Job RMT No. No.: Supply and Installation of Submersible

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Name Of Project - Pradhanpur Village W/S Scheme (SVS)

District- Ballia GP. Name - Pradhanpur

A) Comperative Statement Showing Quantity, Rates as per Estimate And Actual and Reasons thereof or Variations.
Cont. As per Estimate/Work Order As per Site Condition Which
Agreeme Varried
S.No. nt Item Discription Of Work
No. Unit Qty. Rate Amt. Qty. Rate Amt. (+)Excess
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Boundry Wall Rmt 135.20 4924.51 665793.75 115.58 4924.51 569174.87 -96618.89
1 7.02
Extra brick working Cum 41.22 4437.95 182932.30 182932.30
2 7.03 Boundry Gate No. 1.00 30531.95 30531.95 1.00 30531.95 30531.95 0.00
3 7.04 Approach Road Sqm 60.00 484.57 29074.20 97.85 484.57 47413.19 18338.99
4 7.05 Earth Filling Cum 90.00 405.19 36467.10 1847.85 405.19 748730.34 712263.24
5 7.06 Cons of tubewell Job 1.00 2180867.39 2180867.39 1.00 2180867.39 2180867.39 0.00
6 7.07 Variation in depth Rmt 1.00 1477.35 1477.35 1.00 1477.35 1477.35 0.00
7 7.08 Supply and installation of submersible No. 1.00 468320.66 468320.66 1.00 468320.66 468320.66 0.00
8 7.09 Spare Pump Set No. 1.00 83716.63 83716.63 1.00 83716.63 83716.63 0.00
9 7.1 6 point Wiring Job 1.00 16743.33 16743.33 1.00 16743.33 16743.33 0.00
10 7.11 AV. Stabilizer Job 1.00 196980.30 196980.30 1.00 196980.30 196980.30 0.00
11 7.12 Transmission Line Job 1.00 629155.08 629155.08 1.00 629155.08 629155.08 0.00
7.13 Pump House Job 1.00 321077.89 321077.89 1.00 321077.89 321077.89 0.00
Extra brick working Cum 10.76 4437.51 47747.61 47747.61
13 7.14 Bye Pass Chamber No. 1.00 26592.34 26592.34 1.00 26592.34 26592.34 0.00
7.15 OHT Job 1.00 1990485.93 1990485.93 1.00 1990485.93 1990485.93 0.00
14 Extra Jhama filling Cum 92.77 2268.00 210402.36 210402.36
Extra Column height lif 5.00 19000.00 95000.00 95000.00
15 7.16 Extra Variaton Soil bearing Capacity Job 1.00 98490.15 98490.15 0.00 98490.15 0.00 -98490.15
16 7.17 Excavation soil Cum 5850.60 173.02 1012270.81 5584.14 173.02 966167.56 -46103.26
17 7.18 Excavation Mixed soil Cum 2495.40 198.90 496335.06 2327.32 198.90 462903.95 -33431.11
18 7.19 Rising Main 0.00 0.00 0.00
19 7.2 150 mm D.I.K-7 Rmt 30.00 1784.29 53528.70 28.00 1784.29 49960.12 -3568.58
20 7.21 Distribution System 0.00 0.00 0.00
21 7.22 200 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 34.00 811.20 27580.80 25.00 811.20 20280.00 -7300.80
22 7.23 140 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 330.00 400.51 132168.30 372.00 400.51 148989.72 16821.42
23 7.24 110 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 735.00 250.91 184418.85 787.00 250.91 197466.17 13047.32
24 7.25 90 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 1240.00 186.92 231780.80 1281.00 186.92 239444.52 7663.72
