouey, former Corporate Standardisation Director, him with the creation of a standardisation department.
challenges met by Oil & Gas companies, together with the ToolBox: a toolbox that gathers the most used tools:
representing the company in API, convenor of the ISO “We nearly started from scratch! Our challenge was
solutions we can offer to answer those challenges. Connection Data Sheet, Blanking Dimensions, VAM®
group in charge of the maintenance of the OCTG to participate in creating and building all the European
Licensee Network, Mr. Help, Test Fixtures and the VAM®
Products: an introduction to our connections, materials standards (in close contact with API), is hardly leading and worldwide standards to comply with growing
Book. The Toolbox can be found on each page of the site,
and accessories offer. a quiet retirement. Patrick is passionate about hiking, world trade.” Patrick adds, “You
always in the top right column.

• A connection selection guide to get the most suitable but, instead of roving through his beloved Alps, he is see, standardisation is at the very
VAM® connection for a specific application. Contact us: a Google map will display our local contacts running from one committee to another, sharing his heart of production and holds There’s still lots
• A material selection guide to get our complete grades with address, phone and email. insight and experience with fellow professionals. tremendous strategic value. We set to do and it’s great
offer. Click on a grade family to display the list of all “Retirement is really not what I expected! I thought I’d product and production standards to stay in touch with
Connection mag: a direct access to our Connection
grades offered with a detailed description for each have lots of time, but I’m actually more solicited than that define part of the industry, for
magazine online.
ever... and I’ve been asked to keep a little time some of decades. A standard can advan- all my contacts
• A section dedicated to our accessories offer. We hope that you will enjoy browsing our new site. Feel my honorary positions.” Patrick admits he still enjoys the tage or hamper suppliers in their around the world.
• A products list (connections, materials, accessories) free to share your feedback, we’d love to have your input excitement of debating with specialists of European and development. Sitting on a commit- You see, over 50%
to get a direct access to our products in one click. and comments! International certification committees around the world. tee, we influence the standards
to benefit client and manufacturer of the job is public
Patrick Fallouey is somewhat of a celebrity in the com- interests in terms of specification, relations and, in 25

Get our upgraded

munity of standardisation where he is acknowledged
and respected as an expert. “There’s still lots to do
and it’s great to stay in touch with all my contacts
quality and safety. It’s what I call
commercial lobbying.”
years, you get to
know everybody
in the
new version of the around the world. You see, over 50% of the job is
public relations and, in 25 years, you get to know
everybody in the field!”
“A financial manager once asked
me: ‘What is your financial contribu-
tion to the company results?’ That night, I couldn’t sleep.
Vallourec Oil & Gas Patrick’s career path was unlike any other. “I started in
The next day, I replied ‘I truly cannot tell you what I bring
the company financially, but I can tell you what it would

App now! Vallourec 40 years ago, at the mill in Aulnoye, where

I was production manager for 10 years. I wanted to be
cost if I wasn’t there...’ he seemed satisfied with my
answer and never asked again!”
near the workers, the processes and products. Then,
To complete our digital tools, a new version of our Vallourec Oil I specialized in quality for over 3 years. One morning, In retirement as in his professional life, Patrick’s driver
& Gas App is now available. It includes a brand new design as I was called in for a project in Russia: a mill was being is definitely enthusiasm: he is still heavily engaged
well as new tools such as the Connection Data Sheet and the launched in Volgograd. Vallourec needed someone with (France, Europe and worldwide) in NDT (non-destructive
Blanking Dimensions. experience in production and quality, as well as fluent testing) personnel certification activities for Vallourec,
The App is fully compatible for iPhone, Android... and now for in French, German and English. I left for what was as well as in contact with API. He is also an advisor
iPad as well! supposed to be a 3-month mission… and stayed about NDT for the French Aerospace Industry and the
Scan the QR code with your smartphone to get your App. 2 years! It was a fabulous experience, well worth the SNCF. A true maverick!
sacrifices and difficulties.”
p.30 / The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 The Vallourec Oil & Gas Magazine N°07 / November 2014 / p.31

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