KP Astrology
KP Astrology
KP Astrology
Nirayan + Sayan
~harad e. ~oshi
Astrology is a mother of all science, and our sages have given their
knowledge in coded language, so scholars like Shri Jivaurao Chitnis,
C.J Kri~aswamy, Sepharial, AJen Leo, B.V.Raman and so many other
had found clues from old granths with their hard efforts and intuition.
Shri Krishnamurti had also put nearly 40 years efforts and with the grace
of God Ganesh, he found some clue in Vimshottari dasa and established
new unique system, today known as "K.P." Since 1970onwards it becomes
more and more popular, because of it's scientific implication for Natal
including twins and for Horary.
When students get basic of all three branch, in their mind always
preference towards particular branch, and one can try to compare it with
other branch. Students should know that, due to our limitations, they would
prefer particular system than other. lt is not a limitation of any systems.
One can see that, Shri Krishnamurti had found clue from Vimshottari Dasa
only, so with the hard efforts and dedicate attitude one can get results.
In Subject like astrology, one can not achive any light, without the
help of the almighty and blessings of parents & our Guru's.
<%harad 'oshi.
February, 2000
Part I
1) Krishnamurthy Paddatti ............................................. J
2) Compare Nirayan, Sayan & K.P ................................. ?
3) Ruling Planets. . . ....................... J 2
4) How to Judge Dasa ................................................. .16
5) Progression, ............................................................ .18
6) Transit . . .... . .. .. . .. . . . ... 24
7) Aspects. . . . ....... . ........ . .......... . ............ 28
8) Solar Return Chart ................................................... 31
9) MuhuraL ........................................................... 33
10) Cusp Beginning or Middle ....................................... 34
11) Horary .............. ,..................................................... 37
12) Horary & Natal Chart ............................................ .42
Part II
1) K. P. Theory- Rectification ..................................... 44
2) Ascendent ............................................................... .46
3) Second House .......................................................... .51
4) Third House ............................................................. .53
5) Fourth House ........................................................... .57
6) Fifth House .............................................................. .64
7) Sixth House. . . ...68
8) Seventh House ......................................................... 72
9) Eighth House ........................................................... 79
10) Ninth House .............................................................82
11) Tenth House... . ...........84
12) Eleventh House... .......... .86
13) Twelfth House ... ..... . ... . .. . .. .. . .. . . . ... , .......................88
14) Keys for quick Prediction.. . ................................. .89
Chapter I
'Krishnamurti 'Tadhdhati
So, far Vimshottari Dasa was used as a time factor, but he had divided
Dasa system as a distance factor, as follows.
7yrs = ?
Same way he worked out for all planets distance factor in one
Constellation, and it is called sub area. For all planets sub area is as
under, and it remains same in all constellations.
Planets No. ofyears Sub Area
Kclu 7 Od-46'-40"
Venus 20 2d-13. -20"
Sun 6 Od-40'-00"
Moon 10 ld-06'-40"
Mars 7 Od-46'-40"
Rahu 18 2d-OO'-OO"
Jupiter 16 ld-46'-40"
Saturn 19 2d-06'-40"
Mercury 17 ld-53'-20"
2) Cusp Calculation : Instead of equal house div. or Parashari or
Sri Patti. He has used Semi arc placid ius .arc system with the help of
Tables of houses. He has used cusp as a beginning point, and not as a
middle point.
7) Matter: Sri Krishnamurti has fixed houses for most of all matters
related to human beings as under.
a) One is the principal house.
b) Supporting houses for the matter.
Please refer more in details in Part II.
b) If pi; mel's Starlord or Sub lord or both Starlord and Sub lord are
retrograde, than planet is not in a position to gives results according to
its significance.
So, regarding this aspect one has to consider its own experience.
At the time of event, Dasa rulers Transit through Star and sub of
Dasa rulers or significators of the matter. A sc, Sun and Moon also Transit
in the same way.
18) Degree: N- Sign ruler, Star ruler, and different divisional charts
Lords rulers rule it.
S - It is ruled by sign ruler, term lord, divisional charts rulers and
some degrees ruled by fixed Star's rulers.
K.P. -Mainly it is ruled by three planets, Signlord, Starlord and
Note-Solar return chart and planetary periods system is applicable
to all systems.
Chapter ill
~uling <J>lanets
In Nirayan, there are no such fix rule given, but normally according
to yoga formation one can fixed it, but it is also not possible every time.
But one has to keep in mind that, retrograde can not always denied
the results, if it is strong significator and another planet is not there to
replace it, and all these considerations depend on case to case.
Now we will see, how one can use Ruling Planets for different
For rectification of birth time and marriage match, please refer
Nakshatra Chin tan Part - I.
According to Ruling planets, one has to frrst fixed the sign lord,
Starlord and Sublord. Give importance to sign lord according to strength
of Ruling planets.
c} IfAsc. sign is fixed than one can expect the result late.
d} If Asc. sign mutable, than one can expect the result in normal
Result in a day one has to move Asc. position from Ruling planets.
Result in a month, one has to move Moon from its ruling position,
and Moon should Transit from Ruling planets position on the day of
result expectation and one has to judge the Sun also be in a Star or sub of
Result in a year, one has to move Sun from its position at the time
of judgement, and at the time of result expectation, Sun should transit
through joint rulers of R.P.
Result more than a year, one has to move Jupiter according to Sun.
Note : I have seen that, some astrologers are using Ruling planets
for fun or for lottery or for gambling etc. but Ruling planets are divine
help and it is against the ethics of astrology to use for such purposes.
Chapter IV
Gf.low to ~udge 'Dasa
5) For sub and sub-sub period rulers are bound to give results
according to same way as mentioned in (4).
7) Dasa lord and Bhukti lord should complete the circle of the results
oriented house.
Example: For abroad journey, houses are to be considered 3,9,12.
Suppose Dasalord is significator of either 3 or 9 or 12, than
bhuktilord should be sigt'li ficator of remain house or houses, out of 3 or
9 or 12th.
8) Dasalord and Karak planet as a bhuktilord also can evaluate the
9) Dasalord and bhuktilord should not be in 6-8-12th from each
other, to get the good results.
10) If Dasalord is duality, than in its own bhukti result one can
expects, if all required houses arc covered by same planet. One can expects
multiple type of results or repeats the same results.
II )Antra, Prantyatar and Sukshma lord are supporters to Dasalord
and bhuktilord, and can not go against its results.
12) Planet if in fixed sign or in succedent house or slow moving
planet than its impact of results is more whether it is positive or negative,
while planet is in angle or cardinal or fast moving than its impact is for
shortwhile and fast.
13) If Dasa lord is connected anyway with Asc. one can become
more active during that Dasa, same it applicable to other sub periods.