25 7.26 75 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 350.00 133.83 46840.50 373.00 133.83 49918.59 3078.09
26 7.27 63 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 8746.00 95.72 837167.12 8658.00 95.72 828743.76 -8423.36
27 7.28 Sluice Valve 0.00 0.00 0.00
28 7.29 200 mm Nos. 1.00 18248.88 18248.88 1.00 18248.88 18248.88 0.00
29 7.3 150 mm Nos. 1.00 12406.62 12406.62 1.00 12406.62 12406.62 0.00
30 7.31 100 mm Nos. 2.00 8230.90 16461.80 2.00 8230.90 16461.80 0.00
31 7.32 80 mm Nos. 2.00 6946.78 13893.56 2.00 6946.78 13893.56 0.00
32 7.33 65 mm Nos. 1.00 6943.56 6943.56 1.00 6943.56 6943.56 0.00
33 7.34 50 mm Nos. 7.00 4497.83 31484.81 7.00 4497.83 31484.81 0.00
34 7.35 Scour Valve 50 mm Nos. 1.00 4497.83 4497.83 1.00 4497.83 4497.83 0.00
35 7.36 Air Valve 15 mm Nos. 1.00 4027.28 4027.28 1.00 4027.28 4027.28 0.00
36 7.37 Fire Hydrant Nos. 1.00 18165.07 18165.07 1.00 18165.07 18165.07 0.00
37 7.38 CI Water Meter Nos. 0.00 0.00 0.00
38 7.39 150 mm Nos. 1.00 25274.54 25274.54 1.00 25274.54 25274.54 0.00
39 7.4 Bulk Water Meter Chamber Nos. 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 7.41 150 mm Nos. 1.00 26592.34 26592.34 1.00 26592.34 26592.34 0.00
41 7.42 Chamber Nos. 0.00 0.00 0.00
42 7.43 S/v Chamber (masonary) Nos. 6.00 26592.34 159554.04 6.00 26592.34 159554.04 0.00
43 7.44 S/V Chamber (Surface Box) Nos. 8.00 2462.25 19698.00 8.00 2462.25 19698.00 0.00
44 7.45 F.H. Chamber Nos. 1.00 10833.92 10833.92 1.00 10833.92 10833.92 0.00
45 7.46 A.V. Chamber Nos. 1.00 11818.82 11818.82 1.00 11818.82 11818.82 0.00
46 7.47 Scour Valve Chamber Nos. 1.00 2462.25 2462.25 1.00 2462.25 2462.25 0.00
47 7.48 R.C.C. Thrusst Block Nos. 2.00 16349.36 32698.72 2.00 16349.36 32698.72 0.00
48 7.49 Staff Quarter Nos. 1.00 591925.80 591925.80 1.00 591925.80 591925.80 0.00
49 Extra brick working Cum 20.92 4437.51 92832.71 92832.71
50 4.5 SCADA 1.00 196980.30 196980.30 1.00 196980.30 196980.30 0.00
51 7.51 Dismantaling Following 0.00 0.00 0.00
52 7.52 BoE 700.48 104.40 73130.11 1312.18 104.40 136991.59 63861.48
53 7.53 Bituminous 247.88 407.75 101073.07 191.32 407.75 78010.73 -23062.34
54 C.C. Sqm 435.36 429.00 186769.44 186769.44
55 7.54 Reinstatement Following 0.00 0.00 0.00
56 7.55 BoE 700.78 192.50 134900.15 1312.18 192.50 252594.65 117694.50
57 7.56 Bituminous 247.88 756.95 187632.77 191.32 756.95 144819.67 -42813.09
58 C.C. Sqm 435.36 686.00 298656.96 298656.96
59 7.57 House Connection 450.00 2462.25 1108012.50 450.00 2462.25 1108012.50 0.00
60 7.58 Trial & Run 3.00 35226.63 105679.89 3.00 35226.63 105679.89 0.00
61 7.59 Stand Post 5.00 4924.51 24622.55 5.00 4924.51 24622.55 0.00
62 TOTAL CIVIL WORK 12736884.17 14444182.73 1707309.56
Name Of Project - Paraspur small multi village water supply scheme
District- Ballia GP. Name - Paraspur
A) Comperative Statement Showing Quantity, Rates as per Estimate And Actual and Reasons thereof or Variations.
