Design of SCADA Water Resource Management Control Center
Design of SCADA Water Resource Management Control Center
Design of SCADA Water Resource Management Control Center
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: SCADA1 is an essential system to control critical facilities in big cities. SCADA is utilized in several sectors
Received 14 January 2014 such as water resource management, power plants, electricity distribution centers, traffic control
Received in revised form centers, and gas deputy. The failure of SCADA results in crisis. Hence, the design of SCADA system in
11 July 2014
order to serve a high reliability considering limited budget and other constraints is essential. In this
Accepted 26 July 2014
Available online 12 August 2014
paper, a bi-objective redundancy allocation problem (RAP) is proposed to design Tehran's SCADA water
resource management control center. Reliability maximization and cost minimization are concurrently
Keywords: considered. Since the proposed RAP is a non-linear multi-objective mathematical programming so the
SCADA exact methods cannot efficiently handle it. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO)
Multi-objective redundancy allocation
algorithm is designed to solve it. Several features such as dynamic parameter tuning, efficient constraint
handling and Pareto gridding are inserted in proposed MOPSO. The results of proposed MOPSO are
Multi-objective particle swarm compared with an efficient ε-constraint method. Several non-dominated designs of SCADA system
optimization are generated using both methods. Comparison metrics based on accuracy and diversity of Pareto front
ε-Constraint method are calculated for both methods. The proposed MOPSO algorithm reports better performance. Finally,
Adaptive grid in order to choose the practical design, the TOPSIS algorithm is used to prune the Pareto front.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0951-8320/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 A. Dolatshahi-Zand, K. Khalili-Damghani / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 133 (2015) 11–21
metrics are introduced to compare the accuracy and diversity of Due to aforementioned literature of past works and our best
re-generated Pareto front. knowledge PSO reported relatively better performance for hand-
The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows. ling RAP in different settings [16]. These facts as well as simple
In Section 2, a brief literature of related past works is reviewed. In implementation and software coding of PSO in comparison with
Section 3, the mathematical formulation of proposed RAP model is other existing procedures persuade us to use PSO in order to
presented. The proposed MOPSO algorithm is also presented in handle a real life problem, called SCADA.
Section 3. In Section 4, the real case study of SCADA system for
water management resource is presented. The proposed MOPSO
and an efficient exact algorithm are applied on the real case study 3. Redundancy allocation problem (RAP) and proposed bi-
in Section 4 and the results are discussed and compared. In Section objective RAP
5, conclusions and further research directions are introduced.
In this section, the single objective RAP is described. Then the
proposed bi-objective RAP is illustrated and customized for SCADA
2. Literature of past works
3.1. Single objective RAP
Swarm intelligence is one of the artificial intelligence techni-
ques that studies the group behavior in decentralized self- The following notations, indices, parameters, and decision
organized agents. Examples for such systems can be found in variables are introduced for RAP:
nature as ant colony, flock, herd animals, bacteria, and fishes.
However, the principle of particle swarm optimization method m: number of sub-systems;
(PSO) is relatively new [9], but since this method is the origin of i: index of sub-systems, i¼ 1,2,…,m;
biological research and simulating the behavior of living animals, j: index of types of components in each sub-systems, j¼1,2,…,
there are several successful applications of this method in the n;
literature [13–16]. The mechanism used to search the solution r ij : reliability of component j in sub-system I;
space in the PSO differs from the evolutionary computations. The cij : cost of component j in sub-system i;
simplicity and the applicability of the PSO method have added to wij : weight of component j in sub-system i;
the popularity of this method for solving a large number of Rs : overall reliability of the series 2 parallel system;
engineering and management optimization problems [14–16]. C 0 : allowed cost of system;
In some real cases, the PSO method may suffer from the W 0 : allowed weight of system;
problem of premature convergence [28]. In order to overcome ai : number of available component choices for sub-system i;
this problem, the MOPSO method makes use of smart techniques xij : quantity of component j used in sub-system i;
to maintain the level of diversity in the swarm population, thereby ni : total number of components used in sub-system i;
maintaining a good balance between the exploration and exploita- nmax : maximum number of components in each sub-system;
tion phenomena and preventing premature convergence [14–16]. nmin : minimum number of components in each sub-system;
One of a those smart techniques is gridding. The adaptive grid is used Rs : reliability of the series–parallel system;
by the Pareto Archive Evolutionary Strategy (PAES) to maintain C s : cost of the series–parallel system.
diversity [7].