14) Benefic and malefic of Dasa's results depend on the chart
position not on natural tendency. At the most natural tendency influence
in the result's intensity.
15) For dasas results, required support of Transit, without
activation's of transits Dasa-bhukti can not give results.
16) Work out Solar return results and match with the Dasa bhukti
of that year and consider the transits, for specific events.
17) Dasalord is good or bad for native, but it can be vice a versa for
the native's relatives.
18) Consider Transit activation as under.
a) Transit of slow moving planets.
b) Transit of Dasa and its sequence rulers.
c) Transit of Sun and Moon.
d) Consider Asc,
Chapter V
In direction there are two types of direction, one is direct and another
is converse direction. In secondary one has to move ahead and backward
from birth date for direct and converse direction respectively. In primary
direction not such concept as a direct or converse. If birth ephemeris is
not available to calculate secondary direction, one can use either Radix
or Naibod. Radix based on ldg. = lyr for all planets except Moon, for
Moon 13<1-05' = I yr. For Rahu-Ketu and for retrograde planet at birth
one has to move planet in direct directions only.
For cusp calculation one has to use same arc as above, and add it in
M.C. and according to progressed M.C. one can calculate the other houses
from tables of houses, for birth latitude or for new place.
Example : Birth date 19th Nov., 1919. and suppose one wants to
work out Progression for the year 1984. it means in Nov, 1983 native
has completed the 64 years. And according to system 64 years= 64 days
to be add in birth date to get progressed date. 22nd Jan, 1920 will be a
progressed date, and one has to used this date's planets according to
birth time for progressed chart for the year 19th Nov 1983 to 18th Nov
For cusp calculations one has to find out sidereal time difference of
progressed date and birth date or which date's sidereal time one has
used, and this hrs .min and sees. difference one has to add in birth
R.A.M.C. if birth place and present place is the same. But native has
shift permanently from birthplace, than one has to calculate cusp
according to new place.
First Method :
2) Find out the difference between GMT birth time and next Noon
or Mid nighttime which ever is given in ephemeris. called it is =A
Second Method :
2) Find out difference between GMT birth time and nearest Noon
time= A
3) Now "A"*365.25/24=B
Third method :
2) Find out difference between GMT birth time and nearest noon
time= A
In first and second method one can get mostly same date, while in
third method either one or two days difference may be there, due to
number of days per year is considered 360.
ACD only replaced the birth date, not of progressed date, only it
becomes easy to considered planets of ephemeris time, one can considered
as a progressed planets. And its effects one can get from ACD to next
ACD like our year count from birth date to next birth date.
First Method :
23-05-00 + 18-45-47 = 17-50-47, and this figure in Sid.time. Column
it is on 18th Dec. [nearest). so ACD is 18th Dec.
Second Method :
Third Method :
As per formula 13days completed and this system all months one
has to considered as 30 days. so 30 + 2 [birth date)-13 days= 19thDec.
is ACD. {GMT Birth time is in P.M., so deducted}.
Aspects among all planets and cusps i.e. Asc. And M.C. except
Progressed Moon is called primary Progression in secondary direction,
while Moon's monthly Progression's aspects with Natal are called
secondary Progression in secondary direction. Without Moon's support
no events is possible i.e. Moon's progressed support should be similar
to primary Progression.
Then after one can consider Transit to activate these aspects. Only
one-degree orb is allowed in Progression. One is for applying and one is
for separating from exact degree.
I) Consider Natal chart in all respect and which events are indicate,
one can expect such events, if Progression or Transit is favourable.
2) First consider Natal and Progression chart, and find out the aspects
formation within a limit of orb of aspect, and note down. it is called
basic or primary arcs in secondary direction.
One has to wait for nearly 3 yr. for expected activation's from Transit,
one is in applying year, and one is in exact aspect year and last is in
separating aspect year.
One has to work out Solar return chart, to confirm the progressed
results for a particular year.
3) One can work chart at the time of new Moon for those required
months, and find out Asc. Rising and new Moon's degree and see how
far it is effective in radical or progressed chart as activation's point.
4) After consider monthly chart, one can find out Transit of Moon
from 12 houses, from radical or progressed or month chart and one can
consider days.
5)0ne can work out diurnal chart daily, to find out events likely to
happened in a day.
Chapter VI
At any time, planetary position plays three different roles. For some
one it is birth position, for some one it is progressed position and for
others it is Transit. Without combinations of above all three factors in a
Nativity, one can not expect any results. Not a single event happens,
without activation of Transit to Radical or progressed. To consider
activation of Transit, each branch applied different rules.
Asc. M.C. and Sun average move ld per yr. in progressed chart, so
at the age 45yr, it is semi-square with their radical position. Moon
progressed one zodiac i.e. in 28th year average, so at the age around
42nd year it is in a opposition to its radical position.
In superior planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and also node
Transit as follows.
Jupiter takes 12yr to complete full zodiac so at the age of 42nd and
48th it is in opposition and conjunction to its position.
Uranus takes 84yr to complete full zodiac, so at the age of 42nd yr.
it is in opposition position.
One has to consider orb for Transit, also one has to consider
retrograde and stationary position of planets during Transit because its
impact is more. Reason for it is that, before planet move retrograde
becomes stationery then it moves retrograde, again it becomes stationery
and then it resume direct motion, so in such situation when superior
planet involved with sensitive point of the radical or progressed than
one has to be careful.
When chart of full Moon and new Moon, degree of that and Asc.
rise if fall on any sensitive point of radical or progressed chart, than one
can expects some result during that month, and with the help of the diurnal
chart one can find out the result's day.
With the help of planetary period, one can find out the aspects
formation with the radical chart, and one can expect event according to
radix. In this system one has to move one house per year from birth as a
Asc. for particular year. for example for 19th yr., one has to consider 7th
house as a Asc. and proceeds further.
One can work out parallel Transit, and expects the results.
2) One has to observed daily Moon's Transit, see that Moon Transit
through which Star, and accordingly one can expect, events on particular
Chapter VII
In this branch following types of aspects considered.
I) All planets aspects to seventh sign from its placement.
[ One can not consider this aspects for Rahu and Kctu.).
2) Additional aspects to be considered for Mars-[4th & 8th),
Jupiter-[5th & 9th) and Saturn-[3rd & lOth).
3) In granths scholars have given minor aspects like 1/4,I/2, and
3/4th but mostly follow above aspects.
4) Transit vedh is also one kind of aspects.
5) Sarvottabhadra Chakra also based on aspects from one Navamash
to anotherNavamash, which is called vedh, according to planet's motion
and direction etc.
6) In this system, full sign or house involved, through aspect of
In this system, even planet is not aspecting to any planet, but each
planet bound to aspect 7th sign or additional aspects if it is, so one can
read planet's results as under.