Cont. item wise
Agree As per Agreement As per Actual measurement
S.No. ment Discription Of Work
Item (-)Saving
Unit Qty. Rate Amt. Qty. Rate Amt.
No. (+)Excess
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 7.02 Boundry Wall Rmt
Cum 105.20 3850.00 405020.00 79.60 3850.00 306460.00 -98560.00
Extra brick working 0.00
2 7.03 Boundry Gate No. 1.00 26000.00 26000.00 1.00 26000.00 26000.00 0.00
3 7.04 Approach Road Sqm 60.00 400.00 24000.00 109.04 400.00 43616.00 19616.00
4 7.05 Earth Filling Cum 60.00 400.00 24000.00 63.57 300.00 19071.00 -4929.00
5 7.06 Cons of tubewell Job 1.00 2370000.00 2370000.00 1.00 2370000.00 2370000.00 0.00
6 7.07 Supply and installation of submersible No. 1.00 400000.00 400000.00 1.00 500000.00 500000.00 100000.00
7 7.08 Spare Pump Set No. 1.00 100000.00 100000.00 1.00 100000.00 100000.00 0.00
8 7.09 6 point Wiring Job 1.00 130000.00 130000.00 1.00 130000.00 130000.00 0.00
9 7.1 Transmission Line Job 1.00 700000.00 700000.00 1.00 600000.00 600000.00 -100000.00
10 7.11 Pump House Job 1.00 400000.00 400000.00 1.00 400000.00 400000.00 0.00
11 7.12 Bye Pass Chamber No. 1.00 25000.00 25000.00 1.00 25000.00 25000.00 0.00
12 7.13 OHT Job 1.00 5900000.00 5900000.00 0.85 3200000.00 2720000.00 -3180000.00
13 7.14 Extra Variaton Soil bearing Capacity Job 1.00 25000.00 25000.00 0.00 200000.00 0.00 -25000.00
14 7.15 Excavation soil Cum 6587.00 150.00 988050.00 5413.70 135.00 730849.50 -257200.50
15 7.16 2811.00 170.00 477870.00
same as 7.15 but soil mixed with kankar etc. Cum
16 7.17 Rising Main 0.00
17 7.18 150 mm D.I.K-7 Rmt 30.00 1300.00 39000.00 10.20 1300.00 13260.00 -25740.00
18 7.19 Distribution System 0.00
19 7.2 160 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 20.00 519.00 10380.00 608.50 550.00 334675.00 324295.00
20 7.21 140 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 1446.00 395.00 571170.00 7623.00 405.00 3087315.00 2516145.00
21 7.22 110 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 1199.00 245.00 293755.00 1904.80 251.00 478104.80 184349.80
22 7.23 90 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 768.00 180.00 138240.00 2096.60 185.00 387871.00 249631.00
23 7.24 75 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 194.00 127.00 24638.00 1997.10 122.00 243646.20 219008.20
24 7.25 63 mm Pvc Pipe Rmt 9294.00 90.00 836460.00 21526.00 94.00 2023444.00 1186984.00
25 7.26 Butterfly/Sluice Valve 0.00
26 7.27 Butterfly valve 125mm dia for GP-1 Nos. 1.00 8000.00 8000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8000.00
27 7.28 Butterfly valve 125mm dia for GP-2 Nos. 1.00 8000.00 8000.00 2.00 10000.00 20000.00 12000.00
28 7.29 Sluice valve 150mm dia Nos. 4.00 10000.00 40000.00 3.00 6000.00 18000.00 -22000.00
29 7.3 Sluice valve 100mm dia Nos. 1.00 6000.00 6000.00 1.00 3000.00 3000.00 -3000.00