A series–parallel system is basically characterized through a Single objective RAP for a series–parallel system is formulated
predefined number of sub-systems which are connected serially. as the following:
Multiple component choices and redundancy levels are available !
m ai
to connect in parallel for each sub-system. A given component
max Rs ¼ ∏ 1 ∏ ð1 r ij Þxij
may have a binary-state or a multi-state in RAP [21,29]. In binary- i¼1 j¼1
state RAP, the problem of a proper structure can be handled by
S:T: ð1Þ
increasing the reliability of components or supplying parallel
redundant components at some stages. m n
Konak et al. [20] represented an overview and tutorial describ- ∑ ∑ cij xij r C 0 ð2Þ
ing genetic algorithms (GA) developed specifically for problems i¼1j¼1
parameters in this model is similar to models (1)–(6). Radio modem which is used to communicate between stations
! and main control center;
m ai
max Rs ¼ ∏ 1 ∏ ð1 r ij Þxij ð7Þ FEP which is used to collect data from stations via a proper
i¼1 j¼1
m ai
Server which is used to record information from FEP and to
min C s ¼ ∑ ∑ cij xij send data to SCADA software.
i ¼ 1j ¼ 1
individual learning factor is increased. This will result in improv- to supply qualified water for Tehran province with more than 15
ing the tendency of a particle to follow the Gbest at the final million populations, 38 cities, and 18,814 km2 area. The optimum
iterations of the algorithm. This properties improve the explora- pattern of consumption of water is 130 L/person. These statistics
tion and exploitation of the algorithm. reveal and illustrate the importance of correct performance of
TWWMC for a metropolis such as Tehran. Moreover, the summar-
3.3.10. Pareto ranking ization, conducting, refinery, and recycle of wastewater are
All non-dominated solutions of all iterations are recorded. After another mission of TWWMC in Tehran. The SCADA system is used
all iterations of the algorithm are accomplished, these non- for administration of these jobs in TWWMC. The proposed
dominated solutions are copied to the dynamic matrix [1]. The approaches are used to present proper design for the process of
feasible non-dominated particles are chosen and form the estima- dispatching center of SCADA system considering multiple-
tion of real Pareto front of the problem. objective functions in models (7)–(13).
3.4. Mathematical method for solving multiobjective problems 4.1. Data for redundant component
In Multi-Objective Mathematical Programming (MOMP) the The SCADA system in TWWMC has three main sub-systems
concept of optimality is replaced with that of Pareto optimality (i.e., modems, FEPs, and servers) which work serially. In each sub-
or efficiency. The Pareto optimal (or efficient, non-dominated, system, five types of redundant component can be utilized. Table 1
non-inferior) solutions are the solutions that cannot be improved presents the reliability and cost of each type in each sub-system.
in one objective function without deteriorating their performance
in at least one of the rest [19]. 4.2. Implementation
3.4.1. Efficient epsilon constraint method for MOMP The proposed MOPSO algorithm has been coded in MATLAB
A general form of MOMP problem is shown as software. The efficient epsilon-constraint method has been coded
in LINGO software. The codes were implemented on a PC with MS-
maxðf 1 ðxÞ; f 2 ðxÞ; …; f p ðxÞÞ
Windows 7 Prof., Core i7 CPU, and 4 Gb RAM. Fig. 4 represents the
S:T: pseudo code of the proposed MOPSO algorithm for the design of
X AS ð20Þ SCADA system.
Initialize the Swarm (Using Procedure in sub-section 3.3.2)
While Termination Conditions not met Do
Find Non-Dominate Solutions
Update the Non-Dominate Archive
Grid Solution Space
Select GlobalBest
Select PersonalBest
Update Velocity and Position of Particles
Constraint Handling (Check Feasibility of Solutions)
Modify Infeasible Solutions
Update Inertia Weight, Social Learning Factor, Individual Learning Factor
Print Archive of Non-Dominate Solutions
Fig. 4. Pseudo code of the proposed MOPSO.
archive size. Moreover, different runs of the epsilon-constraint
method supplies no new solutions on Pareto front of the problem.
0.96 On the other hand, as the epsilon-constraint method is implemented
using mathematical optimization based on partial derivatives so the
generated solutions in different runs of the epsilon-constraint
method were constant. Epsilon constraint starts a feasible solution
Fig. 8. Comparison of reference set and MOPSO.
Si ¼ ∑ ðvij vj Þ2 ; i ¼ 1; 2; …; m ð34Þ
[12] is used to prune the non-dominated solutions. In TOPSIS Step 7. Calculate the closeness coefficient as
method, the solutions are ranked based on their distance from Si
CC i ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2; …; m ð35Þ
both ideal and anti-ideal solutions. The best rank is assigned to the Siþ þ Si
solution which is far from anti-ideal solution and close to ideal
solution simultaneously. For a multiple-attribute decision making The alternative with the highest value of CC i is the most preferred
(MADM) problem with m alternative and n criteria the TOPSIS alternative.
algorithm is as follows [12]: The TOPSIS algorithm was implemented on the solutions (i.e.,
Step 1. Construct the decision matrix. SCADA designs) which have reliability greater than or equal to
0.9999 and budget lower than 9000. The alternatives are shown
2 3 in Table 4.
x11 ⋯ x1n
6 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7 As we have used a preferred part of non-dominated solutions
X¼4 5 ð26Þ
as candidates for the TOPSIS algorithm, so we have alternatively
xm1 ⋯ xmn
set the relative weights of reliability and cost criteria equal to
0.5 in this research. The reliability is assumed as a benefit criterion
In this matrix xij is the score of i-th (i¼1,2,…,m) alternative with
while cost is assumed as a cost criterion. Table 5 presents the final
respect to j-th (j¼1,2,…,n) criterion. It is notable that the alter-
result of the TOPSIS method on candidate designs.
natives are non-dominated solutions generated by the MOPSO
The design number 1 is the most preferred design based on the
algorithm and criteria are objective functions.