"Y' formation- In this case two planets in oppositiOn and third
planet is in sextile to one planet and trine to another planet, show its
effect to opposition aspect.
Fan formation- In this condition, planets are in sextile to each other
like in lst-3rd-5th-7th 9th etc. this is also supportive aspects to the chart.
In direction, there are two type of aspects to be considered, one is
zodiacal and another is mundane. If birth is on higher lat. approx. 45d,
than suppose one planet is in Asc. and one is in lOth cusp. but in such
case zodiacal aspect is trine, while mundane aspect is square. So all such
factors to be considered in direction application.
In this system one has to applied both aspects, for house or planets
significators point of view, one has to applied Nirayan aspects. While
influence point of view or support or obstruct point of view, one has to
consider longitude aspects. Rahu and Ketu's significators one has to
considered by sidereal aspects.
Special note for longitude aspects:
Conjunction means unity, when two planet cooperate for specific
significance, it is good, but when contradict, it a malefic effect.
Conjunction like symbol of Sun.
Opposition means one is confused in attraction or in illusion or in
Maya, so there is a confusion factor in a n1tive for such combinations,
can not able to take decision which is correct. It is like a Moon symbol
Karak of Maya.
Trine means with support of purva punya and fortune one can get
benefit or easiness, with little efforts, it is like a Jupiter.
Square means mentally and physically, one has to put hard struggle
and gel the result, so it is ruled by Mercury and Saturn.
Sextile means with efforts and some one supports, one can gets the
positive results. It is ruled by Mars.
Above classifications shows that, longitude aspects are some how
connected with planet's and sidereal divisional charts, that what I
Chapter VIII
£olar GJ{eturn Chart
Solar return chart indicates events concerned for a year, but one
cannot expect any event, which are not promised by Natal chart. To find
out events from Solar return chart one has to follow.
1) Events according to Nativity.
2) One has to work out progressed chart and see which type of
events expected during that year.
3)Afterstudied the Natal and progressed chart, one has to concentrate
on SRC. as under.
A) Sign rising in SRC, one has to see where this sign fall in Natal
and in progressed chaf4 and according to that house matters reflect during
that year.
B) lf any planet rising in As c. of SRC, then according to that. planet's
karaktwa and houses ruler, one can expect the events during the year.
C) If rising sign of SRC, is a sign of angle ortrikonc house of Natal
than it indicates some good events.
D) If rising sign of SRC, is a sign of 6-8 or 12th house in a Natal or
progressed than it is not good.
E) If lord of6-8 or 12th of the Natal chart, rising in SRC, than also
it is troublesome year.
F) If lord of SRC's As c. is in 6-8 or 12th house in Natal or in
progressed chart, also indicate some problem.
G) Planet rising in the SRC, according to karaktwa and house ruler
of Natal one expects the results.
H) If lord of Asc. of SRC is afflicted in SRC and or Sun is also
afflicted in SRC than also it indicates hardship.
When students study Sidereal and Sayan both the systems, most of
the students get confused, whether rising degree is to be considered as a
middle of cusp or beginning of cusp. In Sidereal it is a middle point and
in Sayan it is a beginning of cusp. According to me it may be as under.
We all know that, our constellations are two types, one is fixed star
and one is divisional nakshtras of ecliptic. And today also we are using
this divisional nakshtras for all-purpose as well as fixed stars also.
different orbs is to be considered. So planet in end of 12th cusp and near
to lstcusp, its effect more to Istcusp than to 12th house, and not only
for orb consideration but in future it will progressed to I st house sign
from 12th house.
In our ancient granth, planets avastha have been given for odd and
even sign, here I have marked that, yuva avastha is in center of sign 12d
to 1&1. So this also indicate that for planet, center of sign is more important
than its beginning.
One more point we can get from Horary rule is that, we can not
give answer, when Moon or Asc. is in the beginning or in ending degree,
sign is a resemble to house, but not always equal, so this also indicate
that beginning point is not that way important as middle point.
In K.P., as per law when we say that, all planets are bound to give
results of its Star lord, we considered where Starlord ruler planet is
deposited, and that Starlord ruler planet rules which house as a sign lord.
But as per its defination it is wrong, because when we use term Starlord,
we should considered Starlord ruler for the cusp also not as a sign lord.
For example : Suppose Sun is in Venus Star, so we will say that Sun is
the significators of where Venus is deposited and house ruled by Venus
as a sign lord. i.e. On which house Vrishbha and Libra sign falls, but this
is not the correct as per terms, we should considered where Venus rulers
nakshtras falls i.e. Bhami-Purva falguni and purva Shadha. If out of
these three nakshtra fall on any bhava one has to considered that bhava
first than sign rulers.
Chapter XI
In time system, one has to erect the chart, when any querist asked
any question, or one can read query in a letter-fax-email etc. or hear
query over the phone etc. So according to that time one has to erect the
chart. Sometime querist gives the time, place and date when first time
query comes in his mind. Actual Horary system is that, whenever any
question rise in his mind, that is the actual time for Horary chart.
But most of people don't know this rule of Horary and according to
their suitable time they approach to astrologer and asked the question,
and astrologer has no choice but he has to cast the horoscope according
to that time. And this is a main limitation oftime system.
3) If malefic planets are rising, one has come with not good
intention, so one can avoid it.
8) If malefic planets are in 7th house, one can avoid the answer,
because 7th house indicate astrologer, and querist will not be satisfied
with the answer.
or Karak, than one can avoid the answer.
12) One has to match the querist description from Asc. and if it
match then only one-can proceeds further.
So, astrologer has to check all above conditions then only proceeds
further as follows.
Asc. lord or lord of house regarding for whom querist has asked the
question. and another significator is Moon.
So one fl<lo' ti) fixed this two planets, one is significator and one is
promittor. Then< >rc has to find out who is fast moving planet out of this
two, and its degree is in applying condition to other planet. one can
consider positive reply.
If fast moving planet is ahead in degree than other planet, one can
not expect positive reply.
two, apply first to slow moving planet and translate or collect its light
and approach to first fast moving planet, then one can expect the positive
result. It will be fulfilled by support of this third planet as a house ruler
and Karak.
2) Judge the Moon, if it reflect the query, then one can proceed
4) Judge the main house Sublord for the particular matter, and see
whether it becomes the significator or not.
5) lf Sublord is retrograde and Star lord is direct, than one can not
give negative answer, if it is a significator.
7) When retrograde planet resume direct, one can expect the result,
when it crossed the longitude, from where it started the retrograde motion.
12) Find out Ruling planets at the time of judgement, to select the
13) As per Dasa systems one can measure time factor. If it is expected
in short duration , one can depend on Transit only.
14) If 7th house Sublord is afflicted one can avoid to give the answer.