30 7.31 Sluice valve 80mm dia Nos. 4.00 3000.00 12000.00 1.00 2500.00 2500.00 -9500.00
31 7.32 Sluice valve 50mm dia Nos. 8.00 2000.00 16000.00 7.00 2000.00 14000.00 -2000.00
32 7.33 Scour Valve 50 mm Nos. 4.00 4000.00 16000.00 1.00 4000.00 4000.00 -12000.00
33 7.34 Air Valve 15 mm Nos. 2.00 3200.00 6400.00 2.00 3200.00 6400.00 0.00
34 7.35 Fire Hydrant Nos. 3.00 15000.00 45000.00 1.00 20000.00 20000.00 -25000.00
35 7.36 CI Water Meter 0.00
36 7.37 125 mm for GP 1 Nos. 1.00 15000.00 15000.00 1.00 16000.00 16000.00 1000.00
37 7.38 125 mm for GP 2 Nos. 1.00 15000.00 15000.00
38 7.39 Bulk Water Meter/butter fly Chamber 0.00
39 7.4 150 mm butterfly valve for rising main Nos. 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 1.00 30000.00 30000.00 20000.00
40 7.41 125 mm dia butterfly for GP-2 Distribution Nos. 1.00 8000.00 8000.00
41 7.42 150 mm dia bulk watermeter for GP-1 Distribution Nos. 1.00 10000.00 10000.00
42 7.43 125 mm dia bulk watermeter for GP-2 Distribution Nos. 1.00 8000.00 8000.00
43 7.44 Chamber 0.00
44 7.45 S/v Chamber (masonary) Nos. 9.00 20500.00 184500.00 1.00 20500.00 20500.00 -164000.00
45 7.46 S/V Chamber (Surface Box) Nos. 19.00 1500.00 28500.00 0.00 1500.00 0.00 -28500.00
46 7.47 F.H. Chamber Nos. 3.00 15000.00 45000.00 1.00 15000.00 15000.00 -30000.00
47 7.48 A.V. Chamber Nos. 2.00 6500.00 13000.00 0.00 6500.00 0.00 -13000.00
48 7.49 Scour Valve Chamber Nos. 4.00 6500.00 26000.00 0.00 6500.00 0.00 -26000.00
49 7.5 R.C.C. Thrust Block Nos. 2.00 8000.00 16000.00 2.00 9000.00 18000.00 2000.00
50 7.51 Mild steel in R.C.C. Thrust block Kg 321.00 50.00 16050.00
51 7.52 Staff Quarter Nos. 1.00 700000.00 700000.00 1.00 700000.00 700000.00 0.00
52 7.53 SCADA Nos. 1.00 200000.00 200000.00 1.00 200000.00 200000.00 0.00
53 7.54 Dismantaling Following 0.00
54 7.55 BoE Sqm 2619.00 50.00 130950.00 3049.46 50.00 152473.00 21523.00
55 7.56 C.C. Sqm 1309.50 400.00 523800.00 79.30 400.00 31720.00 -492080.00
56 7.57 Bituminous Sqm 1746.00 400.00 698400.00 95.45 400.00 38180.00 -660220.00
57 7.58 Culvert crossing(drawing no.D9)
58 7.59 Culvert crossing Nos. 30.00 3500.00 105000.00 6.00 6500.00 39000.00 -66000.00
59 7.6 Reinstatement Following 0.00 0.00
60 7.61 BoE Sqm 2619.00 300.00 785700.00 3048.60 300.00 914580.00 128880.00
61 7.62 C.C. Sqm 1309.50 1100.00 1440450.00 0.00 1100.00 0.00 -1440450.00
62 7.63 Bituminous Sqm 1746.00 1100.00 1920600.00 0.00 1100.00 0.00 -1920600.00
63 7.64 House Connection Nos. 593.00 2200.00 1304600.00 400.00 2200.00 880000.00 -424600.00
64 7.65 Trial & Run Months 3.00 70000.00 210000.00 3.00 70000.00 210000.00 0.00
65 7.66 Stand Post Nos. 5.00 5000.00 25000.00 5.00 5000.00 25000.00 0.00
TOTAL CIVIL WORK 22505533.00 17917665.50 -4587867.50

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