TOPSIS method. The structure of this design is shown in Table 6.
Step 2. Construct the normalized decision matrix.
The schematic for this design is shown in Fig. 9.
2 3
r 11 ⋯ r 1n
6 ⋮ 7
Table 4
R¼4 ⋮ ⋱ 5 ð27Þ Candidate designs for SCADA system.
r m1 ⋯ r mn
Candidates Reliability Cost
It can be concluded from Table 6 and Fig. 9 that, in first sub- sub-systems numbers 1–3 are connected in series configuration in
system of the most preferred design servers types 1 and 2 are order to make the final design of the most preferred design of
used. More formally, two servers of type 1 and three servers of SCADA system for water resource management.
type 2 are set in parallel in first sub-system of the most preferred
design. In second sub-system of the most preferred design only
type 5 of FEP is used. Three FEPs of type 5 are configured in 4.8. Practical implementation
parallel in second sub-system. In third sub-system of the most
preferred design only type 4 of modems are used. Three modems In practice the components of sub-systems of the SCADA
of type 4 are configured in parallel in third sub-system. Finally, control center system are located in different buildings and
connected through a Local Area Network (LAN) or a wireless
LAN. This improves the safety and availability of the whole system
Table 5
considering electricity swing, damages, fire, etc. The components
TOPSIS ranks.
of each sub-system may be implemented as cold or hot standby
Candidates CC i Siþ Si due to the experience of the designer and work load of the center.
In some other cases, two SCADA control center systems with
1 0.992466232799799 0.000012700453022 0.001673103300158 configuration presented in Fig. 8 may be established. This is called
2 0.477587929827110 0.000874093514888 0.000799094309044
high level redundancy in which the new redundant system can be
3 0.253727320120024 0.001248628402518 0.000424524636823
4 0.238807480169208 0.001273590538271 0.000399561135046 parallel, hot or cold standby. Due to cost and reliability considera-
5 0.223889492122116 0.001298554004074 0.000374602061838 tions, the high level redundancy can be formed using lower ranked
6 0.208973967763233 0.001323518724667 0.000349648365580 candidates in Table 4.
7 0.194061689608842 0.001348484630359 0.000324701285948 Alternatively, each component of sub-systems of the SCADA
8 0.179140554145689 0.001373455836643 0.000299736624721
9 0.164220896657059 0.001398426828377 0.000274774646491
control center system may be duplicated. This is called low level
10 0.149335739476021 0.001423391199196 0.000249879050008 redundancy in which the duplicated components can be parallel,
11 0.134445946298072 0.001448360382486 0.000224972873007 hot or cold standby. The final choice is made based on cost-benefit
12 0.119540588024383 0.001473331842807 0.000200035291177 analysis considering the cost and reliability of the alternatives.
13 0.104670624946121 0.001498302178163 0.000175162604641
Due to aforementioned considerations, in the proposed case
14 0.089793552117739 0.001523273597248 0.000150273762027
15 0.074952509950317 0.001548244945645 0.000125447445609 study a high-level redundancy policy has been chosen using
16 0.060121381675541 0.001573216602591 0.000100634224440 alternative Nos. 1 and 2 in Table 4. The systems are replicated.
17 0.045361800814022 0.001598188247615 0.000075941542056 The alternative No. 1 is working and alternative No. 2 is hot
18 0.030752292182337 0.001623159923748 0.000051499619582 standby for it. The schematic design for this configuration is
19 0.016686413964813 0.001648131612497 0.000027968093541
20 0.007533767200201 0.001673103300158 0.000012700453022
shown in Fig. 10.
The data in control center No. 2 will be replicated with site
redundancy protocol in normal condition. Whenever the control
center No. 1 fails, automatically the control center No. 2 will be
Table 6 activated.
Most preferred SCADA system design. There is also another option to exchange data between two
systems shown in Fig. 9. The exchange of data can take place both
Sub-system 1 (server) Sub-system 2 (FEP) Sub-system 3 (modem)
between equal systems and systems with a hierarchical structure.
Type ♯1 2 Type ♯1 0 Type ♯1 0 Information can be transmitted either event-oriented, cyclically or
Type ♯2 3 Type ♯2 0 Type ♯2 0 upon request. In this form, data transfer can take place according
Type ♯3 0 Type ♯3 0 Type ♯3 0 to the Client-Server principle with IEC60870-6/TASE.2 protocol.
Type ♯4 0 Type ♯4 0 Type ♯4 3
Type ♯5 0 Type ♯5 3 Type ♯5 0
Client polls process information from the TASE server and send
control information back to the TASE server.
Sub-System FEPs
Sub-System Modems
Sub-System Servers
Data Replication
Control center 2 Control center 1 The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and
Alternative 2 Alternative 1 the editor for their insightful comments and suggestions.
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