So, one can work out Horary either by time or number system. In
Tajik most of the same rules are given as in Sayan, with different names
like lthasal, Israf, Nakta 16 yoga's are there, and for judgement,
one has to consider different aspects like Pratyaksh and Gupta for Sneha
and Shatru Darishti.
Chapter XII
tf-lorarycAnd "Natal Chart
Horary astrology is a separate branch, but one can usc this branch
as a supportive tool with Natal chart or also when native's data is not
known, then one can use it. There are different systems for Horary and
rules are also different to follows. There is always one kind of comparison
factor rise in mind which is to be followed, because some scholars give
importance to only Horary or some are giving importance to Natal. So
here I have tried to compare both the branch.
2) In Natal chart, one can get general life trend and also specific
events with the help of using different divisional charts. Compare different
types of time judgements like Progression, Dasa, periodical planetary
system and Transit etc While in Horary one has to study the chart for
specific question with the system's rules.
4) In Natal chart one can work out epoch chart, and also one can
read chart in more details with the help ofboth chart, while in Horary it
is not possible.
by these factors. while this factors is not possible to judged from Horary
except present one.
6) From Natal chart, one can get parent's position, which is not
possible through Horary, while parent's position is more influenced on
native's development.
ll)There are sets of rules to judge the Horary chart, while for Natal
different rules given in each granth but not so specific as it is for Horary.
So, from above discussion, I believed that Horary chart can be used
as a supportive tool for Natal as well as separate when it is needed, but
Natal is more important in all respect.
part 2
'K. T. Theory - 'Rectification
Badhak II 9 7
Marak 2&7 2&7 2&7
-Ve HS. 6-8-12 6-8-12 6-8-12
+Ve HS. 1-5-9-10-3 1-5-10-11-3 1-5-9-10-11-3
Third cusp SL should be connected with Mars, 1-3-11 HS, then
native has daring & gets success. But if it is connected to 12 HS, then the
native becomes coward.
1st SL \s with :
2-6 Effort for existence, finance.
6-10 Effort for development.
10-11 Development is an achievement.
2-11 Finance is an achievement.
9th is with II HS, then success. If 3rd HS weak, means confidence
is weak. If 9th HS is weak & 3rd HS is strong, it shows success. If 1st
SL is with 11 HS, but 3rd Hs is negative, then there will be problem.
Hence Asc. 3-9 Moon & Mercury indicate the potentiality of mental
Second "House
2nd SL with 6 HS., quarrel take place, but gains through family.
With 8 HS., mentally lose of peace & with 12 HS., gives lose & may
have to leave family.
lf 1st SL with 6-8-12 HS., 2nd SL with Mercury & with Rahu or
Ketu, & Starlord or SL of 2nd HS. in mute sign (watery sign), then there
is possibility of dumb.
If 2nd SL is
Sun - Impressive.
Moon Link can not maintain.
Mars Very fast, dominating.
Mercury Good conversation, can speak on any topic.
Jupiter - Religious, egoistic.
Venus - Pleasurable, if afflicted then vulgar.
Saturn - Slowly, to the point.
Rahu - Command on many languages.
Ketu - Curse.
Rahu - Ketu: According to planet they represent.
Sun - Bitter & pungent.
Moon - Saltish.
Mars - Chilly & sour.
Mercury Mixed.
Jupiter - Sweets.
Venus - Sour.
Saturn - Bitter.
Rahu - Bitter & pungent.
Ketu - No taste.
If 2nd SL with 6-8-12 HS. & Karaka also connected to 6-8-12 HS.,
then there will be sight problem.
2nd HS for right eye & 12th HS for left eye, Sun, Moon & Venus
are Karak. S11n is karak for right in Male chart and Moon is karak for left
eye and vice versa for female chart.
12thHS indicate any defect or hospital treatment. If Mars or Sat11m
are afflicted, then the native has to lose his eye by an accident or by
Ratnadara. It is connected with Aquari11s sign.
If I st or 8th SL with 8 HS & Mars, then there is possibility of
operation. When 12th HS SL signifactor of 6-8-12 HS ., Then only in
combined Dasa of 2nd & 12th, there will be possibility of damage to eye.
Consider 2-6-1 I HS for wealth position & its combined Dasa
improve wealth position.
lf 2-11 SL are connected to 8-12-5 HS., then the native loses his
Progress in business, promotion, Re-joining can be considered from
2-6-10-11 HS. If7 SLis the signifactor of 2-6-10-11, then its Dasa bhukti
gives b11siness & success.
If 10 SL is connected to 2-7-11 HS., then its combined Dasa give
independent business. But if it is connected to 3 or 9 HS, there will be
partnership in business.
For materialistic positive HS are I -2-3-6-10- I I & Karak Jupiter-Venus.
Third "House
3SL is not afflicted & not connected with 8-12, then the native will
be success. If afflicted with Mars & Jupiter, then fail.
3rd SL with-1, then Importance to own intellect, mentally ready to
do anything, difficult to explain I convince them, obstinate.
-2, Emphasis given to wealth, family & speech.
-3, Ready for any kind of daring by over estimating one self, mix
with people, leadership, addicted to any bad habits.
-3 & 10, I am only right tendency.
-4, Busy with his own activities only in homely atmosphere, thus
dislike to go away from home, potentially, good concentration,
-5, Moody, irresponsible, is interested only in speculation, love &
-6, Ready to do work, service, production line, surround by enemies,
wants success.
-7, Interested only in business, publicity, travel, has daring to insult
any body.
-8, Taking risk, suspicious mind, protecting legacy, custom of family
& due to that profit or loss, interested in technical work.
-9, Attitude towards religion, knowledge & justice, truth seeker,
professor, preacher, teacher, long journey, religion, father.
-10, I am only right, work, business, politics, and status.
-II, Fulfill of desire.
-12 Bad habits, investment (depends up on 12Hs), avoid
If 3 SL with 2-4-10-ll HS, then the native will geL good support
from younger brother, but 6-8-12 connection gives problems from them.
3 SL with :
11 Profit good social relations.
12 - Quarrel.
2-8-12 - Not good neighbour.
2-10-1 I - Good Neighbour.
8-12 - Loss.
3rd SL is with :
9-11 - No problem during travelling.
3-4-12 - Luxurious travelling.
1-8-12 & Mars - Accident during travel, but at the same
time 8 SL should be with 3-8-12 HS.
Running dasa bhukati also should
indicate above houses.
8 Problem duringjoumey.
3-8-12 - Pick pocketing.
Mars I Saturn - Quarrel.
Venus is afflicted in female chart & with 8-12, then take care when
she travels.
If 3 SL is with I -7-8-12 HS, then court problem will arise for nothing
& also connected with Mercury & Jupiter.
lOth SL with 3 SL & vice versa., with Karka also the profit in
salesmanship, commission, brokerage contractor.
3 SL is with 2-6-10-11 & Jupiter, but not with 5-8-12 HS.
If 3 SL is Mars - Joke.
Mercury - Half news.
Saturn - Incomplete or false.
Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter - True.
If 3 SL is with 6-11 HS, then accept the appeal.
3 SL is Saturn - Less but to the point.
Sun - In limit but impressive.
Moon - Excited.
Mercury - Over limit.
Jupiter - Seriously.
Venus - Like actor ( with hands & legs).
Mars - Threatened, argumentative.
Rahu - Improper.
Ketu - Can not express as wan •.
If 3 SL is with 8-12 & Saturn, then there will be defect in ear. At the
same time I SL should be with 8-12 HS. along with afflicted Mercury.
"Fourth "House
1t is given by mother & if 4 HS is afflicted then there is deficiency
in culture or the native does not getting proper sansakara from mother.
If4 & 6 SL with 4-6-11 HS, then the native will get the admission.
If 12 HS also connected then strength of II & 12 HS will decide the
situation. If 11 HS stronger, then the native will get admission. 12 HS
indicates donation.
When Asc. SL is not afflicted & not with 3-5-8-12 HS & also 4 SL
is with 4-6-9-11 HS., & Mercury I Jupiter, then the native will have good
education. 4 SL with 3-5-8- I2 HS ., then there will be break in education.
4 SL duality & with 3 or 10 HS., then the native has to change the
school OR institute due to change of residence or due to parent's job
location changes.
Moon with 8-12 HS & afflicted from sign, house & aspect, then
grasping power will be less. But support from sign, aspect & from Asc,
then the native will come out from bad I dull periods.
4 or 9 SL with :
Mercury I Jupiter Law, Commerce, CA, lCWA,
CS, Accounts, Marketing.
Sun Medical (Sun in 4 HS.,
in ashwini nakshtra ).
Moon I Venus Art.
Mars I Saturn - Engineering, Civil - Mcch-cngg.
Mercury - Commerce, Accounts.
Jupiter - Finance, Law, Economic.
Mars I Venus - Automobile, Electrical,
Plastic, Architect.
Saturn I Venus - Architect, Computer, Electrical.
Mars I Jupiter • Production engg.
Herschel I Mercury I Saturn - Aeronautical engg.
Mars I Moon or Mars I Neptune - Marine engg.
Saturn I Venus I Mercury - Computer Hardware engg.
Mercury I Venus I Moon - Computer Software engg.
Mercury I Venus I - Computer Software engg.
Herschel I Neptune - Meteorology.
Herschel I Mercury - Space Technology.
with 3, 9 HS & airy sign.
Saturn I Moon • Chemical engg.
Saturn I Venus I Sun - Plastic;Tcxtilcs.
Chemical point of view - 4-8-12 HS or watery sign.
Aviation I Electrical - 3-7-9 HS or airy sign.
Venus I Moon with 4, 6 HS - Catering/Hotel management.
4 SL with earthy sign, also with 3-10-5-6-11 HS, then private course
will do & be master in it.
When 4 SL with 3-5-8-12 HS, then there will be break in education,
but if with 6-11 HS, then he will get good marks in examination.
4 SL with 1-3-5-6-12-11 HS, then the native will try to copy & get
When 4 SL with 3-5-10 HS, then the native will get extra marks
due to his NCC or NSS activities.
Admission problem to be judge from HC.
9 SL with 6-9-11 HS, the native will seek admission for higher
9 SL with 3-8-11-12 HS, then institute will be at longer distance
from residence.
9 SL with 6-9-11-12 HS, then there is possibility of studies abroad.
9 SL is with
Sun Jupiter - General practitioner.
Sun Mercury - General Consultant.
Sun Saturn - Orthopedic I Dentist & 8 HS.
Sun Sa turn I Venus - VDS, Skin.
Sun Saturn Venus Moon - Eye specialist.
Sun Saturn Mercury - Skin disease, ENT,
Speech therapist.
Sun Mars Surgeon, Heart specialist.
Sun Jupiter Venus - Gynecologist.
Sun Rahu - Anesthetist.
Sun Herschel - Sonography, X-Ray,
Scan, Angiography.
Sun Neptune Moon - Psychology.
Sun Jupiter Moon - Child specialist.
Sun Venus - Cosmetology.
Sun Scorpio I 8 HS - Pathology.
9th SL is Mercury - C-A., Cost accounting.
Jupiter - Management, MBA, LLM, Law.
LLM Jupiter Mar - Criminal Lawyer.
Saturn - Estate Law I Insurance.
Venus - Matrimoniallaw.
Sun - Government, public prosecutor.
CA Mercury with Saturn - C-A & good in Auditing.
Jupiter - Financial consultant.
Mars - Production, analysis.
Sun - Account factor.
4 SL with 3-5-8-12 HS, then the native can't make own home.
4 SL with 4-11-12 HS., along with karaka then the native can
purchase home. 6 HS connection indicates loan facilities for home.
4 SL with 4-8-11 & 8 SL with 4-6-11, then the native get hereditary
4 & 10 SL with 3-5-10 HS & 4 HS with duality, then frequently the
native has to change residence.
4 SL with 6 HS & Saturn, the native has to live as a tenant or purchase
in resale or hereditary property.
When 8 SL with 4-11 HS ., & karaka then through legacy the native
get house.
4 SL with 7 HS, Mercury, Jupiter then there is possibility of court
case due to property.
Purchase home- 4 SL = 4-11-12 HS with karaka Mars & Saturn.
Sale of home- 10 SL = 3-5-10-ll-Profit.3-5-8-10-12-Loss.
Mars - Industrial area.
Mercury - Market place.
Jupiter Near school, temple.
Venus - Posh area.
Saturn - Lonely place, slum area, distance place.
Rahu - Mosque, church (Pray house).
6 SL with 2-4-11 HS, then there is no problem. But if its with 3-8-
12 HS, then there will be problem.
9 SL not with 5-8 HS, then problem from Tenant.
12 SL with 3-9-12 HS, fixed sign, 4 SL afflicted then the native will
settle away from birthplace.
4 SL with 8-12 HS & afflicted then insurance is must.
4 SL with duality then property keeps on two names.
4 SL with Mars-Saturn & with 8-12 HS, then possibility of repairing.
When 4th SL in moveable or dual sign & 4-11-12 HS indicates
vehicle & also connection with Venus.
4 SL in dual sign or human sign then the native will drive two
wheeler. For self-driving Saturn connection is must. Jupiter connection
shows driver.
4 SL in bestial sign, it's indicate four wheeler. Scorpio sign indicates
heavy transport vehicle. (More than four wheeler).
4 SL strongly with watery sign indicates ship, launch, boat, shipping
4 SL strongly with airy sign indicates helicopter, airplane.
4 SL with 6 HS indicates loan for vehicle or use for his career.
4 SL with dual sign.& also 3 HS, then the native frequently changes.
4 SL with 3-8-12 & afflicted & 8 SL with 4 HS then possibility of
4 SL with fixed sign or strongly with Venus indicates luxurious
furniture, electronic items, wheeler furniture in home.
4 SL with 3-8-12 HS & not with 6-11 HS, then possibility of missing
the vehicle.
4 SL with earthy sign also with Moon & Jupiter then the native get
benefit of farmhouse.
4 SL with watery sign & also with Moon, Venus & Jupiter then
water will be in borewell, but before use of water, first check out.
4 SL afflicted then some problem at end of life. But connected with
Venus, Mercury then end of life is happy & harmonious moment.
"Fifth "House
12 HS indicates investment as well as loss. Hence if 12 SL with 2-
6-1 U-11 HS, then it is profitable, otherwise there will be loss.
3-5 SL with 2-6-10-11 HS & Jupiter's connection indicates profit
& 5-8-12 HS shows loss.
When 5 SL with 2 HS & 2 SL with 2-11 HS. Jupiter also connected
with 2-11 HS. Then only the native can go for adoption of child.
Horoscope of adopted child :
1) Afflicted 4 HS.
2) 4 HS with duality.
3) 4 SL with 3 & 8 HS.
When 5 SL with 2-5-11 HS & Jupiter in fertile sign, Then the native
gets happiness from children in watery sign, there is no problem. 1f 5 SL
in barren sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo) gives problem regarding
5 SL connected duality then there is possibility of twins.
1f 5 SL with 1-4-10 HS, then the native may have no issue or not
getting happiness from children. 1n female chart 5 SL & in male chart 11
SL should be connected with 2, 5, 11 HS & the combined Dasa of2, 5,
11 HS gives child.
Fertile Planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Sun & Mars.
Disturbing Planet Rahu.
Miscarriage Ketu.
Delayed Saturn
Total negatives 1-4 & 10 HS.
Partially negative 6-8-12 HS.
When 5 SL with 5-I I HS, Venus, Mars & Moon. Then love affairs
will take place. If 12 or 4 HS is also connected, then in significator's
Dasa bhukati of 12 HS, it breaks the relation. If it is with 6 HS, then
opponent will break the relation.
5 SL with 5- I I & 8 HS it gives strain relationship.
The inter-connection of 5 & 7 HS indicates love marriage. When 7
SL with 2-5-7-1 I HS, wife karaka Venus & husband karaka. Jupiter is
also supporting then there are chances of love marriage. If 5 HS SL is
duality & also connected then the native may marry but also having
external affairs. ( Dual sign with 7 HS )
If 5 SL with 4 & 6 HS, then opponent will break the relation. But if
it is with 12 & 4 HS, then the native himself will break the relation.
5 SL indicates duality & with 2-11-3-7-9 & also with 4-6-10-12,
then the native will break the relation & develop another relation.
7 SL with 5 HS & 5 SL with 2-3-7-1 I HS with duality but not with
4-6-10- I 2 HS, then even after marriage the native keeps other relations.
5 SL with Rahu indicates the native interested in tantrik & connection
with other planets indicate Satvik pooja.
Sun - Surya pooja.
Moon - Devi pooja or kuldevi pooja.
Mars - Ganesh pooja or kartekya pooja.
Mercury - Vishnu pooja.
Jupiter - Brahma, Dattatreya.
Venus - Devi pooja, Lakshmi pooja.
Saturn Hanuman.
Rahu - Nagadevta, Shankar pooja.
Ketu - Shankar pooja.
5 SL with Barren sign & afflicted, then the native will not get positive
Moon - Saturn combination give faith.
If Jupiter & Moon afflicted, then the native should not take interest
in Tantra.
If 5 SL with 5-l 0-11 HS, then there will be sidhhi & connected
with Ketu, Saturn & Jupiter.
5 SL with 1-3-9 HS and good connection Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
& if these planets are not afflicted, it indicates good intelligence. Earthy
sign & Airy sign gives strength.
1 SL with Mars or Jupiter with airy, fiery sign, 3-5 HS, then the
native interested in outdoor sports. At the same time, 5 SL with 2-6-10-
11 HS, the native will get success in sports.
5 SL with Mercury, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Airy, Watery sign, then
the native interested in indoor sports.
5 SL with 10 HS & vice versa, then the native try to make career in
sports. But 5 SL with 4-8-9-12 HS, then not success in sports. (e.g.
Vinod Kambli ).
~ixth CJ-Iouse
6 SL with Earthy sign & 2-3-10-11 HS, then advisable to have pet
animals & good income. If connected with 4-5-8-12 HS, creates problems.
If6 SL with 7-8-12 HS, Jupiter & Mars's combination, there will
be legal problem & financial loss.
For Horse racing requires 5 SL is with 2, 6, 10, 11 HS indicates
benefits. ( Same for farmers.)
SLofthc 6-8-11 with2-3-6-ll HS, then the native will get the loan.
5-8-12 HS negative for loans.
If 3-9 HS operates, then talk between two parties only.
8 SL with Saturn - will get loan lesser then applied for.
8 SL with Mercury - will get loan on installments basis.
8 SL with Jupiter - will get more loans in future also.
8 SL with 5-8-12 HS - will not get the loan from the first source,
has to approach another source,
if6 & 11 indicate positive in HC.
Repayment of loan can be seen from 12 HS.
12 SL.with 5-8-12 HS, then loan will be complete.
8 SLwith Sun - through influence of big person
8 SL with Moon, - through compromise & peacefully.
Mercury or Venus
8 SL with Mars - through threatening.
8 SL with Saturn - less recovery & delayed.
Same condition one can apply for payments with 12 SL.
1 SL with 6 HS & 6 SL with 1 or 11 HS indicates success.
6 HS positive for competition life, business. But negative for
marriage life, disease, family etc.
6 SL with Mercury, Jupiter, Moon, Venus with 2-11 HS, shows
good relation with maternal uncle side. If it is with 8-12 HS, indicate
spoiled the relation.
The combined Dasa of signifactor of 1-6 HS, gives disease to the
1f 6 SL with Asc. 6-8-12 HS, then during its Dasa bhukti native
suffer from disease.
SL of 1 & 6 HS connected with those HS, signs & planets indicate
the type of disease the native will suffer from, For e.g. 10 HS indicates
left side of the body - heart problem.
If 8 or 12 SL with 1-6-8-12 HS & karaka Mars, then after long
treatment, the native gets permanent defects. If it is also with Badhak -
Marak Dasa bhukati, then the native will die. Mars is karaka for operation.
6 SL with: 1 HS = headache, general weakness & Aries sign.
2 HS = Eyes - Karaka- Sun, Moon, Venus.
Right eye - Sun & Taurus sign.
Left eye - Moon & Pisces sign.
Ears Karaka - Mercury.
Nose - Karaka- Mars & Mercury.
Speech Karaka- Mercury, Rahu, Ketu.
( mute sign )
2&3HS - Throat, voice, teeth, tongue &
Gemini sign.
3- 11 HS - Shoulder problems, lungs.
4HS - Chest, heart.
5 HS - Digestion system, liver,
stomach, uterus.
6HS - Spinal cord, intestine.
7HS - Urinal organ, kidney.
8HS - Genetic organ.
9HS - Thigh problem.
IOHS - Knees & heart problem.
11 HS - Legs knee, ear, shoulder.
12HS Bottom of the leg, eye.
Sun - Bone, heart, pitt;!, eyesight, resistance.
Moon - Left eye, white cell, liquid in the body, chest,
digestive system, diabetes, cancer.
Mars - Blood, red cell, injury, habits, blood pressure, pitta,
genetic organ, vitality, monthly period for female.
Mercury - Gas, brain, breathing, lungs, nervous system,
skin disease.
Jupiter - Blood, productivity, liver, pitta, kidney,
indigestion heavy meal, diabetes, cancer.
Venus - Eyesight, habits, sanjivani, sexual, cosmic energy.
Saturn - Muscle, bone, long term disease, paralysis,
hereditary disease.
RahuiKetu - Rahu I Ketu's deposited sign, disease of those planets
which are represented by Rahu I Ketu. But it indicates
very complicated. Take more than one doctor's
opinions before treatment.
Fiery Sign Inside parts of the body, energetic &
productivity parts of body.
Earthy Sign Main parts of the body, heart, kidney, structure of body.
Airy Sign Nervous system, organization parts of body.
Watery Sign Blood, red cell, shortage of water, chemical in body.
6-8-12 HS negative for health.
Positive HS = 1-5-9 HS for Movable sign.
1-5-11 HS for Fixed sign.
1-5-9-11 for Common sign.
Signifactor of positive houses will decide which type of treatment
will be helpful.
Signifactor Type of Treatment
Sun, Mars, Jupiter Allopathic.
Saturn, Moon Ayurvedic.
Venus Homeopathy.
Jupiter, Moon Allopathic, Naturopathy.
Mercury Always changes treatment.
Seventh "House
7 SL with 7-2-5-11 HS then its indicates very easy & early marriage.
Thus happy married life indicates. At the same time SL of 2-5-11 HS
also should be with positive HS.
2 HS = Family, finance.
5 HS = Love, issue.
II HS = Permanent friendship, fulfillment.
When 7 SL is with 6 & 12 HS, then disturbance in marriage life.
If7 SL with 4 & 10 HS, then problem will arise in married life due
to joint family, issue or career.
If 7 SL in dual sign, dual planet or any kind of duality & with badhak
- marak also then due to partner's death, the native re-marries, if 2 SL
also signify 2 or l1 HS.
If7 SLnotwith badhak- marak, but with negative HS, duality, then
there will be divorce & remarries. lf2 SL promises.
7 SL with its badhak - marak, from 7 HS, then possibility of shod
longevity of partner.
7 HS with 5 HS, but 5 HS not with 7 HS & also not with 4-6-12 HS,
then relation will not break but can not marry to same person.
7 SL with Rahu I Ketu, then the partner will come from out cast or
some abnormal condition in partner's nature, physical structure.
73 .
2 - Through family.
3 - Neighbour, advertisement, letter, communication,
younger brother/sister.
3& 9 Marriage bureau,journey.
4 - Near to house, mother.
5 - Childhood friendship, sports, picnic, entertainment.
6 - To avoid marriage, maternal uncle I aunt,
through service.
If the native is jailer or doctor then he I she may select partner from
same profession, colleague, career.
7 Public life, marriage occasion, offer from opponent.
8 - Awkward situation.
9 Proper planning, advertisement, senior.r.:ollege mate,
court marriage, father, guru.
10 - Himself find out, work place, near by work place.
6 & 10- Through job I business.
11 - Friends, uncle or aunt ( Father's side ),
elder brother I sister.
12 - Travel, unknown person, international travel,
hospital,jail, longjourney.
7 SL in angle house, indicates partner will be from same city or
same location.
7 SL with 9-12 HS, indicates partner will be from distance place or
7 SL with 3 HS, indicates partner will be from near city or village.
In male chart, 4 SL if with 4-8-12 HS, indicates partner will be
gainfully employed. If with 3-6-1 lHs, indicates partner will be not full
time employment. Part time employment or unemployed.
In male chart, 8 SL with 2-6-11 HS, indicates good dowry & much
more financial support from the partner's family.
If 2 SL with 3-9 HS, indicates the partners will remain separate &
not withjoint family.
3 SL with 5-8-12 HS - then change the advocate.
9 SL with 2-6-10-11 HS,- then opponent's advocate will help the
10-11 SL with2-3-6-10-11 HS,- then judgement positive for the
10-11 SL with 5-8-9-12 HS,- then judgement negative for the native.
I 0 SL with duality - then case will transfer from one to another court.
7 SL with 3-5-9-11 -then possibility of compromising.
7 HS - Opponent.
3 HS - Native's advocate.
9 HS - Opponent's advocate.
IOHS - Judge.
7 HS indicates competitor.
Same thing for sale & purchase matter. Any matter where
competition is involved.
lf7 SL dual & connect with 6-8-12 HS, then change the doctor. It
should not be with Badhak - Marak.
7 SL with:
I HS - Native & thief know each other.
2 HS - Thief from family members.
3 HS - Younger brother/sister or neighbour persons,
4 HS - Mother.
5 HS - Children, student, finance.
6 HS -Servant, maternal, uncle's side, pet animal.
7 HS -Business or life partner, competitor.
8 HS -In-law's family members.
9 HS -Father, guru, unknown person.
10 HS -Person in authority, career or any govt. person,
11 HS - Friends, elder brother/sister.
12 HS - Enemy, unknown person.
7 SL with duality, then more than one person involved in matter.
I & 7 SL strongly connected with each other, then the native may
be responsible.
7 SL with 3-6-9 HS, then thief is away from the city, & with angle
HS then thief is in the same city.
I SL with 3-8-12 HS, then the person has misplaced the thing some
where, no question of theft.
Theft things related with angle HS then it will get from the nearest
I 0 SL with Mars & also with 6-11 HS, then police will help in
Eighth "House
Eighth HS is the most important for ENT, Eye sp., Dentist, Marine
8 SL with badhak- marak,Saturn and Rahu, 12 HS & Jupiter, sun
then the native will hang. ( Jupiter - law, Sun - government ).
8 SL with badhak - marak. 7 & 8 SL with each other, afflicted then
possibility of attacks. 8 SL with badhak - marak & 7 SL with 8 HS &
positive HS oflongevity also then the native will safe & other will die. A
man who died in attacks, his & attacker RP match with badhak - marak
of the person who died.
8 SL with Asc.-8-12 HS.
8 SL with Asc-6-8-12 HS.
8 SL with 2-6-11 HS, then the native will get easily. If 8-12 HS also
connected then after some harassment, native will be benefited.
8 SL with 2-6-11 HS indicate benefit.
For Shop - IOSLwith 2-6-11 HS.
For Medical - 8 SL with 2-6-11 HS.
For Vehicle - 4 SL with 2-6-11 HS.
8 SL if with 5-8-12 HS, then partner is a rich person.lf8 SL with 2-
6-11 HS, then the native will be benefited from partner's wealth.
8 SL with 2-4-6-11 HS & with Mars or Saturn, in period of 4-8-11
HS signifactor's Dasa, get fixed property.
If 8 SL with duality, it indicates that the native will get part of the
property. If with duality & connected to 3-4-10 HS, then the native will
sell property & get money.
8 SL with 4-12 HS, then the native will get full property, but will
have to pay some money to get the property.
8 SL is with 6-1 I HS, then the native will get the full in hereditary.
8 SL with Mercury, Jupiter & 7 HS, then the native has to face the
court for legal process to get the inheritance.
8 SL with 5-8-12 HS, then no property. After going for legal process
connection to 5-8-12 HS including 6-11 HS, the native may get partial
"Nmth "House
When I SL with 9 HS & vice versa with karaka then the native has
9 SL with 4-8-12 HS - for bhakti marg.
2-6-1 0 HS - for karma marg.
3-7-11 HS -for reading, preaching.
1-5-9 HS - for meditation, mantra, self-development.
I & 9 SL with 3-7 HS, then the native demand proof about religion.
9 SL with Saturn - The native will follow family tradition.
Jupiter - The native will give education approach in
religion or with religious institute.
Jupiter, Mercury - The native will learn as well as give religious
preacher/ lectures, pravachan.
Venus - From charity point of view, native will play
musical instruments for charity.
Venus, Saturn - Will go for construction of temple, ashram etc.
Due to Rahu & afflicted Jupiter.
9 SL with 5-9-10-11 HS & with Ketu & Jupiter.
A) Asc. SL with Ketu, Saturn & 9 HS indicate spiritual progress.1f
it is also with 3-9-12 HS then becomes sanyashi.
B) Asc. SL with Ketu & 9 HS & have good combination of Mars &
Venus, then at home the native will behave like sanyashi.
9 SL signifies 2-6-10 or 3-7-11 HS connected to Mars, Mercury &
9 SL with Badhak - Marak from 9 HS indicates short longevity of
9 SL with 8 & 12 HS indicates not much support from father. If
connected 2-6-7 -I 0- I I HS, then full support from father for career.
If I & 9 SL with 4-8 HS & afflicted Sun will spoil the relation with
9 SL with 1-2-3-6-10-11 HS indicates early & easy career
development. If with 5-8-12 HS negative for fortune.
9 SL with 3-5-9-10-12 HS.
9 SL with 4-9 HS & also with Mercury, Moon & Jupiter. It indicates
long journey for education purpose.
5 - Entertainment.
9 Religious purpose.
6- 10 Service.
7- 10 Business.
7- II Venus - Marriage.
1-• 6- 8 Health point of view.
8-•12 Problems during journey ..
II SL with 5-10-11 HS & Saturn, Jupiter, Ketu.
If with 8 HS & Rahu connection for Tantrik.
Tenth "HotR
1 & 10 SLwith 1-2-3-6-7-10-11 HS & supported by Sun &Jupiter
indicates good status.
J SL with 3-7-JO HS Mars, Sun & Jupiter, Mercury, it indicates
interest in politics.
10 SL with 9-J0-11 HS - then the native enter in the politics.
I 0 SL with Sun - The native will reach higher post in
politics e. g. Minister, CM, PM etc.
Mars - Will reach higher position in politics
through military I police.
Jupiter - Through religion, law, finance etc.
Saturn - Through trust.
Mercury, Venus, Moon - The native will be at corporate
level only i.e. MLA.
If 10 SL with 5-8-12 HS then failure in politics.
If I 0 SL with 9-10-11 as well as 5-8-12 HS also then possibility of
ups & downs in politics.
10 SL is with
J""'HS - Through self-efforts.
2HS - Finance, family support, ornaments.
3HS - Salesman, communication.
4HS - Estate, farm, Automobiles, mine,
support of mother, education.
5HS - Art, sports, speculation, stage.
6HS - Service, food, medicine, necessary items dealer,
maternal uncle support.
7HS - Business, public life.
8 HS - Insurance, liaison officer, illegal works,
Pay & AICs officer.
9HS - Education, religion, law, consultant.
lOHS - Self-efforts, father's business.
llHS - Through elder brother I sister, friends or
paternal uncle.
12 HS - Package. dept, recycling of wastage material,
abroad, jail, hospital, distance place from birth,
deal in hospital items, illegal activities.
Eleventh "House
1 & 11 SL with each other then life will succeed & positive houses,
then signifies success in early life.
1 I HS indicates fulfillment of the desire of person or not.
Positive HS for Career - 6-10- I I HS.
Marriage - 2-7- 11 HS.
Education 4-6-9-1 I HS.
lf 11 SL with Mercury I Jupiter & 4-9 HS, then good support from
friends in education.
I I SL with Venus, Mars & Moon & 3-5 HS, then friend circle only
for picnic or enjoyment.
Twelfth "House
12 SL with 2-6-11 HS indicates benefit, but with 5-8-12 HS indicates
12 HS or 12 SL with fixed sign 3-9-12 & if 4 HS afflicted, then
permanent will stay at abroad. If with 11-3-9 HS, then return to home.
12 HS in fixed sign, then permanent stay, cardinal sign- 1st time &
dual sign - frequently travelling.
12 SL is with- 7 HS - For marriage purpose I business.
4-9 HS - Educational.
5 HS Entertainment I child.
6- 10 HS - Career.
1 - 6 - 8 HS - Health.
lf 12 SL with Rahu & 3-8-12 HS then possibility of prison.
lf 12 HS SL with fixed sign indicates long term & other sign for
short term.
CXeys Gf'or Quick 'Prediction
c = Cardinal, F Fixed, M Moveable,
MH = Main HS .. PH = Positive HS, NH Negative HS,
K = Karaka.
K- Mercury.
Disturbing - Rahu I Ketu.
Delayed - Saturn
Miscarriage - Ketu I Mars.
Dual sign- 3, 6, 9, 12.
33. Advertise - MH - II , PH - 3.
9, 3 -Good response.
6, 2, 11 -Best.
6, 3, 10- Medium.